The Invention of Gunpowder

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The Invention of Destruction

(Gunpowder )

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History of Gunpowder

The dating of gunpowder is as early as . The

gunpowder used for military purpose was first recorded in
Invention of gunpowder was a mistake.
Emperor Wu Di of Ancient Chinas Han dynasty (
to ) wanted to live and rule forever, so he
ordered his Taoist alchemists to make a potion or elixir for
eternal life.
Around , an alchemist mixed 75 parts saltpeter
with 15 parts charcoal and 10 parts sulfur. This mixture had no
discernable life-lengthening properties, but it did explode with
a flash and a bang when exposed to an open flame.
The word gunpowder was never actually used until

Spread of Gunpowder

After the Mongols invade China in around , they

continued to India, bringing the idea of gunpowder with
When the Mongols had conquered India, they helped to
facilitate more open trading between China and India.
From India, gunpowder spread to the middle east from
to .
The movement of gunpowder to the middle east was
facilitated by Mongol invasions of Persia and Egypt.
Of course, like the middle east, the gunpowder spread to
Europe because of more Mongol invasions.

Characteristics of Gunpowder

Consists of sulfur(10%), charcoal(15%), and potassium nitrate(75%)

Earliest known chemical explosive
Contains many burning properties, however classified as low power explosive
Powdery substance, rough
Other variation is blasting power meant for blasting rocks
Modern day gunpowder is chemically modified from the type the Chinese
used, the modern day variation is also known as smokeless powder

The uses of Gunpowder

Gunpowder was used by the rulers of the Tang dynasty to make extravagant
displays known as fireworks.
Gunpowder was also used to make cannons, using bamboo and a cannon
ball, lighting gunpowder to shoot said ball out of the bamboo.
Today, gunpowder is used to make ammunition in a variety of different
Was also used for medical purposes before it was weaponized

Importance of Gunpowder

Gunpowder is now used in many modern day firearms, used to make

ammunition. Becoming an important part of Governments everywhere.
Back then, gunpowder was one of the most important factors in the fight
against the Mongols.
Gunpowder lead to the development of many weapons throughout the ages,
leading to many important events in history. Assassinations of leaders, the
beginning of wars. Gave people the ability to end the life of another, the
ability to hunt for food easily, and an overall development of society.
Gunpowder has become a part of society, and is necessary for change.

Gunpowder Manufacturing

Gunpowder factories are very rare worldwide, but one factory can produce
enough gunpowder for a military quickly without problems. Theyre placed in
lowly populated or completely vacant areas to avoid losing more lives if a
factory were to explode.
The recipe of gunpowder starts off with black alder or willow wood being
burnt into charcoal then being stripped of their bark. The charcoal is burnt at
500+ degrees to combust, then cools down and is dissolved into smaller
pieces (normally in water) to create saltpetre (potassium nitrate). Sulfur
powder is applied to the saltpetre to crystallize it and remove all organic
matter. The sulfur is washed out and gunpowder is made.
Gunpowder is normally packaged in kegs (even in the 21st century) and
costs about $25 per keg for the government.
The smallest sparks can ignite gunpowder, so gunpowder mill workers are
forbidden to wear any metal clothing or accessories to work.



The discovery of gunpowder was a mistake. Are there any other major
inventions/discoveries in history that were a mistake?
Gunpowder was used in fireworks. What type of job do you think the inventor
of fireworks had when he discovered fireworks? Hint: Fireworks need to
Gunpowder was easily seen as a destructive force in war. How do you think
the Chinese first used gunpowder in battle?

Sources Used

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