Id Tor Ios Elephant

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ab Robert E. Howard
Ia torches oispiuter ir kwitert kyid bayram ios Maul, quer Orient bandits addiceer-se iri
noctgiumbusch. In id Maul, i poiss kwehre quodlibt ed kraghe kamlibt, ar honeste leuds vergihr id
vicinitat ; ies guardes, quoy peripohld med rischwets om najis piengs, ne gwohm ad se immixe do ir
glewos. Makhmour festnics bieub ed titubeer unte ia kriv nepaven detritusstrahn gatvas qua
stagnant wed padwls nukteer. Stal twis in ia deuska cotlans quer wolfs traqueer alyens wolfs ; id
schrill gleimen am gwens oisprusit ex id temos, betschi eent aurn bloska om katu ed waurgpusca. Id
spectacle eet belucen pallid-ye ab torchediutis quod filtreer brohct schibs ed werughyanta dwers,
quetos exfirtineer un gasmehrkos ex vin ed akri swoid, dvons om bocks ed peungsta hammernd
gross mejas, tem quem schtuks drehnksehngvos.
In oin tom tugurs culminit id bayram. Sub un ghem ed dumkyohrsto tavan samghieteer divers
halwghens quim vesters untelit ex lumps do vesdet : ninwideuvers, kidnapers samt salace spect,
agilfingher furs, boltach corsans hamrahn ab ir compagnens samt schrill voc ed lucra tesedins.
Local bandits eent majoritar ter, swordok maurcuiti Zamorians, samt khandjar ana id yeusmen ed
lughieve in id kerd. Bet terschi wohs wolfs ex pwoldouzen om gospoti nations. Eent un
hyperborean renegad, taciturn ed dangereuso gigant, quos weureins eet yesmen engwn eys maigher
buland carcasse (wirs ghi ouvert-ye vohs ir armes in id Maul) ; eetschi un schemitisch falsmonetar
samt vreg nas ed modersword gurosberd ; un deurseckspect Brythuniana seddend ep id grem uns
falvkays Gunderman sem vagabondios mercenar desertirevs ex un kasrant agmen. Is piwon
sreupic brigand quos salace scherza slur vasya lengvoscries eet un professional kidnaper ex id
pierno rigo Koth ; is hieb gwohmen ad doce id kerdos os gwenenrapt ad Zamorians quoy ja meis-ye
gnohr de to ye ir gnahsa quem soswo ghehdiet aiwo wehlpe uces.
Is wir interrup-se unte sien description iom charms uns potential victim ed mersit sieno nas do un
enorm chascha bir. Tiergend id spoim ex sien teug lips, is declait :
Per Bel, div vasyen furs, vahm ibs dikes quosmed kwehre kay kidnape sem bent : proe
uperdeugho iam trans id zamorian grance ye octent, ed un caravan skehpt iam. Tricent oyra !
Ta mi hat promiss un graf os Ophir po un yun ed minc Brythunian ios dohbres' societat. Ho
tohrpt unte hevds alaye in ia hadhurbs desguise' do taskar kay trehve oin qua dehbhiet. Yed
est un baygh jamile schtuk ! (Is biuc baveus-ye id hava) Gnohm Schem swamens quoy
esient parat ad maue id secret ios Tor ios Elephant po iam, iey is reikend sien bir.
Kheissend un hand lande ep eys ghitan, is glaz retro, irritat ob bihe sturpt katha. Is vis tun un robust
yuwen qui stahsit nieb iom. Is wir kwohk tem misplacet in tod tugur quem un greis wolf bayna
malinger rinnarats. Eyso ieftin ghiton khiek perbehrge ia kaurd ed dospict lignes os eyso staur
stature, eys massive ed plaut omsa, eyso jabbar torso, eyso slanc lendv ed eysa gneubhic brakhs.
Eys cuit eet bursen ab id sol iom deserts, eys okwi kiend blou, ed un zazzer ex raufen sword kays
epkihsit eys weur chol. Un eins in un lietern kardkascho hiengit kata eyso yeusmen.
Is Kothian stiup retro protievol, isghi wir okwivid-ye bieygh neid civilisen race is gnohsit.
Has udwekwnt id Tor ios Elephant, iey is negnohn, bahndo zamoriano med un gospoti
accent. Ho maung klun de tod tor ; quod est ids secret ?

Id attitude ios wir ne kwohk tehrgend ed id courage ios Kothian eet decuplen ab bir ed id aschikar
approbation os eys kleustria. Is gvrenduit ob gurur.
Id secret ios Tor ios Elephant ? Exclamit. Bet vedim, quelquid imbecile woid od ter weict
sakerdot Yara, edschi od ter seddt id fabuleus joyel kalen id Kerd ios Elephant, id cleich os
eys magic augsa.
Is barbar sorpsit tod wehkwos unte sem instant.
Ho viden tod ter, iey is. Staht in un mier bustan quod epkeiht id urb ed est perambhen ab un
al' duivar. Ne ho viden guardes. Ia murs esient facil udglehmtu. Ma tar hat nimen lambhen

tod joyel ?
Is Kothian spohc iom, gheisdend, hayran ob tanto nayivitat, dind iliey goilisk-ye, kam mox id
Kleute ghi tom yeamban ! bieub is. Is fikert ghehde raubhe id joyel os Yara ! Kleu prient, iey
is volgend-ye kyom samt un swoplaist protiokwo, presumpo es un barbar ex id Nord ?
Som un Kimri, antwohrd is gospoti med un rhayr-jasib ton.
Quod ed kam is hieb jawaben ne mieyneer maung pro iom Kothian. Ois un rig lyehgend baygh
suder, prokwem id grance con Schem, is hieb tik vagh gnohsas de ia Nord races.
- Akowsie ghi, prient, ed kleu id voc os mensdeh, iey is regend-ye sien bock bir kyom
okwivid-ye troublet yuwen. Maneth od in Zamora, ed meis besonters in tod urb, wehse bolt
furs meis quem querkwe tienxia, hatta in Koth. Sei un merti ghehdiet lambhnes id joyel, sdi
sure od tod habiet est raubh' diuper. Tolcs de udglehme ia murs, bet oins kun sessies ub, sies
vansche baygh oku abgires. Sei ne sont straji nocts mayno menscstraji to est
suagrunden ! Bet in id wakhtsall, in id niter part ios tor, sont armet yeudmi. Ed esdi kwahies
belikes tens quoy wakhe in id bustan pos noctgumt, dehlgies uperskulkes tensschi guardes,
idghi joyel est arohct semquer in id hoge ios tor.
- Bet suppose un wir lakin kamyabiet upertupes id bustan, jawieb is Kimri. Ma tun ne
ghehdiet is nake id joyel stehmbend-ye direct-ye unte id akro ios tor ed vergihes it iens
soldats ?
Iter is Kothian remien aunradh.
Betghi kleute iom ! scricit is samt derision. So barbar se ayt un ornd qui abpleukiet tiel id
gemmabedeht culmen ios tor ? Pos hol, id est tik cen' penkgim peds hog, samt un rund stena
dar meis sleubric quem polihn glass !
Is Kimri ambhglaz id umum, embarassen ab ia sarcasmes qua prim tod remarke. Is vis in id neid
joking, pior nuper arriven do id civilisen mund pro ghabe ia insolent insinuations. Daydey, civiliset
mensci sont grobianer quem i yeambans ar woideer maghent bevide ralise dia alyem aun od tel
finda ir ghalv tant-ye. Vexen ed desconcerten, is habiet aundwoi abslupt sei is Kothiano ne habiet
deciden etikehlghe iom.
Hay, hay ! Mugihsit is. Explie ghi tim orm bulghers qui sont furs pon bad pre tien gnahsa,
explie ghi im quosmed lambhnies id joyel !
Es' semper possible trehve sem solution, quan sont wehnos ed courage, antwohrd turs-ye is
Kimri, erght.
Is Kothian iey to un khisi. Eys lige purpwriesc.
Quod ! bieub is. Pretends docskwe mi mien kasseb ed insinues od smos feigs ? Diswarp !
Exter mien vid ! Ed is puscit gvalt-ye iom Kimri.
Credeihs ghehds gleitue me ed uper hol gripes me ? Knier is barbar exhausus sieno muzlim
Is plieg tsay med sien denwrnt ed smissit sien duschman protiev id tanghu meja, quod bihsit
birspers. Is Kothian hul ob rage ed siz sien eins.
Murdar pagan ! ghyohl is. Kwehsies to med tien gwit !

Stal gwohl ed ed id umum abwaurs bachimien kay linkwes leudher rewos ibs dwo wirs. Unte id
sehkwnd katu, id wahid kandel ios makah buit volvihn, mergend id locanda do temos. Id behngos
iom absmitten benks, iom trahens, cries ed rughats eni id melee buit interrupt ab un agonia kharkhar
quod transbieur id kwalay. Kun un kandel buit bad redaght, pleist clients hieb fugen unte ia brohgen
dwers ed fensters ; alters eent ahocken sub ia mejas ed apter ia vinbutts. Is barbar hieb disprohpen ;
id centre ios locanda eet tuich ploisko id exgventern cadaver ios Kothian. Is Kimri, samt sien
infallible instinct os barbar, hieb nict sien duschman in temos ed confusion.

Is Kimri apterlikwit ia pallid luces ed ia litus. Is hieb abdehn ud se sien dohrn ghiton ed oistohmb in
id noct enduvs-ye tik sien lendvkatan ed hoglacet sandals. Is trohc samt id urand aise uns panther,
sien stalen muscles leikend subter sien bruniht cuit.
Is hieb just penetret id quartiero reservet ibs temples. Sub id mekhtab, hol perambh iom bligeer
colunns ex sneigvlik marmor, golden coupels ed argwrntic arches, tant schangdiens pro ia myrya
stragna divitats qua Zamora kivotit. Is ne etiswurgh de ia ; is wois os Zamoras religion, kam vasya
in diutos civiliseneun lands, eet complexe ed staunitil, mauvs quo kwohr ids auwal ses po uno
meirong om rituals ed formules. Unte hors, hockend in ia ghehrds iom philosophs, is hieb klustert ia
arguments iom theologs ed lehrers, ed hieb salgen tsay formohnen, yakin de tik oin : od ir kers
Eysghi divs eent simple ed ghabim ; Crom eet ir poti ed is gwivit ep un buland ghyor, quetos is yis
balstehms ed mohrt. Eet inutil prehge Crom, isghi eet un sombre ed wildo div, qui detestit i slabs.
Bet ye ir gnahsa is wehsit ielgi mensci courage tem quem id vol ed id magh os nices sien peinds,
quo, sekwent iom Kimri, eet quanto sem mensc miegh wehlpe ud un div.
Eysa sandalbeschout peds ne bloskeer ep ia lamper adoquins. Neis guarde eet in vid, ighi Maul
bandits kieur de vergihes ia temples ; semwert stragna soitsa gvohn qui durs najisse ia. Is dyohrc ant
se id Tor ios Elephant quod ambhriss prod id waurn. Is fortierk-se de id origin tos nam, quod nimen
kwohk gnohe. Is hieb naiwo viden sem elephant, bet is ghieb vagh-ye od lit de un mustring animal,
samt uter swayp caud-ye ed alter front-ye. To hieb ei revelen sem schemitisch vagder, qui hieb
kassamt vidus tusents tim elephants in id land im Hyrkanis, bet vasyi mensci woid kam lughav
maghe ses i Schem ensans. In quant fall, ne eent elephants in Zamora.
Id tweiser tor stieu starworts kam un glohdjen stolb. Id xubh solg args in diewo quem pauk mensci
ghohdeer stare ad id ; eetwert kwohrt ex argwrnt. Id skip un cent penkgim peds hog perfecto
cylinder quos joyelbedeht cron twis med id mekhtab. Id tor eet perambhen med un bustan om exotic
drus qua wundel sub id wind ; tod uperalen bustan uperkihsit id urb ed eet kingen med un hog wall
quod uperspohc uno nitergordos, idswo perambht ab un dwoto dun. Neid luce skiep id tor, quod
kwohk habe neid fenster ; in quant fall ne eet sem hoger quem id nivell ios niterwall. Tik ia gemmes
ye id akro twis kam pruswa sub id kweitert iom stars.
Buska crohsceer kathire exter id dwoto duivar, id ghemer. Is Kimri rep tiel id mur dind oistieu tsay
kay vehrte id hoge tos obstacle. Eet alt, yed skandend-ye is ghehdiet nake id gombho med
fingherborsa. Esient tun facil glehmber dind klaupe ocolo, ed is ne dwoyit unte oin instant an
khakiet kwehre id sam dayir id inner mur. Is kung lyt sehgnend-ye de ia stragna periles quawert
skohpt iom eni. Tod folk ei eet tarnien ed mysterieus ; i Zamorians ne eent kam is, ni ex id sam
aserng quem i Brythunians, i Nemedians, i Kothians ni i Aquilonians, tant westfolks quom civilisen

rounas hieb prevst intimidet iom. Zamoras folk eet baygh aw ed, wawod is ghohd kehnse, besonters
Is sohgnit de Yara, iom Megil Sakerdot, qui kas daunost ed stragna soitsa pon sien joyelbedehn tor,
ed id kayso ios Kimri ghohrs kun is mohm uno narn quod un page ios curt unte uno momento
medvia hieb ei lohgen. Yara hieb exgliht un peurst qui ei eet hostile, dind hieb swohngen un bleigu
ed malefic gemme ant eys okwi. Blindend strehls hieb gwohlen ex tod kafir joyel, veulbhend iom
peurst qui hieb fallen retro heulend-ye. Is hieb tun skrohmben hina bihe uno smulk sword masse
quod wierdh do un arank, quel bitohr id kyal frenitic-ye hina Yara trud el med persna.
Quando Yara ee-salct sieno magic tor, quo eewakyet tik ye rar waurmens, eet kay kamses sem soitos
protiev un mensc au uno nation. Zamoras roy bieyit iom dar meis quem mohrt ed gwivit in un
permanent stand os medvia, khakend kardehe sien terror quan eet sober. Yara eet megat ; iswert
eegwivneut pon secules, ed sems etimlur is gwiviet proaiwo dank ia maghs tos joyel kalen ios Kerd
ios Elephant, yeji id nam dahn sieni tor, ei Tor ios Elephant.
Is Kimri, mers in sien brens, glohmb stayg protiev id mur. Semanghen pristiupit perodh in id
bustan. Akowsicit ed ieur id clicken os stal. Eetghi sem guarde in id bustan. Is Kimri ne movit,
exspectend aure el darajagwahe iter, bet id silence quod regnit uper id mysterieus bustano ne buit
troublet dwis.
Eys curiositat bad uperwohnd. Pos un legvo klaup is antgrip id mur ed glohmber ep id glombh med
oiter hand. Brous ep id weur parapett is chohx id vast rewos quod oistrohc pod iom, separend bo
duns. Is vis neid prokwem busk sontern oik kaur-ye gluben teguts qua crohsc nieb id inner dun.
Stardiutis revelit un suaposdohrjen gason ; id pleisker uns fontan ghohd do eys aurs.
Is Kimri stighit ghom do id inner gordos ed exkardkieschit sien eins, scrutend ambh se. Un wild
nervositat enfiell ei de wehse it exposen ei stardiutis ; is oistohmb silent-ye engwn id wall,
perisehkwndo tos ambhriss hin is ghohd pri ia teguts is hieb dyohrcen. Kun is rusch kya, endersess
ghom, is quasi kwohlp ep un forme quod lyohg ahockt engwn ia buska.
Is glazit jaldi dextro levtro kay swekwehre nimen eet in vid, ed is clih-se kay chehxe id. Speit id
muzlim kweitert iom stars, eys nafiz spect ei revelit un pletwost wir, vehsend id argwrntic armur ed
id kumbekhelm ios zamorian royal guardia. Un schild ed un lance lyohg nieb iom. Is Kimri tohrb
tik oin instant kay ghabe od is wir hieb esto strangulet. Is barbar ambhglaz anxieus-ye. Is wois od
so wir eet aundwoi is guarde is hieb aurno pristiupes pon sien kulk, apter id wall. Tik oik instants
hieb dohnen, bet tod bragv meiwrnt hieb esen kafi ad negohn hands pro gwehle skadhois ed
oistrangule iom soldat.
Scrutend id temos, is tierk uno mov in ia teguts engwn id mur. Is nin-ye stohmbit prosch, sien hand
craspend sien hand. Is kwohr ne meis blosko quem un panther snehgend in id noct, yed eys praedd
ieur iom gwehme prosch. Is Kimri visit jaldi un imposanto masse prokwem id mur ed buit rohmt ab
vighabe tod forme eet un wir. Kam ob panique, senter oisprud retro ; rexit sien hands perodh, parat
ad klaupe, dind mutamieyn kun is dyohrc id inikas iom stars ep id miech ios Kimri. Unte oik tensa
instants, bo wirs remien silent, preparet ad quant.
Ne es un soldat, vistrisit is negnohn. Es un fur, hol kam ego.
Quis es tu ? sprohg is Kimri med uno murmure pregen ab mistrust.
Taurus ex Nemedia.
Is Kimri clih ghom sien weben.

Ho klut de te. Eswert un peurst im furs.

Is hassilit tik un forilay ka antwehrd. Taurus eet tem buland quem is Kimri, bet massiver ; makar eet
piwer ed gwiwotic, eys quanta movs reveleer un dynamic ed subtile magnetisme, vreht kathalika in
eys nafiz okwi, bleigend gwis-ye speit id muzlim kweitert iom stars. Is eet bohs ed bohr quo
kwohkit kam un teun ed solid seil, plurs klohngen ed noden ye regular intervalls.
Quis es tu ? Murmurit is.
Conan, un Kimri, antwohrd alter. Som ter kay tente klehpte Yars joyel kalt id Kerd ios
Conan khiss id imposant gventer ios wir eet scutten ab gleimen, bet uno negoilend gleimen.
Per Bel, div im furs ! stris Taurus, ioghi mohn ses is saul qui deursiem tente un talg agos. Ti
Zamorians pretende ses furs, fu ! Conan, kamo tien courage. Ho naiwo smyohrt un aventure
con quelgvonc, bet, per Bel, tod siemos tente com, sei samstehms.
Tuschi habskws id gemme, ne ?
Quod alyo ? Me prepareneum ad to pon munts, bet ya ho id pondos od acs aun memehnus,
Tu has nicen iom soldat ?
Aweis. Ho snohgen epter id mur menxu stahsit ocolo id bustan. Ho skulct in ia teguts ; is
ieur me, we hat crediht aurus semject. Kun is hat stohmben prosch, mi buir facil aptersnehge
iom, sizes eys coll ed sehre hin is mohr. Eet kam vasyi mensci : pwolblind in temos. Un
gohd fur solliet habe catokwi !
Has lakin rhalt, iey Conan.
Ia okwi os Taurus luc ob grassab.
Ego ? Rhalt ? Ne !
Tu habies tohrben perbehrge eys nayv do ia teguts.
, bahsit is almen ei mayster. Is guarde niet bihe reliven pre saat midnoct. Sei way
semanghen vaniet iom ed trehviet eys nayv, curriet fauran ad mugihes id khabar ad Yara, ed
nos dahiet sammel wak' kay fuges. Sei ne trehvient iom, gwahient vene do ia buska ed
wehsiems kapanen kam rats.
Saycs prabh, acquiescit Conan.
Gohd. Nun smad wehrge. Iblis leusmos wakt ob tolk ! Ne sont guardes in id inner bustan,
mayno ne menscguardes, bet i straji ter sont dar meis katel. Irghi presence hat me tem diu
embarassen, bet ho vitrohft un wassila kay solve tod probleme.
Quod kwehrs tu con iens soldats quartiert in id niter part ios tor ?
Veut Yara hat sien appartments in ia uber etages. Unte ter siemos entre, edschi unte ter siems
mwaungsoue, spehm... Ne sprehg me quosmed, bet ho trohven un zariya. Oins kun habsiems
ghohdt atopp id tor, snehcsiemos intro ed siemos strangule veut Yara pre nos kamst oin
sienen balstohmen soitsen. Bariem, siemos pites ; auter bihsiemos changet do arank au
gama, we nehssiemos tetos riche ed staur. Un wirtic fur dehlct woide quan ed quosmed eme
Gwahsiem tem dalgtro quem un wir ghehdt gwahe, iey Conan, abdehnd sien sandals ud se.
Tun sehkwe me.
Volgend, Taurus klieup, antgrip id mur ed glohmber ep id gombh. Id uriende ios wir eet
oistauneihnd dat eys imposanto masse ; is kwohkit quasi snehge epter id parapett. Conan kwohk
kam is. Brous ep id mur, tolkeer ye khafi voc.

Vido neid luce, murmurit Conan.

Id niter part ios tor kwohk meg-ye kam id part visible pon exter id bustan : un lamper ed perfecto
cylinder, aun apparent ghyahsa.
Son' dwers ed fensters kaur-ye embaudht in id structure, antwohrd Taurus, bet sont cluden.
Id air ies soldats annmen' gwehmt ubtos.
Id bustan skip un deusk ed neskweitet masse ; id kweitert iom stars revelit tik oik legv brems ed
drus quom ghem ozda sroht muzlim-ye in id temos. Id suspeceus atmen os Conan kwahsit id aura os
imminent tehrgen quod swohbh uper tod decor. Is khiss id aydhend spect om invisible okwi ed
detexit un subtile odor quod ghirs instinct-ye ia drighs os eys neuk, kam un zagar ghehrst neusendye un veut peind.
Sehkwe me, susurit Taurus, ed man apter me sei gweupskws tien gwit.
Tragend quo samkwohk un cupern tube ex sien yeusmen, is Nemedian se sis klaupe legv-ye ep id
travplor ios gordos. Conan eet just apter iom, einsghesor, bet Taurus repuls iom prokwem id mur,
iomswo ne kwehkend gwahskwe perodher. Hol in eys attitude dik is eet nastraj ; eyso spect, kam
tod os Conan, stier ad id gatemos quod id bunge oika stieups dalger skip. Id brise hieb zablahn, api
ia buska sroht... Stayg dwo mier okwi blig eni ia movend skadhs ed apter ta sem alya bliutes gwohl
ep ir roig in id teni.
Lions ! Murmurit Conan.
Yaghi. Diens sont balmabohndt ender id tor. Bi eno sabab ne son' guardes in tod bustan.
Conan hissieb jaldi ia okwi.
Vido penk, bet kad son' meis, skeulkend in ia buska. Sa-chargent.
Tayc ! stris Taurus.
Is abwierdh-se ud id mur kaur-ye, kamsei is ghieng ep xurmiecha, ed liv id angh tube. Un serie om
stumpa brohms lud ex id temos ed ia ardent okwi ieurgh-se. Conan tierk ia spoimic ghyanus, ia
weulosta swayps batend ia falva flanks. Id air se klied med electricitat. Is Kimri sizit sien eins, se
preparend ei charge ed ei irresistible pusc tom gigantesk corpsen. Un long jet os pulver gwohl ye
alter bud, se transformend instantan-ye do un gehlb-glendo nebh quod vulbh ia teguts ed guriegh ia
geulen okwi.
Taurus oispohd tsay kyid mur. Conan spohc id scene aun ghabe. Id teug nebh occultit ia teguts, ed
neid swon ghohd tiel iom.
Quod est tod nebule ? sprohg is Kimri, bfuyow.
Est Nehc ! strisit is Nemedian. Sei sem wind biblaht kye nos, dehlcsiemos skande tsay epter
id mur... Bet no, ne est wind, ed id nebule swehndt. Intizar ke hat alnos disprohpen. Annmes
id est nehce !
Mox etilikweer ne meis quem oik subgehlb sayeta qua forduileer in id hava ; kun ia hieb swohndt,
Taurus znieycit sieni sokwi ke gwohm perodh. Med wolfghangs, ghohdeer tiel ia buska ed Conan
taajubit. Penkwe mier simbvaformes lyohg bayna ia skadhs, id diutis quod eegluht in ir buxianxu
okwi sgwest proaiwo. Un subswadh ed abject odor persistit in id air.

Han' nohcen aun blosk ! Murmurit is Kimri. Taurus, quod est tod pulver ?
Est extract ex sword lotus, quos flors crehsce in ia lusen jungles os Khitay, quer tik gwive
ies gehlbghalv prysters. Ta flors gvehne instantan-ye quelkwe annemt ir profume.
Conan genuit nieb ia mier formes, swekwehrnd ia hieb druve-ye aunharmasct. Is nuk ; id magia iom
exotic gaivias eet semjecto terrible ed mysterieus pro Nordbarbars.
Ma ne neicies iens soldats ios tor sam-ye ? sprohg is.
Ob ter eet id hol pulver io fiengh. Id mer fact os ghehdus procure mi sem buit kafi pro
buwes me un legend bayna tienxia bandits. Ho raubhen id ex un caravan en route kye
Stygia ; ho lambht id sirma sack in quod id lyohg, ayrnd-ye tod ex inter ia catorus al mier
serpent quel kuzd id, aun protiebudes el. Men gwehm, in id nam os Bel ! Kwe vahms nos
fortolke ?
Snohgeer unte ia teguts ed ghohd pod id lamper tor ; ter, Taurus wohl silence ed disklohng sien
nodenseil, quod ensit med un staur stalen ank. Conan ghieb eys plan ed iskwit neid werd ; is
Nemedian dier id seil ye sem distance ud id ank ed bitwohr id ambh sien cap. Conan glehmerih sien
capo protiev id glato sten, bet ieur neid. Okwivid-ye, ies soldats quartiern eni ne suspexeer id
presence intrusen. Toy ne hiebeer blosct meis quem id wind blahnd unte ozda, bet un stragno
nervositat hieb lambht iom barbar, maghses bi-sabab id odor im lions, quod pregit quant.
Taurus lohnc id dunos med un urand ed staur geste. Id ank plukit skeng in id hava, samt un stragn
ed rhayr-adic mov, ed disprohp epter id bedeht cron. Eet kwecto solid-ye stowen, ar neter timid
scussa ni gvaltic protietractions kamyieb desloge we slidihes id.
Hiht ye id pres' schtoss, murmurit Taurus. Ho...
Conans wild instinct brusk-ye parvolgih iom, idghi nehco quod rusch kyens hieb nel-ye blosct. Unte
oin blixinstant, is Kimri dyohrc id gigant forme quod se pariet ad bires id katel cutt ; el simbva
stieusit ep sien cloinpodia, wardhend sub ia stars. Nel civilisen mensc habiet ghohdt egalasce id
reactionsyrat ios Kimri. Hol gwis-ye, is gwehlih sien eins quod twis kam pruswa sub id diutis iom
stars, dind wir ed simbva fiell ghom.
Exbehrnd aunsehkw ed dusswohrna rughats, Taurus clih-se ed vis ia memsa os sien sokwi srehte
menxu is pit se lures ex id inert masse quod lyohg uper iom ed wieurg iom. Uno mer spect buit kafi
kay is abstaunihno Nemedian vighieb el lion hieb nohct, sien dighmo ghalv dwifisden. Is empug id
carcasse ed, it hohlpen, Conan ghohd tun pusce gontro id cadaver ed oistahe tsay kamquid, nadarnd
sien cruorsmeu eins.
Es tu vurnen, prient ? exclamit Taurus, dar schockt ab id incredible okutat tos blixattaque.
No, per Crom ! Antwohrd is Kimri. Yed naiwo ho io stripen nehc tem prokwtos, ed mien
gwit est quan' ploisko sakwn ! Ma iblis ne hat tel simbva bauben quan el hat chargen ?
Hol est stragn in tod bustan, iey Taurus. Lions plage silent-ye, eti vasya periles sont silent
ter... Hay, gwehm ; esdi ne has maung blosken neicend-ye el, kadghi ies guardes nos hant
aurt, sei ne sont swehpend ni besupen. Tel simbva sollit wehse alyer in id bustan, ed hat itak
skapt ia nehcflors, bet el solliet ses el senst. Dehlgmos glehmber med tod seil ; est inutil
sprehge un Kimri sei is ghehdt...
Sei id tehl' mien vyige, brohm Conan, puwnend sammel sien eins in id trav.
Id tehliet tris mien, antwohrd Taurus. Est kwohrt ex kaysplextis am mortu gwens, raubhen
ex ir-pet grabhs ye midnoct, dind tohngen do id katel swekwos ios upasdru, kay soliderihes
id. Gwahsiem ka prest ; sehkwe me prokwtos.

Is Nemedian lambh id seil, quod is plohc ambh sien genu, dind is biglohm. Is oistighit kam un cat,
leughaynd id apparent aundexia quod eys corpulence sisit suppones. Is Kimri sohkwit. Id seil wip
ed gnubh, bet ies glehmers ne wohs impedihn ab. Bo hieb tyicen meg-ye kaurder steighens. Id
bedehn cron blig uper ir caps, forstehlbend skeir ud id tor ; idghi seilo hieng oin pedo dalg ud id
sten, quo meg facilihsit ir steighen.

Ye hoger ies glohm silent, ye dalger ia urbluces oistrohc sub ir okwi. Uper iens, ia stars kwohk
twises ye paller menxu ye proscher ia blieutend akrokeingend joyels toy stigh. Bad, Taurus rexit
sien hand ubtro, kiep id gombh ed glohmber atopp. Conano mien unte oin instant ep id parapett,
fascinen ab ia fabuleusa gemmes samt pruswa-inikas qua dusel iom : diamants, rubins, smaragds,
sappirs, piruza, lunapetras, tem tanghu quem stars, quant gjiaungsiant in id argwrntic sten ios tor.
Dalgtos, ir different args oismohld-se do un spleindost kweitos, bet prokwtos ia twis med myrya
spalvs ed nuances qua hypnotiseer iom ob ir glimmer.
Ter est un fabuleus bayga, Taurus, murmurit is.

Hay ! Sei kamyabmos lambhnes id Kerd, ta quant joyels ed baygh alya sessient nosters,
jawieb is Nemedian impatient-ye.
Conan glohmber ep id lamper parapett. Id joyelcomsperso cron epkihsit id terrasse unte oik peds ;
maurblou, goldbedeht, id inikies id diutis iom stars ed kwohkit kam un weur sappir bepulvern med
tweiser wauskpensuk. Face quetos ies hieb gwohmen stahsit un sorte os bouwen, ep idpet terrasse.
Eet ex id sam argwrntic material quem ia tors ios mur, bet decoren med smulker gemmes ; ids
wahid dwer eet ex golden squams, bedehn samt gwayder ed glehdjlik joyels.
Conan ambhspohc id immensitat om palpitant luces quod oistrohc dalgi pod iens, dind vols kye
Taurus. Is Nemedian plohc sien seil ye meis is trieg id ub. Is dik ad Conan id stet quer id ank hieb
dupt : id akbors hieb antgript gnebh sub uno mier tweiser joyel, in id niter part ios cron.
Nassib hat iter favorisen nos, murmurit is. Nies dwo vyiges habient soll' deloge tod petra.
Sehkwe me ; nuntos biht nies expedition druve-ye perileus. Smos in id antro ios serpent yed
ne woid quer is teupt.
Kam yaghend tighers, ies tohr id terrasse quod glimmrit sombre-ye ed hielt ep id soylo ios tweiser
dwer. Bilkull kaur-ye, Taurus pit pusce id. Tod ghyahsit aun resiste, ed ies sokwis introglaz, nastraj.
Epter id oms ios Nemedian, Conan vis un reudhernd kyal, quos murs, tavan ed demped eent bedeht
samt albh gemmes quom akster ed rauko kweitos kwohk ses id saul surce os luce. Tengicit desert.
Pre leusmos nies saul retraite via, stris Taurus, gwah begires id cron ; maun me sei dyehrcs
strajens trehce in id bustan au quodkwe suspect. Te skehptsiem in tod kyal.
Conan druve-ye ne ghieb id utilitat os to ; buhsa-ye mistreusend, is vagh-ye suspexit sien scharike,
yed kwohr quo Taurus hieb ei demanden. Kun so abvols, is Nemediano snohg do id kyal ed
zaghyien id dwer apter se. Conan stohmb engwn id leizdos ios cron, dind ghohd tsay do sien
startpoint aun dyehrcus suspect mov in ia brems niter, qua tik un legv wind sroht. Is arrivit pri id
dwer kun un strangulen crie gwohl ex apter tod.
Is Kimri klieupit perodh, electrisen. Id lamper dwer ghyahsit. Id gastalt os Taurus wierdh ant id
blindend kweitos apter iom. Is titubit ed eys lipps enderghyahr, bet siseer skape tik oin turso
kharkhar. Antgreipend id golden dwer kay nastahe, is vienk perodh ep id tecto dind fiell supihn, sien
hands sehrnd sien gurgule. Id dwer zaghyahsit apter iom.
Conan, endersess ghom kam unis nastraj panther, vis neid in id kyal, apter iom nigvohnto
Nemedian, unte id bragv instant kun id dwero remien ghyant. Tod ninskadh quod hieb kwohken
drahe ep id lamper swol hieb esen tik un luce trick, au... Bet neid sohkwit Taurus ep id tect, ed
Conan se clihsit uper sien sokwi.
Is Nemedian stier ad iom med pfwehngus okwi qua hantit un aunnam terror. Eys hands criespeer
eys gurgule ed bava dohn ex eys lipps samt uno gneur. Stayg is oistohv ed is hayran Kimri wois is
hieb nohct, aun gnohe quod hieb nigvohnen iom. Aunradh, Conan trohp sien specto kyid stragno
golden dwero. In tod tuich kyal, inter ta lamper joyelbedeht murs, nehc hieb hiht iom peurst im furs
tem fujatan ed mysterieus-ye quem senter hieb gvohnt i lions in id bustano niter.
Is barbar palpit id pwolnogwo nayvo kaur-ye, sokend po un vurnos. Bet ia saul gvalttraces is
aunstohg lyohg inter eys omsa, quasi ye id base os eys taurcoll : tri smulk arus, kamsei tri gwozda
habient esto sehta dind oistract ex eys krewos. Ia gombh tom arus eent sword, ed uno muzlim
putrefactionsodor ghohd bihe distinct-ye nusen. Poisonisus ? mohn Conan, bet tun, in tod fall, ia
xeudils habient sollt nadyehgwe ia arus.

Is kaur-ye stohmb kyid golden dwer, puscit id ed introspohc. Id kyal eet tuich, bemadhen ab id srig
ed palpitant luce myryen joyels. Medsu idpet tavan is kieu aun ei pior dahe attention un curieus
motif, un sword octogon, in quos centre quar gemmes blig med un rudh jar, contrastend akster-ye
ud id kweitos alyen joyels ios kyal. Ocolo tod kyal stahsit alyo dwer, identic tei quer is wohs, minus
ia golden squams. Hieb unte tod dwero ruscht nehc, plagend sien praedd poskwo disprehpend unte
quetos id hieb gwohmt ?
Zaghyanend id dwer apter se, is Kimri ghieng perodh in id kyal. Eys nogwa peds ne bloskeer ep id
cristallen demped. Eent neter stul, ni table in tod kyal, tik tri au quar silken coucha quom golden
altices oiskip curieusa serpentin plohctas, tem quem plur mahogany coffers samt argwrnten clehspa.
Sems eent sgillt med gwaur golden scluds, alya eent ghyant, revelend pohltos clenoden ibs
admirative okwi ios Kimri. Conan rughiet ye midvoc. Is hieb ja dyit meis opnos hovesper quem is
kohns existe tienxia ed is dusiescit kun ei enfiell id wirt ios joyel is hiebskwit.
Is wohs tuntos in id centre ios kyal ed gwahsit perodh kaur-ye, sien corpos clihn, xyangend, sien
eins prod se. Stayg nehc attaquit iter silent. Uno ninskadh andhend id lamper demped buit eyso saul
warnen, ed is sielv sien gwito tik-ye klaupend-ye instinct-ye gontro. Is glaz un weulost horror quel
strif iom clackeihnd-ye sien spoimic ghyanus. Ghutts oispruz eys nogwod oms, preusend id kam
haydogwn. Klaupend retro, sien einso swohnct hog in id hava, is vis el horror nake id swol,
parvolge dind rusches kyom ye un hallucinant syrat. Eet un gigantesk sword arank, kam tik viden in
El eet tem piwon quem un pork ; tel ogre montet ep octo teug ed weulost pods tohr id kyal ye un
kyudosto syrat. Els quar bleigu okwi luc med uno malefic intelligence ed kata els edonts ghutt un
iad Conan wois keraunoku ed katel : el monster hieb lipst iom, bet ia oika ghutts qua hieb hihn eys
oms prus eys krewos. Ter eet el nergven quel se hieb sisen falle kata sien kurni medsu id tavan,
sleidend engwn un arankyiosviel pre lande ep id coll ios Nemedian. Kam imbecile hieb ies esen ob
nequan aumus od ia uber kyals esient tem suaguardet quem ta niter !
Ta brens tohr id ment os Conan kun el monster chargit. Is Kimri klieup ub ; el creature snohg inter
eysa jambs, begir, ed chargit tsay. Ye tod ker Conan vergihsit id hajoum skacend-ye gontro ed is
ripostit kam un cat. Eys einso segit oino iom weulost pods, ed iter is exclih gnebh el monster, quel
dighmit kyom clackeihnd-ye sien infernal ghyanus. El creature mutatactiquit tun ; volgend-ye, el
tohr hast-ye ep id cristallen demped ed glohm ep id mur tiel id tavan, quer el se ahockit unte oin
instant, starnd ad iom Kimri med sien rudh ed malefic okwi. Dind, aun maune, el se lohnc do id
hava, sinend skape apter se un greiso weisknet.
Conan klieup retro kay vergihes id impact, dind se clih frenitic-ye, se behrgend gnebh ud bihe wisct
ab tod gigant arankium. Is tierk ia eiskwens al monster ed elien-se kyid dwer, bet el creature buit
meis oku ed xubh un strei os sleibic net skeir ep tod : is eet kapant ! Is ne durs tehme id strei med un
einscutt, woidend od tod substance adglehmeriet con eys miech ed od el demon habiet seht sien
edonts do eys regv pre is ghehdiet abdehvs id tetos.
Un aunspeh leik tun se ornuw, ia intelligence ed akel ios mensc witer ibs demoniak science ed syrat
al gigant arank. El hieb tyohgven charge iom pon idpet demped we se lehnce contra iom hogois. El
berid murs ed tavan argist-ye, se strehngend ad immobilise iom do ia longa greisa weisknets el xubh
kyom samt mahibe dexia. Ta nets eent tem tegu quem dunsa, ed Conan wois od sei is bihiet
kapanen, ei esiet impossible med quakwe efforts fortrage-se pre el monster plagiet iom.
Tod diabeldanso natyohc unte id hol kyal, in un absolut silence quod gwohmeer ad brehge tik id
kwehsen ios wir, id ninblosk eysen stieups ep id lamper demped, ed ia zeirps iom edonts al

monstruositat. Longa greis nets kowpeer gangallika ep id swol we hiengeer kata ia murs ; alya
covohr ia clenoden coffers ed ia silken coucha, we wip kam lianes ud id bedehto tavan. Tik eys
nafiz spect ed id keraunokutat eysen musclen hiebeer permiss ad Conan ses dar aundamno, edsi ia
spangs ex weisknet hieb stripen iom tem prokwtos quem ia hieb skohnen eys krewos. Is wois is
khakiet vergihes ia aunfin-ye. Is tohrb ne tik se behrge ud ia arankia qua hiengeer kata id tavan,
sontern yaschi ware mae kwehlpe ep qua lyohgeer ghomi. Auser au serter, un weiskspang slehnkiet
ambh eys corpos, kam un python ; vulbht kam in un cocon, is wehsiet tun ei mercie al monster.
El arank tohr id kyal argist-ye, sehlkend apter se id dunos ex greis net. Conan klieup hog in id hava,
skandend uper un couch. El monster mutatrohc stayg ed glohm ep id mur. Id aranknet buit xubhen
perodh kamsei id moviet med wi gwit ed slohnkit kam un bich ambh id glesen ios Kimri. Conan
fiell ep sien hands, protietragend frenitic-ye id net quod immobilisit iom, kapen in tod mengain kam
in id strineg uns python. El weulostis demon nisturd ud id mur kay parakape sien attaque. Lambhen
ab un frenitic panique, Conan lambh un clenoden coffer ed xubh id med sien hol nerce. El monster
ne exspectit solg geste. Id xeudil hihsit el creature medsu els-pet abdomen ed gwahsit crasche
protiev id mur emittend-ye un stump ed abject blosk. Cruor ed un subglend gumos gwohl. Bo
exgventern, id deusk masse ed id coffer fiell ghom. El biest remien still, sien sword corpos craschto
sub un clenoden cascade. Els weulost pods oisroht in kenos, els mehrnd okwi reudhernd bayna ia
tweiser gemmes.
Conan ambhspohc, yed nel idafi horror surrexit. Is enderghens tun se lures ex id arankium. Id
substance perstohv con elsa glesen ed hands, bet is viwohs bad nekyimtern. Is siz ub sien eins ed se
sohnd per ia arankyiosviels qua empediseer demped ed hava hin is niek id inner dwer. Qua periles
intizier iom apter tod, is khiek woide to. Id sehrg ios Kimri brohn ed, chunke is hieb andht tod hol
itner, is eet suagwaukan de gwahe tiel id buxianxu conclusion tod aventure, po quodkwe hassile. Is
ghieb od id joyel is hiebskwit ne lyohg bayna qua kowpeer tem neglegence-ye in tod reudhernd
Abdehnd ud id dwer ia arankia qua obstruxeer id, is vis od tod, hol kam id prever, ne eet andamen.
Is dieum an ies soldats niter dar ne gnohr eys presence. Is wohs baygh ubdrabser quem ies, ed sei ia
rumors eent ver, meg eeswehdent aure stragna bloska ex ia hoges ios tor... buxianxu bloska, tem
quem cries om horror ed agonia.
Is eemimehnt de Yara ed ne eet baygh yowo kun is ghyien id golden dwer. Id saul ject is vis eet un
ghomwort gastieup, muzlim-ye beluct ab is ne pior wois quosmed. Is oistiup ghom silent, darnd sien
eins. Is ieur neid blosk ed wohs mox face un ivoren dwer bedehn samt asenrgrudh petras. Is
akowsicit, bet neid blosko ghohd tiel iom ex ocolo ; tik oik dumvoluts sohrp adriug-ye subter id
dwer, exhalend un exotic odor negnohn ab iom Kimri. Id argwrnten drab naspiriel ghom tiel temos.
Ex tod tenischakht neid swon lud ; is buit lambht ab id stragn ed guway sensation os wehse mon in
un tor hanten ab kabus ed yowrleings.

Is glehmerih-se protiev id ivoren dwer ed puscit tod kaur-ye ; id ghyahsit aun blosk. Still ep id
tweiser soyl, Conan ambhspohcit kam un wolf aunstehgend uno negnohto decor, parat ad katue we
fuges fauran. Un vast kyal samt golden akmen se anac ei. Ia murs eent os jade color, id demped
ivoren ed covohrto stet-ye med melska kelims. Dumvoluts ed id exotic odor os timian eent exhalen
ex un glest posen ep un golden tripod, ed apter tod kihsit un idol, seddend ep un genis marmoren
couch. Conan spohc tod, hayran ; els corpos eet tod unios nogwios wirios os glend color, bet ids cap
eet wirtic uns demential coschmar. Baygh pior weru pro uno mensccorpos, id hieb neid idsen

attributs. Conan remien still, starnd ad ia mier plohdern aurs, id skamb ghenstor ed, ambi tod, ia
albh fildisches ye quom borsa eent pacta dwo golden gongus. Ids okwi eent cluden, kamsei
Exghi tod gwohm id nam ios Tor ios Elephant, ar id cap ios jectios kwohk akster-ye kam tod im
biesten descript ab iom schemitisch vagabond. Eet ter Yaras div ; quer tar tup id gemme, sonst
perbohrct in id idol, chunke tod jauhar eet kalen id Kerd ios Elephant ?
Menxu Conan gwohm prosch id aunmov idol, sien okwi trohpt kyid, ia okwi ios jectios ghyahr
stayg ! Is Kimri stahsit still. Ne eet un statue, sontern un gwiv, ed is eet kapant in els appartments !
Eys dekhschat buit solgo quem is nastahsit ye id sam stet, khakend linkwes leudher druna sieni
frenitic rage. Un civilisen mensc in eyso situation habiet aundwoi vimohnen, aun druve-ye credihes
to, od is habiet sohnken do follia. Nequan enfiell ei Kimri bedwoie sien senses. Is wois is facit un
demon ios Awios Mundios, ed tod constatation beghsih iom eys quant imkans, ploisko vid.
Id ghenstor al monster se ieyrit ed ambhwipit ; els topazcolor okwi spohc aun vide, ed Conan ghieb
el monster eet blind. Eys nerves tun aunstressiesc, ed is bistiup zaworts-ye silent kyid dwer. Bet el
creature ieur iom. Id delicate ghenstor wundel kyom, ed kun el inkiepit bahe med un stragno,
hesitant ed monotono voc. Conan wohs iter paralysen ab paur. Is Kimri ghieb ta ghyanus hieb naiw
est concepta pro menscwehkwos.

(Rissem ab AbePapakhian, )

Quel est ter ? Has tu ricto kay iter me torture, Yara ? Habsies tu naiwo finiht ? Oh kwe niet
aiw ende tod agonia ?
Dakrus dohn ex ia blind okwi, ed id spect os Conan trohcit kya memsa strehcend ep id marmoren
couch. Ed is wois el monster ne stahiet ub kay attaque iom. Is recognih ia marks ios strehcbenk, ia
stigmas ios tavro ed, tem sakht quem buit eys atmen, is remien aunvoc vidend-ye ia difformitats
tom memsen is wois esus prevst-ye tem graciu quem siena. Cada paur ed cada repulsion likweer tun
iom Kimri kay bihe tayt ab uno megil mildet. De quo eet tel monster, Conano ne hieb id minst idee,
bet ia marks elsen payttens eent tem terrible ed pathetic quem pein lahsit iom Kimri aun od is ghohd
sib explie to. Is ghieb tik od eet ant iom un tragedia os cosmic amplor ed is khissit schamic, kamsei
is esiet saul ka responsible de id skeulos uns hol race.

Ne som Yara, iey is. Som tik un fur. Niem te harme.

Gwehm ghi proscher kay ghehdo te touche, iey el creature kados-ye.
Conan stiupit prokwer aun baysa, linkwnd sien eins hange kata sien gon. Med id mliieke uns bent,
id delicate ghenstoro strohc ed gwohm ad palpe eys lige ed omsa, kam kwehrnt blinds.
Ne es ex Yaras demoniak race, kwohster el creature. Hol in te est prect ab id saun ed gver
gwit iom wakhschats. Ho gnohn tien folk baygh diuper, sub alyo nam ; eet un baygh
different mund quod oistauih tun sien joyelbedehn tors kya stars. Est cruor ep tien finghers.
Un arank in id uber kyal ed un lion in id bustan, murmurit Conan.
Has nict unschi wir, honoct, antwohrd alter. Ed nehc regnet in in tor uper nos. To kheisso ; to
Yaghi, murmurit Conan. Is peurst im furs lyehct ter ub, nict ab id dehnken uns gvud.
Saycs ver ! Bahsit id stragn ed nemensc voc, leudend do un genis stumpo melopoia. Oino
nehc in id taverne ed oino nehc ep id tect... To woidim ; to kheisso. Ed id trit parkwehrsiet id
magia de quod hatta Yara ne deurst sehgne... oh, magia os leuren, glend divs os Yag !
Els dakrus dohnyeer ed els klombh corpos oisroht anttos retro, lambhen ab contradictor emotions.
Conan observit el, hayran.
Ia convulsions chwoyeer ; ia dabron ed blind okwi eent wohrt kyom Kimri, ed med sien ghenstor el
znieyc ei proscher.
O mensc, kludi moi, iey el stragnis creature. Som hideus ed mustring pro tien okwi, ne ? No,
mae antwehrdas ; to woidim. Bet tuschi mi kwehkies stragno, sei ghehdiem te vide. Existent
pelu alya munds quem tod, ed gwit peluwardht. Som neter div, ni demon, sontern ex krewos
ed aserng, hol kam tu, esdi noster substance est part-ye different ed od nies corpsa ne sont
ois id sam kalab.
Som meg at, o wir ex ia wakhschats ; baygh diuper ho arriven ep tod mund, hamrahn ab
alyens sesens ex mien planete, glend Yag, quod skreit aiw in id uder synor tos universe.
Hams tohrn id space, noster staur ptergs nos xeubhend in id cosmos meis oku quem luce ;
korelus protie Yags roys, wey hieb esen marloubihn ed forbanen. Wey naiwo ghohd
gwirlaye, niesghi ptergs degvihr kun wey gwohm ep tod planete. Gwivam tun ye id leizd os
terran gwit ed katuam protie ia stragn ed terrible gwitformes qua infesteer id ; it bihsam bayt
ed neti attaquet in ia obscure jungles quer wey hieb vibayteln.
Wey vis i menscens evolve ex ir kieplik stand ed construge ia tweiser citads om Valusia,
Kamlia, Commoria ed om swesgenrigs. Wey vis i vanke sub ia hajoums im wild Atlants,
Picts ed Lemurians. Wey vis ia oceans ayre-se ed guraghe Atlantid, Lemuria, ia Picten
insules ed ia tweiser citads os civilisation. Wey vis i survivers im Picts ed Atlants construge
ir petraiwo empires ed sehnke do chaos, didrehdend mutu unte cruoric weirs. Wey vis i Picts
dubes do abjectsto gvertat ed i Atlants pehde tsay do kieplik stand. Wey vis nov yeambans
ex Arctid hajoume sudtro kay struge un nov civilisation, ta nov rigs emend ka nams
Nemedia, Koth, Aquilonia, ed ir swesgenrigs. Wey vis tien wi folk i Atlants emerge ex ia
jungles quer erreer kam kieps, evolve ed eme un nov nam. Wey vis i descendants im
Lemurians qui hieb skapt id cataclysme emerge alnos ex gvertat ed fortrehce westtro sub id
nam Hyrkanis. Ed wey bad vis tod race demonen, survivers ios awios precataclysmic
civilisation, tod balstohmt rig Zamora, rikes iter culture ed magh.
Wey vis to hol, aun hehlpe ni kyimes id immuable cosmic loy, ed oin pos alter wey mohr,
seighi wey, sesi ex Yag, ne smos nemerti, nies gwits bihnt midt med id jumiung iom planetes
ed constellations. Viwohsim saul, sehngend de ia xiawngja tids, in ia kharab temples om
Khitays lusen jungles, yazgen kam un div ab un antique gehlbcuit race. Tun gwohm Yara,

nert med sien sombre weidas transmittneun unte ia aiwa os barbaria pon pre id guraghen os
Is prest-ye sess pod me ed uc mensdeh. Bet is ne eet satisfact ab quo ei doxim, eetghi kwit
magia, ed is vienschit hassile malefic gnohsas kay persclave roys ed implehe sien demoniak
ambitions. Refusim ei doce ia kyehrsen secrets io hieb uct protievol in id druna iom aiwen.
Bet eys mensdeh eet profunder quem io hieb credihn ; med dols is procurit sib in ia deuska
grabhs os kyehrsen Stygia, is brigh me hila-ye ad revele un rouna io nel-ye iskwim divulge.
Tun is volvih mieno magh protie me ed me perscliev. Ah, Yags divs ; kam bitter buit mien
beurt pon tod moment !
Is me rohv ex Khitays lusen jungles quer greis kieps diens yeji id kan iom flutes iom
gehlben prystern ed quer spends om fruits ed vin kowpeer ep mien brohct altars. Neti eem is
div ios pacific junglefolk ; hiebim biht is sclav uns ensanskeip demon.
Dakrus gwohlyeer ex ta nevidend okwi.
Is me trebbohnd in tod tor io dohm unte oin noct, wohlt ab iom. Is me domih med ogwn,
korms ed stragna gargic tortures tu khakies ghabe. Ob talga gvols, me habiem diuper
gvohnen sei habiem ghohden, bet is me gwup gwiv klombh, blindiht ed brohct kay
parkwehre sien kyehrsen maxams. To kwehrneum pon tricent yars, ep tod marmoren couch,
kyehrnend mien atmen med cosmic synts ed oistehrkend mieno mensdeh med crimes, ioghi
hieb neid cheus. Yed hat is ne rohft mien quant secrets ex me, ed mien senst present pro iom
sessiet id soitos om Aserng ed Joyel.
Idghi ajal leit prosch, to kheisso. Es id Ghesor os Beurt. Prehgo, ghend id petra sies trehve
ep cid altar.
Conan vols kyid ivoren altar is ei dik ed ghens ter un joyel, taungh ed rund, quem clar quem un
purpwr cristall. Is wois eet id Kerd ios Elephant.
Hat gwohmen id saat os megil magia, augost magia, magia kam Terra ne bad aiwo vis, ni
aiwiter vidsiet pre million millionen millennyen. Per id aserng os mien gwit comswehro to,
per tod aserng gohnen in id glend gremium os Yag, sehgnend dalgtos unte ia moder aykwsa
os Cosmos.
Mensc, ghend tien eins ed rehv mien kerd ; poskwo etiwaurg id yoitkwe id aserng laht id
rudho gemme. Steigh tun ghom ta stieupens ed entre id ebonen kyal quer Yara sneudt sub id
effect os lotus, mers do siena malefic drehms. Swehr eys nam ed is gehrsiet. Tun sklad tod
petra pod iom ed sayg ei : Yag-kosha tib spendt oin senst present ed oin sensto soitos.
Poskwo spehd ex id tor ; mae bayas, id via sessiet leur. Menscgwit ne est kam id gwit os
Yag, ni menscmohrt kam id mohrt os Yag. Leudher me ex tod cage os blind ed brohcto
krewos, ed sessiem iter Yogah os Yag, nupt ab aghyernluce samt ptergs kay abpehte, ed peds
kay danse, ed okwi kay vide, ed ghesors kay grehnde.
Conan gwohm prosch, bfugwaukan. Yag-kosah, wa Yogah, kamsei is kwahiet eys keungen, ei dixit
quer is dohlg hihes. Conan iengh sien ghyanus ed dyohgwit deub med sien eins. Un cruorflutto
dohn engwn id miecho tiel eys hand, ed is monster buit srohten ab un convulsive spreud, dind fiell
retro, still. Yakin od gwit hieb likwn iom, bariem gwit kam is awicit id, Conan bityic sieno macabre
task ed exstirpit jaldi semject is prekhiss ka id kerd ios stragnios creature, quayque eet different ud
quanta is hieb ghohdt vide tuntro. Dehrjend id palpitanto mems uper id tweiser joyel, is etiwieurg
med bo hands, ed un cruorseuy aspers id petra. Ye eys megil surprise, id cruor ne srusit engwn id
petra, sontern buit absorben ab tod kam un swombh.
Xeihnd id petra bayasen-ye, is sielg tod fantastic kyal ed gwohm ep ia argwrntic stieupens. Is ne
spohc retro ; is prekhissit sem genis transmutation eet tyehcend ep id marmoren couch ; is prekhiss

kathalika od ne eet un spectacle bestohmen ad bihe smautert ab menscokwi.

Is zaghyien id ivoren dwer apter se ed oistighit ghom ia argwrntic stieupens aun kunges. Ei ne
enfiell ignore pro quo is hieb est berult. Is hielt ant un ebonen dwer, ye quos centre fras un
argwrnten ghalv, ed ghyien id. Un kyal ex abnus ed aschabak se anac eysi spect ed is vis un long
isghen silhouette lyehge ep un silken couch. Yara, sakerdot ed brukh, strohc ant iom ; eys okwi,
meg-ye ghyant ed pfwehngend ob ia affluts os gehlbios lotus, se fordyir kam kye nocturn tehoms ed
abysses trans menscaum.
Yara ! iey Conan, kam un judce swehrnd un mohrt huckem. Gehr !
Eys oks kwiter fauran ed bihr tem srig ed cruel quem ta uns gwultur. Id malinger forme stieu tsay,
udbulandend lagar-ye iom Kimri.
Kwaun ! strisit is kamun cobra. Quod kwehrs tu her ?
Conan sklas id joyel ep id mier ebonen table.
Quis yeist tod gemme me hat prohc' ke saygo tib : Yag-kosha tib spendt oin senst present
ed oin sensto soitos.
Yara stiup retro ed eys lige spielv burlika. Id gemme hieb lusen sien cristallclartat. Idsa trub dubes
vibreer ed palpiteer, idso surface eet tohrn ab mighllik wands samt changend colors. Kam
hypnotisen, Yara clih-se ep id table ed lambh id jauhar, mergend sien specto do idsa deusk dubes. Id
gemme eet kam uno magnet quod aspirit id kreusend atmen ios brukh. Conan, observend tod
spectacle, mohn eys okwi bedrugh iom. Quando Yara hieb stahn ub ex sien couch, is sakerdot hieb
ei kwohken unios nemensc buliende ; api taiper is kwecto niek payn ia omsa ios Kimri. Is mic,
pribudt ed, ye id prest ker honoct, is bedwoyit sien senses. Dind is ghieb hayran ob is sakerdot eet
periskrembend ant eys okwi.
Is dyisit id scene med uno malamant protiokwo, kam semanghen smauternd un theatre piece ;
uperkwohlmen ab un irrealitatskhisses, is Kimri bedwoyit sien wi identitat ; is wois tik is prispohc
id extos manifestation uns invisible ed titanesk katu iom Extos Augsen quod udieum iom.
Yara tuntos ne eet bulander quem uno magv ; oin instant poskwo, is lyohg ep id table dar glabend id
joyel. Is brukh vighieb stayg-ye quo menacit iom ; is oistahsit tsay ed slebh id gemme. Lakin is
nalyteriesc, ed Conan vis uno micri silhouette os Pygmay curre kam blind ep id table, srehtend sien
brakhs ed kraghend tem schrill-ye quem un insect.
Is eet taiper tem smulko quem id joyel uperkih iom kam un clin ; Conan vis iom behrge sien
enokwo med sien hands kam pro se protege ud id arg ios petra, ed srehte kam un dement. Conan
tierk od sem invisible magnetic force attrieg irresistible-ye Yara kyid gemme. Kam manghanen, is
tris drahsit stets proscher ambh id petra, ed tris tentit is fortrage-se ed mwaungsoue kyid leizdo ios
table ; dind, emittend un crie quod clienghit muzlim-ye tiel ia aurs ios Kimri, is sakerdot liv sien
brakhs waurntro ed se precipitit kyid tweiser globe.
Conan clih-se ed vis Yara udstighes id kehmb ed polihn surface ios joyel, jalnic doighen
glehmskwnd un glasen ghyor. Is sakerdoto dostigh bad id akro, dar-ye srehtend sien brakhs, ed tik i
divs wois qualga kafir nams is tentit kyukes. Stayg is sohnk do id joyel, kam guraghen ab id ocean,
ed Conan vis ia mighlic volns zaghyahe uper iom. Is dyohrc id micri silhouette in id purpwr kerd
ios joyel, rebihvs cristallclar ; ei Kimri kwohk dyies tod scene baygh dalgtos. Ed tun surrexit un
bleigu forme, un pterct ses os glend color quos mensccorpos subkihsit un elephantcap, un ses qui

eet neti blind, ni sakat. Yara liv sien brakhs waurntro, feugend kam un demon, apterpersnen ab tom
qui gwohm ad implehe sien vengence. Id joyel sprohng tun kam un burbule, disprehpend do un blix
om irisat colors. Neti eet ject ep id table, ed Conan eet persuas id sam ghohld pro id marmoren
couch in id uber kyal, quer is hieb trohven iom ses kalt Yag-kosha ed Yogah.
Is Kimri abpersnit ed mwaungsousit, linkwnd id kyal ed nisteurdend ia argwrnten stieupens. Is eet
tem taraghen quem ei ne enfiell fuges unte quetos is hieb gwohmt. Is oistighit ghom id spiral tos
argwrntic schakht ed ghohd do un kielken ye id base ios tor, in quod is hielt unte oin instant. Is hieb
just naken id wakhtsall. Is dyohrc ia argwrntlik inikas iren armurs, id arg iom bedeht pomels iren
einsen. Ies guardes eent fallsisen ep id banquetsmeja, ia deuska ptors iren helmen srehtend muzlimye ep ir clihn caps. Alyi lyohg ep idpet lazuwarden lakin vinpoik demped, inter ir zahrs ed volviht
bicairs. Is wois eent mortu. Id promiss hieb esen swohrn, dind parkwohrn. Is khiek woide kweter eet
magia, vraj, au id skadh om steurdend mier glenda ptergs, quod hieb dehn un fin ad ir giumbuscha,
yed eet id udghang leuro pro iom. Un argwrntic dwer eet ghyanen, unte quod wierdh id kwit octent.
Is Kimri spohd perodh ender ia weundelnd brems ios bustan ; kun is khiss id khuldet ios
aghyernbrise ep sien corpos, is bragv-ye sprud, kamsei is gehriet. Is vols, rhayr yakin, kay spehce id
mysterieus tor is hieb just likwn. Eet is sub id effect os un soitos au un charm ? Eededrohmit is
quanto hieb just-ye tyohcen ? Ed kun is oispohc id tor quos cron twisit sub id arg ios gnahndios
dien, is vis id vanke in id reudhernd octent, dind crasche disloquend-ye se do myrya glimmernd

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