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Modeling Our City Growth

G wiith UrbanS
Sim and th
he Role of GIS
Mehhedy Hassann, Hyeyoung Kim, Eunji Ha and Chuulmin Jun
Dept. off Geoinformaatics, Univerristy of Seouul
Seouul, Korea

UrbanSim, u
urban dynam
mics, GIS, miicro simulatiion.
To mplexity wiith upgrading heavily sttressed infrastruc-
T mitigate the acceleraated growth of urban com
t and on increasingly
y demand too protect thee natural env
vironment, m
modeling tecchniques of urban
d haave long beeen consider by
b urban plaanners and reelated stakehholders. Despite the diffi
o modeling in every rellevant aspectt of an urbann region, ressearchers haave produced
d a rich varieety of
m dealiing with inteerrelated proocess of urbaan changes. However, m
most of the recent
r technniques
t study dynaamic urban growth
g havee lack of acccuracy at the level of houusehold or laand parcel [33] and
t majority of them rem
main highly aggregate
a deespite the usee of disaggreegate calibraation methodds and
a essentially static in nature
n [1]. It is with thiis in mind, to
t anticipatee the future changes of Seoul
M n Area, dynaamic micro simulation
s m
model UrbanS
Sim has unddertaken intoo consideration on
K persppective sincee it is operattional and hhave been im
mplemented aand used forr policy analyses.
T principaal objective of
o this paper is to investiigate the Urb
banSim moddel architectuure and GIS func-

U (O
Opus) is open
n source sofftware whichh simulates th
he developm
ment of urbann areas, incluuding
land-use, traansportation, and environ
nmental imppacts, over time
t periodss and reflectt the main choice
m by keyy actors of urrban develop
pment proceess with prodducing severral models inncluding Acccessi-
b Models, Economicc and Demog
graphic Trannsition Mod
dels, the Houusehold and Employmennt Lo-
c Choicce and Reloccation Modeels, the Real Estate Development annd Land Pricce Model. Due
D to
c su
uch as overlaay, GIS havee long been used in land
d use modelling (CUF-1,CUF-2 Johnn and
Landis 1994,1998). However, in a modeling context, GIS can be used to present not only core map
but model outputs and performance indicators on a customer-driven basis [8]. In UrbanSim model,
GIS linkage is found in input and output parts. In input side, GIS based land parcel is importantly
needed for micro scale simulation which distinguish from any prior land use model since the availa-
bility of parcel-level data with spatial coordinates is a very recent phenomenon, and many metropoli-
tan areas still do not have complete coverage of the urban area [7]. Thus urbanism exploit the recent
GIS based land parcel data with GIS overlays for environmental features such as wetlands, flood
ways , planning boundary or other sensitive or regulated land or planning constrained.

Figure 2. Sample Simulation results from UrbanSim showing population density in

2000 and exported data in dbf file.
To support visualization in GIS environment such as ArcGIS or QGIS, the simulation results may be
exported to a database or geodatabase environment, and GIS software used to create a more interac-
tive and flexible display of the data.

1. Iacono,M. Levinson,D. Geneidy AE.(2008) Models of Transportation and Land Use Change: A Guide to
the Territory .Journal of Planning Literature, Vol.22, No. 4.
2. Opus User Guide 4.2.2,
3. Teerarojanarat,S. Fairbairn, D. and Chunithipaisan,S. (2004) Urban Growth Simulation with Urban-
Sim .Proceedings of the FOSS/GRASS Users Conference - Bangkok, Thailand.
4. Waddell, P. (2000). Monitoring and Simulating Land Capacity at the Parcel Level, in Monitoring Land
Supply with Geographic Information Systems: Theory, Practice and Parcel-Based Approaches, Vernez-
Moudon, A. and M. Hubner, eds., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York.
5. Waddell, P. (2002). UrbanSim: Modeling Urban Development for Land Use,Transportation and Envi-
ronmental Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 68(3), 297-314.
6. Waddell, P., & Ulfarsson, G. F. (2003) Introduction to Urban Simulation: Design andDevelopment of
Operational Models.
7. Waddel,P. Moore,T. and Edwards, S. (1998) Transportation, Land Use, and Air Quality: Making the
Connection Portland, Oregon : Exploiting Parcel-Level GIS for Land Use Modeling. ACSE Conference.
8. Wilson A.G. (1997) Land-use/Transportation Interaction Models. Past and Future. Journal of Trans- port
Economics and Policy, 32, 3-23.

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