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What is HTML?
HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can
then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, with the
basics being accessible to most people in one sitting; and quite powerful in what it allows you to
create. It is constantly undergoing revision and evolution to meet the demands and requirements
of the growing Internet audience under the direction of the W3C, the organisation charged with
designing and maintaining the language.

The definition of HTML is HyperText Markup Language.

HyperText is the method by which you move around on the web by clicking on special
text called hyperlinks which bring you to the next page. The fact that it is hyper just means it is
not linear i.e. you can go to any place on the Internet whenever you want by clicking on links
there is no set order to do things in.
Markup is what HTML tags do to the text inside them. They mark it as a certain type of
text (italicised text, for example).
HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and syntax like any other language.

What can html do?

1. Map Images
The HTML <map> elements can be used to create image maps. Image maps are basically
images with clickable areas on them, that can be hyperlinked to another web page or other parts
of the same document. You can define which areas of an image are clickable by simply
mentioning the corresponding X Y coordinates of those points in the <area> elements nested
inside <map>.
Note: The clickable areas cannot be styled through CSS so, if you want those markers to
be styled, use a simple image editing software to draw the markers.
Tip: If you want to know the coordinates for a point in an image, open the image in an
image editing software and move the cursor to that point, you should be able to see the
coordinates of it in the software itself. For GIMP it is shown at left side of the bottom bar.

2. Input suggestions
Use <datalist> to provide a list of relevant suggestions that appear while typing an input

3. Highlight Text
Highlighted text usually has dark text color with a light background. You can achieve that
highlighted text effect with markup alone. Any text enclosed inside the <mark> will have that
You can customize the highlight color with the background-color CSS property of
<mark> and the text color with the color property.
4. Define Templates
Along with HTML5 came the new <template> element. The <template> element holds
markup inside it that is not rendered by the browsers, the markup enclosed by it are to be used to
generate dynamic contents in the page using JavaScript.
For example, suppose you have a <table> where rows are to be added dynamically, you
can simply put the markup of an empty row of that table inside the <template> tag and when
needed call a JavaScript function containing script to copy the markup from inside the template
tags and add it to the table markup. This is not supported by IE.
5. Fine Print
Fine print refers to the text of document that is typically printed in very small size
containing information like conditions, terms, restrictions, citations, legal rights etc. The <small>
tag in HTML can be used to show fine prints. From HTML5 onwards the <small> tag not only
shows a fine-print styled text but will also semantically define the same as legal disclaimers and

Easy to learn compared to other languages.
Well-interpreted by browsers.
HTML Parsers are forgiving. If an element fails to parse it doesnt break the entire
document. (Does not apply to XHTML)
Light-weight. High signal to noise ratio compared to other forms of communication.
Has a vast (and expanding) array of structural and aesthetic elements that can infer
meaning and presentation.
Free. No license fees. DRM Free.
An Open Standard. Transparent.
Widely used, hugely popular.
Multiple languages supported.
Can go anywhere a browser can go: Multiple platforms supported

Requires a browser to interpret it correctly.
Open to author interpretation, therefore authors are the weakest link in the
communication chain.
Technical progress has been slow, limited by the Standards Bodies, Authors and the
tardiest browser to update. (This is improving though!)
The HTML Lexicon is set in American English. Requires extra interpretation by nonEnglish authors.
Being a Declarative Language, it has limited functional prowess compared to Functional

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