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A. Background
Originally developed for the application of high-performance motor that is
needed to operate smoothly range full speed,for generating at torque fullzero
speed, and has a dynamic performance of high inclusive and acceleration rapid
deceleration.However, it is becoming increasingly attractive for applications lower
performance is also due to the FOC motor size, cost and power consumption
reduction superiority. Expected with increased computing power of the
microprocessor that will eventually replace almost universally single-variable
scalar volt-per-Hertz (V / f) control.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What's Vector Control For Motor AC?
2. How to design Vector control for AC motors?
C. Problemgoal
1 Knowing what it's for Kedali vector for AC motors.
2. To determine the design of vector control for AC motors.


A. Basis Theory
A.1 Vector control
Vector control, also called field-oriented control (FOC),is a variablefrequency drive (VFD) control method in which the stator currents of the three
phases AC electric motors are identified as the two orthogonal components that
can be visualized by a vector. One of the defining components of the magnetic
flux of the motor, the other of torque. The control system calculates the drive of
the flux and torque reference given by the appropriate drive speed control
reference current component. Biasany aproportional-integral (PI) controller is
used to maintain current components measured at their reference values.

Modulasi lebar pulses of variable-frequency drive defines the transistor

switchingin accordance with the stator voltage reference which is the output of the
current PI controller.
A. 2 Design For Motor AC vector control
Vector control makes precise control of ac motors compared with scalar
control. Therefore they are used in drives high performance in which oscillations
in the air gap flux linkages unbearable, for example actuators robot, centrifugal,
servos, etc..
Why vector control provide dynamic performance superior to the ac motor
compared to the control scalar?
Controlling scalar effects clutch attached because both torque and flux is a
function of voltage or current and frequency. This causes slow response and prone
to instability due to harmonic orders 5. Vector control decouples this effect.
A.3 Torque Control of AC Motors
There is a close parallel between ac motor torque control and vector control
of ac motors. Therefore, it is useful to review the control torque of the motor ac
prior learning vector control of ac motor.
An ac motor has a field structure stationary (coils or magnetic basic
structure and the flux field and armature MMF is as follows:

Field of flux f f) generated by the field current If orthogonal to the

armature flux a a) generated by He is now haunted. The torque developed Te
can be written as:

Since the vectors are orthogonal, they are separated, the field current only
controls the flux and armature current only controlling armature flux.
AC motor- performance as can be achieved with an induction motor if the
motor control is considered in a synchronous rotating reference frame (de - qe)
which appears as a variable sinusoidal ac amount in the steady state. Two control
inputs id and IQ can be used for inverter control vector as shown in the next slide.

With vector control:

ids (induction motor) If (ac motor)
iqs (induction motor) Ia (ac motor)
Thus Spake torque is given by:

Where is the peak value vector sinusoidal space of motor performance - like
ac is only possible if the IQ * IQ control only and does not affect the flux, ie IQ
and id orthogonal in all operating conditions of the drive vector - controlled. Thus,
vector control must ensure the correct orientation and equality of command and
actual flows.
A.4 Circuit Equivalent To MotorInstruction
Complexequivalent circuit de - qe of an induction motor is shown in the
figure below (ignoring the rotor leakage inductance).

Due to the leakage inductance rotor has been neglected, rotor flux .Stator =
air gap flux vector current is the sum of the id and the vector IQ. Thus, the stator
current magnitude, associated with id and IQ by:

A.5 phasor diagrams To Instructions Motor AC

Steady state phasor (or vector) diagram for induction motor in de - qe
(synchronously rotating) frame of reference is as follows:

Vector parallel to the axis of the rotor flux de and voltage air gap parallel to
the axis qe. Terminal voltage Vs slight lead voltage air gap because the voltage
drop across the stator impedance. IQ contribution of real strength in the air gap
but IDS contribute only reactive power across an air gap.
The first figure shows an increase in IQ torque component current and the
second number shows an increase in the flux component current, id. Because the
orthogonal orientation of these components, torque and flux can be controlled
independently. However, it is necessary to maintain the orientation of this vector
under all operating conditions. How can we control the IQ and stator current
component id Are independent desired orientation?
A.6 Principles of Vector Control
Implementation of the basic concepts of vector control is described in the
block diagram below:

Note: Inverter omitted from this diagram

the motor phase currents, large scale, ib and ic converted to IDSS and iqss in
a stationary reference frame. This is then converted to synchronously rotating
reference frame dq current, id and IQ.
In the controller two transformations inverse is done:
1) From the synchronous d - q for stationary reference frame d - q;
2) From d * q * to b *, c *
There are two approaches to vector control:
1) oriented field current control Direct
- Here the rotation angle vector iqse with respect to the stator flux qr being
determined directly (for example by measuring the flux of air gap).
2) directly oriented field current control
- Here the rotor angle is measured indirectly, such as by measuring the speed of
A.7 Vector Control Jump
In direct vector control pitch angle is calculated by using the terminal
voltage and current sensors or Hall or rolls sense of flux.
A block diagram of a vector control method Direct use -Eating voltage
PWM inverter shown on the next slide

Main parameters of vector control, id * and IQ *, the dc value in the

reference frame rotating synchronously, converted to a stationary reference frame
(using rotation vector (VR) block) by using cos e and sinunit vectors e. This
stationary reference frame control parameters IDSS * and iqss * then changed to
the current command signal phase, ia *, ib * and ic * which is fed to the PWM
A control loop flux is used to precisely control the flux. Torque control is
achieved through the current IQ * generated from the speed control loop (which
includes a bipolar limiter which is not shown). Torque can be negative which
would result in the orientation of the negative phase for IQ in the phasor diagram.

Here de - qe frame rotating at synchronous speed e in relation to the

reference frame stationary ds - qs, and at any point of time, the angular position of
the axis de respect to ds axis e (= et).
From the phasor diagram we can write:


The cos e and sin e signal in the correct position of the phase are as follows:
Signal unit vectors of this, when used in the vector rotation block, cause id to
maintain orientation throughout the de - axis and orientation IQ along qe - axis.

A.8 History To Motor AC Vector Control

Block diagram of Blaschke's 1971 US patent application

Technical University Darmstadt K. Hasse and Siemens' F. Blaschke
pioneering control vectorof AC motor starting in 1968 and in early 1970, Hasse in
proposing indirect vector control, Blaschke in terms of proposing direct vector
control. Technical University Braunschweig Werner Leonhard FOC further
develop techniques and plays an important role in opening opportunities for AC
drives are becoming a competitive alternative for DC drives.
But it was not until after the commercialization of the microprocessor,which
in the early 1980s, that the general purpose AC drive becomes available. Barriers
to use FOC for applications AC drives include higher costs and complexity and
maintainability lower than the DC drives, FOC should until now required a lot of
electronic components in terms of sensors, amplifiers and so on.
Transformation Park has long been used extensively in the analysis and the
study of synchronous and induction machines. Transformation is by far the single
most important concept that is necessary for an understanding of how FOC works,
a concept which has first drafted actualizing in a 1929 paper written by Robert
H.Park. Papers Park was ranked the second most important in terms of impact out
of all paper power engineering related ever published in the twentieth century

Overview of key competing control platform



sensor or

V / f(Volts per Hertz)


vector control
DSC (self-control


vectors Space)
FOC (field control-oriented)

Signal Flow Graph (SFG) for Induction Motor


PTP Equation

(d, q) Coordinate System superimposed on Three -phase Induction motors

directly SimpleBlock DiagramFOC


SimpleDirectFOCBlock Diagram

FOC sensorBlock Diagram

While the analysis of AC drive control can be technically quite involved
("See also" section), the analysis always starts with modeling -Motor drive
circuits involved in along the lines of the accompanyingflow chart and signal
In the vector control, AC induction or synchronous motor is controlled
under all operating conditions such as separately excited. Motor DC That is, the
AC motor behaves like a DC motor in which the field flux linkage and
armaturelinkage flux made by each field and armature (or component of torque)
current ortogona laligned so that, when the torque is controlled, linkages field flux
is not affected, thus enabling torque response dynamic.


Vector control in accordance generate three-phase PWM output voltage of

the motor derived from complex whole voltage vector control vector of the
current complex derived from a three-phase stator input current motor via a
projection orrotation back and forth between the speed of a three-phase system
time and dependent and vector 'spin reference-frame two-coordinate system time
A.1 Conclusions


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