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Tagiafouga Alofipo
Theory Analysis Paper
Communication 2050-400
Spiral of Silence Theory

The Spiral of Silence Theory dates back to the 1930s and has been around
our society since media invented television. Regardless of the authors preInternet theory, it still holds truths today. I will define the Spiral of Silence
Theory to the best of my knowledge. Not only to understand what the
theorys true meaning is, but to state its current status nowadays, inform
more on the background, and authors credibility. I will analyze the theory
throughout the communication journals, scholarly text books, and credible
sources online. I will state the strengths, weakness, and also include my own
recommendations. I hope to give my reader a better understanding of the
theory and how they could apply it through their daily lives.

Theory Definitions and Approaches

Idea that people holding views contrary to those dominant in the
media are moved to keep those views to themselves from fear of rejection.
(Noelle-Neumann) Those who are in the minority in a social public group
discussion will be unlikely to speak up in the group therefore going down in a
spiral of communication. Then you have those in the majority that will have
the confidence to speak up more often in a social public group discussion
and voice their opinions even when it wasnt asked for. One important
influence on our opinions is the media. The media has shaped who we are as
a society today. (textbook) Basically those who are part of the minority in a
public group discussion are frightened from isolation pressure and accept the
belief of (the majority) others.
The theorist of the Spiral of Silence Theory is Elisabeth NoelleNeumann. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann first presented the spiral of silence
theory in two scientific articles in 1974. In 1980, the first book on the spiral
of silence was published in German followed by the first edition in English in
1984. (Blog). The approach to the Spiral of Silence theory is
Empirical/Scientific. At the core of the Spiral Theory is a term that is
commonly accepted but one that she felt was misconstrued: public opinion

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(textbook). Noelle-Neumann noticed that the public opinion was misleading.

Although it was many years since she established more definitions then she
intended for public opinion, none satisfied her at the time. She divided the
term public opinion into two meanings: public and opinion.
According to the theory, if the majority of people hold an opinion
opposite mine, then I may be hesitant to voice my opinion in public. This is
especially true if I perceive that my opinion is likely to lose more support in
the future. (journal 2) The Spiral of Silence Theory is for sure outdated due
to the internet, social media, and other media sources in our lives now days.
Although Noelle-Neumanns interpretation of the media, still influences and
supports the structure of the theory even with the media we have today.

Current Theory Status

The Spiral Silence Theory is still around today and applies to almost
everyones daily lives. Mostly because media is involved with everyones
lives in our society today. Several authors have acknowledged the relevance
of Noelle-Neumanns theory of the spiral of silence, and it has been tested in
many studies, which frequently have a clear focus on political
environments. (Journal 1) Some social media creators and supporters have
hoped that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter might produce
different enough discussion venues that those with minority views might feel
freer to express their opinions, thus broadening public discourse and adding
new perspectives to everyday discussion of political issues. (PewResearch)
I have not found any new modifications to this certain theory, but
many researchers and theorists have used her theory for their individual
train test to their own communication research. Mostly dealing with online
communication and how spiral of silence theory is related. The theory is used
through many of our generation social media accounts in 2014-2016.
Regarding to Pew research certain social media creators used their website
to voice the opinions of the minority group. However, Noelle-Neumanns
theory states that the media influences the majority opinions.

Theory Evaluation and Improving

The Spiral of Silence Theory has a few weaknesses Ive noticed through the
research I attempted to find with the new modifications. The two important
points of weaknesses of the theory is one, the internet levels out the playing
field for all (minority and majority) opinions. Without the platform of the
internet (media) the majority opinion usually dominates the minority. The

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internet allows the minority to voice their opinion because they are not face
to face with the social group (giving them more confidence). Through the
media today you are unable to interpret who is the minority or who is the
Second, is the voice of the minority. Basically many of the minority is
overcoming the downward Spiral of Silence due to the internet (media) we
have today. For example, we all know that one person with an outrageous
opinion will voice their opinion over and over again on social media. Due to
this factor theyre outside of the effects of Spiral of Silence.
Regardless of the weaknesses of the theory there will always be room for
improvements to every theory. The Spiral of Silence is being used by many
researchers to test their own theory today. One of the main strengths about
the theory is how it could definitely help those that are in the social minority
today. Those who fear public speaking or being isolated from a social public
group. The theory could help in numerous of ways.
In addition, ideas for improvements would be just updating the Spiral
of Silence theory to social media instead of just television media. Also
include certain ages on how it effects adolescents growing up or adults
today. Since there are variety of media now days and how it is accessed
through the palm of our hands.

In the end the theory is highly effective and lives up to its truths today. The
Spiral of Silence Theory was purposely created due to the German Nazi war.
Ive learned so much from the Analysis paper and how many scholars today
still use a theory from 1970s. This theory is very famous for its studies and
how communication is related to media. I expect that the Spiral of Silence
Theory will be used in the near future as well. Due to all the media and
technology we are always updating there will be no end to this theory.

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Anstead, N., Cammaerts, B., and Garland, R. (2013). The Spiral of Silence and
Social Media: Analyzing Noelle-Neumanns Phenomenon Application on
the Web during the Italian Political Elections of 2013. Houghton Street,
London: Media @ LSE. pp.3-10
sertationSeries/2013/105-Malaspina.pdf ( journal 1)
Breen, M., Shoemaker, P., Stamper, M. Fear of Social Isolation: Testing an
Assumption from the Spiral of Silence. Irish Communications Journal.
doi= (journal 2)
Dwyer, M., Hampton, K., Rainie, L., Purcell, K., and Shin, I.(2014) Social
Media and The Spiral of Silence. Pew Research Center.
MCT (2010). Spiral of Silence Blog. Mass Communication Theories.
West, Richard; Turner, Lynn (2014). Introducing Communication Theory
Analysis and Application. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. pp.

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