Techniqes of Metal Forming Technology

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Controlling flow and obtaining stretch in deep draw operations

Addressing the difficulties in obtaining a wrinkle-free stamped part requires a good

understanding of metal flow and how it is affected by draw beads

Figure 1
Obtaining a wrinkle-free part and the desired percentage of stretch in a deep drawn part
sometimes can be very frustrating and time-consuming. Wrinkles, fractures, loose metal,
buckles, and oil canning are everyday problems in the die build and stamping industry.
Addressing these difficulties requires a good understanding of metal flow and how it is
affected by draw beads, step beads, and draw bars, as well as the effects of part geometry.
This article focuses on the principles of specifying, designing, and troubleshooting these four
basic elements.

Draw Beads
Draw beads are rib-like projections mounted on either the binder or the draw ring surface that
restrict and control metal flow into the die cavity and over the punch of a draw die. Simply
put, draw beads act as speed bumps for material traveling into the die cavity.
Imagine yourself in your car traveling at 55 miles per hour. Ahead, you see a speed bump
with a gradual, gently flowing radius. Unless you are a stunt driver, chances are that you
would decelerate before contacting the bump to allow yourself to pass over it smoothly.
If instead of a speed bump in the road you saw a large cement curb ahead, you most likely
would brake hard so that you could drive very slowly over the obstacle. If the curb were too
high, you might elect not to go over it at all.
Your decision on how fast to travel over either obstacle is based, in part, on the obstruction's
geometry. Draw beads use the same basic principle to control material that is pulled into a die
cavity by the vertical action of a stamping press.
Draw beads force material to bend and unbend before entering a die cavity. This action
creates a restraining force on the sheet metal, which causes the material to enter the die cavity
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at a reduced rate and at a reduced volume. The height, shape, and size of a draw bead and
bead cavity govern the amount of restrictive force generated. A sharp draw bead and cavity
radius decrease metal flow, while a large draw bead and cavity radius allow material to flow
more freely (see Figure 1).

Step Beads
A step bead is very similar in function to a conventional half-round draw bead, except that it
has a different shape. Step beads typically are located on the outside perimeter of the binder
punch opening. This location allows for optimal metal flow control close to the draw punch
and affords an opportunity for material savings.
Step beads can be set with less force than can conventional half-round draw beads, and often
they reduce the amount of strain hardening that occurs during the bending and unbending
process. Strain hardening is reduced primarily because material is subjected to less bending
and unbending when step beads are used (see Figure 2).
Draw beads can be machined, welded, or inserted on top of or into the draw ring or binder
surface of a draw die. Because draw and step beads usually are subjected to a great deal of
abrasive and adhesive wear, they must be made from very wear-resistant tool steel. In
addition, they must blend gradually into the surface on which they are located. This blended
transition gradually changes the restrictive force, reducing the possible shearing or tearing
action of the "rind" or addendum areas of the drawn shell.

Figure 2
Determining the best location for a draw bead is a judgment call based primarily on part
geometry. Deeper areas of a drawn shell require more material flow; shallow areas of the
shell consume less material. Material consumption between the two surfaces can be estimated
using length-of-line analysis.
To keep excess material from flowing into the shallow areas of a part, draw or step beads
must be designed in the feeding areas of the binder surface. Experimenting with sandpaper or
grit cloth between the binder and draw ring surface can help determine the best location for a
draw bead. Because of their abrasive natures, the materials act as grippers to help hold
material and prevent it from going into the die cavity, thus mimicking draw beads.
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Another experimental process to help determine the best location for a draw bead involves
increasing the blank size in the proposed area. The additional material between the binder and
the draw ring increases the blank restraint force and indicates where a draw bead can be

Draw Bars
Draw bars are bumps or semirounded "miniposts" that are used extensively in Class A surface
stampings, for which stretch and dent resistance are critical for achieving an acceptable
appearance. They differ from draw beads in that they are part of a draw punch rather than the
Draw bars must be placed outside the final part geometry and typically are in the more
shallow sections of a drawn part (see Figure 3). They have two main functions:
1. To hold the blank up off of the post surface
2. To equalize material consumption within a given part geometry
3. When the blank can be held up off the post surface, an opportunity for
obtaining stretch presents itself. Once the blank has been locked off on the
vertical draw wall, material will be forced to stretch between the draw

Part Geometry
The shape of the draw punch often dictates the amount of stretch that can be achieved during
the drawing action. Simply put, wherever there is a large male radius on the punch or die
cavity, the metal will stretch and flow. Small radii tend to lock off or limit stretching and
flowing of material. When parts are designed properly, extensive flow and stretch can occur
in both the product and from the binder area.
The draw punch in Figure 4 has a small radius on the punch. This small radius forces
material to be pulled primarily from the binder area. If the draw ratio is extreme, the part
most likely will split in the vertical wall of the drawn shell. Because the small radius on the
punch does not promote material flow, little or no stretch will occur in the center product area
of the part.
The draw punch in Figure 5 has a large radius on the punch. This larger radius pulls and
stretches material from both the binder and the product areas. This punch shape is most
desirable when trying to achieve overall maximum stretch in the entire product area.
In another possible arrangement, the draw punch has a large radius on the perimeter of the
shell and a small radius on the inside profile of the punch cavity. In addition, the die cavity
post has a large radius. This product shape allows material to be pulled from both flat areas of
the part and from the binder area.
Finally, the draw punch could have large radii on the outer profile of the punch and the inner
profile of the punch cavity. The cavity has a small radius. This product design tends to pull
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and stretch material from the outer flat portion of the product area, as well as from the binder

Figure 3

Tooling Is Not Always the Answer

Understanding the basic principles of obtaining stretch and eliminating wrinkles can prove to
be most valuable when troubleshooting drawn parts.
All too often, draw beads are used in an attempt to obtain stretch and reduce wrinkling when
the basic part shape is not conducive to stretch and could be altered without affecting fit or
function. Successful stretch can be obtained through the use of draw beads, draw bars, and
changes in part and addendum geometry.

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Figure 1:
Addendum types enable or improve the stamping of a sheet metal part. A draw
wall, for example, connects the trim line and the punch opening line.
R&D Update: Design rules for forming aluminum stampingsPart 2

Addendum design methods for aluminum stampings

Editor's Note: This column was prepared by the staff of the Engineering Research Center for
Net Shape Manufacturing (ERC/ NSM), The Ohio State University, Professor Taylan Altan,
director. It is the second of a two-part series on the topic of stamping of aluminum alloys. The
first part was published in the May/June issue and discussed part design considerations and
practical part and tooling design rules. This issue's article covers addendum design
methodology for improving the formability of aluminum stampings.
Addendum types are additional die features that enable or improve the stamping of a sheet
metal part. They usually are located inside the punch opening line (die contour) but outside of
the trimming line (seeFigure 1). They are removed by the trimming operation.
Addendums serve three purposes:
1. They are necessary for their transition features depending on the chosen blank holder
2. They help prevent wrinkling and tearing.
3. They facilitate subsequent process steps, such as flanging.
Addendum types should be used only when absolutely necessary. The decision to use them is
made by the designers and the tryout experts, who usually base their decision on experience.
Commonly used addendum types are draw walls, drawbars, stretch walls, gainers, pillows,
and bubbles. Draw walls and drawbars are the types most commonly chosen by die designers.

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Figure 2:
Draw walls are used to match height differences between the blank holder
surface and the product surface.

Draw Walls
A draw wall is a straight connection from the edge of the part to the punch opening line on
the blank holder (seeFigure 1). The varying parameters are the length, angle, and radii used

Figure 3:
Draw beads have to be located 16 to 20 mm apart from the die radius. This large
radius helps to distribute the strains more equally.

at both ends.
Draw walls are used to match height differences between the blank holder surface and the
product surface (see Figure 2). They also are used to control the amount of metal drawn into
the cavity by varying the length and the angle.
The draw wall's punch radius should be about 20 millimeters for aluminum stampings (see
Figure 3). This large radius helps to distribute the strains more equally, whereas a smaller
radius leads to a strain concentration near the die corner, which may cause failure. The same
conditions apply to the die radius. A die radius of 10 millimeters usually is sufficient for
aluminum stampings.
The minimum angle that should be used for a draw wall is 6 degrees. This angle should
increase as the draw depth increases to prevent severe forming conditions. If the amount of
drawing into the die cavity is not large, then a larger angle can be used to design the draw
wall. If the design requires draw beads, they will be most effective if placed 16 to 20
millimeters away from the die radius (see Figure 3).
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Figure 4:
Drawbars look like exaggerated draw beads. The male bar usually is part of the
punch, and the female bar is in the die.

Drawbars (see Figure 4) look like exaggerated draw beads. The male bar usually is part of
the punch, and the female bar is in the die. Drawbars are used to eliminate wrinkling by
compensating for the excess metal caused by the differences in draw depth.
A punch radius of nine to 12 times the sheet thickness along the straight sides and a minimum
radius of 12 times the sheet thickness in the corners are suggested. The die radius should be
nine times the sheet thickness along the straight sides and nine to 12 times the sheet thickness
in the corners. The drawbar radius should be a minimum of 20 millimeters.
A distance of 16 to 20 millimeters from the draw bead usually is sufficient for aluminum
stampings. The dimensions in Figure 4are given for aluminum sheet metal with a thickness
of 1 millimeter.
A basic consideration in the tryout stage is to lower the depth or increase the radius of the
drawbar if tearing occurs. Wrinkling is eliminated by increasing the depth or decreasing the
radius. Also, the depth of the drawbars may influence the trim line considerations.Sometimes

Figure 5:
Sometimes the depth of the drawbar has to be increased to provide enough
space for the trimming tool. The trimming line should not be on a radius but on a
straight surface. Therefore, any addendum radius should start about 6 mm
below the trimming line.

the depth of the drawbar has to be increased to provide enough space for the trimming tool.
The trimming line should not be on a radius but on a straight surface. Therefore, any
addendum radius should start about 6 millimeters below the trimming line (see Figure 5).
Taylan Altan is a professor and director of the Engineering Research Center for Net Shape
Manufacturing, 339 Baker Systems, 1971 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210-1271, phone 614Page 7 of 29

292-9267, fax 614-292-7219, Web site The ERC/NSM conducts

research and development; educates students; and organizes workshops, tutorials, and
conferences for the industry in stamping, tube hydroforming, forging, and machining.

T. Burk, "Addendum Design Methodology and Tool Design for Aluminum Sheet Metal
Forming," Diploma Thesis, Metal Forming Institute, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 199

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Forming simulation in the vehicle development process

Latest techniques for deep drawing and stretch forming
The vehicle development process has been influenced by increasing requirements for quicker
and less costly development cycles, combined with reduced vehicle fuel consumption. These
requirements are being addressed by new product and process development concepts and the
increasing use of high-strength steel and aluminum.

For automotive sheet metal parts, the simulation of forming processes such as deep drawing
and stretch forming is growing in importance, which is impacting product design, process
engineering, and material selection.
Sheet metal forming simulations of automotive body parts can be categorized according to
the method used, such as one-step or accurate incremental finite element simulation, and the
stage of the development process at which they are implemented.
Typically, at the beginning stages in a vehicle's development cycle (for example, during
concept development or in the early prototype phase), simulations can only be done with onestep methods because process engineering or tool construction has not yet been carried out.
One-step methods typically provide preliminary feedback, such as a rough estimate of the
location (but not the absolute value) of critical strain or wrinkling zones in the sheet.
To obtain more accurate results, incremental simulations are required. In the case of forming
processes such as deep drawing or stretch forming, the simulation needs to correctly model
the tools (punch, die, blankholder) and forming parameters (blank shape, blankholder forces,
drawbeads, etc.). To do this, a computer-aided design (CAD) model of the tooling is required,
which is usually available only during later prototype phases or when production tooling is
With incremental simulations, automotive product designers and process engineers can very
accurately model and determine the feasibility of manufacturing parts such as side panels,
fenders, frames, pillars, hoods, etc. Die geometry and manufacturing process parameters can
also be optimized.

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As a result, the use of simulation methods can lead to cost savings in tool construction and
die tryout phases if fully integrated into the development process. Then, simulations can
significantly reduce the overall development time and increase product quality.
This article discusses the integration of sheet metal forming simulations in the vehicle
development process. It considers the different phases in a vehicle's development, the
different simulation methods that are applicable, and the data required for each case. It also
describes the results that can be achieved from the simulations.

Vehicle Development Objectives

A feature of vehicle development in recent years has been a growing insistence on speeding
up the process and lowering the cost of developing vehicles that weigh less. This is done with
a more extensive use of high-strength steels, aluminum, magnesium, and plastics, and the
steadily increasing use of tailored blanks.
Making components out of these materials poses problems, because the forming process is
more complicated than with mild steel, and fabricators have less experience with it.
Therefore, simulating the forming process at the development stage is becoming more
Figure 1 shows the typical phases in the development of a vehicle. Today, a number of
simulation techniques are available for achieving the different objectives at the respective

Figure 1

Forming Simulation at the Concept Evaluation/Design Phase

During this phase, the designer of the part can take into account various forming issues. One
way for the designer to do this is by practical experience. However, for new materialshighstrength steels, aluminum, and magnesiummany detailed questions have not yet been fully
answered, so experience does not help determine how the parts should be made.
Expert systems contain knowledge that can be called upon at any time. However, the care and
maintenance of a large database are major tasks. In addition, users must have self-discipline
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to surrender their knowledge to that of the expert system. Finally, questions still exist about
the use of new materials.
The forming simulation method chosen depends on the results to be obtained and the data
available at the particular phase of development. Figure 3 shows the input data and typical
results of one-step simulation methods. With these methods, usually only the component's
geometry is needed for the simulation. The material characteristics and the sheet thickness are
sufficient bases from which to obtain a first indication of the part's feasibility.
More accurate one-step results can be obtained by including elements in the mathematical
model to allow for the important influence of the tool (blankholder, drawbeads, etc.). For
example, one program automatically generates a simplified addendum and flange, which
make a good basis for more exact calculations (see Figure 4). In addition, these surfaces can
be used for later tool design and method plans.
Using this technique even at this early stage, the blankholder force, drawbeads, and friction
under the blankholder can be calculated, always taking into account the material in question.
Currently, the outcome of a one-step simulation must be viewed as a rough assessment of
feasibility. Even so, in the early stages of development, the results are precise enough to
allow the design of a feasible component that the methods planner can approve.

Incremental Methods in the Prototype Phase

More accurate calculations for optimizing the process can be gained with the aid of
incremental methods. Here, the forming process can be replicated exactly, and, starting with a
blank, the deformation can be calculated as it will happen in the press.
Necessary for this simulation is a CAD description of the tools (see Figure 5). This data,
however, is not available until later in the vehicle's development (prototype phase,
preproduction stage). The integration of incremental methods into the development process
will therefore occur mainly at these later stages.
Other input data includes the material characteristics and a description of the process
parameters. Incremental simulations yield all the relevant parameters that interest the forming
expert, from strain distribution, sheet thickness, and cracks, for example, to springback in the
trimmed part, stress distribution, and hardening. Hence, with these methods, it is possible to
optimize the tool as well as the component.
A methods plan is drawn up on the basis of the part's geometry, which may be known
approximately or exactly, depending on the stage of development.

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Figure 2
If no simulations are done, the tool is then machined. Only when the tool is completed can
the part feasibility be verified. Any alterations require laborious reworking in the tool shop
and possibly a changed methods plan or modified part geometry, which is still possible at this
If incremental forming simulation is used when developing the prototype tool (see Figure 6),
time and costs can be saved. Almost all refinements and modifications of the CAD surface
data can be done before starting to make the tool. For example, one die manufacturer reduced
total die tryout time from 44 to 20 weeks (more than 50 percent) using incremental
simulations on a floor panel assembly of eight parts. Required changes in the methods plan
can also be quickly identified.
Furthermore, precise information can be obtained on the process reliability and the likely
feasibility limits by selectively varying the individual process parameters such as material
characteristics and sheet thickness.

Incremental Methods at the Preproduction Phase

When integrating forming simulation into the making of regular production tools, the issues
are different than at the prototype phase. The part's geometry is essentially final, so changes
in geometry must be avoided at all costs. The main objective is therefore to ensure process
reliability, which is necessary for mass production. In addition, the component must be of the
required quality, such as for external automotive parts that are visible to the customer.
Much as in the prototype phase, the methods plan is prepared first, and then the tool is
designed. Traditionally, the tool is then made, but not until the tryout phase can the
production process be deemed reliable. Changes at this point are very costly in terms of time
and money.
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In the worst case, the tryout may reveal that the part cannot be made, which would mean a
revision of the press setup or even alterations to the part, at great expense.
By integrating forming simulation into the development process (see Figure 7), the tool can
be verified before buying the die castings, so that changes can be made at a reasonable cost.
By varying the process parameters, process reliability and component quality can be
For example, one automobile manufacturer developed a draw die that could not produce parts
to its specifications. This $200,000 die was going to be written off as unusable, but the
manufacturer carried out incremental simulations to optimize the press parameters and was
then able to produce parts with allowable tolerances.
Work at the tryout stage is then restricted to optimizing the pressure distribution in the binder,
which, because of manufacturing tolerances, cannot be calculated in advance.

Designing Tailored Blanks

When tailored blanks are employed for a component, it is possible to use the right sheet
material of the right thickness in the right place. Unfortunately, the location of the weld seam
as determined in the design phase (for instance, to minimize weight) frequently creates
problems in manufacturing. Here, forming simulation offers a way to position the seam early
on to ensure reliable production.

Figure 3
A new method for simulating tailored blanks has been developed. With this method, in the
case of blanks made up of different sheet gauges, it is not necessary to replicate the different
thicknesses in the tool.
Various thicknesses are allowed for in the contact algorithm of the simulation program, so if
the seam location is altered, geometry changes in the tool are not needed. It is thus possible in
a few hours to calculate various alternative positions for the seam and to optimize the weld
site with regard to the forming operation.
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Simulation of the deep-drawing process is an important step at every stage of a vehicle's
development. Applying simulation techniques consistently in each development phase can
save on the cost of tools and the time spent making them.
In particular, when using tailored blanks, forming simulation can be used to optimize the
weld seam location before the tool is made. Through simulations, process reliability of the
tools and quality of the components can also be improved.

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Die Science: Developing forming dies - Part I

Steps 1 and 2
Determining the best die geometry to produce multicontoured formed parts can be difficult. A
full understanding of the drawing and stretching process is necessary, as well as a good
understanding of all tooling factors to make complex geometries.
Editor's Note: This is first installment of a three-part series that discusses die
development for producing nonuniform, contoured parts by breaking the process
down into eight steps. Part I covers the part material, its form, and its function.
Part II discusses length-of-line analysis and tip angle. Part III discusses unfolding
the part, blank holder shape, addendum features, and virtual die tryout.

Determining the best die geometry to produce multicontoured formed parts can be difficult.
Developing die geometry for a formed part with simple axial symmetry is easy compared
with die geometry for a nonuniform contoured part.
Examples of difficult part geometries are automotive underbodies, contoured body panels, oil
pans, and frame rails. Most tall contoured parts require an abundance of stretch and flow to
obtain the part geometry. A full understanding of the drawing and stretching process is
necessary to produce these parts. In addition, it's important that the process engineer has a
good understanding of all tooling factors required to make such complex geometries.

Finite Element Analysis

Most tool and die shops produce difficult contoured part shapes with a forming simulation,
such as finite element analysis (FEA). FEA provides some of the necessary data necessary to
make die geometry changes.
However, keep in mind that FEA provides results for only the process and geometry that were
programmed into it. Forming simulation software does not design the die for you; it only
provides the results of what you have already designed. It's up to the process engineer and die
designer to determine the starting die geometry. Once this geometry is established, it now can
be tested using FEA.
I will take you step by step through the development process. However, each step does not
have to take place in the order shown.

Step 1: Determine Part Metal Type, Grade, and Thickness

A die can't be designed effectively without this critical data. I have been in situations where
my client asked me how to make a part but the only data he could give me was that it was
made of steel.
What kind of steel? How thick is it? His answer? "We'll figure that out later. Right now I just
want to know if it can be made." I told him I couldn't make a decision without more data on
the steel. Thousands of material types are being stamped today, and understanding your
metal's behavior when it's stretched and drawn is critical for success.

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Some metals require annealing after forming, while others may be formed multiple times
without annealing. Many metals stretch well, while others stretch very little. Some metals are
hard and abrasive, and others are soft and ductile. Various metal types exhibit a lot of
springback, while others have very little. And some metals may not be able to take a certain
shape in a conventional stamping process, so they may require a different process, such as
casting or forging.
Each metal has its own behavior, and the die geometry should be created with respect to this
behavior. If you don't know the metal type or behavior, find out before you attempt to
develop a die geometry and process. Basic data you need to know are metal type, thickness,
elongation, chemistry, and hardness.
Most of this data can be found in a metallurgical handbook or online. Also, keep in mind that
the metal being formed also is going to affect your judgment with respect to the tool steel or
die materials necessary to form the part. Don't attempt to develop a die without this data.
Figure 1 shows a variety of materials formed into difficult contoured geometries. Each metal
can affect the die geometry.

Step 2: Study the Part

Take the time to fully analyze a part's shape to understand its function. If the part is a section
of a larger assembly, analyze how it attaches. Look for areas that can be changed to make it
easier to manufacture but won't affect its function.
In the automotive industry, the sooner you can present a product concession, the better chance
you have of getting that particular product change. As time goes by, you'll find that getting an
engineering change is comparable to passing an act of Congress. This is because most of the
performance data already has been collected and passed. Key tests, such as a crash test, may
require repeating if a part is altered.
Work with your customer on the process. If the customer has made similar parts in the past, it
may be able to assist you with creating the die geometry and process. This collaboration can
save time, frustration, and money.
Tolerances. Small differences in tolerance will affect the blank size, number of operations
needed, and the die geometry. For example, for a 15-inch by 17-in., noncritical contoured
part, the general form tolerance is 2 mm (profile of surface) and tolerance on the trim line is
4 mm. A great deal of tolerance, depending on part geometry, may allow you to produce the
part from a fully developed blank.
In other words, the starting blank's profile will represent the finished part profile. However, if
the tolerance is reduced to 0.5 mm and the trim tolerance to 1 mm, the part must be
trimmed after drawing and most likely will require a second form die to achieve the
necessary tolerances.
Flatness. Part flatness is one of the most difficult geometric features to obtain in a
conventional stamping process. Other tolerances to consider are parallelism, cylindricity,
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concentricity, angularity, straightness, and perpendicularity. Also look for items such as burr
direction and burnish or shear lengths.
In the next issue we will continue examining tolerances and how they affect the forming
process. In later issues I'll address the development of items such as binder shapes,
addendum, and blanks. Length of line analysis, draw bead and bar placement, and many other
elements also will be discussed.

Die Science: Developing forming dies - Part II

Steps 3 and 4
Editor's Note: This is first installment of a three-part series that discusses die development
for producing nonuniform, contoured parts by breaking the process down into eight steps.
Part I covers the part material, its form, and its function. Part II discusses length-of-line
analysis and tip angle. Part III discusses unfolding the part, blank holder shape, addendum
features, and virtual die tryout.
The previous column discussed designing dies for contoured parts from critical data,
provided by finite element analysis. It also walked you though the initial steps you need to
take to develop such a die design Step 1: Determine Metal Type and Grade, and Step 2:
Study the Part. Now we move on to Steps 3 and 4.

Step 3: Conduct a Length-of-Line Analysis

In an ideal drawing die, regardless of part geometry, the same amount of metal will flow
inward from the blank holder around the entire draw punch perimeter. Keep in mind that
while this is ideal, it's extremely difficult and usually results in a great deal of wasted
A length-of-line analysis is a process of measuring the linear distance through different part
areas. It's often performed using tape, string, or a rotary map measuring tool. Determining the
linear distance from area to area reveals two important things. First, it shows how much metal
will be consumed from one part area to another. This data can be recorded and used later to
help develop a die addendum. Second, it often reveals the need for more than one forming
For example, a typical oil pan usually is made using two or more forming operations because
of the severe difference in part depth from one area to another (see Figure 1). Another reason
is that part depth differences are right next to each other. Severe changes in draw depth over a
small distance often require more that one operation.
To successfully make the deep portion of the oil pan, a great deal of metal must flow inward.
Unfortunately, because the shallow area of the pan is right next to the deep end, it also will
receive nearly the same amount of metal, resulting in severe wrinkling or double metal in the
transition area between the deep and shallow portions.
If a metal restrictor such as a draw bead is used to reduce wrinkling, it also reduces flow to
the deep area. The result is a split next to a wrinkle. This is an extremely difficult geometry to
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make in a single conventional forming die. The best way to solve these problems is to
partially form the deep portion so it's flush with the top side of the shallow portion. If the
punch is completely surrounded with the blank holder, metal isn't allowed to wrinkle. The
second drawing die forms the remainder of the depth.

Step 4: Determine the Tip Angle

Knowledge and experience in metal flow, draw ratio theory, and stretch distribution are
helpful for this step. To aid in this process, I use part models. A part model gives the process
engineer a true feel for the product in its entirety. Creating a part model also may reveal
features you didn't know existed. It's hard to get a good feel for part geometry from a 2-D part
This model can be an early prototype or a plastic foam, wood, or plastic model made by
stereolithography. If you have 3-D software, a physical model may not be necessary. Try to
tip the part to maximize punch contact with the blank while designing the majority of its
features. Look for negative angles and how rotating the part to make these features affects the
punch contact surface areas.

To reduce part forming severity and to maximize punch contact, it may be necessary to obtain
its negative features by rotating the part in a secondary operation or using cam slides. For
parts that have Class A surface requirements, look for features that must remain "neutral" on
the product. These product features often are called character or feature lines. A classic
example of this type of feature is the crisp, clean depression along an automotive door (see
Figure 2).

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Figure 1
An oil pan is an example of a part that usually is made using two or more forming operations
because of the severe difference in part depth from one area to another.
Feature lines must go into the part near the bottom of the press stroke while there is no
movement of material on the forming punch. To achieve this, the addendum must be balanced
on both sides of the feature line. In other words, the amount of restraining force created with
the blank holder and items such as draw beads must be balanced with respect to the
centerline. If the force is greater on one side than the other, the metal may move on the punch
while the feature line is being formed. This will result in a surface defect.
Keep in mind, this does not mean that the feature line must remain in the center of the
forming punch. However, the forces created during forming must be balanced. In addition,
look for critical features that must have a Class A surface. These features must be protected
by not allowing a great deal of metal to flow over the feature. Also consider how much metal
will be wasted. Try also to tip the part so it can be direct-trimmed. Cams, although often
necessary, add a great deal of cost to the tool and require more maintenance.
For some parts, the amount of waste generated to create a nice-looking part may be more
costly than using less material and accepting a less visually appealing part. A classic example
of these visual sacrifices can be seen on some inner structural automotive parts.
Although I am attempting to describe the process of developing a forming die in a step-bystep method, each of the processing steps is interactive. Changes in each step may affect a
judgment made in a different step. A good process engineer looks at all of the steps and
understands this interactivity. In the next issue, I will begin discussing the process of
unfolding the part and developing the blank holder shape.
Until next time ... Best of luck!

Figure 2
For parts that require a Class A surface finish, look for features that must remain neutral on
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the product. A classic example of this type of feature is a crisp, clean depression along an
automotive door.

Die Science: Developing forming dies - Part III

Steps 5 - 8
Editor's Note: This is third installment of a three-part series that discusses die
development for producing nonuniform, contoured parts by breaking the process
down into eight steps. Part I covers the part material, its form, and its function.
Part II discusses length-of-line analysis and tip angle. Part III discusses unfolding
the part, blank holder shape, addendum features, and virtual die tryout.

Part I discussed designing dies for contoured parts from critical data, provided by finite
element analysis. It also walked you through the initial steps you need to take to develop such
a die design Step 1: Determine Metal Type and Grade, and Step 2: Study the Part. Part II
walked you through Step 3: Conduct a Length-of-line Analysis and Step 4: Determine the Tip
Angle. Now we move on to Steps 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Step 5: Unfold the Part

In many cases, it's not possible to create the entire part geometry in a single forming
operation. It's often necessary to 'unfold the part,' which means incorporating bends and
flanges into the forming die.
To see a classic example of the unfolding process, look at an outer automotive door panel. An
automotive door panel must contain a flange around its parameter so it can be attached and
hemmed to the inner door panel. The process of unfolding the part also allows for a larger
portion of the part to be direct-trimmed (see Figure 1). Direct trimming is a less expensive
process than cam trimming (see Figure 2). Three guidelines for unfolding part geometry are:
1. Avoid leaving exposed Class A flanges on the blank holder surface.
2. Unexposed features can be left on the blank holder surface.
3. Unfold the part so that it can be direct-trimmed without creating poor trim

Step 6: Develop the Blank Holder Shape

The shape of the blank holder, or binder, is critical when developing forming die geometry. A
poorly developed blank holder shape can result in forming defects such as splits, wrinkling,
and surface defects. The shape the sheet metal takes when it conforms to the blank holder
often is referred to as the binder or blank holder wrap.

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Wrap geometry is important if you're attempting to form an exposed body panel. For
example, if the blank takes a shape that puts a severe wrinkle or crease in the metal before
punch contact, chances are there will be evidence of this crease deformation at the end of the
forming process. Using a poorly developed blank holder shape also can result in wasted
material, as well as poor punch contact conditions.
When determining a blank holder shape, maximize the area of the forming punch that
contacts the blank simultaneously. Design the blank holder so the depth of form is as uniform
as possible. This is usually done by shaping the blank holder to a profile similar to the top of
the forming punch.
Figure 3 shows two possible scenarios for a blank holder shape. With a flat blank holder, the
depth of draw is excessive in the part's center and very shallow in other areas. This creates a
poor forming condition, increasing the probability of splitting and wrinkling.

Using flat blank holder geometry will result in wasted material. Curving the blank holder
with respect to the top profile of the part maximizes punch contact, unifies and reduces the
depth of form, and helps save material. Avoid blank holder shapes that cause the metal to
severely buckle or crease the blank. Pay close attention to how much material will be wasted
with respect to your blank holder's shape.

Step 7: Add Addendum Features

Addendum features are defined as added features placed outside the part areas to aid in
stretching and forming. In most cases, these features are trimmed away. Items such as draw
beads, draw bars, draw walls, and shelves are common addendum features.
The most common practice for determining the need for addendum features is to perform a
length-of-line analysis (see Part II). A length-of-line analysis measures the amount of metal
consumption through each area of your part. This may be performed using a piece of string, a
map reader, or tape.

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Figure 1
Unfolding a part allows for a large portion of the part to be direct- trimmed.
Areas needing less metal may require a draw bead or draw bar. Very deep part areas most
likely will not need a draw bead or bar. The exact geometry of the addendum features most
likely will be finalized during the forming simulation or die tryout (see Figure 4).

Step 8: Simulate Forming, Die Tryout

If you don't use forming simulation software, the next step is to design and build the die. Any
die geometry changes would have to be determined by putting the die in the press and making
adjustments through grinding, welding, and shimming.

This process can take as little as one hour or as long as two months, depending on a die's
complexity. Using this old-fashioned process usually results in a more expensive tool and it
takes longer to finalize. Forming simulation software may not account for all of the variables
that take place in the actual tool, but it can predict and correct failures such as splits and
wrinkles (see Figure 5).
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Forming simulation often is referred to as virtual die tryout. Unlike actual physical die tryout
procedures, changing addendum features in a computer may take an hour as opposed to a
week. Using forming simulation software also takes a great deal of risk out of processing and
designing a die.

Final Thoughts
Although I have attempted with this series of articles to lay out a step-by-step process for
developing die geometry, true success depends on a great deal of personal forming die
development experience. Attempting to develop complex die geometry without experience is
very risky, especially if you don't invest in forming simulation software.
Until next time ... Best of luck!

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Figure 3
Curving the blank holder with respect to the top profile of the part maximizes
punch contact, unifies and reduces the depth of form, and helps save material.
Image courtesy of ESI Group.

Figure 4
If you took the time to measure the linear distance through various areas of the
part, you would find that linear distance is the shortest near the shallow end.
This lower depth of form requires a draw bead to obtain the necessary tension to
keep the metal from wrinkling

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Figure 5
Forming simulation software may not account for all of the variables that take
place in the actual tool, but it can predict and correct failures such as splits and

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