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Agile- Just the Basics


Agile- Just the Basics

If youre wondering what you need to know about agile, youve
come to the right place. Well also talk about how agile relates to
the dizzying constellation of ideas and terms that orbit it.
Does this one page have everything you might need to know? No.
Does it have everything you need to get started and focus in the
right places? Yes! (At least, Id say so.) Lets start.

What is agile?

In 2001 a bunch of software developers (to the best of my

knowledge, all dudes) got together in Snowbird, UT. They thought
there was probably a better alternative to the big huge plans they
were using to build software. In hindsight, they were right. (Thanks
They published the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. It
sounds big, but the core of it is only 68 words.

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Basically, it says:
Individuals Interactions
Processes & Tools
Working Software
Comprehensive Documentation
Customer Collaboration
Contract Negotiation
Responding to Change
Following a Plan
Side Note I often encounter misunderstandings on two of the
terms above:
1. Documentation
When they talk about documentation, they mean big, long
specification plans. If you feel you need to deliver documentation,
help, etc. to your user, agile doesnt suggest you do otherwise.
2. Contract
By contract, they dont just mean a legally binding contract. They
also mean implicit contracts, like the idea that we should make sure
product management writes sufficiently detailed specifications and
then we should make sure that engineering writes correct software
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for that specification that never breaks. Yes, it turns out that
approach isnt very functional and structured collaboration is better.
More on that soon.
Thats the core of it and thats about the only part of agile that
everyone will agree is agile.
On the one hand, I feel like the manifesto is perfect. On the other
hand, I totally get that its not actionable. This is where practicing
agile starts.
Basically, your job as a (de facto) agile coach is to do three things:
1. Pick and choose the methods you think will help you and your
2. Discuss and adjust with your team and make sure you all are
applying those methods (within the limits of good judgement)
3. For each iteration, assess (with said team) how those methods
performed and go back to #1
Simple, right?
Like most ideas of its type, its simple in concept and complex in
practice. Practicing agile is hard. If you want to cross things off your
list, confident you did your job, dont do agile. Its hard. Hour for
hour, youll be thinking harder and digging deeper to make sure you
understand your colleagues. All that said, agile is the best way to
do meaningful work and drive to innovative, valuable outcomes with

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a team.

Get to the Point: How do I start with agile?

If youre joining or forming an agile team, I really would try to at
least skim the contents of this page. That said, if you just want to
get started as quickly as possible, here are my top three favorite
The User Story

The user story is the primary input to the development process. It

has a specific syntax with 3 clauses:
As a [persona/user role],
I want to [do something]
so I can [achieve some benefit/reward].
Use this syntax to focus your understanding of whats going to be
valuable to the user. Dont design or build anything you cant link
back to a user story. For more, see the related section below. For
even more, see the User Story Tutorial here on the site.
Narrative Collaboration

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Stories themselves are not a substitute for requirements/big plans

up front. Stories + discussion, frequent narrative collaboration using
stories, is a substitute for requirements. This is where agile
fundamentally differs from traditional processes: to do it in a serious
way involves fundamentally changing the way you work. If your
product managers are slamming user stories into JIRA and then
seeing what development builds weeks later, you have lots of room
to improve.
Small Batches

Build your product in 2-4 week iterations (sometimes called sprints)

and discuss your work together in brief, but focused daily standups
(see section below on that).
At the end of that iteration, you should have working software that
is potentially shippable and that you can evaluate against what its
supposed to do for the user (even if that user is internal, even if its
an API/service another developer will use). Super important here is
decomposing your work into thin end-to-end slices. If your
feature/area has the basic flow 1) search 2) edit 3) share, then
dont do all the search stuff in iteration #1 and then move on to edit.

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For more, see the section below Agile and Story Mapping
If youre rearing to go, is it really OK to give agile a try with just
these three items? Personally, I would spend a little more time
skimming the sections below and digging in where you see the
need, but, sureit can work. The key thing will be that you remain
very observant about whats working well, and at the end of your
iterations you and your team consider how to evolve your practice
of agile to make it more effective.

The Agile User Story

Why its Important
Theres a reason Im starting the topics here: you can run a perfect
project, work super hard, and if your understanding of what will be
valuable to the user isnt strong, the only thing all that work will
amount to is good practice on building things. And this isnt just a
theoretical truism: we software folks build a lot of software that
users dont like and dont use. The applicability of the various
figures are, of course, debatable, but it may be as high as (low or
no use) for existing products and IT and a 90% failure rate for new
So, understanding your buyers and user is really important. If
youre struggling to make the case, think about it this way: Lets say
the portion of features your users use very heavily is 40%. What if
you could take that to 60%? It would be like increasing your
development budget by 50%. Amazing!

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What it Is
Maybe you saw this above, but the user story has a specific syntax
with 3 clauses:
As a [persona/user role],
I want to [do something]
so I can [achieve some benefit/reward].
The first clause establishes who youre talking about, the second
clause what they want to do, and the third clause why you assume
they want to do this thing and how youll know if they were
successful. The user story is a testable narrative. Testable means
you could sit down a user, ask them to attempt to achieve a goal,
and observe whether they think they did it. For example, lets say
the user is saving a record of some type. When theyre done, are
they clear that its saved and OK (or not)?
How it Works

It may seem a little loose to organize all your development around

a bunch of stories. Mostly, Id say try it outI think youll find it

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works well. But also there is some layering and organization. Epic
stories broadly describe an interaction, and child stories detail the
individual steps. Test cases then offer a place for more detail on the
Size matters and stories should be small. Particularly if youre new
to product design, youll probably start by writing stories that are
way too big and broad. When you discuss the stories with your
team, hopefully they ask you about facets of the story that (likely)
will make you want to decompose it into more detailed stories. If
that happens, dont worry its natural and healthy.
For more detail and examples, see the User Story Tutorial here. To
learn more about how to improve your User Stories, check out my
agile course on Coursera: Agile Meets Design Thinking.

User Stories and Personas

Why its Important
How do you write great stories? Most importantly, you have to know
your user. How do you do that? Well, you have to go talk with them
in a relatively specific way and organize your observations into
personas and problem scenarios. These will create a nice strong
foundation not only for your user stories, but all the other questions
youre bound to have about how to build, sell, explain, etc.
whatever it is youre making.
What it Is

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The persona is a humanized view of your

customer, be they buyer and/or user of your product. In addition to
a general description (ideally supplemented by photos or even a
day in the life narrative), its common practice to lay out what your
persona thinks, sees, feels, and does in your area of interest.
The problem scenario is a statement of something the persona
wants to doit may be a job/task or a habit/desire. The idea is to
make sure you know what problems the persona wants to solve so
you dont build something that doesnt matter to them. This also
sets you up to ask: What alternative are they using today and how
do I know what were doing is better? But more on that when we
get to the section on Lean Startup.
How it Works
Personas and problem scenarios arent something you check off
the list. If they are, Id recommend not investing the time. Personas
are a durable asset you use to ask, answer, and test the right
questions about whats valuable to your user. Ideally, you work on
them iteratively and they get better over time, kind of like this:

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I find that drafting first helps teams surface all the things they didnt
realize they need to know. For this, I use my personas template on
Google Docs. Following that, I recommend drafting the interview
guide and then interviewing subjects.
From an agile perspective, the purpose of personas is to write
better, more valuable stories to discuss with your team. As you may
remember from the last section, the purpose of those stories is to
create a strong understanding within your team about whats
valuable to the user. Theyre only a substitute for that bad old
practice of big requirements when theyre used to drive regular
narrative collaboration within the team. The next section deals with
a great tool for facilitating that: the story map.
Other than the personas tutorial I mentioned above, the Customer
Discovery Handbook is a good guide. If you want something with
more structure, course 1 of my Coursera class (Agile Meets Design
Thinking) steps through the process, including live dramatizations!

User Story Mapping

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Why its Important

As I mentioned above, if your product managers are slamming
stories into JIRA (enterprise software for development) and then
waiting around to see what development produces, you have lots of
room for improvement. The job of your stories is to drive
interdisciplinary collaboration on an everyday basis. Everyone
should constantly be asking Why? and How do we know/will we
know if the user cares? and What have we learned so far in this
You should literally do every single thing you find helps spur these
questions. Jeff Patton formalized and popularized one method I
particularly like: the user story map.
What it Is
The user story map has various stripes. The first one has a
storyboard and the subsequent stripes sets of user stories:

The job of Stripe 1 is to showcase the teams shared understanding

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of whats happening with the user (via various personas) over the
course of the relevant journey. In terms of stories, this will almost
certainly span multiple epics.
The job of the subsequent stripes is to organize and prioritize slices
of the narrative in Stripe 1. If your feature/area has the basic flow 1)
search 2) edit 3) share, then dont do all the search stuff in iteration
#1 and then move on to edit. Youll end up running out of time and
not have something functional you can ship or demo and it wont be
because you didnt code fast enough: it will be because your
prioritization was broken.
How it Works
Great newsif youve been following the tutorials and/or agile
course above, you already have the inputs for a story map. All you
need is a big space to post up your storyboards and some
discriminating judgement about how to slice your stories.
And, yes, I cant help but mention: you can find out more about this
in the user story tutorial and my UVA/Darden School of Business
online agile course at Coursera.

User Stories vs. Use Cases

This is one of my least favorite topics, but it merits coverage:
Whats the differences between a use case and a user story? In
terms of raw frequency, I usually hear use case is used to mean
very generally (too generally, I would say) something a user might
do. You might hear a CTO or product manager talk generally about

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a use case.
While its good to think about things from a user perspective, 98.6%
of the time Ive heard this term used, the situation would benefit
from a little more structure and specificity about who the user really
is and what they want. I know, I said I was not orthodox, but in this
particular matter I have always found the user story (with all 3
clauses carefully considered) to be the best prescription.
There is also a clinical definition of use case as an alternative to
user stories (Wikipedia page).

Agile and Prototyping

Why its Important

A prototype is worth a thousand meetings. You may have heard

that one, and, yes prototypes are a really great vehicle for arriving

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at the shared understandings that are so crucial to agile

Theyre also important for iterating to good outcomes. The
Manifesto emphasizes working software, but what they really
mean is something that you can meaningfully test. Testing early
and often is core to the practice of agile. Prototypes are a good way
to try different approaches without over-investing in something that
either isnt well liked by users or isnt as great as it could be.
What it Is
Prototype is a pretty general term. If you draw up a screen on a
whiteboard with your team, thats a prototype. If you use a
wireframing tool like Balsamiq to make an interactive prototype for
user testing, thats a prototype. If you do a similar thing in Keynote
(or Power Point), also a prototype. If you do the same thing in
HTML/CSS/JS, still a prototype.
How it Works
There are a lot of ways to use prototypes, but if youre looking for
something specific and relevant to try with your team I recommend
the following:
1. Pick a user story. Its not super important which one, but make
sure its relatively specific.
2. Choose a prototyping tool. Balsamiq is a good one, but there are
many fine alternatives, pencil and paper being one of them. One

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thing I would recommend is making sure to stick to established UI

elements as you sketch- drop-down boxes, text input fields, etc.
3. Pick four different comparables or patterns. These are sites or UI
patterns that are functionally relevant to whatever it is youve
established/assumed the user wants to do in the user story.
4. Create four parallel prototypes, one for each comparable/pattern.
Yes, four. This will give you a strong and practical view of what
prototyping for innovation is about: trying lots of alternatives so
you can find one thats really great.
From there, you might want to develop them out and make them
interactive for testing. Generally speaking, some kind of
customer/user testing to establish the best direction is the best next
If you want an expansion of the above, theres a prototyping tutorial
here on the site. If you want a deeper dive into more structured
understanding of prototyping, my Coursera course Agile Meets
Design Thinking steps you through the process starting with a user

Agile and Acceptance Testing

Why its Important
Arriving at a shared understanding of what your team means by
acceptance testing is important because in the kind of
development agile hopes to improve, it is strongly associated with

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contract negotiation (one of the bad things from the Manifesto).

Asking How will we know when its done? is a loaded yet super
constructive question in agileand innovation, in general. In agile,
the working software were after is potentially shippable, meaning
it breaks minimally and/or predictably enough that as a product
team you think it would be OK to put in front of real users. But is
that it? Does it have to be usable? Used heavily by users? Should it
ultimately create some kind of observable outcome for the user
(lose weight, get a job, etc.)?
Unfortunately, usually (not always) the term is used to mean that
some business user says that the software is OK and therefore
engineering is done and the contract has been satisfied. That kind
of interdisciplinary contract negotiation is something the agile
Manifesto fundamentally suggests you avoid. Instead, an
interdisciplinary team is working together toward a target outcome
they can break into a series of observable, measureable tests and
events. They will probably have some do-overs. They will have to
instrument observation into what they do and wait for results from
observations in the field. It will be messy, but it will be worth it.
What it Is
I checked, and as of today this is the first sentence on the
Wikipedia definition of acceptance testing:
In engineering and its various subdisciplines, acceptance testing is
a test conducted to determine if the requirements of a specification
or contract are met.

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Often in agile, theres the idea that on the back of the card (physical
or virtual) where you write your user story, you write test cases. I
think this is a good idea as a way to add additional detail to the
story and surface important questions for discussion. As agile
thought leader Bill Wake once said to me, Sometimes, you just
need to establish that x + y should equal 14 to make sure everyone
knows how it should work. (Or something similarIm
Those kind of tests are good. But saying, You have to tell me now
the test well run to call this done, and then thats it, is setting
everyone up for a hard working environment and the user for
something they probably wont like.
But how can we get the businesspeople to do their homework and
give engineering good inputs? Good question. They should get
outside the building and talk to users and generally know that the
software engineering is about to build is a good investment. Thats
their job. Furthermore, asking for tests and examples may be a
good way to show them the level of thoughtfulness and specificity
the team needs. But, overall, youre much better off creating a
collaborative environment for that with a shared understanding of
the target outcomes. Its hard. Agile is hard (but worthwhile).
How it Works
Basically, it doesnt work this way. Examples are good, tests are
good, but setting specific criteria up front to call something totally
done is not a good idea.

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One simple formulation I like is that idea that there are 0, 30, and
90-day test criteria.
0-Day: It tests as usable by way of structured, phase-appropriate
user testing (see below on that).
30-Day: Users are using it regularly/at roughly the frequency you
established to call the feature relevant
90-Day: Its contributing to whatever is the target outcome for the
user- selling more, collaborating better, etc.
Note: None of this deals with whether the software breaks. For
that, see the sections below on TDD (test-driven development) and
continuous delivery.
If you want to learn more about testing against an outcome, I step
through answering these three questions in my agile course Testing
with Agile:
1. Should we build it? (And then: Did it matter?)
2. Is it usable?
3. Did it break?

Agile and User Testing

Why its Important
The basic idea with agile is to create a shared understanding about
what constitutes a valuable outcome for the user and to iterate

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towards that in small batches. Usability is always part of getting to

that valuable outcome, so most agile teams agree (at least in
concept) about the importance of testing usability early and often.
In practice, many teams struggle to accommodate regular usability
testing. Youll often hear something like, We cant test it until its
done, and, by then, were out of time. However, with a little
practice, anyone can do user testing, and they can do the early
testing (most critical) without a line of code.
What it Is

Usability deals with how much effort it takes your user to achieve
their goal. A usable product is not necessarily a popular
productyes, its sad but true. Theres also motivation. Motivation
deals with how motivated your user is to use your
product/proposition to achieve their goal. Theyre different and,
believe me, I see tons of beautifully executed products that users
arent motivated to use.
To explain the difference while still bearing the relationship in mind,

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I generally turn to my favorite curve: The Fogg Curve. (Thank you,

BJ Fogg). Basically, what the Fogg curve shows is that theres a
relationship between motivation and usability: enough of either will
get you action from your user; the reverse is also true. If you think
about a point on the curvey in the upper left, thats a case where
the user is very motivated and youll get action even if the action is
hard (usability is low). If you think about a point in the bottom right,
thats a situation where the user isnt that motivated, but if its really
easy (usability is really high), theyll act.
The key point here is a working definition of usability. For more on
motivation, see the section below on Agile and Lean Startup.
Usability testing deals with controlling for motivation and testing
usability. So, if you have a software that paints virtual walls, you do
not ask your test subject, Would you like to paint a virtual wall?
You dont even ask them What color would you like to paint this
wall? Both of those deal with motivation. If youre testing usability
you just put them in front of your interface and ask them, Show me
how youd paint this wall yellow.
How it Works
I said in the beginning of this section that its important to test
usability early and often. It sounds incredible, doesnt it? A
statement kind of like You should eat plenty of vegetables. Theres
a reason.
As we discussed in the section above on prototyping, in practice
you get the best outcome by testing several meaningful alternatives
for an interface or interface element. Since the cost of any given

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approach grows geometrically as you move from concept to

production, it pays to do as much testing and validation as you can
early in the process.
There are three general phases to usability testing that map to that
progression from idea to production-ready:

In exploratory testing, youre evaluating approaches, hopefully

several if the interface element is important. Your test items should
be anchored in user stories as opposed to specific solution details. I
highly recommend using interactive prototypes at this stage for the
reasons I mentioned in the section on prototyping.
Once you have an approach you think will work (or youre ready to
invest in), you move on to the assessment phase. Here youre
generally testing a single approach, but still with a focus on user
stories vs. specific interface elements, and probably still with
interactive prototypes vs. code.
Most companies I talk to think of what Id describe as validation
testing when they discuss usability testing. This is the final phase

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where think you have an approach thats ready to go and you want
to validate that. (Obviously, if you havent done the prior testing,
your odds of being wrong about that are a lot higher.) Youre
probably using coded software, youre timing the user to see how
long things take. Your results should match the results from your
field analytics relatively closely.
For a tutorial on doing this kind of testing (including a test plan
template in Google Docs that anyone can use), see the Usability
Hypothesis section of the Customer Discovery Handbook. For even
more depth, see the section on usability sprints in my Coursera
course Running Product Design Sprints as well as the final course
in that specialization, Testing with Agile.

Agile and Venture Design

Why its Important
What it Is
How it Works

Agile and Sprints (or Iterations)

Why its Important

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Working in small batches with potentially shippable or otherwise

conclusive output is core to the practice of agile. Very few teams
would say theyre practicing agile if they dont work in 2-4 week
sprints (or iterations, the more generic term). To answer your
question, yes, >4 week iterations is not great and probably means
the process needs work.
Watching what happens at each iteration is what allows you to
improve faster, both in the way you work and the way you get to a
valuable outcome for the user. I cant tell you how many questions I
hear where I think one of my top answers is Keep the iterations
short, the observation level high, and then hold a solid retrospective
at the end to see what worked and how to improve. That could be
anything from the design process to the test process to the
supporting infrastructure to the location and composition of the
There are a four key things that need to work well for iterations to
1. Soluble Ideas. As a friend of mine said You cant take a 9-month
idea, slice it into two week iterations and get agile outcomes.
Management must take their big ideas and break them into small,
testable ideas.
2. Problem-Focused Charter. Because of the uncertainty inherent
in innovation (even at the very tactical level), team charters should
focus on solving a problem instead of building a particular solution.
3. Retrospectives. If you and your team dont invest the time at the
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end of each iteration to discuss how things went and what youd
like to try changing to improve, your agile is born stale.
4. Whole Teams. Dedicated, interdisciplinary teams are the new
normal for any company that wants productive outcomes and
innovation. Siloed organizations with resources split between
projects are the old normal (that mostly didnt work so well).
What it Is & How it Works
Since iterations are themselves a process, these two facets are
tightly coupled. Starting at the top, the input to an iteration is a
prioritized list of user stories (backlog) and the output is really two
1) working software (or conclusions, if its a design sprint), and
2) a completed retrospective on the sprint itself.
Lets step through the process. The diagram below uses terms from
Scrum, a specific methodology described below, but most of the
iteration elements are common to agile practice at large.

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From a consolidated list of everything you think might be a good

idea (product backlog), someone chooses a subset to discuss with
the team that is a little bit larger than what they think will fit in the
next iteration. Once you get to discussion, youll probably find that
some stories arent well enough understood or are for some other
reason not a great fit for the iterationthats why you want some
From there, you discuss the stories to arrive at a shared
understanding. Doing that with the whole team (which hopefully has
all the major disciplines in some form) is pretty importantyou want
to get a dev., a test, a systems perspective on all of them. Some
teams also do very rough estimates at this point to help with
prioritization, some dont.
Then the team arrives at a working sprint/iteration backlog which is
a prioritized list for the iteration. From there, some teams will break
the stories into sub-tasks for managing the work, others dont. Now
youve got a planned sprint (iteration).
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Now youre working the sprint for the next 2-4 weeks with a process
that looks something like this:

In high-functioning agile teams, individuals self-organize to divvy

out the work in an optimal way, help each other, and manage flow
(making sure, for instance, not everything lands in QA at the last
minute). They almost always have a brief, internal meeting where
everyone answers these three questions:
1. What did I accomplish yesterday?
2. What will I accomplish today?
3. What obstacles are impeding my progress?
If a question or discussion arises out of these, the parties
concerned meet afterward. The idea is that each of these should
take only a few minutes and with a team of 7 or so people, thats a
nice short meeting.
If a big issue with the sprint arises, the team may decide to cancel
and re-plan the sprint. Otherwise, they work through, completing as
much working software as possible. Whatevers done at the end is

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donesprints have fixed time, not fixed content. At the end, the
team will usually hold one or more demos to talk about the content
(sometimes one internal and one with a larger set of stakeholders,
for instance). The working software should be potentially
shippable, but will not necessarily be released. Some teams will
complete multiple iterations before they release; releasing is closely
related to sprint completion but not the same thing in agile.
The last step is very important if you want to realize agile
outcomes: the retrospective. The whole team will spend a
substantial amount of time, say a few hours (varies with sprint
duration) discussing the sprint and what practices and methods
they want to change for the next sprint. Typical agenda items are:

The main thing is honest discussion vs. the perfect format. One
popular technique is the five whys. When something doesnt go
right, answer the question Why? five times to really get at the root
of the issue. The output of the retrospective is a set of decisions on
how to run the next iteration.
I think whats most important about running successful iterations is
thinking about the jobs you need done and how youll measure
success (and dont get too caught up with what the various
methodologies specify).

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If you want to learn more, I step through team development

techniques in my Coursera course Managing an Agile Team.

Agile and Design Sprints

Why its Important

The amount of stuff youre supposed to do to innovate is kind of

overwhelming: design thinking, personas, UX, HCD, Lean Startup,
customer discovery/development, prototyping. Wow.
If you have any familiarity with customer behavior, you know what
customers do when faced with too many choices: nothing. The
important thing about design sprints is that they give you a specific,
actionable structure for applied innovation. Its something youll be
able to implement, and, in turn, train your colleagues to do as well.
What it Is

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Basically, a design sprint is a time-boxed iteration with a specific

format created to facilitate some (design-oriented) objective. All the
formats Ive seen are time-boxed at 5 daysenough time to do
something substantial, but not enough time to get lost in the details.
The sprint formats prescribe the methods you should use on at
least day-by-day, AM vs. PM basis to help you keep on track.
Google Ventures has popularized a 5-day format focused on
solutions for relatively well-understood problems (and its very well
put together). The teams I work with have a broader range of
design questions (explicit or implicit) and so I use four sprint types,
depending on whats most urgent for the team.
How it Works
I have four design sprints I like to use, and they map closely to the
Venture Design process I use to structure the innovation process
for new ventures and products.


The Problem Scenario Sprint deals with discovering what makes
your customer tick and what problems/jobs are really worth solving
for them.

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The Motivation Sprint deals with validating if and which

propositions will be valuable to your customer/user, better than their
current alternatives.
The Usability Sprint deals with validating which are the best
approaches to making that proposition highly usable to your user.
The Architecture Sprint deals questions of approach on
implementing your solution.
I step through the use of these sprints in this tutorial on Venture
Design Sprints and in more detail in my Coursera course Running
Product Design Sprints.

Agile and Lean Startup

Why its Important
Lean is about avoiding waste and Lean Startup is about doing that
in the context of startups/innovation. (Lean Startup defines startup
as any project that hasnt found a scalable fit between product and
market). Practitioners do this by structuring and testing their
ideas/propositions to avoid overinvestment in solutions that arent
valuable to users.
This is important, and its why Lean Startup is one of the most
popular new topics in agile: metrics vary, but if you factor in new
products and features, its likely that the majority of software goes

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effectively unused. Some of that is inevitableinnovation is messy.

But a lot of what weve learned about startups and innovation in the
last few years, and a lot of what the most successful companies are
doing, is about avoiding overinvestment in solutions that arent
relevant. If agile is about driving to valuable outcomes for the user,
Lean Startup is one of its best friends.
Avoiding overinvestment/waste doesnt mean starving new product
teams for resources. It means giving them more more shots at a
successful outcome. Lets just say that a new feature has a 1 in 5
chance of being a hit with users. What if you could find that out in
half the time/money youre spending now? That would double your
output and number of successful features!
What it Is
Essentially, Lean Startup is about applying the scientific method to
new ideas. In the first step (01), you formulate your hypothesis. I
strongly recommend doing this with validated problem scenarios so
you make sure youre proposition is relevant to a job or habit that
actually exists for your customer.
In the second step (02), you declare your hypotheses (or
assumptions) in a testable format, usually, If we do [something] for
[segment or persona], then they will [respond in a certain,
measurable way]. In the third step (03), you design experiments to
test the hypothesesthe best ones take a week or less. Then you
execute those experiments (04) and evaluate your results (05). If
your results were above your target threshold, persevere (6b) and
scale up the idea. If they dont, pivot (6a) and try something else

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before you waste your resources on a proposition the

customer/user doesnt want.

Note: In the book The Lean Startup the author Eric Ries describes
a Build-Measure-Learn loop. I think thats fine; I just prefer the
above for drawing attention to the things Ive found are important.

Another Note: Remember when we talked about separating out

questions of motivation and usability using the Fogg Curve? Well,

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this is how you figure out customer motivation and I would focus on
that before you invest (much if at all) in usability for the reasons I
described above in the section on user testing.
How it Works
Any practicing scientist will tell you that the best way to get a
positive result out of your experiment is to go into it with a strong
hypothesis. If you just do Lean Startup and neglect your
understanding of the relevant personas and problem scenarios (see
also above), youll invest in testing weaker hypotheses/ideas. This
is one of the things I emphasize in the Venture Design process:
even though Lean Startup type experiments are way cheaper than
building product, theyre still more expensive than talking to
customers (relative to getting an actionable result). So, make sure
youre testing a proposition that at least solves a problem the
customer has.
Make sure your hypotheses have causality implied in them (if we do
x, then the customer will do y), otherwise their relationship to your
experimental design is likely to be murky. When you design your
experiments, make sure to include threshold metrics (pass/fail
threshold). Also, I highly recommend sketching several experiments
before you decide. They will probably vary a lot in their relative cost
and duration.
Finally, make a habit out of experimenting and sharing the results.
The most successful teams I know include them in weekly team
meetings about outcomes.

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For more on practicing Lean Startup, see the Lean Startup tutorial
here on the site. That tutorial also links to a Lean Startup template
in Google Docs. If you want more depth, I cover running Motivation
Sprints around it in my Coursera course Running Product Design
Sprints and go into more depth on managing experiments in
Testing with Agile.

Agile and Project Management

Why its Important
OK, lets have the talk. Agile is not about project management. At
least, its not about project management in the sense the term is
typically used. You might ask: But what about all the agile books
and training for people who are career project managers? Isnt that
what agile is?
Kind of. Commercially speaking, yes. But a whales not a fish.
Sometimes those sort of distinctions dont matter, but in this case
they do. The reason its important is that traditionally project
management is about making big (long term) plans, managing
known constraints, optimizing around those, and generally treating
people like interchangeable parts (not to be callous, but just
because it seems like thats what best way to help everyone do
their jobs and get the best possible outcome).
Agile is different in a way that matters a lot in practiceits
fundamentally about atomic, self-organizing teams. That matters
because if you shim agile practices into the same old approach to
managing projects, you (just about always) end up setting

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expectations where youll fall short. Then everyone thinks agile

stinks and things usually get worse not better. Employees feel like
theyre getting extra work and constraints dumped on them from
above and management is frustrated that the company isnt
innovating and/or getting better at releasing product. Barf.
What it Is
Agile is a kind of un-project management. If youre coaching a team
on how to do it, your job is to do help the team drive to valuable
outcomes through self-organization. You can measure your
success in that by how much managing you have to dotelling
people what to do, asking them about progress, etc.
High-functioning agile teams are interdisciplinary and
Also, to achieve these valuable outcomes, you need what the XP
methodology (see below) calls a Whole Team. This means an
interdisciplinary team that is colocated and collaborating readily on
a day by day basis. What does that mean, interdisciplinary? When
I work with teams, I break it down across the five jobs below:
Now, you may think: A lot of those are not my job. But it is if youre
responsible for the projects success. Unpacking and fixing that not
my job statement is, in a sense, a lot of what agile is about. Siloed
departments with partially dedicated resources are the hallmark of
an ossifying corporation thats (probably) getting disrupted by more
able competitors. Interdisciplinary teams with problem-focused
charters are the hallmark of innovators that are able to create value
for customers. If youre tired of taking my word for al this, check out

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this item on Spotifys engineering culture.

Thats the interdisciplinary part. Lets talk about the self-organizing
part. As I mentioned above, your job as an agile coach is to do
three things:
1. Pick and choose the methods you think will help you and your
2. Discuss and adjust with your team and make sure you all are
applying those methods (within the limits of good judgement)
3. For each iteration, assess (with said team) how those methods
performed and go back to #1
At the core of making this successful is a culture of
experimentation, hence the hypothesize, experiment, learn loop
you see above. This is critical because:
a) nothing works perfectly, not even close, and this mindset brings
the need to try things to the foreground; and
b) it puts the emphasis on evaluating results rather than whose
individual opinion prevails.
As the coach or team lead, your job is to set up those preconditions
and then let the experiment run. You can measure your success by
the frequency and depth of incidences where you have to ask or tell
team members what to do. The reverse is also true: the more you
see the team helping each other and using the methodology to
progress the team to a valuable outcome, the better youre doing
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How it Works
If youre a titular or acting project manager, youve likely been given
a charter thats narrower than what I described above. Thats
normalorganizations change slowly. A lot of how businesses
operate is still leftover from managing widget factories in the
1950s. Rest assured, whoever your manager is, somewhere up
their chain of responsibility, theres someone that just wants you to
make them some money. (Unless youre a non-profit, in which case
substitute the orgs target outcome for money.)
The implication of this is that, above all, you should focus on
making your project successful. If you need change or you need
something from someone else, your best bet is to frame your
request in those terms. Will you then automatically achieve a
beautiful, harmonious, interdisciplinary paradise? No. But, youll be
taking steps towards it, and thats whats important. Create small
wins, show (with practice) that your approach is working, and youll
be fine.
I realize this How it Works is kind of general. Partly this is because
the concept of project management is pretty expansive if you
apply it to agile. But, fear not, the sections below go into more detail
about specific methods.
If you want to learn more about the jobs of proposition and product
design, see the related sections above on personas and user
stories. The Venture Design page has more detailed tutorials and

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my Coursera courses Agile Meets Design Thinking and Running

Product Design Sprints step through the processes in even more

Roles and Jobs in Agile Software Development

Why its Important
This section extends the section above in that well discuss how to
relate the fundamentals of agile to actual practice specifically to the
job of software development. As you practice agile, you may meet
folks from two different extremes: pro-manifesto vs.
pro-methodology. Its a huge oversimplification, but bear with me.
The pro-manifesto camp will tell you the Manifesto is all you need
to know about agile. The rest you should figure out. Id say theyre
not exactly wrong, but its a hard place to start.
The pro-methodology camp (often bearing an agile or project
certification of some type) will tell you that (usually) scrum is agile
and it says you should do such and such. Now, no real person has
such a simplistic viewpoint, but you will probably run into this
conundrum. The reality is that, yes, the fundamentals are the most
important, but you need practical ways to apply them. At the same
time, its easy to get arbitrary about the relative simplicity of
prescribed methodologies and lose site of what fundamentally
constitutes a good outcome and if/how youre getting there.
So, what do you do? Well, taking a page out the design thinking
playbook we discussed above, Id say you should anchor your

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practice of agile in problem scenarios, core jobs to be done. This

will keep you anchored to the fundamentals while you explore and
test different methodologies.
What it Is
Ive divided these fundamentals into jobs and roles. These are both
specifically for the job of Software Development in the diagram
you saw in the last section.
What are the basic jobs of Software Development? There are a lot
of different ways to look at it. Ive organized them into these four
main areas:
Here are some notes on what I mean and what constitutes
1. Learning
How is your team learning whats valuable to the user and getting
better at translating that into testable deliveries? As a reminder, this
is specifically for the job of Software Development, per the
diagram in the section above. The jobs of Proposition Design and
Product Design I mentioned above and in the earlier sections.
Collaborating together on the job of Product Design and keeping
that closely linked to development is one of the most important
success factors here.
2. Deciding
How is your team deciding what to build, whos going to build it

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(and test it and deploy it), and in what sized batches? Is that
process resulting in overall more valuable deliveries, measured in
terms of user outcomes? Is the work environment getting better for
the team?
3. Building
How is your team actually building, testing and deploying the
software? Are the methods in place contributing to progressively
higher output velocity, lower bug incidences, and smoother
deployment/operation? Do the team members feel theyre learning
and improving their craft?
4. Managing
How is the team being managed and managing its interface to the
rest of the organization? Do team members feel that they have
meaningful discretion to self-organize and do what they think
makes sense? Do they understand and buy in to the team
objectives in a way that allows them to see the value of their work?
Are there surprises from outside the organization (last minute
product changes, surprising assessment results from outside
stakeholders)? And, last but not least, how much time is everyone
having to spend in meetings of >2 people vs. doing work?
The sections on agile methodologies below describe their view on
roles. Ive made the role descriptions below generic and functional
specifically to avoid oversimplification on roles and overemphasis
on their prerogative vs. what they should be doing for the team. If
youre familiar with the Stanford Prison Experiment, you know that

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terrible things can happen when you put otherwise reasonable

people in the wrong roles relative to each other.
It is fine for an individual to act in multiple roles. Popular practices
like Devops and Behavior-Driven Development specifically focus on
the integration of these roles. While being full stack and
interdisciplinary is often useful and is popular (with good reason) in
agile, I have heard horror stories from large corporations where
everyone was arbitrarily required to periodically do everything.
Thats not good. While I generally recommend developing against
narrative (vs. tasks) as a way to stay focused on user value,
everything requires moderation and good judgement.
Here are some ideas on thinking generally about roles.
1. Answering Questions about Users
Someone needs to take the lead role on getting these questions
answered. That said, teams rarely get good outcomes when one
person is the designated experteveryone has good ideas.
This persons job is to conduct investigations but also organize
them for the team. For example, I recommend the whole team
participate in design sprints in order to improve the result and
cultivate a strong shared understanding of whats valuable for the
user. Other tasks here might include designing and monitoring
2. Finalizing Split Decisions on Design
Techniques like dot voting are a great way to get everyones
opinions out on the table efficiently and stimulate constructive
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discussion. This may seem like a paradox but whole you want to
draw on the wisdom of the whole team, but its important that
someone is in a position to finalize product decisions that are not
obvious or split. Otherwise, you end up with something thats
averaged out and crummy or uncertain and shaky. Remember,
everyones solution is temporary and your emphasis should be
making the best possible decision under the circumstances,
building it, and then testing it.
3. Creating Human Interfaces
One or more people on the team may do this, but probably not
everyone. This area in particularly is tightly tied to the related job of
Product Design.
3. Creating Software
This role involves not only coding but writing unit tests, evaluating
alternative approaches (including use of 3rd party apps, modules,
and services). Id also lump tasks like version control and build
automation here, though these are highly interdisciplinary.
4. Testing Software
Tightly tied to the previous job, this includes unit, integration, and
system tests (or whatever you call the various levels of
testingsee below on that). This includes design for testability
(though that could equally be placed in #3), creating test
infrastructure, as well as executing tests.
5. Designing and Operating Systems
This role includes designing the system parameters for the software

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as well as creating automation and containerization. It includes

executing and monitoring of OS and application updates, and, yes,
the much beloved role of fixing systems when they break.
6. Dealing with Logistics
In any project, there are ground ballsinfrastructure thats needed
or broken, stuff you need to buy and a purchasing process to
follow, questions for other groups and areas. Unfortunately, most of
this cant easily be delegated to a strictly admin role, because
usually to get these things done, you have to have a pretty good
idea about the project. (How much memory did we need on this
server again? What plan do we need from [such and such SaaS
How it Works
How do you get started? Well, the prevailing answer is Pick one of
the major methodologies, and start with that. For most teams that
do so, thats a methodology called scrum, which well review
below. Scrum is fine, and its main virtue is that it attends to details
you need to have on hand to practice agile. Very often, the teams
gets caught up in the orthodoxy of scrum and lose sight of whats
really valuable about their outcomes.
What I suggest teams and managers do in parallel is think about
these fundamental jobs that need doing to deliver value to the
customer and how theyll define success in those areas. Many
successful teams start with scrum and tune from there, and thats
fine. Just make sure scrums working for you and not the other way
around. Well step through these jobs in a little more detail in the

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next section.
If you want to learn more about managing with agile, I step through
it in my Coursera course Managing and Agile Teams.

Agile and Scrum

Why its Important
To many people, scrum is agile. Terms it originated like sprint are
more or less standard agile terms. The reason for this is that scrum
emerged early on as a full-baked, ready-to-use agile methodology.
And its pretty good. And its important that there is complete
methodology out there and that you dont necessarily have to
assemble one yourself to get started with agile.
But its easily misused as an arbitrary set of rules, and there are
methods beyond scrum that you will need in order to maximize the
success of your team. The successful practice of agile is mostly
about knowing what methods are out there and how theyve worked
across situations comparable to those of your (vs. being a super
duper expert about scrum).
What it Is
Scrum is an agile methodology. It originated as a product
development methodology in the mid-80s and was later adapted to
software and agile principles by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle.
They formalized those ideas in a book, Agile Software
Development with Scrum, which was released in 2001, the same

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year the Agile Manifesto was published. Since then, many

additional books, classes and certifications have emerged to
support it.
How it Works
Ill describe the basic practices of scrum in sections that roughly
mirror the preceding section on roles and jobs.
Note: These correspond to the section above, but are not in the
same order.
1. Deciding
Like all agile methodologies, scrum is organized around iterations,
called sprints. The guideline for these used to be 4-6 weeks,
where now, with shortening product cycles, 2-4 weeks is more
The process of deciding what to build in the iteration involves a few
steps, shown below:
Scrum describes a product backlog, which is basically all the user
stories youd like to develop. Before each sprint, the product owner
(see ROLES below) selects a set of user stories to discuss with the
team in a sprint planning meeting: the draft sprint backlog. The
team together estimates these stories (using a size proxy called
story points) after which the product owner re-prioritizes them,
based on their assessment of their value relative to the cost
expressed in the estimate.

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The now prioritized list is truncated, if needed, based on the

estimates and this becomes the sprint backlog. The team creates
a headline for the sprint expressed as the sprint goal, which is
useful not only for internal cohesion but also for communicating
updates to external stakeholders.
Some teams find it useful to decompose the sprint backlog into
tasks for granularity and configuring workload. Others prefer to
develop against integral user stories (one of the big issues being
the management of flow which well talk about in the section on
Now, youre running the iteration:
The goal is self-organization. In scrum, the daily standup is called
the daily scrum, but it has the same format we discussed in the
section on iterations. If theres an issue with the backlog, mainly, if
theres new content required, scrum says stop the sprint and restart
it with a new backlog, etc.
Scrum describes a progress tracking method called burndown:
The idea is that during the estimation process, points are assigned
to the various stories as a proxy for size (Ill skip that in the interest
of keeping this short, but its in the Coursera course on managing
with agile). The point at the top of the y-axis is the sum of all those
story points. The x-axis is the days in the iteration and the straight
line is just a rough guide to what perfectly linear process would look
like (more a guide than a specific goal).

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From these, you mark your actuals each day, decrementing the
story points of completed (done, tested, shippable) stories. Thats
the more wandering curve you see. Some teams use burndown,
some prefer to focus on measuring velocity based on actuals.
Whether or not burndown will be useful for your team is probably a
function of a) the decisions you want to be able to make during the
sprint based on its values and b) the predictability of what youre
doing. If your team is working on a brand new problem thats not
that well understood, burndown is likely to add stress. If youre
doing another batch of something you do all the time, it will be
relatively more accurate and more likely to be useful.
2. Learning
At the end of the sprint, theres a demo. Often, the team holds its
own demo to discuss the gory details and another to present to
external stakeholders. While this isnt a substitute for the kind
design research, usability testing, or motivation testing we
discussed above, its a good opportunity to vet the state of the
teams shared understanding and its success understanding what
constitutes a valuable outcome with external stakeholders. Suffice
to say that big surprises during the demo point to a problem in the
practice of agile.
Like most agile methodologies, the process deals mostly with the
process of building of software itself. While agile has always been
very design-friendly, linking the overall practice of agile with best
practices in product design and design research is one of the more
recent, faster evolving areas of agile.

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3. Managing
To conclude a sprint, the team conducts a retrospective:
Possibly the fastest way to predict how likely a team is to improve
their practice of agile is to ask about the nature of their
retrospectives. Is it a boring meeting everyone feels they have to sit
through while someone goes through the motions? Is it a dreadful
blame-fest? Or is it an honest, sincere appraisal of how things went
and what could be better where everyones #1 priority is to help the
whole team do better on the next one? The questions you see
above are common but a retro. for, say, a 2-week sprint should be
at least a couple of hours. Another popular technique is the
5-Whyspeeling back the root of why certain things happened.
4. Building
Other than a few details, scrum doesnt so much deal with the
specifics of how to build the software. This is one of its major points
of contrast with XP, which well describe next.
There are three major roles in scrum.
Scrum Master

The scrum master has several jobs. One, as I mentioned above, is

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to enforce the rules of scrum. Their job is also to deal with

logistical issues and impediments as well as buffer the team from
external distractions (if they really are distractions). They also work
with the product owner (up next) to make sure the team
understands the product backlog and how to validate
completeness. I will editorialize here and mention that if this ends
up being predominantly one specialists job, then the inputs and
interdisciplinary collaboration need work. The flip side of this is that,
sure, if some particular facet of a user story needs more
investigation, its perfectly OK for a couple of folks to go sort that
out and get back to the team.
Product Owner

The job of the product owner is

basically everything attendant to the product backlogall the work
that would go into creating valuable user story and validating their
completion as valuable to the user. I will editorialize here and say
that while I think it may be good for one individual to take the lead
on investigating and facilitating related activities (like design
sprints), I think its generally a mistake to buffer the development
team from exposure to users and stakeholders.
Development Team

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This is basically a placeholder for everyone else.

If youd like to know more about scrum and how it fits into the jobs
of software development, I cover that in my Coursera course
Managing an Agile Team.

Agile and XP
Why its Important
Like scrum, Extreme Programming (XP) is a fully articulated agile
methodology. One of its major points of contrast with scrum is that
it is more prescriptive regarding actual programming practices. XP
is closely associated with high-performance programming practices
like test-driven/test-first development and pair programming.
Because it generally requires a deeper level of buy-in and practice
from developers, you may frequently get the sense that theres a
certain reverence for XP as an agile practice. It has contributed
substantially to advancing software craftsmanship.
Understanding the basics of XP is important for agile practitioners
even if theyre not themselves practicing coders. It is a large and
important body of work in the area that continues to be a common
feature of successful teams. That said, because of the level of
depth and specificity of the practices I would always look to the
development team for a decision on whether they want to adopt
some or all of the XP practices.
What it Is
XP-MethodologyLike scrum, XP preceded the Agile Manifesto itself.
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Agile thought leader Kent Beck was collaborating with a team at

Chrysler (including Ron Jeffries and Don Wells, who created the
diagram you see). After that work and various other collaborations
came two things: 1) the site
and 2) Kent Becks book Extreme Programming Explained.
The diagram to the right describes the contents and orientation of
the methodology. Like scrum, XP has releases separate from
iterations and uses daily stand ups to facilitate self-organization.
Below the stand up, youll notice a few other things. Lets talk about
how those work.
How it Works
Like scrum but unlike kanban (see next), XP is a fully articulated
agile/SDLC (software development life cycle) methodology. Lets
step through this one relative to the jobs we discussed above.
Like scrum, XP is mostly focused on the process of building
software. For Learning, it uses stories, which are a great way to tie
your implementation discussions back to your work in design and
design research.
For Deciding, weekly iterations and quarterly planning/big picture
cycles are popular (but not mandatory). Slack is an important
concept- basically the idea that you should leave time for the
unexpected so that you can do things right vs. get boxed into a
schedule and accumulate technical debt that slows down your
ability to innovate later.

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Building is one of XPs strong suites. In case you were wondering,

yes, many teams use some of these methods in conjunction with an
agile practice based on scrum. High-functioning agile practice is
focused on outcomes and fundamentals, not orthodoxy. In pair
programming, two developers work simultaneously, one typing with
the other directing or advising. Many developers prefer the
immediacy of this practice to before the fact design discussions
and/or after the fact code reviews. The idea with the ten minute
build and continuous integration is find code-related issues early,
and instill the confidence try new things and refactor, knowing that
the developer wont have to wait long to see if/how their change
breaks the build. Both of these practices require unit tests to worka set of very atomic code-level tests that run whenever the
developer wants but particularly when they commit code and build
software modules. Finally, incremental design is that idea that
rather than building an underlying framework to support the
functionality you think youll need in the future, solve the
problems/needs you have at the moment and then look to refactor
and update the code as you learn more about what you actually
want it to do. The outcome from this is an emergent design as
opposed to a more premeditated/planned design.
Managing is another strong suite of XP as it is relatively prescriptive
in the area of work practices. The practice of Sit Together is what it
sounds like- the team should be working together in a common
physical space. The Informative Workspace practice suggests that
the team use information radiators- charts, storyboards, etc. that
help cultivate and maintain a strong shared understanding of how
the team is working together and what constitutes a valuable

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outcome. Whole team refers to the idea that XP teams should

include members from every major discipline, and they particularly
emphasize having someone on hand all the time thats in tune with
whats valuable to the customer. (Ill editorialize briefly that I think
everyone should know that to a degree and that while this isnt what
XP specifically intends, the idea that there should be someone that
helps keep the customer away from the developers is both
outmoded and part of the reason we build so much useless
software.) Energized work refers to the idea that the team should
be managed in a way where output is maximized, not long hours
where the team gets worn down.
If youre interested in learning more about XP, I step through it and
the jobs of software development above in my Coursera class
Managing an Agile Team. Another great resource for XP is Bill
Wakes blog XP123. Bill is a thought leader in agile and I have
leaned on his deep experience and perspective on XP in my
Coursera class, Darden classes (where hes a guest speaker), and
my work in general.

Agile and Kanban

Why its Important
Kanban deals with the concept of flow, the evenness of your
teams output/work-in-progress (WIP) across the development
process. If youve ever gotten to the end of a development cycle
and seen that QA is overloaded and/or there isnt enough time to
test everything, then you already understand the importance of

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Agile- Just the Basics


This concept is closely related to lean. If youve read The Lean

Startup, you may remember Eric Ries story about folding 600
letters into 600 envelopes. Do you a) fold all the letters first and
then seal them into envelopes or b) fold one letter, seal it in an
envelope? From the context you probably guessed b, but thats
not most peoples first guess (I know because I use it in class all
the time). It turns out that if you fold all the letters first, you end up
with a lot of wasted time shuffling around the piles of paper you
create and other overhead.
It turns out most of us have a natural bias towards just grinding
away on one thing vs. moving it all the way through the process
and that can result in waste. It probably has something to do with
the mental overhead of switching context. That waste might come
in the form of:
everything piling up for testing right at the end of a cycle
not being able to review/discuss/test working software
realizing certain components dont work together
and other stuff like that
Hence, it turns out kanban is pretty useful in the process of
software development.
What it Is
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Agile- Just the Basics


Taiichi Ohno developed the concept of kanban at Toyota in the late

1940s. It basically dealt with managing the amount of
inventory/work-in-progress on the factory floor so that there wasnt
too much stacked up in one place and also not places that went idle
because they had no inputs.
In the process of software, for a basic application of kanban Id
recommend doing three things. First, model your process visuallyprobably on a whiteboard. Lay out each step from coding to
release. Be sure to model it as it actually is vs. how you would like it
to be. You can change it, but the application of kanban will only
work well if you execute it against your actual process. Second, find
a place where you can model that so everyone can see it- a bulletin
board or a digital system like Trello. Third, establish work-inprogress limits (WIP) at each step. Then you use that board to track
your work during an iteration. There are books on kanban and
many available refinements to the practice, but those basics will get
you going (more on that in the next section).
There is a surprisingly widespread misconception that kanban is an
agile/SDLC (software development life cycle) methodology like
scrum or XP- that you need to choose between kanban, scrum, or
XP. Thats basically incorrect. Kanban is a method you can apply
within either of those methodologies, but it is not itself a complete
methodology. It doesnt have all the features of a fully articulated
methodology and so while its a perfectly great practice it isnt an
alternative to scrum or XP.

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Agile- Just the Basics


How it Works
Youve probably seen a kanban board like the ones here (and if you
havent just Google it or check out my course on agile
Trello is the most popular tool I see, though there are many that Im
sure are fine. These are easy to set up and pretty easy to use in
practice. The main thing is to make sure that youve followed the
steps above, working with your whole team to make sure the
steps/phases on your board match your actual process and
assigning WIP limits. In the example above, I added the WIP limits
in parentheses. There are plug-ins for Trello to help with this if you
want something more full bodied.
The most important thing with the WIP limits is just to have an
explicit definition. If youre looking for a place to start, one idea is
that each developer should take a user story all the way through
the process before they start on something else- so that would
mean the WIP limits at each stage would be equivalent to the
number of developers. If you have hand-offs, to QA for example,
then youll need to model that. Just take your best guess (as a
team), and then be sure to consider how these are working in your
If youd like to know more about kanban and how it fits into the jobs
of software development, I cover that in my Coursera course
Managing an Agile Team.

Agile and Test-Driven Development

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Agile- Just the Basics


Why its Important

What it Is
How it Works

Agile and Continuous Delivery + DevOps

Why its Important
In the olden days, when everyone was trapped in big long siloes
according to their department, there was a process where:
1. The business people (product managers, etc.) would write
requirements for a product and then hand them to the engineers
2. The engineers would be software based on their interpretation of
these requirements
3. The engineers would hand this software to quality assurance to
make sure it was OK and didnt break
4. The organization would hand the software to operations to install
and operate
The reality is many of us still exist in what will hopefully soon be
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Agile- Just the Basics


thought of as olden days and, if youve ever tried the alternative,

you know this process performs very poorly.
Whereas agile has traditionally dealt mostly with a and b, the
practice of continuous delivery (CD) and the DevOps movement
deal mostly with c and d. Dont get me wrong- they deal with it by
integrating thoughtful work across the whole process.
In your happy place in CD is that a developer can commit code,
have it tested and automatically roll it to production with confidence
if it passes all your tests. With product cycles decreasing and the
growing realization that rapid experimentation is the key to
successful innovation, this is of obvious importance.
Your happy place with DevOps is that in your product design and
development work, you readily consider and handle questions from
development, test, and operations angles. With the emergence of
SaaS and recognition that siloed product development is as close
to a complete failure as any general process can be, many teams
are embracing the DevOps movement.
What it Is
Central to the practice of continuous delivery is the idea of a
continuous delivery pipeline:
The input to the pipeline is new code and the output is released
product- released in the sense that its up and running in
production. Given the breadth of the CD pipeline, the practice of CD
naturally covers a lot of ground, topically speaking. Big topics

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Agile- Just the Basics


1. automation of different types of testing
2. automation of build and deployment processes
3. standardization and abstraction of deployment environments
(servers, etc.)
DevOps is a movement- closely related to CD but different. DevOps
promotes a set of practices and methods to encourage
interdisciplinary collaboration in the area above and more
thoughtful, disciplined work in the areas of testing, releasing, and
operating software.
How it Works
While Ive dealt with the related topics in my various roles over the
years (and even implemented a bunch of tests in Selenium that
broke a lot), I am no kind of expert in these emerging areas of CD
and DevOps. When I talk with experts, they just about all mention
the same first step: as a team, diagram your whole code to release
process together.
Just creating an explicit view of the process and talking about it as
a team is a valuable first step, not to mention foundation for what
follows. From there, decide where the biggest pains lie. Dont just
assume you need to do more test automation because thats
common- it may or may not be the best initial CD project for your
team. Consistent improvement is likely to be more important than a

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Agile- Just the Basics


big tear down and rebuild of how you do things. The reason is that
its hard to get everything right in one big go.
If youre successful working on CD, its likely youre doing a lot of
what the DevOps folks would recommend. One thing I hear a lot is
that teams should avoid the fallacy of recruiting a DevOps expert.
Yes, experience in the area is super valuable, but since its
fundamentally an interdisciplinary practice, cultivating an emerging
expertise across your team or teams is most important.
There are a lot of great resources online in both these areas. In the
area of continuous delivery, Jez Humble maintains a site with a lot
of free (and paid) resources:
Jenkins is a popular open source automation server, if you want to
try out a tool. There are a ton of great resources online for DevOps,
the site, being one easy place to start. If youre
interested in a general introduction to the topics, I also cover them
in my Coursera course Testing with Agile.

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