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CE 1101

Pre-requisite: None
Semester: 1


Introduction: Introduction to Engineering Graphics. General instruction regarding instruments,

lettering, type of lines
Geometric constructions: Division of lines, angles and curves. Construction of different
Scales: Construction and reading of plain, diagonal, vernier and comparative scales.
Conic sections: Construction of parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, cycloid, trochoids, epicycloids and
Orthographic projection: Angles of projections, Projection of points in different angles,
projection of straight lines, Projection of plane and solid in different positions, Conversion of
pictorial views of different types of simple objects into orthographic projections.
Isometric projection: Isometric projection and isometric views of different planes and solids.
Introduction to Auto-CAD: Introduction to Auto-CAD software, drawing of different twodimensional and three dimensional objects.
Suggested Reading
1. Engineering Drawing, N.D. Bhatt & V.M. Panchal, Rupalee Publication, New Delhi.
2. Engineering Drawing and Graphics+ AutoCAD, K. Venugopal, New Age International, New

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