Keen About Green HH

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December 6, 2016

Keen About Green

The Educational Partnership Foundation Funds Keen About Green,
a Recycling Program for Heritage Heights School.
The grade 4s at Heritage Heights School are Keen About Green! As environmental
stewards concerned about our earth and keeping our carbon footprint to a
minimum, the students have taken the initiative to go forth and implement a schoolwide recycling program. To further support their initiative, Miss Charlotte Willy, a
University of Lethbridge intern in Grade 4 at Heritage Heights School, applied for
funding from The Educational Partnership Foundation. Miss Willy was thrilled when
TEPF awarded the grade 4 classes the Citizens in Action grant of $500. This money
will go towards purchasing new recycling bins for the school, as well as fund a
fieldtrip for the Grade 4s to go to the Shepard Landfill and Materials Recovery
Facility where they will be able to see first-hand where recycling and garbage go.
The grade 4 students will then be able to educate the rest of their school about
what happens to our waste and recycling and what we can do as a community to
reduce, reuse and recycle.
While this all started in the Grade 4 classrooms during their Waste in Our World
Science unit, it has ultimately become a school wide leadership project. Students
throughout every grade level have become active participants in this recycling
program. Their hope is to spread the Keen About Green spirit, not just at school, but
throughout the community as well. TEPF is very proud to recognize these special
Grade 4 students who are creating environmental awareness in their school
explains Din Ladak, President & CEO of TEPF. TEPF would also like to thank
ConocoPhillips for their support of the Citizenship in Action Program.
The TEPF will present the big cheque to Miss Willy and all the Grade 4s at Heritage
Heights School on December 7th. They are so excited to be receiving this grant and
are looking forward to the presentation. Seeing all their hard work come to fruition
will be tangible evidence of their learning and we couldnt be happier for Miss Willy
and her team!

Heritage Heights School 403-993-1400

Supervising Teacher, Jill MacKenzie
University of Lethbridge intern, Charlotte Willy
About The Educational Partnership Foundation: Founded in 1991, The Educational
Partnership Foundation (TEPF) was established as a registered not-for-profit organization to
provide support for the students and teachers in Calgary and the surrounding area. Over the

years, TEPF's influence has broadened. It now offers educational initiatives to six partner
school districts in central and southern Alberta, reaching almost 200,000 students.

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