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The study aimed at achieving the following goals:

1- Identifying the personal and professional characteristics of the respondents from the
agricultural supervisors and guiding workers.
2- Identifiying training needs, the applied and collective and rehabilitative needs for the
respondents in the seven studied categories
(Training guidance (leadership), motivation, directing, coordination, censorship and
3- Identifying some of the bilateral relations between the personal and professional variables
of the respondents and the former training pre-mentioned needs.
4- Determining the proportion of the contribution of some of the independent variables
studied in the interpretation of variation in the degrees of training requirements that have been
mentioned above for the respondents in the seven studied areas or categories.
5- Identification of the views of the respondents in the degree of the presence of obstacles and
problems (19) that limit and curb their effectiveness while performing their guidway duties
and tasks. After selecting and identifying the research objectives, the hypotheses were
formulated and put in zero images . The study has been launched in the middle and south
delta region as an area and intentional sample to conduct this study. The number of the
agricultural guiding supervisors reached 346 as guiding supervisors. Data have been gathered
by a personal interview form during July & august 2012 . Throughout a proportion out of 100
% of the intentional sample. Data were coded, admitted and discharged into the computer.
Data have been also analyzed by using the stastical programmer [spss] . Duplicates were also
used and the percentage and the arithmetic mean and the weighted average to describe (the
data). The simple correlation analysis was also used [person] .The linear regression analysis
was used as well whether ( full model or the steno typist one to analyse ( Data) and the
identification of the proportion of the contribution of the independent variables in interpreting
the collective contras in the variables [ the dependent variable ] . Test [ F ] and test [ T ] were
also used to judge the statistical significance of the relations: the most important reults were
as follows:
1- 77,5% of the total number of the respondents were of [ guide specialists sector] while 47,1
% of the total number of respondents were from Al monomial Governorate . 69,08 % of
the total number of the respondents are adults or ( elder ones ). 69,4% of the respondents are
brought up in villages [ rurals]. 70,2% of the respondents have got agricultural bachelor.

8,4% only of the respondents are ( guide specializing in agriculture. Ones) 65 % of the
respondents get their knowledge from media especially the TV programs.
2. The respondents have collective training need in the following Fields. And that the
respondents have training needs of the following tasks: Knowledge, information and skills
development mission extension agents In the identification of insect infestation in the field;
Important to identify the symptoms of various diseases And methods of resistance And
methods of resistance. Job training programs that meet planning
( Training ,evaluation and censorship ).
3. There is an existence for the inverse relationship between the following in depend
variables guiding behavior - job satisfaction, the tendency towards the guides, the
Whese tendency towards training the education certificate, the experience period in
the agricultural field, the year of graduation , the agricultural date resources ,
regenerativity and the collective training needs and its relations with the studied
and applied seven fields .
4. Most of the independent variables that have effects on the training needs and the
collective studied categories are the guiding behavior , the tendency towards training
, regenerativeness , the tendency towards the agrarian guides, the motivation of the
performance , the education degree and certificate and the functional acceptance
( the job likeliness ).
5, The existence of three problems that face the respondents in a high degree:
The availability of a computer set in the guiding agricultural sector - the problem of
the non availability of a car for the agricultural guiding sector or department
.Finally, the Whese problem of non existence of the useful and suitable motivation of the
guiding agricultural supervisor after finishing those training courses (with my deeps
thanks ).

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