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Ahmad Hassan

August 10 2016
Mr.Farhan Butt

Understanding of Islam

Islam is a major world religion today with origins dating back to 7th century Saudi Arabia. The
study of Islam is referred to as Islamiyat. The subject helps us recognize how the religion came
to be, what it entails and the type of teachings that it bestows on its followers.
The word Islam is derived from salaam meaning peace and its teachings are inclined towards
harmony and tranquility but is shown otherwise to be the root cause of terrorism across the
globe and associated with violence.
The rise of the religion began with the Prophet Muhammad who received revelations from Allah
which were then written down and collected and came to be known as the Holy Quran which is
also referred to as the sacred book of Islam. The example set by the Holy Prophet is also a path
to be followed which provides the basis on how Muslims should conduct their lives.
The religion stands on the 5 pillars; Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Hajj, Sawm. These pillars provide
the basis for an ideal Muslim life. It comprises of mandatory prayers 5 times a day in the
following respected order; Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha.
To believe in Islam, one must believe in Allah, one must believe in the Holy Prophet and the
Holy Quran and observe all the teachings that follow.

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