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nae eee ——e iy Ww. Tecruitment.quru @. Exctamatory adjective: fi used wilh a noun in-exciamaicry senierce. For sample, What a show! Condusing Words. Later, later, latest, beet Later and lest refer to time. Latter and lost. refer fo posfon fncarent The later part of the novel is no meatiy weilfen. Garect The later part of the nowel 6: not meaty written. fnborent Wire i ihe esl news? Gorect: Whats the latest news? Elder, older, eldest, ofdest: Elder and eidest ae used of members of the same famfy. Besides, bot of them ope used only afiributively fihat is, before the noun} Older and Otdest are ued in the genera sense froorecd : f hwe an ofder brother Correct - | have an elder brother. (Since Gotter & a member of ite save fami) fooomecd + Mohan bs fhe eldest boy in the town. in @ town there may be so many families. Ye ore tating of boys im gener fone. Go eftes! should be replaced by oldest. Correct = Mohan is the oldest boy in fhe town. Degree of Comparison Degrees are of free kinds. 1? Posdive Degee 2 Comparative Degee 3. Supentaive Degree Rude: Weer a selection iy made oul of ihe fen. aed feo is over in ihe sentence, the is used before the adjective denoting commansan fonorent Shikha bs better of the two eirters. Qorect: Shichas the ether of the to sisters. ule: Preveraive anes fo and 4 not preceded by marr. incorrect Coffee is more preferable than tea in Brazil Corect Coffee is preteraiie to tea in Brazil. Aude: Wher feo agecttees in different degrees of compatzon are wed in ihe same sanience. aech shoud be compete in feat fooorent by father as och not nicher than your mother, Gorect My taiher is as rich as if not richer than your mother. Auge: ff two afecives ae connected by ano they shoud be in tbe came Degree Hiroeighout fncorect Fiaj i more inteligent and most acthre. Correct: Aaj i more inielligest and more active. Aue: The comparafive it -o (6 no! used eter we compare heo quaiiies of fhe same person of thing fonomen! Mohan bs wiser than sirong. Gaorect : Monn It mone wise than sirong. Auk: Whee two ofjects are compared wif each offer fhe latter fer of Ccompaigon most exclude the foomer. frbomecd 2 Gulltsh is Chevewer than any student im his class. Gorect : Salish is cheverer thar any other studert in his class. Rude: The comparative degree Js geeeniy folowed Oy than but ihe fofowing commandiive adjectives arr fifowed Oy fe oreposiiion fo > wwferior, superior, (Bier, andencr, posferior, senioy, junior, focomect India’s fielding is inferior han South Agica's. Gorect. India’s fetding is infenor to Souths Atoca's. Auge: Adectves expressing qualities thal ob not admif of diffent degrees Cannot oe compared fncorect Our Seid & more square. Corect Gur feild is square. Bo ee ee cial one, faa EeSS lhl le 1) 2. The driver HMPA ecE-SuC ea WaT HO BYEbging the car be a sudderty stop cf No enor di) 3. The Gunise Hobel was aj fully equipped to offer Dy leisure stay ein to is Gienis. d¥ No erore)} 4. The fechnician reminded a them to have 2 foroughly cleaning of the by machine after each use. cif Mo enor di) 3. am much gad ay thet you nave By won the pfire. cv No enornd) 6, My oteenration i fiat al’ between Vivek art Shashi, by Vheek Is the most inteligent. ci Me error dj 7. very offen ay happens that bv a man who bike moet does ile cy Mio enor d) 8, (From all accounts aj | team that bv nets the est anc hones’ member of the new (Cabinet. cV Mo error dj &. Hes a¥ foo inieligent bw fo make a mistaie. oc! No enor) {ML The food situation ths year ay is worst than by that prewadied in the best year cW Noe 7a: Replace ‘Firsiiy' with ‘First’ 2c; Replece ‘srdden/y’ with “sudden” 2c: Replace leisure” wit ‘eisureiy" 4B; Repface ‘oroupivy” wii “thorowgh" a Replace ‘muei with ‘very’ @ c: Replace ‘the most’ with ‘more’ 7. c: Replace ‘most" by much" @. cc The correct form Is ‘ee fs fhe best and most hones! memiber__" &.¢; We evar 20. b: Replace ‘worst wits worse" formation. This is mot an official one, apecte: WWW. recru i tment. guru An adjective & a word weed eith 2 moun | of 2 pronoun! to add something for fis meaning. The adjective may be used 0) airibativety: when ft ip used along with the mown as an epithet of attribute; for amps, There were damk clouds. in the sky. (0) predicativedy © when i forms pari of the predicate, for coals The clouds inthe sky were dark. ue > The Sve CoC TY Use We a ETO BAe Se Quy OF Ie sudgec! mmiber than of Wee actor of doe vecd, is fo be egress dncorect Flowers were plucked freahfy. Corect. FIWErS Were plucied fresh. Aude: Dee to and prior to shoud be used as predicate oectres. Wier preposition? functions are fo be perfoumed wee because of in place of cue fo, 2c) before in pace of prior fo. fnrerect! ; Wickets fof due bo super bowling. Correct - Wickets tell because of suveb bowling. Kinds of Adjective 4. Adjectye of Quality : Also known 2s Descripfwe Adjective, & shows the fed of quality of a person ofa Ehing. For ecampee, He loves ner S0PE siin. 2. Adjective of Quantity = © is an adectve which shows how mich of a thing fs meant For exams, There is lite sense in i 3. Adjective of Mumber : Abo known as Sumer Adjective, it shows now Mary persons of things ave mean or in what one a person or a thing Stands. For eeampls, The face of a clock has minty divistons. Aumerd Adectwes are of three tinds: 0) Definite Numeral Adjective: It denotes an eeoct number. i may be a Gandinal denoting how many, a, one, two, Gee, eto. fi may be an ordinal denoting fhe onder ae fiesi, secord, third etc uve: Wheel a number topeter wilt 2 ural oF easurEment (S fo Se used os an ogectivee. 2G 2 compound word and the ent of measurement is fain Phe singular. fnoorecd : 2 fwenty-kiometres: walt (Gorect : 6 isa pwenty-kiometre walk, Rude: Defiate Nome! Adecive aways dates ura countable noun Incomect Winer | wae in Purpab, | nad twenty money. Gorect When | was in Mumbai, | had twenty rupees. Aaiec if inn seateace one nour i used for al ondineis and the frst ondinal fas Bee" white, oder nof, fre moun wl be ie ihe piral, incorrect | fawe read ihe @ieraturs of the sevenizenii and eighicerth century. Gorect. | have vead the erate of the sevenieenin and eighties oeniures. Oi) indefinge Numeral Adjective : it doe: not denote an exact number. For BRaTple. Thete are many pediions: fing on the tables. Aule faery takes pion! noun while “Many aan s/nguiar noun incorrect He has coserved many an uncomman phenomena. Corect He has cheered many an uncommon phenomenon. ude: The few if used Sefore ora’ countatle soen and dbe fife before uncountabe noun. Both follow a chase focorect | gawe the Beggar a ftile coins | had Correct | gave the beggar the few cons | had 1) Distinutive Mummeral Adjective : i refers to pach one of a number. Distibutive numer adjectives an: the same as distributive pronoun door Pronoun}. They only di@er in function. For eaample, Each time he missed he tus. formation... Wwhia. Ls .mot ian _iof Eicialuone.

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