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end-of-the-book TEST unitS 112 TEST A

Name: _________________________________________
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
The first letter of each word is given.
(10 points)

3 Read the sentences and choose the correct answers

(10 points)
0 The police and army are on red _.
a alert
c light
b worry
d alarm

0 Marie is so kind. Shes got a heart of gold.

1 Its difficult to believe that this shirt was
the h__ of fashion when my dad
was young.
2 Does my student card e__ me to
adiscount at this museum?
3 You could save a f__ if you did
abit more research before booking your
4 He looks so aggressive standing there with
his f__ clenched.
5 I love celebrity gossip so I always buy
at__ newspaper.
6 I often suffer from painful mouth
7 This sitcom is OK but the c__
laughter is so annoying.
8 If you dont s__ up for yourself,
no one else will.
9 I get seasick as soon as I step on
b__ a ship.
10 If people dont trust politicians, they wont
vote in parliamentary e__.

1 The reason you keep getting fooled is that

youre too _.
a indiscriminate
c gullible
b perceptive
d innocuous
2 The fire service receive about twenty _
phone calls a month.
a forged
c spoof
b hoax
d scam
3 We have to try to strengthen _ between
our two countries.
a chains
c knots
b ropes
d ties
4 Were completely _. Weve got nothing.
a destitute
c dilapidated
b exorbitant
d notorious
5 It goes without _ that everything you hear
today is top secret.
a knowing
c thinking
b saying
d talking

2 Complete the sentences. Make new words from the

words in capitals.
0 Eat up! You need more nourishment.
1 Some of the songs are a bit boring and
2 There is a __ fee of 10.00 for
new members. REGISTER
3 I hate it when restaurants __
you, hoping you wont notice the extras on
your bill that you didnt have. CHARGE
4 You can get this anti-virus software on CD
or theres a __ version available.
5 How can a newspaper which features such
rubbish have such a __ tone
when discussing celebrities and their lives?
6 I dont think a sentence of life __
is right in this case. PRISON
7 __ isnt a science. Its no more
accurate than horoscopes. NUMBER
8 Community work is too easy its no
__ to these hooligans. DETER
9 I read this paper because its easy and
__ which is what I need when
Im tired. DEMAND
10 In this job, __ is vital so dont be


Score: ____________ / 100 points

6 The boss ranted and _ for a while and

then calmed down.
a rebelled
c raved
b rowed
d roared
7 There have been _ examples of young
people doing good things but the
newspapers never report them.
a uncounted
c uncountable
b numerous
d numerical
8 Were not well-off but we manage to get _
a by
c off
b on
d out
9 Dont be too hard on him. Hes only _
a an eccentric
c a random
b an earnest
d a petty
10 Please dont let us down. Were all counting
_ you.

a on
b up

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c for
d with


end-of-the-book test units 112 TEST A

4 Use the words in capital letters and rewrite the

sentences so that they mean the same as the original
ones. Use between two and six words. (20 points)
0 I cant believe you were tricked like that.
I cant believe you fell for that trick.
1 I want to get straight to the point. BEAT
I ____ the
2 You can take revenge by playing a trick on
Dave. OWN
You can ____
_ by playing a trick on Dave.
3 I asked for more time to hand in my report
and he got really angry with me. THROAT
He ____
when I asked for more time to hand in my
4 Were talking and talking but were not
making any progress. GOING
Were talking and talking but _
___ circles.
5 I know youre upset but things could be
worse. END
I know youre upset but __
__ the world.
6 I was completely fooled by his hoax email.
His hoax email completely
7 Ill find out what the real cause of this
problem is. ROOT
Ill ____ of
this problem.
8 I hope you like it it was very expensive.
I hope you like it it __
___ leg.
9 You seem to think differently to the other
students here. WAVELENGTH
You seem to be ___
__ to the other students here.
10 Im not sure I want to take the same career
path as my father when I leave school.
Im not sure I want to __
___ when Ileave school.

and a hotter sun. Some tourists 4__

(know) to have arrived home knowing the
name of the place from which they
__ (just return) but 6__
(have) any idea of where in the world it is.
Interestingly, despite 7__ (fall) sales
of atlases, it 8__ (believe) that the
Internet may help to improve peoples
knowledge of the world. Programmes such as
Google Maps have made geography fun again.
Todays travellers may still be unable
__ (say) anything about the history
or culture of the countries they visit but at
least they may succeed in 10__ (find)
them on a map.
6 Use the words in capital letters and rewrite the
sentences so that they mean the same as the original
ones. Use between two and six words. (10 points)
0 It was unnecessary to buy this newspaper
as all the news is on the Internet.
I neednt have bought this newspaper as all
the news is on the Internet.
1 When I showed my exam results to my
Mum she congratulated me. PASSING
My Mum ____
my exams.
2 I love you even though you look rather
eccentric. SPITE
I love you ____
3 The only fashionable item of clothing I own
is this leather jacket. FROM
Idont own any fashionable clothes.
4 We really shouldnt be here. SUPPOSED
We ____
5 She was sacked when she dyed her hair
bright orange. RESULT
She dyed her hair bright orange,
____ she
was sacked.

5 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs

in brackets.
It 0has been said (say) that travel broadens the
mind. But does it? 1__ (have)
investigated a variety of package tours
__ (offer) by travel agents, the
answer has to be an emphatic No! The
modern world has managed 3__
(reduce) the travel experience to a plane ride


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7 Finish the sentences so that they mean the same as

the original ones.
0 I didnt vandalise the bus stop, said Mark.
Mark denied vandalising the bus stop.
1 I hadnt seen the football results so I
enjoyed the highlights on TV.
2 The journalists didnt know whether their
story was true but they still published it.

3 The comedian won an award for his TV

show and an Oscar for his first film
As well

4 Some people claim that the government has
lied about the level of crime.
The government
5 Im not against package holidays but this
year Im going camping.
Whilst not
8 Read the text and choose the correct answers ad.

(10 points)
Travel to certain parts of the world and you
_ hear a strange humming sound. Not
everyone can hear it and microphones have
problems 1_ it up. One place in 2_ it has
been heard is Taos in Mexico and so it 3_ the
Taos hum.
The hum is said 4_ like distant traffic 5_
traffic isnt thought to be the cause of it. Many
people have heard it, not all 6_ experience
the same thing. Some have claimed that it is
worse during the night than the day or worse
inside than out. Others have been said 7_
vibrations in their bodies 8_ hearing the
noise. 9_ about the hum since the 1990s,
scientists have tried to find out where it comes
from. 10_ many investigations being carried
out, no answer has been found which can
explain the hum. It remains a mystery.

0 a d better
b may
1 a pick
b having picked
2 a which
b where
3 a calls
b is called



4 a sound
b sounding
5 a despite
b whereas
6 a of who
b who
7 a of feeling
b to feel
8 a apart from
b despite
9 a Known
b They know
10 a Despite
b Although


to sound
it sounds
of whom
they feel
in spite of
as well as
Having known
They have known
Even though

9 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

(10 points)
Rules regarding clothes for school students
vary from school to school. 0Wearing jewellery
is sometimes forbidden whereas at other
places you may 1_ allowed to wear
small earrings. Some school headmasters
_ said to be so strict about not
allowing make-up that some students have
been accused 3_ wearing it even when
they havent. Students, most of 4_ are
supposed 5_ wear a uniform, have been
_ to find ways to avoid having to
follow the rules. Even if they do follow them,
they often succeed 7_ looking worse
than if they had been allowed to wear
_ they wanted. For example,
_ though students have to wear ties,
they tie them so that the knot is huge and,
_ a result, the parts hanging down are
almost non-existent.

are supposed to
may as well
to have picked
has called
Pearson Education Limited 2009


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