Unit 4 Test

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1. This man was the first Portuguese to round the Southern tip of Africa in 1487.
a. Magellan
b. Cortes
c. Pizarro
d. Dias
2. This man was the first Portuguese to reach India.
a. Da Gama
b. Cortes
c. Pizarro
d. Dias
3. This Spanish conquistador invaded Peru, killed Atahualpa, the leader of the Incans, and
destroyed the Incan Empire.
a. Da Gama
b. Cortes
c. Pizarro
d. Dias
4. This man invaded Mexico with 500 men, killed Montezuma, the leader of the Aztecs, and
eventually destroyed the Aztecs.
a. Da Gama
b. Cortes
c. Pizarro
d. Dias
5. One thing, that the Europeans brought, that killed the most Native Americans.
a. guns
b. bombs
c. disease
d. floods
6. The Renaissance started in this country.
a. France
b. Italy
c. Germany
d. England
7. The Renaissance scholars were interested in the classical works and arts. These classical
works came from which countries.
a. Greece and Rome
b. Rome and Byzantium
c. Greece and Byzantium
d. China and India
8. This idea was an interest in the classics. It emphasized pleasure in life. The idea promoted the
learning of history, philosophy, and other humanities.
a. Renaissance
b. Romanticism
c. Absolutism
d. Humanism
9. The Reformation was started by this German monk.
a. Luther
b. Henry VIII
c. Louis XIV
d. Machiavelli
10. One of the main reasons Luther started the Reformation. He was concerned that people were
buying forgiveness for their sins. What was this called?
a. corruption
b. sale of indulgences
c. they were too cruel
d. they were too rich
11. The new religion formed by Martin Luther.
a. Catholicism
b. Protestantism
c. Mormonism
d. Calvinism
12. Missionaries from the Catholic Church that tried to convert Protestants to Catholicism.
a. Jesuits
b. armada
c. Knights Templar
d. Inquisition
13. Luther said man could interpret this book.
a. Bible
b. Quran
c. New Laws
d. Corpus of Civil Law
14. Massive revolt by peasants in the Germanic States motivated by the Reformation.
a. Peasant Revolt
b. Reformation
c. Inquisition
d. Nike Rebellion

15. Led the Jesuit Missionaries.

a. Philip II
b. Pope Paul IV
c. Ignatius Loyola
d. Petrarch
16. In 1492, this man who sailed for Spain reached an island in the Caribbean.
a. Magellan
b. Cortes
c. Pizarro
d. Columbus
17. This was the first man to circum-navigate the world.
a. Magellan
b. Cortes
c. Pizarro
d. Dias
18. What was the main reason Europeans had to find a water route around Africa and through
the Americas?
a. Muslims were in the way
b. too expensive
c. It took too long
d. They would get lost
19. This Spanish monk fought for the rights of the Native Americans.
a. Magellan
b. Vespucci
c. Da La Casas
d. Dias
20. This was one of the most famous Renaissance sculptors and painters. He painted the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel and sculpted David.
a. Da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Brunelleschi
d. Donatello
21. This is the most famous Renaissance artist. Known for the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.
a. Da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Brunelleschi
d. Donatello
22. This man had a very profound effect on the Renaissance and many other things by inventing
the printing press.
a. Da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Gutenberg
d. Donatello
23. Martin Luther translated this book into German so common folk could read it.
a. Bible
b. New Testament
c. Old Testament
d. The writings of Shakespeare
24. This English monarch split from the Catholic Church so he could divorce his wife in his
attempt for a male heir.
a. Henry VII
b. Henry VIII
c. Louis XIV
d. Elizabeth I
25. Luther pinned these to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. They were his
complaints about the Catholic Church.
a. 95 thesis
b. Bible translation
c. His resignation
d. His robe
26. This council convened by Pope Paul III defined catholic beliefs.
a. council of Wittenberg
b. Council of Trent
c. Inquisition
d. Jesuit council
27. Set up a school for navigation in Portugal.
a. Henry the Navigator
b. Bartholomew Dias
c. Vasco Da Gama
d. Columbus
28. Captured Goa and Malacca to dominate trade in the Indies.
a. Henry the Navigator
b. Bartholomew Dias
c. Vasco Da Gama
d. Admiral Albuquerque

29. Spanish plantation system used for slave labor in the Americas.
a. Quota system
b. Encomienda
c. slave labor
d. Plantation
30. This Treaty divided up the new world among the European conquerors.
a. Treaty of Tordesillas
c. Treaty of Portugal

b. Treaty of Versailles
d. Treaty of Cortes

Unit 4 Answer Sheet
Matching: Match the appropriate letter with the appropriate term. (1 pt each)
1. Raphael ______

A. German Princes could choose their own religion

2. Donatello ______

B. Led Chinas Age of Exploration

3. Pope Leo X _____

C. Painted the School of Athens

4. Peace of Augsburg _____

D. Excommunicated Martin Luther

5. Renaissance man _____

E. Leader of the Incas, conquered by Pizarro

6. Catherine of Aragon _____

F. Leader of the Aztecs, defeated by Cortez

7. Zheng He _____
8. Wealth _____

G. Leonardo Da Vinci, educated in the classics and

could use a sword
H. Sculpted a smaller David

9. Montezuma_____

I. Most important motivation for European exploration

10. Atahualpa _____

J. Henry VIIIs wife, divorced her for a male heir

ID Section: Write on 2 out of the 4 IDs below. Make sure it is in paragraph form, that
you use a topic sentence, the 5 ws, EMPRSs with the last W as your conclusion sentence. Use
the space provided and the back of this sheet. (10 pts each)
The 5 Ws are Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Answer 2 out of the 4.

Catholic/Protestant Reformation


European Exploration and its impact(s)


Compare and contrast the experiences with exploration between Portugal, Spain, England and
France. Explain briefly what happened with each and how they were similar or different.
Explain why you think those similarities and differences resulted the way that they did. What
were the long term impacts of the exploration/colonization of each of the four countries to those
areas that they explored and colonized? Make sure you reference the Columbian Exchange and
the modern state of these nations. Use the majority of this sheet in order to get full credit. (20

Explain if/how the Renaissance is tied to the Protestant Reformation. Were they similar and
relatable or different and unrelatable in their goals and what they hoped to accomplish? Make
sure you reference those things that happened during each period as you connect them together:
the big 4 artists, the literary and political leadership of the Renaissance, and the political,
religious leadership of the Reformation. Use the majority of this sheet in order to get full credit.
(20 points)

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