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PSIII Teacher Professional Growth


Plan PSIII Intern: Samantha Stretch

Semester: Fall,

School: St. Anthonys

Shauna Gatto


Professional Goal #1:

I will improve upon the drama of my presentation through voice modulation and greater expression.


Throughout both PSI and PSII, my mentors encouraged me to have more dramatic use of my voice and expressions, to increase student
engagement. In PSI I was told I need to work on telling a story, and PSII this was repeated in encouraging me to add some drama to my
presentation. Having more flair in my voice, should enable to more easily gain student attention and keep their interest, as well as increasing
their own interest with the subject matter I am teaching. Using my voice more will also allow me to better portray what I intend and
expectations regarding engagement and intensity level, while increasing my own presence.

Teaching Quality Standard(s)/KSA(s):

g) students needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. They know how to engage students in creating effective
classroom routines. They know how and when to apply a variety of management strategies that are in keeping with the situation,
and that provide for minimal disruptions to students learning




Indicator(s) of Success

1. I will focus on improving the drama of

my presentation, and meet with mentor
to reflect on any improvements and
where to move forward with this goal.
2. I will watch for student reactions based
on my own presentation of materials,
watching for student engagement.


PSIII mentor

Voice modulation will increase.


Video Camera

Will change strategies based on my own observations

in class, as well as after watching video feedback.
Increased student engagement.

To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal?

Through reflection with my mentor, I have learnt that my voice modulation is very dependent on my confidence in the material that I am
teaching. As such I have worked toward increasing my confidence and knowledge about the material that I am presenting.
Student engagement is increased when I am more confident in the material that I am presenting.

In what ways is my professional practice improving toward these KSAs?

o Through improved modulation, I am improving my ability to deliver engaging lessons and unit for my
Next steps to further improve student learning?
Continue growing in confidence with the material I am presenting to the students.

Professional Goal #2:

I will become involved in an extra-curricular activity within the school.
Sproule, 2016


In my own education, the teachers who also coached and were involved in other activities were among my most respected. In practicums I have
seen how much it mean to a group of students for you to just come and watch their soccer game. Students can benefit from an increased
engagement and recognition from their teachers of their lives outside of the school. Joining in extra-curricular activities should also be of
benefit by introducing more into the school community, and helping to further understand the social context of the school so that I can better
understand and aid my students.

Teaching Quality Standard(s):

n) The importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school. They know the strategies whereby
they can, independently and collegially, enhance and maintain the quality of their schools to the benefit of students, parents,
community and colleagues

1. I will coach grade eight boys volleyball, and volunteer to help with basketball.



Sept December


Indicator(s) of

Higher levels of trust from

Increased student
engagement after coaching.
Stronger relationships with
Greater understanding of the
school community and

To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal?
o September 21. I have begun coaching volleyball. This is allowing me to meet with more students within the school,
as well as getting to know colleagues better on a different level outside of the classroom.
o Coaching basketball and volleyball has presented me with opportunities to build relationships with students in the
school, as well as providing me with opportunities to work with colleagues outside of the school, which has enhanced
my practicum experience and learning experience.
In what ways is my professional practice improving toward these KSAs?
o Coaching has improved my understanding of the school that I am teaching in, which gives me greater insight to the
values and foundational beliefs in the school division.

Sproule, 2016

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