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Teacher: Marcela Lpez

School: Colegio Caaverales
Hot Evaluation
Fill this in after your observed class with whatever ideas come to your
head concerning your lesson.

What went well

It was awesome how students found
strategies to multiply without taking
into account memorization. I really
consider that ask them questions to
analyse develop high thinking skills.
At this point I feel my students are
going beyond compared to my
previous group of last year.
I also think that my way of teaching
has changed a lot with CLIL sessions.
Now they enjoy the class and topics
like multiplication can be seen from
a different perspective. I have also
observed that now they have more
tools to express their opinions and
ideas by using the key vocabulary I
provide them during the lesson.
At the end of the class I asked them if
they liked the lesson and all of them
were agree. In fact, some of them let
me know that now they found new
strategies of how to multiply. I also
noticed they have clear what is an
aim and that we need to achieve it.

Observation Feedback Oliver

Sandon 2015

What I would do differently

I would change the way I designed
the mysteries. I noticed they were
confused about what place to go.
I would also like to be ready with the
tape and pictures for the mind map
because it took time to paste the
pictures and students began to get
distracted and what I like is that they
be engaged at all times.
I t was a general mind map for all the
group, but I consider it would be a
good strategy to give to each group a
cardboard so that they can make
their mind map by themselves and
they would be participating more.

I am worried about the time.

They just finished two
mysteries so 45 to 50 minutes
is too short.

Cold evaluation

With the benefit of hindsight and the feedback from your

peers and tutor, make more complete notes on the observed
class today. This can form a part of your portfolio contents.

What I would do differently next time.

Next time I would change two things:

1. Explain simpler instructions for the tasks. I explained many
things and told them to go to different places and they were
confused. I will label the place they have to go with her names in
big letters and in a colorful way.
2. Propose a mind map by groups and not a general one. I want
that all my students have an active learning so for next time I will
propose activities where all of them have to do something.

What I learned from feedback

I learned that simpler instructions are the best for my students. I will
designed instructions with colorful images and their names so that they
can have clear information.

Action points for next classes

Next classes I will have tasks with simpler instructions. In the case of
mind maps, I will use small white boards so that they can write their
ideas there.

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