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Message # 276 of 307 <Previous | Next>

Ela Orunmila bor mo yin, yin mo Orunmila Aboye Ela, Ela Orunmila
bosse mo yin.
Ogbo, tied, Asura, wrwfn. GBA OLOFIN BABA Oduduwa GBA,
GBA Ela ORUNMILA! - With Long Life, with the blessing of Odu Ifa of
which is the Portal wrwfn who pours the grace of Olodumare. May
the blessing of Olofin, Baba Oduduwa, Orunmila ELA be with you.
bor, Aboye, bosse:
Tradition Yoruba Oduduwa Olof Baba, EGBE OLOFIN Odu - Family Secret
Spiritual Olofin
On the Reading of the 256 OOSH Signs and Oracle of Ifa difference: Now there are
some who say they read the Oracle of OOSH is the same or a degraded version of the
same Oracle of Ifa, but when Oduduwa Baba has fallen by ELGN (Medium) has
said that is not the same and given us some verses of the oracle according to its
Secrets OOSH he brings to disclose in these new times. The Oracle of OOSH is older
than the Oracle of Ifa and his songs were private and differences in comparison with
those of Ifa, and even more following the teaching, each Orisha speaks not just in the
same sign, so 5-5 or 6 Elegbara -7 in the verse is not equal to that sign in Oshun,
Shango in at Obatala, and so on. But the vast majority of this or most of this was lost
through the millennia, which are 20.000 from Baba came Oduduwa, and years of
work that will last in these days go slowly gradually getting all these teachings he
wants it again and be lost or distorted or were confused or have not been shared
before. The Oracle of Ifa is much more accurate and has its differences, and this was a
development of Orunmila who was the first Awo (guess) of Ifa. Here are examples of
some verses will given by Baba Oduduwa ...
Baba Oduduwa said that each sign or Oracle of the 256 Odu Odu is different
depending on the Orisha who is speaking at the Ceremony of ITA (Oracle Orisha that
speaks of the third day or ceremony, Eeta), a 6-5 ( Obara Oshe) in Ita Shango is
different from a 6-5 in Ita of Obatala, and so with each Orisha. When a new born in
our family Iyaw Olof Yoruba, which is the lineage that Oduduwa Baba is leaving his
teaching and his mysteries, which has been training following his teachings on how to
be the Sodo Orisha (Coronation Ceremony OOSH), it has fallen Secion Baba Special
Odun recite the Verse of the Orisha Marco you the foundation of each Orisha you
received, and a framework of Dilogun Odun (oracle of the 16 snails) in the ITA
(Ceremony the Oracle after initiation of Eeta - Ceremony of the third day). Here are

some examples of the verses of Odu that Oduduwa Baba himself has revealed, has told
us little by little over time, all this stuff about the 256 Verses Odun that is revealing,
will meet in a book, the father and told us how the book is titled:EELS OLOFIN
KAN , where would your tuition plus that can be posted, because this secret teaching
that is sharing with the beginnings of Osha, about the internals of the Tradition
( Signatures of the Orisha, Secrets of the Orishas, the use and uses of EWE, as the
foundation Divinely Orishas, when nobody is based to be born from it. Mysteries of
the Odu (including using the word Tradicionalistes Odu) and ceremony will truly
Osha, the real head Osun, and much more).
Baba's teachings on Odu of OOSH Oduduwa.
OO Odu VERSES <span class=" fbUnderline"> S </ span> to recite for
Oduduwa BABA
Odun of Washing (or Delivery Room ceremony) of Shango: OSA (9):
OSA , Shango has cried and sent to 9 warriors exalting his voice, singing the battle
hymn of the revolution. OSA, who takes the crown to the king, to make the individual
in the new king, who becomes a coward and gives the courage to end the life of the
brave. OSA, who has come and has spread to the harmony of the wind. OSA Baba's
you. One that made the voice, the one that made the exclamation of the king, to make
it fall over his people. OSA has cried and has turned against the King to warn that if
not met its burden, which does not meet with his people will give her crown to the
highest bidder. Again the king has cried OSA. Creating, calling and mentioning the 9
young seniors who come from heaven, to be his advisors. OSA has cried and invoked
again these young elders to care for and protect the king. OSA has cried and chanted
the chant secret for young people aged monitor the work of the king. OSA change the
life of a beggar and became king. OSA change the king's life and has become a
beggar. In the revolution and change has its greatest enigma locked. That was the
verse of Baba OSA.
Washing Odun of Elegbara: Ofun -10:
Elegba Ofun WITH BABA (10): BABA Elegba Ofun he exclaimed, one that is born
of the curse and the curse NACE BUT FROM HEAVEN IS BLESSED. BABA Ofun
shouts DEATH, intones the Canticle AND THE PATH OF DEATH. Ofun BABA, THE

will lead to perdition, and lead to disaster, ONLY ONE WAY IS SAVED, THAT IS THE
walking and praising 9 1 WAY. Ofun, war, fighting and combat, that's your curse. Ofun
is one that cries out through your mouth and make appearances, but that is prohibited
by their eyes and refused to look at what he has created with his mouth. Ofun, sign,
Ofun, the ODU, BABA Ofun dare throw your grace and your songs, create and convert
the obscure phenomenon in a white phenomenon. Ofun, who lives in the middle of the
two magical colors. Ofun there Ofun BABA, brndanos your grace, that we praise your
nature. Let those who sing chants those 10 warriors, forever and eternity live inside
your true color is gray. BABA Ofun, curse your being and composed your being, to
prepare to battle forever. This is Baba Ofun.
Here in this Odu of Baba speaks Ofun Oduduwa (Androkin Ra)
-----------------Odu 4-4 in Oshun
4-4: Irosun meyi: Irosun meyi has been sung by Oshun. Meyi Irosun has sat on the
throne to rule and fight Irosun Meyi, the son of 2 Kings. The son of the king and
queen, rules the world. Irosun meyi, who was born eager to fight. The fight that each
wears red. Which by its nature a warrior, his enemies have prepared his deathbed,
waiting charge with a lance. Irosun meyi, which is known to his enemies. The Odu
Breed Pride. Irosun meyi, which his salvation is where he gets the crown. Irosun meyi,
the greatness of people is measured by the greatness of the King. Irosun meyi, that his
enemies chant supplications to heaven, that life is short. Meyi Irosun is a direct son of
Heaven. Irosun meyi, who has sung with satisfaction OSHUN. Meyi Irosun has been
sung by Oshun, is the spokesman for the deepest feelings of his heart.
EBO: Irosun meyi. Give ONIL, Mother Earth (ONI IYA ILE) Every year the day
before his birthday Osha, make a hole to give a AGBO (Ram) and Akuko
(Gallo). Those who share in the ceremony will Jio Jio one each.

Odu 8-9 on SHANGO

Ogbe 8-9 SA: The King has ridden on his throne, and the sky has fallen thought and
the verse which is called Ogbe SA. Thanks to those divine beings and that court, the
king creed their constitution and law. He cried all his people to be worshiping whiteheaded old man, but that will worship the old man give something to this land, has
decreed that it will respect the small-eyed innocent, but that will worship the little that
is larger than the king. Ogbe SA, was born and has fallen by divine mandate and part
of that court from heaven to be transmitted through the mouth of a king. Ogbe SA,
King understood the king's message digests, and called up his palace to the carpenter,
has named to his palace to the mason, the builder, has called up his palace to cook,
has requested the presence of the 8 sages, requested the presence of the easement, the
king now understands that by his own hand can not build his palace, the king
understood that neither the wisdom of the 8 seniors can not give their palace walls
harder and perfect. The king understood that the furniture of his palace not be created
from nothing. The king understood that his hands have not been deposited the power
to create the food, the king understands that living in the hierarchy. The king
understands that it needs the wisdom and advice of the 8 sages. The king has
understood understands that just does not govern, governing all the people. This is
what the King has passed on and inherited.
EBO: 8-9: Praying cool head every 28 days until Ebo Meta.
ODU 6-2 in Elegba: 6-2 OBARA Eyioko
Elegbara delivered a Odu, OBARA Eyioko born of his mouth, crowning the king
brought about the song and joy, and has removed the crown to those who chant and
speak words in harmony with his people, in harmony with their family. Obara Baba,
Baba Eyioko, the good can become evil, and evil can become good, the king who can
become a pawn and the pawn can become king. Obara Eyioko Baba has understood
what has been delivered and created Elegbara both understood it, which has created
two aspects. Baba Eyioko Obara, who is healthy can become ill by the words of his
mouth dare create. They cried, they sung "Araya Araya, ARAYEYE". Small words that
have blighted his throat. Obara Eyioko Baba has sent the message and the voice of
Elegbara, creating and converting stones into gold, and creating and making gold out
of stone. Baba Eyioko Obara, that young inexperienced young man who has prepared
rough, which has grown and has reached his bliss and fortune. Wise and intelligent
young man who has uttered the secret word, and lost and squandered it all. He who in
their desire for all to hear his word, his decrees, has entangled his legs, his face
falling. Land has been swallowed and spat grass. One who has walked from village to

village, slowly and slowly extended its verse and poetry, changing the lives of
everyone. Obara Eyioko Baba, who lives in the red flame that lives in the blue
flame.You are the king of the house, are the one who hunts all good, but also
everything bad game. Elegbara has sung his poetry, his poetry has decreed Elegbara.
Oduduwa teaching through questions, to Reason

Message List
Message # 275 of 307 <Previous | Next>

Ela Orunmila bor mo yin, yin mo Orunmila Aboye Ela, Ela Orunmila
bosse mo yin.
Ogbo, tied, Asura, wrwfn. GBA OLOFIN BABA Oduduwa GBA,
GBA Ela ORUNMILA! - With Long Life, with the blessing of Odu Ifa of
which is the Portal wrwfn who pours the grace of Olodumare. May
the blessing of Olofin, Baba Oduduwa, Orunmila ELA be with you.
Here I share this Oduduwa Baba Teaching: Things to Ponder. Baba
Oduduwa: due in June 2011, taken from the recording.
Oduduwa teaching through questions, to make reasonable and that
people understand key things.
Baba Oduduwa question: Why are you here?
Brother: In my religion, which is the OOSH, for my belief ..
Oduduwa: The "Believe" is the basis of the destruction of a people. Many people have
seen flourish and perish. Those people who have perished will have been destroyed by
Oduduwa: You are sure that here you practice?
Answer: YES
Oduduwa: Why?
Sister X: I speak for myself, because that's what I always wanted, because they make
profits to be happy, and I'm sure of it.
Oduduwa: Excellent, you know?

Oduduwa: "I look and look and the sea at his feet he would have" - "I look and look
and the Egyptian army fell," was Moses, what do you mean?
Response of a brother: That though was a feat impossible for the Believe in what God
said, they found things.
Oduduwa Baba: These correct in everything except faith, (Moses) was sure that God
had given him, if he had never exposed his life for the people of Israel. Do you
Why are you where are you?
You are on the road no matter what you do or not do.
Oduduwa: Are you sure that the Orishas still where you are, you're going to help and
Sister: If I'm sure.
Oduduwa: Why are you sure?
Sister: Because I have faith and trust in them (Orishas).
Oduduwa: These are words of a person who only knew this a few days ago.
Kingdoms and my kingdom I will govern. In my day, what I said was the Will of God,
and to have to be fulfilled. I after being the one who clean the waste of many people, I
become one of the greatest kings the world has ever known. To start, you know who to
Note: Some new and visits were not aware of Oduduwa.
Baba Oduduwa, Oduduwa are talking to, you know who is Oduduwa? The First King
of Oyo, the Conqueror, and Realigion dogmatize in the Yoruba. Did you know that
means YORUBA?
I EBO UK - those who praise God by Ebo. What is the EBO?
Answer: The Sacrifice
Oduduwa: What is the sacrifice? What do you mean Sacrifice?
Answer a brother of the Holy Office
Oduduwa: The Sacred Work. Do you make sacrifices?
Answer: YES
Oduduwa: And with those sacrifices worship God?
Answer: Yes
Oduduwa: Why?

Answer: For God to help us and give us your blessing

Oduduwa: The Sacrifice, when that is done trying to get a good return, then the
sacrifice will be lost.
Oduduwa: Why are you here?
Answer: For conviction, because we want to.
Oduduwa: You are here because they have to be here. Yorubas say, "Without the will
of Olodumare THINGS ARE NOT"
If you and every one of you is here because God, for the Orishas, because he wants
so ... OLOFIN
Oduduwa: And for that are here?
Answer: To accomplish a mission, to learn and perform
Oduduwa: They are here because it is your destiny, and the destination so indicated. If
you are here is because the destination and want it. 're Never anyone in the world can
say, "I wish that such a person perish" That the Dead and Destiny have to designate,
all who are here are because they have to be, and if they are involved and if they are
aware of all the issues and problems we have been presented and come up, is because
you have to know.
Do you have problems in your family?
Answer: Yes
Where does the word family?
Note: Many here do not answer or indicate that they do not know:
Oduduwa: Does anyone know? So why use that word if you do not know what that
means or what it means
Someone replied: Family is is union congregation
Oduduwa: Family means "People of the Blood." "Blood of My Blood Flesh of My
What is my intention and that of destination to help her (referring to a girl)?
Fate has given the assurance, I have to help with my stuff (my medium) that she is
well, the reason is so that you are well.
If I wanted at this time, as well as smoking this cigarette, she would become one of the
most powerful people in this country. What would be my intention? And why not
convert my material or medium in a powerful person?
Answer: because you know how to move the game pieces

Oduduwa: She has to be, because so my word and my mouth have been issued,
because so you and those who are with him, will never be annoyed. With her and none
of you I might be to wait to receive something in return, but if I can be with you for a
favor. People should be of HONOR. When people have Honor and Righteousness
Department thanks sabra morning on the day of what has been provided. She as one
example of many that I could put, is someone important here, because by it I can get
to places even she imagines, and therefore, and it is located on a mission and tomorrow she rewarded have.
What is the greatest treasure that exists within humanity?
There is something called Tranquility, and that is the treasure that I would I offer
it. And because my word has given, the day she will wake up tomorrow without any
worries. MY WORD EVER ... She falls to the floor as many of those here, is just
beginning, what they want to give example? What legacy they want to? This must be
corecctamente, and she and you, and you, and all that surround me have to be right.
I make a question, my stuff is right to do and say everything he said and did?
Says my "Matter," "a day of my life that I lost" what for? Why? ... Do you have
reason? Is he right? What is right to demand respect?
Each and every one of you must meet that fate has marked that if you miss the target
and what life has marked the day of God morning to claim they have been, you
know? Flores who deserves flowers, Quie candela Candela deserves.
Are we going to work, I wonder? For what? ... As well as this it if I tried to hit with a
finger, I'll get hurt and broke my finger and would not have much effect, but if I tried
to hit her with his fist, fingers together, the shock will be stronger and powerful.
Alafia is a ni. Ire Gbogbo gbogbo Ashe, Ire Gbogbo Ona, Ire Aye gbogbo

Tata Egun on OSHOOSI G: What is Oshoosi? Oshoosi is not the one that
doeth righteousness is Oshoosi who were executed, which imparts Justice is
Obatala, who is the Judge. Oshoosi is the Shaman, Warlock of the OSHOLeft, Left hechicerodel the Orisha of Severity (Osho OSI). There is one that
is the Right Side of Mercy who is Osanyin, the Osho Otun.
Oshoosi is Cupid, the arrow also in love, this is a representation. Oshoosi is the Hunter,
the game good and bad. ODE is NLA which means the Great Hunter.
Because they Eshu, Elegbara, Ogun and Oshoosi together? Ele Eshu GBar is the Lord of
Way, Ogun is the way Cleans (removes obstacles) and Oshoosi is the game you also hunt
in the marriage there of Cupid applies. (Clarification is Irunmole Eshu and Elegbara is
the Orisha who was the son of Obatala and died before he was crowned).
Note: This ODE or ODE AWO, but it is another Orisha Apetebi of Oshoosi. Ode was
AWO IFA, is given by the tradition of Ifa.

As a Yoruba from OOSH and the 401 became Orishas


Ela Orunmila bor mo yin, yin mo Orunmila Aboye Ela, Ela mo yin bosse Oru
Ogbo, tied, Asura, wrwfn. GBA OLOFIN BABA Oduduwa GBA, GBA Ela
which is the Portal wrwfn who pours the grace of Olodumare. May the ble
Ab or ru, ab or e, b I t is :


Esoteric Tradition Yoruba Oduduwa Baba Olof

Odu EGBE Olofin - The Secret Family OLOFIN

Teaching given in December 2009

The Spirit Emissary CCORDING or Oduduwa Baba, TATA G:. TEACH of the Myste

As a Yoruba from OOSH and the 401 became Orishas Beings Human.
Spiritual Transformation and Release the Body of Light in the Tradition

When the Spirit Evolve to a higher level, this spirit goes through a spiritual inc

This happened as follows:

Tata Egun G: "When a person is ready, he will say to his friends, now it's the time to g
be the foundation the Orisha of the person, there is going to sit down to meditate, and it
will find in the special room just their nails, hair, Gems or crystals (that produced by the
this is a secret technique of OOSH (OOSA), also in the esoteric traditions of IFA (which br
old Nganga Kinyumba old tradition, but there are certain techniques or processes that m
still known in India and China Tibel among Yogis and Taoists). "

Question: This is through the use of a special technique?

Tata Egun Response G:.

Yes, it disintegrates matter and becomes a Haz (Ray) of light or a rainbow. Therefore the
Rainbow Orisha OShUMARE in its name has a resemblance to Olodumare, which is the U
from that of the Yogis of India, or Tibet. This is through a "Relaxation Technique", in whic
matter in the most important chemical components and commodities, which are mostly
diamonds (after processing bio-energetic-spiritual fire through the spiritual). Through th
Rainbow by the crown of the head, the ORI, Seventh Chakra, Brahma or Eye of Brahma R
when the light leaves the physical body, material body becomes carbon (the self-combu
is where Great Ones become an "I" as the Great Baba Oduduwa achievement in its time
that until this time was a secret.

IFALENU Awo Note: Just 20,000 years since the coming of Oduduwa met Baba humans O
these are known esoterically as Orishas Light Time , that the last to become orisha w
will be chosen from among the Human Beings of Pure, Awareness and Light who hold th
out a new group Orishas, to be known as the Time of Darkness Orishas . This opportu
special cycles of time, the last period before this happened was when the coming of Odu
opened in time that accumulated the 400 seats that were available, 200 Orishas of Merc
Left. Those who managed to become Orishas also had to have undergone a special cere

and the merit necessary. Something was and is the key is to have the signature of Iru
only the specified number of Orishas at that time nothing else so far, now this was going
Orishas will arise, that is something special and very sacred, that is to be giving a large
25.920 years, but there will have to confirm this with Oduduwa.

TATA Egun G: Others know some techniques to achieve this process (of self-combustio
SOUL (to ascend through the use of the technique or process).

Note: If you are not level Almanecesario Spiritual, you may release the physic

TATA Egun G: Oduduwa Baba for having achieved this, is no longer a ccording (Spirit)

Note: This is how Baba Tatas Oduduwa and call it with that term, and that ter

TATA Egun G: An "I" would be drawn into a symbol as "a point" as the Center of the Un
(crown of the head) and Consciousness and rises.

As soon as the light leaves the physical body, bringing consciousness (Ori), the physical

This also makes big Tata Nkisi between the Fon, but they succeeded in Technical, did not
to do and achieve to become a "Spiritual Self" .

Note: For this special what Baba Oduduwa who knows the secrets of death, this is part
the Tradition of IFA. Oduduwa is said that he knew the secret of death, but specifically re
Others managed to free a spiritual technique, but did not become "Spiritual Self ".

TATA Egun G: When a Soul Free Spiritually, God (Olofin) gives a plan, and in most case

"You go as pure spirit to descend to Earth, as a Grand Master." Those who become Pure
Avatars, guides of humanity, and that's when it becomes a true Guru (Teacher, sink Dark
Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Moses, etc ...).

BABA ORUNMILA LIGHT also be released by a porceso like 99 years of age and Space

TATA EGUN G: What is ORUNMILA?, Orisha and Orunmila is not Irunmoles not:

Orunmila is a current, Orunmila was a sage who founded a stream of Wisdom (IFA), the s
becomes a force in a Universal Guardian. Orunmila is not within the 401 Orisha, or is wit

Orunmila was asked the orisha ceremony, but not crowned because he already had IFA,
Orunmila to be a power above that OOSH so to speak, they could not do Oosh. Orunmila
Baba Oduduwa as enshrined in OOSH no. Firms Irunmoles Orishas and the transmitted p
UNIVERSAL is a gaurdian ORUNMILA and did not die

The most important Stellar Guardian ORUNMILA. Orunmila What does it mean? Is
the universe. Which is enshrined in the tradition of IFA, follow the path of Wisdom becau
Orunmila. Orunmila is a manifestation of Irunmole Ela, that which has witnessed the cre

If Universal Protector, as Orunmila is a Universal Guardian, ORUNMILA NOT DIED . Or


I asked: Tata, if not die ORUNMILA, What happened to him???

Tata G:. We said:

ORUNMILA Baba was an incarnation unique and special about this planet Earth, that w
ORUNMILA Baba, did not die, and decides to activate a power, and is dematerialized and

the Universe as a Consciousness Force, which since then became a moemento UNIVERS
There are other manifestations of IFA in the universe, there are other siblings
or ALS Olofin.

Baba Oduduwa at the time of his release of the plane or the physical world, pa

Note: Something like this did it make the Tibetan Yogis (Buddhas, Bodhisattvas), the Ch
pronounced in Tibetan), or the Laya Yoga (Yoga of Decay) is the Adhimuttikalakiriya
most basic elements. Here goes the saying, that " He who can, DO NOT DIE LIKE THA
instincts, he outdid himself, achieving spiritual merit, dominated the management of the
happen, so when people die holy, special odors accumulate in the environment, light ph
special light and only residues remain.

About JALU: [tib. 'Ja lus]. The rainbow body. In Dzogchen (Tibetan Buddhist and Bon
practitioner performed no longer deceived by the apparent substantiality of things, or th
elements that make up the physical body. The body itself dissolves, leaving only the hai
death (bard).

Buddhas and Orishas: Big Light has avid, Buddhas, Masters through the history of ma
these were a group of chosen souls 20.000 years ago by Divine Power of OLOFIN (Consc
serve a mission in the position given to them, are 401 Orisha, 200 of the side of mercy a
Buddhas are close in level to the Orishas.

This is a teaching of the Holy G TATA answering a question about this:

And at what level the Buddhas have come a ORISHA comparison? TATA Egun G
ascending scale, or are higher consciousness, but not to the degree of an orisha. Do you
isolated from the world, and experience no hatred, no bitterness experience, and that la

state, the Orientals do not worship the person, revere the state of consciousness that ta
(deities) because as I said, they shut themselves in monasteries, not aware of the anger
the case of the Orishas, they experienced everything: love, hate, anger, resentment, the

On the meaning of

I recommend the book: Yug Yoga Yoghismo, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere. Here you can read online or

Read about Jalu - Rainbow Body in Tibetan Buddhist Tradition <x/2011/06/el-cuerpo-de

Baba Oduduwa, Summary of Some Lessons

(Open Section)
Through one of my godchildren, began to manifest an apparent spirit of much light and knowledge, presented with
the name "Ra Androkin" which means messenger of the Divine. At the beginning we always said that nobody knew
who he really was, or what their true power. This went on, the giving teachings and guidance until, in a ceremony
dedicated to Oshun between mouth of the river and the sea, Oshun takes possession of my godson, Omo Oshun
(Oshun's son), and Oshun gave his profound message. During the ceremony, Oshun asks her know who is truly
Androkin, he said no, and informs us that Oshun Androkin is actually the Grand Patriarch Baba Oduduwa, the
founder of the Yoruba tradition and Osha. Thus understood, who was in reality, and because he said until then,
nobody knew who or what their power.
Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere, in one of his books, psychological purposes, makes mention of the Yoruba,
Oduduwa and tells us it was a Christ to the people, for Africans in ancient times, so Oshun told us, that was a
messiah Androkin for Yoruba, Oduduwa he was. Oshun actually referred to him how Androkin Deity, revealing that
this manifests as a spiritual power, as Deity, as Orisha. Androkin, and gave us that he no longer is a spirit, he appears
like a spirit, but it is not, is a spiritual power ascended, is an Orisha.
NOTE: Dr. Serge Raynaud work of Ferriere. Purpose Psychological Medicine 6 Universal version of 6 Page 227
purposes, a book of 1 to 6, is the first volume (note: original version of the 36 purposes, it is on page 15)

Androkin of Ra (or Oduduwa) reveals that his last incarnation was 20.000 years ago, as the character known as
Oduduwa, patriarch of the Yoruba, which brought together the 16 Kings and founded the Yoruba nation. This was
also beginning at a time when Egyptian Civilization. Androkin mention that he and Orunmila (the originator of the
tradition of IFA) were friends and shared the road together, and shared traditions, teachings and initiations.
Androkin (Oduduwa) is manifest in these times to renew these ancient and sacred traditions of Egungun, Osha and
IFA, and reveal the mysteries that had vanished or hidden through the ages. Androkin comes to establish his spiritual
family and his sacred lineage for these new times. This has been commissioned by the same divine mandate Olofi
(Consents aspect of God). The mission also is to prepare the Army Olofi Warriors (God), to fight against the forces
of evil in this time, a holy war, not with conventional weapons, a war could say Magic, War Powers, the powers of
the underworld and the forces of evil are manifested through the 108 spectra of Evil, this will happen from 2012.

The tradition of Osha, is what leads man to the Divine Power Becoming Orisha or spiritual, that through a process of
enlightenment, knowledge, understanding, wisdom and raising achievement. OSHA also refers to those who became
Light, Powers of Light and left this plane. This ancient tradition is coming back to reveal to humanity for these times
to date, because OSHA develops and the human being, Osha is 50.000 years ago as divine revelation (or Zodiac 2
Years or 25.920 years Platonists) . The Grand Master Ra Androkin (Baba alias Oduduwa), an Orisha currently

assigned to unveil this all this and more. These are collections of the teachings in many traditional ceremonies he
has revealed. This is just the open, as it also is giving the Secret revelations Osha Initiates on internal processes and
sacred ceremonies. This tradition has always worked under the divine communication through the Orishas and Egun
deities (spirits emissaries of the Orishas). The Power of the Orishas is to control the spirits, angels, and the forces of
nature, following the designs of Olofi (Creator God). Note: Most of this material was recorded on tape. I have
grouped the teachings of parts, I hope to read with understanding and insight.
For babaloshas, Oni Yemaya, initiated priests OSHA's tradition YORUBA Olof


Olof Yoruba lineage:
ANDROKIN RA: We are initiated into the Yoruba traditions, we are Yoruba Olof, a new tradition with ancient roots,
but a new tradition. We have more Osha (Divine Consecration of the Orisha) that some say they have it.
Our mission is to rescue this tradition. Began to fall "heads" of those who claim to be Oshas comes time debugging
of the world (and in this tradition).
You will be recognized as Olofi Warriors will not be like the others, you will be legend.
Secrets are coming, and I will talk about secrets, head have to put, too much head must put in my words.
These lands are an important center of battle, and that is why I decided to build the Family (Spiritual Osha) here,
because here is the best place for training. If you are victorious here, can face anything.
They will start to settle heads Osha (go through the initiation of the Priesthood Coronation Osha), will start a
massive birth Osha. I'm going to give up arms (spiritual) for you to defend themselves, and these lands are in
consideration, and hence will get the real Warriors Olofi.

Times to come
First share the message that the Deity gave Orisha Oshun at the junction of river and sea, in Chachalacas, Veracruz,
Mexico in December 2008.
Message Oshun (December 2008, Veracruz State Beach, Mexico):
Does anyone know what lies ahead? Poverty, hunger, thirst, epidemics, natural powers claim what is theirs. If man is
not made up, nature has to accommodate. I can stop this process my order, but this is not so now it's up to you all,
mankind, to correct what they have unleashed. I'm not going to save anyone who does not deserve it. Not only do
you learn, (Tradition) Osha also learns changes (evolves), and now only the elect will be saved. Who will be
elected? They will be worth saving, who are willing to work, those who love life, who respect life. Only a few were
saved, because there are few who deserve to be saved.
What is OSHA? It is a Mission, is a lifestyle, a way of feeling. In the tradition of Osha there is no prejudice, bonds,
pressures and in other traditions. Osha is free, and known by many names, but it is one.
ODUs 16 were the first in the beginning, Okana, Oyeku (and others, etc ...) were the real power was the first ODU
(cosmic principle) and then came the Orisha (to appear). At Odu are invoked in prayers. Note: There are 16 Major
Powers of the Universe and 240 combinations total of 256.

How many human beings believe they are touched by the divine?
ODU is the greatest power in this world, and is then OSHA.

They have to prepare much, that which is not simply a "disease" that is a "Great Purification". You have to prepare
for the one who is not ready, it will perish in the attempt.
Olokun is commanded to be Olofi many heads. (The sea is going to take many lifetimes, led by the Olokun
deity). Osha Many heads will fall.
Those who keep quiet will be condemned, speakers will be saved.
There is a school and that school is named "SHARE" If you share will be saved. Respect - that way you will be
saved. If you respect your opponent, your enemy, you Honor.
The Wolves are trying to herd the sheep away, to eat them later.
In the Tradition of Osha, sacrifices are made with animal blood, that blood that does not shed (either in accidents,
operations, violence, disease, crime, evil cutting curse, witchcraft etc ...)
With Androkin is creating a people, but mostly it is creating a family. The molecules are closer together as they can
not be penetrated. If you work, if you have faith, because faith is POWER, win.
They know my stuff (the medium of Oshun) is between darkness and light (between bad and good). He was born
with the sign, (ODU) of Oshe (5), this sign marks the two sides, good son, bad son. He can not deviate. We all have
those tendencies, but he is at absolute zero, and that's why he has to start from scratch.
Fame is over, but the legend never dies, becomes immortal.
Each of you have a power different from the other, but when you come together, are magnificent. Everybody has a
different power to the other, because if everyone had the same, we would destroy. We are all similar to Olofi
(Creator God), but in this world we are all different. Each of you has a very large, each one must meet his own.
In the Yoruba tradition, there is freedom of conscience. YORUBA are those who worship God (Olofi) through the
EBO (the act or work Ritual). " = I Ru Ebo Yoruba . " We are Yoruba, not practitioners of the Rule of Osha. The
EBO is shared, and this is done so that the negative is cleaned. All Traditions come from the ancient tradition of
OSHA (there are already 50.000 years).
If you want to have power, you must first have Intelligence, Wisdom and Control.
The Failure of the King, King is feeling. We must talk to the head and not with the mouth.
IFA is the greatest wisdom that exists. IFA is a range, is a hierarchy.
The real old continent is Africa.
The second highest expression of OSHA in this world is OLOKUN (first is Olofi).
The true word of OSHA is HUMILITY.
My Doctrine is the SHARE
Science biggest OSHA is Spiritual

Androkin Teachings of Ra - Baba Oduduwa

During the three years up to 2012 (2009-2012), they will cum very difficult times. The loss of value of money, why
do I have to put the money in the "right" (Ashedi) under foot? Because the money is worth nothing. My stuff is
going to have much wealth, will have many amenities. One of the first temptations that will happen is wealth, if he
is carried away by the temptation, the next moon (day), will have lost everything. Money should not be of interest,
or material things, or comfort. To him it owes to interest and excite is this way, like you. For everything else,
material, is ephemeral, of no value. They will fight against the 108 beings, and will be recognized for their monetary
wealth, but yet my family is going to help with the same, not to defend, if not to learn from that and to find out why

foot can catch the enemy.With what I have said, where do you think you can catch the enemy who is rich and
powerful? By greed, a fish the more you most want to eat. Will there be economic development of all of you.
The Famous 2012
Since the 108 spectra are descending on Earth, and they come for you ... How many have gone Divine Wars on
Earth? How many years has the Mayan calendar? At the end of the Mayan calendar cycle (2012), he begins the
Divine War.
The 108 spectra of evil Those who come to give this land of darkness to come enjoy all the material goods, and
therefore are to be identified, but nevertheless, the real power is not there, the power comes from the lineage.
It is very close to that misfortune will fall upon the earth. This continent, country, this land will suffer large damage,
fire, air, water and earth, they will demand blood, flesh, and that they go to feed. They want the supreme beings, not
to spill more blood, but the true warriors fight.

At that time, 2012, all being able to develop a magical, mystical, and they will start wars. He who does not know,
who is not aware, will perish. (Powers are being updated in all beings).
It will unleash the War of 100 years. It depends on the knowledge that you have to end the war before 100 years.
By 2017, you will have knowledge that will be the IFA. It is one of the latest knowledge that I will give, but
nevertheless must be understood in all, Egungun, Osha, and IFA. Up to you to end the war before 100 years.
SO THIS is perverted TRADITION THAT HAS THE SAME ORDER AND Olofi has commanded and decreed that
I come down to communicate His Word and spread the word to EVERYONE.
They want to end it (the tradition of Osha and IFA), but do not know how much it will grow and develop people
from other lands will be initiated by this tradition, and will expand throughout the world as a kind of epidemic, but
this will be good. They will try to end by all means, but the defeat is all that awaits them at the end of the period of
the war, will come the Age of Reconstruction, at the end of that era, will be no peace, and then goes to begin the
process of destruction of Earth, this constellation, in this galaxy. The Galaxy is going to explode, to be reborn. It will
be the end of the ages to start a New Era. That if you are a great event.
William Hook, what year and what year was talking about the beginning of the "Sacred War"? Do you understand
what will happen? It is written and said by all ancient beings who know the true secret and power, what is going to
happen? It's a power struggle with the 108 spectra, after that period, for exactly that in 2012, have opened the doors
of the underworld, it must have broken all the seals, you know?Beginning this year (2012), begin the battle.
Feature change, do you know what will happen? Physically, Radioactive Emanations by the King Star, the Sun is
going to be a lack of communication, will be a tremendous mess., Because this will damage the mechanical devices
that humans have on the universe, this event will to damage, but nevertheless, it will also damage living beings in
this land, irradiated with a power. For so you will be tested to see if you are able to continue on this earth, if they are
worthy of further treading this ground and continue to enjoy the pleasures that Being Creator has given you to enjoy
your stay at this level . War is coming, and for those times each of you should be set to the path and the path that
will take. You have to understand something, you have to rethink something, If someone deviates from the way
Dark, rest assured that they will get to work that way obscure. If someone takes the path of Light, the Truth, have
certainly have to work within that path, since the two will work (the path of Light and the Dark Road) in various
ways but going to do. Not because one is bad is going to stop working, the opposite. Not because one is good, will
enjoy all the pleasures, you know?. The Master (Androkin) does not exist in this congregation what is known as
hypocrisy, why? Because he does not want anyone dares to betray his word. Do you understand? Therefore I am
saying and I have stressed that from the moment you were formed as a Family (Spiritual) made a commitment to
yourself, not anyone, not Androkin, not deities, but with yourself, Do you understand?
Does anyone know why this responsibility has left me with you? Because it says the (Androkin) that I am more
attached to the underworld, because I can talk like I'm doing with you, the (Androkin) speaks in metaphors,
speaking in a complex manner and is expressed in a very complex but yet very wise.

There are other congregations human and earthly, who are preparing for the arrival of the time, but yet are being
instilled by a school that is not correct. Have you heard of the Congregation of the Bleeding Hearts? It is a
congregation that exists within the Catholic Church, in short, they're Murderers, are preparing for the arrival of the
108 spectra, because they believe that physical weapons can defeat them. But yet they are making an effort, what are
you doing?

I ask all of you, what power you know driving? What power you handled?
I will provide, any of you, not even the greatest sages and old, the greatest initiates of Osha Ifa, know how to
manipulate the power being given to them in their hands. That's what you want the Master (Androkin) you to learn,
because tomorrow, if you really are aware, if they understand, they will be able to manipulate the absolute nature,
will be able to make a small seed to germinate in a few periods very short, hours or maybe days, you know? This is
only if you want and if they wish.
Why there are deviations and betrayals?
Everyone has a "free will", everyone can take either road, because the greatest traitor, take the middle path, but yet
without that education, without the word of truth, the deviations are, because if I I know absolute truth, I can not
guide me along the path of light, because I accept myself as I am. Do you understand?
That woman has conflicts in his love life is going to drop everything and destroy will leave a person who is so
insignificant as a grain of sand, why? Because they know the truth. With a motion by simply lifting a finger, can be
destroyed and can crush this threat can be seen as a monster. But if she does not know the power and truth, they are
going off on the wrong path, which has lead to their own destruction, is it or is not correct? Many look and see, "is
that today I have no money, than this. If you do not know the truth, they will be attached to it." Is that I have
enemies, "All have, why it affects some more than others and why they hit some more than others? depends on the
knowledge, training What is a Warrior? To find enemy weaknesses to turn them into strengths, you know?

POWER IS IN NEUTRAL universal energy. Power is the power, the power does not know whether is good or bad,
(that is Pure Energy).
He is the Almighty Being, who "has no ears", so do not listen to our prayers, Los Angeles are the Beings who can
hear, the Angels can create wonderful things, because that will be created. Olodumare is the unconscious aspect of
God. Olodumare creates different energies, soldiers, Angels ...

"You Can not Invoke energy beyond that necessary."

Olofi: Olofin is called there in Yoruba land, but right is Olofin Orun . Aye Olofin is the title Baba is known to
Oduduwa. Olofin means the owner of Secrets, Olofin Orun is the owner of the Secrets of the Universe, Olofin Aye is
the owner of the secrets of this world (world).
Olofi or OLOFIN, is one that makes you Energy called God. Olofi is the Supreme God, who possesses the powers of
all the Orishas together Olofi created himself, and he has change the behavior of Olodumare, to create the
Orishas. Olofi IS POWER AWARE, the creative power. The first foundation (Power) Olofi ECHO WAS LIKE A
BIG ROCK, in the great antiquity. Olofi was formed by himself, so he became a god.Olofi has a secret signature at
that symbol is reflected true creation.

Christos or Anointed How many have there been?

Many, including Hindus, the Yorubas, etc..
Olofi ELA, was the first son of Olofi, was created immortal and omnipotent
Each of you can become powerful, but it all depends on you.

ODU: Odu are the principles or foundations of the Creation of Nature: Seniors are 16 and 240 Odu Odu Minors, in
total 256 Odu, represented in the Oracle of IFA and OSHA through the sign or Odus.Olodumare God's name refers
to the Divine creative source, Olodumare, as Ol = owner, Odu = creative principle OLODU, Olodumare as the
owner of Universal Energy, the principles of creation. 16 major and 240 minor forces, totaling 256. 16x16 = 256.

Androkin says: First it was the Beginning (Odu), and later became the Orisha. Note: Odu are the Principles of
The Odun is Power is Energy. All Odun can be very different from what you know. Example Ogunda: Represents
the Trinity, roadman, righteous, power and strength, but also is irradiated by the guardian "Osuna". Nothing,
absolutely nothing is coincidence.
ANGEL: It is that Holy One who is born, born directly from the Father. They are beings who are born of
Olodumare. There are many each with its own power. They (angels) fear to my word, and tremble at my
presence. My color is the wisdom, understanding, to understand. The Orishas command the Angels, as well as
command the Spirits (Egun).
There are many beings or fallen angels.
Each civilization has its positive side and negative side, has his Angels and Demons

ORISHA: A person who by their actions on Earth, has been Sacra. Orisha Consciousness means Head or Open, is
the head that has been opened to the Divine. The Orishas are the heads of the host or hosts Divine Supreme
Being. The Orishas know the nature of human beings, because they were human, and therefore to help them as
human beings. The Orisha are the administrator of Ashe (Divine Power). Each Orisha rules an army of Angels,
Orishas are 601 existing and 400. Wisdom and understanding is what they (Orishas) have.
The human being can become an Orisha, and the example of Christ Jesus.
Each Orisha has at his command an army that consists of many angels as there are stars in the sky.
OSHA = which vanished from the material world (lights, was transformed and ascended to higher
planes). Transformation, and the emanation of a human being who becomes an Orisha, is great and incalculable.
You know it, or because it is the reason for my anger? For all of you, my whole family must reach the culminating
step of becoming ORISHA, and not some mere mortals. Because this doctrine is to transcend and has to pass
through barriers, walls, and around the world has heard from Olof Yoruba Spiritual Family (of Ra = Androkin
This tradition of OSHA, has been modified, has been transformed for the benefit of humans.
Each of the Initiates must be prepared for what lies ahead. Should exercise, physical, mental health, Food, but above
all, take care of the Boca exercise, prayer, etc..

Elegbara (Elegua or Elegba) Elegbara cum is her name, the Being of Power. Orisha is the guardian of the roads,
the police or vigilante Universal, every star in the universe there is a particular Elegbara Eshu that star that
commands and monitors there , rewards and punishes. Elegbara has infinite energy pathways, for every star you see

in the firmament of heaven, each is a path (or event for that particular place) Elegbara. He is different in
each. Elegbara is the most powerful, was created by Olofi, who is being Olofi. Eshu and Elegbara are one essence,
but yet are distinct, joked Elegbara (Pacific or merciful), Eshu kills (Righteous and severe) ...
Eshu is the one who decides what to do with that hurt. Eshu gives severity severely those who deserve.

Eshu: SEVERE is the aspect of Elegbara, is a feared, that if you do it your friend, no one can defeat you. Eshu is
what causes people to attract business. The difference between the two is that Elegbara jokes, Eshu kills. Note: Eshu
is as severe and wrathful deities of Tibetan Buddhism Tantico. There are infinite different manifestations of Eshu, eg
Laroye Eshu, Eshu Alawana, Odara Eshu, Eshu Bode, Olona Eshu, Eshu Lade Ona, etc ...

EGUN (Egungun in plural): Egun is the Spirit of conviction has chosen to serve. The Egun guide a person in this
life, and this enlarges, so going forward Egun the Orisha. The Egun not incarnate until he decides to re-incarnate,
and made in a Supreme Being, they are supreme beings become facilitates Orishas. "IKU LOBI OSHA" (The Dead Spirit, the Holy Egun stop - Osha). Note: He who dies consciously to a state born to another level, so the
disembodied spirit dies it was, and transcends, the rises to a higher level of spiritual and divine existence.
A Egun can stop incarnate on Earth, and continue as a spirit guide of some person, thus gaining merits in their
spiritual evolution. Thus a Egun may be 300, 500, 1000 years without incarnate on Earth. When one decides to
incarnate again Egun or is entrusted to embody, as quickly becomes embodied in an exceptional human being, and
can become a Master. This explains why there are spirits that come with many years without flesh, because he is
doing his service in the astral plane. There are those who remain for a few years Egun reincarnate, and so still life
after life. These are the two ways that can happen in the spiritual evolution, that is until it is light and rises, it
becomes Osha or Orisha. Within the Orishas is a chain of command

108 spectra: they are dark enemies to be conquered. Were expressed in 108 people of wealth in the world. They are
led and followed orders OLOSI (SAMAEL, what people call the devil, Mara in Sanskrit). The Buddha almost killed
in fighting these 108 spectra of Evil, so stay the Buddhist rosary (or "Bad") of 108 accounts, one account and a
prayer or mantra for each of these 108 spectra, each reads a Mantra.
Christ is one, and in many traditions there were many Christs, Hindi, Yoruba, etc.. There are many things written,
but few compare with reality. The Catholic religion has angels and saints in their worship, and Christ is the Son of
God in the Catholic tradition. In Yoruba tradition, Christ is called " Olofi ALA ", what image we have of? The image
is compassionate, why? All divine beings, they need nothing of the earthly Divine knows and recognizes its
power. Christ, Yoshua, much of it was written, what we know as Christ, is a furious, terrible, why? Nobody knows
the truth as it is, only those 16 spirits know they know, and not those who know as the Apostles. Christ is a
wonderful human being and is a be huge, but is yet to be terrible, is a terrible power. Terrible thing here is not
focused towards evil, but focuses on the "IRA". Christ's real name is Joseph, and is the youngest son Olofi. Christ is
the one who committed suicide by man, is eternal and divine, and being a Divine Being, you had to pay a price with
their blood. So there is bloodshed in the land.
He is known in the Yoruba tradition as Olofi Ala, is the youngest son Olofi. He is Eternal and Divine. Androkin
teaches that Jesus in the catacombs with his disciples practiced series of rituals used African, Egyptian and spiritual
techniques. The real Jesus is not as it looks, was a person of strong character and severe.
Note: This is why he mentioned Jesus as Olofi in Lukumi Yoruba tradition that was established in Cuba, and that
under the teaching of Oduduwa see it has much truth, the only thing is he gives his full name, and clears which is
the youngest son Olofi, called with the same name.
In many traditions there were many Christs in the Hindu tradition, the Yoruba, and so on.

IKU = Angel of Death, it has 666 different aspects or different faces, of these 333 were negative and 333
positive. The negative 333 are used by sorcerers, witches and black magicians to cause premature death by evil. This
death can be caused by illness, accident, violence, rape, etc.
Metatron: is an expression, is not entirely an angel, is an expression of the energy of the FE. Metatron is the Power
of the Word. KRYON is the expression of the verb. Metatron is that violet light, that cosmic energy.
Metatron and Kryon are expressions of the Creator, and these expressions can be considered as an Eshu, and belong
to Olokun (the owner of the depths of the ocean and space).
Shang: It is the owner of the candle or fire, but it used to scare the enemies. Shango is the deity of boundless
Obatala, Orisha of Wisdom, of Peace, is the owner of all heads (consciousness) and owner of the dark.
Yamaya (YEMOYALE): The correct name is YEMOYALE, which is Yemo IYA ILE = Yemo Mother Earth. Orisha
mistress of the seas, motherhood, family, peace. She is the devoted mother, the mother of all. All beings are born she
breeds cool.

ODU was first, then came the Orisha. Odu is the beginning, is the Power, Energy. (Note: The Odus are the principles
of creation, such as Archetypes)

OGUE : the witch who lives with Shango, because he taught him to use fire to scare the enemy. Ogue knows the
secrets of creating and calling everyone.

OLOSI: you take the other path. There can be a downside with no upside. Known as Hebrew Kabbalah Samael. A
Olosi serve the 108 spectra (of evil). Samael, the angel fell, it fell in central Africa, there is still, I know that place.
Tomorrow, the wars were not spared (or will) Weapons (technological) but with Sorcery (Magic) ...
We must prepare for a holy war comes, where the "Fantasy" is smaller and comes short by reality. We are Warriors
Army Divine Olofi. We are a family that does not seek fame, but to be Legend. No one knows the greatness of this
family, because nobody knows the greatness of the honor and humility. We are committed and we want Warriors
hunt. We (the Spiritual Family Androkin) we'll be the greatest among the great, the best of the best. You have to
work, you fight, but above all we must recognize the virtues of our brothers and learn from them. Be warrior of
conviction and not by profession. We our main goal is to be Legend, we should be and create something great.
Christ came to doctrine, to preach. There are people who care about earthly things, and can not see that there are
things there that can intervene in your life. You are carriers of my word, and from this time have to care what comes
out of their mouths. Thus they have to care much to talk about, because what they say will come true, because it is
my word that goes out. His word becomes reality, so you can not curse, lie, to say nothing that is not constructive or
good. The Word is power, is magic, honor, responsibility, intelligence, etc..

The coincidence in my teaching, do not exist, everything is well calculated. Everything is perfect.

Wealth: The Merit of wealth is based on how they behave they have it.

OLOS. Orisha of the depth of the lagoon of salt water. It is she who committed suicide by EBO, jumping into the
lagoon, to save his people. She is a beautiful emanation of Oshun, she was an essence of Oshun first before Olos. He

lives in salt water lagoon. She is fearful and terrible. Olos, which kills Harp singing the song. Coral Color, color of
the pearl. Olos has retained purity given to a supreme being.
Black Color: In the Black, dark beings can be camouflaged and hidden, so not recommended for use.

Oshun: Is Orisha, is the representative of the severity, ALL SEVERE. Therefore the respect that everybody has to
Oshun, so severe that it may Ser been given the keys of the treasures of Olokun. She governed the sweetness and
love. Oshun is the right way, just as it represents the severity, she is all goodness.

Olokun: Orisha deity is giving the Fortuna and possesses all the treasures of this world. He is the owner of the black
(color of the deep ocean and space). Ol = owner = Ocean Okun, owner of the Ocean, from the depths of the ocean
and space. Your planet is Neptune, named Irawolokun . Olokun rigue depth of infinite space.

Quetzalcoatl was a being who came from another continent to America, came by mistake, and the inhabitants
became Emperor. He was a barbarian (Viking), and was the only emperor of curls and golden hair, so became the
Divinity, and Feathered Serpent.
Maya: They went to another world, another universe, governed by other laws.
Against Witchcraft in the Congo (Palo Mayombe): It breaks clean through bathing with coconut water
Okan kan = is heart Okan, Okan kan means "One Heart" when two people come together either in love, friendship
and become a Heart. (Union sentimental and mystical awareness)
EGUN (The Ancestors)
The natives of these lands (Mexico) knew the secret of traveling through time. There is a sacred ritual in which a
portal opens and welcomes you to the beings who have departed. They knew a ritual in which the deceased was
wrapped in a blanket of palm, and were buried vertically into the ground.
In ancient times there was the burial of the bodies, burned bodies. Were allowed to burn the bodies back, and they
already had revealed the secret to communicate with those who had already left. In Yoruba tradition, the secrets of
death was given to Oduduwa.

Why are they offering flowers to the dead? Because our ancestors worshiped the dead with flowers, because flowers
represent life and the life and death are a unity in a cycle, life and death. The beings who departed to another world
gave life to other beings.

Incense = when burned can sense the spirits (the subtle world), the smoke represents the spirit
Gold = represents the earthly, matter
Mirra = represents the connection between the two planes

Rites performed in black soil, they worshiped the spirits giving them the opportunity to speak again, which is what
we share with you, the Egungun. Note: This is the communication with the Spirits of Light, to receive guidance,
advice, healing and teaching them.
Listen: Listen Without Understanding, never learn, if you do not hear the teaching.

What is a coin? Do you have to live your whole life working?

We aim to have something, but if that something is shared, that really makes sense. The discard what does not make
sense, that is the true sacrifice.
Head: The head is the one that takes the body and the head is the one who saves the body, the most powerful weapon
in the head is the mouth. People recognize, and one must recognize himself.
The Judge: No one can judge others, you must JUDGE himself, and delete what you do miss.

Mythical Beings:
THE PHOENIX: It is controlled by the Orisha Ave Angayu (owner of the Volcano) and lives in the volcano.
The Dragons : These beings exist, I have control of the Chinese Dragon of Destruction (are severe manifestations
of the divine forces). Yemaya is the 7 sea dragons, they can be invoked to help clean negatives, etc..

The TRUTH is everything, is all. The truth is known.

The future is always ahead, and what is shared is the Present.
The Spirit is the greatest weapon of human beings, but also its greatest weakness.
My Word is No Light, Light is what each of you understand my word.
IF this family walks together of the hands, form a big world, but if a partition fails, the wall will collapse.
Beware of Beings, Angels, Orishas, Devas, because they are also beings who can feel IRA.

Love and relationships:

What is a couple? The person who walks with you, but do not tie you to your destination. Love is a very complex
issue more complex is the feeling that exists, which links can love a person, but yet with that same love can be doing
damage (that person), or can one be doing damage (oneself). If I understand? It is a very special situation. I ask and I
can tell you many things you can think and feel others. Because one of the characteristics of love, is to leave us
"Blind". We may be seeing things, but yet we do not want to realize things.
You expect that your deliveries (Love), you will be repaid in equal amounts. There are times in which the love that
you give must be unconditional, and there are other times that love has to be conditioned.That's why love is very
complex. Do you understand? You are the person you take the decision to continue or withdraw from that
When there is no true love, rest assured that the relationship will fail. So you cling and try to not let go, rest assured
that the fate of that relationship is in failure. If I understand? My advice is to take away from who is hurting you and
not let you be you, but yet have the last word you. You can decide not to suffer or suffer.
They will do a ceremony, you and your sister, and they will pour honey, cinnamon and lozenges, they will write their
name on a yellow ribbon and a red ribbon, and will dedicate this work to the Deity Oshun, and she would going to
get what you crave.
The destination is written, yet can be changed!
Love what you find in many places, life. Few words, much teaching.

In the nature of human beings are being born alone and die alone, that is the nature of all living things, you
know? But yet in the way of life, they are given the opportunities for it to be enjoy having moments of joy, with

moments of sadness with other people, but yet even enjoy those bad moment, you have to understand this, that you
can understand your situation and can understand others, you must first understand you yourself, you should listen
to you, you must value yourself and you must love yourself. Because if others do not, you ought to do, you know? If
your man (or woman) the father of your children, do not you could appreciate his time, he has lost the opportunity
life has given her to be happy with you. But yet life is giving you another chance with someone different, you have
to respect and honor as you have what you want to be, himself as he should respect you and honor you. You ought to
understand you first yourself, the environment around you, the situation. Although it sounds cruel, Your children are
not going to give you the love a couple, a man. The love and affection that she has for children is different from the
one you have for the couple, you know? It does not mean you have to leave them and hurt them. This is not to say
you will do damage to part with one who could appreciate you not because you do not feel comfortable with the
Who was AWO (I guess) to know what the wind, time and fate will bring us!
You need to live your experience, if you want and if he wants and if they wish, they will fight to succeed together, if
either of failure mechanism, it has to come under construction, you know?
You are born and die alone, but yet all others need to build you up to yourself.
If you you want, if you value you, if you you love yourself, you are wasting you are able to love and be loved by
others, you know? You're not a woman beyond sin, you're not a woman you are bad. Nothing and no one has the
right to judge you by your actions, because you only know what you have in your heart, only you know what you've
been through and what you had to endure, you know? Nothing and nobody are able to judge others, they do not even
know what they have in mind or heart.
You're a woman like others that deserve the best, like everyone else, they deserve the best, but yet do not know what
we should fight and fight to get the best, because we deserve it because that will mean get to our feet, you know? We
must fight and must be found to enjoy it. You have to love yourself daughter, you have to love you you and you
value yourself for who you are and what they've done. You have nothing to prove to the world, but if you have a lot
to prove to yourself, okay? With the couple must struggle together, never tied.
You must understand and take away the fear of failure (the relationship), since we are in this life is for it to "fail",
because that's what we learn. The victories and triumphs do not get much, you know? You must take away that
fear. The important thing here is that you risk something, do not live in fear, that fear can not live, you know?
One of the greatest values in life is self-love, because if we do not love and if we are not good about ourselves, we
can not be good and love one.
If the two (a pair) are fear of failure, making mistakes, will never achieve anything. If I have a fear of going down
those stairs, I have the fear of stumbling, never going to lose here, but if I overcome this fear I may be that fortune is
waiting me down there. You shall love, you love him, goes beyond the love you feel for him and granted, as if he
knows corresponderte be for you, you know? But if none of the two breaks that fear will never come to nothing, and
they will get stuck in the situation they are now.
You have to think logically, then think of the Heart
The secret of living together, is to walk together, not to tie a shackle. The Yoruba ritual of marriage is something so
big and so beautiful, because it is tied to people, but given the opportunity to live the spirit, to unite closely to make
ends of the hand, and not tied. That's what should be and what should truly represent the marriage is respect between
partners, respect between people.

Osha Ifa is the same thing? What is the difference between OSHA and IFA?
Ra Androkin response:
OSHA is the consecration of the human in the eyes of the Divine Deity, and returned to earth to perform miracles to
handle a force and have a hierarchy within the natural world.

IFA is an aspect of the sage who lived in ancient times, I guess you already know the fate of the world, IFA was a
man, Orunmila was a man that he was already IFA from the moment of being alive.
OSHA is the natural process that happens man to lighting, to be able to turn into a being that can manipulate the
forces of nature in an Orisha. Understand the difference, but yet, just walk and in different hierarchies, but yet so
different and widely separated from each other, you know? Osha is Osha Ifa Ifa is, but live and develop in the same
place, on the same land, and have blend to combine in a single tradition. Osha is what is done with the newly
initiated into this tradition, Iyaw, were crowned in Osha, and when the right time in my area have to go to the land
of the blacks (Africa) to be enshrined in IFA , he has to bring all the secrets of this branch of the practice, and has to
share with you. IFA and OSHA in the African level in the country in which they live is disappearing, being
consumed by other traditions and other faiths, is what I'm trying, and that's what I come to do, to recover what is
beyond losing.

IFA is the Wise. Baba Oduduwa is Greater than IFA. Olokun is the ultimate expression of this ILE Osha
(Planet). Osha Orunmila is not, he is IFA, is Wise. ILE IFE lived in Orunmila, I (Oduduwa) and create my people
lived in OYO. (This was 20,000 years ago, when it also began the real Egyptian civilization.)
Orunmila is the Wise, the Ancient, who knew and spoke of all the philosophical thoughts of this land. I was the one
that grants the Secrets of Death. Orunmila and I walked together, he was my AWO (Chief Magician and Godfather
in IFA). The IFA consecrate me (Wisdom Tradition).
IFA, IFA you can make if you reach the highest degree of wisdom and knowledge. The maximum degree of wisdom
and knowledge on earth am I (Ra Androkin, Baba Oduduwa). Later lineage began with the IFA YORUBA Olofi.
After they bring the real start to this land IFA, IFA began the destruction of those lands and Osha in Africa by far the
dominant religions (Islam, Christianity).
The greatness of a Osha Omo, Omo of Ifa, is measured not by age but by his wisdom. The leave my word and my
lineage in this land.
OSHA IFA and always go together. It was first and was then Osha IFA, two different skills, but yet go hand in hand.
IFA and the WOMAN
Everything, absolutely everything and all the issues women can participate, but yet all you can do is "give birth"
(give the foundation) of Orunmila. Thereafter, the woman can be Oba (Master of Ceremonies of Initiation of Osha),
Oriate (Head in the Oracle Fortune-Osha), Iyanifa (Mother of Ifa Priestess). When you come to this land IFA,
absolutely all of my children were enshrined in IFA. So we must be prepared to achieve the maximum level of
knowledge and evolution.

The Eagle is the wiser. The Eagle in this and other traditions represents Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. In
many tribes, including many who have gone north of the land, the Eagle is the symbol or totem of Wisdom.
BLUE: Androkin: What color is the one that represents the Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding?
Blue is the color representing Wisdom, Understanding. That's why the Deity Yemoyale attacks (punished) with
madness, because she also has the colors of Wisdom, Intelligence. Note: Yemaya's colors with Blue and White.

Overcharging by Osha Coronation Ceremonies, and Doctrines of Androkin about your payment:
That's because these people see the interest in material well-being. I do not understand how there are people asking
you riches in exchange for your welfare, but in my case, and the doctrine that must carry my stuff is this, That
should make things so that the person is good, and when she is well, must have the Owo (money) to pay and pay the
debt. If the person is wrong and does not and can not do things, but are late, and you can bet it never will.

About Money: What is money? Money is an ephemeral matter disappears and only serves to bring discussions,
unfortunately, the Owo track - the money can create great things, the question is what is the best way of
Owo. "Money is fluid as the river, immense as is the sea, split head and takes the money, not money distributed and
leads to the head."

Living Life: You have to live and enjoy life, you have to enjoy the good and the bad times. There is never to be, or
behave with any questions apprehensively. You have to use your head to go and how to resolve this issue. The
largest Ashe, the greatest power Olofi has given man is the head, the "ORI" (his conscience).

Wanting is Power!
The IROS Orisha is the hardest (and which has to receive) (there is no charge to you get the Odu that marks
this). The person has to work for her Orisha, and have to help her.

At first try that the name of this family was not known, but now they are going to hear about this "Family" (the
spiritual family that is forming Androkin of Ra, Olof Yoruba family).

Pupu and Orishas Orishas Funfun

No small Orishas, Orishas are Pupu (Red or Warriors, severe and Angra) and there Funfun Orishas (White or mercy
and Peaceful) but yet the Orisha Funfun angry if you do it, we must have more fear than an Orisha Pupu, for
example, is Orisha Obatala Funfun, the mercy and love is everywhere, but yet you do if your angry, less than what
you think your head will be on earth .
Note: Whenever there are 2 kinds of beings, who are under the column of mercy and those who are under the
column on the severity. So there are angels of mercy and other severe (as the Angel of Death), so for example
tartaric Tibetan Buddhism there are Buddhas and Buddhas Peaceful Severe or angry, which also exhibit this
polarity, the Kabbalah there are 2 columns of the Tree of Life (Etz Jham), which corresponenden at 2 columns of the
Temple of Solomon, severity and Compassion, which represents 2 early cosmic creation.

Extend the Life and Health

If your astrological chart says that in 2 years you will die, but before that make EBO, lengthen your life, beyond
what they have predicted the stars. Everything is written, but yet can be modified. It is written that you're going to
die at birth, but does not tell you that depending on your actions (Karma) can lengthen or shorten your life.

Deities Orishas:
Within this 401 Earth deities are known within this land there Orisha who are not known and not known if these
people evolved into Orishas, Orishas are lying on the ILE (Planet). For every star there is an Orisha.
Osha (Tradition) is governed by the Astros long been honored to heaven (the powers that reside there, stars, planets),
to infinity, Olorun Olofi (Olofin Orun).
For each constellation is an astrological Age. One was that I was the Osha, Zodiac 2 Years of 25,920 years, or as
52.000 years ago. One of the first traces of the tradition of Osha happened 50,000 years ago.50.000 years ago
Olokun walking in the Earth as a deity. I (Androkin) by Ebo, I decided to declare Olofi (God), the boundary that
existed between my land and the land of Olokun. 50000 Olokun ago walked among these lands, walking as a God.
Do you know what he knows to be the home of Olokun?, I (Ra = Baba Androkin Oduduwa)

The greatest technique will leave my stuff on these lands, but few were able to achieve this degree of perfection,
they're getting all the knowledge and absolute knowledge of the universe. After that time my mission on this earth is
over. They will travel and make the consents detachment of spirit, will be found in millions of pu

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