5.2.1 3local Standards Briefing November 2010

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Local Standards briefing

November 2010 - Your home, your standards

Local standards are agreed standards that are unique to Stevenage Homes
customers, based on what customers consider is most important to
We spent the summer finding out what matters to customers, turning their
priorities into standards that we can measure our performance against. This is
how we have involved customers in setting and monitoring our performance
so far:
June 2010 - Stevenage Day we asked customers to rate their top three
priorities which were:
How we deal with anti social behaviour
A good repairs service
The quality of your homes
These priorities became the focus for our local standards.
In June July 2010 we talked to over 500 customers through our Your
Home, Your Standards roadshow.
Customers rated their priorities ad the top three from Stevenage Day were
confirmed. We used this information to start developing their local standards.
During August and September 2010 we held Customer focus groups to
discuss and developed the draft local standards.
In October 2010 the draft standards were discussed at the annual customer
conference for comment and approval. The only change made after this
event; was the change in the inspection visits carried out within an agreed
time this target increased from 90% to 95%. The standards were agreed by
Stevenage Homes strategic managers; Debbie Rabot and Brent OHalloran.
On 24 November 2010 the local standards were discussed at EMT and
agreed subject to being reviewed by Nik Earl for plain English, an introduction
being written, making it clear that the standards are above the national
standards and are being delivered in existing budgets, and subject to
conforming to corporate style.
In December 2010 the standards were discussed with SBC.
January - March 2011 we will pilot some of the local standards and set them
into our performance monitoring.
April 2011 - All local standards go live.
Maureen Herdman and James Dean 09 December 2010

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