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PSIII - 2016


September - December


Unit Overview:
This unit will involve students looking at what causes weather and its impact on living
and non-living things. Students will compare weather and climate, look at how clouds
indicate current and upcoming weather, and explore how the water cycle works. Extreme
weather and soil erosion will also be studied in this unit. Utilizing a writing focus,
students will develop their compare-and-contrast pattern style of writing, reading
comprehension, poetry exploration, and general writing skills.
Learning Outcomes Suggested
Prescribed Learning Outcomes

Suggested Achievement Indicators

It is expected that students will:

Students who have fully met the Prescribed Learning Outcome are able to:

[A] Measure


weather in terms of
temperature, precipitation, cloud
cover, wind speed and direction.
[B] Analyze

impacts of weather
living and nonliving things.

Systematically chart daily temperatures using a thermometer.

Design, build and test a simple rain gauge, weather vane, and
[A3] Identify, chart, and illustrate daily cloud cover.
[A4] Make a detailed local weather report based on collected data.
[B1] Predict and report on how freezing and thawing affect a variety of
materials (e.g., water and soil).
[B2] Accurately predict and test various materials for water resistance
and insulation from cold (e.g., slow down the rate of a melting ice
[B3] Research and create a comprehensive report on the effects of
erosion, drought, or other local weather impacts (e.g., sand table
rivers, effects of run off).

Students will be given multiple different writing assignments intended to develop their
understanding of the writing process, as well as familiarize themselves about our Earths
weather patterns, systems, and phenomenon. Students will complete individual and group
tasks, some of which will be formatively assessed and others graded for summative
Assignment Type
Journal (Daily)
Comparison Pieces

Weather Report &


Students will keep a daily record of the weather and
use that data to help them with other writing and
math assignments.
Students will be given two topics related to weather
to compare and contrast.
Example: Use your knowledge about freezing and
thawing to write a short story about how
temperature can impact various elements on Earth
(i.e. soil, water, etc.).
Students will work in groups to create their own
detailed weather report using data collected from
their daily journals.
Students will later film their weather reports on the
iPads and include their own creative elements to
make their video unique.

Assessment Weight


K. Wall
PSIII - 2016


Short Independent

Students will create a series of poetry pieces about

1. Acrostic Students will be given templates to fill
in using words about weather.
2. Haiku Each student will create their own haiku
about the winter season.
3. Cinquain Students will write a poem about
severe weather using this style.
4. Describe the Sky Students will use this creative
workout activity to describe what they see. (Will be
done a few times a month to compare how weather
can change and affect our mood)
Using the Nelson Literacy inserts, students can
choose a topic and write a short paragraph or two
about the topic they have chosen.
Students can submit their writing to the teacher or
get peer feedback and revise before handing it in
for final grading.


Nelson Literacy 4 Weather



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