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Air Heating and cooling systems

Dr. Malik Al-amayreh

The forced-air system

The components that make up the forced-air system
are the blower (fan), the air supply system, the return
air system, and the grilles and registers where the
circulated air enters the room and returns to the
conditioning equipments
The blower or fan provides the pressure difference to
force the air into the duct system, through the heat
transfer surfaces in the conditioning equipment,
through the grilles and registers, and into the room. Air
has weight and has a resistance to movement. This
means that it takes energy to move the air to the
conditioned space.

Air conditioning system

Duct fitting

When these components are correctly chosen, they

work together as a system with the following
1. No air movement will be felt in the conditioned
space that would normally be occupied.
2. No air noise will be noticed in the conditioned space.
3. No temperature swings will be felt by the occupants.
4. The occupants will not be aware that the system is
on or off unless it stops for a long time and the
temperature changes.

Types of fans
The two types of fans which are
The propeller fan :
The propeller fan
This fan is used in exhaust-fan and condenser-fan
applications. It will handle large volumes of air at low
pressure differentials. The propeller fan makes more
noise than the centrifugal fan so it is normally used
where noise is not a factor.
Centrifugal fan, also called the squirrel cage fan, or
blower wheel. centrifugal fan has characteristics
that make it desirable for ductwork. It builds more
pressure from the inlet to the outlet and moves
more air against more pressure.

Types of fans

Control the volumetric flow using dampers :

Types of dampers
Butterfly damper

Multiple vane damper

Splitter Damper


Assuming constant fluid density in the system the relation

between dynamic pressure and static pressure can be written
was derived for steady, ideal frictionless flow along a stream
tube, it can be extended to analyze flow through ducts in real
systems. In terms of pressure, the relationship for fluid
resistance between two sections is

Or this equation can be written as a general forum including the thermal gravity effect

Pressure Changes During Flow in


Fan Total Pressure

To determine the fan total pressure
requirement for a system, use the following

Fluid Resistance
For fluid flow in conduits, friction loss can be
calculated by the Darcy equation:

Friction factor f
Friction factor expressed as
Only for smooth duct surface
Re= Reynolds number = ( 1000)
For Rough surfaces

Low velocity Duct system sizing

Refer to Charts 10-5 (a-c) to calculate the pressure drop inside
the Duct.
Three methods can be used to design the duct:
1) Assumed velocity method:
The air velocity can be defined by using table 10.1.

2) The equal pressure method :

The pressure drop per unit length

throw the duct network is

kept constant.

3) Balanced pressure drop method

The total pressure drop from fan exit to each air terminal for
each duct run are equal.


This system has three supply and two return terminals consisting of nine sections
connected in six paths: 1-3-4-9-7-5, 1-3-4-9-7-6, 1-3-4-9-8, 2-4-9-7-5, 2-4-9-7-6,
and 2-4-9-8. Sections 1 and 3 are unequal area; thus, they are assigned separate
numbers in accordance with the rules for identifying sections. To determine the
fan pressure requirement, apply the following six equations

Pressure drop factor K

For calculation the pressure drop factor values for elbows
and area change fittings

= 0.5 2 = (
K from table 10.6


Fan selection
The fan total pressure =


109 1012

( + )+ ( )

35 34

+ , + , +


0.5 2 =(
: is the equivalent length of fittings , see table 10.5

Primary considerations for the air

distribution design

Floor plan outline

Room-by-Room loads table

central return
strategy except
with a high
sidewall return
grille appear in
this figure which
are leading to the
basement where
the equipment is

sidewall return grille using

Over-the-door transfer

High/low through-theHigh/low wall transfer


Attic transfer duct

Good design, high return

Poor return
grille placement

Ducts and supply outlets should be sized for the following purposes:
Maintain the air velocity as high as possible without creating
noise problems (As an environmental factor affecting occupant

comfort, air flow speed should normally be in the range of 0.1

to 0.8 m/s
Promote mixing of the air in the room.

Example :
The performance data for a
register as a supply outlet

Example : House family room and kitchen and nook area

Selecting an outlet with adjustable blades will

allow for the air to be directed into the room,
avoiding a collision mid-room and the potential
for the sensation of a draft.

design work and the room-byroom airflows, a preliminary

layout of the ductwork

The equipment's and duct location

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