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Assignment 1: Composite Materials

Group members:
Muhammad Syahmi Bin Shafidin (161312086)
Ashrul Afiq Bin Azman (161312074)
Ahmad Afzarullah Shah Bin Ab Razak (161312072)
Nik Muhamad Haziq Shahirin Bin Nik Hassan Basri (161312432)

Lecturers Name: Dr Nik Mizamzul Binti Mehat

Date of submitted: 5th October 2016

Table of Content
Introduction to Composite Materials..........................................................................................2
Various types of Composites Materials...................................................................................3
Classification of composites...................................................................................................5
Reinforced Plastics......................................................................................................................6
Properties of Reinforced Plastics.........................................................................................10
Application of Reinforced Plastics.......................................................................................13
Metal Matrix Composites.........................................................................................................13
Mechanical Properties of Metal matrix composites............................................................15
Ceramic-Matrix Composite......................................................................................................16
Common ceramic matrix composites in industrial application............................................19
Applications of ceramic matrix composite..........................................................................23

Introduction to Composite Materials

A Composite Material can be defined as a combination of two or more materials that
results in better properties than those of the individual components used alone.

In contrast to metallic alloys, each material retains its separate chemical, physical, and
mechanical properties. the two constituents are a reinforcement and a matrix.

The reinforcing phase provides the strength and stiffness.

In most cases, the reinforcement is harder, stronger, and stiffer than the matrix.

The reinforcement is usually a fiber or a particulate.

Besides, particulate composites have dimensions that are approximately equal

in all directions. they may be spherical, platelets, or any other regular or irregular

Particulate composites tend to be much weaker and less stiff than continuous

fiber composites, but they are usually much less expensive.

Particulate reinforced composites usually contain less reinforcement (up to 40 to 50
volume percent) due to processing difficulties and brittleness.

Various types of Composites Materials

Typically made of a matrix and 1 or more reinforcements.

They have different compositions, shapes and physical/chemical properties.











The arrangement of the reinforcement (distribution, size, shape, and orientation matters).

The type, distribution, size, shape, orientation,


arrangement of the reinforcement will determine the properties of the composites material and
its anisotropy.

Classification of composites
Organic Matrix Composites (OMCs)
Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs)
Carboncarbon Composites
Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs)
Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)

Fibres reinforced composites
Laminates composites
Particulate composites


Lower density (20 to 40%)

Higher fatigue enduraces
Higher toughness than ceramics and glasses
Versatility and tailoring by design
Easy to machine
Can combine other properties (damping, corrosion)
Low cost
Higher directional mechanical properties (specific tensile
ratio of material strength to density) 4 times greater than
steel & aluminium.


Not even environmental friendly

Can be damaged
Matrix degrades
Low reusability
Cost can fluctuate
Low recyclability
Anisotropic properties

Reinforced Plastics

Known as polymer matrix composites (PMC) and fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) it has
fiber in polymer matrix. The fiber are strong and stiff, it has specific strength (knows as
strength to weight ratio) and specific stiffness(stiffness to weight ratio).Reinforced plastics
structure have increase gradually from fatigue resistance, and higher toughness and creep
resistance than those made of unreinforced plastics. Fibers in reinforced plastics, have little
structural value, they are stiff in their longitudinal direction but have no transverse stiffness or
strength. Although polymer matrix less strong and less stiffness then fiber, but it is tougher
and inert to any chemically reactions. Therefore reinforced plastic are combination of this two
advantages in the compound, fiber percentage in reinforced plastic usually ranged between
10% to 60%.

Glass, carbon, ceramics, aramids and boron are the most common reinforcing fibers.
Glass are high strength, low stiffness, high density, low cost and commonly use. Carbon are
highly in modulus or high in strength, low cost,less density than glass. Aramids is very high in
strength to weight ratio of all fibers mostly use to make bullet proof kevlar.

Thermosets such as epoxy and polyester with the former most commonly used.
Thermoplastics such as polyetheretherketone are tougher than thermosets, but lower
resistance to the temperature.

It is widely use, due to low cost material from others fibers. Called as glass fiber reinforce
plastics (GFRP) contain between 30% to 60% glass fibers. It is produce by drawing the
molten glass into the small opening of platinum die. Then it is elongated, cooled and wound
on a roll. The glass fibers then treated with silane (known as silicon hydride).


There are about three type of glass fibers
E-Type is a calcium aluminoborosilicate glass (commonly use)
S-Type is a magnesia aluminosilicate glass, offering higher strength and stiffness but very
E-CR-Type a high performance glass fiber, with higher resistance to elevated temperature
and acid corrosion than the E-glass.

Carbon fibers are much more expensive than glass fibers.It has a combination of low
density,high strength and high stiffness.The composite is called carbon-fiber reinforced
plastics (CFRP).Te difference between carbon and graphite is Carbon fiber are 90% carbon
while graphite are more than 99% carbon.Carbon fibers contain amorphous carbon and
graphite. Which are amorphous carbon (non-crystalline) and graphite (crystalline).These fiber
are classifies by their elastic modulus,which ranges from 35 to 800 GPa, as
low,intermediate,high and very high modulus.All carbon fibers are made by pyrolysis of
organic precursors,commonly (polyacrylonitrile) due to it low in cost.Also Rayon and Pitch
that are residue from petroleum refining of catalytic crackers.Pyrolysis process which are
inducing chemical changes by heat for instance, by burning a length of yarn and causing the
material to carbonize and become black in color.With polyacrylonitrile the fiber are partially
cross linked at the moderate temperature to prevent melting,and are simultaneously
elongated.At the stage,the fibers are carburized and exposed to elevated the temperature to
expel the hydrogen and nitrogen from polyacrylonitrile.The temperature for carbonizing range
up to 1500 degree celcius, for graphitizing the temperature up to 3000 degree celcius.


This kind of fibers produced in order to make electrical and thermal conductivity material
of reinforced plastics.It is coated with metal mostly use nickel with the thickness of 0.5 micro

meter on a 7 micro meter diameter of graphite fiber core with the process known as
continuous electroplating .This kind of product are mostly use for electromagnetic and radio
frequency shielding and lightning-strike protection.

This material are really useful for high-temperature applications and in metal matrix
composites.These kind of fibers have low elongation,low thermal conductivity but it is a good
chemical resistance or inert chemically.This compound are made up of alumina,silica, and
boric oxide to produce ceramics fibers known as nextel.

Polymer fibers may be made of nylon, rayon, acrylics, or aramids; the most common are
aramid fibers. Aramids such as Kevlar, are among the toughest fibers and have very high
specific strength. Aramids can undergo some plastic deformation prior to fracture and, hence,
have higher toughness than brittle fibers. However, aramids absorb moisture (hygroscopic),
thus degrading their properties and complicating their application. Another high-performance
polyethylene fiber is Spectra. It has an ultra-high molecular weight and high molecular-chain
orientation. Spectra, a bright white polyethylene, has better abrasion resistance and flexuralfatigue resistance than aramid fibers at a similar cost. In addition, because of its lower density
(970 kg/m3), it has a higher specific strength and specific stiffness than aramid fibers.
However, a low melting point and poor adhesion characteristics as compared to other
polymers are its major limitations to applications. Polymer fibers are made by two processes:
melt spinning and dry spinning. Melt spinning involves extruding a liquid polymer through
small holes in a die (spinnerets). The fibers are then cooled before being gathered and wound
onto bobbins. The fibers may be stretched to further orient and strengthen the polymer. In dry
spinning, the polymer is dissolved in a liquid solution to form a partially oriented liquidcrystal form. As the polymer passes through the spinnerette, it is oriented further, and at this
point, the fibers are washed, dried, and wound. Aramids are oriented in solution and are
oriented fully when they pass through the spinnerette and therefore, do not need to be drawn
any further.


These fibers consist of boron deposited (by chemical vapor-deposition techniques) onto
tungsten fibers. Boron also can be deposited onto carbon fibers. Boron fibers have desirable
properties, such as high strength and stiffness, both in tension and in compression, and
resistance to high temperatures. However, because of the high density of tungsten, they are
heavy and also are expensive.

Other fibers used in composites are silicon carbide, silicon nitride, aluminum oxide,
sapphire, steel, tungsten, molybdenum, boron carbide, boron nitride, and tantalum carbide.
Whiskers also are used as reinforcing fibers. Whiskers are tiny needle-like single crystals that
grow to 1 to 10 m in diameter, with high aspect ratios (the ratio of fiber length to its
diameter) ranging from 100 to 15,000. Because of their small size, either whiskers are free of
imperfections, or the imperfections they contain do not significantly affect their strength,
which approaches the theoretical strength of the material (size effect). The elastic moduli of
whiskers range between 400 and 700 GPa, and their tensile strength is on the order of 15 to 20
GPa, although this varies with the material.


Fibers are very strong and stiff in tension. The reason is that the molecules in the fibers
are oriented in the longitudinal direction, and their cross sections are so small-usually less
than 0.01 mm in diameter-that the probability is low for any significant defects to exist in the
fiber. Glass fibers, for example, can have tensile strengths as high as 4600 MPa, whereas the
strength of glass in bulk form (Section 8.4) is much lower. Fibers generally are classified as
short (discontinuous) or long (continuous). The designations short and long fiber are, in
general, based on the following distinction: In a given type of fiber, if the mechanical
properties improve as a result of increasing the average fiber length, then it is called a short
fiber. If no such improvement in properties occurs, it is called a long Hber. Short fibers
typically have aspect ratios between 20 and 60, long fibers between 200 and 500. Reinforcing
elements also may be in the form of chopped fibers, particles, or Hakes, or in the form of


continuous rotving (slightly twisted strands) fibers, woven fabric (similar to cloth), yarn
(twisted strands), and mats of various combinations. Various hybrid yarns also are available
Matrix Materials
The matrix in reinforced plastics has three principal functions:
Support the fibers in place and transfer the stresses to them so that the fibers can carry
most of the load.
Protect the fibers against physical damage and the environment.
Reduce the propagation of cracks in the composite by virtue of the greater ductility and
toughness of the plastic matrix.
Matrix materials are usually therrnoplastics or thermosets and commonly consist of epoxy,
polyester, phenolic, fluorocarbon, polyethersulfone, or silicon. The most commonly used are
the epoxies (80% of all reinforced plastics) and the polyesters (less expensive than the
epoxies). Polyimides, which resist exposure to temperatures in excess of 300C, continue to
be developed for use as a matrix with carbon fibers.

Properties of Reinforced Plastics

The mechanical and physical properties of reinforced plastics depend on the type, shape,
and orientation of the reinforcing material, the length of the fibers, and the volume fraction
(percentage) of the reinforcing material. Short fibers are less effective than long fibers, and
their properties are strongly influenced by temperature and time under load. Long fibers
transmit the load through the matrix better; thus, they are commonly used in critical
applications, particularly at elevated temperatures. The physical properties of reinforced
plastics and their resistance to fatigue, creep, and wear depend greatly on the type and amount
of reinforcement. Composites can be tailored to impart specific properties such as
permeability to make processing easier, and to reduce production costs. A critical factor in
reinforced plastics is the strength of the bond between the fiber and the polymer matrix,
because the load is transmitted through the fibermatrix interface. Weak interfacial bonding
causes fiber pullout and delamination of the structure, particularly under adverse
environmental conditions. Adhesion at the interface can be improved by special surface
treatments, such as coatings and coupling agents. Glass fibers, for example, are treated with a
silicon hydride for improved wetting and bonding between the fiber and the matrix. The
importance of proper bonding can be appreciated by inspecting the fracture surfaces of
reinforced plastics. For example, the separation between the fibers and the matrix; obviously,

better adhesion between them improves the overall strength of the composite. Generally, the
highest stiffness and strength in reinforced plastics are obtained when the fibers are aligned in
the direction of the tension force. The composite is then highly anisotropic. It has properties,
such as strength and stiffness, that depend on direction. As a result, other properties, such as
stiffness, creep resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity, and thermal expansion, also are
anisotropic. The transverse properties of such a unidirectionally reinforced structure are much
lower than the longitudinal properties. For example, note how strong fiber-reinforced
packaging tape is when pulled in tension, yet how easily it can split when pulling in the width
direction. Because it is an engineered material, a reinforced plastic part can be given an
optimal configuration for a specific service condition. Also, a composite flywheel rotor has
been produced using a special weaving technique in which the reinforcing fibers (Eglass) are
aligned in the radial direction as well as in the hoop direction. Designed for mechanicalenergy storage systems in low-emission electric and hybrid vehicles, the flywheel can operate
at speeds up to 50,000 rpm.
Strength and Elastic Modulus of Reinforced Plastics
The strength and elastic modulus of a reinforced plastic with unidirectional fibers can be
determined in terms of the strengths and moduli of the fibers and matrix and in terms of the
volume fraction of fibers in the composite. In the following equations, c refers to the
composite, f to the fiber, and fn to the matrix. The total load, Pc, on the composite is shared
by the fiber (Pf) and the matrix (Pm). Thus,

which can be written as
where Ac, Af, and Am are the cross-sectional areas of the composite, the fiber, and the matrix,
respectively; thus, Ac = Af + Am. Lets now denote x as the area fraction of the fibers in the
composite. Then Equation can be written as follows because the x also represents the volume
fraction and the fibers are uniformly longitudinal in the matrix

The fraction of the total load carried by the fibers now can be calculated. First, note that in the
composite under a tensile load, the strains sustained by the fibers and the matrix are the same
(that is, ec = ef = em).


Since the relevant quantities for a specific situation are known, by using Eq. (9.1),the fraction
Pf/PC can be found. Then, using the foregoing relationships, the elastic modulus, Ec, of the
composite can be calculated by replacing 0 in Eq. (9.3) with E.


( The figure above shows the tensile strength of glass-reinforced polyester as a function of
fiber contentand fiber direction in the matrix. )

Application of Reinforced Plastics

Typically reinforced plastics are mostly use in commercial and military aircraft,rocket
component,helicopter blades, automobile bodies, leaf springs, drive shafts,pipes,ladders, and
other.For example about 50% weight of boeing 787 aircraft is made of composites.On the
same time resulting weight savings,it also reduced the consumption of the aircraft fuel by 2%.


And the A380 jumbo jet with 700 passengers capacity, has horizontal
stabilizers,ailerons,wing boxes and leading edges,secondary mounting brackets of the
fuselage,and a deck structure made of composites with carbon fibers,thermosetting resins, and
thermoplastics,the upper fuselage is made of alternating layers of aluminum and glass fiber
reinforced so most of the part are compositely build part.
Also a very famous cold war stealth bomber aircraft is made of composites, consist of
carbon and glass fiber,epoxy resins matrices, high temperature polyimides, and other
advanced materials.Mostly the military advanced weapon are using the composite in order to
enhanced the mobility and other advantages on the weapon to make it reliable.Such as
development of U.S Navy for small,all composite ship or attack boat capable of speeds up to

Metal Matrix Composites


Metal matrix composite (MMC) is composite material with at least two constituent
parts, one being a metal necessarily, the other material may be a different metal or

another material, such as ceramic or organic compound.

When at least three materials are present, it is also called hybrid composite.


MMC is made by dispersing a reinforcing material into a metal matrix.
The reinforcement surface can be coated to prevent chemical reaction with the matrix.
Example : Carbon fibers are commonly used in aluminum matrix to synthesize showing

low density and high strength.

However carbon reacts with aluminum to generate a brittle and water-soluble

compound (AL4C3) on surface of fiber.

To prevent this, carbon fibers are coated with nickel or titanium boride.



Example of MMC

Traditional brake calipers are made from iron and can weigh around 3kg in a small car

and 14kg in a truck.

This cast-iron caliper can be redesigned using aluminium to achieve weight savings.
Disadvantages are required large volume since the nominal strength of aluminium is
lower than the cast iron; and the space available between the wheel and the rotor is

very constrained.
Now, new brake calipers were designed using an aluminium alloy reinforced with
precast composite inserts using continuous ceramic fiber.

Property Aluminium
Tensile Strength 3.1 GPa
Elastic Modulus 380 GPa
Density 3.9 g/cm3

Aluminium- reinforced composite material

1.5 GPa
270 GPa
3.48 g/cm3


Brake caliper made by iron(left) and aluminum-matrix composite(right)

Mechanical Properties of
Metal matrix composites
Higher elastic modulus
Higher strength
Higher ductility
Higher resistance to elevated

Higher temperature capability
Fire resistance
Higher transverse stiffness and

Higher cost of some material systems
Relatively immature technology
Complex systems

No moisture absorption
Higher electrical and thermal

Better radiation resistance

Ceramic-Matrix Composite
Introduction To Ceramic
Ceramic is an inorganic, nonmetallic solid material comprising metal, nonmetal or
metalloid atoms primarily held in ionic and covalent bonds. Large number of possible

combinations of elements makes a wide variety of ceramics available for a broad range of
consumer and industrial applications.
Back then before 4000 B.C, ceramics used in pottery and bricks. The important of
ceramics rose due to time in various field such as in tool and die materials, heat engines, and
automotive components, such as exhaust-port liners, automotive spark plugs, coated pistons,
and cylinder lines.
Two general properties of ceramics :
o Traditional Ceramics
Whiteware, tiles, brick, sewer pipe, pottery, and abrasive wheels
o Industrial Ceramics ( engineering, high-tech, or fine ceramics )
Automotive, turbine, structural, and aerospace components, heat exchangers,
semiconductors, seals, prosthetics, and cutting tools
The structure of ceramic crystals, containing various atoms of different sizes, is among
the most complex of all material structures. Consequently, properties such as hardness and
thermal and electrical resistance are significantly higher in ceramics than in metals.
Ceramics are available in single-crystal or in polycrystalline form. Varying
crystallinity and electron consumption in the ionic and covalent bonds cause most ceramic
materials to be good thermal and electrical insulators. Ceramic provide strength at high
temperature well above and have considerable oxidation resistance.
The fact that ceramics exhibit limited plasticity makes it a major drawback in
applications. This low strain capability of ceramics is of major concern, as it, quite often,
leads to catastrophic failure. Therefore, ceramics are not considered dependable as structural
material. Such limitation can be prevented with ceramic matrix composites, as a suitable
reinforcements would help them to achieve desirable mechanical properties including
Introduction to Ceramic-Matrix Composites (CMC)
Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are a subgroup of composite materials as well as a
subgroup of technical ceramics. Ceramic products made for technical application are called
technical ceramic. They consist of ceramic fibres embedded in a ceramic matrix, thus forming
a ceramic fibre reinforced ceramic material.


Figure 1 Example of ceramic-matrix composite

Ceramic-matrix composites (CMC) are characterized by their resistance to high
temperatures and corrosive environments. Generally , ceramics lack toughness.
Matrix material such as silicon carbide , silicon nitride, aluminum oxide, and mullite
(compound of aluminum, silicon and oxygen) retain their strength up to 1700 . Carboncarbon-matrix composites retain much of their strength up to 2500 , although they lack
oxidation resistance at high temperatures.
The reinforcements which are normally high temperature inorganic materials
including ceramics, may be in the form of particles, flakes, whiskers and fibres. Figure 2
shows form of reinforcement .

Figure 2 Form of reinforcement with matrix composite

Fibre materials in ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs)

Fibre materials are usually silicon carbide (SiC),carbon and alumina.

Different ceramic materials (silicon carbide, carbon, alumina, silica) provide different
combination of the fiber properties:
Silicon carbide (SiC) and carbon are the most popular fibers materials.
The properties of SiC fibers:

Modulus of elasticity (stiffness)is up to 61 Msi (420 GPa);

Tensile strength is 493 ksi (3.4 GPa);

Thermal stability is up to 2642F (1450C);

Filament diameter is 10-15 m.

The most popular trade mark of SiC fibers: Hi-Nicalon, Nicalon S, Sylramic, Tyranno.
The properties of carbon fibers:

Modulus of elasticity (stiffness): is up to 133 Msi (920 GPa);

Tensile strength is up to 1000 ksi (6.9 GPa);

Density is 114 lb/ft (1800 kg/m);

High chemical inertness;

Filament diameter is 5-15 m.

Carbon fibres are also commonly known as graphite fibres, although there are some basic
differences between the two types. Graphitization takes place at a much higher temperature
compared to the temperature at which carbonization takes place. The carbon content in the
graphite fibre is also higher and is usually more than 99%.
Low oxidation resistance is the main drawback of carbon fibers, which oxidize when
exposed in air at temperatures exceeding 932F (500C).
The most popular trademarks of carbon fibers: BP Amoco, Conoco, Grafil, Granoc, Toho,
Toray, Zoltek.

The properties of alumina fibers:

Modulus of elasticity (stiffness) is up to 54 Msi (373 GPa);

Tensile strength is 479 ksi (3.3 GPa);

Density is about 256 lb/ft (4100 kg/m);

Filament diameter is 5-15 m.

The main disadvantages of alumina fibers are relatively low creep resistance caused by grain
growth at high temperatures and relatively high density.

Common ceramic matrix composites in industrial

Silicon carbide fibre reinforced silicon carbide matrix ( SiC/SiC )
The simplest form of silicon carbide (SiC) in a cubic zinc blend structure, also called
3C-SiC or -SiC. Ceramic silicon carbide (SiC) has received wide attention because of its
excellent oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, and low density even at high
temperatures. These materials have been widely used in the engineering industry, chemistry
and energy resources.
Ceramic matrix composites (CMC) materials, based on SiC, containing continuous or
woven fibers show potential for many applications such as structural materials at high
temperatures in the aerospace and automotive fields as well. Compared to monolithic Silicon
Carbide (SiC), (SiC/SiC) composite exhibits a high increase in fracture toughness, making it
Therefore, (SiC/SiC) composite is being considered as a structural material with
potential applications in a wide spectrum of activities, ranging from aerospace and fusion
reactors up to filters for pollution control for high temperature and corrosive environment
because it is lightweight, tough, and maintains antioxidant stability even at high temperature.
Mechanical Properties


Mechanical properties of ceramic fibres are quite different from monolithic ceramics
when embedded in ceramic matrix composite due to act of reinforcement fibers, which act so
that the mechanical stress received by the matrix is transferred to the fiber, increasing the
flexural resistance and fracture toughness. For example, the fracture toughness and thermal
shock resistance of the composites are superior when compared to monolithic materials.
The properties of ceramic matrix composites (CMC) can easily be adapted, varying,
for example, the architecture of the fibers, fiber types, interface layers of materials and
thickness of composites. Due to the efficiency of the chemical vapor infiltration (CVI)
process to fill between the fibers, and the purity and crystallinity of the matrix material, it is
expected that the mechanical properties of composites obtained by CVI are better than those
of composites obtained by other techniques. The average flexural strength of SiC composite
with Nicalon fiber obtained by different methods is 300 MPa with a fracture toughness of 15
MPa.m 2 .
Physical and Chemical Properties
Silicon carbide reinforced silicon carbide have lower density, higher temperature capability,
and lower thermal expansion compare to metallic superalloys.
The composite also possess higher oxidative durability, more predictable life, and lower

Carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix (C/C)

Carbon-Carbon composite is a carbon-carbon composite material reinforced by high
strength carbon fiber for the purpose of improving strength and shock resistance of carbon
materials. It has superior properties such as light weight, high mechanical strength, and high
elasticity. It is a hi-tech carbon material that is equally selected for general industrial use as it
is used in advanced technological fields such as aerospace and semiconductor manufacture.
Generally carbon-carbon composites are used in a wide range of fields such as
electronics, environment and energy, general industrial furnaces, and automobiles and other
means of transport due to their unique features.

Structure of Carbon-Carbon Composite

Carbon-Carbon (C/C) composites may be manufactured with different orientation of the
reinforcing phase (carbon fibers):

unidirectional structure, bi-directional structure (cloth made of multiple carbon fiber

multi-directional structure (3D, 4D, 5D, and so on)

The simplest multi-directional reinforcement consists of 3D orthogonal structure woven of

straight carbon fiber yarns. Multi-directional reinforcement provides maximum level of
mechanical properties in the directions of the woven structure.
Physical and Chemical Properties
Carbon- Carbon composites are fire resistance non-flammable materials that can
be used in applications requiring high heat resistance such as gas tank and some
medical devices.
Carbon- Carbon have high resistant to corrosion and oxidation, because they are
completely inert materials even in severe environmental conditions.
High thermal conductivity
- Thermal conductivity higher than copper can be achieved through the use of
carbon structure control technology, which involves chemical vapor infiltration
(CVI) treatment.
Carbon- Carbon (C-C) composites are designed in ideal thermal expansion and
heat conductivity to be similar to surrounding structures to reduce the thermal

stress to the lowest value.

Carbon- Carbon (C-C) composites are structured to absorbing or transmitting
magnetic and electrical energy. Some military aircrafts are made out of carbon

composites absorb radar signals.

The melting point and specific heat of Carbon- Carbon composites are
significantly higher than other materials whose properties fail or melt, which is
why carbon composites are the best materials for high temperature application
such as reentry nose tips and aerospace parts.

Mechanical Properties
High toughness, elasticity and mechanical strength.


C/C composites can be used safely, as the fractures do not propagate rapidly in
their composite due to high strength, flexural resistance, and resistance to

cracking and chipping, compared to isotropic graphite materials.

Ultra heat resistance
- C/C composites have higher strength at increasing temperature compared to
metallic materials. They can be used even at ultra-high temperatures up to

or higher in inert atmospheres. This temperature may be exceeded

with the help of protective coatings to prevent oxidation.

Light-weight and easy to handle
- C/C composites have low density compared to metallic, therefore making it
light weight designing possible

Applications of ceramic matrix composite

Figure 3 - The PFC Patented Continuous Fiber Carbon-Carbon Disc is specially made
by taking a continuous fibre that is wound into the disc shape


Figure 4 - Metal turbine made of silicon carbide fibre reinforced silicon carbide matrix

Figure 5 - 3M Type 203 Nextel fibre-reinforced Silicon Carbide (SiC) matrix ceramic composite
candle filter

Figure 6 -Ceramic matrix composite rocket nozzle liner designed and fabricated at Teledyne
Scientific Company



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