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Missouri Baptist University

Addition of Night Classes Proposal

Cole Reece
Communication Strategies in Business
Mr. Chapman
December 13, 2016

Proposal to Add Day Classes to the Courses Offered

by Missouri Baptist University at the Jefferson
College Campus

Submitted by Cole Reece, Student at Missouri Baptist University

December 12, 2016

Executive Summary

The Missouri Baptist webpage has as the colleges core purpose this
statement, To teach, empower, and inspire students for service and lifelong
learning. The webpage also says that one of the colleges core values is that
it strives for excellence (Missouri Baptist University). If all of this is true, the
college should take a real consideration of my business proposal. Offering
both day and night courses at the Jefferson College campus would go along
with both the universitys core values and its core purpose. This proposal is
offering up a way that the college can become better and offer students
better learning situations as well. According to one article, You will have
more energy in the morning and you have more chances of remembering
what you learnt as your brain is fresh and can absorb more information. Your
brain works the most for a few hours after you have woken up so try to do
maximum study in that time (Kundi).
Ive conducted a small survey on this issue and would like to lay out a few of
its findings. 100% of the students surveyed had taken Missouri Baptist
classes at the Jefferson College campus so they all would have a credible opinion on
this issue. 66.67% of the students said that they didnt like that the classes were during
the evenings. On the other side, 22.23% of students either liked that classes were
during the evenings or they didnt really care. We also asked students if we did begin
offering day classes, how many they would most likely take (Reece). The
majority of them, being 50%, said that they would take about half day classes and
half night classes. 33.33% said they would try just one day class, sticking with

mostly night classes. Only 16.67% of the students said they would take as many
day classes as possible. None of the students said they would continue with all
night classes. Another interesting statistic was that 50% of students said they would
like Missouri Baptist to begin offering day classes. Another 16.67% said they would
love for it to happen. That means there is a majority of students in support of it
happening. We also asked some students to explain their reasoning for why they
support this happening. Some of the reasons included more flexibility for busy college
students, so they could be home at night with their families, and so they could
learn during the day hours when theyre less tired (Reece).

Current Situation

Being a current student myself, I see both the good and the bad that occurs
at the college. I am fully aware of some of the things that would make
students lives better if changed. Currently, Missouri Baptist University offers
a great program that allows students to take their courses away from the
main campus, at the Jefferson College campus in Hillsboro, MO. Students can
get their degrees locally instead of having to commute or move to the main
campus in the city. Students have to take their courses during the late
evening and night hours if they choose this option. What I am proposing to
you is that the college begins offering morning and day classes in order to
give students more flexibility when making their schedules for the semester.
This ability for students to stay close to home and complete their degrees is
very helpful to people. A lot of people either cant afford to or just dont want
to go away to the main campus of a college, often far away from a rural area
like Jefferson County. The fact that Missouri Baptist gives people the option to
go to school locally is a blessing for many. Not only can they stay at their
home near their families, it also saves them lots of money since the courses
are cheaper this way and they dont have to pay dorm fees. This is overall a
very helpful program that Missouri Baptist has created.
The only main issue I see with this program is the fact that all the courses
are offered during the late evening or night hours only. There are no classes
offered that students can take during the morning or early afternoon.
Students often have very busy and crazy schedules, usually revolving around
a combination of work, family, and school. This means that having a broad
option of class times works best for them. Students often need lots of
flexibility, so giving them more times to choose from for a class makes their

lives easier. Beginning to offer day as well as night classes at the Jefferson
College campus would really make scheduling easier for many students.

Specific Objectives

If the college decides to go ahead with this proposal, heres how Im

suggesting we implement it:
1. Look for courses that are taken the most by students, and select them
to be offered during the day as well as at night
2. Send out emails to students letting them know about this new option
we are offering. Also take out ads to inform possible new students
about the change.
3. Hire the instructors needed to teach the new courses at their new
4. Monitor how many students take advantage of the new day program,
and see how many additional new students it brings in
5. According to its success level, adjust as needed by adding or
decreasing the amount of day courses offered the following semesters
Here are some of the goals Im hoping to achieve with the implementation of
this proposal:
1. Make the scheduling and lives of the students easier with the
introduction of more class times
2. Decrease the dropout rate of students who struggle to much with
taking courses during the late evening and night hours
3. Increase the enrollment rate of new students who are now able to take
courses due to the new hours being offered
4. Increase the colleges overall profit margin

Deliverables Overview

These are the things that students will be getting out of this change being
1. Students who are happier and have schedules that work better for
them. Students will have more options of class times to choose from
2. An increase of profits for the school. There will be more new enrollment
and fewer dropouts so that equals a higher profit margin.

These are the two major overall things I expect to achieve from this proposal
being implemented. I expect an overall increase in student satisfaction
because of the increased scheduling flexibility and an increase in the overall
success of the college itself.


I have provided below a timeline of how I expect everything to go if the

proposal were implemented today.

Date to Complete:
December 31, 2016

February 1, 2017
July 31, 2017

December 1, 2017

December 31, 2017

Find the most popular classes
currently taken at night and begin
setting up day versions of these
Get instructors hired to teach these
new courses
Begin notifying current students
about the new options. Also, begin
advertisements letting potential new
enrollments know about the changes.
Monitor the success rate of these
changes over the first semester they
are implemented. See how well
dropout rates lower, how well
enrollment increases, and how profits
According to success levels, adjust as
necessary by adding more day
classes or decreasing the amount of
day classes offered for each new

Pricing Plan and Budget

The following table I have constructed contains the approximate costs

associated with doing this proposal Ive given you. The costs could vary
somewhat since these are just approximations and not exact numbers. Also,
for this chart, I am saying that we begin with five day classes so prices will
reflect this.
Teacher Salaries

Cost of Rooms
Data Analysis Cost

Additional Costs

Project Total Cost:

$36,082 per 9 month
school year, this
excludes summer
1 marketing director
yearly salary is $80,971
$25 per day per room
1 process improvement
manager yearly salary is
There would be about
another $5,000 in
marketing costs

Cost Total:




The total cost for going ahead with my proposal comes out to around
$368,781 per year approximately. This cost is based on having five day
classes and five teachers as well. The total cost would vary depending on
how many day classes there were. Also, there are some sunk costs in this
number that we are already paying. We already pay both the salary for the
marketing director and the process improvement manager. Another thing to
consider is you may not need five teachers for this. Three or four teachers
may be able to teacher all five courses.

Works Cited Page

Reece, Cole. Missouri Baptist Classes at Jefferson College Campus.

Questionnaire. 12. December. 2016.
"Missouri Baptist University | MBU Mission and Values | St. Louis Christian College |
Baptist College." Missouri Baptist University | MBU Mission and Values | St.
Louis Christian College | Baptist College. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.
Kundi, Yabka. "Which Is Better, Studying until Late at Night or Studying in the Early
Morning?" Which Is Better, Studying until Late at Night or Studying in the
Early Morning? - Quora. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

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