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Lunar Charms v1.

3 June 2016

1 General Rules

2 Generic Charms

3 Strength

4 Dexterity


5 Stamina


6 Charisma


7 Manipulation


8 Appearance


9 Intelligence


10 Wits


11 Perception


General Rules



The core Exalted rules distinguish categories of double-X effects which may be applied to rolls. Double-8s,
for instance, indicates that a roll receives two successes for each 8, 9, or 10 rolled. Unfortunately, this
terminology prevents any combination of doubling effects; if two different effects would both grant a roll
double-9s, for instance, one of the two is wasted.
To allow for this possibility, some effects state instead that they provide +1 double (or more). Each
double applied to a roll provides an additional number which counts as two successes. For instance,
Decisive damage rolls do not typically receive double successes for any number. A Decisive damage roll with
+1 double benefits from double-10s; with +2 doubles, it benefits from double-9s, and so on. Multiple sources
of doubles explicitly stack unless specifically prohibited, as do +X doubles effects and double-Ys effects.
Under no circumstances, however, can a +X doubles effect contribute to counting double successes on any
number lower than 7.


Anima Powers

Full Moon:
The Full Moon can pay 2m to gain +1 double on any Strength-based roll, except for Withering damage
rolls. At bonfire, this effect has no cost.
The Full Moon adds his current number of anima levels as bonus dice on Withering damage rolls.
For 5m, 1wp, 3a, the Full Moon can automatically succeed when taking a Disengage or Rush action.
Changing Moon:
The difficulty to detect the Changing Moons Tell is increased by 2.
The Changing Moon embodies Lunas nature as the Fickle Lady. For 10m, 1wp, he can immediately
reduce one of his Intimacies by one level, unless that Intimacy has been created or strengthened this
scene. He may do so even in response to influence that would benefit from the chosen Intimacy.
For one mote, the Changing Moon can detect and choose to adopt a single Decisive Intimacy of a being
as he devours its hearts blood. He may activate this power as many times as he wishes to collect
additional Decisive Intimacies.
No Moon:
The No Moon has a pool of (Essence * 2) sorcerous motes, which refills whenever he first sees the moon
after dawn of a givn day. He may treat his own anima at bonfire as the moon for this purpose.
For one mote, the No Moon can view the last sight of a dead creature - a single still image, preserved
in the eyes of the deceased. Doing so requires him to consume a small portion of the deceased, such as
a few drops of blood.
For 5m, 1wp, the No Moon can reflexively revise his own genius. He may move a single dot from one
Ability to any other; this change persists for the rest of the scene. A No Moon may maintain no more
than one activation of this effect simultaneously, and he may not use this change as justification for
learning Charms for which he otherwise does not meet the prerequisites (for instance, Martial Arts



A Lunar can pay 4 motes to take any form he has stolen as a shapeshifting action, a Simple action that may
not be placed in a flurry. While in animal form, a Lunar gains all physical dice pools of its new form, along
with any special attacks or merits. A Lunar may not enter a form which would not fit in the available space;
much as the Silver Pact might wish otherwise, they cannot murder the Dragon-Blooded by being swallowed
as gnats and then assuming the shape of whales.
Every Lunar has a particular Tell, a key feature repeated across all his forms. Characters who know a
Lunars Tell can attempt to spot him in any form, but this requires a difficulty 7 roll to penetrate a disguise.
As a Lunar enters a form other than his human default, he generally absorbs any equipment he was
wearing, which melts away (to reform the next time he takes human shape). He may choose to waive this
effect, but this does not necessarily render the items useful; while armor may adjust slightly to fit a humanoid
frame, a Lunar taking an armadillo shape will not benefit from a suit of full plate or a grand daiklave. If the
Lunar possesses Deadly Beastman Transformation, that shape is always considered human enough to benefit
from his existing equipment. Regardless, however, the Lunar cannot benefit from Evocations in any shape
other than his natural human form.
A Lunar can, however, cast spells or use other Charms in nonhuman form. Resolve such actions as if
the Lunar were still in human shape; while he may benefit from well-disguised shapes (like a chameleon) or
small, discreet bodies (like a being with the Tiny Creature merit), any attacks he makes are obvious to their
targets unless he succeeds at a stealth roll as usual. Likewise, after attacking a target, the Lunar is made
obvious and may be targeted as normal - a mosquito who casts Death of Obsidian Butterflies is very nearly
as obvious as a human who does the same thing.


Morph Keyword

When activating a Charm, a Lunar may evoke (via a stunt) an animal form he is capable of taking and
which he has not yet evoked via a Morph effect in this scene. (Sufficiently similar animals, such as two of the
same species, do not qualify as separate forms for this purpose.) The form must relate in some way to the
Lunars proposed action: a tiny insect or nimble monkey for a dodge, say; a ram or gorilla for a powerful
blow; a wise owl or investigative ant for a crafting project. Should the Lunar evoke a form in this way, the
Morph-keyworded Charm has some additional benefit, specified by the Charm.


Gift Keyword

This keyword indicates that a Charm has some specific interaction with Deadly Beastman Transformation.
Generally, such Charms specify that a Lunar may commit some number of motes as he adopts the form in
order to receive some of the Charms benefits for as long as he retains that form.


Touch Keyword

An effect with this keyword requires you to physically touch the target of that effect. Typically, this requires
you to be at close range of that character. Outside combat, you may attempt to touch an unaware character
via a Pickpocket action; if the Touch attack is part of a Simple Charm, you may make this action as part of
the Charms activation. In combat, you may attempt to touch an enemy by making a difficulty 5 Gambit
with Brawl, Melee, or any Martial Art using non-ranged weapons.


Ward Keyword

As part of character creation, every Lunar designates a single Ward: a person, place, or group to which he
has a Major or Defining Tie, with a context such as Love or Protection. A Ward may not be illimitable
or all-encompassing; Creation and every human being are both inappropriately broad, while This
town, My circle, or even My nation would not be. Charms with the Ward keyword typically have some
additional effect when used on behalf of a Lunars Ward(s).

A Lunar may grant or revoke Ward status to targets, though doing so has roleplay requirements similar
to those for building or reducing Intimacies. A Lunar may maintain a number of simultaneous Wards equal
to his Essence.
Charms with the Ward keyword have added effect when invoked on behalf of an individual Ward, or a
member of a collective Ward, as specified by the Charm.


New Terminology

free full Excellency - An effect that grants a free full Excellency allows a character to roll his normal
die pool, plus as many dice as he would be allowed to add to that pool given the dice-cap for effects of that
kind. (For instance, a Solar Charm granting a free full Excellency to a roll would allow the character to add
(Attribute + Ability) dice, less any other bonus dice from which his attack already benefitted.) Alternatively,
a free full Excellency can be applied to a static value; in this case, the static value is increased to the limits
of the dice-cap. (For instance, a Solar Charm granting a free full Excellency to a static value would increase
that value by ([Attribute + Ability]/2, round down), less any other bonuses already added to that static
is disengaging - A character who made a successful Rush attempt and is still capable of making a
reflexive move action as a result of that attempt is disengaging.
is rushing - A character who made a successful Rush attempt and is still capable of making a reflexive
move action as a result of that attempt is rushing the target of the Rush attempt.
Major/Defining action - A Major action is an action that would require a Major or Defining Intimacy
for support in order to be compelled via a successful Persuade action. Similarly, a Defining action is an
action that would require a Defining Intimacy for support in order to be compelled via a successful Persuade
move directly - If an effect instructs you to move directly to another range band, you are no longer
present your starting range band and are now present in the destination range band. You do not pass
through intervening range bands. You may ignore barriers or other obstacles that would normally prevent
the trip. You may ignore the presence of enemies in your current range band that would normally force
you to Disengage before switching range bands. Moving directly does trigger the reflexive movement of a
character who is disengaging, if they are in your destination range band.
recurring-Xs - If an effect states that it would grant recurring-Xs, where X is an integer from 1 to 10,
that means that the effect rerolls any dice showing the number X. If the rerolls continue to show dice with a
recurring-X number, continue to reroll the dice. If any rerolled dice would have provided successes or other
beneficial effects to the roller, retain those effects; thus, a die showing a 10 would ordinarily give +2 successes
before being rerolled via recurring-10s. On the other hand, if any rerolled dice would have created penalties
before being rerolled, ignore those penalties. Thus, a die showing a 1 that was rerolled via recurring-1s would
not contribute to the roll being a botch, nor could that 1 be used by hostile magic to affect the character.
redirect - If an effect would state that it redirects an attack to another character, resolve that attack
from the beginning as if it had been made against the other character, and do not continue to resolve it
against the original target. The attack must benefit from any effects from which it benefited the first time,
at no additional cost. The new target can declare defensive effects against that target as normal.
set a die - If an effect tells you to set a die to a particular value, choose an existing die and rotate it to
show the appropriate face. This counts as rolling that value.


Generic Charms

Lunars can normally add up to (Attribute) dice to a roll, but with a stunt that evokes a second Attribute,
they can add up to (base Attribute + evoked Attribute) dice. As usual, a Lunar can raise a static value by
half this amount, rounded down (at 2 motes per point).


Damage, Soak, and Lunar Excellencies

Lunars may pay to increase the damage dealt by a Withering attack via use of the Strength Excellency. As
normal for Charms enhancing an attack, this requires all motes to be spent in advance, and the Lunar may
not spend more than (Strength) motes (or Strength + Second Attribute, with a stunt). Likewise, a Lunar
can use the Stamina Excellency to increase her soak against an attack, though she must do so before damage
is rolled. As an explicit exception to the normal rules on static ratings, this has a cost of 1m/point of soak,
rather than the usual 2m/point of static rating.
Neither Excellency is useful for Decisive attacks, which do not deal damage based on a Strength-derived
number and are not defended against via a Stamina-derived number, without the use of magic that explicitly
provides for such effects.
Motes spent via the Strength and Stamina Excellencies must obey the usual cap for Charms added via
dice. Effects which say simply that they add to the Lunars damage or soak, however, do not; thus, a Lunar
can spend up to (Strength) motes on the Strength Excellency, increasing his damage, and then activate a
Charm which explicitly says it adds to damage without violating his die cap.
Flawless (Attribute) Focus (4m or 9m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Attribute 3, Essence 1; Three (Attribute) Charms
The Lunar may pay four motes to enhance any (Attribute)-based roll with +1 double. At Attribute 4,
Essence 2, with seven (Attribute) Charms, she may repurchase this Charm; for nine motes, it now grants
+2 doubles. This Charm requires the users full concentration; thus, it may not enhance any roll during
combat, including Join Battle, barring magic that says otherwise. Each purchase of this Charm has
three times the normal experience cost for a Charm of that Attribute.
Impossible (Attribute) Improvement (1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Attribute 5, Essence 3; Flawless (Attribute) Focus (x2)
Once per scene, the Lunar may pay 1wp to gain a free (Attribute) Excellency. If he stunts so as to include
a second Attribute in his Excellency, the entire amount is discounted, but the Lunar must possess Impossible
(Attribute) Improvement for the Attribute that actually factors into his base pool. Each purchase of this
Charm has three times the normal experience cost for a Charm of that Attribute.


Deadly Beastman Transformation (-- (+1wp))

Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; -The Lunar takes a shapeshifting action, paying an extra Willpower, and transforms into a ferocious
battle form that is half man and half his true animal form. He adds one to the raw damage of all Withering
attacks he makes, his combat movement pool, and his soak. He reduces the minimum Strength for any Feat
of Strength by (his Strength/2, round down), and he gains (his Strength/2, round down) bonus dice to all
Feats of Strength.
Devastating Ogre Enhancement (- (+5m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 4, Essence 2; Deadly Beastman Transformation
The Lunars battle form grows vast and terrible. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, adding five motes
to its cost. Add his Strength again to his soak, and increase his Overwhelming value by (Strength/2, round
up). Reduce the minimum Strength for any Feat of Strength he attempts by (his full Strength), instead of
(Strength/2). Likewise, add (Strength) bonus dice to all Feats of Strength, instead of (Strength/2).
Wind-Wings Carry Technique (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar hurls himself at foes beyond his reach, throwing quills or claws, twisting a limb to impossible
distance, or simply striking with raw force. For four motes, he may increase the range of a single attack
(which may be a normally close-range attack, such as a punch) by one range band, to a maximum of Medium
range. An attack at Medium range or longer requires an Aim action, as normal.
With a Strength 3+, Essence 2+ repurchase, he may instead pay eight motes to increase the range of an
attack by two range bands, to a maximum of Long range.
Morph: By invoking a form that would extend the range of his strike, the Lunar may grant this Charm
the Quickshot keyword.
Agitation of the Swarm (2m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Uniform
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar multiplies his limbs or twists his joints to strike at impossible angles, overwhelming his target.
This Charm enhances an attack at close range, which may be made with any Attribute. This attack inflicts
an additional point of Onslaught penalty.
Morph: The additional point of Onslaught penalties from this Charm applies to this attack, instead of
only to subsequent attacks. Generally, this means the defender takes a -1 Defense penalty against the attack.
Ferocious Biting Tooth (4m per -1)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Clash, Morph, Uniform
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunars limbs swell to vast, crushing bulk, battering aside any blow that would counter them. This
Charm enhances a Clash attack, which may be made with any Attribute. The opponents roll loses one
success for each 1 produced on that roll, to a maximum of (Lunars Essence) successes. This Charm may be
activated after both players roll.
Morph: The Lunar may claim (and pay for) up to (Essence + 1) successes.
Lightning Stroke Attack (1m/point)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Obvious, Uniform
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; Agitation of the Swarm Technique, Ferocious Biting Tooth
The Lunar batters past an overwhelmed opponents guard. This Charm enhances an attack, which may

be made with any Attribute. The Lunar may pay up to one mote per point of Onslaught penalty the target
currently suffers; for each mote spent, increase the raw damage of the attack by one.
Last Warriors Unity (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; -Many swordsmen boast that they fight as though their swords were part of their bodies. For the Lunar,
this is truth. The characters flesh melts over and around a one-handed weapon, merging with it until it is
impossible to tell where the blade begins. The weapon gains the Worn tag, but the Lunar may not use that
limb without deactivating this Charm.
Gift: The Lunar may commit the mote cost of this Charm when activating Deadly Beastman Transformation to gain its benefits.
Foe-Marking Style (3m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Crippling, Decisive-Only, Stackable
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar scars his foe -- and the wound persists. In relatively-friendly bouts, this can be used to leave
ritual scars as a warning to an inexperienced companion; in more serious duels, it marks the Lunars prey for
future consideration. This Charm enhances a Decisive attack, which may be made with any Attribute; if
the attack does at least three levels of damage, the target suffers a -3 Crippling penalty to all rolls for the
remainder of the scene and is left with vicious, obvious scars that cannot be healed without the use of magic.
Prey-Hobbling Bite (1m, 1i)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar snaps at his foes limbs, leaving him stumbling and off balance. This Charm enhances a
Withering attack, which may be made with any Attribute. For every success on the Lunars damage roll, the
target also loses one die from any Rush or Disengage actions he attempts on his next action.
Inviting the Winter Wolf (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; Prey-Hobbling Bite
The Lunar savages a weakened foe. On Crashing an enemy, he may activate this Charm to immediately
attack the same enemy a second time.
Lions Roar Rebuke (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Crippling, Morph
Prereqs: Strength 4, Essence 2; Foe-Marking Style, Prey-Hobbling Bite
The Lunar tilts his head back and utters an unearthly howl. The Lunar rolls his (Strength + Presence)
and compares the result to the Resolve of all characters out to Medium range; for every success by which he
beats a particular enemys Resolve, that enemy loses one Initiative. Trivial opponents generally break and
flee, and battlegroups lose Magnitude instead of Initiative, as usual. This Charm may only be used once
per scene, though it may be reset by the Lunar defeating an enemy for which he has a Major or Defining
Morph: The Lunar gains Initiative equal to the single largest amount lost by any non-trivial opponent.
Claws of the Silver Moon (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple; Duration: One scene; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar unsheathes silver talons, or other similar weaponry. His unarmed attacks gain the statistics of
a Light artifact weapon. This Charm may be activated in any form.
Gift: The Lunar may reflexively activate this Charm at normal cost while adopting the Deadly Beastman

Impressions of Strength (3m (+3i))

Type: Supplemental; Duration: Instant; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar hurls his foe to the winds. This Charm enhances a Withering attack, which may be made
with any Attribute. If an attack enhanced by this Charm does damage at least equal to the targets Stamina,
the enemy is forced back a range band -- even if this forces him off a rooftop or over a cliff. Increase the cost
of this Charm by 3i if it is made at a distance greater than close range.
Burrowing Devil Strike (2m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Uniform
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; Impressions of Strength
The Lunars nails, fangs, or other natural weapons become narrow, glittering blades, capable of sliding
through the joints of a targets armor. Alternatively, the Lunar backs a weapon-based attack with raw force,
giving it the power to punch through steel. In either case, the attack gains the Piercing tag, and the Lunar
may use that tag without paying the normal Initiative cost. He still takes a -1 Defense penalty as normal.
Morph: By invoking a form that could pierce his enemys armor, the Lunar also eliminates the -1 Defense
penalty for making a Piercing attack.
Shell-Crushing Atemi (1m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Dual
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; Burrowing Devil Strike
The Lunar shatters his foes armor to get at the chewy bits inside. This Charm enhances an attack,
which may be made with any Attribute. If the attack is Withering, it must benefit from using the Piercing
tag, in which case the attack ignores an additional (Essence) armor soak. If the attack is Decisive, it must
still be made with a weapon with the Piercing tag, in which case the targets Hardness is reduced by (lower
of Essence and 3) against that attack.
Unstoppable Lunar Wound (3m, 2i)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Dual
Prereqs: Strength 5, Essence 2; Impressions of Strength
The Lunar gorges himself on his foes weakness. On a Withering attack, double all extra successes on the
attack roll for the purpose of determining damage. On a Decisive attack, extra successes on the attack roll
add to damage.
Form-Destroying Touch (10m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only, Touch
Prereqs: Strength 5, Essence 3; Shell-Crushing Atemi, Unstoppable Lunar Wound
Landing an attack upon a foe, the Lunar infects him with a spark of the Wyld, turning men into
monsters. Touch the target. If you do, the target is infected with Wyld energies that function as a disease
with the statistics (Virulence: N/A, Morbidity: (Lunars Essence), Interval: One week). The disease is
incommunicable to anyone other than the target. On any failed resistance roll, the target suffers one level of
Aggravated damage and suffers a single mutation of the storytellers choice, though mutations will tend to be
harmful or unsightly rather than useful. The disease may cause up to (Lunars Essence) mutations in this
way before concluding.
Besieging the Bastion of Form (- (+5m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 5, Essence 4; Form-Destroying Touch
This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite. When activating it, the Lunar may pay an additional
5 motes to gain one of the following benefits:
The diseases Interval is One day rather than One week.

The disease can cause up to (2 * Lunars Essence) mutations, rather than just (Lunars Essence)
The victim suffers two Aggravated damage on every failed interval, but no mutation.
The victim suffers two mutations on every failed interval, but no damage.
The Lunar chooses to be able to inflict one of these benefits on purchasing this Charm; additional options
can be purchased for 2 XP apiece, though the Lunar can still only inflict one of them in any particular use.
Consumptive Worm Hungers (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; Shell-Crushing Atemi
The Lunars claws or blades seem to gnaw at his enemys exposed flesh. This Charm permanently
enhances its prerequisite; Piercing attacks enhanced with that Charm may affect natural or magical soak, as
well as armor soak.
Terrible Steel-Rending Talons (- (3m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanant ; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; Burrowing Devil Strike
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite, granting it the Gift keyword. A Lunar may now
commit three motes when activating Deadly Beastman Transformation to grant all of his attacks the Piercing
keyword; while that effect is active, the Lunar may activate Burrowing Devil Strike for 1m.
Beast Spirit Defense (9m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Clash
Prereqs: Strength 4, Essence 2; Ferocious Biting Tooth, Impressions of Strength
The Lunars limbs ripple with new muscle; he meets strength with strength and is not shamed. The
Lunar may make a reflexive Decisive Clash attack to counter an incoming blow. He may do so regardless of
the range of his own weapon and the attack; countering a sword with an arrow or vice-versa are equally
feasible, though his Clash may only harm the enemy if it would have the range to do so. Even if the Lunar
should lose the Clash, the enemys attack misses him, deflected by his counter-blow, and he does not take the
normal automatic level of damage for losing a Clash. This Charm may be used only once per scene, though it
can be reset by invoking the Morph effect of Ferocious Biting Tooth three or more times.
This Charm may also be activated to deflect uncountable recurring damage; the Lunar strikes a tidal
wave or spray of lava, shattering it and surrounding himself in an island of safety.
Tearing Claw Atemi (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar flexes, and his body swells with sudden bulk. He may double his Strength for the purpose of
meeting the requirements of a Feat of Strength.
Molted Feather-Weight Technique (1m)
Type: ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; Tearing Claw Atemi
Seizing an ungainly weapon, the Lunar adjusts his own frame to counter its ungainly swing. Ignore the
Initiative cost for using a weapon with the Improvised tag on any attack enhanced with this Charm.
At Strength 4, the Lunar may repurchase this Charm. He may instead use it as a Reflexive Charm with
Duration: One scene and Cost: 5m.

Deadly Mantis Practice (4m)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; Molted Feather-Weight Technique
To wield a blade may require the strength and musculature of two arms -- but if the Lunar wishes one of
his limbs to have the power of ten, who will gainsay him? On activating this Charm, the Lunar may wield
weapons with the Two-Handed tag using only one limb. He still gains the normal bonus to Clash attacks for
wielding such weapons, though this does not stack with the Clash bonus for using identical paired weapons,
if that should be relevant.
Heaven-Spanning Staff of the Monkey King (8m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Strength 5, Essence 4; Molted Feather-Weight Technique
Stretching his hand to fit an outsized grip, the Lunar draws a weapon beyond all reason. Activating
this Charm, the character may wield any object designed as a weapon (that is, lacking the Improvised tag),
regardless of its scale; a warstrider daiklave fits his hand as easily as a simple knife.
Gift: Commit four motes to gain the benefits of this Charm for the duration of your transformation.
Lightning Flash Might Methodology (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; Tearing Claw Atemi
The Lunar effortlessly hoists a weight beyond the reach of mortal men. Reroll up to (Essence) non-successes
on a Feat of Strength.
Morph: Reroll all non-successes instead.
Yeddims-Back Method (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 4, Essence 3; Tearing Claw Atemi
The Lunar is the wolf that shatters the houses of his enemies. When performing a Feat of Strength,
reduce the cost of the Strength Excellency to one mote per two dice.
Iron Tyrant Impact (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 5, Essence 4; Lightning Flash Might Methodology, Yeddims-Back Method
Feats that once daunted now yield to the Lunars control of bone and sinew. Permanently reduce the
difficulty of all Feats of Strength by 2.
Roused Bear Throw (5m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar hurls an unworthy foe away. This Charm enhances a Withering or Decisive throw concluding
a clinch. The Lunar can throw his foe one range band; for each round of control sacrificed for the throw,
increase the damage of that throw by one die (in addition to the normal benefits).
Shatter the Turtles Shell (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar peels back the armor of a grappled opponent, leaving him helpless before the predation of
others. The Lunar may activate this Charm and sacrifice any of his remaining turns of control of a grapple;
for each turn sacrificed in this way, the targets soak is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0) for the rest of the


Wasp-Binding Method (3m, 1wp)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; Molted Feather-Weight Technique
The Lunar heaves up a mass of Essence-infused strings, which bind a grappled opponent to the ground.
The Lunar may activate this Charm on winning control of a grapple; for the duration of that grapple, his
enemy is bound by the strings and treated as if the Lunar had taken a Restrain action. The Lunar, meanwhile,
is free to pursue other actions as he pleases, and may even leave the range band. At the end of the Lunars
turns of control, the bindings dissipate, and the other character is released unharmed -- save for what other
attacks he may have suffered while bound. The binding can be attacked; while such attacks give no Initiative
and deal no damage, they are automatically successful, and each such attack reduces the bindings duration
by one turn. Attacks on the Lunar himself do not reduce his turns of control.
Morph: The target is bound for one additional round.
Jaws of the River Dragon (2m per round)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; Shatter the Turtles Shell
The Lunars grip closes like the snap of a crocodile; only a fool would try to pry him away. Whenever the
Lunar would lose one or more turns of control due to suffering damage, he may pay two motes to preserve
that control. He may not use this Charm in response to turns lost for simply being attacked.
Morph: The Lunar may use this Charm in response to turns of control lost for being attacked.
Flesh-Tearing Entanglement (- (+2m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 2; Jaws of the River Dragon
As the allies of the Lunars victim try to free him, they risk new harm; which flesh is the Lunars, and
which is their friends? This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. If the Lunar would pay to negate
the loss of a turn of control, he may pay an additional two motes to instead perform a reflexive Savage attack
on his target. if he does so, he still forfeits a turn of control as normal; that is, rather than lose a turn of
control to the attack, the spiteful Lunar may lose a turn of control to make an additional attack.
Quill-Fed Bow (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Strength 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar sheds a quill, fang, or similar natural blade, which can be used as ammunition for a single
Archery or Thrown attack. This Charm does not provide ammunition for weapons with the Flame tag.
Cunning Porcupine Defense (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Counterattack, Morph, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Strength 4, Essence 3; Wasp-Binding Method, Jaws of the River Dragon, Quill-Fed Bow
Only a fool grapples a porcupine. Activating this Charm while grappled, the Lunar may make a Withering
counterattack to a Savage attack, as spines or other natural defenses spring from his flesh.
Morph: The Lunar benefits from double-9s on the damage roll.
Subduing the Honored Foe (4m, 1wp, 3i)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only, Gift
Prereqs: Strength 3, Essence 1; -The Lunar ends a duel, but spares his opponents life. A Decisive attack enhanced by this Charm doubles
its rolled damage -- but that damage is automatically Bashing, and it cannot wrap over into Lethal.
Gift: The Lunar may commit one mote to convert all of his damage into Bashing as long as he remains
in his Deadly Beastman Form; such damage never wraps over into Lethal. This does not double the Lunars
rolled damage, though the Lunar may pay the full cost of the Charm as normal to gain that benefit on one


Hibernation of the Dog (5m, 1wp)

Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Strength 5, Essence 3; Subduing the Honored Foe
The Lunar makes a single staggering blow. Activating this Charm, the Lunar performs a Withering
attack; if the opponent is driven into Crash, he may take no action on his next turn.



Becoming the Swarm (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 3; Emerald Grasshopper Form
Meditating on the hearts blood of a creature no larger than a rat, the Lunar dissolves into a multitude
of such beings. The resulting swarm is an unled (and unleadable) battlegroup of creatures of that type, with
Size equal to the Lunars Essence. It may only make Withering attacks, though they deal damage to crashed
opponents as normal for battle groups, and it does not track Initiative. The Lunars own Initiative is set
aside for as long as he retains the swarm form; any Charms he activates apply to the entire swarm, as long
as the Storyteller judges that they make sense for his divided self.
The Lunar is as immortal as the swarm itself, but only as long as his many bodies remain in the same range
band. Should he choose to divide or scatter the swarm, he must designate one portion (or, in the extreme
case, a single body) to house his consciousness. The remaining bodies are effectively ordinary examples of the
chosen creature, though they retain a simple instinctual urge towards the Lunars desires at the time of the
scattering. In any event, when the Lunar changes shape again, any remaining forms wither and vanish.
Monkey Arm Style (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; -The Lunars body gains an eerie flexibility, stretching beyond what should be possible. In combat, this
grants his natural attacks the Reach tag. Outside combat, the Lunar may stretch a limb up to (Essence + 1)
times its normal length -- for instance, to reach the keys to her cell without stepping outside it.
Essential Moonsilver Affinity (- (+6m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Monkey Arm Style
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. While that Charm is active, the Lunars body takes
on the liquid grace of moonsilver itself, granting his natural attacks the Flexible tag. He may also pay an
additional six motes when activating Monkey Arm Style. If he does so, he also adjusts his body to more
naturally fit his armor, treating its Mobility penalty as 0 for the purposes of movement, stealth, and so on.
Quicksilver Second Face (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar can shift more quickly and effortlessly. He can now place a shapeshifting action in a flurry
with any other action that could normally be flurried.
Lightning-Change Style (- (+3m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Quicksilver Second Face
The Lunars changes are now as rapid as thought. For an additional three motes, he may complete a
single shapeshifting action reflexively. He may even do so in response to an attack declared against him,
perhaps to gain increased soak or evasiveness.
Foot-Trapping Counter (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 1, Essence 1; Monkey-Arm Style
As an enemy tries to withdraw, the Lunar ensnares her in a flexible limb, hindering her retreat. This
Charm enhances any roll contesting a Disengage action; for every 10 the Lunar rolls, his enemy must pay
one additional point of Initiative to escape. If she cannot or will not pay this additional cost, the Disengage
action fails automatically. This Charm may not be used to contest Disengage actions that are automatically


Rabid Beast Attitude (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Foot-Trapping Counter, Flawless Dexterity Focus (x1)
Injuries only infuriate the Lunar. When the Lunar is at his -2 health levels, he may use Flawless Dexterity
Focus in combat; when he is at his -4 health levels, he may use the second purchase of that Charm in combat.
Thousand Claw Infliction (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Uniform
Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; Foot-Trapping Counter
The Lunars limbs are as vast or slender as he needs them to be. For one attack, the Lunar may choose
to have his natural weapons be Medium or Heavy weapons, instead of Light.
Morph: Invoking a suitably massive form, the Lunar ignores the mote cost of this Charm.
Unyielding Lunar Hero (1m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Rabid Beast Attitude, Thousand Claw Infliction
No blow can unbalance one whose center of gravity is precisely where he wishes it to be. For the
remainder of the scene, the Lunar may reduce all Onslaught penalties by one.
Armor-Rending Claw Fist (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Gift, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Unyielding Lunar Hero
What work of man can long endure the claws of the beast? This Charm enhances an attack, reducing
the targets Hardness against that attack by (Lunars Essence).
Gift: By committing three motes when activating his Deadly Beastman form, the Lunar may ignore one
point of Hardness on all targets.
Crouching Tiger Stance (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Stackable, Uniform
Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Unyielding Lunar Hero
The Lunars low crouch bespeaks future violence. This Charm may be activated after the Lunar is struck
by an attack, but before damage is rolled. On his next action, if he makes an attack of the same type (i.e.,
Withering or Decisive), he gains bonus dice of damage equal to whatever damage he suffers from this blow.
Den Mother Method (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Until next action ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 2; Unyielding Lunar Hero
The Steward stands between danger and his allies, wherever they may be. This Charm enhances a
Defend Other action, allowing it to be declared on behalf of a character one range band distant, or two range
bands distant if the character is one of the Lunars Wards. Should that character be attacked, the Lunar
reflexively moves to her side, interposing himself between threat and ally.
Running Through the Herd (4m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Clash, Uniform
Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 3; Den Mother Method
Lunars are master shapeshifters and illusionists; too often, their foes find the faces of enemy and ally
interchanging as they fight. This Charm may only be activated once per scene. It grants the Lunar a reflexive
Clash attack of the same type as the blow he would counter (i.e., Decisive for a Decisive attack). If the Clash
succeeds, the Lunar does not actually inflict damage; instead, he confuses his foe, redirecting the attack to a
second enemy at Close range to the Lunar. The original attack is then rerolled against this new target, with
all Charms originally used to enhance it. The enemy who made the original attack may realize his mistake
and abort the blow, but if he does, his hesitation causes him to immediately enter Initiative Crash.


Predator Distraction Method (- (3m))

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 3; Running Through the Herd
The Lunars facility with deception improves, throwing his foes into utter confusion. This Charm
permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to activate it on behalf of any ally in the same
range band, or up to one range band distant, if the ally is a Ward. In the latter case, he moves reflexively to
the side of his Ward.
Snake Body Technique (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 3; Running Through the Herd
The Lunar catches a blow and channels its momentum through his malleable frame, ultimately returning
it to its source. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to redirect an attack
back to the original attacker. If the attacker would be too distant to be a valid target for redirection, the
attack simply misses.
Coiled Serpent Strikes (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Snake Body Technique
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to return an attack to its source
regardless of how distant that source might be.
Terrible Wolverine Onslaught (3m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 3; Running Through the Herd
Catching a foe in his deadly grip, the Lunar savages his enemy -- and then prepares to do so again. This
Charm may only be activated once per scene. It allows the Lunar to perform a Decisive Savaging attack
against a grappled foe without resetting to base Initiative.
Den Warden Prana (- (+1wp))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 3; Den Mother Method
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. By paying an additional Willpower when activating
that Charm, the Lunar may extend its benefits to the rest of the scene. This does not grant a persistent
Defend Other, but it does allow the Lunar to continue to make Defend Other actions on behalf of more
distant characters without reactivating Den Mother Method.
Graceful Crane Stance (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar may balance on even the thinnest of supports with no fear of falling. With this Charm active,
footing as thin as a twig or clothesline will support his weight, with no need to roll to maintain his balance.
Light-Footed Mountain Goat Stance (- (+2m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; Graceful Crane Stance
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. For an additional two motes, the Lunar may ignore
the penalty for Rushing or Disengaging in rough terrain for the rest of the scene.
Cat-Falling Attitude (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Graceful Crane Stance
Who ever heard of a cat falling to its death? The Lunar activates this Charm at the end of an extended

fall. If he fell four or more range bands (that is, an Extreme distance), he instead treats the fall as if it was
only three range bands (a Long distance). Otherwise, he subtracts one from the number of bands fallen:
Long becomes Medium, and so on. The Lunar also lands on his feet, unless some magic would stipulate that
he is knocked prone.
Cloud-Walking Stance (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 3; Graceful Crane Stance
The Lunar instinctually grasps the oddities of the Wyld; in a swirl of confusion, he finds all the solid
ground he needs. While in the Wyld, the Lunar may activate Graceful Crane Stance (and Light-Footed
Mountain Goat Stance, if he knows it) for 0 motes.
Clay-Wetting Practice (6m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One task ; Keywords: Mute
Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 1; -The Lunar imparts some of his natural malleability to an object he holds, allowing him to reshape it
without the use of tools. He may undertake a single Basic or Major crafting project, with no penalties for
poor conditions or missing equipment. This Charm may also be used to perform a single Feat of Strength to
break an object, in which case the Lunar subtracts his Essence from the rolls difficulty. This Charm does
not function on finished artifacts or other indestructible materials.
Weapon-Shaping Method (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Clay-Wetting Practice
Despite its name, this Charm does not function merely on weapons. Instead, the Lunar gains special
benefit whenever one of his crafted creations will be used on behalf of one of his Wards. In such cases, the
Lunar doubles the crafting points received for each objective, as long as the objective is satisfied in a way
that directly benefits his Ward. (Legendary projects, which do not receive a per objective bonus, may
instead receive an extra five silver points as long as at least one objective benefits the Ward in this way.)
Note that benefit to the Ward must be direct: I have made this sword to defend my allys back and
My people will be sheltered by this manse both apply, while Now that Im wealthier, Im more pleasant
for my Ward to be around does not.
As a final benefit, treat the Ward as an extension of the Lunar for determining objectives satisfied -so, for instance, if the Lunar prepares a gift which his Solar companion uses to gain favor (and a positive
Intimacy), this satisfies the normal craft objective for gaining Intimacies.
Lunar Blade Reconfiguration (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 3; Clay-Wetting Practice
The hallmark of a Lunar is adaptability. A Lunar with this Charm may reduce the difficulty to rebuild
or reconfigure an object by one, and also reduces the final number of successes required by (Essence), as the
broken seams flow together and join. If a Lunars Ward joins him in crafting, this benefit applies to both of
Secure Cat Stepping (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar may split his action without taking a Defense penalty.
Finding the Needles Eye (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; -Surely that attack struck the Lunar; is there some hole in his chest for it to pass through? A Lunar may


activate this Charm in response to a ranged attack that hit him with successes exactly equal to his Defense;
that attack instead misses. This Charm may be activated after the attack is rolled.
Golden Tiger Stance (1m/point)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Dexterity 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar ignores up to (Dexterity) points of penalties to his Evasion or Parry, paying one mote per
Morph: The Lunar may ignore any quantity of penalties at one mote per point.
Wary Swallow Method (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; Golden Tiger Stance
The Lunar becomes aware of an ambush or surprise attack. Set his Defense to 2 (instead of 0) plus
his current wound penalty; if this would be equal to or higher than his normal Defense, he has his normal
Defense and may activate other defensive Charms as normal.
Wind-Dancing Method (1m, 2i)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; Golden Tiger Stance
After successfully avoiding an attack via his Dodge or Parry, the Lunar may activate this Charm to make
a reflexive Disengage attempt at no cost, which does not count as his movement for the turn. If attacked at
range with no adjacent enemies, he may instead move one range band in any applicable direction without a
Morph: The Lunars Disengage action is automatically successful.
Flowing Body Evasion (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Golden Tiger Stance
The Lunars body flows like quicksilver, and his enemys attacks pass through him like stones through
a rippling pond. The Lunar may automatically dodges one attack without a contest; he may even dodge
uncountable recurring damage with a single application. This Charm may be used only once per scene, but it
may be reset by taking advantage of the Morph keyword on Golden Tiger Stance three times.
Flowing Body Ascension (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 3; Flowing Body Ascension
Returning from his quicksilver state, the Lunar retains some of its fluidity. After dodging an attack with
Flowing Body Evasion, the Lunars Evasion and Parry are increased by 2 until the beginning of his next
Becoming Waters Envy (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Flowing Body Evasion
The Lunar surpasses liquidity, his wounds vanishing like ripples. As he reforms from a use of Flowing
Body Evasion, he may immediately heal one level of Bashing or Lethal damage.
World-Bending Guardian Attentiveness (10m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 5; Flowing Body Evasion, Finding the Needles Eye
The Lunar is one with the madness, and the madness knows its own. While in the Wyld, the Lunar
benefits from a permanent Defend Other, as reality bends to accommodate him. The Defend Other has an
effective Defense of 1 per level of Wyld energies: 1 in the Bordermarches, 2 in the Middlemarches, 3 in the

Deep Wyld, and 4 in Pure Chaos. This Charm does not function if any effect would cause the Wyld to
behave by the rules of Creation.
Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 2; Golden Tiger Stance
The Lunar lashes out to perfectly counter an attack -- but only if it is aimed at a target he protects via a
Defend Other action. This Charm may even guard against uncountable recurring damage; one epic poem of
the First Age told of a Lunar who died deflecting the Primordials incandescent wrath, his mate shielded
safely beneath his burning body. This Charm may only be used once per scene, though it is reset if three
attacks are redirected to the Lunar from the target he protects.
Heron Sheds Rain (- (+1wp))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Counterattack, Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite. For an additional point of Willpower, the Lunar may immediately
make a Decisive counterattack at the one who attacked his Defend Other target.
Sensing the Deadly Flow (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 2; Wary Swallow Method, Wind-Dancing Method
The Lunar flows with the current of battle. He may ignore (Essence) points of penalties to his Defense
without cost for the remainder of the scene; should this alone prove insufficient, this effect stacks with Golden
Tiger Stance.
Vigilant Mastiff Technique (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 1; -The Lunar designates one other character and takes a reflexive Defend Other action on that characters
behalf. This action is effective for the remainder of the scene, as long as the two characters are at Close
range. If the Lunar wishes to protect another character, he must first drop the commitment to this one; his
Wards do not count against this limit.
Ground-Denying Defense (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar cannot be trapped: not by his own shape, and certainly not by his enemies. For the remainder
of the scene, the Lunar gains a single point of Initiative whenever an enemy enters his range band.
Instinct-Driven Beast Movement (4m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 1; Ground-Denying Defense
For every 10 rolled on a Rush or Disengage action, the Lunar immediately gains one point of Initiative.
Furious Hound Pursuit (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 2; Instinct-Driven Beast Movement
With a howl of delight, the Lunar joins the hunt. The Lunar may activate this Charm in pursuit of any
foe that he has seen in the last hour, or for whom he has some comparatively-recent spoor: a bit of clothing,
a few drops of blood, etc. As long as he directly pursues this target, he may reroll one non-successful die
during each pursuit interval for each 1 rolled by his opponent in that interval.


Flight of the Sparrow (4m, 1wp)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 2; Instinct-Driven Beast Movement
The quick silver fox laughs at the lazy hounds. The Lunar may activate this Charm to enhance a
Disengage action; if it succeeds, he may reflexively move away the next two times an enemy enters his range
band, instead of only once as normal.
Morph: The Lunar may ignore the Initiative cost of this Disengage action.
Pack and Flock Guidance (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 3; Furious Hound Pursuit, Flight of the Sparrow
This Charm permanently improves its prerequisites, allowing them to be activated to enhance an order
action given to a friendly battle group. Used in this way, the Charms apply their effect to the entire battle
group; the Lunar may also activate such Charms a second time on his own behalf, if desired.
Mist-Walking Prana (4m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Pack and Flock Guidance
The Wyld is full of momentary passages -- gaps in the fabric of space that allow instantaneous transmission
from one place to another. This Charm enhances a Rush action. In the Bordermarches, this Charm allows
the Lunar to Rush an enemy two range bands distant, closing the gap immediately. In the Middlemarches,
he may Rush as above from three range bands distant. In the Deep Wyld or Pure Chaos, he may Rush
as above from four range bands distant. With a Dexterity 5, Essence 5+ repurchase, the Lunar may also
activate this Charm to enhance and order action given to a battle group, allowing it to Rush similarly; again,
the Lunar must re-activate the Charm to benefit from it himself.
Moonlight Hunt (8m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One hour ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 2; Furious Hound Pursuit
The Lunar puts a gazelle to shame. For the net hour, he may move three range bands every action.
In the Wyld, the cost of this Charm is reduced: by two motes in the Bordermarches, four motes in the
Middlemarches, six motes in the Deep Wyld, and the full eight motes in Pure Chaos. Other moderately
unearthly climes -- Shadowlands, Yu-Shan -- function as per the Bordermarches. Inhospitable otherworlds -the Underworld, Autochthonia -- function as Middlemarches, and extremely dangerous worlds -- Malfeas, the
Labyrinth -- function as per the Deep Wyld.
Star Falls Through (3m, 2a (+1wp))
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Counterattack, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Mist-Walking Prana
The Lunar spies a gap in the world -- but rather than traverse it himself, he hurls a foe through instead.
On being attacked at close range, the Lunar may activate this Charm to perform a Withering Counterattack.
The counterattack resolves before the initial attack, but if successful, it deals no damage. Instead, the
attacker is forced through a momentary hole in reality, re-emerging on range band away. If this places the
enemy outside his weapons range, his attack automatically misses.
In Creation, this Charm requires the Lunar to forcibly impose his natural shape-twisting powers on
the world, for a cost of three motes and one willpower, as well as two anima levels. In the Wyld, such
changes are far easier; ignore the willpower cost. A Lunar may send his enemy up to two range bands in the
Middlemarches, three in the Deep Wyld, and four in Pure Chaos.
Diligent Hive Imitation (3m, 1a)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 1, Essence 1; --


A shapeshifter is used to coordinating many limbs. Activating this Charm, the Lunar may perform a
flurry without suffering the normal action penalties, though he still suffers the Defense penalty.
Wasp Sting Blur (1m/point)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Dexterity 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar blurs into action, surprising his foes with his speed. This Charm is activated at the start of a
round. For each mote he spends, to a maximum of his (Dexterity), the character may act one tick earlier
than normal. This does not grant him free Initiative, but it can allow him to Clash with a higher-Initiative
Morph: The Lunar may act up to two ticks earlier for every mote he spends; he still cannot spend more
than (Dexterity) motes.
Twin Fang Technique (1m, 1wp, 3a)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 1; Wasp-Sting Blur
Having tasted his enemys blood, the Lunar returns for another bite. The Lunar may activate this Charm
immediately after making a Withering attack to make a reflexive Withering attack, though he must use a
different limb to make the attack.
Octopus-and-Spider Barrage (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only, Morph
Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 2; Diligent Hive Imitation, Twin Fang Technique
The Lunar blurs into a whirlwind of striking limbs. He may perform a series of Decisive attacks, though
he may not perform more than (lowest of Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina) attacks. He may choose how
to divide the Initiative up between the attacks and need only pay for any non-Excellency Charms once to
enhance every attack. (Excellencies must still be paid for every attack separately.) The Lunar does not reset
to base Initiative until all attacks have resolved. At that time, he resets to base if at least one attack was
successful; if no attacks connected, he loses (2 number of attacks) Initiative.
Morph: Invoking a many-limbed form, the Lunar may perform (Dexterity) attacks.
Lightning Stroke Attack (1m/point)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform, Obvious
Prereqs: Dexterity 3, Essence 1; Twin Fang Technique
The Lunar batters past an overwhelmed opponents guard. The Lunar may pay up to one mote per
point of Onslaught penalty the target currently suffers; for each mote spent, increase the base damage of the
attack by one.
Greedy Mosquito Bite (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 4, Essence 2; Twin-Fang Technique
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to choose whether to make his
follow-up attack Withering or Decisive. In this case, that Charm loses the Withering-Only keyword and
gains Uniform.
Spreading the Wyld Roots (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Octopus and Spider Barrage
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar use it to strike enemies at up
to Short range. Some Lunars lash out with monstrous, disjointed limbs; others warp space itself, so that
a single blow lands in many places. When used in the Wyld, this effect is particularly deadly, adding one
bonus Initiative to every attack.


Unhesitant Scorpion Lash (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Octopus and Spider Barrage
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. Should the Lunar Incapacitate (or worse) any foe
while using Octopus and Spider Barrage, he may increase the number of attacks made by one, gaining
(Essence) additional Initiative to spend on the new attack. The character may not gain more than one attack
in this way, regardless of the number of enemies felled.



Humble Mouse Form (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar may take forms as small as a mouse.
Emerald Grasshopper Form (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 2; Humble Mouse Form
The Lunar may take forms as small as a housefly.
Towering Beast Form (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar may take forms as large as a yeddim or tyrant lizard.
Mountainous Spirit Expression (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 2; Towering Beast Form
When taking his animal true form, the Lunar may choose to double its size at no extra cost. Its Strength
and Stamina increase by one dot each, to a maximum of 10; small animals may gain attacks appropriate to a
larger form, such as a hummingbird gaining access to the special attack qualities of an eagle.
Illimitable Beast Declaration (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Emerald Grasshopper Form or Towering Beast Form
The Lunars range of spirit shapes greatly expands. With Emerald Grasshopper Form, the Lunar may
now take forms as small as he chooses; with Towering Beast Form, he may likewise hunt a monster as large
as he pleases.
Emperor Ox Expansion (- (1wp))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 5, Essence 4; Mountainous Spirit Expression
While adopting his animal true form, the Lunar may pay one Willpower. If he does, the form grows
yet larger, to the size of a tyrant lizard; if the form was already this large, either naturally or under the
effects of Mountainous Spirit Expression, it may up to double its height again. In either case, it gains an
additional dot of Strength and Stamina, which stacks with the bonus from Mountainous Spirit Expansion, to
a maximum of 10. If the form lacks Legendary Size by default, it gains it now. With Storyteller permission,
it may also gain a new ability appropriate to its size, such as the tyrant lizards Legion-Devouring Maw.
Tyrant Mouse Dominion (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Emerald Grasshopper Form, Mountainous Spirit Expression
On assuming any animal form, the Lunar may optionally choose to reduce its size. The form loses roughly
half its height and other dimensions and drops to roughly 1/8 its typical bulk, decreasing its Strength and
Stamina by one dot (to a minimum of 1). If the resulting form is the size of a housecat or smaller, it gains
the Tiny Creature merit; in any event, it loses any merits related to large size, such as Legendary Size.
On the other end of the scale, the Lunar may now apply Mountainous Spirit Expression to any animal
form, not only his true form. If he knows Emperor Ox Expansion, he may likewise apply that Charm to any


Fish or Fowl Exaltation (- (1m))

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; -Lunas Chosen see the beast in themselves; so, too, do the beasts see themselves in the Lunar. When
activating the Gift effect of one Charm, a Lunar may commit a single additional mote to extend that Charms
benefit to his familiar. Lunars with multiple familiars may maintain a separate commitment for each familiar,
but no one familiar can benefit from more than one Gift effect simultaneously.
Tiger and Sultan Fusion (10m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One week ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Internal Form Mastery, Fish or Fowl Exaltation
The Lunars wisdom is reflected in his beasts. Activating this Charm, the Lunar may train a familiar to
use any latent or supernatural ability it possesses, as long as the Lunar has unlocked that ability in one of
his own forms via Internal Form Mastery.
Beast Lords of the Blessed Isle (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; Fish or Fowl Exaltation
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to grace a familiar with any
number of Gift effects at a cost of one additional committed mote per effect. Again, this commitment may
be maintained separately for any number of Familiars.
Tiger and Seahorse Union (1m/point)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Hybrid Body Rearrangement, Fish or Fowl Exaltation
The Lunar temporarily gifts his familiar with mutations he could manifest via Hybrid Body Rearrangement,
paying 1m per dot of mutations he wishes to bestow.
Fertile Breath Inversion (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; -With a moments meditation, Lunas Chosen adapts his lungs to process his current environment. The
Lunar can breathe anything without penalty: water, flames, sand, and clouds of poison gas all sustain him
equally well. Note that this does not imply general immunity to the environment; a Lunar submerged in the
acid seas of Kimbery can breathe just fine, but that wont stop his skin from melting.
Gift: A Lunar can commit one mote to breathe something appropriate to his hybrid form -- water for a
deadly barracuda-man, sand for a half-mole-hound -- or the full four motes to gain the usual adaptation.
Moonsilver Stomach Conversion (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; Fertile Breath Inversion
One of natures most-repeated lessons runs as follows: Everything is food to something. With this
Charm, the Lunar becomes that something. With a faint rumble, his stomach twists and reshapes into a
form ideal for processing and extracting nutrients from virtually anything. While active, the Lunar may safely
swallow, digest, and subsist on anything he can fit into his mouth. Imperishable materials pass harmlessly
through his system.
Ox-Body Technique (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar fortifies his forms with additional health levels. All of the Lunars forms benefit from this
change, which scales according to his (human-form) Stamina:
Stamina 1-2: Three -2 health levels

Stamina 3-4: Four -2 health levels

Stamina 5: Four -2 health levels and one -4 health level.
If the Lunar later raises his Stamina, past purchases of this Charm immediately improve. The Lunar may
purchase this Charm once per dot of Stamina he possesses.
Steadfast Yeddim Meditation (1m/point)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar fights through his pain, deadening screaming nerves or momentarily patching together ruined
flesh. He may ignore any quantity of wound penalties for a single roll or application of a static value, paying
one mote per point of penalties ignored.
Bear Sleep Meditation (10m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
Wounded by the arrows of the world, or simply weary of it, the Lunar falls into a deep hibernation.
As he falls asleep, his player chooses (Essence) conditions which will awaken him. One of these must be a
maximum duration of his slumber; the rest must anything the Lunar could perceive while asleep. In any
event, the Lunar awakes immediately upon being attacked or taking damage.
While asleep, the Lunar does not age and needs no feed, drink, or air. If he is injured at the time his
hibernation begins, he may roll (Stamina + Resistance) and heals at a rate (Essence successes) faster than
Time-Bending Chrysalis (- (+20m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 5, Essence 5; Bear Sleep Meditation
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to sleep away the ages and
awaken revitalized. While asleep, a cocoon of protective essence grants the Lunar 15 Hardness and +15
armor soak. As a further benefit, he grows younger (to a minimum of his physical prime) at half the rate he
would normally age; thus, a Lunar who slept for ten years would awaken five years younger than when he
went to sleep.
Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation (7m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
As the Lunar is struck by an attack that should kill him, he simply endures; broken bones and ruined
tissue slough away and absorb back into the raging Exalt beneath. This Charm may be activated in response
to any Decisive attack that would fill his last health level with damage, after damage is rolled. That attack
does not fill that final health level... for as long as the Lunar keeps the motes committed. When he releases
commitment, he immediately fills any empty health levels with Bashing damage and falls unconscious, as his
long-deferred internal wounds finally catch up with him.
This Charm may be activated multiple times, but the Lunar must maintain a separate commitment for
each of them, and all commitments must be released simultaneously. For each such instance released after
the first, the Lunar takes an additional level of Bashing damage, which rolls over into Lethal damage as
This Charm may also be used to negate a single instance of uncountable recurring damage; when activated
in this way, it entirely negates that damage, with no commitment of motes required. Doing so still leaves the
Lunar winded for the next 5 rounds, with a -3 penalty to all actions.
Moonsilver Absorption (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 2; Steadfast Yeddim Meditation

The Lunar threads his body with tendons of pure moonsilver, urging his torn flesh into motion again.
For the remainder of the scene, he may ignore one point of wound penalties.
Lunas Fortitude (1m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
Rather than falling when his enemy expects, the Lunar pushes through the attack to seize an opportunity...
and his enemys throat. On taking a Decisive attack, the Lunar may roll dice equal to the levels of damage
the target takes, recovering one point of Initiative for each success after resetting to base Initiative.
(Directional) Mastery Technique (3m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Stackable
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -All places are alike to Lunas Chosen. Activating this Charm, the Lunar chooses one of the five elements
and subtracts (Essence) from the damage rating of any hazard characterized by that element. Collectively,
these five categories are all-encompassing; any hazard should fit at least one of the five categories. In addition,
the elements provide the following benefits:
Earth: The Lunar may not be buried beneath an environmental hazard; a cave-in, avalanche, or
crushing dust storm leaves him time enough to wriggle to the surface or gain his freedom. Note that
the Lunar may still be indirectly trapped if, say, he squirms from a cave-in to find himself on the wrong
side. This Charm guarantees only that he will not be directly trapped under the fallen stones
Wood: The Lunar also subtracts his (Essence) from the damage of any plant-based toxin. His hide
toughens, granting him immunity to swarms of stinging insects.
Air: The Lunar does not suffer from cold or emptiness. Reduce the difficulty to forage and find shelter
by 2.
Fire: The Lunar does not suffer from heat or flames. Reduce the penalty from starvation or thirst by 2.
Water: The Lunar cannot drown or be crushed by the pressure of the ocean depths.
External Hide Perfection (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Any (Directional) Mastery Technique
This Charm permanently enhances all instances of its prerequisite, granting them the Gift keyword.
Gift: The Lunar may reflexively commit three motes to gain the benefits of one (Directional) Mastery
Technique; he may pay this cost for as many copies of the Charm as he possesses.
Mother Grizzly Attitude (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -No one threatens those the Lunar protects. If the Lunar is using Defend Other to protect another
character, he may activate this Charm after any attack at that character is rolled. Doing so guarantees that
the attack strikes the Lunar rather than the character he protects, even if the attack had enough successes to
strike the other character. If the protected character is his Ward, reduce the cost of this Charm to three
Snarling Watchdog Retribution (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Mother Grizzly Attitude
To wound those a Steward protects is to invite instant retribution. Any time a Decisive attack would
wound a character the Lunar is protecting via Defend Other, the Lunar may roll dice equal to the levels of
damage suffered, regaining one Initiative per success. If the protected character loses at least one Initiative

to a Withering attack, the Lunar may instead gain a single point of Initiative. Increase both rewards by one
if the protected character is the Lunars Ward.
Silver Lunar Resolution (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -This Charm enhances any extended action the Lunar takes to protect or shelter a social organization or
military unit, provided that the action takes at least one hour to perform. The character recovers one mote
for each 10 rolled on that action. If the organization or unit is the Lunars Ward, he may also regain a single
point of Willpower if he rolls at least one 10, though this bonus may recur no more than once per day. This
Charm is also available in Stamina and Wits.
Relentless Lunar Fury (1m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One action ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; -Reaching deep within, the Lunar unleashes a primal rage that sets his blood to boiling and fills his vision
with red. While Relentless Lunar Fury is active, the Lunar may ignore three points of wound penalties
(stacking with other sources that would ignore wound penalties) and gains one die to all combat-related
actions. He may still activate Charms or Evocations as normal, or make use of his skills at martial arts. To
the predator-self, however, the niceties of civilization -- including ideas like manipulating complex objects,
conversation, and noncombatants -- are no more real than a dream.
This Charm ends automatically on the Lunars next action unless he makes a Decisive attack or spends
8+ motes on offensive Charms, in which case its duration is extended by one additional action. He may
extend it any number of actions in this way, but the Charm still terminates immediately if he should be
forced into Initiative Crash.
Durable Battle Mind (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Relentless Lunar Fury
This Charm improves its prerequisite, reducing the number of offensive motes which must be spent to
maintain it each round by 2.
Bruise-Relief Method (4m/level or 3i/level)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Gift, Perilous
Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; -Drawing a deep breath, the Lunar recalls her original form -- and returns to it, discarding wounds like
dreams. He may heal up to (Stamina) levels of bashing damage for a cost of four motes or three Initiative
per level.
Gift: When in Deadly Beastman Transformation, the Lunar may activate this Charm reflexively, though
he may heal no more than one health level per turn in this way.
Halting the Scarlet Flow (4m/level or 3i/level)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One Instant ; Keywords: Gift, Perilous
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; Bruise-Relief Method
The Lunar shakes blood from his body like water -- and the skin beneath is unbroken. The Lunar may
change up to (Stamina) levels of lethal damage an equal number of bashing health levels at a cost of four
motes or three Initiative per level; if he desires, he may also reflexively activate Bruise Relief Method at the
usual cost.
Gift: When in Deadly Beastman Transformation, the Lunar may activate this Charm reflexively, though
he may convert no more than one health level per turn in this way.


Purging the Tarnished Silver (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 5, Essence 2; Halting the Scarlet Flow
On recovering from Initiative Crash, the Lunar may immediately heal one level of bashing or lethal
damage. Note that a characters wound penalties are always equal to the highest number on a marked
damage box, regardless of the state of the other boxes. This Charm may be used once per scene, though it
can be reset by building to 20+ Initiative.
Hide-Toughening Essence (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -The Steward momentarily reinforces his body against a blow. He may apply his full normal soak against
an unsoakable Withering damage roll.
Frenzied Bear Fortification (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Uniform
Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Hide-Toughening Essence
A wave of fur, scales, or leathery hide steals the momentum of a blow. Activating this Charm after soak
and hardness are applied, the Lunar reduces the damage of an attack by (1 + his current wound penalty)
Morph: Treat the Lunars wound penalty as if it was one point higher for this purpose, to a maximum of
Wound-Mastering Body Evolution (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Stackable, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Frenzied Bear Fortification
The Lunar adapts, shuffling muscle and fat to counter his foes strengths. He may activate this Charm
after being Crashed by a Withering attack. He may identify any single tag on the attacking weapon other
than Bashing or Lethal. For the remainder of the scene, any Withering attacks made by weapons with
that tag have their post-soak damage cut in half, rounding up. This Charm may be activated multiple times
to protect against different tags, but only once per instance of the Lunar being Crashed; regardless of the
number of activations, no one attack can be affected more than once.
Impenetrable Beast Armor (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Dual, Perilous
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Frenzied Bear Fortification
The Lunar halves the post-soak damage of a Withering attack or reduces the raw damage of a Decisive
attack by 3.
Indestructible Recursive Design (8m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Hide-Toughening Essence
As his enemys blow shears through his vital organs, the Lunar simply grows replacements. This Charm
may be activated in response to a Decisive attack, immediately gaining (Stamina) extra -1 or -2 health levels,
with a mixture of his choice. If the Charm is ended before wounds to these levels are healed, any damage in
them immediately transfers into the Lunars remaining health track. No more than one activation of this
Charm may be maintained simultaneously.
Armor-Forming Technique (1m/soak)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Gift, Morph
Prereqs: Stamina 1, Essence 1; -Plates of bony armor erupt from the Lunars skin. The Lunar commits up to (Stamina) motes; every mote


so committed provides one point of Soak (which stacks with Soak from armor) and one point of Hardness
(which does not stack with other sources of Hardness).
Gift: This Charm may be reflexively activated when activating Deadly Beastman Transformation.
Morph: The Charm provides an additional 2 points of soak, as long as at least one mote was committed
to it.
Stone Rhinos Skin (6m, 3a)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only, Morph
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Armor-Forming Technique, Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation
What wound can fell a rampaging rhino? When activated in response to a Decisive attack, this Charm
sets the Lunars Hardness equal to his natural soak for a single instant. Ignore armor when calculating this
soak value, but count bonuses from Charms as normal.
Morph: Reduce the anima cost of this Charm by one level.
Invulnerable Moonsilver Carapace (1m/soak)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 5, Essence 4; Stone Rhinos Skin
This Charm permanently enhances the prerequisite. Its duration is extended to One action, as the Lunar
is sheathed in a gleaming layer of invulnerable moonsilver; this effect may not be muted by any means.
Weapon-Trapping Body Dominion (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Counterattack, Uniform
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; Armor-Forming Technique
An enemy smiles, as his sword slides into the Lunars guts -- which grab the weapon and twist it from his
grip. After resolving an attack with a non-natural weapon, the Lunar may immediately reply with a reflexive
Decisive Counterattack. (In the case of a Withering attack, the Lunar shifts his flesh to absorb the weapon
harmlessly.) On success, instead of rolling damage he rolls his Initiative as a Disarm gambit, reducing the
difficulty by his current wound penalty (to a minimum of 1). If this Gambit succeeds, the weapon remains
lodged in the Lunars vitals until retrieved either by the Lunar or by an opposing Disarm Gambit. This
Charm may be used once per scene, though it is reset any time the Lunars wound penalty increases.
Limb-Shielding Growth (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 2; Armor-Forming Technique
Iron-hard bones erupt from the Lunars forearm, swelling into a shield. His Unarmed attacks gain the
Shield tag; ignore the damage reduction from that tag.
Scorpion and Toad Absolution (4m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Stamina 2, Essence 1; -The Lunars veins run with the hearts blood of copperheads and arrow frogs; how do you poison a
venomous creature? While this Charm is active, the Lunar gains increased resistance to poisons he has
previously experienced, reducing their Duration by 2 intervals (to a minimum of 1). Similarly, reduce the
Morbidity of any diseases he has previously experienced by 2 (to a minimum of 1). Against unfamiliar poisons
and diseases, reduce the Duration and Morbidity (respectively) by 1, again to a minimum of 1. Lunars are
always considered to be familiar with any poison produced by or disease carried by a creature whose shape
they have stolen.
Morph: Invoking the form of a creature that produces a poison or commonly spreads a disease from
which she currently suffers, a Lunar may perfectly negate its effects. This effect may be triggered even after
Scorpion and Toad Absolution has been activated, without paying to re-activate the Charm.


Scorpion and Toad Assumption (3m)

Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Scorpion and Toad Absolution
The Lunar calls poison home to rest. Opening a shallow cut on a willing target, the Lunar drinks in
tainted blood, transferring one poison or disease which the target suffers to himself. The target suffers no
further harm from his condition, but the Lunar is treated as though he had just been exposed to the toxin or
Scorpion and Toad Immunity (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 5, Essence 3; Scorpion and Toad Assumption
This Charm permanently enhances Scorpion and Toad Absolution, increasing the reduction for familiar
poisons to -(Essence) Duration and for diseases to -(Essence) Morbidity, and removing the lower limit for
each. A poison reduced to 0 or fewer intervals, or a disease reduced to 0 or less Morbidity, has no effect.
Scorpion and Toad Mastery (1+m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Scorpion and Toad Assumption
The Lunar feels a remembered terror bubble in his blood as he coaxes his body to produce a malady it
once suffered. To activate this Charm, the Lunar chooses a mundane poison with which he is familiar and
pays motes equal to (Damage + Duration + Penalty), treating the Penalty as a positive number, and one
Willpower. Alternatively, he may choose a mundane disease for a cost of one Willpower and (Virulence +
Morbidity) motes. In either event, the Lunar may apply one of the following effects:
He immediately becomes affected by the poison or disease; a Lunar replicating alcohol could become
quite sincerely drunk on command, while one replicating cholera becomes a walking plague.
He may secrete enough of the substance to briefly coat his weapon; if his next Decisive attack while
wielding that weapon deals at least one level of damage, the target must contend with the poison or
He may produce enough of the substance to fill a small vial, perhaps for sale or for use in devising a
counter-agent. Supernatural poisons (such as Celestial Wine) or diseases (such as the Great Contagion
or the Broken-Tile Organ Condition) may not be duplicated using this Charm.
Adder Fang Method (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Stamina 5, Essence 4; Scorpion and Toad Mastery
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to reproduce supernatural poisons
or diseases to which he has been exposed. Even with the Lunars best efforts, however, such reproductions
lack some of their full bite; a reproduced disease may not be incurable and has its Morbidity reduced to 5 (if
it was higher). At the Storytellers option, some of the effects of such concoctions may be reduced: Celestial
Wine might remain a potent medical agent, but it no longer provides perfect immunity.
Cobra Eye Method (- (+1m))
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Scorpion and Toad Mastery
With a guttural hiss, the Lunar spits a wad of venom into his enemys face. To activate this Charm, the
Lunar must pay the full normal cost for Scorpion and Toad Mastery, plus one additional mote. He may make
a single Decisive attack at up to Short range; a target struck by the attack takes (Lunars Stamina) dice of
Lethal damage, as the Lunars saliva becomes highly corrosive acid. If the target suffers at least one level of
damage from this attack, she also suffers the effects of the poison or disease the Lunar chose when activating
the Charm. The Lunar does not reset to base Initiative if this attack succeeds. This Charm may only be
used once per scene, though it is reset if a target is rendered unconscious by a poison or disease inflicted by
the Lunar.


Lunar Blood Shaping Technique (5m (+1 lhl))

Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Preys Skin Disguise
The Lunar has mastered the ability to take the form of a human; now he learns to give forms to other
human beings. He offers a taste of his blood to a consenting human. If the other character consumes the
blood, the Lunar may immediately pay five motes to shift the character into any form the Lunar is able to
take (though unmodified by Charms such as Mountainous Spirit Expression). By default, this transformation
lasts only a single scene; the Lunar may pay a single lethal health level when activating the Charm to extend
the duration to one day.
Insidious Lunar Transformation (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 5, Essence 3; Lunar Blood Sharing Technique
The Lunar may now activate the prerequisite Charm to force even unwilling targets into a different
shape. The target must still consume the Lunars blood, which generally renders this Charm ineffective
except against helpless or restrained targets. As a direct shape-twisting effect, this Charm can be resisted
through effects such as the Solar Charm Integrity Protecting Principle.
Dog-Tongue Method (1m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar twists his throat until he can speak the language of beasts; his ears, until he can hear it; and
his mind, until grunts, snarls, and cries become ordinary language. While this Charm is active, the Lunar
may communicate with animals, including targeting them with social influence (and being targeted in return).
Note that most animals are still limited in their ability to grasp complex ideas; even if they are willing to
follow the Lunars orders, those commands must be simple enough to follow.
While in animal form, the effect of this Charm is reversed, allowing the Lunar to communicate via human
Morph: If the Lunar invokes the form of an animal of the same species as the one with which he wishes
to speak, waive the Willpower cost of this Charm.
Hard-Nosed Denial Style (2m per point)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 2; Dog-Tongue Method
The Lunars prey persists in trying to talk to him, but what does the wolf care for the cajoleries of the
deer? The Lunar may increase his Resolve by up to (Charisma/2, round down) points for the rest of the
scene at a cost of two motes per point, as insults and arguments become no more than animal grunts to his
ears. Its hard to join a conversation you dont understand, though -- the Lunar loses a like number of dice
from all of his social influence rolls for as long as he leaves the Charm active.
Pack Instinct Affirmation (10m, 1wp, 1xp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Dog-Tongue Method
Having learned to speak the language of his familiar, the Lunar deepens his bond with it, as follows:
The familiar gains a Defining Tie of loyalty to its master, which may not be violated or weakened
except by the Lunars own actions.
The Lunar may reflexively draw up to five motes per day from the familiar while at Close range, though
if she has already used this function on another familiar in the same day, the motes dissipate at the
end of his turn.


The Lunar can extend his own senses into those of the familiar. At Charisma 5, this control deepens,
allowing the Lunar to flawlessly direct the familiars actions. While sense-riding, the Lunars own body
is inert and inactive, though he may immediately end the Charm if his body is threatened.
Ignore the experience point cost of this Charm the first time it is used.
Nature-Reinforcing Allocation (10m, 1wp, 2xp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 2; Dog-Tongue Method
Laying his hands on his familiar, the Steward imbues it with a portion of his own changeable essence.
New muscles ripple beneath spear-turning skin. Even the creatures mind may improve, its skull growing
imperceptibly larger to accommodate the growing brain. Each activation of this Charm may grant one of the
following effects:
+1 dot of Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, or Perception, though no Attribute may be improved more
than once, and no Attribute may be raised higher than 10.
+1 dot of Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Dodge, Integrity, Presence, Resistance, or Survival, though not
to a rating greater than the Lunars own.
Intelligence equal to a six-year-old human, increasing the familiars Intelligence to 2 if it was lower.
One merit-dot of permanent mutations. For mutations costing multiple merit dots, this Charm may be
activated multiple times, with the mutation gradually becoming visible as the required dots are paid.
Ignore the experience point cost of this Charm the first time it is used.
Loyal Beast-Friend Enlightenment (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 5, Essence 3; Nature-Reinforcing Allocation
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to increase all listed Attributes a
second time (though still not beyond 10) and all listed Abilities to one dot higher than his own.
Silver Blood Infusion (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 5, Essence 3; Nature-Reinforcing Allocation
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. The Lunar may re-activate that Charm to make any
single advantage it had previously granted hereditary. So, for instance, if the familiar had been granted an
extra dot of Dexterity, a second activation of Nature-Reinforcing Allocation would ensure that all of that
familiars descendants also received the additional dot.
Snake-Vine Integration (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 3; Nature-Reinforcing Allocation, Laurels-and-Ivy Technique
This Charm permanently enhances Nature-Reinforcing Allocation, making plants legitimate targets for
that Charm. Unless it is already mobile, a plants Attributes (except Stamina) and Abilities begin at 0 dots,
and most plants have an Intelligence of 0 before the application of Charms.
Sharing the Gifts of Luna (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 3; Nature-Reinforcing Allocation
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, granting the following options:
One additional -1 health level, to a maximum of (Lunars Essence) times.
One additional -2 health level, to a maximum of (Lunars Essence 2) times.

One additional point of soak, to a maximum of (Lunars Essence 3) times.

One additional point of Hardness, to a maximum of (Lunars Essence) times.
Ignore the experience-point cost of Nature-Reinforcing Allocation the first time it is used to grant one of
these benefits.
Wolf Pack Training Technique (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 1; Dog-Tongue Method
The Lunar is less a drill master than a predator, driving his men through the woods with bone-chilling
howls. Those who pass this harrowing week-long instruction are forever hardened, reducing the difficulty of
any Rout checks by one (to a minimum of 1). This Charm is equally effective against humans and beasts,
allowing the Lunar to produce disciplined packs of fighting animals, though such units are still restricted to
simple tactics such as Charge and kill any human wearing blue in that direction.
Lesson of the Winter Wolf (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 2; Wolf Pack Training Technique
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, as terror of the Lunar inures his soldiers to any lesser
hardship. On completion of the Lunars week-long training, any unit below Average Drill is raised to that
level, gaining the statistics of a trained soldier. That Charm also gains the Stackable keyword, allowing
a Lunar to reduce the difficulty of Rout checks by up to (Essence) times with repeated weeks of training,
though still to a minimum of 1. When activated on behalf of animal soldiers, the Lunar also teaches his
charges the rudiments of strategy, allowing the use of complex maneuvers even while undirected.
Unstoppable Beast-Warrior Indoctrination (5m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 2; Lesson of the Winter Wolf
The Lunar howls his need to the world, and the beasts march to his banner. A Lunar may use this
Charm in any region where natural animals could reasonably be found. It enhances a Rally or Rally for
Numbers action; for every 10 rolled on such an action, the Lunars army recovers a single point of Magnitude,
as gaps in the line are filled with animals cowed by the supreme predator in their midst. Such reinforcements
may be assumed to take cues from their fellows, and the unit suffers no penalties for directing its new recruits.
Outworld Forsaking Stance (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar chooses a Ward for whom he has a Defining Tie and guards it against all Creations enemies.
If a Creature of Darkness should try to compel the Lunar to act against his Ward, or if the Lunar witnesses
such a being harm the Ward, the Steward is moved to a terrible protective wrath. He may immediately Join
Battle against that enemy, gaining (Essence) successes on the roll.
This Charm ceases to function if the Lunar voluntarily chooses to make its target no longer a Ward. At
the end of any story, the Lunar may reassign this Charm to another Ward for which he has a Defining Tie.
At Essence 3+, he may repurchase this Charm to protect an additional such Ward simultaneously.
Foe-Turning Rebuke (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; Outworld-Forsaking Stance
The Lunar adopts the mien of a vengeful guardian, protecting Creations gates against all outsiders.
Activating this Charm, the Lunar rolls (Charisma + Presence) against the Resolve of a single opponent at
up to Long range. If he succeeds, that enemy must pay one Willpower to voluntarily move closer to the
Lunar, though he is then immunized against further effects from the Charm. Creatures of Darkness must pay


this cost three times before becoming immune to it, though they still need not pay more than one Willpower
per range band they close.
A Charisma 3+, Essence 2+ repurchase of this Charm upgrades its effect, allowing the Lunar to pay a
point of Willpower while activating it to extend its effects to all Creatures of Darkness up to Long range in
addition to the primary target. The Lunar rolls only once, comparing the results to the Resolve of all targets.
Scathing Lunar Condemnation (8m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Withering-Only
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Foe-Turning Rebuke
The Lunar offers a chilling howl that robs its target of all resolution. This Charm provides a Withering
attack based on the Lunars (Charisma + Presence) with double-8s, rolled against the Resolve of a target out
to Short range. On a success, the Lunar rolls dice of Withering damage equal to (his remaining Willpower
points + extra successes), ignoring soak. This Charm may be used only once per scene, though it is reset if
any of the Lunars Wards are reduced to their last health level.
Against a Creature of Darkness, this Charms base damage is instead (Lunars full Willpower rating +
extra successes).
Morning Blossoms Blooming (12m, 1wp, 3a)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 5, Essence 5; Scathing Lunar Condemnation
The Lunar expels his anima into the world and calls night to take its place. Even under the blazing
sun, the area around the Lunar fades into dimness, lit by a pale, sourceless moonlight; underfoot, a carpet
of silver lilies grow and bloom in moments. Only supernatural lighting such as the animas of the Exalted
can contest this unnatural nighttime, but even they do not remove its primary effect. The Lunar and his
allies treat all areas within Short range of the Lunar as if they were part of Creation for the purposes of
Essence regeneration. The world also stabilizes and grows calm: environmental hazards settle, and strange
environments such as the Wyld or the Labyrinth do not twist and writhe. For hostile Creatures of Darkness,
the effect is much less pleasant, as they treat the area as an environmental effect with damage 1i/round and
difficulty 4.
Lightning-Calling Challenge (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Foe-Turning Rebuke
The Lunar offers a snarl of unmistakable challenge. Roll the Lunars (Charisma + [Social Ability]) against
the Resolve of a target at up to Medium range. If the roll succeeds, the target is unable to attack anyone
other than the Lunar for as long as the Charm is active. Disregarding this influence costs three Willpower,
reduced by one every time the target is attacked by anyone other than the Lunar. Against Creatures of
Darkness, this Charm instead has a base cost of five Willpower to resist, modified as described above. In
either case, if the Lunar moves away from the Charms target, the effect immediately ceases, the supernatural
challenge conceded.
Characters with a second purchase of Foe-Turning Rebuke and Charisma 4+, Essence 3+ may repurchase
this Charm. With that purchase, they may pay an additional point of Willpower when activating the Charm,
applying its effects to all targets out to Medium range rather than just one.
Cobra Hypnotic Method (7m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 1; -Certain snakes are rumored to hypnotize their prey before devouring it; Lunas Chosen make rumor into
truth. Activating this Charm, the Lunar rolls (Charisma + Performance) against the Resolve of a target at
up to Short range. On a success, the target is unable to take actions on his next (Lunars Essence) turns,
staring blankly at wherever the Lunar stood when the effect was enacted. Such targets are generally blind
to the world around them, taking -(Lunars Essence) dice to all Perception-based rolls, but they remain
instinctively aware of threats to themselves or their allies. It costs two Willpower for a character afflicted


by this Charm to shake off its effects, but only one Willpower in the presence of enemies who obviously
mean physical harm to the character. If the character should be targeted by an attack, the Charms effects
immediately terminate, allowing him to defend himself as normal. In any event, once a character has shaken
off the Lunars hypnotic gaze, he cannot be affected by it for the remainder of the scene.
Forgetful Victim Prana (- (+1wp))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Holy, Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Cobra Hypnotic Method
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to hypnotize up to (Essence)
targets or a battlegroup of size (Essence/2, round up). As an added benefit, when the Charm ends, characters
affected by it do not remember anything that transpired while under its effects. Even shaking off the Charm
by paying Willpower does not ensure the return of their memories, though it can terminate the Charm in
time to see the events in question.
Unnoticed Confusion Attack (4m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Cobra Hypnotic Method
In a thousand subtle ways, the Lunar shifts his form to be just... slightly... off. Are his ears of unusual
shape or size? Do his limbs bend peculiarly? What of his eyes -- is one lower than the other? Distracted
by these changes, and yet unable to be certain of them, the Lunars target can hardly remember what else
has been said. This Charm enhances an attempt at social influence. Any character whose Resolve is beaten
by that Influence must pay one Willpower or immediately forget that any influence was offered. Other
characters close enough to observe what has happened must also compare their Resolves to the Lunars
successes or suffer this distraction, though this does not render them susceptible to the original social attack.
Subtle Silver Command (5m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Mute
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 3; Forgetful Victim Prana, Unnoticed Confusion Attack
With this Charm, the Lunars control of his own self-expression becomes absolute. This Charm enhances
any attempt at social influence. No longer do the subtle shifts in the Lunars features conceal social influence;
instead, those subtle shifts are the influence, expressed wordlessly but plainly. Such changes are noticeable
only to the targets of the influence, and even that individual does not recognize that any actual physical
alterations have taken place. To the target, however -- who sees in the Lunars wide eyes an appeal to
innocence, or in the strange tilt of his head the birth of a suspicious impulse -- the message is clearly deliberate.
Such communication is broad, but still limited: any message longer than a sentence or two is likely too
complex to communicate in this way.
Rapid-Speech Technique (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 1, Essence 1; -The Steward can fill his limbs with the blurring musculature of the cheetah -- why could he not do the
same for his lips and tongue? This Charm allows the Lunar to ignore the flurry penalty on a single social
Secret Speech Method (3m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Mute
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; Rapid-Speech Technique
The Lunar borrows the ultrasonic trills of a bat, filling his speech with clicks and pops inaudible to
the human ear. For up to (Essence 2) intended recipients, the high-pitched trilling resolves into an
Essence-fueled message as intelligible as any other. For everyone else, the Lunar appears to be speaking
about an entirely unrelated topic. This Charm does not allow the Lunar to speak with characters whose
language he does not speak, and the Charm cannot be used to deliver social influence without other magic.


Instinct Memory Recollection (5m)

Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar speaks in the language of instinct, calling on impulses known as deeply as a birds urge to fly
south. This Charm enhances any attempt to Inspire an emotion through an appeal to a basic instinct: food,
physical safety, reproduction, and so on. If successful, the target finds the emotional impulse overwhelming
at a level his conscious mind cannot reject. For the remainder of the scene, any influence that works with
that emotion gains +1 double.
Charismatic Lunar Trick (4m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Instinct Memory Recollection
The call of the wild cares little for the artifices of reason. Activating this Charm to enhance social
influence, the Lunar may treat one of her targets supporting Intimacies as if it was one level stronger, as
long as that Intimacy is for a primal concern: a mate, a child, a basic physical need, and so on.
Perfect Fear Scent (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar exudes a faint musk; while normal human senses are insufficient to consciously detect it, some
primitive part of the mind knows the smell of a predator. The unspoken threat -- of blind, panicked flight, of
teeth and talons and blood -- underlies all of the Lunars social maneuvering. The Lunar permanently gains
one bonus die to all Intimidation attempts.
Morph: Momentarily invoking the bearing of a specific predator from his library of forms, the Lunar
gains +1 double on a single Intimidation-based roll.
Mind-Blanking Fear Technique (6m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Perfect Fear Scent
The Lunar evokes a moment of pure terror, and his targets mind runs away. The Lunar makes a
Threaten action, backed by whatever means he feels are appropriate, and confronts his target with a monster
out of a fable. If he succeeds, then his target simply refuses to remember what has happened, suppressing
memory of both the Lunars threat and some memory of the Lunars choice. If confronted with evidence
that the event did happen, the target may pay one Willpower to recall it for a single scene; after three such
payments, he recovers the memory permanently. In the absence of such evidence, the memory is simply lost.
Regardless, the target does form a negative Intimacy for the Lunar, as normal for Threaten actions, though
he generally cant remember why.
Terrifying Lust Infliction (5m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Mute
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 1; Perfect Fear Scent
Lunas Chosen calls the scent of an animal in heat, beguiling the minds of those around him. This Charm
enhances an Instill action to create or enhance a positive Intimacy either for a generic hunger or desire, with
the specifics chosen by the target, or for a specific urge for some physical pleasure -- including comfort, good
food, alcohol, and so on. If the Instill action succeeds, the Lunar may produce an Intimacy one level higher
than normal: Major instead of Minor, or Defining instead of Major.
Feral Smile Tactic (6m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Perfect Fear Scent
The Lunar casts aside all pretense and announces himself as a threat. This Charm is obvious, though
it does not necessarily announce the Lunar as a Lunar: teeth lengthen into fangs, nails sharpen into claws,
or perhaps the Lunars pupils narrow to serpentine slits. Regardless, he rolls (Charisma + Presence) as a


Threaten action, applying the result to any enemy who tries to attack him for the rest of the scene. Anyone
whose Resolve is overcome must spend one Willpower to open hostilities.
Morph: The Lunar may call on a specific threatening form as one or more enemies roll Join Battle against
him. For each success by which the Lunars roll exceeds the targets Resolve, that character loses one die on
the Join Battle roll, even if he paid Willpower to resist this Charm.
Face of the Moon Concealment (2m (6m))
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar attunes himself to a thousand natural warning cues -- the motion of the breeze, the resting
places of animals, the covering leaves of plants -- and finds a place in harmony with all of them. This Charm
serves two purposes. For two motes, it enhances the Lunars attempt at Stealth, removing the penalty for
unfavorable natural conditions -- dry underbrush, bright light, and so on. It does not make a Stealth action
possible where it would otherwise not be; the Lunar must still have somewhere to hide. For six motes, this
Charm may also be activated to enhance an Ambush stratagem during Strategic Maneuvering, allowing it to
succeed with a threshold of 1 instead of 3.
Moonlight Curtain Drawn (4m, 1a)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One action ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; Face of the Moon Concealment
For a moment, the Lunar becomes a host unto himself: a thin silver line, holding the enemy at bay. This
Charm enhances any Command action; the Lunars anima divides and shatters into a host of silver simulacra
who join the battle. Until the start of the Lunars next action, treat the unit under his Command as if its
Size and Might were one higher (to a maximum of 5 and 3, respectively) for the purposes of modifiers to its
die rolls. It does not gain additional Magnitude.
A Charisma 4+, Essence 3+ repurchase of this Charm allows its Duration to be extended to one scene;
doing so changes the Charms cost to 4m, 1wp, 3a, but increases the units Size for all purposes, including an
extra Magnitude track. The Charm may not be used in this way more than once per scene.
Lions Voice Command (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Face of the Moon Concealment
The Lunar draws a deep breath, his lungs expanding and chest deepening to enable the cavernous roar
of the king of beasts. As the hunting cry echoes over the battlefield, soldiers flock to his side, called to kill
and slaughter. This Charm enhances a Rally for Numbers, and may be activated after the Lunars player
rolls. If he rolled well enough to recover more points of Magnitude damage than he has taken in his current
track, he may immediately recover a point of Size, with any extra points rolling over into the next track.
This process may not restore more than one point of Size, and under no circumstance can the unit exceed its
original Size. This Charm may only be used once per scene.
Herd Reinforcement Stance (4m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One day ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Instinct Memory Recollection
Lunas Chosen becomes an ideal made flesh. The Lunars player chooses an ideal of the tribe or nation in
which he finds himself, represented by a Tie to an appropriate virtue, such as loyalty, courage, familial respect,
or keeping ones place in the world. In human guise, the Lunar subtly shifts his features to suggest that ideal,
perhaps developing a broad, square chin or a steely-eyed gaze. Regardless, he remains unmistakably the same
person as his base shape. As he activates the Charm, the Lunar makes a (Charisma + Performance) roll,
treating the result as an attempt to instill a Minor Tie for that virtue in any character who sees him during
the next day. Paying one Willpower immunizes a character against this Charm until the next full moon.
Morph: The Lunar instead transforms fully, adopting a form evocative of the suggested virtue -- a lion for
bravery, perhaps, or an owl for wisdom -- or remains human, but incorporates faint traces of such an animal
into his human form. Either way, the Lunar may treat his roll as an attempt to strengthen an existing Minor


Tie to the chosen societal virtue, without appeal to a supporting Intimacy, for characters who previously
possessed such an Intimacy (perhaps from an earlier activation of this Charm).
Forsaking the Blood Posture (4m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One day ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 2; Herd Reinforcement Stance
Instead of embodying a national ideal, the Lunar becomes its rebuke: courage swells into brash arrogance,
respect becomes fawning subservience, and so on. As with Herd Reinforcement Stance, the Lunar chooses
some appropriate societal virtue, but his features and demeanor alter to become a mocking parody of that
goal. The result is resolved as per Herd Reinforcement Stance, save that the Lunar attempts to impose Minor
Ties against the chosen virtue.
Morph: Invoking a form counter to the chosen virtue -- a chicken for courage, say -- or incorporating
elements evocative of such an animal into his human form, the Lunar may also treat his roll as an attempt
to weaken existing Minor Principles or Ties related to the chosen virtue.
Culling the Pride (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Lions Voice Command
Those who would hunt Lunas Chosen shout orders to their armies -- but their commands are drowned
out by the roar of a beast. The Lunar may activate this Charm whenever another character within Medium
range would give an order to a battle group to reflexively give an earsplitting bellow. The opponent loses one
success on the order roll for every 1 rolled.
Herd-Strengthening Invocation (8m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 3; Culling the Pride
The same guttural snarls that bring terror to his enemies hearten the Lunars allies. Activating this
Charm, the Lunar grants a military unit he has personally trained (Essence) additional points of Magnitude,
as the army stands despite losses that would break a lesser force. These points are always lost first, but recur
with every point of size the unit loses.
Silver Lunar Resolution (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -This Charm enhances any extended action the Lunar takes to protect or shelter a social organization or
military unit, provided that the action takes at least one hour to perform. The character recovers one mote
for each 10 rolled on that action. If the organization or unit is the Lunars Ward, he may also regain a single
point of Willpower if he rolls at least one 10, though this bonus may recur no more than once per day. This
Charm is also available in Stamina and Wits.
Boundary-Marking Meditation (12m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar makes one of his Wards more fully as his own. He may activate this Charm while inside any
territory he owns, or that is owned by a group or individual he considers a Ward. A portion of that territory
of up to (Essence 10) square miles in area permanently becomes the Lunars territory; silver light traces
the boundaries for a moment, though those with the ability to see flows of Essence can see the silver barrier
for as long as the Lunar chooses to claim it. While inside the territory, any enemy who would seek to harm
the Lunar or the Ward in question suffers resistance from the land itself, losing one success on any such
action that produces at least one 1. This Charm dissipates immediately if the Lunar no longer considers the
owner a Ward, if the owner loses possession of that ground, or if the Lunar designates a new territory.


Ranging Wolf Marking (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 5, Essence 3; Boundary-Marking Meditation, Flawless Charisma Focus x1
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, increasing the maximum area claimed to (Essence
100) miles.
Feral Cat Tread (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 5, Essence 5; Ranging Wolf Marking, Flawless Charisma Focus x2
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, increasing the maximum area claimed to (Essence
1000) miles.
Sacred Guardian Renewal (Varies)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar shakes, and unwanted changes roll off him like water. Against any warping, shaping, or
twisting effect with no clear defense, the Lunar may instead roll his current Willpower against his opponents,
with both sides losing one Willpower for every success they fall short of (their current Willpower). If the
Lunar rolls more successes than the attacker, he may disregard the effect.
Morph: A Lunar may designate any one of his forms to receive the punishment in his place. Doing so
grants double-8s on the Willpower roll, but permanently removes that form (and any similar shapes, such as
those of the same species) from his library of shapes. Those watching see the Lunar briefly assume a different
shape as the hostile magic takes hold; the other shape then shatters, flakes away, or otherwise disintegrates,
revealing the Lunar beneath. Using the Charm in this way does not prevent the Lunar from reacquiring
similar or identical shapes later.
Thousand Streams Defender (1a)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 3, Essence 2; Sacred Guardian Renewal
Acting in defense of one of his Wards, the Lunar is nearly unstoppable. Activating this Charm, he may
treat a single stunt he performs as if it was one point better for the purposes of bonus dice/successes and
resource recovery. The Charm has no effect when used on three-point stunts, but the player may wait until
after the stunt level is declared to activate it. This Charm may be used only once per scene, but can be reset
by performing a two- or three-point stunt (other than the one enhanced by the Charm).
Silver and Gold Span the Heavens (1m per two dice)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 2, Essence 1; -Of all the Exalted, none share a closer link than the Solars and Lunars: partners with different gifts and
roles, bound in mutual support -- or so the stories say. In the First Age, epic romances told of golden queens
and silver kings who ruled for the lives of a hundred mortal men, died, and were reborn to find each other
again. Poets spoke of the bond: an inextricable link between the two Exaltations.
To use this Charm, the Lunar must first claim a single Solar Exalt as his Ward -- not as part of a
collective, but as an individual. That character is called the Lunars Solar mate. Activating the Charm, the
Lunar may commit up to (5 or Essence, whichever is higher) motes to it, forming a bond pool of (2 motes)
dice for as long as he leaves the motes committed. The Lunar may pull up to (Essence) dice from this pool
to enhance any action that aids or defends his Solar mate; at Essence 2+, the Lunar may also increase a
static rating by one for every two dice he spends from the pool, under the same use restrictions. Dice from
the bond pool do not count as dice from Charms, and the pool refills at the beginning of every Story.
A Lunar may maintain multiple invocations of this Charm at once, with each applied to a different Solar
mate. If deactivated and reactivated targeting the same Solar, the Lunar still counts as having spent any
dice expended on previous activations this Story -- it is impossible to toggle the Charm to reset its pool. If
a Lunars Solar mate should cease to be his Ward, this Charm immediately deactivates.


While it is likely that no living Lunar has yet tested its effects, this Charm does function on the Solars
dark cousins -- the Infernal and Abyssal Exalted. Using it in this way places a strain on the Lunars soul,
however; the Lunar gains a point of Limit the first time he spends any dice from such a bond pool in a given
Moon Follows Sun Assurance (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 2; Silver and Gold Span the Heavens
If the Solars were the tip of the spear of the Exalted host, the Lunar Exalted were its shield; in defense
of their Solar mates, the Stewards were truly indefatigable. Whenever the Lunar would recover one or more
points of Willpower, he may instead choose to recover twice that number of dice to his bond pool, to its
usual maximum.
Lunar Eclipse Technique (-(2m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 3; Silver and Gold Span the Heavens
Creation knows few terrors like a Lunar by the side of his Solar mate. Whenever the Lunar spends one
or more dice from his bond pool, he may immediately spend two motes per die. On a rolled action, this
converts each die to an automatic success, which does not count as dice added by Charms. When enhancing
a static value in this way, the Lunar may now increase the static value by one point per die expended in this
way, rather than the usual one point per two dice.
Unquestioned Pack-Leader Might (4m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Charisma 4, Essence 3; Foe-Marking Style
Those marked by the Lunar know to fear him. This Charm enhances a Persuade or Intimidate action
made against a character whom the Lunar has scarred via Foe-Marking Style. That character takes -3
Resolve. Ignore this effect if the target has used magic to heal the scars from Foe-Marking Style.



Flickering Star Infusion (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 2; Honing the Stolen Form, Intimate Training Recollection
The Lunar steals not only the shapes of his targets, but also their fates. Heavens records report that any
being devoured by the Lunar continues to exist as long as the Lunar himself. Instantaneous targeted effects
aimed at that individual, such as the spell Infallible Messenger, reach the Lunar instead. (Immediately before
any such effect resolves, the Lunar may choose to reject it, though he is not made aware of the nature of the
effect before doing so.) Ongoing effects, such as Sidereal astrology, apply only while the Lunar takes the
form in question.
False Burrow Pursuit (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 1, Essence 1; -Lunas Chosen are entrusted with the power of shaping -- first, the power to shape themselves, but
many Lunars learn to shape others as well. With this Charm, the Lunar twists the perception of another,
wordlessly calling his attention to some sensory detail -- a mark, a bent blade of grass, a waft of perfume, a
particular kata in a swordfight. This effect is automatically successful; the target is guaranteed to notice the
detail the Lunar has chosen. Optionally, the Lunar may make a Manipulation-based social influence roll,
using an Ability appropriate for the detail to which he calls attention (Investigation for the blade of grass,
Socialize for a verbal faux pas, Melee for the sword kata). If successful, the target becomes convinced that
the detail is important, gaining a Minor Principle to that effect. The target may spend two Willpower to
throw off this effect, though doing so does not reveal that the sensation is magically induced.
Mirror Sight Dismay (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 2; False Burrow Pursuit
The Lunar warps his targets perceptions until the world seems reversed: black is white, up is down, and
true is false. With a successful Manipulation-based social influence roll, the Lunar convinces her that a single
belief she holds is factually incorrect. This Charm does not affect general emotional senses, only specific
propositional beliefs (which includes, for instance, I should buy fish for dinner tonight). Throwing off this
belief requires the expenditure of two points of Willpower, which immunizes the target against the Charm for
the rest of the day. The Lunar may attempt this roll without supporting Intimacies, but the targets Resolve
is enhanced as normal if the Solar would change a belief regarding one of the targets Intimacies.
Lost Mirror Flight (4m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 3; Mirror Sight Dismay
No longer content merely to twist perceptions, the Lunar now infects his targets mind with the everchanging energies of the Wyld. Uttering a nonsense koan or paradoxical riddle, the Lunar makes a
Manipulation-based social influence roll. If successful, the target acquires a Minor Derangement of the
Lunars choice, which persists until the target spends (Lunars Essence 2) Willpower resisting it and then
Mirror-Shattering Word (- (+4m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 5, Essence 4; Lost Mirror Flight
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to pay an additional four motes
when activating Lost Mirror Flight to make the Derangement Major instead of Minor, and increasing the
Willpower expenditure to permanently remove it to (Essence 3). With a Manipulation 5+, Essence 5+
repurchase, the Lunar may pay another four motes to make the Derangement Decisive, requiring (Essence
4) Willpower to be spent before it dissipates.


False Burrow Gift (6m, 1wp)

Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 3; Lost Mirror Flight
Foxes have holes, and rodents have burrows -- and human beings are no more immune to the urge to
defend their nests. With a successful Manipulation-based social influence roll, the Lunar persuades the target
that her home is in immediate danger. A potent illusion accompanies these words; from a distance, houses
appear to burn, armies to march on cities, and so on. Only on actually arriving at her home is the target
freed from these illusions, though she can also spend three Willpower to throw off the effect. This influence
requires no Intimacies for support.
Treasure as Trash Misdirection (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar causes one single object to appear as if it were a mundane equivalent: a daiklave is a sword,
a hearthstone is a bauble, the Lunars tattoos are simply gaudy markings. Mundane senses cannot pierce the
illusion; supernaturally enhanced senses must contend with the Lunars (Manipulation + Stealth) to detect
the truth.
Inexplicable Lunar Wonders (- (+2m))
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 2; Treasure as Trash Misdirection
The Lunar learns to shape his own Essence, hiding the signature flares and displays of obvious magic.
By paying an additional two motes when activating any other Charm, the Lunar may grant it the Mute
keyword. Furthermore, any obvious magical displays are concealed; any onlookers will attempt to rationalize
away the Lunars supernatural prowess, or will simply express confusion as to how the trick was performed
if unable to do so. Shaking off this illusionary effect costs one Willpower, which immunizes the onlooker
against the Charm for the rest of the scene.
Any-Trinket Allure (3m (+1wp))
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 1; Treasure as Trash Misdirection
Passing his hand over an object that is small enough to hold in one hand, the Lunar constructs an illusion
that it is... something else; anything else, really, as long as it is roughly the same size and shape, and no more
than one Resource dot more or less valuable. As he activates this Charm, the Lunar rolls (Manipulation +
Larceny). Any mark whose Resolve he equals or exceeds sees the illusionary object instead, though this effect
can be dispelled for the cost of a Willpower point. The illusion also dissipates of its own accord after one
week, though the Lunar can extend this to one season by paying one Willpower as he activates the Charm.
Silver Coin Bargain (10m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 3; Any-Trinket Allure
Activating this Charm, the Lunar weaves an object with an illusion of importance; he then offers it
as a gift. If the target accepts, the Lunar may reflexively make a Manipulation-based social influence roll,
with bonus successes equal to the objects Resource value (or apparent resource value, if combined with
Any-Trinket Allure or similar effects). If the influence succeeds, the target is consumed by a need to repay
the Lunars generosity, gaining a Major Principle to the effect of I must repay this gift. This Intimacy
functions only for the purpose of the Lunars attempts to compel the targets behavior. It dissipates if the
target uses up or loses the gift, if the Lunar successfully compels some behavior from the target, or if the
target spends three Willpower.
Mask of White Jade (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 1, Essence 1; --


A Lunars face is just one more shape; how could it betray his intent? The Lunar speaks a single lie
and, with perfect control of his facial muscles and nervous ticks, renders it undetectable by mundane means.
Attempts to pierce his Guile automatically fail; unless assisted by magic, observers see only earnest sincerity.
If contested by magic, this Charm rolls (Manipulation + Socialize) to attempt to maintain the deception; on
a failure, the Lunar must rely on his mundane Guile.
Cat-Face Presentation (2m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Manipulation 2, Essence 1; Mask of White Jade
The Lunar borrows the reactions of an animal, confounding those who would read his body language for
intent. For as long as this Charm is active, his Guile is increased by 1.
Morph: Invoking the body language of a specific animal, the Lunar may reduce the cost of this Charm to
one mote.
Labyrinth of the Beast (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 2; Cat-Face Presentation
The Lunar strips himself of all human intelligence, leaving only the uncomprehending cunning of a beast.
This effect perfectly negates one attempt at social influence; when the Lunar returns his mind to its usual
shape, he can recall what was said, but in a detached, clinical fashion that strips it of all force. This Charm
may only be used once per scene.
Commanded to Fly (6m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Counterattack
Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 3; Mask of White Jade, Labyrinth of the Beast
The Lunars adversary makes a cunning point; the Lunar instinctively knows that, were he to comprehend
this argument, his own position would crumble. That cannot be permitted. Before his conscious mind can
recognize the argument presented, the Lunar makes a reflexive social influence roll against himself, which
resolves before the original influence. He must oppose this influence as he would any other, with his full
Resolve as modified by any relevant Intimacies. If the Lunars influence is successful, he may append any
riders he wishes to the original statement (such as and kill yourself), rendering it into an unacceptable
order and automatically disregarding its effect. As a result, however, the Lunar genuinely believes the target
spoke the modified sentence, with no memory of using this Charm; any effect which would allow him to
recognize the truth of the matter also renders the Lunar vulnerable to the original influence.
Butterfly Eyes Tread (5m, 3i)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 2, Essence 1; -With a flare of illusionary light and color, the Lunar draws his enemys eyes skyward -- and throws her
body to the ground. The Lunar makes a reflexive Manipulation-based social influence roll; if successful, the
enemy is knocked prone.
Butterfly Eyes Defense (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Perilous
Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 1; -The enemy readies a decisive blow -- but what is the point? The Lunar has already evaded it; better for
the foe to conserve her strength for now. This Charm may be activated in response to any Decisive attack
on the Lunar. It does not actually improve the Lunars defenses, but it convinces the enemy that it has -and the foe feints, rather than striking home. Resolve the Decisive attack as normal, but rather than suffer
physical damage, the Lunar instead loses one Initiative for every health level the blow would inflict. The
enemy gains this Initiative as normal and does not reset to base Initiative on this attack.


Butterfly Eyes Fist (2m)

Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 2; Butterfly Eyes Defense, Butterfly Eyes Tread
The enemy ducks away from the Lunars blow -- right into the waiting blades of the Lunars companions.
This Charm enhances a Distract Gambit, adding two to the Initiative gained by the Lunars ally (though
not changing that lost by the Lunar). If the ally is a Ward, instead double the Initiative gained by the ally
(though still not changing the amount lost by the Lunar).
Mystic Butterfly Fraud (5+m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Mute, Touch
Prereqs: Manipulation 4, Essence 3; Butterfly Eyes Fist
The Lunar chooses his pawn and makes his escape. With a touch, the Lunar invokes a silver anima
banner but he invokes it in another. The banner glows with one level of brightness for every five motes the
Lunar spends on this Charm; it begins glowing at the first level one action (or roughly five seconds) after the
Lunar makes contact, with any further levels following at every subsequent action. The forced anima fades
at the normal rate, and any peripheral motes spent by the target add to its effect as normal; once the anima
fades completely, all effects of this Charm end.
The banner is illusory, granting none of its normal beneficial effects... but it need not be so. With a
Manipulation 5, Essence 4+ repurchase, a Lunar may choose when activating this Charm to twist anothers
anima into his own colors. Until the anima fades completely, that character gains the Lunars caste powers.
If the target is Exalted, these powers stack with his normal caste powers.
Butterfly Eyes Face (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Touch
Prereqs: Manipulation 5, Essence 4; Mystic Butterfly Eyes, One of the Herd
There was a Lunar right... here... a moment ago. There! That way!
With a touch, the Lunar swaps identities with another. After a successful touch, the Lunar makes a
Manipulation-based social influence roll. Any opponent whose Resolve is overcome is entrapped in the illusion
and sees the Lunar and his mark change positions; the illusion also smooths over any awkward moments
of transition and prevents questions such as But why is the Lunar in the commanders chariot? If given
evidence that the mark is not the Lunar (such as the mark shouting Stop attacking me, you fools!), any
affected victim may spend one Willpower to see the truth for a single action. In any event, the illusion
dissipates of its own accord after (Lunars Essence) actions.
Butterfly Eyes Enhancement (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 5, Essence 5; Any Butterfly Eyes Charm
This Charm permanently enhances all Charms with Butterfly Eyes in their names, reducing their cost
by two motes (to a minimum of one mote).
Chattering Magpie Inflection (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Counterattack
Prereqs: Manipulation 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar splits his mind, dedicating a portion of it to prattle on while the rest concentrates on survival.
This Charm may be activated in response to any attack on the Lunar, enabling him to make a reflexive
social influence roll against the attacker as long as she is within Medium range. This attempt counts as a
Third-Veil Suggestion (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 2, Essence 1; Chattering Magpie Inflection
This Charm enhances the influence made by Chattering Magpie Inflection, granting recurring-6s.


Perfection of the Mockingbird (4m)

Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 1, Essence 1; -This Charm supplements any single action in which the Lunar attempts to emulate anothers voice,
habit, or appearance. For the duration of that action (which should last no more than a minute or two), the
illusion is perfect -- no mundane sense can detect a flaw. Against magical attempts to pierce the deception,
the Lunar must rely on her normal skill at disguise and impersonation.
Scent of All Nations Attitude (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 2; Perfection of the Mockingbird
The Lunar becomes a mirror of the person to whom he speaks, flawlessly absorbing the thousand tiny
mannerisms that speak of home. As far as any observer can tell, the Lunars accent, inflection, and social
cues are identical to those of the observers own native country and social group; unless they specifically
know otherwise, onlookers assume the characters background is the same as their own. Alternatively, the
Lunar may designate a single geographical location as his home; in this case, all onlookers perceive him as a
perfect example of that regions dialect and manners. In either case, characters with affection for the chosen
region are treated as having a Minor Tie of affection for the Lunar.
School Becomes Shark Formation (3m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar general knows how easily the vagaries of form can mislead. He shapes his army to apply this
principle on a grand scale, painting faces on shields or daubing his soldiers with Essence-infused camouflage
to mislead the enemy. In his next Strategic Combat, the enemy is treated as knowing little about the Lunars
School in the Reeds Technique (4m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 2; School Becomes Shark Formation
In the space of a breath, Lunas Chosen shift between crushing might and invisible stealth; so to do their
armies. With a snarled order, the Lunar commands his army to go to ground. He rolls (Manipulation +
War), with a penalty of the battlegroups Size; treat the result as an attempt to re-establish surprise for the
entire battlegroup. As with other attempts at concealment, this Charm is only effective if there is somewhere
for the army to realistically hide.
First in School Assumption (4m, 5i)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Manipulation 5, Essence 5; School in the Reeds Technique
Through cunning illusions, the Lunar confuses the obvious and persuades a hostile army that he is its
leader. The Lunar rolls (Manipulation + [Performance or War]) against the enemys (Charisma + War);
for every success over the enemy he rolls, his foes battle group loses one point of Magnitude. If the Lunar
commands a battle group of his own, he may restore one point of Magnitude for every point his enemy lost;
otherwise, a new battle group with Size 1 and Magnitude appropriate to the points lost forms under the
Lunars command (though its maximum Magnitude is unchanged from a normal unit of that Size). If the
enemy general commands his troops through supernatural loyalty (for instance, a necromancer commanding
an army of zombies) or looks drastically different from the Lunar (for instance, a demon-prince), halve the
Lunars extra successes. This Charm may only be used once per scene.
Creating the Wolf Attitude (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Group
Prereqs: Manipulation 3, Essence 1; -As he walks through the marketplace, the Lunar croons an inaudible wail -- and the ears of every dog


in town perk up. Though they cannot hear it, the moan registers deep in the buried minds of any nearby
humans, as well, who shudder at the predators hunting call. The Lunar may make a Manipulation-based
attempt to inspire an emotion of fear in anyone within line of sight - either a gnawing, ungrounded panic or
a concrete fear of a specific person or thing. Anyone whose Resolve is overcome is filled with the emotion in
question; furthermore, on being observed by another, those infected with panic automatically make their
own roll to inspire fear, with non-Charm bonus dice equal to the Lunars extra successes. The panic does
not spread beyond this second level (or at least, it does so only mundanely), and the supernatural panic
dissipates after (Lunars Essence) days. By that time, however, rumors may have taken on a life of their own.
Identical versions of this Charm exist for the emotions of desire and apathy, as the Lunar sinks his
claws into different portions of his observers hind-brains through sound, scent, and posture. The version
that produces desire is called Feeding the Bear Progression, and the version that produces apathy is called
Gnawing Mouse Malaise.



Preys Skin Disguise (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar may now steal the hearts blood of humans.
Changing Plumage Mastery (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar can control the finer details of her forms appearances, altering patterns of fur, feathers, and
scars. Human forms are more resistant, but the Lunar can still alter her hair color and the appearance of her
Beast Power Concentration (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 1; Deadly Beastman Transformation
The Lunar gains the power of his warform without adopting its full, brutal size. He can now shift into
the Deadly Beastman form without any visible change from his normal human shape. This doe snot allow
him to use Evocations in Deadly Beastman form.
Hide of the Cunning Hunter (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 1, Essence 1; -With a moment of concentration, the Lunar hides any tattoos, scars, or other distinguishing marks. This
includes the Lunars moonsilver tattoos, but does not include the Tell. Such marks cannot be detected by
mundane scrutiny; supernatural investigation must still contend with the Lunars (Appearance + Larceny).
Shifting Penumbra Stance (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 2; Hide of the Cunning Hunter
The Lunar wraps a sheath of light and power around himself, rolling (Appearance + Presence) with
a free full Excellency against the Resolve of all onlookers. Anyone affected cannot tell anything about the
Lunars identity: his appearance, gender, or even what sort of being he is. Onlookers may pay one Willpower
to pierce the outer layer of the disguise -- sufficient to tell that the character is a rampaging man-beast
surrounded by silver fire, for instance, but not sufficient to judge his precise identity.
Perfect Symmetry (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 2, Essence 1; -Beauty is no accident; in nature, it signifies health and a strong chance of survival. Some fragment of
this instinct survives in human society, and, refining his features into polished reflections of themselves, the
Lunar can tap into it. This Charm doubles the bonus a Lunar receives on a social influence roll for having an
Appearance higher than his targets Resolve; note that this bonus does not count as dice added by a Charm.
One of the Herd (3m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar studies his features into perfect anonymity, borrowing details from those around him: an
eyebrow here, a skin tone there. Attempts to pick him out of the crowd lose dice equal to his Appearance.
This Charm does not function in the absence of other people, nor does it hide the Lunar in a person-by-person
search, such as a single-file checkpoint -- despite momentary suggestions of form, the Lunars underlying
shape is largely unchanged.


Clover Cant Be Found (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 2; One of the Herd
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, rendering the Lunar nearly unnoticeable. It increases
the penalty to search for the Lunar in a crowd to (Appearance + Essence) dice. It also enables One of the
Herd to function even on person-by-person searches, as the Lunars momentary borrowing of features now
lasts long enough to conceal his own.
Air Body Style (10m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One round ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 5, Essence 4; Clover Cant Be Found, Green Sun Child, Hearth-Flame Shell
The Lunar borrows the intangibility of a spirit, casting off physical form itself. This Charm allows the
Lunar to dematerialize for one action. He becomes invisible and may pass through solid matter as a spirit,
though his anima banner remains visible and may give away his location. If the Lunar would rematerialize at
the conclusion of this Charm, he may reflexively pay its cost to extend its duration by another round.
Dreams and Expectations Stance (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 1; One of the Herd
The Lunar sees a shape reflected in anothers eyes; without pausing to fully understand it, he adopts the
others expectation himself. Activating this Charm, the Lunar reflexively adopts the form one observer most
expects to see, acting swiftly enough that the observer never registers his original shape. The Lunar does not
automatically know the identity of this form, though he may examine it to attempt a guess. In any event,
the form lasts only as long as the observers attention; when that lapses, so too does the Lunars new shape.
New Friend Aroma (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 2, Essence 1; -On first meeting a new person, Lunas Chosen adopts the mien of either enemy or ally. At the moment
of meeting, the Lunar may activate this Charm to reflexively roll (Appearance + [Social Ability]) with
recurring-6s as an attempt to instill a Minor Tie towards himself, choosing whether he wishes to appear as
friend or foe.
River Reflects Desire (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 1; New Friend Aroma
This Charm is identical to Dreams and Expectations Stance, save that the observer sees whomever he
most desires to see, rather than whomever he most expects to see.
Observed Predator Instinct (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar deepens the sockets of his eyes or blurs light and shadow to suggest an aside glance. From
every angle, he appears to be staring back; those observing the Lunar are left with the uncanny sense that he
is aware of their observation, that he watches them in return -- and that he is amused. This Charm may
be activated even if the Lunar is unaware that he is being watched. Any character who plans an ambush
against him must resist this sensation of the Lunars awareness. Such characters must pay 1i before making
any attack from hiding, as their perfect attack is spoiled by hesitation.
Glance-Oration Technique (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 1; Observed Predator Instinct x1
Those who look into the Lunars eyes, searching for his heart, find more than they hoped -- or feared. If a


character makes a Read Intentions action against the Lunar and fails to overcome his Resolve, the Lunar
may reflexively respond with an Instill action, adding extra successes equal to (the successes by which the
attempt fell short) and recurring-6s. Characters affected by this action gain a Minor Tie of fear for the Lunar.
Stance-as-Thought Stride (6m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 4, Essence 3; Observed Predator Instinct, Glance-Oration Technique
The Lunar chooses a single impression, which much be expressible in a short sentence (such as Thats
a dangerous man, or He knows something he isnt telling), and writes it upon his form in a thousand
subtle words of shape. For the rest of the scene, any character who observes the Lunar immediately has the
chosen thought. This has no ongoing weight, and characters may choose to disregard it as they like. Those
for whom the thought carries particular meaning, however, are likely to approach him; a caravan leader, for
instance, might seek out a dangerous man as a guard, or a constable might try to follow the obvious thug
back to his home.
Irresistible Silver Spirit (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Appearance 3, Essence 2; -As he speaks to those around him, the Steward shifts, becoming slightly more the person they wish him
to be -- and, in turn, the person theyre more likely to help. Activating this Charm, the Lunar names an
objective. For the remainder of the scene, he gains three dice to all social actions designed to further that
objective -- but when the scene ends, he is left with a Minor Intimacy reflecting the sort of person most
commonly desired by those with whom he spoke.
Devil Body, Terror Face (7m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Gift
Prereqs: Appearance 4, Essence 2; Stance-as-Thought Stride
The Lunar abandons subtlety. Drawing fragments of a dozen inhuman forms, he stitches together an
appearance out of a nightmare. Anyone who wishes to speak against or attack him must first pay one
Willpower, though they need pay this cost only once in a scene.
Gift: By committing the cost of the Charm, the Lunar may gain this benefit reflexively on adopting his
beastman form.



Intimate Training Recollection (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Preys Skin Disguise
Stealing the expertise of his other selves, the Lunar gains access to a single floating Ability dot. Once
per scene, the Lunar can assign this dot to any Ability that one of his human forms possesses at a higher
level than the Lunar himself; until the floating dot is reassigned, the Lunar treats that Ability as if it was one
higher than normal (to a maximum of 5). The Lunar still pays to raise the Ability as per its actual rating.
At Intelligence 4+, Essence 3+, the Lunar may purchase this Charm a second time to gain access to a
second floating dot. Each dot may be reassigned once per scene, but in no case can the Lunar assign them
to the same Ability simultaneously.
Green Sun Child (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar can take the forms of demons, though he gains neither their Essence-fueled powers nor their
natural immaterial state.
Heart-Theft of the Behemoth (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 3; Green Sun Child
The Lunar can take the forms of primordial behemoths, though he does not gain their Essence-fueled
powers and must obey any restrictions on the maximum and minimum size of his forms.
Hearth-and-Flame Shell (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Humble Mouse Form
The Lunar can take the forms of elementals. While he does not gain any of their Essence-fueled powers,
he is quite sincerely composed of the element in question; in the form of a flame elemental, for instance, his
touch might start fires, while he might find water damaging.
Ash and Tears Banquet (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 2; Hearth-and-Flame Shell or Green Sun Child
The Lunar can take the forms of ghosts and other undead creatures, though he does not gain access to
their Essence-fueled powers.
Hungry Dream Cloak (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar may take the forms of the raksha, though he does not gain access to their Essence-fueled
Heavenly Servant Imitation (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 3; Green Sun Child, Hearth-and-Flame Shell
The Lunar may take the forms of the gods, though he does not gain access to their Essence-fueled powers.
Ant and Starfish Trick (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 5; Life of the Swarm
The Lunar can now fully divide himself. Taking a shapeshifting action, he splits in two identical copies


of himself, dividing his dots of Essence between the two (with each form receiving at least one dot). Each
of the two bodies is truly the Lunar and has access to any of his Charms for which it meets the Essence
requirements. As an explicit exception to this restriction, all of the Lunars bodies may continue to use Ant
and Starfish Trick, dividing further (though, again, all bodies must have at least one Essence dot allocated
to them). While divided, each body is unaware of the others; with a Simple action, two separate bodies at
close range can choose to recombine. The newly fused body has the memories of each of the separate forms
and retains any new shapes acquired by either of them. Each of its mote pools has remaining motes equal to
the lesser of the component bodies pools, and it suffers aggravated, lethal, and bashing damage equal to the
greatest totals among any of its component forms. (It is possible, though unlikely, for an ill-considered fusion
to kill the Lunar.) Should one of the forms die, the Lunars other selves are aware of the loss; the missing
dots of Essence gradually return to one or more of the other bodies at a rate of one dot per week. Any body
can choose to reflexively end its own existence (until the Lunar returns to one body), vanishing in a flash
of silver light; this is treated as if the body had simply died. In both cases, the memories of that form are
simply lost.
Lunas Blessed Hands (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 4; Flawless Intelligence Focus (x2)
Lunars have a natural affinity for moonsilver, whose flowing, formless liquidity almost equals their own.
This Charm permanently increases the terminus for any Superior or Legendary crafting project the Lunar
undertakes by 1, as long as the project is composed primarily of moonsilver.
Form-Fixing Method (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar draws a profound satisfaction from acquisition of form -- whether his own or anothers.
Whenever the Lunar gains a new shape in his Hearts Blood library, he may immediately recover a point
of Willpower, though this bonus can recur no more than once per day. Whenever he completes a crafting
project, he may double the bonus for the completion of one crafting objective.
Harmony with Reality Technique (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Form-Fixing Method
The vagaries of the Wyld cannot harm the Lunar, for within his changing exterior he carries an immutable
spark. With this Charm, he imparts some of that durability to a Wyld-born being or object. On finding
a phantasm of the Wyld to which he wishes to grant permanent shape, the Lunar marks it with the same
ritualistic patterns used in moonsilver tattoos -- carving the walls of a building, perhaps, or lightly scarring
the body of a creature of the Wyld. Doing so requires a crafting project one level simpler than would be
needed to craft an object of similar size and complexity: Simple instead of Major, or Major instead of Superior.
Works that would be Legendary to craft may not be stabilized in this fashion.
The resultant being is stable; it will not alter randomly, as is common for Wyld phantasms, and it can
enter Creation without harm. If this Charm is used to secure an area at the edge of the Bordermarches,
it can even extend the borders of Creation slightly -- but regardless, marked beings and objects are still
dependent on the reality of Creation for their existence. Unless the Lunar makes an effort to incorporate
them into the Loom of Fate, they may dissipate at any time after a full season spent without interaction
with a native of Creation.
Ritual of Lunar Stability (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 2; Harmony with Reality Technique
The Lunar infects an object with his own immutable identity. Applying a few drops of his blood to
it, the Lunar grants the object resistance to Wyld energies -- but only as long as it remains close to the
Lunar himself. While more than one Waypoint (or around thirty miles) distant, the object has only (Lunars


Essence) days before it becomes subject to change; at two or more Waypoints, this duration is halved, and at
three or more Waypoints, it vanishes altogether. In any event, this protection lasts only until the next full
moon, at which time it must be re-applied.
An Intelligence 4+, Essence 3+ repurchase of this Charm allows the Lunar to mark an entire Waypoint,
daubing the boundaries with a few drops of his blood and spending 10m, 1wp. Doing so does not negate the
Wyld energies in the area, but it does prevent them from making further changes: whatever natural laws and
phenomena currently hold sway will do so until the next full moon. This Charm may not be used to affect
a Waypoint claimed by one of the fae. If used to ward the area around a character using Wyld-Shaping
Technique or an equivalent power, it adds two to each Wyld Denizens roll.
Blood-Traced Bastion (--)
Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 3; Ritual of Lunar Stability x2
The duration of Ritual of Lunar Stability increases to three full moons - roughly a full season. When
used on the area around a character using Wyld-Shaping Technique or a similar power, it instead adds the
Lunars Essence to each Wyld Denizens roll.
Flesh-Sculpting Art (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 2, Essence 1; -Reaching into his own flesh or that of another, the Lunar kneads it like clay. This Charm lets the Lunar
shape a willing or restrained targets features, adding scars or altering bone structure. Such changes must be
done delicately; the Lunar cannot simply remake a face entirely and so must make a Disguise roll if he wishes
to conceal the targets original identity. This roll gains double-6s; the disguise is proof against nonmagical
scrutiny based on sight, though it gains no other protection against magical investigation.
With an Intelligence 3+, Essence 2+ repurchase, he can also sculpt the targets flesh to create pockets or
internal compartments where small objects can be stored. Such changes are typically invisible to normal
human senses, though again, the Lunar must rely on a Disguise roll when contending with superhuman
With another repurchase at Intelligence 4+, Essence 3+, the Lunar can repair the changes made by
others, instantly pulling closed a nasty wound. Once per scene, the Lunar may use this Charm to heal up to
(Essence) levels of Bashing or Lethal damage in the target.
With another repurchase at Intelligence 5, Essence 3+, the Lunar can even attempt to repair Wyld
mutations, Crippling injuries, or missing limbs. Doing so increases the Charms cost to ten motes, one
Willpower, and requires the Lunar to make an extended roll with a Goal of 20, an Interval of one month,
and a Difficulty of 5. At the end of each such period, the target may reduce the severity of his mutation or
missing body part, with the injury fully healed after a reduction from Minor severity.
Argent Weaver Art (1m (+3m))
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; -Opening an aperture in his palms or other limbs, the Lunar sprays a line of fine silver essence. The
Essence congeals into a slightly sticky cable or mist; the Lunar may use this to fashion a mundane whip, net,
or other rope-based weapon, or he may attach it to a fixed surface up to one range band away. In the latter
case, he can swing or climb along the resulting cable. This Charm may also be used to attempt a Disarm
Gambit at up to Short range, though doing so increases the cost to four motes and expends the cable. In all
other cases, the silver strands last through the end of the scene, then dissipate.
Righteous Lion Defense (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Flawless Intelligence Focus (x1)
This Charm functions as per the Solar Charm of the same name, save that it protects applies to a Ward
for which the Lunar has a Defining Tie, rather than to a Defining Principle.


Intimacy of the Hunter and the Prey (5m)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Righteous Lion Defense
Many of a persons private thoughts are written in his sweat -- if one has the mind to read them. This
Charm allows the Lunar to perform a Read Intentions action against the Guile of a target based only on
an object that was handled or worn, interpreting the trail of pheromonal emotion. Time dulls the sense,
however; subtract five successes from the Lunars effort if the object is old or muddled (a month-old garment,
or one that has been washed since), three successes if the object is lightly worn (a garment worn once, a week
ago), one success for a recent or commonly-used object (a shirt), or no successes for one with exceptional
scent markers (a garment worn for two days straight). The Lunar may also glean such knowledge from tastes
of the targets blood, following similar guidelines for the age and quantity of the blood (-5 successes for a
bare taste, -3 for the edge of a knife, and so on).
Morph: Invoking a sharp-nosed form, the Lunar may reduce all such penalties by one.
True-to-the-Pack Dedication (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Righteous Lion Defense
The Steward claims his allies more closely than any family or hunting pack; who will make him betray
them? This Charm instantly throws off any influence that would compel the Lunar to act against a Ward,
another Lunar, or Luna. Magic which would compel him not to activate it fails automatically. If the Lunar
knows Relentless Lunar Fury, he becomes immune to any such influences for the duration of the fury, though
this does not prevent preexisting influences from reasserting themselves when the fury ends.
Counting the Elephants Wrinkles (1m)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; -The Lunars brain is but one more bit of meat; to find a memory within it is simply a matter of contorting
a few pounds of grey flesh. This Charm allows the Lunar to perfectly recall anything he has seen or read. He
must have originally comprehended the thing to be recalled, as this Charm does not grant true photographic
memory -- a Lunar could not, for instance, glance at a page and later remember all of the printed symbols on
it, or bring back the faces of every person he passed in a crowd (unless he was making an effort to notice
faces). When introducing or challenging a fact, this Charm grants recurring-1s.
Inevitable Genius Insight (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; Counting the Elephants Wrinkles
The Lunar needs to understand; he will understand, even if his current mind is insufficient to the task.
A faint creaking sound may be heard from his skull as his brain swells with borrowed growth. The Lunar
must name some intellectual task to accomplish, which may be a crafting or sorcerous project; until it is
done, he gains (Essence) dice to all Intelligence-based rolls. Having repurposed so much of his mind to a
single goal, however, the Lunar does poorly at other objectives, losing two dice from any actions not related
to the completion of his chosen task.
Morph: Invoking a shape that is well-suited to his current task -- a mole, perhaps, for a large-scale project
of earthworks -- the Lunar may increase the dice bonus granted by this Charm by one for its duration.
Lessons in the Blood (1m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 3; Intimacy of the Hunter and the Prey
With a taste of his targets blood, the Lunar becomes -- in part -- the prey he seeks. Activating this
Charm as he tastes the blood of another character, the Lunar must designate one Ability. For the remainder
of the scene, he may use that characters rating in the chosen Ability in place of his own.


Predators Insight (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 4; Lessons in the Blood
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to learn the targets thoughts
as well as his skills. To use the Charm in this fashion, the Lunar must devour his targets brain. For the
remainder of the scene, he may search the brain for any knowledge the target possessed; detailed information
retrieved remains when the scene ends, though the rest fades to background knowledge. Retrieving any fact
from the targets mind requires an (Intelligence + Investigation) roll at a Difficulty of 1 or higher, with
older memories requiring more difficult rolls; to learn information the target deliberately kept secret adds an
amount equal to the targets Guile to the Difficulty (that is, for a minimum difficulty of [Guile + 1]). If the
Lunar fails a particular roll, he may not attempt to retrieve that fact again -- it was lost in the trauma of the
targets death.
Perfect Outsider Understanding (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 2, Essence 1; -The outsider is defined by being not one of us -- who knows how he thinks? But the Lunar does -- or
can, at least. With a moments concentration, the Lunar carves new grooves in his mind to better emulate
inhuman thought. Choosing some group of inhuman beings -- Dragon Kings, raksha, demons, etc. -- the
Lunar is treated as though he had a specialty in dealing with that group in all Abilities. (This even applies
to physical or combat Abilities, where at all reasonable; predicting the motions of a demon, the Lunar is
better able to parry his blows.) This specialty may allow rolls that would otherwise be impossible in Abilities
such as Lore; regardless, all specialties fade when the Charm ends, unless the Lunar spends experience points
to render them permanent.
Defeated Technique Mastery (10m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 5; Predators Insight
The Lunar challenges a spirit to a contest -- a fight, a race, a game of Gateway -- with their very selves
on the line. The target is free to refuse the challenge, but if it accepts and wins, it may lay claim to any
remotely feasible favor, with the Lunar suffering as though from a violated Eclipse oath if he does not act to
fulfill it. If the Lunar wins, however, he may name any Eclipse-tagged Charm the spirit possesses -- and he
steals that power for his own. The spirit may not use it; if he meets its trait requirements, the Lunar may.
The effect of this magic dissipates if the spirit challenges and defeats the Lunar in a later competition, or on
the Lunars (or the spirits) death. This Charm also functions against other beings with Eclipse-keyworded
Charms, though even if the Lunar steals a Charm from another Exalt, he cannot deny its use to the other.
Argent Muse Approach (2m per die)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Ward
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; -Lunas chosen can be brilliant and insightful planners, but on occasion, they judge it more worthwhile to
let their genius serve as mirror to another. This might be done to inspire a mortal without his realizing its
source, or simply to pool the Lunars genius with one of his Exalted peers. Regardless, the Lunar shapes his
own mind into the echo of his targets, filling the conceptual spaces to which the other is blind. As long as
the Lunar directly assists with an intellectual project, the target gains one die on a related roll for every two
motes the Lunar spends, to a maximum of (Lunars Intelligence).
Morph: As the target of the Charm makes a roll, the Lunar may describe how he invokes some appropriate
form to assist either mentally or physically. Doing so reduces the cost of this Charm to one mote per die
Ward : If this Charm is used on behalf of one of the Lunars Solar Wards, this bonus does not count as
dice added by a Charm.


Wasp of the Labyrinth Trick (1m)

Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: Stackable
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 3; -The Lunar makes all things useful to himself; even the dead can be bent to his will. As the Lunar
activates this Charm, a pair of wasp-like stingers sprout from his forearms to plunge into a waiting corpse.
There, they transmute the bodys necrotic essence into thousands of grub-like parasites that reanimate and
preserve the body. Thereafter, treat it as a zombie under the Lunars command. This Charm may also
be used to wrest control of existing zombies or similar mindless undead via a difficulty 1 Gambit. If the
Gambit succeeds against mindless undead, control is automatic, but seizing control still requires a contested
(Intelligence + Occult) roll in the case of controlled beings.
Mandate of the Hungry Mouse (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 2; -Naming a bureaucratic task he wishes to ruin, the Lunar closes his eyes and draws a deep breath -- and
his flesh becomes fecund. Rats, hornets, serpents, and other vermin slither out of his skin as though breaking
the surface of a lake; in the days to come, they plague those who would carry out the task, devouring food
and documents, infesting the beds of officials, and so on. This extends the duration of any component of
the chosen bureaucratic task by one level -- from hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, months
to seasons, and seasons to years; on any rolls made in pursuit of the task, it also subtracts one success for
every 1 rolled. As he activates this Charm, the Lunar makes an (Intelligence + Occult) roll; purging the
organization of his influence requires a bureaucratic project with an Interval of one month, a Difficulty of the
Lunars Essence, and a Goal of the successes rolled.
Moon and Earth Blessing (15m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar prowls the bounds of a territory up to (Essence) miles in diameter, marking the bounds
with a few drops of his blood. The Stewards natural mutability seeps into the earth over the course of the
following week, bringing forth lush plant life even in biomes that should be too inhospitable to support it and
allowing Survival rolls to be made at a Difficulty of 1. The Charm lasts for a year and a day, after which
the vegetation will live or die according to the care it is given. If used in territory the Lunar or one of his
Wards owns, the Charms effects last as long as that condition remains true. A single application of Moon
and Earth Blessing can bless any area claimed through Boundary-Marking Meditation or similar Charms.
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 1; -This Charm functions identically to the Solar Charm of the same name.
Celestial Circle Sorcery (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 3; Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
This Charm functions identically to the Solar Charm of the same name.
Phantom Crossfire Feint (5m, 1a)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 4; Celestial Circle Sorcery
As he declares a spell to be cast and begins a Shape Sorcery action, the Lunar throws off a fragment of his
anima, which is consumed in a blinding flash. When it fades, (Essence) duplicates of the Lunar have appeared,
all in the same range band as the Lunar occupied previously. The duplicates can move independently of the
Lunar, though they have no substance of their own and cannot affect the world; while they may appear to
dodge or parry attacks, any successful blow (even a Withering one) will dispel a duplicate like mist. The


duplicates also fade should the Lunar fail to take a Shape Sorcery action on any turn, or when the spell is
completed successfully.
Still Pond Infliction (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 2, Essence 1; -The Fair Folk are drawn to Creation by many emotions -- but one of the chief is raw hunger for the
complex, mouth-watering souls of its human inhabitants. They find the simpler souls of animals far less
appetizing -- and a Steward can use this to his advantage. With a touch, the Lunar calls a mortals primal
instincts to the fore, submerging his higher soul in more instinctive reactions. For the next (Lunars Essence)
days, the mortal gains one point of Guile and Resolve, which does not count as a die bonus from Charms,
and is immune to the feeding of the raksha. This Charm does not function on the Exalted, whose shining
souls burn too bright to be concealed in such a fashion.
Burgeoning Wyld Infliction (5m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: (Lunars Essence) days ; Keywords: Stackable
Prereqs: Intelligence 4, Essence 3; Flawless Intelligence Focus (x1), Hybrid Body Rearrangement
With a touch, the Lunar infects a willing or restrained target with the essence of the Wyld, which
manifests in a single mutation of the Lunars choice. The Lunar must make an (Intelligence + Occult) roll
as he activates this Charm and may grant any mutation or combination of mutations with a combined
merit dot cost no higher than his successes, provided that he could manifest any such mutations himself via
Hybrid Body Rearrangement. If the target is willing, the Lunar receives one additional merit dot to spend on
mutations. In any event, the mutations shrivel and fade after (Lunars Essence) days.
Eternal Wyld Gift (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 5; Burgeoning Wyld Infliction
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to double that Charms cost in
order to make the infliction of mutations permanent.
Withdrawal of Assumptions (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 3; Still Pond Infliction, Burgeoning Wyld Infliction
Striking a Creature of Darkness, the Lunar may momentarily call up its own suppressed instincts -long enough, in any event, that it loses control of a single active non-Permanent Charm, which deactivates.
Withdrawal of Assumptions may only be activated immediately upon Crashing the targeted opponent.
Donning the Rainbow Mantle (5+m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 5, Essence 5; Withdrawal of Assumptions
The Lunar Exalted are steeped in the Wyld; it permeates their being and has soaked into their very
Exaltations. With this Charm, the Lunar releases those energies, allowing the surviving world to become
as formless as he, himself, is. Activating this Charm for five motes and one Willpower, the Lunar may
treat a single range band as if it were one step more affected by the Wyld: from normal Creation to the
Bordermarches to the Middlemarches to the Deep Wyld to Pure Chaos. For each additional five motes he
spends, he may extend this effect to another range band adjacent to an affected band, or he may increase
the severity of the effect by one step in all affected range bands. This does allow the use of Charms such
as Wyld-Shaping Technique inside Creation, though the area of such effects is limited to that infected by
the Lunar. However small the region, though, such efforts can also call into existence creatures of the Wyld
to contest the change. At the end of the scene, Creation reasserts itself, and the world stabilizes, retaining
whatever changes the Wyld energies have wrought.


Laughing into the Teeth of Madness (5m, 1wp)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Intelligence 3, Essence 1; -The Lunars of the First Age used this Charm to immunize themselves against the twisting effects of
the Wyld, fixing their mind, body, and equipment into the shape they chose, not the ones chosen for them.
The Charm can even be activated while asleep or unconscious and also guards against any similar twisting
effects, regardless of origin. Some First Age Lunars claimed to notice minor shifts in their caste marks after
extended periods of reliance on this Charm.




Internal Form Mastery (- (1xp))

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 1; -The Lunar may pay 1xp to unlock a latent ability of any of his forms. With a Wits 5, Essence 2+
repurchase of this Charm, he can pay 1xp to unlock a supernatural ability of any of his forms. Ignore the
cost of the first use of either purchase.
Courtesans Possession (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 2; Compassionate Mirror Nature
The Lunar may now steal human forms through sexual intercourse.
Twin-Faced Hero (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar may choose to change the gender of any of his forms.
Hybrid Body Rearrangement (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar may choose to display only a single portion of a form. Taking a shapeshifting action, he may
adopt a single mutation, paying one mote per merit dot of mutation, as long as the mutation is clearly rooted
in some form the Lunar possesses.
The Spiders Trap Door (4m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 1, Essence 1; -This Charm supplements any attempt to conceal a physical thing: to conceal the Lunar from animals, to
hide evidence of a crime, and so on. Doing so still requires the normal allotment of time, but at the end of
this process, the object is concealed by an illusion and is perfectly undetectable to mundane senses. The
disguise is less effective against magical senses. At the time of concealment, the Lunar makes a Wits-based
roll to hide the thing, with a free full Excellency; her successes on this roll constitute the difficulty to notice
the target via magic. This Charm ends immediately if the object is moved.
Thieving Magpie Prana (3m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; The Spiders Trap Door
This Charm supplements any attempt to conceal a physical thing, as per its prerequisite. A concealment
attempt that would normally require up to ten minutes of effort instead becomes the work of an instant:
the Lunar melts into the trees, her army fades into the underbrush, or a brush of anima sweeps evidence
away. This Charm does not inherently make the evidence any more difficult to discover -- it simply makes
the concealing action more rapid.
Many-Pockets Meditation (2m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 2; Thieiving Magpie Prana
Hoisting an object no larger than he can hold with one hand, the Lunar palms it impossibly -- and the
object vanishes into a pocket of Elsewhere. Until the Lunar drops commitment, the object cannot be found.
A character may not hide more than (Essence) objects in this way, and artifacts attuned to other characters
may not be stolen in this fashion. On releasing commitment, the object immediately falls into the Lunars
palm again.


Implausible Lunar Panoply (-(+3m))

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 2; Many-Pockets Meditation
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing it to affect any object the Lunar can move,
up to about the size of a large cart. Doing so adds a three-mote surcharge and extends the Charms activation
time to five minutes, though it can still be dismissed instantly.
Secure Den Prana (4m, 1 wp (+4m/person))
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 3; Many Pockets Meditation
The Lunar opens a hole into Elsewhere and digs a burrow there. From the perspective of anyone in
Creation, the Lunar opens a door that is not there and vanishes; those able to see dematerialized objects may
see the outline of the burrows entrance, though they cannot enter it against the Lunars will. From the
Lunars perspective, he steps into a space no larger than one range band that looks like wherever in Creation
he feels most safe. For an additional four motes per person, he may bring other willing people at Close range
in with him. When the Lunar ends the Charm, all inhabitants are comfortably ejected back into the same
place they left. Note that Creation cannot be observed from within the den, and so the Lunar must guess at
when to deactivate the Charm.
Invisible Warren Creation (- (+16m))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 4; Secure Den Prana
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to pay a total of 20m, 1wp when
activating it. Doing so opens an area (Essence) range bands in radius, providing comfortable room for a unit
of up to Size (Essence).
Sunset Hibiscus (3m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene or Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 3; Secure Den Prana
The Lunar swallows and buries the Essence markers that might expose his presence. This Charm conceals
a single spell, artifact, or individual from supernatural perceptions that might reveal its magical nature. Used
on a spell or artifact, the Charms duration is Indefinite; magic such as All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight do
not reveal that the object is anything other than mundane. Used on an individual, the Charm lasts only for
a scene, but even effects such as Measure the Wind cannot detect that an individual is Exalted (or similarly
Fluid Essence Refinement (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 4; Sunset Hibiscus, Celestial Circle Sorcery
The Lunars essence is like the Lunar: free of form and unable to long be restrained. Subtract one success
from any attempt to Distort or perform Countermagic against the Lunars sorcery.
At Wits 5+, Essence 5+, this Charm may be repurchased, making all of the Lunars magic similarly
slippery. Any supernatural effect that would manipulate, deactivate, or modify a Charm that the Lunar has
active or would activate is less able to do so. If the effect would require a roll, the difficulty of that roll is
increased by (Lunars Wits). Otherwise, if it would require an expenditure of motes, that expenditure is
increased by (Lunars Wits). Otherwise, the effect simply fails.
Frozen Ripple Lair (- (+10m, 1wp))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 5, Essence 5; Secure Den Prana, Blinking Eye of Chaos
This Charm permanently enhances Secure Den Prana. By paying the surcharge when activating that
Charm, the Lunar may cause time within the den to flow faster or slower by a factor of up to (Lunars
Essence). With a second purchase, the maximum permitted time differential is doubled.


Worlds-Within Cocoon Tactic (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 3; Secure Den Prana
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. The Lunars den becomes persistent; he may leave
people or objects inside the den when he exits, and they will still be there when he next enters. Time passes
normally for those inside the den (unless under the effects of Frozen Ripple Lair), and those within can exit
at any time unless restrained in some way. Those who do exit while the Lunar is not within emerge in the
nearest safe space to the Lunar, often appearing to step out of the Lunar himself as though his skin was a
rippling curtain of moonsilver.
Limitless Argent Protectorate (15m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 5, Essence 4; Invisible Warren Creation, Worlds-Within Cocoon Tactic
The Lunar gains absolute mastery over his inner world. This Charm duplicates the effects of WyldShaping Technique, save two things. First, it faces no risk of Wyld denizens intervening. Second, it may
only be used inside the den itself. Objects and people created inside the den are not real by the laws of
Creation, and they cannot be brought out of the den.
Walking on Moonlight (10m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Until dawn ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 3; Secure Den Prana
Under the cover of night, the Lunar pinches space as though it were a tapestry, drawing a fold from
one territory owned by him or one of his Wards to another such territory. The result appears as a bridge of
shimmering moonlight, arcing rapidly to around a mile above the ground. The Lunar and any companions
may traverse the bridge, multiplying their normal movement speeds by (Lunars Essence) while they do so,
but the moonlight bridge dissipates at dawn; anyone traversing it is well advised to find their way to the
ground before then. The Lunar may resume such a journey on subsequent sunsets, as long as he does not
stray more than ten miles from the direct line between his two territories.
Rats in the Basement Style (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 2; The Spiders Trap Door
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing it to conceal a group up to Size (Lunars
Essence), though this requires half an hour of work. The Charm is equally effective at concealing an awkward
social group as it is at hiding an assassination squad or small army. Members of the group who move from
their hiding place, split off, or act in ways that call attention are ejected from the illusion.
Subtle Chameleon Practice (- (+2m))
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 2; The Spiders Trap Door
The Luanr casts his illusive web even over a moving target. This Charm permanently enhances its
prerequisite. When The Spiders Trap Door is activated, the Lunar may pay an extra two motes; if he does,
the Charm retains some of its effectiveness even once moved. Any attempt to move the concealed object or
character gains recurring-6s, and attempts to move while hidden ignore the normal -3 penalty. Even if the
object or character returns to stillness, however, it does not regain the full invisibility it originally possessed
unless the Charm is reactivated.
Cold Breath of the Moon (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Touch
Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar grasps the subtle essence of dream-stuff -- and twists it, filling the target with unspeakable
nightmares of inhuman forms that melt into each other. This Charm can only be used while touching a
sleeping character. For the next (Lunars Essence) nights, on waking the character must roll his Willpower


rating against a difficult of (Lunars Wits). If he succeeds, he recovers a point of Willpower as normal. If he
fails, he does not recover Willpower. If he botches, he loses a point of Willpower.
Silver Lunar Resolution (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: Ward
Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; -This Charm enhances any extended action the Lunar takes to protect or shelter a social organization or
military unit, provided that the action takes at least one hour to perform. The character recovers one mote
for each 10 rolled on that action. If the organization or unit is the Lunars Ward, he may also regain a single
point of Willpower if he rolls at least one 10, though this bonus may recur no more than once per day. This
Charm is also available in Stamina and Wits.
Moth-to-Flames Defense (6m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 2; Thieving Magpie Prana
The Lunar steals and devours his opponents spell. He makes a gambit against a target performing a
Shape Sorcery action at close range. The difficulty of the Gambit is 3 for Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5 for
Celestial Circle Sorcery, and 7 for Solar Circle Sorcery. If the roll succeeds, the Lunar immediately shatters
the spell, consuming the sorcerous motes invested in it. He may choose to treat them as normal motes,
regaining them to his mote pool. Alternatively, he can retain this as a sorcerous mote pool of his own. If he
is capable of sorcery of the appropriate circle, he may even attempt to cast the spell himself, as long as he
begins the Shape Sorcery action on his next turn -- even if he does not know the spell in question. This does
not confer permanent knowledge of the stolen spell unless the Lunar pays appropriate experience points; the
sorcerous motes do not long retain their stolen shape.
Thousandfold Wasp Dance (4m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar breathes out a swarm of stinging insects, which fill his range band. The swarm may drift one
range band per turn, at the Lunars direction and on his Initiative order; all those within its area of effect
whom the Lunar does not specifically exclude treat it as an environment hazard with a Difficulty of (Lunars
Essence) and a damage of 1i/round. Crashed characters instead take 1B/round.
Meerkat Alertness Practice (1m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Wits 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar borrows the instantaneous reactions of a prey animal. This Charm enhances a Join Battle
roll, giving it recurring-1s.
Morph: The Charm also adds an automatic success to the roll.
Furious Unhappy Recourse (6m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Counterattack, Dual
Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 1; Meerkat Alertness Practice
Assaulted by a multitude of blows, the Lunar staggers backward -- but in a blur of rearranging flesh and
reversed joints, back now points forward. His retreat becomes a charge. This Charm provides a reflexive
counterattack, which gains automatic successes equal to the Lunars current Onslaught penalty.
Hungry Eagle Method (7m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Until next turn ; Keywords: Counterattack, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 2; Furious Unhappy Recourse
The Lunar becomes a whirlwind of shifting features and spinning limbs; impossibly, he faces outward
in all directions, ready to receive the next attack. This Charm allows the Lunar to perform a Withering
counterattack in response to any attack before his next turn; the Lunar gains only half the normal Initiative


from such attacks. This Charm functions only against attacks originally aimed at the Lunar, not against
those redirected from a target the Lunar is protecting via Defend Other.
Soldier Bee Emulation Extraction (6m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 3; Hungry Eagle Method, Thousandfold Wasp Dance
A deep thrumming comes from within the Lunars body. Should his enemies pierce his flesh, they
release a vengeful swarm of stinging insects. On receiving any damage that causes his wound penalty to
increase, the Lunar may activate this Charm to unleash a momentary swarm of wasps, scarab beetles, or
other biting insects from the wound. This counts as a momentary environmental hazard affecting any hostile
targets the Lunar does not specifically exempt in the same range band; the hazard has a Damage of (wound
penalty)L/round and a Difficulty of (Lunars Wits), but it dissipates after a single damage interval.
Silver-Swift Retort (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; Meerkat Alertness Practice
The Lunar divides his mind, readying a second argument before the first has even finished. Those unable
to fold their brains at will find it... challenging... to keep up. If the Lunar succeeds at any social influence
roll, he may use this Charm to immediately make a second attempt at the same type of social influence
against any target, which benefits from all of the same non-generic Charms as the last roll at no cost. This
Charm may not be used to chain off of a social influence roll granted by an earlier activation of Silver-Swift
Retort, nor can it be used to repeat the effects of Simple Charms.
This Charm may be repurchased at Wits 3, Essence 2; if it is, the Lunar may chain off past activations of
this Charm one time. (That is, he may make a normal social influence roll; if successful, he may pay 2m to
repeat it as above; if that succeeds, he may pay another 2m to repeat it one final time.) At Wits 5, Essence
4, he may repurchase the Charm again to allow one additional link in the chain, for a total of four social
influence actions.
Serpents Tooth Reply (4m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 3, Essence 2; Silver-Swift Retort
The Lunar shapes a portion of his own mind to match the person with whom he argues; in a moment
of opportunity, he feeds his opponent his own argument. This Charm may only be activated after another
character has attempted to appeal to one of the Lunars Intimacies; it enhances a social influence roll made
by the Lunar against that character. For the purposes of that roll, the other character is treated as if he had
the Intimacy to which he attempted to appeal, at the strength that the Lunar possesses it.
Rabbit-to-Duck Reversal (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; Serpents Tooth Reply
Stories tell of a hare who argued so cleverly, his foes found themselves arguing his case to him. By
mirroring his enemys thinking and feeding that foe his own lines, the Lunar makes myth into reality. This
Charm may only be used if the Lunar has previously tried a particular form of social influence against an
opponent and failed. If that opponent then attempts social influence on the Lunar in the same scene, the
Lunar may activate this Charm. He repeats his earlier influence, with whatever non-generic Charms enhanced
it; he may also pay to enhance it with additional Charms. Ignore the normal restrictions on repeating
social influence for this purpose. If this new attempt overcomes the targets Resolve, the Lunar recovers
one Willpower, and ignore the targets original influence. The target realizes that he has internalized the
Lunars earlier argument - and that he has, in his confusion, adopted it as his own position. Resisting this
influence costs an additional Willpower. This Charm may only be used once per scene, but it can be reset by
convincing another character to act against his own interests without using this Charm.


Wasp Sting Blur (1m/point)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Wits 1, Essence 1; -This Charm functions as per the Dexterity Charm of the same name.
Many-Armed Monkey Style (5m, 1wp (+3m))
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Wits 4, Essence 2; Wasp Sting Blur, Hungry Eagle Method
How many limbs has the Lunar with which to strike? Why, as many as he needs. Activating this Charm,
the Lunar may make a Withering attack against the target of his choice. If it succeeds, he may pay three
motes to immediately make another such attack, continuing in this way until he either misses or Crashes his
Morph: Invoking a many-limbed form or other appropriate shape, the Lunar reduces the cost to two
motes per additional attack.
Blinking Eye of Chaos (8m, 2i)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 5, Essence 3; Many-Armed Monkey Style
This Charm may be activated only in the Wyld; it allows the Lunar to slip into a bubble of faster-moving
time. For this round, the Lunar may act (10 the number of levels deep into the Wyld he is) ticks earlier
than normal: ten for the Bordermarches, twenty for the Middlemarches, thirty for the Deep Wyld, and forty
for Pure Chaos. He may also choose to delay his action until later, as normal.
Lodestone Reckoning Manner (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 1, Essence 1; -The Lunar borrows the directional senses of a bird or salmon; he is infallibly aware of his general location
(to within a handful of miles), and the difficulty of any Survival rolls to find his way to a particular destination
is reduced by (Wits). If any of his Wards are within (Essence) miles, he is also aware of their general direction
relative to himself as long as some members of the Ward are conscious.
Predator and Prey Recognition (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Wits 2, Essence 1; Lodestone Reckoning Manner
The Lunar is instinctively aware of the native species in his area, including which are dangerous and
which are edible. This reduces the difficulty of any roll to forage or interact peaceably with native wildlife by
one, to a minimum of one.




Compassionate Mirror Nature (--)

Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 4, Essence 1; Preys Skin Disguise
The Lunar may choose to render his human targets unconscious instead of killing them; a single taste of
the targets blood is then enough to steal his shape.
Honing the Stolen Form (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Preys Skin Disguise
Any Attribute of a stolen human form which is lower than the Lunars own is increased to match the
Lunars value. A Lunar can always choose to ignore this effect when adopting a form.
Laurels-and-Ivy Technique (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; -The Lunar may take the forms of plants. In such a shape, the Lunar has only a limited ability to observe
the world, suffering -2 dice to any Perception-based rolls, and is not mobile.
Moon-and-Earth Song (- (+5m, 1wp))
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 5; Laurels-and-Ivy Technique, Hearth-and-Flame Shell
Paying an additional five motes and one willpower, the Lunar may take the form of a geographical
feature. To do so, he must already have the form of a spirit related to the shape he wishes to take -- a
mountain-gods shape before taking the form of a mountain, for instance, or a river-elemental before taking
the form of a river. Once in the form, the Lunar moves only very gradually, at most five miles per day, as
existing terrain features bend and move to accommodate him rather than be destroyed by his passage. He
cannot take combat actions or act directly, though he is also nearly immune to damage. The Lunar may
observe the world as though standing at any point within his own boundaries.
Taste of Lunas Champions (1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Life of the Hummingbird
The Lunar may share his forms with other Lunars, transferring a form through a taste of his blood.
The Lunar using this Charm spends a point of Willpower and rolls (Willpower + Essence). By default, he
can grant a single shape for an hour; each success on the roll allows him to grant an additional form and
double the duration for which the forms are granted. The Lunar receiving the new shapes may also pay one
experience point per shape to retain them permanently.
Less sociably, Lunars can also use this Charm to feast on the forms of a defeated rival. If one Lunar kills
another and devours his hearts blood, he can activate this Charm to steal all of his targets known forms,
including his human and animal forms (though the war form cannot be stolen in this way). Magic that would
allow non-fatal theft of forms is not compatible with this Charm.
Flaw-Finding Examination (8m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 1; -The Lunar splays his hands over a mundane object, letting them mold into every crack and crevice. This
intimate knowledge aids him in attempts to repair the object -- or to destroy it. Roll (Perception + Craft).
If the Lunar wishes to repair the object, the reconstruction takes no more than 25 hours, less one hour for
each success on the roll; if it would already take less time than that, the duration of the repair is shortened
by one hour per success, to a minimum of one hour. If he wishes to destroy the object, for each success he
may reduce either the required successes on a Feat of Strength to destroy the object or the required Strength


to attempt such a feat by one. He may divide his successes between these two options, but this instinctive
knowledge fades at the end of the scene.
Monkey Shaping Emulation (5m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Flaw-Finding Examination
The Lunar has learned to take the shapes of other beings; now he steals the forms of their creations, as
well. This Charm enhances any Craft roll made to produce an exact duplicate of an object. Doing so requires
completion of a crafting project of identical difficulty to that which would have been required to make the
original -- but if this Charm is used to enhance all rolls of such a project, the duplicate is all-but identical.
As the project is complete, roll the Lunars (Perception + Craft). Mundane senses are completely unable to
detect the fake, and even superhuman senses can detect the difference only by defeating the above roll.
With a Perception 4+, Essence 3+ repurchase, this Charm can even (roughly) duplicate an artifacts
Evocations. While it does not in general perfectly replicate an Evocation tree, it ensures that the copys
Evocations will be similar to those of the original; if the original had one or more Evocations unlocked, the
copy may have one similar Evocation unlocked, as well. Using the Charm in this way increases its cost by
3xp, which may be paid by the weapons intended owner.
Eye of the Cat (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -With a thought, the Lunar rearranges his senses into a limited synesthesia -- allowing him to see colored
representations of sound or scent. Any foe whom he can smell or hear develops a matching halo in his sight -even if the foe is invisible or the Lunar is in pitch blackness. This removes the penalty for blindness against
such characters. The Lunars adjusted perceptions can also pierce the boundary between worlds, allowing
him to see spirits as similar outlines of impossible color.
Devil-Restraining Grip (5m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Eye of the Cat
For a moment, the Lunar extends his flesh into the immaterial. This Charm enhances any attempt to
grapple a spirit the Lunar can perceive; such a grapple is possible even if the target is dematerialized. If the
attempt succeeds the target is forcibly pulled back into the material world; he pays the cost for materializing
if possible, but materializes even if he lacks the required motes. For the duration of the grapple, he may not
God-Cutting Essence (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 1; Eye of the Cat
The Lunar temporarily imbues his weapons or natural attacks with the ephemeral substance of a spirit.
For one attack, he may strike dematerialized beings.
Spirit-Maiming Essence Attack (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Dual
Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 1; God-Cutting Essence
The Lunars physical form can no longer contain him; to those who can see into the immaterial, he
becomes a thing of horror, sprouting a forest of phantom claws and fangs. For a spirit, the impossible thicket
of blades is all too real. If this Charm is used to enhance a Withering attack against a spirit, it increases
the post-soak damage by the Lunars (Perception). If used to enhance a Decisive attack against a spirit, it
simply increases the damage by (Essence or 3, whichever is higher). Spirits killed through attacks enhanced
by this Charm are destroyed permanently.


God-Body Dissection (2m, 1wp)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Crippling, Decisive-Only
Prereqs: Perception 4, Essence 2; Spirit-Maiming Essence Attack
Examining his spiritual foes corpus, the Lunar identifies the center of his essence -- the wellspring from
which his powers spring -- and savagely tears it away. This Charm enhances a Decisive attack against a spirit
or raksha. If it inflicts at least one level of damage, the Lunar may designate one non-Permanent Charm
that character can no longer use. This effect persists until the character heals all damage suffered during the
fight with the Lunar. It can also be used to strip a willing spirit or raksha of a power permanently -- perhaps
as part of some bargain. In this case, the wound scars over, leaving marks obvious to those who can see
essence, and cannot be healed absent restorative magic that can heal supernatural Crippling wounds.
God-Body Consumption (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 4; God-Body Dissection
Finding himself with a mouthful of spirit, the Lunar does the natural thing: he swallows it. This Charm
permanently enhances its prerequisite. If the Lunar disables a Charm with the Eclipse keyword, he may
gain that power himself until the wound heals or the target dies. If he permanently scars a willing target, he
still does not gain the power permanently -- once the physical wounds heal, the stolen power again fades
Evading the Spiders Eye (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One day ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Eye of the Cat
This Lunar winces; when next he opens his eyes, they gleam with the soulless black orbs of an arachnid.
Until the moon next sets, spells and astrological effects targeting him become valid targets for the Lunars
perceptions, as he sees such effects vibrating down the thread of his fate. He still cannot detect the use of
the Charms of the Exalted, however. Regardless, the Lunar tangles his own thread in those of his stolen
forms, rendering him immune to all such attempts to supernaturally track him via his fate. Indeed, fate itself
confuses the Lunars passage, covering his steps; all other attempts to track the Lunar lose one success for
each 1 produced on the tracking roll.
All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight (4m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 2; Eye of the Cat
This Charm duplicates the effects of the Solar Charm of the same name.
Eye on the Spider (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 3; All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight, Evading the Spiders Eye
This Charm permanently enhances Evading the Spiders Eye, as the Lunars bulging black eyes gloss
over with rainbow hues. The Lunar can now spy on the web of fate itself, following a spell or astrological
effect targeting him back by its pattern of ripples. While this Charm is active, the Lunar can attempt to
follow that scent to its originator as per a Tracking action, with a difficulty equaal to the Essence of the
effects source. As a secondary effect, he can also tell when any creature is outside fate -- with this Charm
active, such beings are wrapped about in rippling changes and torn threads.
Sorcery-Rending Talons (6m)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; God-Cutting Essence
This Charm permanenly enhances any attempt to Distort existing spells, granting double-6s on such


Sense-Borrowing Method (5m)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: Touch
Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Flawless Perception Focus (x1)
The Lunar touches a target and closes his eyes. When he opens them again, they are identical to those
of the person touched. The Lunar attempts to borrow his targets senses for the remainder of the scene.
Against unintelligent animals, this is automatically successful; against thinking beings, it requires the Lunar
to overcome the targets Resolve with a (Perception + Occult) roll. If this roll succeeds, the magic conceals
itself; targets might remember a moment of dizziness, but otherwise have no idea that another being is
seeing through their eyes and hearing through their ears. The Lunar may take only very simple actions while
riding the target, such as narrating what he sees; any action requiring concentration immediately ends the
Charms effect. This Charm does not give the Lunar any ability to control his target, or even to choose what
she focuses on.
Watchful Spider Stance (6m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Boundary-Marking Meditation, Sense-Borrowing Method
The Lunar becomes attuned to a territory he has claimed through Boundary-Marking Meditation, feeling
it as if it were his own body. While he is within such a territory, he becomes generally aware of anything
happening within it, as he would be if standing three range bands distant. This does not grant him perfect
omniscience; his senses can be defeated by stealth, and he is unlikely to understand a quiet conversation
without further magic. Anything that would normally be a target for his senses is fair game for this Charm,
though, and he knows the general location of any events that stand out.
Grandfather Spider Majesty (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 4; Watchful Spider Stance
This Charm permanently enhances Watchful Spider Stance. If anyone the Lunar does not know enters
his territory, or if the territory is affected by obvious supernatural energies such as a Wyld storm or an
opening shadowland, the Lunar feels a compelling itch, urging him to activate that Charm.
Blood on the Wind (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Evading the Spiders Eye
Breathing deep of his foes scent, the Lunar begins an unstoppable pursuit. His roll to track another
character gains recurring-6s; if his target has at least a -1 wound penalty, the roll also gains recurring-1s.
Inevitable Spoor Discovery (4m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar tastes the air, pulling identities from the faintest whiff of smell. Examining a room, person,
or object, the Lunar makes a (Perception + Investigation) roll. With one success, he catches the scent of
anyone who has interacted with the target in the last day; each additional success doubles that duration.
The Lunar does not automatically know the identity of a particular scent, unless he has made an effort to
learn that characters scent in the past. On encountering anyone whose scent he identifies via this Charm,
however, the Lunar reflexively rolls (Perception + Awareness); on a success, he matches face and smell. On a
failure, the Lunar is unable to pull together a clear recollection and may not attempt to match the two again.
Characters who attempt to disguise their smell may contest their disguise successes against the Lunars
original roll (if they concealed their scent while interacting with the target) or the later identification (if they
conceal it before encountering the Lunar again). In the former case, the Lunar may only detect the disguised
characters scent if he has enough successes to equal (characters successes + required successes for duration).
Thus, a Lunar would need one more success than the disguised character in order to detect his presence up
to a day ago, two more for up to two days, three more for up to four days, and so on.


Morph: Invoking a keen-nosed form, the Lunar adds one non-Charm success to the activation roll for this
Eye and Fingertip Wisdom (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -With a touch, a Lunar knows all the contents of a sealed container. At Essence 2+, the Lunar may also
use this Charm to analyze a structure, learning its full floor plan, including any hidden rooms -- though not
including the contents of any rooms or the method of accessing a secret chamber. If any magic would prevent
this knowledge, the Lunar rolls (Perception + Investigation) in Charm roll-off.
Holistic Knowledge Transmission (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Eye and Fingertip Wisdom
The Lunar passes a hand over a vessel of recorded knowledge, which glows a pale silver. For one hour,
he allows his Essence to work through the object; then he recalls it, absorbing a general summary of all
information held within the targeted source, regardless of language barriers. This does not provide specific
information; the Lunar could not, for instance, recreate a technical diagram or cast a spell described by the
source, but he would be aware that such diagrams or spells are contained within.
Nest Names the Wasp (8m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Eye and Fingertip Wisdom
Master of his own territory, the Steward instinctively senses the ownership of others. Invoking this
Charm as he handles an object or investigates an area, the Lunar may identify who, if anyone, owns it, as
long as it is an identity he knows. If the Lunar does not know the owner, he simply becomes aware that the
object or region is owned. If ownership is a deliberate secret, the Lunar must roll (Perception + Investigation)
against the Guile of the owner.
Diving Hawk Inspiration (4m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -Spying the weakness in his enemys guard, the Lunar falls on them like a thunderbolt - and inspires his
allies to do the same. This Charm may enhance an attack the Lunar makes via any Attribute, as long as he
has not previously attacked that target this scene. Any allied battle group who attacks that target before the
Lunars next action benefits from an attack order with (Lunars successes)/2 successes, rounding up. Enemy
battle groups count as single targets for the purposes of this Charm.
Bird Falls from Flock Targeting (5m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Diving Hawk Inspiration
Drawing on an instinctive knowledge of pack tactics, the Lunar spies the keystone of his enemys
formation: perhaps an officer or relay, or perhaps simply one bold soldier who leads the rest. Killing that
one, he throws the whole into disarray. This Charm enhances an attack against a battle group, which may
be made with any Attribute. If the attack succeeds, that battle group may not benefit from any Command
Actions until the end of the round. If already under the effect of a Command Action (such as an Order), it
loses the benefit until the end of the round.
Riding the Secret Wind (1m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -For a moment, every hair on the Lunars body blossoms, spreading into miniature feathers that catch


the air currents and know them completely. This Charm enhances a ranged attack, reducing the targets
Cover bonus by one; against targets without a Cover bonus, it simply reduces the targets Defense by one.
Wolf Eye Advantage (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Uniform
Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Riding the Secret Wind
The Lunars pupil dilates until his whole eye is a black, light-drinking orb. In an instant, he sees what
he must. This Charm negates any outside penalties to an attack roll other than blindness, such as those
for bad weather or poor ammunition. With a Perception 4+, Essence 3+ repurchase, he may also ignore
blindness, as long as that effect is imposed by external conditions (i.e., perfect darkness) and not internal
ones (i.e., missing eyes).
Eagle Eye Advantage (1m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph, Withering-Only
Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 2; Wolf Eye Advantage (x1), Flawless Perception Focus (x1)
The Lunar flexes muscles most never recognize, attuning his vision to distance. This Charm allows the
Lunar to reflexively perform an Aim action.
Morph: Invoking a sharp-eyed form, the Lunar perfects his shot. If he would not normally benefit from
bonus Aim dice, he gains one bonus Aim die. If he would normally benefit from bonus Aim dice, he converts
one die into an automatic success.
Wolf Ear Advantage (2m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; -Casting his hearing into the range normally reserved for dogs, the Lunar catches hidden traces of stress
and emphasis in the speech of another -- signs no mortal can hear, and so no mortal can fully train away.
This Charm enhances a Read Intentions action performed against a character who is currently speaking. (A
word or two is insufficient; the target must be part of a sustained monologue or conversation.) Reduce the
targets Guile by two; if the attempt succeeds, the Lunar learns the intent underlying his participation in the
Keen (Sense) Technique (3m or 6m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 1; -This is a cluster of three Charms, which have the same names and effects as the Solar Charms Keen
Sight Technique, Keen Taste and Smell Technique, and Keen Hearing and Touch Technique. While
any such Charm is active, a Lunar may enhance combat-speed actions using the relevant senses with a single
purchase of Flawless Perception Focus, if he knows it.
Unsurpassed (Sense) Discipline (--)
Type: Permanent ; Duration: Permanent ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 3; Keen (Sense) Technique
This is again a cluster of three Charms, each identical to one of the Solar Unsurpassed (Sense) Discipline
Charms and requiring the corresponding Keen (Sense) Technique as a prerequisite. While any Flawless
(Sense) Discipline enhanced in this way is active, a Lunar may enhance combat-speed actions using the
relevant senses with the second purchase of Flawless Perception Focus, if he knows it.
Eyes as Moonbeams Method (8m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: One scene ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 4, Essence 3; Eyes of the Cat, Keen Sight Technique
The Lunars eyes glow like burning silver lamps, casting a brilliant white light upon an area the size
of a single range band. He loses two dice to any attempts to interact with characters not in the targeted


band. On his turn, the Lunar can shift the targeted band to any point he can see within three range bands,
refocusing his gaze on the new location.
The piercing glare has several effects. The area within is fully illuminated, as if it were bright day.
Dematerialized spirits are visible while within the area. Magical objects sparkle under its glow, while
products of the Wyld or raksha glamour become pale and translucent. Objects tainted by the energies of the
Underworld or Malfeas are similarly marked by persistent shadows or brassy verdigris.
With Perception 5, Essence 4+, the Charm gains a final benefit: the Lunar may view the targeted area
from any angle, and may even choose to reposition it around corners or to other areas beyond his normal
sight range, as long as there is any path to the target. To those watching, foot-wide silver beams snake from
the Lunars eyes, curving to whatever destination he wishes.
Worry the Bone (5m, 1wp)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; -In a moment of uncontested possession, the Lunar claims an object as his own. This Charm may target
anything the Lunar alone is touching that is light enough to be lifted; metaphysically, that object becomes
the Lunars. If the object is an artifact, this breaks any existing attunements and allows the Lunar to
immediately attune to it himself. With a Perception 4+, Essence 3+ repurchase, the Lunar may also activate
this Charm to claim an area; doing so requires that he first walk its boundaries and that the targeted region
contains no one who would contest the Lunars claim.
Blood-Kin Sense (2m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: Morph
Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -The Lunar reads undercurrents of scent and unconscious body language to know whom the target would
call his pack. This Charm enhances a Read Intentions roll; if successful, in addition to the actions normal
effect, the Lunar learns the identity of the targets most important social connection (likely a Major or
Defining Tie) and the nature of that connection. This roll gains one automatic success if the Lunar tastes the
targets blood while activating this Charm.
Morph: The Lunar gains a total of two automatic successes if he can take the targets shape; this bonus
includes the bonus for tasting the targets blood.
Relation-Dissecting Eye (3m)
Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 3; Blood-Kin Sense, Flawless Perception Focus (x1)
The Lunar can read the relations of the pack with instinctive certainty. On witnessing any interaction
between two characters, he may speculate as to the nature of any Tie one character feels for the other.
Activating this Charm, he knows infallibly whether this guess was correct.
Leaf-Falling Scrutiny (3m)
Type: Supplemental ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 1; Blood-Kin Sense
The Lunar reads the targets body, finding messages in patterns of muscle and unconscious motion. This
Charm enhances a Read Intentions roll. If successful, in addition to the actions normal effect, the Lunar
learns one of the following three pieces of information of his choice:
The characters rating in the Ability of the Lunars choice.
The characters highest-rated Ability. In the case of a tie, this Charm also reveals that there are other
equally-high Abilities, and reactivation reveals a new Ability.
Comparing his Read Intentions roll to the Guile of all those present of whom he is aware, the Lunar
learns which of them have at least three dots in an Ability of the Lunars choice.


Fellow Hound Insight (5m)

Type: Reflexive ; Duration: Instant ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 4, Essence 2; Eye of the Cat, Leaf-Falling Scrutiny
Having tasted the flesh of supernatural beings, the Lunar salivates at the scent of another. Activating this
Charm, the Lunar may make a reflexive (Perception + Investigation) roll against the Guile of all non-Exalted
creatures present of a type whose Hearts Blood the Lunar can steal. Any creature whose Guile is overcome
becomes momentarily visible to the Lunar, even if dematerialized or feigning another identity. The Lunar
also becomes aware of the type of each such identified being. Mundane attempts at disguise automatically
fail against this Charm, though supernatural magic may contest the Investigation roll as normal for disguise
even if the targets Guile is overcome. Against concealed characters, the Lunar learns only that a being of
the appropriate type is near and not its precise location.
Wyld-Sensing Instincts (3m, 1wp)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Until next moonrise ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 2, Essence 1; -Every Lunar carries a spark of the Wyld within himself; with this Charm, he feels the madness within
pull like a lodestone towards the greater Wyld energies without. The character may unerringly detect the
strongest Wyld-affected area within (Perception + Essence) miles, either to seek it out or to avoid it. When
navigating the Wyld, the Steward may steer around the worst of the hazards, reducing the damage of any
such environmental effects by his Essence.
Resisting the Lure of Madness (5m)
Type: Simple ; Duration: Indefinite ; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 1; Wyld-Sensing Instincts
The Lunar defines himself, and magic tattoos that self upon his very brain; however the Wyld may twist
or contort him, his mind returns to that indelible image. While this Charm is active, the Lunar is immune to
any mental afflictions caused by the Wyld; he cannot suffer derangement or Wyld addiction. Further, the
Steward becomes a core of stability for those around him. He may extend this Charms protection to all
allies out to Medium range.
Wyld Migration Formation (--)
Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Resisting the Lure of Madness
This Charm permanently enhances Wyld-Sensing Instincts and Resisting the Lure of Madness, allowing
the Lunar to extend their benefits to an allied group with no more than (Essence) points of Size.
Outland-Navigating Guile (--)
Type: Permanent; Duration: Permanent; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 3, Essence 2; Wyld-Sensing Instincts
The Steward stands in the door of Creation, guarding against the approach of other worlds. This Charm
permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Lunar to sense the presence of and navigate Malfeas,
the Underworld, Autochthonia, or other worlds. Note that characters tainted by these places -- demons,
Abyssals, or Alchemical Exalted, say -- do not register via this Charm.
Scent the Weak (2m)
Type: Supplemental; Duration: Instant; Keywords: -Prereqs: Perception 4, Essence 2; Foe-Marking Style
The Lunar knows those he has marked. This Charm enhances an attempt to track a character the Lunar
has scarred via Scent the Weak; that attempt gains +1 Double. Ignore this effect if the target has used
magic to heal those scars.
Spoor of the Humbled Foe (--)
Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant; Keywords: --


Prereqs: Perception 5, Essence 3; Scent the Weak, Inevitable Spoor Discovery

Those whom the Lunar has marked as his enemies leave a familiar tang on the air: the scent of flesh once
tasted. This Charm permanently enhances Inevitable Spoor Discovery; whenever the Lunar could use that
Charm to detect a person he has scarred via Foe-Marking Style, he receives an instinctual urge to activate
Inevitable Spoor Discovery. If he does, the resulting (Perception + Investigation) roll receives (Essence)
bonus successes.


(Directional) Mastery Technique , 25
Adder Fang Method , 29
Agitation of the Swarm , 6
Air Body Style , 47
All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight , 65
Ant and Starfish Trick , 49
Any-Trinket Allure , 41
Argent Muse Approach , 53
Argent Weaver Art , 51
Armor-Forming Technique , 27
Armor-Rending Claw Fist , 14
Ash and Tears Banquet , 49
Bear Sleep Meditation , 24
Beast Lords of the Blessed Isle , 23
Beast Power Concentration , 46
Beast Spirit Defense , 9
Becoming the Swarm , 13
Becoming Waters Envy , 17
Besieging the Bastion of Form , 8
Bird Falls from Flock Targeting , 67
Blinking Eye of Chaos , 62
Blood on the Wind , 66
Blood-Kin Sense , 69
Blood-Traced Bastion, 51
Boundary-Marking Meditation , 37
Bruise-Relief Method , 26
Burgeoning Wyld Infliction , 55
Burrowing Devil Strike , 8
Butterfly Eyes Defense , 42
Butterfly Eyes Enhancement , 43
Butterfly Eyes Face , 43
Butterfly Eyes Fist , 43
Butterfly Eyes Tread , 42
Cat-Face Presentation , 42
Cat-Falling Attitude , 15
Celestial Circle Sorcery , 54
Changing Plumage Mastery , 46
Charismatic Lunar Trick , 35
Chattering Magpie Inflection , 43
Claws of the Silver Moon, 7
Clay-Wetting Practice , 16
Cloud-Walking Stance , 16
Clover Cant Be Found , 47
Cobra Eye Method , 29
Cobra Hypnotic Method , 33
Coiled Serpent Strikes , 15
Cold Breath of the Moon , 59
Commanded to Fly , 42
Compassionate Mirror Nature , 63

Consumptive Worm Hungers , 9

Counting the Elephants Wrinkles , 52
Courtesans Possession , 57
Creating the Wolf Attitude , 44
Crouching Tiger Stance , 14
Culling the Pride , 37
Cunning Porcupine Defense , 11
Deadly Beastman Transformation , 6
Deadly Mantis Practice , 10
Defeated Technique Mastery , 53
Den Mother Method , 14
Den Warden Prana , 15
Devastating Ogre Enhancement , 6
Devil Body, Terror Face , 48
Devil-Restraining Grip , 64
Diligent Hive Imitation , 19
Diving Hawk Inspiration , 67
Dog-Tongue Method , 30
Donning the Rainbow Mantle , 55
Dreams and Expectations Stance , 47
Durable Battle Mind , 26
Eagle Eye Advantage , 68
Emerald Grasshopper Form , 22
Emperor Ox Expansion , 22
Essential Moonsilver Affinity , 13
Eternal Wyld Gift , 55
Evading the Spiders Eye , 65
External Hide Perfection , 25
Eye and Fingertip Wisdom , 67
Eye of the Cat , 64
Eye on the Spider , 65
Eyes as Moonbeams Method , 68
Face of the Moon Concealment , 36
False Burrow Gift , 41
False Burrow Pursuit , 40
Fellow Hound Insight , 70
Feral Cat Tread , 38
Feral Smile Tactic , 35
Ferocious Biting Tooth , 6
Ferocious Guardian Beast Stance , 18
Fertile Breath Inversion , 23
Finding the Needles Eye , 16
First in School Assumption , 44
Fish or Fowl Exaltation , 23
Flaw-Finding Examination , 63
Flawless (Attribute) Focus , 5
Flesh-Sculpting Art , 51
Flesh-Tearing Entanglement , 11
Flickering Star Infusion , 40

Flight of the Sparrow , 19

Flowing Body Ascension , 17
Flowing Body Evasion , 17
Fluid Essence Refinement , 58
Foe-Marking Style , 7
Foe-Turning Rebuke , 32
Foot-Trapping Counter , 13
Forgetful Victim Prana , 34
Form-Destroying Touch , 8
Form-Fixing Method , 50
Forsaking the Blood Posture , 37
Frenzied Bear Fortification , 27
Frozen Ripple Lair , 58
Furious Hound Pursuit , 18
Furious Unhappy Recourse , 60
Glance-Oration Technique , 47
God-Body Consumption , 65
God-Body Dissection , 65
God-Cutting Essence , 64
Golden Tiger Stance , 17
Graceful Crane Stance , 15
Grandfather Spider Majesty , 66
Greedy Mosquito Bite , 20
Green Sun Child , 49
Ground-Denying Defense , 18
Halting the Scarlet Flow , 26
Hard-Nosed Denial Style , 30
Harmony with Reality Technique , 50
Heart-Theft of the Behemoth , 49
Hearth-and-Flame Shell , 49
Heaven-Spanning Staff of the Monkey King , 10
Heavenly Servant Imitation , 49
Herd Reinforcement Stance , 36
Herd-Strengthening Invocation , 37
Heron Sheds Rain , 18
Hibernation of the Dog , 12
Hide of the Cunning Hunter , 46
Hide-Toughening Essence , 27
Holistic Knowledge Transmission , 67
Honing the Stolen Form , 63
Humble Mouse Form , 22
Hungry Dream Cloak , 49
Hungry Eagle Method , 60
Hybrid Body Rearrangement , 57
Illimitable Beast Declaration , 22
Impenetrable Beast Armor , 27
Implausible Lunar Panoply , 58
Impossible (Attribute) Improvement , 5
Impressions of Strength, 8
Indestructible Recursive Design , 27
Inevitable Genius Insight , 52
Inevitable Spoor Discovery , 66

Inexplicable Lunar Wonders , 41

Insidious Lunar Transformation , 30
Instinct Memory Recollection , 35
Instinct-Driven Beast Movement , 18
Internal Form Mastery , 57
Intimacy of the Hunter and the Prey , 52
Intimate Training Recollection , 49
Invisible Warren Creation , 58
Inviting the Winter Wolf , 7
Invulnerable Moonsilver Carapace , 28
Iron Tyrant Impact , 10
Irresistible Silver Spirit , 48
Jaws of the River Dragon , 11
Keen (Sense) Technique , 68
Labyrinth of the Beast , 42
Last Warriors Unity , 7
Laughing into the Teeth of Madness , 56
Laurels-and-Ivy Technique , 63
Leaf-Falling Scrutiny , 69
Lesson of the Winter Wolf , 32
Lessons in the Blood , 52
Light-Footed Mountain Goat Stance , 15
Lightning Flash Might Methodology , 10
Lightning Stroke Attack , 6, 20
Lightning-Calling Challenge , 33
Lightning-Change Style , 13
Limb-Shielding Growth , 28
Limitless Argent Protectorate , 59
Lions Roar Rebuke , 7
Lions Voice Command , 36
Lodestone Reckoning Manner , 62
Lost Mirror Flight , 40
Loyal Beast-Friend Enlightenment , 31
Lunas Blessed Hands , 50
Lunas Fortitude , 25
Lunar Blade Reconfiguration , 16
Lunar Blood Shaping Technique , 30
Lunar Eclipse Technique , 39
Mandate of the Hungry Mouse , 54
Many-Armed Monkey Style , 62
Many-Pockets Meditation , 57
Mask of White Jade , 41
Meerkat Alertness Practice , 60
Mind-Blanking Fear Technique , 35
Mirror Sight Dismay , 40
Mirror-Shattering Word , 40
Mist-Walking Prana , 19
Molted Feather-Weight Technique , 9
Monkey Arm Style , 13
Monkey Shaping Emulation , 64
Moon and Earth Blessing , 54

Moon Follows Sun Assurance , 39

Moon-and-Earth Song , 63
Moonlight Curtain Drawn , 36
Moonlight Hunt , 19
Moonsilver Absorption , 24
Moonsilver Stomach Conversion , 23
Morning Blossoms Blooming , 33
Moth-to-Flames Defense , 60
Mother Grizzly Attitude , 25
Mountainous Spirit Expression , 22
Mystic Butterfly Fraud , 43
Nature-Reinforcing Allocation , 31
Nest Names the Wasp , 67
New Friend Aroma , 47
Observed Predator Instinct , 47
Octopus-and-Spider Barrage , 20
One of the Herd , 46
Outland-Navigating Guile, 70
Outworld Forsaking Stance , 32
Ox-Body Technique , 23
Pack and Flock Guidance , 19
Pack Instinct Affirmation , 30
Perfect Fear Scent , 35
Perfect Outsider Understanding , 53
Perfect Symmetry , 46
Perfection of the Mockingbird , 44
Phantom Crossfire Feint , 54
Predator and Prey Recognition , 62
Predator Distraction Method , 15
Predators Insight , 53
Preys Skin Disguise , 46
Prey-Hobbling Bite , 7
Purging the Tarnished Silver , 27
Quicksilver Second Face , 13
Quill-Fed Bow , 11
Rabbit-to-Duck Reversal , 61
Rabid Beast Attitude , 14
Ranging Wolf Marking , 38
Rapid-Speech Technique , 34
Rats in the Basement Style , 59
Relation-Dissecting Eye , 69
Relentless Lunar Fury , 26
Resisting the Lure of Madness , 70
Riding the Secret Wind , 67
Righteous Lion Defense , 51
Ritual of Lunar Stability , 50
River Reflects Desire , 47
Roused Bear Throw , 10
Running Through the Herd , 14

Sacred Guardian Renewal , 38

Scathing Lunar Condemnation , 33
Scent of All Nations Attitude , 44
Scent the Weak, 70
School Becomes Shark Formation , 44
School in the Reeds Technique , 44
Scorpion and Toad Absolution , 28
Scorpion and Toad Assumption , 29
Scorpion and Toad Immunity , 29
Scorpion and Toad Mastery , 29
Secret Speech Method , 34
Secure Cat Stepping , 16
Secure Den Prana , 58
Sense-Borrowing Method , 66
Sensing the Deadly Flow , 18
Serpents Tooth Reply , 61
Sharing the Gifts of Luna , 31
Shatter the Turtles Shell , 10
Shell-Crushing Atemi , 8
Shifting Penumbra Stance , 46
Silver and Gold Span the Heavens , 38
Silver Blood Infusion , 31
Silver Coin Bargain , 41
Silver Lunar Resolution , 26, 37, 60
Silver-Swift Retort , 61
Snake Body Technique , 15
Snake-Vine Integration , 31
Snarling Watchdog Retribution , 25
Soldier Bee Emulation Extraction , 61
Sorcery-Rending Talons , 65
Spirit-Maiming Essence Attack , 64
Spoor of the Humbled Foe, 70
Spreading the Wyld Roots , 20
Stance-as-Thought Stride , 48
Star Falls Through , 19
Steadfast Yeddim Meditation , 24
Still Pond Infliction , 55
Stone Rhinos Skin , 28
Subduing the Honored Foe , 11
Subtle Chameleon Practice , 59
Subtle Silver Command , 34
Sunset Hibiscus , 58
Taste of Lunas Champions , 63
Tearing Claw Atemi , 9
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery , 54
Terrible Steel-Rending Talons , 9
Terrible Wolverine Onslaught , 15
Terrifying Lust Infliction , 35
The Spiders Trap Door , 57
Thieving Magpie Prana , 57
Third-Veil Suggestion , 43
Thousand Claw Infliction , 14
Thousand Streams Defender , 38


Thousandfold Wasp Dance , 60

Tiger and Seahorse Union , 23
Tiger and Sultan Fusion , 23
Time-Bending Chrysalis , 24
Towering Beast Form , 22
Treasure as Trash Misdirection , 41
True-to-the-Pack Dedication , 52
Twin Fang Technique , 20
Twin-Faced Hero , 57
Tyrant Mouse Dominion , 22
Unhesitant Scorpion Lash , 21
Unnoticed Confusion Attack , 34
Unquestioned Pack-Leader Might , 39
Unstoppable Beast-Warrior Indoctrination , 32
Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation , 24
Unstoppable Lunar Wound , 8
Unsurpassed (Sense) Discipline , 68
Unyielding Lunar Hero , 14
Vigilant Mastiff Technique , 18
Walking on Moonlight , 59
Wary Swallow Method , 17
Wasp of the Labyrinth Trick , 53
Wasp Sting Blur , 20, 62
Wasp-Binding Method , 11
Watchful Spider Stance , 66
Weapon-Shaping Method , 16
Weapon-Trapping Body Dominion , 28
Wind-Dancing Method , 17
Wind-Wings Carry Technique , 6
Withdrawal of Assumptions , 55
Wolf Ear Advantage , 68
Wolf Eye Advantage , 68
Wolf Pack Training Technique , 32
World-Bending Guardian Attentiveness , 17
Worlds-Within Cocoon Tactic , 59
Worry the Bone , 69
Wound-Mastering Body Evolution , 27
Wyld Migration Formation, 70
Wyld-Sensing Instincts , 70
Yeddims-Back Method , 10


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