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Second edition

Editura Fundaiei pentru Studii Europene

Cluj-Napoca, 2010

Str. Em. de Martonne nr. 1
Cluj-Napoca, Romnia
Director: Ion Cuceu

ISBN 10 973-7677-43-9
13 978-973-7677-43-3



Editura Fundaiei pentru Studii Europene

Cluj-Napoca, 2010

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

Business Communication Topics / Eugenia Irimia. Cluj-Napoca : Editura Fundaiei pentru Studii Europene
ISBN 10 973-7677-43-9
13 978-973-7677-43-3

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................6
I. COMMUNICATING IN BUSINESS...................................................................9
II. PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION............................................................15
III. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION.....................................................................20
IV. COMMUNICATION STYLES........................................................................24
V. EFFECTIVE LISTENING. THE AUDIENCE.....................................................34
VI. AVOIDING DISCRIMINATION IN COMMUNICATION....................................30
VII. COMMUNICATION AND RECRUITMENT....................................................48
VIII. WRITING EMPLOYMENT DOCUMENTS....................................................53
THE APPLICATION LETTER............................................................................53
CURRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................59
IX. INTERVIEWS............................................................................................64
X. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE.................................................................69
XII. COMMUNICATION WITH PARTNERS.........................................................72
XIII. BUSINESS LETTERS...............................................................................76
LETTER OF INQUIRY AND REPLY....................................................................76
LETTER OF COMPLAINT................................................................................81
LETTER OF APOLOGY AND SETTLEMENT......................................................86
E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE..........................................................................88
XIV. BUSINESS REPORTS.............................................................................107
XV. PRESENTATIONS.....................................................................................38
INTERCULTURAL ASPECTS............................................................................45
XVI. BUSINESS MEETINGS...........................................................................114
PLANNING AND STEPS OF A MEETING........................................................114
MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIES OF A MEETING........................................118
XVII. NEGOTIATING IN BUSINESS................................................................122
STEPS OF A NEGOTIATION..........................................................................126
ANSWER KEY..............................................................................................132

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Some writers have other goals (to impress, to entertain).
Business communication should seek only to communicate.
(Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993: 15)
1. What do you know about the following forms of communication? Where/ when/
how/ by whom are they used?



2. Does the process of human communication differ, depending on the specific

form of communication?



The message is sent.

The message enters in the sensory world.
The message is detected by the senses.
The message goes through a filtering
A response is formed and sent.
The cycle is repeated.

3. Can you identify some other imperfections of the communication process?


Meanings sent are not always received.

The symbols of communication are
imperfect; e.g. communication across
cultures is especially difficult.
Stress on adaptation: fitting the message
to the recipients.

4. Read about some forms of communication in business. Can you identify some
other examples?
communicating done in
conducting work within
a business

i.e.: giving orders,

reports, writing
communicating by

(computer, fax)


Communicating in Business

i.e.: personal
advertising, and
letter writing
It may affect worker
attitudes, which, in their
turn, affect worker

assists in
making &

OPERATIONAL: workrelated communication
with people outside the
PERSONAL: nonbusiness-related
exchanges of
information and feelings
among people.

5. Use the information in the table below and describe the communication network
in an organization you know.

The information flow in business can

be: downward/ upward/ horizontal
The communication channels can be:
formal/ informal

(adapted from R. Lesikar, J. Petit, M. Flatley 1993: 3-15)

1. Discussion

1. 1. Explain the importance of communication to you and to business. Debate

upon what Peter Drucker, a well-known management consultant, states about the
role of communication in business. In his opinion, the basic skill colleges teach
students as future employees is the ability to organize and express ideas in
writing and speaking. He continues:
your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken
or the written word. And the further away your job is from manual work, the larger
the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that
you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. In the very large
organization this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all
the skills a person can possess.
1. 2. Discuss the following statements. Do you agree or disagree with them?
All organized effort, including the work of business, requires communication.
Communication is vital to every part of business.
Business needs good communicators, but most people do not communicate
By improving your communication ability, you improve your chances for
The extent of a businesss communication depends on the nature of the
business, its operating plan, and the people involved.

2. Reading
2. 1. Read about the importance of effective communication in the work place. The
concluding sentence in some paragraphs of the text (1-7) has been removed.
Choose the best sentence from the list below (A-I) to conclude each paragraph.
There is one sentence that you do not need. There is an example at the beginning
(0 D ).


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

A We can only discuss them very briefly here, although each of these four is
worth an essay on its own.
B Encouraging a free flow of input from the receiver is the best way of ensuring
that understanding has been achieved.
C The task of the communicator is to change the aspect of "fear" into that of
D They need to realize that successful communication is no one-way process.
E Assimilation of a concept presented by management, or by another worker,
goes a long way towards ensuring active participation, and harmonious
cooperation, in the workplace.
F To communicate successfully managers and supervisors have to understand
the other person, and have to work hard to get the other person to understand
G However, respect for the other person is an important prerequisite for
attention getting.
H The originator of the message must play his part, too, with abundant support
and encouragement.
I Effective communication requires tools and planning.
Communicating Effectively in the Workplace: Four Essential Steps
The way company personnel communicate with each other can make all the
difference between efficiency and ineptitude, success and failure, making money
or losing it.
by Azriel Winnett
Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business
productivity. And yes, it can be avoided. Given the will, the bleakest of situations
can be turned around for the better. Management must face squarely the challenge
of formulating strategies to encourage personnel to communicate effectively. On
the other hand, managers themselves have to set the example. /0 D/
On the contrary, reciprocity is the essence of communication. This applies
whether the process is conducted verbally or through the medium of the written
word. Managers are human beings involved with other human beings. They are far
more than givers of information or instructions. Communication is as much a
matter of human relationships as it is about transmitting facts. /1__/
The vital four steps in effective communication might well help people to
correct this distorted view of the communication process. Some call them the four
A's of communication. /2__/
Attention. Winning the attention of the person with whom we wish to
communicate, is an obvious first step. In order to achieve this goal, we must first
try to eliminate - as far as is humanly possible - what experts in this field call
"noise". This includes everything that distracts, be it noise in the literal sense,
physical or emotional discomfort, personal problems, negative attitudes, or
distracting mannerisms or dress. The human greeting, or inquiry about the other
person's health or personal circumstances, is an effective catalyst in this process.
To be sure, if such introductions are false or stereotyped they might serve little
purpose. Real empathy, all the more so important in downward communication
from superior to subordinate, leads quickly to the second step in the process apprehension. /3__/


Communicating in Business

Apprehension. Although this word usually carries the connotation of "fear",

its primary meaning is "understanding". We have preferred the term
"apprehension" here primarily to retain the mnemonic of "four A's". Its two
meanings, however, are related; they are two sides of one coin. /4__/
Achieving apprehension is a critical part of the communication process, but
it is a very subtle one also. Managers sometimes defend their inability to
communicate by asking, "Do you understand?" This is usually an unfair question,
and even the somewhat improved "What do you understand?" is often perceived
as a threat.
On the other hand, if there is the right relationship between the transmitter
and the receiver of a message, indirect ways of establishing the degree of
understanding will present themselves. /5__/
Assimilation. As crucial as is the function of apprehension (in its positive
sense as we defined it) it is not enough. Often, a person has understood a message
perfectly, but he or she has not accepted it. Alternatively, it is accepted in a halfhearted manner, without any conviction. Communication is still incomplete if he
has not assimilated the information into his own being. The initiator has achieved
an ideal result if the recipient has assimilated the message to the extent that he
becomes one with the sender, as it were. /6__/
Action. This is the final step in our communication process. It is that
ingredient which propels abstract or theoretical knowledge into the world of reality.
So often a good idea in business (no less than in other spheres) meets with facile
acceptance or agreement, but is not translated into action. If assimilation has
indeed taken place, action on the part of the receiver should follow inevitably. But
what we have said about the two-sided nature of communication applies here as
well. /7__/

2. 2. Read the following text about the types of communication and answer the

Types of Communication
"You can't do without communication and computers, they are the keys to the
success of your business."
Gwyn Myers, Management Consultant
Communication is the key to any business success! Unless potential clients
and customers are aware of your business, they will not have the information to
contact you or to purchase your products. When they are aware of your business,
they must be able to contact it easily.
Two types of communication are essential - external and internal.
External communication reaches out to the customers to make them aware
of your product or service and to give them a reason to buy. This type of
communication includes your brochures, various forms of advertising, contact
letters, telephone calls, web sites and anything else that makes the public aware of
what you do.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Image is extremely important in external communication! Your logo should

represent who you are; your letterhead should be a selling tool; your telephone
message should reflect your professionalism.
Internal communication is essential to attracting and retaining a talented
staff. You must provide the direction for the company by consistently
communicating that message; you must motivate your staff through various forms
of communication, which can include awards, newsletters, meetings, telephone
calls, and formal and informal discussions.
Effective communication requires tools and planning. The tools that facilitate
that key element of your business communication, can be grouped into 1) basic
communication tools, 2) computers, and 3) the Internet.

3. Comprehension
Answer the questions:

What do you think Gwyn Myers means by being aware of your business?
What communication means give the customer a reason to buy?
What motivates the company staff?

4. Vocabulary

Read the text that highlights the importance of mastering modern communication
technology in business by giving advice on what to do or not do when using
modern technology. Build the word family of the words written in bold:
Top Ten Do's and Don'ts
Top ten do's
1. Gain the capability to do word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and email.
2. Consider using an accounting software program appropriate for your business.
3. Consider a laptop computer if your business requires mobility.
4. Learn digital technology including use of pictures for marketing purposes.
5. Consider using a headset for cordless and cell phones.
6. Plan ongoing internal communications including awards, newsletters and
7. When leaving messages, clearly and slowly repeat your name and number.
8. Use a remote Voice Mail answering system rather than an answering machine.
9. Use separate dedicated phone lines for your business and fax lines.
10. Develop a logo to represent who you are: for stationery, signs, cards and
Top ten don'ts
1. Don't start your business without knowledge about and possession of computer
2. Don't overlook making regular external back-ups to computer programs.
3. Don't overlook the Internet as an important business tool.
4. Don't purchase more equipment than will meet your need for the next two
5. Do not spend for a top-of-line computer unless it is required in your business.
6. Do not sign up for extended time periods on any service including phone and
7. When plans change, be sure to request information on communication plans
that more closely meet your new requirements.


Communicating in Business

8. Don't fail to exercise your rights on return policies within time limits allowed.
9. Don't feel an 800 number is important unless you are receiving orders by phone.
10. Do not sign up for long term plans with Internet Service Providers.

5. Language focus


The two most important aspects of word choice in business communication are:
In order to achieve these text characteristics you should pay attention to the
following tips:
Use functional words correctly. Functional
words express relations among content
words and have only one unchanging
meaning in any given context (e.g.
conjunctions, prepositions, articles, and
Choose content words carefully: they carry
the meaning of the sentence (e.g. nouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs).
Pay attention to connotation and denotation.
Denotative meaning=dictionary meaning
Connotative meaning=associative meaning
Mind abstraction/ concreteness of the words
you use.
Abstract words are concepts, qualities,
Concrete words stand for something
particular, they are clear and exact.
Choose strong words! These are the nouns
and the verbs not the adjectives and the
Use familiar words (but avoid overworked
Use short words rather than longer ones.
Do not turn verbs into nouns and adjectives
it weakens your writing style.
Avoid biased language (sexist, racial, ethnic,
age or disability related).

Communication targets
Use them correctly!

Develop your ability to choose

the right content words for your
Use terms that are low in
connotative meaning!
Use specific terms whenever
Use abstractions only when
Be clear, concise and accurate!

Be fair and objective in content!

(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: 113)

5.1. Read the following list of words and group them into two categories: familiar/
unfamiliar. Find some other examples.
Find out, learn
Close, bring about



B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Growth, increase



5. 2. Use the following pairs of words correctly in sentences of your own, after you
discuss the differences in meaning.
accede exceed
accept except
access excess
allot a lot
born borne
correspondent corespondent
council counsel
defer differ

discreet discrete
levee levy
material materiel
moral morale
shear sheer
stationary stationery
waive wave
weather whether
(selected from Bove, Thill 1992: 613)

5. 3. Find some other pairs that can be easily confused. Use them correctly in the
appropriate context.

6. Speaking

Take into account the following positions: company president, chief

accountant, supervisor, business consultant, and worker. To what extent is
the ability to communicate important to the successful performance of each
of them? Address the question to some other jobs you consider worth
How much personal communication should be permitted in a business
What companies require extensive communication and what companies
require little communication? Discuss the list you have made with your

7. Writing
In not more than 200 words, describe the network of communication in an
organization you are familiar with.



Communication is defined as an exchange of messages resulting in shared
Professional communication is a specialized exchange of messages resulting in
shared meaning.
Communication chain
Communication channels
Communication networks
Communication skills
Communication climate
Communication barriers
Communication crisis

as direct as possible (fewer links)
oral/ written; formal/informal
influence employability (80%)
perception, precision, credibility, congeniality
open, influenced by the management style of the
top executives
affects information
flow, ease of contact,
organizational structure
intercultural, oral/written problems
conflict handling by communicating

(adapted from C. L. Bove, J. V. Thill, Business Communication Today, New York: Mc Graw Hill
Inc., 1992)

1. Discussion
1. 1. Describe the key elements of professional communication mentioned in the
chart above. Feel free to enrich the list with some other characteristics defining
professional communication.
1. 2. Which of them are, in your opinion, highly important for the business
communication? Defend your view.
1. 3. Identify the types of technology used primarily in internal and externaloperational communication to transmit messages.

2. Reading
Technical communication represents one of the most important elements that
contribute to the success of communication in the business environment. By
reading this fragment from Ten Technical Communication Myths, you will reconsider the effect of communication technology and the contribution of the
specialists in this domain to the development of a productive communication
climate within or outside an organization. It is not business properly, but you will
see that it is indispensable to the modern business world. Decide whether the
following statements (1-7) are true (T) or false (F).

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

1. Despite the degree of abstraction or exaggeration that makes myths so

fascinating, there is often a grain of truth but no insight into some fundamental
aspects of the human condition at their heart.
2. The things we usually do in our daily work are strongly influenced by "rules of
3. Some modern communicators misinterpret the occasional rule to the point
where it becomes valid for any circumstance it is applied to.
4. There are 14 central myths in modern technical communication.
5. It is a rule that audiences are always dynamic.
6. Technical communicators know that documentation is very expensive.
7. A culture can reinvent a myth by recasting it in their own unique context.
Ten Technical Communication Myths
by Geoff Hart
Myths often represent the very human attempt to explain something
important but poorly understood, such as the turning of the seasons, or to provide
cautionary tales to warn listeners against unsanctioned behavior, as in the myths
of Prometheus and Epimetheus. The fascination inspired by myths has kept many
alive across the millennia, but despite the degree of abstraction or exaggeration
that makes them so fascinating, there is often a grain of truth or an insight into
some fundamental aspects of the human condition at their heart. In our current
enlightened age, we fancy that we've grown beyond the need for myths, yet
"urban legends" abound (particularly on the Internet), and many of the things we
do in our daily work are strongly influenced by "rules of thumb" that are, in a very
real sense, a form of myth.
(par. 1)
As any other profession, technical communication has accumulated its share
of mythical rules of thumb, but the good news about our profession's myths is that
they too contain grains of truth and insights into things that are truly important to
us. The bad news is that we've also internalized some of these myths to the point
that we no longer question them and have begun to let them constrain our choices
rather than to help us remember and see the truth. Some communicators even
overgeneralize the occasional rule to the point where it loses its validity and
becomes dangerously misleading.
(par. 2)
So what myths do we live by? In no particular order, this paper presents my
"top 10 list" of what I consider to be the central myths in modern technical
communication. There are undoubtedly others. By acting as devil's advocate,
intentionally presenting these myths in a bad light, I'm hoping that I can persuade
you to question these and other rules of thumb that you use daily. When you pay
closer attention to the rules you obey, consciously or otherwise, and question why,
you can start to recognize the disabling aspects of a myth and begin taking steps
to free yourself from those constraints. And here they are:
(par. 3)
Knowledge of Specific Tools Is Vitally Important (1)
Sans Serif Fonts are Always More Legible Online (2)
Audiences are Static (3)
Minimalism Means Keeping Text as Short as Possible (4)
The Optimum Number of Steps in a Procedure is 7 Plus or Minus 2 (5)
You Can Make a Bad Interface Easy to Use Through Superior Documentation


Pr o f e s s i o n a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n

We Cant Talk to the SMEs (7)

Usability Testing is Prohibitively Expensive and Difficult (8)
Single-sourcing Means Dumping Printed Documents Online (9)
Documentation is a Cost Center (10)

(par. 4)
But myths aren't always invalid. Myths endure because no matter how much
they simplify or exaggerate reality, they are nonetheless based on something
truthful, something important to us, or something that sheds a bright light on an
aspect of our lives. Two of the things that fascinate me most about mythology are
just how universal the themes can be and how creatively each person or culture
can be in reinventing a myth by recasting it in their own unique context. Folklorist
Josepha Sherman has observed that "Myths are attempts to explain the cosmic
truths.... All peoples have the same questions, and so all peoples have the same
basic type of myths."
(par. 5)
Each of the ten myths I've presented in this guest editorial passes this test
for that idiosyncratic group of people known as technical communicators. My hope
is that each of us will find ways to answer those universal questions for ourselves
by seeking out the underlying truths and building on them to create something
more useful and fascinating still. By making the myths more relevant to ourselves,
we reinvigorate them and ourselves. One obvious way to do this is to re-examine
our current rules of thumb and see how they can be refined. After all, the thing to
remember about "rules of thumb" is that thumbs bend when necessary.
(par. 6)
(adapted from:

3. Comprehension
What is technical communication?
What is a technical communicator?
What are the position/ function/ role of a technical communicator in the
communication diagram of an organization?

4. Vocabulary
Explain with your own words; if possible, find synonyms for the following:
Paragraph 1: cautionary, unsanctioned, fancy
Paragraph 2: share, insights, overgeneralize, misleading
Paragraph 3: advocate, obey, disabling
Paragraph 4: legible, interface dumping
Paragraph 5: shed, attempt
Paragraph 6: idiosyncratic, invigorate, refine

5. Language focus
The paragraph consists of several sentences all related to the same topic. It is a
unit of thought. It involves logical thinking.
The paragraph consists of three basic elements:


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Topic sentence

Related sentences
Transitional elements:
Connecting words (i.e. conjunctions)
Repeated words or phrases
Words that are frequently paired

It contains the essence of the whole
paragraph (main idea).
It indicates how the subject of the
paragraph will be developed.
It can come first, in the middle, or last,
depending on the writers plan.
Explain the topic sentence.
They are more specific than the topic
sentence, dealing with some details.
They indicate how paragraphs and
ideas are related.
They make the text coherent.

comparison or contrast

Methods to develop
a paragraph

discussion of cause
and effect
discussion of problem
and solution

- it gives examples that

demonstrate the general
- it presents similarities or
differences among
- it focuses on the reasons
of something
- it indicates the specific
categories of a general
- it presents a problem
and debates a possible
solution to that problem

(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: 129)

Limit each paragraph to one general idea!
Write short paragraphs (100 words or less)!
Leave out unessential details!
Your message should contain unified, well developed, and coherent paragraphs!
5. 1. In the following paragraph, identify the topic sentence, and the related
The world in which we live is a desperately poor place. Today, three thousand
million human beings crowd its surface, each one needing food and shelter in order
to do nothing more than preserve his own life. But parts of the world, it may be
said, are not poor; in America the family garage has two cars and indoors the
deep-freeze contains ice cream and chicken. Even in Europe the general standard
of living is not bad; few people die of starvation or exposure; television sets and
cars are not uncommon. The sad truth is partly that Europe and North America are
not the world, or even the greater part of the world, and that for the majority of the
worlds population human life exists on the border between bare subsistence and


Pr o f e s s i o n a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n

extinction. It is also true that the relatively rich communities such as Europe and
North America contain enormous pockets of real poverty, and the world is a long
way yet from the day when they will be finally removed. Even if all the good things
of the world were placed in a gigantic common pool, and shared equally amongst
all the human race, therefore, the worlds population would still have scarcely
enough food and clothing and warmth and shelter to keep itself alive.
(Nevin 1971: 3)

5. 2. Build a paragraph around each of the following topic sentences:

Scarcity is the foundation of economics.
Exchange is vital to economics.
Economic affairs are frequently involved with ethics.
Words are frequently misleading, sometimes downright dangerous.
(Nevin 1971: chapters 1, 2)

5. 3. Write a paragraph on each of the following topics, choosing for each the most
suitable way for the paragraph to be developed: by illustration, by comparison or
contrast, by discussion of cause and effect, by classification, and by discussion of
problem and solution.
Suggested connections:
the issue of unemployment
types of personal computers available for sale
how to use a digital camera
a famous company got bankrupt
advantages and disadvantages of traveling on business
5. 4. Break up these sentences into shorter, more readable ones:
The calculation of total expenditure, however, is not entirely a straightforward
affair even in principle (the statistical problems of estimation, of course, are very
considerable) and certain pitfalls have to be avoided, and in the process of
avoiding them the published national income estimates become somewhat
complicated because it is obvious that in calculating a countrys national income
via estimates of total expenditure, only purchases which provide income for
someone else in the community should be included, while care should be taken to
see that no such purchases are excluded.

6. Speaking

Describe how managers use communication.

Employees belong to various groups, each with their own characteristics.
What role does communication play in establishing their membership in
each group? Give examples.
Choose two jobs you might like to have after you graduate. What
communication skills do you think would be most important to you in these

7. Writing
Think of an organization you are familiar with and make a list of the means used
for downward communication (i.e. methods used by top executives to inform
individuals about the organization itself, organization policies, employee or
member responsibilities, etc.). Compare your list with another, made by one of


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

your colleagues. Which of the systems described is better? How could the
organization improve its downward communication?








Types of communication
Face-to-face conversation
expressions, eye
Phone conversation
gestures and
postures, vocal
Training programmes, etc.
behaviour, use of
time and space
Supports and
It largely has an interactive
clarifies verbal
It can be: locutionary (say
something), illocutionary
(content), perlocutionary
(intention), constatative/
performative (according to
the theory of speech acts).
It can be: representative
(statements); directive
(order, request, advice);
promising (promise, offer,
inviting); expressive
(congratulating, thanking);
declarative (appointment,
Easy, spontaneous,
not learned,
efficient, quicker, more
spontaneous, it
convenient than written
often occurs
communication, it
facilitates feedback.

More reliable and

more efficient
than verbal
- In job interviews
- In speech

It maximizes collaboration.
It saves time and provides
opportunities for social


, accepting,
refusing, etc.)

It is more
likely to
creative effort.
It increases
the senders
control but

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s
(adapted from C. L. Bove, J. V. Thill, Business Communication Today, New York: Mc Graw
Hill Inc., 1992)

1. Discussion
1.1. Discuss the table above. Add your own ideas to each of the points mentioned
in it.
1. 2. How can you handle emotional conflicts in business communication? Will you
be able to maintain your objectivity? Discuss the topic considering the three types
of communication: nonverbal, oral and written.

2. Reading
Read the excerpt that describes the first myth - Knowledge of Specific Tools Is
Vitally Important from the article Ten Technical Communication Myths by Geoff
Hart and answer the questions (1-4) by choosing the appropriate answer (A, B, or
Knowledge of Specific Tools Is Vitally Important
Few managers want to hire a new technical communicator and wait weeks
for the person to become productive with the company's writing tools, yet hiring on
the basis of "tool skills" ignores the fact that the ability to format text is a very
small part of our value as technical communicators. (It also ignores the fact that
any new employee, even one who comes equipped with the desired tool skills,
faces a learning curve in a new position or at a new company, and may take weeks
to learn the ins and outs of the new job.) Employers hire us primarily because we
can understand their products and communicate that understanding to their
customers. They hire us because we know how to take a product apart, literally or
figuratively, and decide what components of the product we must document and
how we should do it. They hire us because we possess the ability to pry
information from the grasp of reluctant Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), because we
have that rare skill of empathizing with our audience well enough to understand
that audience's needs, and because we have the persistence to make an effort to
satisfy those needs.
None of these reasons depends strongly on the ability to work in Word,
FrameMaker, or RoboHELP. Back in the Dark Ages before computers, the ancients
did a pretty good job of documenting complex processes without these tools; in
fact, those ancients could probably teach us a few things about good writing.
Nowadays, few writers lack the ability to type and do basic formatting from the
software's menus, and these (not formatting skills) are the crucial tools that
support our work; in many situations, advanced formatting skills are actually a red
herring, because templates already exist and layout or design work consists more
of applying the templates than of actively designing something new. It's not that
knowing how to format is unimportant to us; rather, it's far less important than our
ability to communicate.
But let's assume that tool skills really are as important as some managers
claim. Given that most of us have learned enough software skills to quickly develop
basic to moderate competence with new software, the period of several weeks
while we adapt to our new job is more likely to pose problems than our ability to
learn new software. For example, in my comparatively short career (not quite 15
years), I've mastered four different layout programs, half a dozen word processors,
three operating systems, and more other types of programs and applets than I
care to count, all the while coping with an ever-accelerating rate of evolution in


Ty p e s o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n

each of these software categories. What's impressive about my experience is not

that I'm a software prodigy, but rather that I'm so average; many of my colleagues
have an even more diverse portfolio of tools at their disposal. The consequence for
employers is that most experienced technical communicators have yet to
encounter software we couldn't begin using productively within a day, and become
skillful with in about a week. Mastery can certainly take far longer, but most of
what we do doesn't require that level of mastery.
To see the flaw in using tool skills as a primary hiring criterion, ask yourself
this: would you rather read well-written documentation or documentation produced
by someone who can make Word 97 jump up and dance? Now ask yourself which
of the two skill sets (writing versus formatting) is easier to teach, and you'll know
which of the two writers you should hire. All else being equala rare situation
choose the communicator who also knows your development tools and can use
them for layout.
(adapted from:

1. Hiring on the basis of "tool skills"

A. ignores the fact that the ability to format text is a key element that makes
technical communicators valuable for the organization.
B. ignores the fact that any new employee, even one who comes equipped
with the desired tool skills, faces a learning curve in a new position or at a new
C. ignores the fact that a new employee takes a couple of days to learn the
ins and outs of the new job
2. Employers hire technical communicators because
A. they can understand their products and communicate that understanding
to their customers
B. they know how to advertise a product
C. they have that rare skill of presenting accurately the companys policy in
front of a demanding audience
3. The crucial tools that support technical communicators work are
A. formatting skills
B. the ability to type and do basic formatting
C. the ability to communicate
4. An important hiring criterion for technical communicators should be
A. using tool skills
B. writing and formatting
C. knowing your development tools and being able to use them for layout

3. Comprehension
Answer the questions:
Can the myth you have read about be extended to some other categories of
persons dealing with the business environment? Take managers, chief executives,
supervisors, secretaries, for example.
Why are technical communicators needed in a company?


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

4. Vocabulary
Read about another myth of technical communication: Minimalism Means Keeping
Text as Short as Possible. For each blank (1-10), decide which of the options A, B,
C, or D is best. There is always one correct answer.
John Carroll has been one of the leading standard bearers in the minimalism
movement and no doubt has grown rather frustrated with the notion that
minimalism means brevity, pure and 1__. It also doesn't mean trial and error
learning, maximum simplicity, or any of several other 2__ or oversimplifications. To
set the record 3__, he co-wrote an article that deals with the misconceptions firmly
and eloquently (Carroll and van der Meij 1996). To quote Carroll and van der Meij:
"The central principle in minimalism is task 4__. But many other principles play a
role in this design approach either because they 5__ task orientation or because
they follow from it." In short, the minimalist philosophy involves understanding
what your audience is trying to accomplish (audience and task analysis) and
focusing on those needs by 6__ enough information, in the right form and at the
right time or in the right place, to help them accomplish their tasks.
The myth that minimalism equals brevity stems from a much more
interesting and complex 7__: that you shouldn't bury readers in 8__ detail. The
challenge, of course, lies in discovering what is truly extraneous. It's also a myth
that minimalism is a one-size-fits-all solution for all communication problems
because its task orientation does not make it directly 9__ to problems such as
communicating theoretical information (for example, the "why" of graphic design
rather than the "how") or writing to persuade the reader (for example, marketing).
Yet even for such 10__ unrelated problems, minimalism has much to say because
of its emphasis on the reader, and that emphasis won't lead us far astray even
when the reader's tasks are not immediately recognizable as tasks.
(adapted from:




B simple
B conceptions
B directly
B directive
B support
B assuring
B discussion
B outsider
B matching
B seeming


C obvious
D straight
C notions
D terms
C straightly D straight
C direction D promotion
C view
D supply
providing D offering
asserting D sentence
D extraneous
applicable D correspondent
apparent D confused

5. Language focus
Text coherence is important in a business message. Coherence is achieved through
the use of transitions that show the relationship
between paragraphs and
between sentences within paragraphs.
Give your message coherence by:
presenting information in logical order
bridging together the information presented


Ty p e s o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n



Tie-in sentences
Repetition of key
Use of pronouns
Transitional words






Design the sentences to tie in two successive ideas.

Use the same word in a sequence of sentences: it
connects thoughts.
Pronouns connect with the words they relate to.
They indicate the kind of thought connection
between following ideas (i.e. in addition, besides, in
spite of, in contrast, however, likewise, thus,
therefore, for example, also).

5. 1. Discuss how the text from exercise 4 is organized in terms of coherence.

Identify the transitional devices used by the author.
5. 2. Write a one-page essay about The importance on selecting positive/
negative words in a business message. Mind coherence of your text.

6. Speaking

Is written communication or spoken communication more susceptible to be

misunderstood and misinterpreted?
Verbal communication skills are very important in business. Evaluate your
own skills in this field, present them to your colleagues and ask their help:
how can you improve them?

7. Writing
Think of a communication experience you have had recently. Describe it taking into
account the main elements communication involves (sender, receiver, the
message, the transmission channel, feedback, any possible barriers which affected
the communication process).



Composition is defined as the process of drafting a message. When composing
the message you should create a tone that suits the particular situation you are
referring to. You can do that by using the right style.
The particular way you use words to achieve an overall impression or a certain
tone in your message is the style of that message.
Read and, if possible, improve the table below:
types of


types of style

key elements for a successful

business style
Choose a warm but businesslike
Emphasize the positive.
Establish credibility.
Be polite.
Project the companys image.

1. Discussion
1.1. There always exists a company style you should be prepared to adjust to as
an employee. Think of a company whose employee you would like to become.
What do you know about that companys style? Could you subordinate your own
style to that of the company you chose?
1.2. When delivering speeches and presentations you have to decide on the style
you will use casual or formal. Identify some particular events and topics, decide
upon the appropriate style and give your reasons for the choice youve made.

2. Reading
Read the following text about style in business communication.
Have you got style?
Most people connect the word style with fashion, particularly with clothes. In
a sense, language too is either "dressed up" or "dressed down", depending on the
situation you are in or who you are talking to. Style covers a variety of subjects but
two aspects of style which are vitally important in business communication are
formality and diplomacy. (1)
Formality. English is different from many other languages in that its spoken
form differs considerably from its written form. Naturally, written English tends to
be more formal. Spoken English contains a great many contractions such as "it's",
meaning "it is" or "it has", "I've", meaning "I have", "he's", meaning "he is" or "he
has", "we'd", meaning "we would" or "we had". These contractions, used widely in

Communication Styles

conversation, are not used in written English (except, perhaps, in informal friendly
letters). They would not be used in a formal letter or report. (2)
Another aspect of formality which is important in report writing, for example,
is the use of the passive voice. If you were giving advice in spoken English, for
example, you would probably use an "active" sentence, such as "If I were you, I'd
relocate the factory." This type of sentence would not be used in a business letter
or report. The sentence would probably read: "It is recommended that the factory
be relocated." In formal written English, it is also often preferable to avoid using
personal pronouns, such as I or we, in order to make the text more impersonal. (3)
Diplomacy. In addition to formal written style, English also has a unique
diplomatic spoken style. Native speakers often try not to sound too direct.
Examples of this tactful style include using I'd like instead of I want, e.g. "I'd like to
hear your proposals", rather than "I want to hear your proposals...". Another
example is "Perhaps we should now consider..." rather than "Now, it's time to
consider...". (4)
Native speakers also try to avoid giving an unnecessarily negative
impression. For example, instead of saying "That is impossible" they say "That is
not very likely". Or, instead of saying, "Wednesday is impossible" they might say
"Would Monday be more convenient?". Notice the use of would which gives a more
tentative sound to a statement or question. For example, "That is too expensive"
can become "That would be rather expensive". Statements are usually softened by
qualifiers such as rather, somewhat, quite, some, etc. For example, "I don't fully
agree" or "There is a slight problem". (5)
Modifying your language in this way can be a useful tactic in business
dealings when you are trying to establish a pleasant cooperative atmosphere,
particularly with people of other cultural backgrounds. Indeed, in many business
meetings and negotiations such diplomatic use of the English language can be a
very positive aid to avoiding direct confrontation with your counterparts and a
useful tactic. (6)
Non-native speakers whose own language is far more direct may find it odd
to use such diplomatic language. However, they should at least be aware of its
existence, especially if they are doing business with native speakers of English. (7)

3. Comprehension

Write questions, relating to the text, to which these could be the answers:
1. Formality and diplomacy are vitally important in business communication.
2. Its spoken form differs considerably from its written form.
3. The use of the passive voice.
4. An example is "Perhaps we should now consider..." rather than "Now, it's time to
5. Qualifiers such as rather, somewhat, quite, some, etc.
6. The diplomatic use of the English language.
7. Non-native speakers whose own language is far more direct.

4. Vocabulary

4. 1. Read about another myth of technical communication. For each blank (110), think of the word that best fits the context. Use only one word in each space.
Speaking 1__ layout, a commonly agreed assertion is that Sans Serif Fonts
are Always More Legible Online. This rule 2__ thumb claims, "sans serif typefaces


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

remain easier to read on low-resolution displays 3__ as computer monitors, which

typically have resolutions of between 72 and 96 dots per inch." This resolution is
certainly low, even compared 4__ that of the advanced 24-pin dot matrix printers
we abandoned 5__ favor of laser and inkjet printers, and certainly can't do justice
to the fine details of many serif fonts designed for print; in particular, the serifs can
disappear entirely, and character outlines may even blur 6__ the variable stroke
width that characterizes traditional serif fonts lends itself poorly to fixed-size
Unfortunately, though these assertions all contain a grain of truth, "all else"
is almost never equal, and you should distrust any typographic studies that claim
otherwise. Many factors can overwhelm the theoretical difference 7__ legibility 8__
serif and sans serif type, even if we ignore the fact that it's possible to optimize the
designs of 9__ typeface style for online display (for example, "slab" serifs hold up
better than thin serifs onscreen). The typographic factors that can overwhelm the
10__ of serif versus sans serif typefaces include, but are not limited to: legible
design, line spacing, line width, word and character spacing, type size, the degree
of contrast between the type and its background, etc.
(adapted from:

1. 2. Use the word given in capitals on the right to derive a word that best fits
the context:
It's easy to see why technical communicators are often first
on the 1__ block when it comes time to trim staff: we cost a
lot, we make all kinds of 2__ demands (such as time and
money to perform audience analysis and usability testing),
we take 3__ away from their crucial work to answer naive
questions, we hide away in our cubicles and write instead of
4__ others to shout our praise in the ears of upper
management, and we produce a product that often 5__ no
obvious income for our employer. That's the myth, anyway.
The facts can be quite different.


(adapted from:

5. Language focus
Mind the rules:
Clear sentences are effective sentences!
Adapt your sentences to your readers/ audience!
You can compose short sentences by:
limiting sentence content: the shorter sentences communicate better BUT
dont use too many short sentences!
economizing on words: seek shorter ways of saying things (e.g. avoid
cluttering phrases, roundabout constructions, and unnecessary repetition of
words or ideas)




Communication Styles




Subject + predicate (+nouns/ pronouns

serving as objects of the action, and by
modifying phrases)
It consists of two or more simple
sentences (clauses) that deal with the
same basic idea; a coma or a semicolon
separates them; they are connected by
co-ordinating conjunctions and adverbs
(e.g. and, in addition, or, so, thus,
consequently, for, hence etc.)
Independent clause (one or more) +
dependent clause (one or more)

Unemployment will
decrease next year.
Although you were
reluctant to his longterm plan, you have
to recognize its strong
He was the best
technician in his
division, which made
him famous.

Sentence style. Tips for developing a clear style

Your sentences should be clear, accurate, and readable, grammatically correct, and
appropriate for the audience. In order to achieve these qualities consider the
use short sentences
eliminate unnecessary words and phrases
avoid repetition (unless necessary)
separate strung-out sentences (sentences connected by and but containing
unrelated ideas i.e. He is a talented speaker and he will deliver a speech
avoid hedging sentences (sentences containing may/seems to avoid stating
a judgment as a fact i.e. I believe that your business plan seems to indicate
that you may succeed in your endeavour.)
avoid starting sentences with it and there
avoid long sequences of nouns
avoid cluttering phrases (uneconomical, too long)
use active sentences rather than passive ones
keep the subject and predicate of a sentence as close together as possible
emphasize key elements of a sentence. You can do that by: a. giving them
more space, b. placing them at the beginning/ end of the sentence, and c.
making them the subject of the sentence
(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: 121)

5. 1. Choose two paragraphs from the text and analyze their structure. Identify
specific techniques of style used by the author to maximize the effect of the
5. 2. Find shorter substitutions for the following cluttering phrases:
along the lines of
at the present time
for the purpose of
for the reason that
in accordance with
in the meantime
in the near future

in the neighbourhood of
in very few cases
in view of the fact that
on the basis of
on the occasion of
with regard to, with reference to
with a view to


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

(see Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993: 54)

6. Speaking

Style is important in establishing a successful relation sender-audience. Do

you agree or disagree with that?
Consider the six styles mentioned in the introductory part of this unit and
find for each an appropriate business situation to fit in that particular style.
Explain and discuss your options.

7. Writing

Write 1. a resignation letter or 2. a letter of complaint for not receiving the books
you ordered two months ago. Draft three letters for each of the two topics, each in
a different style and compare them with the letters of your colleague. Which style
is the most appropriate for each situation?
Supplementary material
Read about communication styles:
In addition to the nonverbal communication cues discussed, how we say
things is influenced by culture. This is referred to as "communication style." While
there are many nuances in communication styles there are essentially five
contrasts in the way we approach topics of conversation -not the content but the
way in which we debate, converse, ask questions, and organize verbal
communication- that are challenging in interactions between people from different
cultures. This can be one of the trickiest aspects of communication because we
tend to react to different styles immediately and emotionally. But when we think
back on an exchange which has not gone well and analyze just the words spoken,
we often cannot figure out why we are so annoyed and/or frustrated. Knowing
something about communication styles will be very helpful to you in figuring out
why how something is said is just as important as what was actually verbalized
because we tend to react to style unconsciously and instinctively.
Communication styles vary enormously across the globe. However, like so
many of the contrast sets we have examined so far, most countries tend to prefer
one or the other of the five we will examine here:
Linear versus Circular = straight line discussion versus a more circular
Direct versus Indirect = meaning conveyed by words versus through
Detached versus Attached = objective presentation versus expressive
Intellectual Engagement versus Relational Engagement = discussion
is about the task versus discussion is about the task and the person
Concrete versus Abstract = example driven versus theory driven
Why Should You Pay Attention to These Differences?
In this list, US-Americans tend to be on the left side, that is, to prefer linear,
direct, detached, intellectually engaged, and concrete styles of communication. In
contrast, many African, Asian, and Pacific groups prefer more circular, indirect,
attached, relationally engaged styles. Europeans can have a combination, for
example, in Spain (and much of Latin America), people prefer a strong, relational


Communication Styles

engagement, and attached style of communication while also being direct, linear,
and abstract in their approach. The French style is often abstract, intellectually
engaged, and detached. Many permutations of these five styles are found
The point here is that anyone about to enter an international study abroad
program is likely to encounter styles of communication which are unfamiliar and,
perhaps, disconcerting. If a new acquaintance overseas begins a long, meandering
story in response to a question you posed, it is far better to say, "He or she
certainly has a circular style!" than, "What is the matter with them, cant they get
to the point?" Learning to deal with a new set of communication styles is part of
the challenge of studying abroad. If you learn to do it well, it will add to your ability
to effectively communicate with a wider range of people than you can now and
significantly increase your intercultural skills. A fuller explanation of these styles
follows below.
Linear: Discussion is conducted in
a straight line, almost like an
outline, with the connections among
the points stated as you move
towards an end point, which is
stated explicitly. There is a low
reliance on context and a strong
reliance on words. (Cut to the
chase, where the rubber meets the

Circular (contextual) Discussion is

conducted in a circular manner, telling
stories and developing a context around
the main point, which is often unstated
because the listener will get the point
after I give them all the information.
There is a high reliance on context.
information, youll know what I mean.)

through explicit statements made
directly to the people involved with
little reliance on contextual factors
such as situation and timing. (What
you see is what you get! Tell it like it

Indirect: Meaning is conveyed by

behavior, and other contextual cues; for
instance, statements intended for one
person may be made within earshot of a
different person. It is possible that
messages will be sent through a thirdparty intermediary. Mostly, however,
this style allows one to avoid
confronting another person or cause
them to lose face. (What you get is
what you manage to see!)

Attached: Issues are discussed

with feeling and emotion, conveying
the speaker's personal stake in the
issue and the outcome. This shows
the passion someone feels in a
situation or for an issue. (If its
important, its worth getting worked
up over!)

Detached: Issues are discussed with

calmness and objectivity, conveying the
speaker's ability to weigh all the factors
impersonally. It is important to be
objective. (If its important, it shouldnt
be tainted by personal bias!)


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Intellectual Engagement: Any

disagreement with ideas is stated
directly, with the assumption that
only the idea, not the relationship,
is being attacked. This is an
intellectual style found in some
European countries. (Were just
arguing-dont take it personally!)

Relational Engagement: Relational

issues and problems are confronted
directly, while intellectual disagreement
is handled more subtly and indirectly. If
you have a problem with someone, it
helps to talk things over, albeit in a nonconfrontational
intellectual debate, it is important to be
treated softly. (Be authentic about your
feelings and respectful of other's ideas.)

Concrete: Issues
examples, with emphasis on the
specific rather than the general.
(Whats an example?)

Abstract: Issues are best understood

through theories, principles, and data,
with emphasis on the general rather
than the specific. (Whats the principle?)




Possible situations in which

discrimination by
communication occurs

a. the interview for a job (discriminatory

b. giving/ checking references for a post
c. employment testing
d. others

1. Discussion
Read and comment the table above. Can communication be discriminatory in
certain situations? Explain.
Is distorted information a source and a tool of discrimination in communication?

2. Reading
Read the following article about language discrimination and decide whether
the following statements (1-7) are true (T) or false (F).
1. Language discrimination is based on the type of style used while speaking.
2. Sometimes people loose their jobs for the way they speak.
3. People talking to someone who doesn't speak exactly like them do not find it
difficult to communicate with that person.
4. Communication barriers originate from social inequality.
5. There is language discrimination in the workplace.
6. A Mutual Life Insurance is related to English-speaking proficiency.
7. In American schools there is discrimination against children whose home
language was "black English."

Language Discrimination: Is it fair?

by Suzanne Crisanti
Language discrimination is when a person is treated differently for the way
he or she speaks. It is not based on a person's appearance, but strictly on the type
of style used while speaking. This is wrong! Because of this, people who are
discriminated against for the way they speak may find it difficult to get a job. Some
people have even lost their job for the way they speak.
However, communication may not be the only barrier for people. See graph

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

(Graph from J. Keith Chick (1990) "The interactional accomplishment of discrimination in

South Africa." In Donal Carbaugh, ed. Cultural Communication and Intercultural Contact.
Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, p. 243.)

While talking to someone who doesn't speak exactly like you, do you ever
find it difficult to communicate with that person? Do you feel frustrated, upset, and
even angry? This is not uncommon. People have different ways of communicating
with others that are influenced by where they are from. A question may be asked
but the desired response may not be given because that person answered the
question according to the way he/she understood it. Yet, the person who asked the
question might think that the response was one way of dodging the question.
There are many communication barriers that exist among various races and
groups of all sorts, which include ethnic, regional, and socio-economic factors. This
is related to the way people treat those types of people. The chart above shows
historical factors as being the primary cause for social inequality. Following the
arrows, you can see how each part of the chart is related to one another. It is
interesting to see that if a person has trouble communicating to people living in a
particular area how easy it becomes for them to make that person feel lesser when
they speak.
Here are some examples indicating communication barriers that led to
language discrimination:
language discrimination in the Workplace (Meyer v. Nebraska): In
1919, the Nebraska Supreme Court found Robert Meyer guilty for
teaching a young student a Bible story in German. However, the
United States Supreme Court rejected this decision on the basis of the
Fourteenth Amendment.
language discrimination in the Consumer Industry (Kim v.
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company): A Korean-American
family sued Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company for its
denial of an application related to English-speaking proficiency. The
company apparently has a requirement that applicants for insurance
must be English-proficient. If not, their application is denied. The case
resulted in a settlement. Northwestern could no longer deny people
insurance because they do not speak English well enough.


E ff e c t i v e L i s t e n i n g . T h e A u d i e n c e

language discrimination in Education (Martin Luther King Junior

Elementary School Children et al., v. Ann Arbor School District): The
main issue in this case was alleged discrimination against children
whose home language was "black English." The court decided that it
was appropriate that the School Board take steps to help the teachers
better understand and recognize the language spoken at home by the

3. Comprehension
Answer the following questions:
How would you explain the concept of discrimination, generally, and language
discrimination, in particular?
Why is it important for teachers to recognize the language spoken at home by the

4. Vocabulary
In each of the following (groups of) sentences (1-7), there are four underlined
parts, A, B, C, and D. For each sentence, find the underlined part, A, B, C or D, that
makes the sentence incorrect. There is always one possible answer.
What is language discrimination?
1. Language discrimination (A) means to treat someone differently solely (B)
because of his or her native language (C) or other characteristics (D) of speech.
2. (A) On the job, for example, an employee (B) may be subjected to language
discrimination if the workplace has a "speak-English-only" policy, (C) especially if
her (D) primar language is not English.
3. An employee (A) may also be the victim of language discrimination if she is
treated (B) less favorable than other employees because she speaks English (C)
with an accent, or if she is told she does not (D) qualify for a position because she
does not speak English well enough.
4. But (A) language discrimination doesn't only happen (B) in the job. For example,
a person may be denied (C) access to businesses or government services because
(D) he or she does not speak English.
5. The (A) question rises: Is language discrimination illegal? Although the (B) law in
this area is still developing, there are many court (C) decisions which have found
language discrimination (D) to be a violation of people's constitutional rights and
civil rights laws.
6. Some courts have found language discrimination to be (A) the same like
discrimination (B) based on race or national origin. (C) As early as 1926, the United
States Supreme Court ruled that a requirement that accounting (D) records be kept
in English or local dialects but not Chinese, violated the Constitution (Yu Cong Eng
v. Trinidad).


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

7. In 1974, the Supreme Court ruled that (A) failing to provide bilingual instruction
for public school students who did not speak English effectively (B) denied them
equal access to educational opportunities, and thus constituted national origin (C)
discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (Lau v. Nichols). And, as
recently as 1991, the court ruled that (D) in some cases, language-based
discrimination should be treated as race discrimination (Hernandez v. New York).

5. Language focus

Do not use masculine
pronouns for both

a. rephrase the sentence

b. make the reference plural

Avoid words derived

from masculine

c. substitute neutral
expressions (he or she,
he/she, you, one, person)
Replace these words.

Avoid words
indicating minorities
in a stereotyped way.

Take care to the effects of

your words!

Avoid words that

indicate age.
Avoid words that
describe disabilities.

Carefully judge the use of

such terms.
Find nonbiased vocabulary
to replace such words.

a. When a client needs
assistance, it is his right
to get it. = A client who
needs assistance has the
right to get it.
b. When clients need
assistance, they have
the right to get it.
c. When assistance is
needed, one has the
right to ask for it.
representative, member
of the Congress
Businessman business
Italians are Mafia
members Wrong!
Blacks can do only
menial jobs Wrong!
the ghetto areas of the
city - Wrong!
e.g. mature, elderly,
juvenile etc.
Deaf and dumb =
hearing and speech

(adapted from Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993: 38)


E ff e c t i v e L i s t e n i n g . T h e A u d i e n c e

6. Speaking

Name some ethical dilemmas in business communication; choose one and

describe it in detail (source, elements, characteristics, ways of preventing it,
Can a business report be discriminatory? Give examples.

7. Writing
Complain to the local newspaper that your firm has been discriminated by a
previous article that appeared in the same newspaper a week ago. That article
contained distorted data about your organization. You wonder whos to blame but
do not accuse your competitors.


Listening represents a vital skill in business.
Do you usually listen according to the five steps mentioned in the table below?
Which of the three types of listening do you prefer? Why?
1. sensing
2. interpreting
3. evaluating
steps in

types of
4. remembering
5. responding

1. content listening
(understand and retain
the message)
2. critical listening
(evaluate the
3. active/ emphatic
listening (to
understand the other

What type of a listener are you?

types of listeners

Self-centered: superimpose their experience on

Defensive: they view every comment as a personal
Good/ effective: receptive to both information and

Does audience represent a problem for you? Explain.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

take into account:
Audiences size and
composition (Who?)

Reaction (How? Why?)

Level of understanding
(How much?)
Relationship with the
sender of information
(What type?)

needs (information, motivational,

a. Make the difference: what do they
want/ need to know?
Anticipate possible questions.
Mind the quality of information (accuracy,
logic, importance, specificity)
b. Try to win the audience to your point of
view (agreement).
c. Current problems audience may face:
lack of time, distraction, and problem
priority. Overcome them by: a convenient
format of your message, use devices that
make the message easy to understand
(summaries, overviews, headings, lists,
appendixes, handouts, charts, graphs,

1. Discussion
What makes you a good listener? Make a list of attitudes and qualities that
contribute to effective listening and discuss them in your group of work.
How will you use your listening skills during an interview or a meeting?
Is it possible to overcome language and cultural barriers simply by listening
carefully? Explain.

2. Reading
Read about another myth of technical communication Audiences are Static.
Choose the best sentence from the list below (A-E) to fill each gap (1-3). There is
one sentence that you do not need. There is an example at the beginning (0-E).
A But within one or two decades, these people will have become a vanishingly
small component of the audience for typical software developers.
B But will they change over time?
C And the cycle begins again as more neophytes pick up the product and decide
it's worth learning because it's the standard.
D The only way to find out will be to keep our eye on them and start assessing
how their needs are changing.
E That's far from true.
There's a myth that once you've characterized your audience through
audience analysis, the job's done and all you need to do is follow up with a round
of usability testing to provide a reality check. /__0 E/
Inconveniently, audiences insist on changing over time. The neophyte you
devoted an entire "getting started" manual to teaching eventually grows beyond
the need for this information, and may even become a "power user." Some of the
former power users leave, tempted away from the fold by newer, more interesting
products that present exciting new possibilities; in particular, the radical fringe who
first adopted a product and pushed it to its maximum potential often leave to


E ff e c t i v e L i s t e n i n g . T h e A u d i e n c e

follow newer waves, leaving behind craftsmen who feel no need for such
exploration. /__1/
I've already mentioned that our audiences are aging, but this fact has
significant implications beyond the need to remember legibility issues. One change
that is already well underway and that may be complete within the professional
lifetimes of most current business people involves computer use. Even today, 20
years after personal computers began moving out of the hands of hobbyists, we
must write for an audience that includes a fair number of people who are acutely
uncomfortable with computers and who may be using them for the first time. /2__/
If they become sufficiently rare, perhaps our employers won't grant us the time
and resources to cater to their needs. For most of our audience, computers will be
so familiar that they're second nature, and that will have profound implications for
how and what we document. There's already a trend in this direction, since
manuals that begin with the words "We assume you already know how to use
Windows" have pretty much driven manuals with an operating system tutorial into
How else will our audience change over the next two decades? /3__/
(adapted from:

3. Comprehension
Answer the questions:
How do audiences change over time?
Does the audience of technical communicators resemble in any respect with the
audience of a business presentation?
Will employers still hire technical communicators in future?

4. Vocabulary
Use the word given in capitals at the end of each gapped line (1-10) to derive a
word that fits in the space.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Usually it is important to 1__ and use your own words in 2__ your
understanding of the message. Parroting back the words verbatim is annoying
and does not ensure accurate understanding of the message. Depending on the
purpose of the 3__ and your understanding of what is relevant, you could
reflect back the other persons: account of the facts, thoughts and beliefs,
feelings and emotions, wants, needs or motivation, hopes and 4__.
Dont respond to just the 5__ of the words, look for the feelings or intent
beyond the words. The dictionary or surface meaning of the words or code
used by the sender is not the message.
Inhibit your impulse to immediately answer questions. The code may be in
the form of a question. Sometimes people ask questions when they 6__ want
to express themselves and are not open to hearing an answer.
Know when to quit using active listening. Once you accurately understand the
senders message, it may be appropriate to respond with your own message.
Dont use active listening to hide and avoid 7__ your own position.
If you are confused and know you do not understand, either tell the person
you dont understand and ask him/her to say it another way, or use your best
guess. If you are 8__, the person will realize it and will likely attempt to
correct your misunderstanding.
Active listening is a very effective first response when the other person is
angry, hurt or expressing difficult feelings toward you, especially in
relationships that are important to you.
Use eye contact and listening body language. Avoid looking at your watch or
at other people or activities around the room. Face and lean toward the
speaker and nod your head, as it is appropriate. Be 9__ about crossing your
arms and appearing closed or critical.
Be empathic and 10__. You can be accepting and respectful of the person and
their feelings and beliefs without invalidating or giving up your own position,
or without agreeing with the accuracy and validity of their view.





5. Language focus

When you communicate within the organization you usually communicate
information (reports, memos, proposals, procedures etc.).
When you communicate outside the organization, mostly by letter writing, you
communicate not only information, but also certain effects (i.e. goodwill effect,
persuasion etc.)
goodwill effect
(favourable effect)

emphasis determines


Techniques used to achieve that effect

Use a conversational language (warm and natural).
Use you-viewpoint: it emphasizes the readers
Be sincere in being courteous.
Avoid a cold, unnatural style.
Be careful not to manipulate!
Avoid exaggeration.
Place the word/phrase you want to emphasize in the
beginning/end of the sentence.
Give the topic you want to emphasize more space.
Use short sentences that emphasize the content.

E ff e c t i v e L i s t e n i n g . T h e A u d i e n c e

Accuracy effect
clarity and planned
persuasion effect
moderation effect (for
bad news)

Use mechanical devices (colour, diagrams).

clear, logic presentation
clear, logic presentation
Pay attention to text coherence.
Use adequate vocabulary!
Give special care to the words/ phrases you use!
(adapted from Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993: 73)

Read the table about sending a message according to certain goals and objectives
(Harold D. Lassiters diagram)

Elements to care about




Communication process

To whom?

The receiver


The receiver


what Getting information about the

results of communication

Knowing the author of the
To describe the trends of the
message; comparing the
To know the aims of the
Describe the communication
patterns; persuasion
To assess feedback, to
analyze the information flow
(Lasswell 1973)

5. 1. You are supposed to deliver a speech in front of a reluctant audience. Re write the following messages trying to render an effect of accuracy, clarity,
sometimes persuasion or good will. Discuss the changes you have made in the
text to achieve your goal.
a. The pupil will organize his work so that he or she can pass all classes.
b. PR employees will increase communication skills. They will also
increase written language skills to 3rd grade level.
c. Our sales agents will pass all training classes.

6. Speaking

Make a list of various activities that may help you improve your listening
skills. Present it to your colleagues.
Evaluate yourself as a listener; then do the same with your best friend. Do
the problems you have (as a listener) affect your behaviour at school/ at
work/ in your group of friends?

7. Writing
In not more than 200 words make the profile of the ideal audience; consider a
particular occasion (conference, presentation, trade fair, negotiation, etc.).


Definition: A presentation is a prepared talk given by a speaker (the
transmitter) to one or more listeners (the receivers)

Components of a presentation



The structure
of a



objectives, audience, time, location
goal, expectations, main points, best order,
your relationship with the audience, their
collect materials
select relevant points
group common points
arrange ideas in the most
meaningful sequence
consider ways of linking pieces of
information most effectively
Consider the structure of your presentation

Introduce yourself (if necessary)
Introduce your talk (subject of your
Present main point divided into: point
1, point 2, etc.
Emphasize transition between parts
Invite questions (if necessary)
Restate the subject
Summarize main points
Draw a conclusion

Gain attention
possibilities: human
interest, humour,
questions, etc.
Be logical,
coherent, clear
Call for action

C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

Elements of an effective
organization of
delivery of information

use of language

care for the audience

structure transparency
content organization
information level
1. image (formal/informal; relaxed/ high powered,
2. audience features
3. non-linguistic techniques
4. linguistic techniques (sentences, voice, silence,
humour, questions)
5. technical support (slides, diagrams,
transparencies, handouts, etc.)
never forget the audience
Let them ask questions or make comments

4. Presentation making
Presentation techniques
Extemporaneous: thorough
preparation, uses notes,

Presentation strategies
1. Determination of the presentation method
2. Consideration of personal aspects
(confidence, sincerity, thoroughness,
3. Audience analysis (audience
characteristics: size, age, education,
knowledge, audience reactions: facial
expressions, movements, noises)
4. Be careful with your appearance and
physical actions (communication
environment, personal appearance, posture,
manner of walking, facial expressions,
5. Use of voice (avoid: lack of variation in
pitch, lack of variation in speed, lack of vocal
emphasis, unpleasant voice)
6. Use of visuals (select visuals carefully, use
the type of visual that communicates the
information best, make the visuals points of
interest in your presentation)


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s
(all tables adapted from Bove, Thill 1992 and Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993)

Types of presentations:
1. Classic (one person presentation)
2. Team (collaborative) presentations
3. The oral report (an oral presentation of a factual information)
Tips for effective speaking:
organize your speech logically
target your speech to a clear conclusion
adapt your language to the audience
pronounce clearly
speak correctly
maintain a vivid attitude
use body language to best advantage
be relaxed and natural
keep eye-contact
be calm
support your presentation with visuals
keep your temper

1. Discussion

What kind of presentations have you delivered during your school years?
Analyze yourselves as effective speakers. Have your personal characteristics
influenced your presentations?

2. Reading

Read about Audience Interaction. The topic sentence in each paragraph has been
removed. Choose from the list (A-M) the best sentence to fill each of the blanks (111). There is one extra sentence, which does not belong in any gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0 E).
A The keywords when dealing with disruption are to be polite but firm, never
lose your temper or your cool.
B It was recommended earlier that you planned your presentation to have a
question and answer session at the end.
C The use of humor in presentations is a difficult area.
D A good presentation can be ruined by a poor question and answer session.
E Recognizing both positive and negative signals from audience interaction
during presentation should not change your planned presentation
F If someone denounces something that you have said, avoid getting into an
argument with them.
G Another thing that can prove invaluable is to know how to recover when a
joke has failed.
H When answering questions do so by speaking clearly and confidently,
otherwise you will appear unsure of what you are saying.
I You may be facing an unresponsive group, one that just sits inert and will not
show any interest in taking part - even during the planned question and answer
J You may face questions that are unanswerable.


C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

K However by pausing, taking a drink of water and regaining eye contact with
supportive members of the audience the presenter has managed to compose
herself once more.
L Consider an example where the presenter has started well, and delivered a
clear and concise introduction.
M Humour should be carefully used in a presentation.
Audience interaction
Focusing Your Message for Maximum Impact
/0 E/ Your message and the material with which you are communicating it
should have been carefully prepared and radical changes will almost certainly not
be practical. The real point of reading signals from your audience is that it can help
you to judge who you have on-side, who is opposing your point of view and who
has yet to decide. This should help you to focus your message where it can have
maximum impact, talking round those that can be swayed, whilst keeping your
supporters with you and trying not to alienate the opposition. One or more
members of your audience may attempt to disrupt your presentation, usually
because they strongly disagree with your message. Learn to recognize how this
disruption may manifest itself and you will be better equipped to cope with it.
Use Humor Carefully
/1__/ On the whole humor is seen as a positive thing - but its all down to the
way its delivered. There is an increasing trend towards actually opening
presentations with a joke - and if you carry it off it can be an excellent way of
creating a rapport with the audience. However, a badly executed joke, or simply
the wrong joke can create erect an insurmountable hurdle - right at the start. You
must be confident that any jokes you include do not offend or embarrass any
members of your audience - as this will represent negative audience interaction
during presentation. Timing is a critical aspect of using humor effectively. Good
comedians work with timing, and practice setting up the punch line. The use of
pacing, time and pauses are all important when telling jokes.
/2__/ Often this can be done just by pointing out the flatness of the failed
joke - but once again this is a skill that takes a lot of self-confidence and practice. If
you are tempted to use humor because the content of your presentation seems a
little dull, then you may be safer using an analogy. Done with care, this can liven
up a presentation and help the audience to remember your key points. For
example, if you were a sales manager trying to explain to your sales force the
attributes of your competitors you might draw parallels with popular family pets from a loyal dependable unimaginative Labrador to a small tenacious hyperactive
terrier to a large aggressive and dominant Rottweiller. In summary, if you are using
humor make sure it is a medium that you are familiar with, check the
appropriateness of the content, rehearse it well and have a contingency plan in
case it falls flat.
Never get into an Argument
/3__/ If you enter into a shouting match with a heckler then they win and
you lose. It is vital you dont let disruptive members of the audience derail your
presentation - you are working to a tight schedule so dont get involved in
protracted discussions. Try to approach the point of contention from any
common ground that you share, but if this fails to work then politely request that
the point is discussed later at the pre-planned question and answer session.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

/4__/ If your point was based on fact then make this clear and present the
evidence. However, if it was based on your personal opinion then dont attempt to
pass this off as factual - it is your presentation and therefore your opinion should
be worth expressing. Always remember that what is underlying the point of
contention may be a genuine concern and that if you try to brush it aside it is likely
to be taken up by other members of the audience, who may then swing against
you. Attention seekers may make silly or sarcastic comments simply to get
themselves noticed, whilst other members of your audience may respond
unwittingly to a rhetorical question that you pose - simply because they werent
paying full attention. Try to analyze these sort of events as they occur and
respond, perhaps with humor or support but dont try to put people down - as this
nearly always reflects badly on the presenter.
Losing Your Presentation
/5__/ This will enable you to deliver your message and then end strongly
with a clear and concise summing up before entering the relatively unpredictable
area of tackling questions from the floor. Unless you are using visual-aids make
sure that they are switched off to avoid them causing a distraction during your
conclusion. Step forward so that you are confidently asserting yourself as the
center of attention and then deliver the summing up with confidence and authority.
It may be a good idea to announce that the end is near - as this can refocus the
attention of any members of the audience who are beginning to suffer from
listening fatigue. For example you could say Now to sum up briefly before I answer
your questions. Your conclusion, or summing up, should be strong and clear but
not protracted. Ideally it will represent about 10 per-cent of the overall
presentation. The last impression you make with the audience will be the lasting
one and the last words that you say may be the best remembered - so always plan
to finish strongly. Aim to reiterate the main points from your presentation. Use a
combination of pauses, intonation and other verbal techniques - such as
alliteration, in order to create a memorable statement.
The Question & Answer Session
It was recommended earlier that you provide your audience with a protocol
in the introductory phase of your presentation; to include such elements as the
timing of the question and answer phase. This is often best dealt with at the end of
the presentation, just before your final summing up.
/6__/ Conversely a mediocre one can be saved by a confident final session.
The key to being confident in dealing with questions is preparation. When you have
finished drafting your presentation read through it carefully and note any questions
that it is likely to raise, and prepare answers to these in advance. This is the time
to focus on any areas in which your message is short of facts or vulnerable to
being challenged - in this way it is usually possible to anticipate most questions
that are likely to arise. This analysis will also help you to prepare one or more
lengthy answers in advance for questions that you are sure will be raised.
/7__/ You may think that the obvious conclusion to draw is that they have no
interest in what you are saying. However it is equally likely that you are just facing
an unresponsive group, this may be due to the character types within it or the
intra-group politics. If your presentation has a chair then the chairperson should
intervene and ask some initial questions in an attempt to involve your audience.
/8__/ Do not let nerves draw you into responding hastily, always think about
your answer before you speak and if necessary refer back to your notes in order to
answer a question. If the question requires clarification then ask the questioner to


C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

do this, rather than risk answering a question that wasnt asked. When answering,
address the entire audience and not just to the questioner, and avoid getting into a
protracted debate on any point that is raised - you may offer to see a questioner
after the presentation to continue a point that is of specific personal interest to
/9__/ These may be posed by people who are hostile to your message or by
those just wishing to make a point. If you feel unable to answer a question you
may find it useful to have a standard reply ready in order to reduce its impact on
your presentation. Here are some examples that you may find useful:
I'd rather not answer that here and now, but if you see me after the session I will
take your details and get back to you as soon as Ive checked some facts.
Let me think about that for a minute, can we come back to it later? Next question
I dont think that the information necessarily supports either view definitively.
However my personal opinion is that.
Regaining Control During a Presentation
/10__/ However early into the main body of the presentation she became
confused about where she was in relation to her cue cards, nerves set in and
subsequently she lost the attention of the audience. At this stage the presentation
could have degenerated into chaos, which is what would happen if control was not
/11__/ She followed this by telling a joke at her own expense, and then firmly
re-established her position in the presentation by summing up the main points
made so far. Following this her confidence returned and the presentation
proceeded well, with the help of smooth running audio-visual aids and some well
researched but spontaneously delivered examples. The presentation ended with a
clear and memorable conclusion and the question and answer session was also
well managed. The overriding impression was of a professional and successful
presentation. This example illustrates a key point - that if the presenter can remain
calm and composed and deal with situations as they arise then they should be able
to stay in control, hold the interest of the audience and make a successful

3. Comprehension

Explain and find synonyms for the words written in italics in the text above.

4. Vocabulary

Here are some phrases you can use during a presentation. Practice them in short
presentations in your work group.
Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen/ colleagues. My name is
and I am
I would like to say a few words to you about/ I would like to talk to you about/ I
would like to explain to you the operation of.
I will take about 20 minute of your time.
I aim to talk to you for about minutes.
This will take about
I have divided my talk into three main parts.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

The subject may be looked at under four main headings.

During my talk Ill be looking at two main areas.
If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.
Ill be glad to try to answer your questions at the end of my talk.
To start with, Id like to consider
First of all, Id like to look at
Those are the main points on
Thats all I have to say about
Now we have looked at/ dealt with
Now lets turn to/ move on to
Id like now to consider/examine
Next we come to
Turning now to
Lets move on now to
The next point Id like to make is
As I said at the beginning
I told you a few moments ago that
In the first part of my talk I said
As I have already said
As I mentioned earlier
Ill come to that later.
Ill return to this point in a few minutes.
Ill talk about this in the next part of my presentation.
Ill comment on this in my conclusion.
So now, Id just like to summarize the main points.
In brief, we have looked at
Thats all I have to say for now.
I think that covers most of the points.
That concludes my talk.
Thank you for your attention.
And now, if you have any questions, Ill be glad to answer them.
Does anyone have any questions?
Any questions?

5. Language focus
Study the following tables and try to improve their content with some other
Giving opinions
Degree of intensity


Im convinced/ sure/ positive that
I strongly believe that
I have absolutely no doubt that

C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

I definitely/ certainly think that

I really do think that
I really feel that
In my opinion
As far as I am concerned
According to
I think/ consider/ feel that
I believe that
As I see it,
To my mind
From my point of view
Im inclined to think that
I tend to think that



Asking for opinions

Intensity of manner



Do you really think that?
Do you really believe that?
Are you absolutely sure/ convinced/ positive
Dont you think that?
Do you think?
Do you believe that?
Do you consider that?
Am I right in thinking that?
Would I be right in thinking that?
(see Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 186)

6. Speaking

Present some advantages and disadvantages of getting feedback during a

Discuss some good and bad techniques of using visuals.
Make a presentation to a hypothetical group of investors that may help you
begin a new business.

7. Writing
Prepare outlines for the following speaking situations:
a five-minute talk to 15 workers that must improve the quality of their work.
A 10-minute informative presentation to a group of high school pupils
interested in attending the Faculty of Economics
A 20-minute sales presentation to a 5-member group of top executives
interested in ordering some of your products.

1. Discussion

How do cultural differences affect a presentation making?


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

2. Reading
Read the text about how to deliver an effective presentation. The topic sentence
has been removed from some paragraphs. Choose the suitable topic sentence for
each paragraph.
A As you can see, communication is a complex two-way process.
B The most important thing to remember is that the message that you intend to
communicate is likely to be misunderstood.
C Creating and delivering an effective presentation require a basic
understanding of the communication process.
The Communication Process. Delivering effective presentations
/1/ Most business presentations require the clear and unambiguous
communication of a message in a way that can be clearly understood by the
recipient. It is human nature to assume that when we communicate we are doing
so effectively; and that if anything goes wrong consequently then the responsibility
for that must rest with the recipient. This screen highlights six steps that constitute
a typical two-way communication, and when the opportunities for misscommunication are considered you may view it as surprising how often
communication works without a problem.
A presenter speaks to an audience. Therefore we have:
1. What the presenter thinks they say;
2. What they actually say;
3. What the audience thinks they say.
None of these are necessarily the same and three chances already exist for a
breakdown in communication.
As a result of what a recipient hears, they may make a reply, giving:
1. What they think they say;
2. What they actually say;
3. What the presenter thinks they say.
Six Steps in Effective Communications
Lets examine each of the six steps in slightly more detail - with a view to providing
some guidelines that should help to promote more effective two-way
1. Ensure that your audience are tuned in and paying full attention to what you are
about to say. Once you have the attention of the audience the communication of
the message can begin.
2. Each recipient listens to the message.
3. Each recipient will have some feeling about the message and will interpret its
meaning. This is often done in the light of individual attitudes and prejudices or
alternatively with reference to previous experience or associations. Your problem is
that the audience may not feel and interpret in the way that you intended. The
result may range from a simple failure for the message to hit home, through to a
serious misunderstanding.
4. Each recipient may respond to the original message.


C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

5. You have now become the receiver, and should listen carefully to the message.
6. You will feel and interpret something about this message. This may range from
satisfaction that the communication is proceeding as you intended, to
bewilderment at how your original message was miss-interpreted.
/2/ This is why it so often breaks down and is ineffective. With the complexity
apparent even in a simple communication, it should be apparent that there is a
need for clarity and simplicity - to minimize the chance of misunderstandings.
Communication is a skill and like any skill it requires practice. It is improvement
through practice that differentiates a skill from other forms of knowledge.
Understanding the theory of communication and effective presentation will not in
itself make you a brilliant communicator or presenter but should make you aware
of how to maximize the impact of your presentations.
/3/ Therefore in addition to carefully preparing and presenting your message, stay
alert for any signs that your audience is misinterpreting it. It is up to you, the
presenter, to continually check that your message has been received, understood,
correctly interpreted and filed in the receivers mind.

3. Comprehension

Explain how a breakdown in communication can occur.

How can a message be distorted?

4. Vocabulary

Read about the Seven Steps to Better Presentations, by Jeffrey Veen. For each
blank (1-10), decide which of the options A, B, C, or D is best. Only one answer is
correct and there is always one correct answer.
Seven Steps to Better Presentations
I've noticed a lot of talk about Powerpoint lately. About how it's so terrible and
how it 1__ awful presentations. But the problem isn't Powerpoint, of course. The
problem is bad content delivered poorly. I speak for a living, and hear lots and lots
of presentations at the conferences I attend. Here are some notes I wrote up for
someone who is 2__ to give his first ever public presentation.
Tell stories. Seriously. People could care less about the five ways some XML
vocabulary will enable enterprise whatever. Rather, put a screenshot of your
project up, tell people what you learned 3__ doing it, then give them a slide that
reiterates those ideas in easy to digest bullets. That's do not go from bullet-point
slide to bullet-point slide trying to tell people what to think.
Show pictures. Got a good metaphor? Use it. "The Web is like a school of fish."
But go to and type in "sardines" or "school of fish" or 4__. Make
it a slide. Then say the Web is like that. Much more powerful and memorable.
Don't apologize. Ever. If something is out of order, or if something occurs 5__
you as a mistake during the presentation, keep it to yourself. They'll never know.
Besides, nobody cares about the presentation itself. This is really hard, because you
know the whole backstory, and you'll be tempted to explain why something isn't
quite perfect. Skip it. Also, you don't need to apologize about the color on the
projector, or the fact that your mic just popped off your lapel, or that a staff person
spilled a pitcher of water. Commiserating is fine, however. "If it 6__ another 5
degrees colder in here, I'll be able to see my breath!"


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Start strong. I can't believe how many presenters forget this. Do not get up
there and say, "Um, well, I guess we should probably get started." Instead, say,
"Hi, I'm Jeff. It's really great to be here, and thank you so much for coming to my
session. Today, we're going to talk about...." Make sure those are the absolute first
words you say out 7__. No need for a joke or an opening or any of that. Just start
strong and confident.
End strong too. " that's why I like social software. I appreciate your
attention today. Thank you." Then stand there and wait. Everyone will clap,
because you just told them you were done. When they've finished, ask them if they
have any questions. If nobody asks anything, 8__ the uncomfortable silence with
"Well, I guess I told you everything you need to know then. [heh heh] I'll be around
after if you think of anything. Thanks again!" and start packing up your stuff.
Stand. Away from the podium. Out from behind the presenter table. Keep
your hands 9__ of your pockets. Take off your conference badge (the lights will
catch it and be distracting). I pace a little bit around the stage, timed with my
points, saying one thing from over here, and another from over there. But don't
move too much.
Pause. When you say something important, leave a gap 10__ it. Let it hang
there for a few seconds. Try it when talking to your friends. "You know what I think?
(pause...two...three...four...) I think X is bankrupting this corporation for the next
ten years. (pause...two...three...four...) Here's why..."



B enables
B ever
B in
B whatever
B about
B makes
B loud
B interrupt
B of
B ending


C produces D
C aloud
C from
C what
C to
C becomes D
C in loud
C stop
C off
C after


D about
D alike
D by
D besides

Language focus
Distinguish between: agreeing with someone // agreeing to something.
Study the table and use the phrases in a conversation with the topic Facing
cultural diversity in negotiations.
Agreeing with someone
Agreeing to something
I totally agree with you
I totally accept that
I fully/ completely agree
I fully/ completely agree
Im in total agreement with you
Im in favour of that
Up to a point/ To a certain extent Up to a point/ to a certain
Id agree with you, but
extent Id accept that,
You may have something there
That may be so, but
You could/ may be right, but
That may/ might be right,


C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t


(Im afraid) I cant agree with you

I dont agree

(Im afraid) I cant accept

I dont accept that

(see Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 188)

Make the difference: to agree with (someone/something)// to agree to
(something) // to agree to do something // to accept something

6. Speaking

Work in groups. One member of the group will make a short presentation of a
product he/she has bought lately. The other members of the group will make
comments about the accuracy of the presentation they have just listened to.

7. Writing

Draft the plan of a presentation you have to make in front of a group of investors
willing to finance a student project about the environment protection.



Read about the essential use of communication in recruitment activity. Consider
the steps you have to take, the activities you should perform and the skills you
may be required in applying for a job. Do you have suggestions of your own to
improve the table below?
Essential use of communication in recruitment activity
the job

the job

- analyze your work skills
and qualifications
- list your best prospects for
employment (build a
network of contacts)
- develop a strategy for
selling yourself
- apply for an interview
- attend the interview
- write your CV (resume)
- write the application letter
(cover letter)

skills required
- analytical and synthetic
- assessment ability
- creative thinking

1. Skills for the position you apply

- functional skills (leadership,
speaking ability,
- education and experience
- personal characteristics (i.e.
outgoing, articulate, great with
people, aggressive, )
2. Skills for the interview and the
written documents you have to
- speaking and writing skills
- use correct business vocabulary
- use correct grammar
- .

1. Discussion
1. 1. Consider the following questions:
What would you enjoy doing every day?
What type of corporate culture best suits you?
What type of organization do you want to work for?
1. 2. What speaking skills should you have in order to perform well during a job
1. 3. Discuss the importance of each of the stages you have to pass through in
order to get a job (job-inquiry letter, application letter, CV, interview).

2. Reading
Read about the importance of words at the place of work. Give each paragraph (18) the appropriate title from the list below (A H).

C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

A - Credibility Assessment; B - Opportunities to Earn Your Credibility; C - Credible

communicator; D - Say No when Necessary; E - Your Word Represents You; F - Tell
the Truth; G - Communication truthfulness; H - Importance of Words You Say
1. You have to be credible when you apply for a job. Credibility in the workplace
means that people believe what you say because your reputation is based on a
track record of telling the truth. Your estimates have always been accurate, your
forecasts realistic and your word solid.
2. From the moment you submit a rsum and then interview for a job, the
credibility counter is activated. Your CV's assertions should be accurate, your
chronology factual and your affiliations, degrees and awards correct. Whether or
not you are "found out" during the interview process, you can lose your job and
damage your career immeasurably when you lie, misstate or misrepresent your
accomplishments. You're also susceptible to blackmail when you lie and are then
threatened with exposure.
3. People listen to what you say and how you say it. In every job situation you have
the opportunity to become known as a person of his or her word. Conversely, you
can become known for shading the truth, for telling people what they want to hear,
or parsing words as a defendant might do under cross examination in a court of
law. Whether you cry racism, sexism, ageism or favoritism, it's important that there
be credence to your claims. You do everyone a disservice if you falsely accuse or
ascribe such motives to actions that otherwise occur.
4. Be cautious of assertions made about others. Whether or not you're a manager,
your words carry a weight to them that affects others. Gossiping about others or
spreading falsehoods or even half-truths can flag you as dangerous, untrustworthy
and ultimately unpromotable. One of the keys to success in the workplace is
engendering trust from your co-workers. If you are gossiping or betraying
confidences you destroy your own credibility as an honorable co-worker, a safe
confidante, and an ally.
5. Workplaces provide ample opportunities for you to earn credibility. Every time
you make a deadline, do what you say you'll do or are there in a time of need for
others, the department of the company at large, your credibility rises. Whenever
you defend the honor of co-workers who aren't present, refuse to engage in gossip,
or caution others to give co-workers the benefit of the doubt, you are showing
wisdom and professionalism, which raises your credibility in the workplace.
Similarly, when you "say the right thing" or "do the right thing" in ethical situations
your credibility is enhanced.
6. Often employees fall down when it comes to admitting mistakes. The credible
communicator can admit errors or mistakes in a forthright and direct manner.
Everyone makes mistakes, yet the credible communicator can address them and
go about rectifying them, restoring confidence in him or herself. Those lacking in
credibility might try to cover up, ignore or minimize their folly, often compounding
the error of their ways. Ultimately, it's less important that you made a mistake,
than that you fixed it and can assure others it won't happen again.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

7. The credible communicator doesn't just tell people what they want to hear. Life
would be easy if we could say "yes" to every request we received. Yet realistically,
agreeing to something you ultimately can't deliver on is detrimental to your
reputation. Say "no" when this is the right answer, even though it may not be the
popular one. Over the long term, you will be respected for the accuracy of your
assessments, decisions and determinations, even if the news isn't music to the
ears of all who listen. Sometimes the truth isn't popular or pretty, but a person who
is a "straight shooter" is respected by all.
8. Strive to boost your credibility rating at work and in your professional
relationships. You'll know you're succeeding when you hear others tell you they
know they can count on you, have confidence in your projections and feel secure in
their knowledge you're on the team.
(adapted from Craig Harrison.

3. Comprehension

Explain the meaning of the following words in the context above:

Track record (par. 1); exposure (par. 2); parse (par. 3); engender (par. 4); forthright
(par. 6)

4. Vocabulary

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each gapped line (1-10) to derive a
word that fits in the space.
Job fairs, like interviews, are face-to-face meetings
between 1__ and employers. They are one of the easiest
places to find good job leads. Every employer 2__ is there
to hire one or more workers. At a fair, jobseekers gather
3__ about a company to help them decide if they want to
apply for a job. 4__ staff booths and answer questions,
distribute brochures, accept resumes, and size up
jobseekers. Making a good 5__ at a job fair may give your
resume or 6__ added weight. The 7__ tips can help you
make the most of any fair. But you have to find the fair.
Career centers, associations, State and local 8__, and
private companies organize job fairs. Find the fairs in your
area by looking 9__ they might be announced. Ask a
career counselor, review the business bulletin board at
your school or local library, check the employment section
of the newspaper, and search online via an Internet job
fair 10__. You know that before attending a fair, you
should prepare a resume. Bring several copies to the fair.
Leave at least one with every company that seems



5. Language focus
Simple: and, or, if, when, that, since, why, but etc.
Compound: although, otherwise, however, therefore, notwithstanding, besides


C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

as if, as though, as soon as, as long as, so that, even if, as well as
on condition that, in case that, provided that, in order that, no matter how
Correlative conjunctions: eitheror, neithernor, bothand, not onlybut
also, no soonerthan, notbut, not soas, asas, whetheror, thoughyet
The subordinate clause cannot stand by itself as a sentence; it depends
on a main clause.
Main types of subordinate clauses

a noun
or a
place of

1. defining relative
clauses are essential
to the meaning of the
sentence by providing
necessary information.
2. non-defining relative
clause provides extra
information and is not
essential to the
meaning of the main
Cause or reason


Result/ effect

Introduced by:
Relative pronouns:
Which/of which
Relative adverbs:
when, where, why

as, since, because, for,

the reason for, the
reason why, on the
grounds that, seeing
that, in view of, owing
to, now that, because
of, due to the fact that,
in order that, so that,
in order (not) to, so as
(not) to, with the aim
of, with a view to, for,
for fear/lest, for fear of,
in case, avoid, prevent
that, with the result
that, (and) as a result/
consequently, so,
therefore, etc.

ANY TENSE can be
used in a relative

Clauses of
purpose follow the
rule of the
sequence of
that is preceded
in the main
sentence by the
correlatives: such
a (n)/ so


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s


(the adverbial clause
of comparison)
Concession/ Contrast

(if clauses)

as soon as, as long as,

just as, after, since,
once, before, by the
time, when, while,
till/until, the moment
(that), whenever,
every time, etc.
where, wherever
(exactly) as, (just) as
As, than, as if, as
though, in spite of (the
fact)/ despite, while,
whereas, on the other
hand, yet, but,
however, nevertheless,
whatever, no matter
what, however, no
matter how
if, unless (ifnot),
providing, provided
(that), as long as, on
condition (that), in
case, suppose,
supposing that, but for
+ gerund/ noun,
otherwise, or else,
what if, even if, only if

The time clause

requires a present
instead of a

Structures that
require a clause of
+ as + subject +
+ though +
subject + verb

Read the following paragraphs and identify the type of subordinate clauses they
contain and the words they are introduced by.
It has been seen that people desire goods and services because they derive
utility from them, that the utility derived from consumption will vary as between
different commodities and different people, and that in general the additional
utility derived from any commodity by any one person diminishes as his rate of
consumption rises. (Nevin 1971: 49)
Labour must be regarded as a very special agent in production, since (unlike
land and capital) it is inseparable from the personality of its supplier. (Nevin 1971:

The concentration on the productive activities of human beings, which is

called labour, should not be taken to imply a belief that this is the only aspect of
human economic activity with which the economist need be concerned. (Nevin
1971: 71)

It may be asked why the banks should lend money to discount houses,
rather than discount the bills themselves and so enjoy the profits otherwise made
by the discount houses. (Nevin 1971: 317)


C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d Re c r u i t m e n t

6. Speaking
Identify particular business situations in which a certain type of subordinate is
mostly used to create a well-aimed effect. Bring arguments in favour of your

7. Writing
Write an article for a newspaper in which you complain that you have suffered
discrimination at the job interview you attended. Describe the situation in detail
and stress the communication situations that put you into a bad light.



1. Discussion
How do you think companies find new employees?
How do job seekers find work?

2. Reading
2. 1. Cover letters (letters of application). Read the following text and find for each
paragraph a suitable title.
Cover Letters: How to Sell Yourself
1. Your application letter is one of your most important job-search documents. An
effective letter can get you a phone call for an interview, but a poorly written
application letter usually spells continued unemployment. The difference can be a
matter of how you handle a few key points. The following are some tips to help you
develop effective application letters.
2. Give your readers some insight into you as an individual. Sometimes the writer
chooses to describe particular experiences and skills that could not be generalized
to most other recent graduates. Draft your letter to show how your individual
qualities can contribute to the organization. This is your letter, so avoid simply
copying the form and style of other letters you've seen. Instead, strive to make
your letter represent your individuality and your capabilities.
3. Preferably, the person you write to should be the individual doing the hiring for
the position you're seeking. Look for this person's name in company publications. If
the name is unavailable in these places, phone the organization and ask for the
person's name or at least the name of the personnel manager.
4. Your introduction should get your reader's attention, stimulate interest, and be
appropriate to the job you are seeking. For example, you may want to begin with a
reference to an advertisement that prompted your application. Such a reference
makes your reason for contacting the company clear and indicates to them that
their advertising has been effective. Or you may want to open by referring to the
company's product, which you want to promote. Such a reference shows your
knowledge of the company. Whatever opening strategy you use, try to begin where
your reader is and lead quickly to your purpose in writing.
5. Make your goal clear. If you're answering an advertisement, name the position
stated in the ad and identify the source, for example: "your advertisement for a
graphic artist, which appeared in the Chicago Sun Times, May 15, 2006, ...". If
you're prospecting for a job, try to identify the job title used by the organization. If
a specific position title isn't available or if you wish to apply for a line of work that
may come under several titles, you may decide to adapt the professional objective
stated in your resume. Additionally, in your first paragraph you should provide a
preview of the rest of your letter. This tells your reader what to look for and lets

Wr i t i n g E m p l o y m e n t D o c u m e n t s

him or her know immediately how your qualifications fit the requirements of the
job. Also refer in the last sentence of the first paragraph to specific work
experience that can be detailed in the following paragraph.
6. Organize the middle paragraphs in terms of the qualifications that best suit you
for the job and the organization. That is, if your on-the-job experience is your
strongest qualification, discuss it in detail and show how you can apply it to the
needs of the company. Or if you were president of the Marketing Club and you are
applying for a position in marketing or sales, elaborate on the valuable experience
you gained and how you can put it to work for them. If special projects you've done
apply directly to the job you are seeking, explain them in detail. Be specific. Use
numbers, names of equipment you've used, or features of the project that may
apply to the job you want. One strong qualification, described so that the reader
can picture you actively involved on the job, can be enough. You can then refer
your reader to your resume for a summary of your other qualifications. If you have
two or three areas that you think are strong, you can develop additional
paragraphs. Make your letter strong enough to convince readers that your
distinctive background qualifies you for the job but not so long that length will turn
readers off. Some employers recommend a maximum of four paragraphs.
7. Refer to your resume. Be sure to refer to your enclosed resume at the most
appropriate point in your letter, for example, in the discussion of your qualifications
or in the closing paragraph.
Conclude with a clear, courteous request to set up an interview, and suggest a
procedure for doing so. The date and place for the interview should be convenient
for the interviewer. However, you're welcome to suggest a range of dates and
places convenient to you, especially if you travel at your own expense or have a
restricted schedule. Be specific about how your reader should contact you. If you
ask for a phone call, give your phone number and the days and times of the week
when you can be reached.
Be professional. Make sure your letter is professional in format, organization, style,
grammar, and mechanics. Maintain a courteous tone throughout the letter and
eliminate all errors. Remember that readers often "deselect" applicants because of
the appearance of the letter.
Seek advice. It's always good idea to prepare at least one draft to show to a critical
reader for comments and suggestions before revising and sending the letter.

Now check if the titles you found resemble the real titles of the paragraphs (a-g)
and match the paragraphs (1-7) with their headings.
a. Highlighting Your Qualifications; b. Individualizing Your Letter; c. Other Tips; d.
Addressing a Specific Person; e. The Importance of Covering Letters; f. Catching
Your Reader's Attention; g. First Paragraph Tips
2. 2. Job Advertisements. Read the following job advertisements. Extract from each
the job requirements and the skills they are looking for and decide which best fits
your career objectives and qualifications.
We are currently looking for 4 engineers who have experience in C++ and DSP for
integration with our clients systems/chips. As it is a client facing role you must
have a good personality & also your minimum academic qualification must be a


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Bsc (min of 2-1 but ideally a 1st); preferably a Msc. We will also consider junior
applicants with a similar academic quals who have had work placements or
projects involving C++ & DSP.1st preference will be given to applicants with 2+yrs
commercial exp.

Artists wanted for games industry. Experienced and trainee positions available.
Knowledge of 3D Studio MAX, Maya and photoshop all an advantage. Please supply
sample of work with CV.

One of the UK's largest and award winning direct communications companies is
seeking customer service agents to join this fast moving, highly responsive team.
You will be replying to customer queries efficiently and effectively in writing either
by e-mail, fax or letter using personal judgment and initiative to investigate
customer requests and ensure timely fulfillment of orders. You will maintain
accurate task analysis records and ensure the database is correctly updated for all
communications and transactions. The successful applicant will be educated to
GCSE level or equivalent and have excellent keyboard skills ideally allowing you to
type 50 words per minute. You will be able to demonstrate excellent written
communication skills and computer literacy including word and e-mail. You will
have a minimum of 6 months working in an office or clerical environment. Both full
time and permanent opportunities exist. To apply please e-mail your CV with a
short cover letter, or for more information call the number above.

At least 2 years commercial C++ experience working in a team environment
Should have a strong mathematics / physics knowledge and ideally an
understanding of 3D graphics
Experience with a 3D graphics API such as DirectX or OpenGL would be useful
Experience with DirectX 8 vertex and pixel shaders would be useful for work on the
Xbox console or for PC titles and tools
Experience with low level assembler programming would be useful, particularly
MIPS / PowerPC
Creative programming ability - having an eye for quality and special effects
Passion for games (both playing & programming)
Experience of version control software (e.g. VSS or CVS)
A game demo with sample source code

e.g. Job advertisements and job requirements

To be: sociable, numerative, aggressive, mature, self-motivated, conscientious,
dedicated, patient, bright, sensitive, confident, specialised, articulate, reserved,
economical, aggressive, limited, talkative, anti-social, mean
To have: appropriate professional qualifications, sound practical experience
(proven track record), integrity, talent, the ability to establish rapport drive,
stamina, flair, aptitude for, industrial experience


Wr i t i n g E m p l o y m e n t D o c u m e n t s

2. 3. Application letter examples

Read the following letters. Discuss their content (logical sequence of ideas,
accuracy, tone, style, layout, etc.). Notice what are the points the applicants are
1707 Guernesey Lane
Austin, TX 78759
6 June 1997
John G. Holloway
Brackenridge Hospital
4505 W. Tom Thumb Ave.
Austin, TX 78703
Dear Mr. Holloway:
I am writing in response to your classified ad in the Austin-American Statesman for
Assistant Director of Materials Management. Based on my experience and
continuing education, I believe that I am qualified to fill this position.
For the past four years, I have been employed in the materials divisions with two
different manufacturing companies, XETEL Corporation and Fisher Controls
International. My experience there has ranged from controlling, buying, analyzing,
to planning materials.
Currently, I am attending night school at Austin Community College where I lack
only nine hours to complete my Associate Degree in Business Administration.
When I complete this degree, I hope to return to St. Edward's University to
complete my course work for a degree in Technical Business.
Brackenridge Hospital and the Children's Hospital supply such a vital service to the
Travis county area that I would be proud to be a part of your team. I hope to get a
chance to discuss my qualifications and goals with you. I can be reached at (512)
877-0991 after 5 p.m.
Sincerely yours,
John M. Owens
Encl.: resume

3303 West Valley Cove

Round Rock, Texas 78664
August 5, 1990
Personnel Assistant
JD Employee Credit Bank of Texas
P.O. Box 32345
Austin, Texas 78745
Dear Personnel Assistant:


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

I am writing about your newspaper ad in the August 1 Austin-American Statesman

concerning your need for an experienced programmer in the database
environment. I believe that I have the qualifications and experience that you are
looking for.
As for my experience with database programming, I have worked for the past year
as a programmer/analyst in the Query database environment for Advanced
Software Design. In that capacity, I have converted a large database that was
originally written in a customized C language database into the Query database
environment. I am currently working on a contract with Texas Parks and Wildlife to
make major modifications to its existing Query database application. On both of
these assignments, I have also served as customer contact person.
Related to this database-programming experience is the work I have been doing to
write and market an automated documentation utility for Query database
applications. This product was written using a combination of C, Pascal, and Query
programming languages. I was responsible for the authorship of the Pascal and
Query programs. The Pascal programs are completely responsible for the user
interface and system integration management.
Enclosed you will find a resume, which will give you additional information on my
background and qualifications. I would welcome a chance to talk further with you
about the position you are seeking to fill. I can be reached by phone between 9:00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at (512) 545-0098.
Virginia Rementeria
Encl.: resume

3. Comprehension

3. 1. Fill in the following table with information you have found in the letters
Applicants name
Employers name
Source of information
Previous jobs
Future plans
Applicants motivation

Virginia Rementeria
John Holloway

3. 2. Write an answering letter to one of the two candidates

announcing him/her that he/she is hired
refusing him/her

4. Vocabulary

4. 1. Find the right place for the following vocabulary items missing from the
following letter of application (covering letter):


Wr i t i n g E m p l o y m e n t D o c u m e n t s

311 Nestor Street

West Lafayette, IN 47902
Ms. Christine Rennick
Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis, Inc.
P.O. Box 233
Gulltown, MD 21038
Dear 2.
Dr. Saul Wilder, a consultant to your firm and my Organizational Management
professor, has 3. me that Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis is 4. someone with
excellent communications skills, 5. experience, and leadership 6. to train for a
management 7. I believe that my 8. resume will demonstrate that I have the
characteristics and 9. you seek. In addition, I'd like to mention how my work
experience last summer makes me a particularly strong 10. for the position.
looking for, Ms. Rennick, candidate, June 6 1998, experience, informed,
enclosed, organizational, background, position
As a promoter for Kentech Training at the 1997 Paris Air Show, I discussed
Kentech's products with marketers and 11 personnel from around the world. I
also 12 and wrote reports on new product 13 and compiled information on
aircraft industry trends. The knowledge of the aircraft industry I gained from this
14 would help me analyze how Aerosol products can 15 the needs of regular
and prospective 16, and the valuable 17 I gained in promotion, sales, and
marketing would help me use that information 18
researched, clients, position, sales, development, effectively, meet,
I would 19 the opportunity to discuss these and other 20 with you. If you are
interested, please 21 me at (317) 555-0118 any morning before 11:00 a.m., or
feel free to 22 a message. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the ways
my skills may 23 serve Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis.
qualifications, welcome, leave, best, contact
Sincerely yours,
First Last name
Enclosure: resume
(, adapted from: Halpern, Jeanne W., Judith
M. Kilborn, and Agnes Lokke. Business Writing Strategies and Samples. New York:
Macmillan, 1988.)

4. 2. Read the following useful phrases in an application letter:

Getting attention:
Highlight your strongest work skills: When you need a who can .. call


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Mention the name of a person highly regarded by the reader: When X of

your division spoke to our business communication class last week, he said
you need.
Make reference to publicized company activities or achievements: The
Financial Times reports that you may need the expertise of a ..for the
opening of your new division in Germany.
Use a question referring to the organizations needs: Can your R&D division
use a specialist in with nine - year experience in the field, a BA in
chemistry and a real desire to succeed? If so, please consider me for the

Stating the reason for writing:

I am applying for theposition advertised by your firm in..
I am seeking a position in.
Subject: Application for position (you may use a title at the opening of your
Expressing motivation and expectations:
If my application were successful, I should like to
I wish to become involved in
I feel strongly that
Giving evidence of work experience:
I feel I am well qualified to for the following reasons:
As a who has, my experience would be invaluable in
My particular interest is
Through I am well aware of
By ing and ing I would be able to
Ways of ending a letter of application:
I have no urgent commitments at present.
After you have reviewed my qualifications, could we discuss the possibility of
putting my skills to work for your company?
I am available; should you wish to discuss matters further, please contact me at
I would welcome the opportunity to meet you.
You can contact me on (your telephone number) between 11 am and 6 pm at
the above address.
Expressing application follow-ups:
Please keep my application in your active file, and let me know when you need a
Please keep my application in your active file, and let me know when a position
opens for a capable.

5. Speaking

Work in groups. Write an application letter for the position you consider best fits
your qualifications. Give it to a colleague in your group. After reading it, each in
the group will have to concisely analyze the document, pointing out its value and
its weak points.


Wr i t i n g E m p l o y m e n t D o c u m e n t s

6. Writing
Draw an application letter (cover letter), imagining you are applying for the post of
CEO of a well-known multinational.
Write a covering letter applying for one of the positions advertised at the
beginning of the unit.


1. A resume should contain:

name and address, phone number

career objective: be as specific as possible
education: it contains: the school you most recently attended, list for each
school you attended (the name and location); institutions, dates, degrees,
areas of study
work experience: should list all the related jobs youve had
activities and achievements: projects, community service activities
personal data (hobbies, etc)
other relevant facts: miscellaneous facts: foreign languages proficiency,
computer expertise, date of availability, references

Keep in mind! The following expressions are alternatively used:

Career objective = summary of qualifications
Education = academic credentials// academic preparation// professional
college training
Work experience = employment history

2. The format of the resume

Read the following checklist for resumes and discuss it with your colleagues. Try to
improve it.
contents and style
present the strongest, most relevant qualifications
do NOT use whole sentences
use facts, not opinions
avoid personal pronouns
omit the date of preparation
omit mention of your desired salary, work schedule, vacation schedule
contact information
use a title/ your name and address as a heading

3. Vocabulary
You will find in the table below some action verbs for pointing out
accomplishments; discuss their usefulness when writing your CV and application
letter and try to find some more.

Administer, assign, attain, chair, consolidat direct, evaluat, improve,


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

on skills
Helping skills
Clerical or
detail skills
More verbs

increase, organize, plan

Address, arbitrate, arrange, collaborate, convince, direct, draft, edit, lecture,
Clarify, collect, critique, evaluate, examine, investigate .

Assemble, build, calculate, compute, design, devise,

Adapt, advise, clarify, coach, communicate, coordinate, develop, explain,
facilitate, inform
Administer, allocate, analyze, appraise, audit,
Act, conceptualize, create, customize, design, establish

Assess, assist, clarify, coach, counsel, educate, facilitate

Approve, arrange, classify, collect, execute, implement, prepare
Achieve, expand, improve, pioneer, reduce (losses), resolve (problems),
restore, spearhead, transform
(adapted from Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993: 339)

4. Writing

Write your resume according to the standard procedure being careful to include
the elements below:
Arrange logically the information on education (dates, institutions, degrees, major
field); employment (dates, places, firms, duties); personal details (interests,
memberships, achievements), special information (achievements, qualifications,
abilities), references.
Use a heading for the entire resume and subheadings for the parts
Include a statement of objective: e.g.: To serve in an entry-level position in
personnel management that will provide an opportunity for growth and
advancement.; Sales Representative for X Corporation leading to sales
administration.; To apply 20 years of successful furniture sales experience to
selling quality products for a progressive company.
(adapted from Lesikar, Petit, Flatley, Basic Business Communication, IRWIN, 1993: 337)

Supplementary information and activities

Other types of employment messages

1. Discussion
1. 1. Read the list containing other types of employment messages and check your
knowledge: do you know when to use them?
Job-inquiry letter
Application form
Application follow-up letter
References (testimonial or open letter of reference)// Recommendation letter


Wr i t i n g E m p l o y m e n t D o c u m e n t s

1. 2. Answer:
Whats the goal of a recommendation letter?
What should such a letter contain?

2. Reading
2. 1. Be creative and finish the following recommendation letter by adding the missing
I am pleased to support Tom Smiths application for
For the past five years, Tom and I haveWorking closely with him, I have
found that he is a goodNot only is hebut he alsoI have really enjoyed
workingwith him.
We need morelike Tom. I would be happy to elaborate on his skills if you call me
at home any evening.
2. 2. Read the following letters refusing to recommend a candidate and identify
their characteristics.
e.g. 1 letter addressed to the employer
Tom Smith did work at as a . from May 1999 through July 2203. In light
of current legalities, however, we cannot comment on the job performance of
people who no longer work here; I am sure you understand the dilemma. Good luck
in your hiring process.
e.g. 2 letter addressed to the job applicant
You have had an interesting year since you left Thank you for bringing me
Your decision toseems well thought-out, and the classes you have taken
should help you get a job. Your instructors at the community college would have
more relevant knowledge of your ability to perform the type of job you are applying
for, so I suggest you ask them for recommendations.
Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

3. Vocabulary
Reference-writing expressions you may need them in giving references about
a job candidate.
He has been a most valuable/ loyal/ hard-working/ co-operative employee // She
has a logical mind and is sensitive// She has a talent/ flair for design and is
creative// She is an effective// He was a very active member ofand he
had a good relationship with colleagues// Through full and active membership of
the team, he created/ initiated/ inspired/ encouraged/ built up strong personal

4. Language focus


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Connectors and sequence markers are words or phrases, which show the
relationship between ideas; they connect the following information with the earlier
The merger has already been decided. So, theres no use fighting against it.
In brief, the purpose of my lecture is to convince you to buy our product.
Types of relationships
between ideas

Time relationships

Logical relationships

Textual relationships


Connectors and sequence markers

First, first of all, initially, to start with, the first step,
at the first stage
Second, secondly, the second step, at the second
Third, thirdly, the third step, at the third stage
Then, after that
Next, subsequently, the next step, at the next stage
Finally, the final step, at the final stage
Other language forms: before + verb ing, after +
verb ing, (after) having + verb ed
Therefore, so, accordingly,
consequently, as a
consequence/result, hence, thus,
because of this, thats why, for
this reason
Similarly, in the same way, here
again, likewise, in comparison,
Anyway, at any rate
In fact, actually, as a matter of
fact, indeed
Then, in that case, although, if
Instead, alternatively
Yet, however, nevertheless, still,
but, even so, all the
same,conversely, whereas, on
the other hand, nonetheless, on
the contrary, in contrast
Time sequence
Formerly, after, when,
meanwhile, sometimes
Connectors and sequence
Also, in addition, moreover,
furthermore, besides, too,
overall, whats more in
brief/short, first, second, finally
In particular, in detail, especially,
notably, chiefly, mainly
Indeed, in fact, in any event

Wr i t i n g E m p l o y m e n t D o c u m e n t s

Stating the

That is, in other words, as has

been said
Usually, normally, as a rule, in
general, for the most part, in
most cases, on the whole
Obviously, naturally, of course,
In other words, that means,
namely, that is to say, or rather
For example, for instance, say,
such as, as follows, in particular,
in this case, to illustrate, also,
To sum up, then, overall, in
In conclusion, finally, lastly, to
(see Brieger and Sweeney 1994: 208)


Test your skills in writing application documents

1. Look in the local newspaper for a job advertisement or compose the
advertisement for an imaginary post you would like to apply for.
2. Write the corresponding letter of application.
3. Write your CV.
4. Write two recommendation letters one, highly enthusiastic, the other as
neutral as possible.
5. Write a letter to follow up a job application using the information below:
A month ago you applied for the position of.with.(the name and the
address of the company) sending an application letter and your CV to, the
director of personnel. Since you have ten-year experience in ..industry and a
good academic record, you are very confident in your chance to get the position.
Unfortunately, you havent got any reply yet, so you decide to write a follow-up
letter to show your interest in the position.
Consider the following points in your letter:
You dont know what has happened with your resume and application letter you
sent them a month ago
Since you wrote, you.
You have submitted applications to several other firms but would prefer to work
Write a follow-up letter tothat will reinforce your application with

The interview is a planned conversation with a specific purpose involving
two or more people.

Types of interviews

job interview (directed, less formal,

unstructured, simultaneous, simulating, stress
interview etc.)
information interview
persuasive interview
exit interview
evaluation interview
counselling interview
conflict resolution interview
disciplinary interview

(from C. L. Bove, J. V. Thill, Business Communication Today, New York: Mc Graw Hill Inc.,

1. Discussion
Work in groups. Choose one of the eight types of interviews from the table above
and make a list of some specific communication skills you suppose it calls for.
Present the list to the class and bring arguments in favour of your choice.
Try to find similarities and differences between the interviewer and interviewee
(purpose, skills they need, style etc.).

2. Reading
Read the article about employment interviewing. Choose the best sentence from
the list below (A-K) to fill each gap (1-9). There is one sentence that you do not
need. There is an example at the beginning (0 C).
A Employers say they are impressed by well-informed jobseekers.
B Another important step in preparing for a job interview is to practice
describing your professional characteristics.
C But it doesn't have to be.
D Responding to interview questions should not sound as if you are reciting a
E Although these interviews often have different purposes, they all require basic
interviewing skills.
F As a starting point, try to respond aloud to the following:
G Preparation can be as important as the interview itself.
H Focus on what you learned from the experience, being careful never to
criticize a previous employer or coworker.
I The company itself is often the easiest place to start your search.
J When responding, focus on subjects related to the job.
K Clothes should be clean, well fitting, and wrinkle free.
Employment Interviewing. Seizing the Opportunity and the Job
by Olivia Crosby

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Interviewing is the most stressful part of the job search for many people. /0
C/ Interviews are an opportunity to show you are an enthusiastic worker who would
do a job well. You can make the most of that opportunity by being prepared,
presenting a professional demeanor, and describing your qualifications well.
There are many types of interviews: screening interviews, designed to
whittle the applicant pool; longer second and third interviews, intended to help
employers make final selections; and telephone and video conferencing interviews,
arranged to capitalize on available technology. /1/ Read on for advice about what
to do before, during, and after a job interview.
Preparation. Career counselors say a good job interview starts well before
the jobseeker and interviewer meet. /2/ Researching, practicing, and dressing
appropriately are the first steps to making the most of a job interview.
Research. One of the best, but most frequently overlooked, ways to
demonstrate enthusiasm for a job is to research both the company and the
position for which you are being interviewed. /3/ Before arriving for an interview,
you should know what the company does, how large it is, any recent changes it
has undergone, and what role you could play in its organization. Try to learn about
the company's goals and values. With these facts, you can show how your
qualifications match the company's needs.
/4/ Many businesses fill their websites with information tailored to
jobseekers. These sites often include a history of the company and a description of
its products and customers. And many companies' human resources departments
will send recruiting information if you request it.
Public libraries and career centers also have valuable information about
employers, including companies' annual reports to shareholders, reports kept by
local chambers of commerce, trade journals, and business indexes, such as
Hoover's Business Index and Dun and Bradstreet.
Practice describing yourself. /5/ Think of examples from past jobs,
schoolwork, and activities to illustrate important skills. Recalling accomplishments
beforehand, when you don't have to respond under interview pressure, will
strengthen your answers during the actual event.
Every interview will be different, and there may always be surprising
questions. Nevertheless, interviewers suggest rehearsing with a career counselor
or friend to gain confidence and poise. /6/
* How would you describe yourself?
* What did you like most about your last job?
* What types of courses do you enjoy most?
* Why should I select you over other applicants?
* What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
* What are your hobbies?
* Tell me more about the project you described on your resume.
* Describe a work or school-related problem and how you solved it.
* Tell me about a time you worked as part of a team.
* What are your short-term goals?
* Why do you want to work in this occupation and for this company?
Each question gives you an opportunity to illustrate your favorable
characteristics. /7/ For example, if asked to describe yourself, talk about your
professional characteristics and background, not your personal life.
Some questions such as those about hobbies or interests may seem
irrelevant. Interviewers ask these types of questions to learn about your
personality and test your interpersonal skills. In addition, answering questions
about your hobbies or interests allows you to highlight some of your other



strengths. Participating in a sport might demonstrate teamwork; ability in a craft,

such as needlepoint, shows an attention to detail.
Career centers and libraries have many books with additional questions and
possible answers. The goal is not to memorize responses to these questions but to
become comfortable speaking about yourself, your training and experience, and
your career goals. /8/
Whatever the question, be ready to accentuate the positive. The interviewer
might ask for a weakness or failure; choose one that does not affect your ability to
do the job, or describe a shortcoming you are working to overcome. For example, if
interviewing for an entry-level job, cite your lack of paid experience. If there are
weaknesses evident on your resume; or transcript, such as being fired from a job
or receiving poor grades, rehearse an explanation before the interview in case you
are asked about them. /9/
Interviewers suggest rehearsing with a career counselor or friend to gain
confidence and poise. The goal is to become comfortable speaking about yourself,
your training and experience, and your career goals.

3. Comprehension

Arrange the steps of the interview in an acceptable order and discuss your option.
10 Steps to a Successful Interview
Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to.
Use body language to show interest.
Read company materials while you wait.
Thank the interviewer.
Smile, nod, give nonverbal feedback to the interviewer.
Introduce yourself in a courteous manner.
Arrive on time.
Have a firm handshake.
Ask about the next step in the process.

4. Vocabulary
4. 1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each gapped line (1-7) to derive a
word that fits in the space.
On the day of the interview, give yourself plenty of time
to get ready for and travel to the interview. Plan to
arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. 1__ carrying a briefcase to
the interview. In addition to giving you a 2__ look, a
briefcase serves a function: it gives 3__ to things you
will want at the interview. These include a pen and
paper to record important information, such as the
proper spelling of the interviewer's name and the time
and date of followup interviews; copies of your rsum
or application and 4__; and examples of your work, such
as writing samples.










B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

remember: you have been asked to interview for the job

because the employer believes you could be right for it.
The interview is your chance to confirm that 5__ and
establish rapport. To reduce 6__, interviewers
recommend getting a good night's sleep and
maintaining your usual morning routine if you never
eat breakfast, for example, don't eat a 7__ morning
meal on interview day. They also recommend calling to
mind some of your happiest memories or proudest
moments before arriving for the interview.


4.2. For each blank (1-15), think of the word that best fits in the context. Use only
one word in each space.
Dress professionally. Securing 1__ job is much easier if you look the part. A useful
guideline is to dress 2__ you would for an important day 3__ the job, like a meeting
with a supervisor or a presentation 4__ a client. Clothes should be clean, well
fitting, 5__ wrinkle free. Most employers expect jobseekers 6__ wear a traditional
two-piece suit, preferably 7__ a conservative color such as navy blue, gray, 8__
black. The object is to look reliable, 9__ trendy. Many employers say that women's
skirts should be knee-length 10__ below. Polished, closed-toe shoes complete 11__
professional image.
Avoid last-minute clothing disasters 12__ trying on your suit a few days before the
interview. And plan 13__ the unexpected: if you will wear a skirt, buy an extra pair
of stockings; if you have shoes that tie, get more shoelaces. Bring such extras 14__
with you the day of the interview.
Keep hair neat by tying it back, putting it up, or cutting it short. Avoid cologne and
perfume, large pieces of jewelry, and heavy or unnatural makeup. These distract
the interviewer 15__ your qualifications.

5. Language focus
Open-ended: it invites the
interviewee to offer an opinion

Types of

Direct open-ended: it suggests

a response
Closed-ended: it calls for short
responses or yes/ no answers
Restatement: invite the
respondent to expand on an
Warm-up: it helps break the ice

What do you think your

company expects from
How have you trained
Did you attend those
You said you like
travelling. Is that
How was your trip?

Indirect: elicits further


Id like to know more


(from C. L. Bove, J. V. Thill, Business Communication Today, New York: Mc Graw Hill Inc.,



Checking and confirming information

Asking for repetition

If you didnt hear
the message, you
may use:
State your problem
and then make a

Asking for

Ask for more

precise information.

Asking for

If you want to check

that you have
understood the
message, you may

Asking for spelling



You can paraphrase

the information or
summarize the
main points.

Do not forget to use

a polite formula
before. making the

Sorry? Pardon? Pardon me? (AE)
Excuse me? (AE)
Im sorry, I didnt quite hear/ catch
what you said. I missed that part.
Could you repeat that / say that
again, please?
Would you mind repeating that,
I dont understand what you have
just said. Could you go over that
again, please?
What exactly do you mean by?
What is the precise purpose
function of?
Could you tell us a bit more/ Could
we have some more details
about, please?
Did you say.?
You did say, didnt you?
Is it true/ a fact that he .?
Can/could you spell that, please?
In other words
What I mean is/ By that I mean
Let me just go over/ repeat/
summarize the main points again.
If I could just bring/ draw together
the points we have discussed.
Excuse me, Sorry, thats not quite
Sorry, I think youve made a
(see Brieger and Sweeney 1994: 182)

6. Speaking

How do you prepare for a job interview?

Is there advisable to mention your weaknesses in a job interview? Why?
Comment upon discrimination during a job interview.

7. Writing

Select a job advertisement from the local newspaper and write the following
a job inquiry letter
a thank-you letter for the interview
a request for more time to decide
a letter of acceptance


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

a letter declining the job offer



Types of business
Steps (i)

1. planning

3. revising

Steps (ii)
1. defining the purpose

2. analyzing the
audience (audience

inside the firm: memos, minutes, reports

outside the firm: business letters (of
inquiry, complaint, order, warning etc.)
General: to inform, persuade,
Specific: to present specific data, to
convince somebody to do something, to
help somebody to do something
Small/ large
Informed/ uninformed
Specialists/ casual public, motivated/
unmotivated, etc.
It should make a statement about the
Oral/ written communication

3. establishing the main

4. selecting the
channel and medium
The result should be a well organized message, with:
- clear subject and purpose,
- information related to the subject and purpose
- logically grouped and presented ideas
- all necessary information included
Review the message for content and organization

1. Discussion
What will be, in your opinion, the main characteristics of business correspondence?
What are the prerequisites of a well organized business message?

2. Reading
Read about some key elements of the Business Communication Protocol and discuss them in your study
Business Communication Protocol
A universal format, style, and etiquette is accepted by nearly all
organizations. Job candidates can alienate potential employers simply because
they do no use standard business writing style. Professional communication
ability remains a significant factor that employer use in evaluating and comparing
Each letter, however, must be individually tailored to the needs of the
prospective employer and individually produced.
Misunderstandings often occur because of the failure to follow up in writing.
Take the extra time needed to avoid confusion.

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Always keep copies of letters sent because they may save later
embarrassment. If correspondence is lost in the mail, showing potential employers
the copy may save a job offer.
The importance of proper communications cannot be overemphasized.
Written communication is the backbone of every personnel office. A good
succession of communication shows the employer that you sincerely want the job.
Correspondence Tips
Use a standard business style format and 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
Type all letters. Employers type even personal notes, so follow suit.
Address letters to a particular individual, and use his/her correct title.
Never duplicate a letter; each must be an original.
Make paragraphs average in length.
Always send a letter with a resume, never a resume alone.
Check your work carefully for grammar and spelling. It is a good idea to
have someone else proofread it.
Be wary of suggestions to use gimmicky attention-getters, overzealous or
desperate-sounding phrases, and exaggerated praise of the employer.

3. Comprehension
Consider the words/ phrases from the text above, which are written in bold. Why
were they emphasized in the text? Bring arguments in favour of their importance
for business correspondence.

4. Vocabulary
Colloquial American Business Jargon Defined
Native speakers unconsciously use jargon or slang that doesn't mean much to speakers of English (or
even American in this case) as a second language. Here are some common phrases used by American
businesspeople during U.S.-Japanese business meetings.
20-20 hindsight
A rising tide that lifts all boats
An Old (China, Japan etc.) Hand
at loggerheads
at the 11th hour
both sides of the aisle
deep pockets
Do you read me?
dog and pony show
don't make waves
down in the dumps

perfect knowledge but too late
something that benefits all (Pres. Kennedy)
someone with long experience in the place
at the last minute
develop by yourself without outside support
from politics, involving both parties
wealthy; has ability to pay
do you understand (military communications)
financial presentation
don't disagree or contradict policy
( )


Business Correspondence

5. Language focus
You use assertion if you want to emphasize what you are saying and to influence
the attitudes and behaviour of your listeners.
Downtoning is used when you are not certain and want to protect yourself from
your listeners.
Fronted topic


Cleft sentences:
Its + subject + that
Relative clause + is +
Inversion (after certain
negative words: no-one,
nowhere, never, nobody,
Intensifying adverbs
(wholly, totally, completely,
fully, absolutely, entirely,
extremely, highly, very,
fairly, reasonably, quite,
Connecting expressions of
highlight (in particular,
besides, especially, etc.)
Use the verbs: seem,
Use the verbs: tend to, be
inclined to


Minimize message with:

just, only, a bit, a little
Express possibility with:
maybe, perhaps, might

Express reservation with: in

a way, to some/ to a certain

Rarely is he punctual at
It is the competition
that counts.
What it counts is the
In no way will I deceive
Their company is
completely bankrupt.

He upgraded his
computer. In particular,
he maximized the PC
It seems that the stocks
will plummet.
He tends to
underestimate the
expertise of his
Its just only a minor
delay; its nothing
Perhaps we will accept
merger with NTX
We might accept merger
with them.
In a way I have to agree
to their proposal.

(adapted from Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 174)


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

6. Speaking

Which is the most important, the correspondence outside or inside the firm?
Bring arguments to support your opinion.
Give examples of adapting the message you are sending to the audience.

7. Writing
In not more than 200 words write an essay about the manipulative power of words.



Business letters usually use the BLOCK STYLE. This means:
the addressees name and address are at the top ON THE LEFT
the date: usually, on the right
no punctuation in the address or after the salutation
the paragraphs start at the margin, with double space between them
the writers name and title are under the signature
Letter layout
The logo of the firm
The senders address
The recipients address

Your ref:
Our ref:
The date

The salutation (Dear Sir/ Sirs/ Madam/ Mr. Thomson/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms/ Kate)
Heading (it says what the letter is about)
The body of the letter
Introduction: it says why you are writing
The main message: details
The close: it usually mentions a future, planned activity
The ending of the letter
Closing formula
The signature
The name (typed)
Keep in mind
Ref. = references: names (initials of the author/ typist of the letter)
Common introduction formulae: I am writing in connection with/ I have
received your letter ofconcerning
Ending formulae: I look forward to receiving your / Looking forward to
hearing from you
Closing the letter: Yours faithfully/ Yours sincerely/ Sincerely

1. Discussion

What function do letters perform in society/ in business?

What do the style and tone of a letter depend on?
What does the format of a letter depend on?

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

2. Reading
2. 1. Read the following examples and try to figure out what do they refer at?
Match them (a-e) with the suggestions you have below (1-5).
Style of business correspondence
I am writing to apply for the position you currently have open
I am writing in response to your letter of in which you discuss problems you
have had with.
I am writing in response to your July 2, 2006 letter in which you.
I have just received your September 20, 2006 letter in which you
I have worked as a teacher in London for about ten years. Since 2001 I have been
teaching at . University As for my work experience, I have worked.
If you do not send us the computers by the 1 July, you will not get the money
Please send us the computers we ordered till the 1 July as we agreed in the
contract. Any change of the deliverate date may entail, unfortunately, changes in
the method of payment.
As soon as you, I will to . May I expect to hear from you within the week?
I am available in the afternoons, from 4 pm to 5 pm. Can we set up an
appointment to discuss? Ill look forward to hearing from you.
1. If you are responding to a letter, identify that letter by its subject and date in
the first paragraph or sentence
2. Provide topic indicators at the beginning of paragraphs; topic indicators = a
word or phrase that indicates the topic
3. Change the cold, unfriendly negative tone with one much more positive, cordial
and tactful.
4. State the main business, purpose, subject matter right away:
5. Give your business letter an action ending whenever appropriate: make clear
what you expect the recipient to do and when
2. 2. Here are some tips you may find useful in writing your business letters.
Comment upon their value in business writing:
compartmentalize the contents of your letter: place each different topic of
the letter in its own paragraph
keep the paragraphs short: these will help the reader to read rapidly,
comprehend and remember the important facts or ideas
list or itemize whenever possible: it makes it easier to pick up the important
place important information strategically: info in the first and last lines of
paragraphs tends to be read and remembered better; place important
information in high - visibility points
find positive ways to express bad news; avoid such words as: cannot, forbid,
fail, impossible, refuse, prohibit, restrict, deny.
avoid pompous, inflated, legal-sounding phrasing (picture yourself as a
plain-talking, common-sense, down-to-earth person)


C o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h Pa r t n e r s

3. Comprehension
Consider the tips presented under 2. 2. What do the following words mean in that
context: compartmentalize, itemize, strategically, positive ways,

4. Vocabulary
Read the following pieces of advice about business correspondence. Explain or find
synonyms for the words written in italics.
Before you begin sending any letters, it is important that you devise some way of
keeping track of when and what you have sent. For instance, if you send a letter to
Ms. X asking for an interview and offer to call her during the week of June 6th, you
need to have that date on record so you can be sure to meet that commitment.
Also, if you are sending out 40 letters to various employers, it can be critical to
know what you have said in a particular letter to be able to follow it up with
accuracy. Listed below are two formats for organizing your letter campaign.
A. Create a chart with columns for the prospective employers name, the person
contacted, the date sent, any commitments you made in the letter and follow-up.
Make another chart showing the response you received from each letter with
column headings, such as prospective employers name, person who replied, date
of reply, and action taken. Keep these charts up to date and hold on to letters you
B. Make copies of all the letters that you send out and file them in a folder. Keep
another file folder for the letters you receive which call for further action to be
taken on your part and a separate file folder for your rejection letters. This method
can be especially helpful because you have reference to all your letters for use
when composing other letters. Also, you can look back over the letters you have
sent and see which ones were the most effective in generating interviews.
You should also take into account some general suggestions for letter writing:

follow rules of layout and format of a standard business letter

slant letter toward what you can offer employers, not what you think they
should be offering you
address, whenever possible, to an individual, along with his/her correct title
spell, punctuate, and paragraph correctly
write in your own words and in conversational language
hand-sign, rather than type your signature
print your letters on good quality paper
be brief, concise and to the point
close with a direct request for some sort of action (i.e. interview
take advantage of any link to the employer that can put your foot in the
door or give you an edge over the competition (for example, mentioning the
name of someone you know in the organization)

Its not advisable to:


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

use stiff language or phrasing

be gimmicky in an attempt to be original or clever
load with constant use of the word I
be lofty in tone or indicate you will do the employer a great service by
considering a position
be excessively emphatic about your reliability, capacity for hard work or
intelligence. This kind of self-appraisal is usually best understated. The
appearance and tone of your letter and resume can say more about you
than you can gracefully say about yourself.

5. Language focus


Language techniques
Clauses of contrast
But, though, although, even
though, while, whereas
Phrases of contrast
Despite, in spite of
Sentence connectors of contrast:
yet, however, nevertheless, still,
but, even so, all the same
Clauses of comparison
Comparative + than
Rather than
As as; not so as


Expressions of comparison
Compared to/with, in comparison
Words and expressions of
Conform to, match, resemble,
look like, correspond to
Differ/ vary/ diverge/ deviate +

We will deliver you the
merchandise even though the
deadline of delivery is a bit too
He was promoted in spite of
some serious mistakes he has
We are the first car supplier on
the market. However, we need
to improve the quality of our
Having a reliable investor is
more difficult than I have ever
They should pay their debts
rather than defer them.
I ordered as many pieces as
you told me to.
Their business plan is not
reliable compared to ours.
Their price is the same as two
years ago.
Their price differs from that of
their competitors.

(adapted from Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 178,180)


C o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h Pa r t n e r s

6. Speaking

Discuss each of the style requirements in writing business letters. Can you
establish a hierarchy among these issues? State your reasons.
What is a recipient-oriented style?

7. Writing
You are the system chief engineer of the university. Write a letter to the
Department of Modern Languages Applied to Business in which you communicate
your plan for installing the equipment for a new computer-assisted languageteaching laboratory.



By function
Direct requests/ Routine inquiries
Inquiries about people
Favourable responses/ Routine, goodnews, and good-will messages
Bad-news messages/ Claims
Persuasive messages

By message
I. Initiating
II. Response

Refusing a request
Adjustment grants
Adjustment refusal
Credit refusal
Sales letter

(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: 70 and Lesikar, Petit and Flatley 1993: XVii)

1. Discussion

You have here a long list of letters that can be written in business environment.
Read the list and try to figure out what particular situations do they serve for.
Describe the situation in your own words. Try also to assign them to a particular
type from the table above.
letters of acceptance
letters accepting a job offer
letters acknowledging orders/ order
letters of appreciation
letters approving credit
letters of authorization
letters checking a reference
letters for claims and adjustments
letters of condolence
letters of congratulations
letters conveying news about products
letters declining a job offer
letters denying routine requests
letters giving unfavourable replies to
letters of greetings
letters of inquiry

letters of job application

letters offering a job
letters placing orders
letters providing credit references
letters of recommendation
letters replying to requests
letters requesting action/ credit/
information/ a recommendation/ a
time extension
letters of resignation
letters responding to customer
sales letters
reminder letters
order letters
response letters
request letters
follow-up letters


1. Reading
1. 1. Read the following example of inquiry letter in the form of an e-mail message.
Is there any difference between the electronic form and the typed form?

Communication inside the Firm

09-03-02 16:28:56
SUBJECT: Comments on AB document and AB987 quotation
Please send me your comments asap on the documents.
Id like to finalize them this week.
Jan Jansen
Nedco Den Bosch
DB 99-36 TEL. 8261
Comments on AB document and AB987 quotation
1. 2. Other models of inquiry letters
a. letter asking for information (preliminary inquiry). Read the following letter and
identify its main parts:
Dear Sir
We are a multinational corporation established in 2000 by the merger of two of the
biggest organizations in car industry and we have been operating in your country
for 2 years, since 2001.
We are most interested in developing secondary industry in this area. One of our
projects is to establish a car-components industry and we wonder if you could help
us to find a suitable partner.
The sort of company we have in mind is a large-scale manufacturer of wheels and
accessories, with international marketing experience and a strong technical staff.
We would be most grateful if you could recommend a Romanian company, which
fits this description.
Yours faithfully
Tom Smith
b. Read now the proper letter of inquiry and then compare the two letters. What
do they have in common, what are the differences between them?
Dear Sirs


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Your name has been given to us by one of your clients in Germany, which is quite
satisfied with your services. We are an industrial organization operating in cars
branch and would be most grateful if you could help us.
We have recently been allocated a considerable sum in order to improve our
marketing offer in this area. One of our projects is to establish a car-components
industry in this area.
You will appreciate that our technical knowledge is limited, and we need the
expertise of someone who has experience in this industry. Would you consider
helping us in any or all of the following ways?
supplying modern machinery
supplying technical know-how
helping with the marketing operation
training personnel
setting up the plant
We should like your views on the possibility of setting up a partnership. Looking
forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely
XXXXX (name)
Keep in mind! The content of an inquiry letter is the following:
Introduction (introduce yourself or tell them wherefrom you have heard
about them); identify the purpose: to obtain help or information
Request making: list questions or information needed in a clear, specific,
and easy-to-read format
Offering further information
Ending the letter: express gratitude for any help DO NOT use thank you in
advance expression
You may find the following pieces of advice useful:
Since the inquiry letter is usually asking for information and is a personalized
message, it must avoid accusations or any suggestion of customer dissatisfaction.
This type of a letter is part of collection series, i.e. collecting what is owed; the
steps in the collection series are: notification, reminder, inquiry, urgent notice and

3. Comprehension
Match the different types of inquiry letters (1-6: 1. Unsolicited inquiry letter; 2.
Problem-inquiry; 3. Booking accommodation; 4. Job-inquiry letters; 5. Solicited
inquiry letter; 6. Making a routine credit request) - with their descriptions below (af):
a. written when a business/ agency advertises its products/ services; you ask
specific questions about a product/ service you are interested in
b. written when the recipient has done nothing to prompt your inquiry; e.g. you
want more information about an article you have read.
c. requesting an application form; enquiring about a hiring decision a direct
d. asking for money
e. Read the example:


Communication inside the Firm

Because you are a valued customer who has been conscientious about paying bills
on time, Mr. Smith, Im wondering why we havent received your October payment
of $ 200. Is there a problem we should know about? Please send us your payment
right away or phone me at 453 579 to discuss your situation. We want to help
you fulfill your obligations.
f. Read the example:
Dear Sir
I would like to reserve a.
I would very much appreciate a ..
Could you please confirm that there is..
Yours faithfully
XXX (name)

4. Vocabulary
Read some useful phrases you may use in a letter of inquiry:
Introducing yourself:
Your company has been recommended to us by
We have heard of your firm
We are particularly interested in
We are most interested in/ increasing/ developing/ extending
Your name has been given to us as one of the most important manufacturers in
What we have in mind is
Making the request:
You will appreciate that We need Would you consider supplying us with?
If you could send/ give we would be most grateful.
Could you please let me/ us have
You will appreciate that we require/ need
We would like your comments/ thoughts on the possibility of opening/ becoming/
entering/ sharing/
What we require is
What we need is
We would like you to
Offering further information:
We will be only too happy to supply you with/ let you have more details.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require/ need further information.
Offering an alternative: However, we are interested in
Expressing interest/ regret: We could possiblybut we regret that
Ending the letter
We look forward to hearing from you/ meeting you/ seeing you
We would be most grateful if you could help/ advise/ send/ give us
Important language to remember in a response letter:


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

The Start

Dear Mr., Ms (Mrs., Miss; very important: use Ms for

women unless asked to use Mrs. or Miss)
Thank you for your letter of ... inquiring (asking for
information) about...
We would like to thank you for your letter of ... inquiring
(asking for information) about...
We are pleased to enclose...
Enclosed you will find ...
We enclose ...
We would also like to inform you...
Regarding your question about ...
In answer to your question (inquiry) about ...
We look forward to ... hearing from you / receiving your
order / welcoming you as our client (customer).

Thanking the
customer for
his/her Interest:
Closing a letter
hoping for future

Yours sincerely (remember use 'Yours faithfully' when you

don't know the name of the person you are writing and
'Yours sincerely' when you do).


5. Language focus
Stating a fact

Asking for
Giving examples

Everyone knows that

Its a fact that
In fact,
As a matter of fact,
Well, Im not really sure thats correct.
Are you sure thats right? Isnt it true that?
For example? For instance? Such as? Could you give me an
Let me give you an example.
To give you an example,
For example, For instance,
(see Matthews, Marino 1990: 85)

6. Speaking

Directness is not preferred in some situations you ask for information.

Identify several such cases.
Imagine you want to write a routine inquiry to find out about a merger. Work
in groups of four six. Write only one paragraph the one you consider the
key paragraph of your inquiry letter. Read it to your colleagues and notice
the similarities or differences between your style/ tone/ vocabulary. Discuss
the differences, mainly.

7. Writing

Letters of reply to inquiries


Communication inside the Firm

7. 1. Read the letter in which a multinational inquires about specific conditions of

setting a car sub-components industry in Romania. Write an answer
acknowledging their inquiry, using the following plan: thanking for the letter/
politely refusing/ offering an alternative/ asking for information/ expressing
interest/ ending.
7. 2. Starting from the same letter, refuse their inquiry using the following plan:
acknowledging letter, expressing regret, encouraging but giving a reason for
refusal, offering an alternative, ending on a warm note promise future
7. 3. Write a letter of inquiry and booking accommodation using the
following information:
you require a single room
the dates are from 20 May to 23
you need a room with shower and seashore view
You would like to have confirmation that your room will be available at the required
date, from 9 a.m.
7. 4. Consider the following situations:
You are a bank manager. Reply to Tom Smith who wants to set up his own small
business and asks for a bank loan.

You are able to grant the bank loan on the following conditions:

You are unable to grant the bank loan because ..

7. 5. Read the following example letter of response to an inquiry. Try to write the
inquiry letter sent by Mr. Beare.
Jackson Brothers
3487 23rd Street
New York, NY 12009
Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners & Company
2520 Visita Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501
September 12, 2000
Dear Mr. Beare
Thank you for your inquiry of 12 September asking for the latest edition of our
We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure. We would also like to inform you
that it is possible to make purchases online at http:\\
We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
Yours faithfully


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Dennis Jackson
Marketing Director
Jackson Brothers

The complaint letter indicates discontent about inadequate services, defective
products, damaged merchandise, etc. It could be mild/strong.

1. Discussion

When do we complain? Give examples linked to the business environment (but not
Can complaining be considered a business strategy?
What are, in your opinion, the basic principles of writing a letter of complaint?

2. Reading

2. 1. Read the following instructions about writing a letter of complaint. Identify

some situations in which you can write such a letter.
Occasionally we find ourselves on the receiving end of a defective product,
company error, or poor service. This experience can be so infuriating that we feel
we must mention it to someone in charge and have the situation rectified.
However, many of us choose instead to swear off a company or product altogether
simply because we lack the skill and confidence to express our disappointment.
This is a small tragedy since many businesses are fully prepared to remedy any
problems that arise. With a little know-how, you will be able to get the results you
deserve and find happiness in the consumer world.
The most important step to customer satisfaction is the need for you to act
immediately. Not only do most companies have a fourteen-day return policy but also
you may need to recall details of your transaction and you will need to act while the
events are fresh in your mind. Before you sit down to write your complaint letter,
ensure that you have made photocopies of all pertinent information such as product
and postage receipts, warranties or contracts, as you will need to back up your
request with tangible proof. Before composing the letter, take a moment to think
about how you want the situation to be rectified. You must clearly outline your
demands for the company to be given the proper opportunity to please you. Do you
want your money back, a replacement product or perhaps credit applied towards
your account? Once you are certain of your request you will then be ready to
compose your letter.
It is not necessary to know the name of the person that will be receiving
your letter, so it will be quite acceptable to address your letter; "To whom it may
concern". When relating the information, stick to the facts only. No need to get
insulting. Your letter only needs to be a few sentences long, just enough to get the
point across. State the "when" first, followed by the "what" and the "how".

2. 2. Read the sample letter below.

To whom it may concern,


Communication inside the Firm

On April 1 2006 I received a book entitled, "How To Write A Complaint Letter." by

the author XXX. I believe I was shipped this book in error as I had ordered the book
"How To Write A Love Letter" by the author YYY on March 15 2006 and to date I
have not received the book. I am returning this book and including my postage
receipt. Please credit my account the amount of the postage and send me the book
I had originally ordered entitled "How To Write A Love Letter" by YYY, productnumber 011011.
Yours Truly,
Your Name Here
The "when" in this example is April 1 2006. The "what" is the situation of the
shipping error and the "how" is the credit on account for postage and a second
request for the desired book to be sent. The complainant will include the postage
receipt and a copy of the original order form, proving she ordered the book in the
correct manner. The complainant should also photocopy the letter for her records.
If you give a company the opportunity to right a wrong, many times they
offer their customer an additional bonus such as a gift certificate, coupon or free
product. Complaint letters written to several companies always receive the results
you expect as well as a few unexpected extras. If you take the time to express your
lack of satisfaction, many companies will not only meet your requests but will
thank you for giving them the opportunity to do so. While you have your pen and
paper out, why not take the time to commend a company or sales person that
made an effort to please you? It will do your heart good to know you gave
someone a boost.
(Melanie Cossey,

2. 3. Read the letter and make the summary of the problems it raises.
111 White Horse Lane
Austin, TX 78728
8 October 2006
Director of Consumer Relations
Cincinnati Microwave
One Microwave Plaza
Miami, TX 75249
Dear Director:
I am writing you concerning the purchase and subsequent return of a Waveport
5000 I made on 10 August 2006 in the amount of $225.
On 10 August 2006, I purchased a Waveport 5000 from your company in the
amount of $225. This price included a two-day delivery and a 60-day money-back
trial offer. The $225 was immediately charged to my Ritz card. However, this
product did not perform satisfactorily, and on 15 August, I decided to return the
Waveport 5000 to your company. When I spoke to one of your company's
representatives by phone, I was informed that the shipping and handling charges,
as well as the price of the Waveport 5000, would be credited to my account. I


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

shipped the item by UPX and was notified 19 August of its receipt. Today, October
7, I received a statement for my Ritz card. And as of today, no credit has been
applied to my account for either the Waveport 5000 or the shipping and handling
If the Waveport 5000 was charged to my account immediately when I ordered it, I
fail to understand why the same promptness was not used in crediting my account
immediately upon receipt of the returned item. There is no real excuse for this
delay other than someone not wanting to take the necessary time in crediting my
account. These finance charges, as well as this letter, could have been avoided if
your employees had been as prompt in crediting my account as they were in
charging to it. It is not my responsibility to pay for your company's lack of
promptness and I rightfully deserve a refund to any and all finance charges that
may be applied during this time period.
Your company's quick detection products have greatly helped me in the past, and I
would like nothing more than a quick solution for my problem so that I may be a
customer of yours in the future.
John A. Somebody
Encl.: Copies of sales receipt and credit card statement
2. 4. The reply to a letter of complaint: some tips for keeping the business running,
in spite of complaints, apologies, problems of any kind.

respond quickly; the correspondent needs to know the complaint has been
received and is being dealt with
acknowledge and apologize
give your version of the facts
explain what action is being taken
concede a point if possible
sympathize and reassure your correspondent

In answering complaints you may refer at three distinct situations: 1. making

concessions, 2. disclaiming possibility and 3. apologizing and excusing. Read the
three lists with expressions used in such situations and attach a suitable heading
(1-3) to each of them:
We are sorry to hear/// We were distressed to learn/ hear about/// We must
apologize for the delay in returning/ replying/ forwarding./// The delay was due to
the fact that/ the result of./// I would like to explain the situation.
In the normal way we would have been obliged to/// However, in view of the
circumstances/// Under the circumstances we are prepared to/ can.


Communication inside the Firm

We regret that in no way can we be held responsible for/// We would like to

emphasize that it is your responsibility to./// Now that you know the full facts
perhaps you/// Now that you understand the situation perhaps you/// We are
bound by the terms of our contract./// If you check, you will find that the
guarantee states.

3. Vocabulary
3. 1. In the following list, you will find some useful phrases for a letter of
complaint; some belong to mild complaints (1), others to strong complaints (2),
some suggest warning (3), while others make a point (4). Place each expression
under its appropriate heading 1, 2, 3, or 4.
I am writing to complain about
I am sure you will appreciate the annoyance
I look forward to hearing your comments// to receiving your cheque
Unfortunately, we/I have not received We would be grateful if you could
I should like to point out
Unless. we will be forced to
It is now ten weeks since we I should like to point out that we We really must
insist that
Unless we hear from you
If you not, we will.
I should like to draw your attention to (the fact that)
Unfortunately, you forgot. Please, could you
I hope that is not necessary to remind you that
I regret// Unfortunately// I am afraid
I have had nothing but trouble. // it is still unserviceable. // I am not prepared
I am now left with no alternative but to..
You leave me no option but to
I am forced to/ obliged to.
1. Mild complaint


Strong 3. Warning

4. Making a point

3. 2. Mind the advice:

Change the aggressive tone into more diplomatic sentences by using indirect
I was told instead of You told me
A mistake was made instead of You made a mistake.
Avoid words, which have strong negative associations:
E.g.: We received your criticisms. (negative) // Thank you for your comments.
Your order will be 3 weeks late. (negative) // We have been obliged to reschedule
your order (positive)


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

3. 3. Here are some useful expressions when you want to:

a. Express anger:
I am/ was// somewhat/ very/ most/ extremely// disappointed/ concerned/
I am/ was// disgusted/ furious/ outraged
I am/ was// hurt/ upset/ sad/ confused/ surprised
b. Reject the arguments in the letter of apologies:
I would have thought that.// I consider that my request. is reasonable.
c. Put the blame on
Not only did you but you
d. Make a polite but direct request:
I would like to hear from you by return of post.
e. Take action: to lodge a complaint// to send copies of the correspondence to the
editor// to see that it is published:
Not only am I forced tobut also I
3. 4. Which is formal, which is informal language in the following examples?
I very much regret the inconvenience my action may have caused you. Please
accept my sincere apologies. // Im sorry for the bother youve had. I hope it hasnt
upset you too much.
Under no circumstances can we extend your credit. // We are sorry to inform you
that we are unable to.
I appreciate the honour of being asked to address your members but I regret//
Thank you for the invitation to speak. Im sorry
You would be well advised to contact your local representative. // I suggest you to
get in touch with
4. Language focus
4. 1. Independent work: revise the tense system in English.
4. 2. Read the following letters of complaint. Analyze their style, vocabulary,
sentence structure. Why are they called strongly worded complaints?
Dear Mr. X
I was astonished to receive your letter of 20 May. I would have thought that a
reputable company such as yours would have accepted, not denied, your
I must repeat, the problems I experienced with your were due to your
negligence, not mine. In view of the business I have lost, not to mention the
anxiety and discomfort, I consider my request for a refund of your repair bill very


Communication inside the Firm

I would like to hear from you by return of post, but must point out that unless you
settle my claim in full you leave me no alternative but to place the matter in the
hands of my solicitors.
Yours faithfully
Dear Mr
As you have not replied to my letter of, I am now left with no alternative but to
start proceedings against you. I intend to claim all the expenses I incurred on your
behalf, also for the loss of business and any legal costs.
I hereby inform you that I am lodging a formal complaint with your companys
Trade Association. I have no doubt that the matter will be of considerable interest
to them. Copies of our correspondence will be sent to a popular motoring
magazine. The editor, who is a personal friend, will ensure that the matter will
receive maximum publicity.

5. Writing
Write a letter in which you complain about the poor quality of the after-sales
services of the firm that sold you 20 computers and 2 OHPs, including the
following suggestions:
begin with a reference to the date of the original letter of complaint and to
the purpose of your letter
express your concern over the writers troubles and your appreciation that
he has written you
conclude cordially, expressing confidence that you and the writer will
continue doing business


1. Reading

Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will find
the vocabulary items at the end of each paragraph.
Dear Mr. X
We were most 1. to receive your letter of 1 September 2003 and have given it
careful 2. . Please accept our 3. for the delay in replying. I must explain that
Mr. B was suddenly taken ill and your letter was 4. put on one side. I have been
asked to take over where he left off.
Apologies, accidentally, consideration, concerned
On re-considering the 5. we do realize that you were 6. . in a difficult position.
We appreciate that you felt it would have been 7. to expect you to stick to the
fine print on the contract. Therefore we are happy to 8 our cheque for $ 10, 000.
We would not like you to think however, that we 9. produce unsafe sewing


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

machines. On checking with the main agents of Toronto they confirm that the
assembling disfunctions could not have been discovered without 6 months use and
careful examination which, I have to remind you, was not possible since you
ordered the machines in a shorter period of time. You have our 10. that the
misfortunes of the production process will disappear. We hope that in spite of these
problems, you still will consider us your main deliverer.
Negligently, unreasonable, assurance, circumstances, enclose, placed

2. Vocabulary. Some useful expressions for:

Referring: Further to/ With reference to? I am writing in connection with/ With
regard to
Giving bad/ good news: I regret/ am sorry/ am happy/ am pleased/ am delighted to
inform/ advise/tell you that.
Saying what you can/ cannot do: We are/ are not able to.
Giving reasons: This is due to/ owing to/ because of/ as a result of.

3. Writing
Identify a business problem/ circumstance you have to apologize for. Write the
corresponding letter.

The order is a simple type of direct request.
Elements of the order form:
Direct statement of the request: Please send me/ ship
Justification, explanation, details (such as: quantity, price/ discounts, size,
catalogue numbers, product description, shipping instructions (date and
place), arrangement for payment (method, time, deposits), cost totals
Courteous close with request for specific action
Order responses:
acknowledging orders confirmation that the order has been received; this
is a positive reply that contains: introduction (a statement of good news),
middle section (summary of the transaction: delivery date, cost of the
merchandise, shipping, taxes, explanation of the problems that might have
arisen, credit terms,); closing section (resale information, sales promotion,
expressed intention for future dealings)
bad news about orders entailed by some situations such as: unclear orders,
back orders, substitutions, unfillable orders, and nonconforming orders.

1. Discussion

Is there any difference between an order letter and an order form?

Consider the following beginnings of an order letter:
I need the following items
I would appreciate your sending me the following items
Can you send me the following items
I would like to have the following
Please ship the following items


Communication inside the Firm

Specify the situation in which you will use each of them. Bring arguments in favour
of your statement.

2. Reading
Read the following order and evaluate it (good/bad), pointing out your criticisms of
its bad parts.
We are interested in 10 washing machines for our new hostel. Because we are
considering your company as the supplier please send us any model you have. The
price should be acceptable. We would appreciate receiving your reply by October

3. Writing
3. 1. Lots of products are being advertised in your local newspaper. Choose one
and write an order for that product.
3. 2. You will deliver a course of lectures about .. and you know that there
isnt too much bibliographical material on this subject at the library. Therefore, you
have to order the following books published by . Find their description in
their sales literature and then write the order letter.
. (you want 2 hardcover books for the library and 10 paperbacks for your
(you want 1 hardcover book for the library and 10 paperbacks for your
(you want 2 hardcover books for the library and 10 paperbacks for your
Because you have ordered from . in the past, they will bill you for the total
cost plus shipping charges. As your course of lectures will begin in 19 days, you
will request rush delivery.

Usual business letters sent and received by post are less and less common. They
have widely been replaced by e-mail correspondence, which has induced a
considerable modification of the business correspondence style. Here are some
characteristics of e-mail correspondence:
Email messages are often written in order to obtain or exchange information
about a business related topic. They also often need to bring about a certain
action. For example, a writer may want to find out about something quickly from
one of his or her colleagues or they may want to send them some information.
They are usually used in internal correspondence between business people at the
same company as part of an intranet system but they can also sometimes be
used between two different companies, for example between a supplier and one of
their customers.
Email messages often need an informal or casual tone, because they are usually
written between people who have an established relationship and/or between
colleagues who know each other well.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Business people often have to answer large numbers of email messages everyday,
so they have to be written very quickly without very much time available for
editing the text.
Structure of Email messages. Email messages usually have a very
straightforward structure. The writer will often provide a context for the reader in
the subject line in the header and then begin their text immediately as if they are
continuing a conversation. Like in a business letter, writers usually identify the
action or information they need and they sometimes provide extra information for
the reader of the message. Here is a possible structure for an internal email
Context in subject line
Extra information if necessary
Request for information or action
Layout. Email messages are usually much less formal than business letters.
The employees working within the same business organization will often use first
names only, e.g. John, at the beginning of an email message without adding Dear
as a salutation. In the same way, email messages often end in an informal way,
e.g. Regards and they almost never use Yours sincerely.
Sometimes writers pre-programme the close of their email messages so that they
automatically include a closing phrase, like Regards, and then details of their name
and (internal) address.
Tips for Email messages
Style tip 1: Writers often use contractions in email communication, e.g. Im instead
of I am, or dont instead of do not.
Style tip 2: Writers often use abbreviations in email communication, e.g. asap
instead of as soon as possible.
Style tip 3: Many corporations recommend that their staff do not use capital
letters in their email communication as this can be misinterpreted as impolite, and
as if the person writing the email message is shouting.
(Source for E-mail messages: Mulholland, J. (1999). E-mail: Uses, issues and problems in an
institutional setting. In F. Bargiela-Chiappini & C. Nickerson (Eds.), Writing business:
Genres, media and discourses (pp. 57-84). London and New York: Longman.
Ziv, O. (1996). Writing to work: How e-mail can reflect technological and organizational
change. In S. Herring (Ed.), Computer-mediated communication: Linguistic, social and
cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 243-264). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.)

Practice. Write a corporate email message using the following instructions:

You are Bart de Wit, technical manager for a research and development
department at a large multinational corporation based in Den Bosch. You have
received a request from an internal client, John Smith, to rush through the analysis
of one hundred chemical samples the ABC Batch - before a very important
meeting of senior management in two weeks time. Unfortunately you are very
short staffed at the moment and you may not be able to meet the request. On the
other hand, you do not want to lose John Smith as a customer and you know that
he has the option of sending his samples to an external contact.
Email John Smith and deal with his request. Try to write your text as quickly as you
can without too much editing.


Communication inside the Firm

Test your knowledge in letter writing

1. Present orally three types of business letters you know and underline their
specific characteristics.
2. You are a textile company tailoring sportswear for famous football teams. Write
inquiry letters to:
football clubs, enquiring why payments have not been done yet
your suppliers, announcing them that you didnt receive an important
quantity of material you have already ordered and paid and enquiring about
the reasons of the delay
3. Considering the same two situations from 2., write two letters of complaint, one
mild complaint and one strong complaint.
4. Which is more effective a letter of complaint or an inquiry letter?
5. Write an answer to one of the two letters from 2.
6. Home assignment: look for a business letter on the internet and write a letter to
a friend you havent spoken to for many years. Compare the two letters. What do
the two letters have in common, what differences have you noticed?
7. Speak about the layout of a business letter.
8. Name the characteristics of Block Style.








The memo is usually used for the routine, day-to-day exchange of information
within a company.
A typical memo contains:
Many organizations have memo forms printed and contain the 4 pieces of
information (arranged in almost any order, as long as they are present).
The characteristics of a memo are:
The subject line must be short but still informative.
The memo often has internal headings.
Qualities of a good memo: clarity, careful arrangement, neatness; to help
recipients understand at a glance what they have received and from whom.
Sometimes memos are addressed to groups of people: All Sales Rep,
Production Group, Assistant Vice Presidents, etc.
A memo does not require a complimentary close or a signature.

1. Discussion

What are the advantages of using memos inside the organization?

What are the differences between a memo and a letter, a memo and a report, a
memo and the minutes of a meeting?

2. Reading

2. 1. Read the following memo and identify its component parts. It is a memo
addressed to the Heads of Departments by the Managing Director. How will each
receiver react to it? Comment upon the action they will take.

NN Sales
BB Accounts
CC Advertising
MM Legal
TT R & D
PP Production

Date: 1 August 2006

From: AA (MD)

Subject: Annual Sales Meeting 1 September

Our company organizes the annual meeting with our customers on 1 September.
The program is as follows:

Communication inside the Firm

new products presentation
12-12. 30
12. 30- 13.30
visit R&D department, new location
14.30 16.30 placing orders, discussing terms of delivery
The product presentations will be made in the Conference Room. Will participants
please brief me in writing before 15 August?
I hope you will be able to join us for the cocktail party at the Intercontinental.
2. 2. Here are several types of memos (1-10) you may be asked to write or answer
to in your future career. Read the list and try to find an appropriate description for
each of them.
1. persuasive memos; 2. for direct requests; 3. for intercultural communication; 4.
for reports; 5. of acceptance; 6. of authorization; 7. containing directives; 8. interoffice memos; 9. for justification reports; 10. responding to requests
a. a written document that authorizes you to do something (e.g. write a report)
b. it acknowledges the assignment to do something (write a report)
c. they tell employee what to do for conveying bad news: in a memo, bad news
comes before the reasons
d. say what you want to know, why you want to know, why it is in the readers
interest to help you
e. memos written to and from subsidiaries, branches, or joint venture partners, or
written to clients or other outsiders. You should be clear (use concrete, explicit
words, simple and direct sentences, short paragraphs, headings)
f. used to persuade top management to approve a proposed investment or project;
they could be brief, informal memos.
g. written to solicit funds, favors, information, or cooperation
h. periodic reports describe what has happened in a department or a division
during a particular period
i. written to provide an answer to requests
j. written to people within one company; they are more direct, concise, and less
formal; the opening and closing phrases are omitted
(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992)

2. 3. Read and discuss the good/ bad points of the following memo:
Date: 5 may 2003
To: Managing director
From: assistant manager, Loan Division
Subject: Outcome of loan negotiation
As a result of your request to have the summary of my meeting with Ms.
Nicholson regarding her loan request, I report the following:
Ms. Nicholson, who wants to start up a fitness centre, came today to our bank
asking for a loan to support her financial needs related to this matter.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Considering the re-organizing activity our bank is experiencing, after the merger
with the Continental Bank, I decided to take care personally of Ms. Nicholson, just
to make sure her request will be treated appropriately and the credit would be a
viable one for our bank.
In spite of the fact that she was told that it takes time for a bank to approve a loan
(since we need to check the papers, to estimate the feasibility of the business plan
she may come with, etc.) she came prepared to sign the papers and take the
money just after our meeting.
Ms. Nicholsons impatience seemed to be trifling compared to what came next. In
15 years of work I have never heard something like that: MS. NICHOLSON HAD
Ms. Nicholson refused to accept my argument that is inconceivable for a person
who wants to run a business not to know the financial issues related to its
activities. She argued that she considered her professional skills to be enough for
the success of her fitness club and that she does not have to know the financial
data from her business plan by heart. Moreover, she was very reluctant, she did
not seem to accept my doubts regarding the success of her business and took it
personally, starting to complain about our banks policy
In conclusion, though I do not intend to contest Ms. Nicholsons skills as a sports
instructor, I consider that our bank could not possibly accept the high risk to make
a loan to a person who does not seem to have the ability to manage a business. I
think that I do not need any other argument to support my decision to refuse Ms.
Nicholsons request for a credit.
Is the memo adequately written? Would you have any suggestions for its
2. 4. Read the following memo reporting an accident, addressed to an insurance
company in order to obtain money to repair the damaged car.
Is the memo adequately written? Would you have any suggestions for its
Date: 1 May 2003
To: ARDAF Insurance Reinsurance Company
From: Tom Smith
Subject: Car accident
On 23 April 2003 I was driving the motor lorry with the registration number CX 473,
with the semi trailer YZ 209 from York to Manchester on the M 45. I was driving
according to regulations on the left lane.
At Junction 7 on the motorway I was outran on the left side by a green vehicle
whose registration number I was unable to see. After getting in front of my lorry,
the driver lost control of the wheel, crossing transversely the three lanes on the
right, hitting the right parapet, being thrown back and hitting the back of the
trailer, the right corner of the bumper.
We waited for the police to come and they asked for all documents and the amount
of $ 300. They took the green card and they didnt want to return it saying that this
was the procedure.


Communication inside the Firm

I put down the address of the police officer who took my green card.
I do not consider myself guilty for the accident as I was driving according to
regulations. The car had an excessive speed, the driver losing control of the wheel

3. Comprehension
Re-write the two memos.

4. Vocabulary
Re-read the memo from 2.3. and find synonyms for: viable, feasibility, trifling,
reluctant, refuse.
Re-read the memo from 2.4. and find antonyms for outrun, lose control, guilty,

5. Language focus
A. The relationship cause-effect can be viewed in two directions:
a. cause
effect: lead to, result in, bring about, give rise to,
account for, be responsible for
Government spending resulted in low unemployment rate.
b. effect
cause: to result from, arise from, stem from, be
attributable to
Low unemployment rate is attributable to higher government spending.
B. The relationship cause-effect is linked by conjunctions: because, as, since
Their products sell on the market because their high quality.
C. The cause is introduced by an adverb phrase: because of, due to, owing to,
on account of, as a consequence of
He sold all his stocks. This is owing to the deceiving information he got
from his broker.
D. The cause (in one sentence) is linked to an effect (in the following sentence) by
consequence/result, hence, thus, because of this, thats (the reason) why
Banks offer high interest rates. As a consequence, a lot of small firms will make
deposits instead of investments.
The person/ situation causing the obligation = the obliger
The person receiving the information = the obliged


Oblige someone to do something: require, force, compel, make,

demand, oblige
Oblige someone not to do something: prohibit, forbid, ban
Not oblige someone to do something: not require, not force, not
compel, not make
Obliged to do something: must, have to, need to, be required to, be
supposed to, be forced to


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Obliged not to do something: must not/mustnt, not be allowed to, not

be permitted to, be prohibited from, may not, cannot/cant
Not obliged to do something: need not/ neednt, not have to, not need
(adapted from Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 191-192)

Revision for modals


HAVE TO (have got to)







CAN/ MAY (never COULD)
WILL (informal, you dont
have to be very polite)
WOULD (more polite/




Used when the speaker has the
authority: You must write the report
till tomorrow.
Used when someone else has the
authority: You have to be punctual
(the policy of the firm requires it).
Used for repeated, general
obligation: I often have to do all the
work myself.
Used for moral obligation/ duty: You
ought to pay him a visit. You ought
not to be so rude with them.
Used for an obligation resulted from
an arrangement or regulation: They
are supposed to deliver the goods
You mustnt speak on the phone all
day long.
A strong prohibition: You are not to
merge with them.
Close the door!
Strong commands: You are to give
them an answer immediately!
In informal situations: Can I smoke?
In formal situations: Could I take your
Very formal: May I see him now?
Would you mind if we leave now?
Yes, you can/ may.
Can you help him?
Will you close the door?
Would you answer the phone?
Would you mind writing the report?
You should be punctual.
Should we do that?
An action not completed: He should
have learned more.
Youd better tell him the truth.
I need to get that job.
You neednt be so rude.

Communication inside the Firm



Present/ future possibility:
short infinitive
Present/; future
Y probability: SHOULD,
Past probability/ not
accomplished past
probability: SHOULD
past participle
Past deduction: MUST/
+ past participle

He may be a good doctor.

They should be in London by now.
They should have met the Japanese
by now.
We should have met them while in
New York (not now.)
He must be your friend
It cant be him.
They must have met him.
She couldnt have reacted like that.

6. Speaking
Discuss the need for conciseness and clarity in memo writing.
Is there any difference between printed memos and electronic memos?

7. Writing
7. 1. Consider the following situation:
You are a supervisor interested in your employeesopinion about the quality of food
at the canteen. You give them a questionnaire and ask them to respond to the
questions. (2 par.)
You request action: you make some suggestions for improving the service activity
at the canteen and ask your employees to vote for them. (1 par.)
You end the memo like that: Please feel free to make additional signed or unsigned
comments at the bottom of this memo. Return your completed questionnaire by
Your task is to write the memo, following the suggestions above.
7. 2. Situation: Your firm Starcraft Engineering changes its policy of working
hours and introduces a new flex-time schedule to the R&D team. The components
of the project are:
work 40 hours a week
work a minimum of 4 days a week
work no more than 12 hours a day
the employees may schedule work time as they please
the employees must declare their work hours during the previous week
the supervisor will record each employee work schedule
the employees who wish to try this new project must stay on it for three
months before returning to the current policy
The employees must sign up for this plan by 1 June 2003, in order to use it.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

You are Anna Thomson, the Project Manager. Write a memo to all employees in
R&D department, presenting them the conditions of the flex-time schedule and
reminding them that they have to sign up for the plan by 1 June 2003.
7. 3. Memo writing again!
Assume that you are Tran Crozier, director of the Human Resources Division
of IBM at Franklin Lakes, New York. Both day- and swing-shift employees need to be
reminded of the parking guidelines. Day-shift employees must park in Lots A and B
in their assigned spaces. If they have not registered their cars and received their
white stickers, the cars will be ticketed.
Day-shift employees are forbidden to park at the curb. Swing-shift
employees may park at the curb before 3:30 p.m. Moreover, after 3:30 p.m.,
swing-shift employees may park in any empty spaceexcept those marked
Tandem, Handicapped, Van Pool, Car Pool, or Management. Day-shift employees
may loan their spaces to other employees if they know they will not be using the
One serious problem is lack of registration (as evidenced by white stickers).
Registration is done by Employee Relations. Any car without a sticker will be
ticketed. To encourage registration, Employee Relations will be in the cafeteria May
12 and 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. to take
applications and issue white parking stickers.
Write a procedure memo that reviews the parking guidelines and encourages your
employees to get their cars registered. Use itemization techniques and strive for a
tone that fosters a sense of cooperation rather than resentment.

7. 4. Letter-writing in memo form! Consider the following situation:

At lunch one day you had a stimulating discussion with Barbara Wilson, your
company attorney, about e-mail privacy. You brought up the topic because you will
be attending a conference shortly on Internet uses and abuses, and you will be
serving on a panel discussing e-mail privacy. As you recall, Ms. Wilson emphasized
the fact that the employer owns the workplace. She said, "It owns the desks,
machines, stationery, computers, and everything else. Employees have no legal
right to use the employer's property for personal business."
Equally important, however, is the recognition of a right to privacy, even in
the workplace. "If an employee can demonstrate that the employer violated his or
her reasonable expectation of privacy," said Ms. Wilson, "then he or she can hold
the employer liable for that violation." You also remember a rather startling
comment. Ms. Wilson said that an employer may listen to or read only as much of
a communication as is necessary for the employer to determine whether it is
personal or business. You wonder if you remembered this conversation accurately.
Because one of the topics your panel will discuss is whether employers may
monitor e-mail, you decide to write to Ms. Wilson, asking her to confirm what she

7. 5.
Your boss, Fred Knox, had scheduled three appointments to interview
applicants for an accounting position. All of these appointments were for Friday,


Communication inside the Firm

October 7. However, he now must travel to Philadelphia on that weekend. He asks

you to reschedule all the appointments for one week later. He also wants a brief
summary of the background of each candidate.
You call each person and arrange these times. Paul Scheffel, who has been
an accountant for 15 years with Bechtel Corporation, agreed to come at 10:30 a.m.
Mark Cunningham, who is a CPA and a consultant to many companies, will come at
11:30. Geraldine Simpson, who has a B.A. degree and eight years of experience in
payroll accounting, will come at 9:30 a.m. You're wondering if Mr. Knox forgot to
include Don Stastry, operations personnel officer, in these interviews. Mr. Stastry
usually is part of the selection process.
Write a memo to Mr. Knox including all the vital information he needs.

PRESENT: (attendees are listed, generally by rank, in alphabetical order,
or in some combination)
includes all major decisions reached at the meeting, all assignments of tasks
to meeting participants, all subjects that were deferred to a later meeting
it objectively summarizes important discussions and the names of those who
contributed major points
additional documentation may be added, if necessary (i.e. tables, charts,
reports, etc.
ending formula: Submitted by (signature of the person who took the minutes,
followed by the typed name and position of the person); the typist initials should
be added if someone else typed the minutes.

1. Discussion
What is the difference between the agenda and the minutes of a meeting? When,
why and how are they used?

2. Reading
Read the following article about taking minutes. Decide whether the following
statements (1-7) are true (T) or false (F).
1. The minutes will reflect the way in which the meeting was organized.
2. The minutes-taker should be a participant in the meeting.
3. The Chairperson will clarify any points that might have been made by the
4. It is not necessary that the minutes-taker note if any of the attendees arrives
late or leaves early.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

5. All background information used at the meeting should be provided to the

6. You shouldnt discuss business that is not on the agenda at the meeting.
7. The minutes-taker neednt record every action taken, especially if they seem
trivial to him/her.
Taking minutes
Taking minutes is a necessity of many organizational gatherings. It is a final
accurate record of what transpired at a meeting. It does not have to be a difficult
task. The following article addresses some basic items to remember when taking
minutes at a meeting.
The meeting needs to be organized. If a meeting is not structured or if it is
disorganized, chances are the minutes will reflect this. Make sure that the
Chairperson holding the meeting understands the fundamentals of what must
occur. This will be the first step in the whole process running smoothly.
The minutes-taker should not be a participant in the meeting. In order to
allow for the minutes-taker to pay the best attention possible, he or she should not
be a participant in the meeting only the taker of the minutes. Their sole
responsibility should be that of taking the minutes.
The minutes-taker should sit as close as possible to the Chairperson. Having
the minutes-taker sit close by the Chairperson will make it easier for that person to
clarify any points that might have been made.
The minutes-taker should have a list of all attendees at the meeting and a
copy of the Agenda. If this is not possible, before the meeting begins, pass around
a piece of paper for everyone to print his or her name on. For the record, it should
be noted if any of the attendees arrives late or leaves early.
The minutes-taker should have at his or her disposal the agenda for the
meeting and a copy of the minutes for the last meeting. All background
information pertaining to the meeting should also be provided to the minutestaker. They may need to refer back to this information during the meeting. The
whole process can flow much more smoothly if the minutes-taker has some
knowledge of the subjects to be discussed.
The minutes should reflect the name of the association meeting, the
location, date and time of the meeting as well. An example of this would be;
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF ABC COMPANY, January 1, 2000, Tucson, Arizona,
the Hilton Hotel on Broadway Avenue, 8:00 am.
It is best to stick to the agenda as much as possible in order to keep all information
on record. Do not allow any business to be discussed that is not on the agenda.
This will make for mass confusion.
In case the minutes-taker become distracted and misses something at the
meeting, having a tape recording of the meeting can be of great value. It can be
replayed for the vital information that might have been overlooked.
Record motions properly. A motion is a formal suggestion made by an
attendee at the meeting that has been seconded by another attendee, and then
passed by a vote. The minutes-taker may need to restate a motion after a lengthy
discussion. It is therefore very important to record these motions exactly as they
have been stated. An example of how to document a motion is as follows: Moved,
seconded, and carried that all members of the Board will receive a three percent
cost of living raise. Be sure to list the names of all attendees making and
seconding any motions.


Communication inside the Firm

The minutes-taker should record every action taken, whether they seem trivial or
not. If there are any questions regarding importance, the minutes-taker should
speak to the Chairperson as soon as possible after the meeting.
After the meeting has finished, the minutes must then be transcribed into
the style that was previously followed. This should be done as soon as possible.
There are three basic styles for minutes. It is best to keep the minutes in the same
style as they were recorded in the previous months meeting. The following styles
for minutes are:
Report this is a full record of all discussions that includes the names of all
speakers, movers and seconders of any motions, written in a narrative style.
Minutes of Narration these include some of the discussions that took
place and important details. This style of minutes is considered a legal
Minutes of Resolution these are limited to the recording of the actual
words of all resolutions that were passed. Movers and seconders are not
recorded. Each resolution that is made commences RESOLVED THAT. This
style of minutes is also considered a legal document.
Minutes-taking is a necessity for formal meetings, yet it doesnt have to be
difficult. Use the tips listed above the next time you or someone else needs to take
the minutes at a meeting. Good luck!

3. Comprehension
What are the three styles for minutes?
Which of the three styles do you consider the most effective for the company you
work for? (or an organization you know)

4. Vocabulary
In each of the following paragraphs (1-6) there are four underlined parts, A, B, C,
and D. For each sentence, find the underlined part, A, B, C, or D, that makes the
sentence incorrect. There is always one possible answer.
Writing meeting minutes
1. It is estimated that (A) up to 70% of small and medium size corporations in the
United States are not (B) in compliance to their State or Federal Requirements.
They do not document their corporation meetings with minutes, (C) have them
recorded, signed, and installed in their corporation record's book. One of the main
reasons is that their meeting minutes are incomplete and improperly recorded (D)
due to the lack of appropriate systems and tools to accurately record meeting
2. EasyScript/ComputerScript was introduced (A) to writing and typing faster, easier, and
more efficiently than any method (B) you have ever used. This revolutionary way
to learn speed writing and typing will enable you to take meeting minutes quickly
and accurately. (C) It doesn't take long to learn, just a few hours, and you (D) can
become effective taking meeting minutes and more comfortable with this work
3. Real-time captioning and speech-to-text systems provide an accurate
transcription of words (A) for they are spoken into text. These systems (B) are


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

mainly used in the courtrooms and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals to
provide real time translation from speech to text and a written record that (C) can
be reviewed later. Currently, two major options (D) are available to provide realtime captioning and speech-to-text processing.
4. The steno-based systems use a 24-key machine to encode (A) phonetic spoken words
and to enter them into a computer where they are converted into readable text
and (B) can be displayed on a computer screen or television monitor (C) in real
time. These systems are also called CART (computer-aided real-time transcription)
because they are often transported from one location to another on wheels. (D)
Due to the high cost of equipment and stenotypist training, steno-based systems
are mainly used in courtrooms when verbatim is required.
5. For computer-aided note taking systems (CAN) a standard keyboard is used to input words
in an abbreviated form as they are being spoken and transcription software
translates the abbreviations (A) into readable format. For non-verbatim
applications (B) such as meeting minutes, tape and message transcription, and
order/message processing, computer-aided note taking systems are (C) more
costly effective. The method of abbreviating words is a major factor of how
efficiently you can process and enter verbal information (D) in an abbreviated
6. Existing typing abbreviation systems (Instant Text, Productivity Plus, ShortCut
Windows and Abbreviate) assign a unique code (A) to each word. You will need to
memorize tens of thousands of abbreviations to type efficiently. If you don't
remember the codes you (B) will not able to retrieve a corresponding full word. In
addition, these systems do not provide codes for all words and the user has to
create additional abbreviations. In contrast, Computer script (C) assigns all words
to five basic categories and you only need to learn one rule per specific category.
As a result, learning curve and memorization volume are drastically reduced and
attaining proficiency can be achieved in (D) a short period of time.

5. Language focus

Independent work: revise the SEQUENCE OF TENSES.

6. Speaking

Point out the importance of the minutes of a meeting.

7. Writing

Prepare the formal minutes of a meeting you have attended. Present it to your
Test and practice
Write the minutes for an imaginary business situation.
Supplementary material
Read the following minutes. Identify its components.


Communication inside the Firm

January 11, 2005
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of was held January 11, 2005 at
7:07 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 2222 Camino Ramon, Mayor
Wilson presiding.
PRESENT: Council members , Vice Mayor and Mayor Wilson.
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager , City Attorney , Police Chief , Parks and
Community Services Director , Planning Services Director , and Interim City Clerk

Mayor Wilson announced that the Council met in closed session to
Mayor Wilson asked if there were any changes or additions to the agenda. The
Interim City Clerk noted that there were none.
Mayor Wilson asked if there were any changes or additions to the Boards,
Committee and Commission meetings schedule. The Interim City Clerk noted that
there were none.
Mayor Wilson recognized San Ramon Police Officers and as Police Officers of
the Year for 2004. Each officer received a plaque and was presented with a
bouquet of flowers for their significant others by the Mayor.
Detective , Sgt. , Officer , and Officer were thanked for their service to the
San Ramon Police Department by Mayor Wilson. Those in attendance were
presented with a plaque, a certificate, and flowers for their significant others by
the Mayor.
Mayor Wilson thanked the officers for their service, for continually demonstrating
excellence in the execution of their duties and for their significant and valuable
contributions to the City.
The Interim City Clerk noted that there are none.
The Interim City Clerk reported that two people have requested to speak under
Public Comment and that one fax was received relating to Item 8.2.
Theo N. spoke on behalf of Soroptomist International of San Ramon. She invited
interested individuals to attend their monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of
each month at 12:15 p.m. at the Crow Canyon Country Club in Danville. She also
described their winter fund raiser which is a performance of the "Wigged Out"
show in Danville on February 26 includes a raffle with great prizes. Interested
persons may contact her for additional information.
Mike C. thanked the Mayor for attending the December 29, 2004 Sentinels of
Freedom meeting at San Ramon Valley High School. This event recognizes and
honors returning local military servicemen. Six San Ramon servicemen were
among the fourteen honored. Mr. C. recognized the Mayors efforts and said that he
appreciated the Mayors support of the program.
Mayor Wilson thanked Mr. C. for his service on this project.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Vice Mayor Livingstones motion to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2004
meeting was seconded by Cm. Hudson and passed 5-0.
The Mayor requested that Item 8.1, the Stormwater Management and Discharge
Control Ordinance, be removed from the agenda. He requested further evaluation
from staff.
Cm. Hudson requested more detail on the definition of the transit village and if
there are any stipulations on the low and moderate income housing projects.
Cm. Rowley asked to remove Item 8.2, concerning the carpet cleaning agreement,
from the agenda. Communication was received on this item. The item was referred
to staff.
A motion by Cm. Perkins to remove items 8.1 and 8.2 from the Consent Calendar
was seconded by Cm. Hudson and passed 5-0.
Cm. Hudsons motion to approve the following Consent Calendar was seconded by
Vice Mayor Livingstone and passed 5-0.
Public Hearing #2 - General Plan Amendment for the Ns Restaurant Property
The Planning Services Director reported that this is the second public hearing in a
series of three required under Measure G. The General Plan Amendment is being
submitted to correct a mapping error and the appropriate designation for this
property. He noted that the Planning Commission has conducted the required
hearings and they unanimously recommended forwarding the item to the City
Council for its approval. He requested that the Council open the public hearing,
accept public testimony, and continue the public hearing to the next Council
meeting for consideration of the resolution and ordinance for approval and
Cm. Hudson clarified that the item would be discussed at the January 25 th Council
meeting and not at the January 22nd workshop.
No public comments were received.
Cm. Hudsons motion to continue the public hearing to the next Council meeting
for action was seconded by Vice Mayor Livingstone and passed 5-0.
Grant Funding Agreement for Child Care Facility at Bollinger Canyon School
The Parks and Community Services Director said it was the recommendation of
staff that the Council adopt Resolution 2005-01. He remarked that the City funded
the original building in 1989 with the adoption of the Child Care Ordinance. The
San Ramon Valley Unified School District has approved a new master plan for the
entire Bollinger Canyon site with the exception of the kindergarten and the new
multi-purpose room and this plan requires the relocation and retrofitting of the
child care facility. He noted that Kids Country is in a position to rebuild and they
need to replace the structure with a building that conforms to current seismic
requirements and State building codes.
The Director noted that the Finance Committee met on December 8, 2004 to
review the proposal and recommended forwarding the item to the Council for its
The Parks and Community Services Director introduced Mr. Leonard H., Executive
Director for Kids Country.


Communication inside the Firm

Mr. H. thanked the Council for the opportunity to speak to them about the project.
He introduced his staff, reviewed the history of Kids Country operation at Bollinger
Canyon School, and recapped their experiences with the other sites that they
operate in San Ramon.
There were no questions from the Council. There was no public comment.
Cm. Rowley observed that this is another example of a wonderful partnership
between Kids Country, the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, and the City
which benefits everyone.
Cm. Hudsons motion to approve the resolution was seconded by Cm. Rowley and
passed 5-0.
The City Manager had no report.
Cm. Hudson reported that the last SWAT meeting included a General Plan
Amendment (GPA) from Danville. The GPA included 55 homes and some
commercial buildings at the former Navlets site. The procedure to do the GPA was
brought under review by Supervisor U.
Cm. Rowley complimented the Mayor on the State of the City address which he
presented at the January 11, 2005 Chamber of Commerce luncheon. She also
invited the public to attend the Dublin San Ramon Womens Clubs First Annual Art
Auction and Wine Event on January 30, 2005 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the San
Ramon Golf Club. Tickets are $35 per person.
Cm. Perkins thanked former Vice Mayor Hudson for his service last year, for
training him in the ways of Council procedures, and for nominating him to the
Hazardous Waste Commission. He added that he is looking forward to working with
Vice Mayor Livingstone. He noted that he will not be present for the January 25,
2005 City Council meeting. He invited citizens to bring any hazardous material
concerns to his attention.
Mayor Wilson asked for a moment of silence for the tsunami victims.
There being no further business to come before the City, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
H. Abram Wilson, Mayor
Patricia Edwards, Interim City Clerk
Approved: January 25, 2005


A business report is an orderly and objective communication of factual
information that serves a business purpose.
Prerequisites of a good report:
Carefully prepared
Unbiased approach
Based on real events, objective records and accurate data
Useful for the organization
Read about the types of reports and their characteristics. What kind of reports
have you already written?
Types of reports
A. SHORT (the most
common in business)
- letter reports
(personal style)
- memorandum reports
(informal style)
- staff report

- progress report
- audit report

- the technical report

- little need for introductory material
- usually begin directly with conclusions and
- written in the direct order (it gives the main message
first, then introductory material is presented, findings
and analyses, conclusions and recommendations)
- personal writing is common
- it consists of a title page and the report text
- highly elaborate
- it contains ample information
- any type of long reports can also have a short form
- it follows a fixed plan irrespective with the problem
- especially useful for business problems
- parts: identifying information, summary,
problem/objective, facts, discussion, conclusions,
- it presents a review of progress made on an activity
- formal/ informal
- in short form, it is a standardized statement verifying
an accountants inspection of a firms financial records
- in long form these reports vary so much that they say
no typical form exists
- typically organized in a fixed order introduction,
methodology, facts, discussion, conclusion,

Communication inside the Firm

- the proposal (vary in


Definition: a presentation for consideration of

invited proposals, e.g. a government agency might
have funds to award for research projects
prospecting proposals, e.g. resemble rational sales
letters; a university department writes proposals to
philanthropic foundations

You can write a good report if you are well informed. Read about the report
sources; add some more, if possible.
Report sources
primary sources

secondary sources

Questionnaires (opinions)
Library resources:
- basic references (dictionaries, encyclopedias,
almanacs, biographical reference books, etc.)
- books and articles
- abstracts
- government documents
Computerized databanks
Note cards

1. Discussion
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of formality for the documents used
inside the company (memos, minutes, reports)
Why is direct order preferred in the shorter reports?

2. Reading
Do you remember the article about Ten Technical Communication Myths by Geoff
Hart? Read now about myth number five which mainly deals with the problem of
how much information the audience can manage at a single time. Choose the
best sentence from the list below (A-G) to fill each gap (1-5). There is one sentence
that you do not need. There is an example at the beginning (0-B).
A Our value as communicators lies in our ability to figure out where the barriers
to usability lie and create documentation that guides users as painlessly as
possible around the problems.
B This failure to consult the source has led to one of the more pernicious
misunderstandings in the field of technical communication.
C Given the importance of what Miller discusses, we should begin thinking
about how to test the applicability of this body of research in our own unique
context so we can begin applying the new findings to our work.
D All else being equal, readers will always find it easier to deal with fewer items
at a time than many items.
E In effect, this represents the number of cognitive tools typical readers can
hold in their mind's hand (so to speak) and use to attack a problem.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

F More interestingly, revisiting an article often leads to inspiration and the

discovery of new ways to build on those old thoughts.
G That may mean we'll have to reconsider an interface design because we're
asking users to deal with too many inputs at once.
The Optimum Number of Steps in a Procedure is 7 Plus or Minus 2
George Miller studied, among other things, human short-term memory, but
he is famous for discovering "the magical number seven." Unfortunately, his
publication (1956) is also probably his least-read. /0 B/ In effect, several
generations of writers have made the assumption that (for example) lists and
procedures should contain no more than five to nine steps, based solely so far as I
can tell on the title of Miller's article and the myths that have grown up around it.
As it happens, the article actually discusses the human ability to reliably
distinguish categories (for example, distinct shades of gray, sound levels) and the
related issue of "channel capacity," which represents (simplistically) how much
information your audience can manage at a single time. /1__/
I won't try to summarize 16 pages of rich, moderately dense prose by Miller in any
depth, both because I want to encourage you to read the original article yourself
and because an update on this subject merits its own article. /2__/ While we wait
for those results to trickle in, two things we already know give us much to ponder.
We should always go to the source rather than blindly accepting someone
else's report of what that source said. This takes longer and usually requires
considerably more thought on our part, but it greatly reduces the number of myths
and misconceptions that we'll perpetrate and perpetuate. /3__/
Miller's study does have intriguing implications for technical communication,
even if they're not the ones we've assumed for almost 50 years. For example, our
audiences have very real limits on how much information they can process
simultaneously, and recognizing the existence of these limits means that we need
to better understand how we can help readers to process information. /4__/ As a
starting point for applying Miller's findings, we need to learn to write in such a way
as to let readers digest one chunk of information before we force them to begin
dealing with the next one. /5__/
(adapted from:

3. Comprehension
What does Millers article actually discusses and what trend did it initiated?
Debate upon the need to consult the source when doing research.

4. Vocabulary
Read about another myth of technical communication You can Make a Bad
Interface Easy to Use Through Superior Documentation. For each blank (1-15)
think of the word that best fits in the context. Use only one word in each space.
1__ definition, really good documentation makes even the worst interface easier to
usebut it will never 2__ a truly bad product easy to use. I stated earlier that one
thing that makes us so valuable 3__ our employers is our ability to think like the
product's users, and if something is difficult to use, we notice it first because we
have a devil of 4__ time trying to document 5__ to use it. Our value as
communicators 6__ in our ability to figure out where the barriers to usability lie and
create documentation 7__ guides users as painlessly as possible 8__ the problems.


Communication inside the Firm

Unfortunately, that's all that most of us have been able to do thus far, and it's time
we began making concerted efforts to go one step 9__. If we can understand the
barriers well 10__ to solve the problems in our documentation, 11__ we understand
the barriers well enough to propose changes in the interface itself. And we should;
increasingly, that's the role we must take 12__ for ourselves. I'm not the first to
recognize this, 13__ am I the first to propose that we do something about 14__. But
corporate culture is often such that making our voices 15__ is difficult, and there
are many barriers raised in our paths.
(adapted from:

5. Language focus
To give more information about an item you can use two types of text connectors:



By designation: the second idea

is identified as the equivalent of
the first.
e.g. in other words, that means,
namely, that is to say
By reformulation: the first idea is
Or (rather), (more) simply/ to put it
simply, technically (speaking), in
more technical terms
The first item includes the second:
Exemplification: for example, for
instance, say, such as, as follows
Highlighting: in particular,
especially, notably, chiefly

Our major investor, namely

Mr. Tanaka, will visit our
company tomorrow.
The value added tax, simply
VAT will rise again.

The economical sciences,

such as management,
marketing, and accounting
became a sort of fashion
The economical sciences,
especially management,
need a lot of practice.
(Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 176)

6. Speaking

Discuss the differences between letter reports and memo reports.

Find three major differences in writing short and long reports.

7. Writing
You are the manager of a large high-tech retail store and you are concerned about
customers complaints of late deliveries of computers purchased. You want to know
the cause of the delays. Consequently, in a memo, you ask your assistant to write
a short report about this problem. Write the memo.
You are the managers assistant in the case above. Write the short report.



Essentials in report


letter, memo, manuscript

grouping of ideas

1. Discussion
Which are the factors that affect the report format, style and organization?
What types of reports do you know?
Consider the following and fill in the table below with the corresponding types of
Origin: who initiated the report? (yourself = voluntary report; another person =
authorized reports)
Subject: What subject does the report cover? (economic, accounting, )
Timing: When is the report prepared? (routine/ special reports)
Distribution: Where is the report being sent? (internal/ external reports)
Purpose: Why is the report being prepared? (informational reports focused on
facts; analytical reports that include analysis, interpretation, conclusions,
Probable reception: How receptive is the reader?

Types of reports

Technical, business, etc.
Routine/ special


Read the following definition of a business report and comment upon it: any
factual, objective document that serves a business purpose. (Bove, Thill, 1992:
343) Can other elements/ characteristics be added in order to make the definition
more clear?
How long should a business report be?

2. Reading
2. 1. Here are some tips for writing a report:
consider the audience before beginning and while writing the report
describe facts or events in concrete terms
be clear and concise
report all the relevant facts
put the facts in perspective
give plenty of evidence for your conclusions

B u s i n e s s Re p o r t s

present only valid evidence and supportable conclusions

keep your personal biases in check

Choose one of them and discuss the advantages of using it and the disadvantages
of ignoring it. Work in groups.
2. 2. General Purposes of the Reports
Match the characteristics of the reports (1-9) with the appropriate type of report
1. to monitor and control operations (help managers find out whats happening)
2. to help implement policies and procedures help managers communicate the
companys standards
3, to comply with legal or regulatory requirements explain what a company is
doing to conform to government regulations; they are required by law
4. to obtain new business or funding sales proposals:
5. to document work performed for a client- it should provide all the information
the client needs;
6. to guide decisions on particular issues help managers make decisions about
problems and opportunities;
7. contain background information and analysis of options
8. used to persuade top management to approve a proposed investment or project
9. analyze problems and propose solutions
a. Troubleshooting reports
b. Plans, operating reports, personal activity reports
c. Justification reports
d. Research reports
e. Memos, guidelines, procedure reports, position reports
f. Interim progress reports, final reports
g. Justification reports or internal proposal report
h. The income tax return, the annual report to a companys shareholders
i. Solicited proposals (prepared at the request of clients; meant to show that your
organization is better qualified than your competitors to handle a particular
contract), unsolicited proposals (initiated by a company in order to obtain business
or funding on its own)

3. Speaking
Work in groups: answer the following questions:

What are the important steps in report preparation?

What does a formal work plan contain?

You have below the answer to the second question but the steps mentioned are
not in the right order. Would you find an appropriate sequence of the actions?
a. presentation of the tasks to be accomplished, indicating sources of information,
required experiments or observations, and restrictions (on time, money, available
b. description of the end products that will result from the investigation (e.g.
Reports, plans, operating improvements, tangible products)


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

c. statement of the problem

d. review of project assignments, schedules, and resource requirements, indicating
who will be responsible for what, when tasks will be completed, how much the
investigation will cost
e. statement of the purpose and scope of your investigation

4. Report writing
Generally, a report should contain:
A. title page: the report title, the name of the person/ company/ organization for
whom the report has been prepared, the name of the author, the date the report
was completed, (contract number, a security classification, i.e. CONFIDENTIAL);
include keywords in your title but omit words and phrases such as A study on,
An investigation of
e.g.: Using personal computers in PR department
Submitted to
Mr. Tom Smith
Chief Executive Officer
13 July 2003
Anna Thomson
PR director
B. abstract: the representation of the contents, in an abbreviated form; in a
paragraph of about 150 words, you should introduce your subject matter, tell what
was done and present selected results. The parts of the abstract are: BASIC
ELEMENTS, research problem, body, results and conclusion.
C. table of contents: contains each major section of the report.
D. introduction: your hypothesis, an explanation of your idea, your expectations//
introduces the purpose, scope (outlines the method of investigation), and
background of the research (facts that the reader must know in order to
understand the discussion)
E. body: it includes details, data, results of tests, facts, conclusions (it may consist
of: a. experiment: describe the method you used to collect your data and
observations; b. discussion: analyze the results; c. conclusion: summarize your
F. recommendations
G. acknowledgements: you should give credit to all who assisted you


B u s i n e s s Re p o r t s

H. references: the list includes any documentation that is not your own (books,
(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: part five Reports and Proposals)

5. Language focus
Trends are changes or movements. There are three basic trends: ascending,
horizontal, descending, each expressed by several verbs and nouns, as you can
read in the following table:


Transitive verbs

put/push/step up
go/be up
keep/ hold stable/ remain stable
maintain (at the stay constant
same level)
put/ push down
go/ be down


collapse (dramatic
slump (dramatic fall)

Other phrases:
To focus on a particular point: to stand at
Maximum: to reach a peak
You may also need to describe:
The degree of change: dramatically, vast(ly), huge(ly), enormous(ly),
substantial(ly), considerable/considerably, significant(ly), moderate(ly), slight(ly), a
The speed of change: rapid(ly), quick(ly), swift(ly), gradual(ly), slow(ly)


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Do not use up after increase, raise, rise and do not use down after fall, drop,
Rise, rose, risen; raise, raised mean increase in pay: Workers get an annual
rise of 10%. (BE) // Workers get an annual raise of 10%. (AE)
Use: to increase by (with the verb) // an increase of (with the noun)
Use: to rise to (verb) // a rise to (noun)
Interpreting graphs. Useful words and expressions:
Fluctuation, gradual rise, gradual fall, sharp recovery, erratic movements, dramatic
fall, decline, take a plunge, steady increase, level off, a plateau, leap upwards,
reach a peak

6. Writing practice
a. Read an article and write an informative abstract to convey the main points
from it. Try to clearly summarize and NOT describe the information from the
b. You are asked to write a report about the curriculum of your specialty/ the
educational system in Romania/ the academic perspectives/ a random topic.
Before you actually write your report, try this prewriting exercise: provide answers
for the following issues:
describe the purpose of your report
describe the most important feature of your report
make a list of anyone who could be involved in writing the report
compile a list of works that you used in your report
describe the ways in which your report proves or disproves other reports (if
the case)
describe the background of the report/ topic
describe what you expected to find before you began your research; how did
your results differ from your expectations?
Describe your findings. How can you best represent them: with text, in a
table, with a figure?
Describe the consequences of your research. How will it affect future activity
of the organization?
Describe the ideal audience for your report.
If you are seeking to publish your report, describe the journals in which you
would like to see your report appear.
Consider the specific guidelines under which you are working. If relevant, make a
list of the sections you are required to include in your report.
c. Consider the following topics for reports:
a demographic profile (age, gender, socioeconomic status, residence,
employment, educational background) of the students at your college/
the best part-time employment opportunities in your community
the best of two health/ gym clubs in your community
actions that can be taken in your community to combat alcohol/ drug abuse
improvements that can be made in the food service at your university
your universitys image in the community and ways to improve it


B u s i n e s s Re p o r t s

your communitys strengths and weaknesses in attracting new businesses

Choose one topic and write a report.
d. Write a report about the leisure facilities in your native town. Include: sport
facilities, cultural facilities theatre, museums, etc.
e. Write a report about the consequence of introducing 20 new buses (bought from
Icarus) on the already existing routes of your transport agency. Mention the fact
that you had to hire new personnel (15 bus-drivers) and to train them. Link this
project to your future plans of expanding your business.
f. Write a report about the meeting between three bank officials and two groups of
students, requiring capital for their business. The first group wants to open a small
shop selling CDs. They have much knowledge in the field but they dont have
experience at all in business. The second group operates part-time computing
consultancy for two years already but they still have to improve their market
strategy. Give arguments for the choice of the three bank officials.
g. You are John McGuiver, the manager of the loan department of a commercial
Bank. Write a report to the Board in which you highly recommend Mr. Clark
Nicholson as a potential client of the bank. Highlight his qualities as a businessman
and mention some of his profitable businesses. Suggest that the bank committee
may trust him in offering a loan of $ 200, 000 for a new business he wants to start
(The National Gazette, a financial magazine).
h. Imagine that your managing director asked you to investigate the use of paper
in your companys offices and to make recommendations for improvement.
First, make some notes on the topic. You will perhaps find out that
you discussed with
their opinion is
Your recommendations could be:..
Draft the report to your MD. In your group or with a colleague, find elements that
may fit in the blank spaces. Only after you have all the necessary information,
write the report. Afterwards, read the report in your group and discuss the quality
of the report you wrote.

Test your report writing skills

1. Describe the organization of the conventional short report.


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

2. Give examples of routine report problems.

3. What is the difference between a letter report and a memorandum report?
4. What are the characteristics of a technical report?
5. Write a report about the impact of mass media in the Romanian business
6. Recommend for your company a city and hotel for holding its annual meeting of
sales representatives.
7. What can your company do to improve the quality of its product or service?
8. Investigate the problem of unemployment in your town/city and recommend
ways to decrease it.
9. Advise your company on the advantages and disadvantages of hiring students
from the local university.
10. Report to your company on the ethics and effectiveness of subliminal



Definition: The gathering together of a group of people for a controlled discussion
with a specific purpose.

Essential elements of a

PURPOSE: Problem-solving, idea-gathering,

AGENDA (list of points)
MEMBERS: the chairman, the secretary, the
other participants
RESULT (the goal of the meeting)
REPORT: the minutes of the meeting

Prerequisites of a good meeting:

good chairing skills: controlling, directing conversation towards conclusions,
bringing people in, stopping people talking, keeping an eye on the time,
controlling decision-making, indicating follow-up tasks
good participating skills: listen actively, clarifying problems, sticking to the
good language skills: asking for repetition and clarification, preventing
irrelevance, paraphrasing, summarizing
good behavioural skills

1. Discussion
When should you call a meeting?
Debate upon the importance of the meetings for the business environment.

2. Reading
Read the following guidelines for leading a meeting. Find the title (A-F) that best
suits each group of paragraphs (1-6).
A Lead the Meeting
B Provide the Meeting Information
C Schedule the Meeting
D Wrap-up the Meeting
E Create the Meeting Information
F Distribute the Meeting Information
Leading a Meeting
When scheduling your meeting, consider the information that must be
covered, then allocate an appropriate amount of time. Don't try to cram too many

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

agenda topics into a 30-minute meeting. You'll end up going overtime and
attendees will become frustrated. On the other hand, don't schedule too much
time or the meeting may become slow-moving and get off-topic. Our advice? Being
realistic is the best way to allocate an appropriate amount of time for a meeting.
Don't get caught up on halves and wholes. Many people will automatically allocate
either 30 minutes or a full hour when scheduling a meeting simply because these
quantities of time are common and expected. Schedule a 40-minute meeting if
that's the amount of time it takes to cover the subject. Don't feel pressured to fill
an hour if you don't have an hour of issues to cover.
Carefully consider who should be attending the meeting. Only invite those whose
attendance is absolutely necessary. If there's someone who should know what
happened in the meeting, but whose attendance isn't absolutely necessary, send
them a quick e-mail outlining the outcomes of the meeting. All of us already attend
too many meetings. These individuals will be thankful for that one extra meeting
they DIDN'T have to attend that week.
When sending invitations to a meeting, ask attendees if they have any
agenda item requests. Once the agenda items have been requested, the agenda
must be created at least one day before the meeting is scheduled. This way, you
can distribute the agenda to all of the attendees before the meeting begins.
When participants have the agenda and access to background information
before the meeting, it gives them sufficient time to prepare for any discussions or
decisions that will occur during the meeting. This also saves time during the
meeting. If attendees come to the meeting prepared, less time will be spent
answering background information questions and more time for discussing the
important issues. When distributing the agenda, remind participants that it's their
responsibility to come prepared to the meeting!
Start your meeting on time! Even if all the attendees haven't arrived, begin
when you said you would. Adhering to the schedule sends out a message that
you're serious about the meeting and expect attendees to arrive on time.
As the meeting begins, provide an overview of agenda items and introduce the
overall objective of the meeting. This provides direction for the meeting and
reinforces what needs to be accomplished during this time. Introduce each agenda
item by mentioning who will speak next and what will be discussed.
As the meeting leader, you're responsible for recording the meeting notes,
whether it's on an interactive whiteboard, flipchart or in a notebook. This will free
participants from the burden of note-taking and encourage richer, more in-depth
It's also your responsibility to keep the meeting on track. This means
steering the meeting discussion in a way that fulfills the meeting objectives. If you
have difficult personalities in the room or opposing views, this can be challenging!
Try using sentences such as, "That's a valid point, but doesn't directly apply to this
discussion. Perhaps we should schedule a separate meeting to address it fully." Or,
"It's obvious there are some opposing views surrounding this issue. Perhaps our
time would be best spent working towards a compromise. Any suggestions?" If a
meeting becomes particularly heated, it's best to address what's possible in the
meeting but consider hiring a professional facilitator for the next meeting a
neutral leader who's trained to deal with high-pressure, high-conflict meetings.
Items that surface and must be addressed should be assigned during the
meeting discussion. Assign a particular individual or group to follow-up on each


Business Meetings

action item. A deadline and priority level should also be assigned for the action
At the end of the meeting, the leader should review the action items, who's
responsible and by when. This way, everyone has a clear picture of who's
responsible for what when the meeting's over. Another item that should be
addressed at the end of your meeting is the meeting process itself. Take a few
moments at the end of the meeting to discuss what the group did well during the
meeting and which areas need improving. Once the meeting objective has been
accomplished, adjourn the meeting. Even if it's thirty minutes earlier than
expected! Don't continue meeting simply because that's what the schedule
After the meeting is over, send the meeting information to all the
participants. Because you were responsible for note-taking during the meeting, you
may be the only one who has this information after the meeting ends. Whether you
provide the notes by e-mail or photocopied hand-outs, sharing this meeting
information is vital for proper follow-up. It's also a good idea to include a summary
of all the action items assigned during the meeting. This acts as a reminder to all
participants of who's responsible for what and by when.

3. Comprehension

Compare the information you have just got from the text with the following steps
of the meeting:
invite introductions from participants (if necessary)
explain purpose
present agenda
discuss ground rules (who speaks, decision-making, etc.)
move to the first point on the agenda
hand over to another person
bring people into discussion/stop people talking
listen actively/ask for repetition or clarification
prevent irrelevance
(keep eye on time)
move to the next point
control decision-making
indicate follow-up task
thank participants
announce next meeting


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

4. Vocabulary
Match the following groups of useful phrases you can use during a meeting with
the current steps of the meeting, arranged in logical order according to the table
1. opening/ objectives
2. moving to the 1st point
3. handling over to another person
4. encouraging hesitant speakers
5. stopping people talking
6. listening actively
7. asking for repetition/clarification
8. preventing irrelevance
9. paraphrase
10. summarizing
11. keeping an eye on the time
12. moving to the next point
13. controlling decision making
14. indicating follow-up tasks
15. closing the meeting
A. Tom, do you think you could?
Tina, how about preparing some figures for the next meeting?
B. To sum up then
So, to summarize what has been said so far
C. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin.
Perhaps wed better get started/ get down to business.
Right then, I think its about time we got started/ going.
Right then, I think we should begin.
Lets begin/ get going, shall we?
Shall we start/ get started/ make a start?
First of all, Id like to introduce two colleagues from
Have you all got a copy of the agenda?
The purpose of this meeting is, first, toand secondly to
We are here today to consider firstlysecondlythirdly
The main objective of our meeting is
Ive called this meeting first to. secondly to.
D. Would you like to begin/ to open the discussion?
Perhaps youd like to explain/ tell us/ give us
What do you think?
Shall we continue then?
Lets move on.
Would you like to comment here?
What about you?
E. As some of you probably know,


Business Meetings

As you know,
Some months / years ago/ yesterday
The situation now is
Right. Lets move on to/look at the first point.
F. We havent heard from you yet, Tom. What do you think about
Would you like to add anything, Tina?
Anything to add, Paul?
G. Im afraid thats outside the scope of this meeting.
Were beginning to lose sight of the main point.
Keep to the point, please.
I think wed better leave that subject for another meeting.
H. One at a time, please!
We cant all speak at once. Tom first, then Nina, then Tim.
Would you mind addressing your remarks to the chair?
Well, thank you, Clint. I think thats clear now. Could we have some other opinions?
Right, thank you, Pete. I think weve all got the point now. Shall we move on?
Okay, Tom, thanks. Mary, I think you wanted to say something?
I. Right, George, over to you.
Right. That just about covers everything.
Id like to thank our guest for coming over from.
So, the next meeting will be on (date) at(time)
Thanks for your participation
Right, I declare the meeting closed.
J. We are running short of time.
Theres not much time left.
Could you please be brief?
K. Right, I see. / Okay, I understand. / Thats interesting. / Okay. / Right.
L. So what you are saying is
In other words/ So you mean/ So, if I understand you correctly
M. Id like to propose that/ the following amendment
Can we take a vote on that proposal?
All those in favour. Right. All those against. Right, thank you.
So that motion has been accepted/ rejected by 5 votes to 3.
Very well, then, we agree with some reservations/ unanimously that
Well, it seems that we are broadly in agreement that
N. Would you mind repeating it, please?
Im sorry. I dont quite follow you. Could you go over that again, please?
What exactly do you mean by?
O. Right. Lets move on to the next point.
Tim, would you like to introduce the next point, please? Okay, on to item five.
Whos going to open this one?
Well, I think that covers everything on that point. Lets move on.
(see Ellis, Driscoll, Pilbeam, Meetings and discussions, )


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

5. Language focus
Study the table:
Make someone
able or something

Be able
Be able to
Be capable of
(+ ing)


Be unable
Not be able to/be unable
Be incapable of (+.. ing)

(see Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 196)

6. Speaking

Identify circumstances in the business activity that can be solved by calling a


7. Writing

Write the minutes of a meeting you attended.


Read about the roles people play in groups. In which category would you include
yourself? Bring arguments in favour of your choice.

Roles people
play in groups



Controlling/ dominating others

Withdrawing/ retiring from
Harmonizing/ reconciling
Information giving/ seeking
Procedure setting


(Bove, Thill 1992: 522)

You can read about some of the duties a leader has for managing a meeting. But
the participants have their duties too. What are, in your opinion, those duties?
The leaders duties:
pacing the meeting
appointing a note taker
following the agenda
stimulating participation and discussion
summarizing the debate


Business Meetings

reviewing recommendations
circulating the minutes

What do you know about the strategies one should use to make a meeting
There are:
Preparation: objectives, agenda, participants, location, environmental facilities
Conduct: begin and end on time, control the meeting, encourage participation,
sum up decisions, actions, and recommendations, restate main points at the end.
Follow-up: distribute the meetings minutes, take the follow-up action agreed to
Active participation involves the use of some typical language functions such as:
getting attention
checking and confirming information
asking for/ giving opinions
comparing/ contrasting ideas
agreeing/ disagreeing
asserting and toning down information
advising and suggesting
connecting and sequencing ideas
requesting information/ action
describing trends
Active participation involves techniques of questioning such as:
have a definite purpose
build clear questions
ask well-balanced questions (not too
easy/ difficult)
use natural tone of asking questions

wait for the answer (do not answer

your own questions
dont interrupt
encourage complete answers
ensure equal opportunity to provide

use open direct questions

and use of a variety of types of questions such as:
Overhead: general questions to the whole group
Direct: Question to a specific individual
Factual: Asking for fact, data or information
Leading: Questions that suggest answers
Encouraging: Questions that help respondents
Ambiguous: Questions that suggest two or more answers.

1. Discussion
Discuss about the necessity of calling a meeting.

2. Reading
Read about effective meetings. Write a concise summary of each of the six tips.
Present it to your colleagues.
Six tips for more effective meetings
1. Don't Meet. Avoid a meeting if the same information could be covered in a
memo, e-mail or brief report. One of the keys to having more effective meetings is
differentiating between the need for one-way information dissemination and two-


B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

way information sharing. To disseminate information you can use a variety of other
communication media, such as sending an e-mail or posting the information on
your company's intranet. If you want to be certain you have delivered the right
message, you can schedule a meeting to simply answer questions about the
information you have sent. By remembering to ask yourself, "Is a meeting the best
way to handle this?" you'll cut down on wasted meeting time and restore your
group's belief that the meetings they attend are necessary.
2. Set Objectives for the Meeting. Set objectives before the meeting! Before
planning the agenda for the meeting, write down a phrase or several phrases to
complete the sentence: By the end of the meeting, I want the group to
Depending on the focus of your meeting, your ending to the sentence might
include phrases such as: be able to list the top three features of our newest
product, have generated three ideas for increasing our sales, understand the
way we do business with customers, leave with an action plan, decide on a
new widget supplier, or solve the design problem.
One benefit of setting objectives for the meeting is to help you plan the meeting.
The more concrete your meeting objectives, the more focused your agenda will be.
A second important benefit of having specific objectives for each meeting is that
you have a concrete measure against which you can evaluate that meeting. Were
you successful in meeting the objectives? Why or why not? Is another meeting
required? Setting meeting objectives allows you to continuously improve your
effective meeting process.
3. Provide an Agenda Beforehand. Provide all participants with an agenda before
the meeting starts. Your agenda needs to include a brief description of the meeting
objectives, a list of the topics to be covered and a list stating who will address each
topic and for how long. When you send the agenda, you should include the time,
date and location of the meeting and any background information participants will
need to know to hold an informed discussion on the meeting topic. What's the
most important thing you should do with your agenda? Follow it closely!
4. Assign Meeting Preparation. Give all participants something to prepare for the
meeting, and that meeting will take on a new significance to each group member.
For problem-solving meetings, have the group read the background information
necessary to get down to business in the meeting. Ask each group member to
think of one possible solution to the problem to get everyone thinking about the
meeting topic. For example, to start a sales meeting on a positive note, have all
participants recall their biggest success since the last meeting and ask one person
to share his success with the group. For less formal meetings or brainstorming
sessions, ask a trivia question related to the meeting topic and give the correct
answer in the first few minutes of the meeting. These tips are sure-fire ways to
warm up the group and direct participants' attention to the meeting objectives.
5. Assign Action Items. Don't finish any discussion in the meeting without deciding
how to act on it. Listen for key comments that flag potential action items and don't
let them pass by without addressing them during your meeting. Statements such
as We should really, that's a topic for a different meeting, or I wonder if we
could are examples of comments that should trigger action items to get a task
done, hold another meeting or further examine a particular idea. Assigning tasks
and projects as they arise during the meeting means that your follow-through will
be complete. Addressing off-topic statements during the meeting in this way also


Business Meetings

allows you to keep the meeting on track. By immediately addressing these

statements with the suggestion of making an action item to examine the issue
outside of the current meeting, you show meeting participants that you value their
input as well as their time.
6. Examine Your Meeting Process. Assign the last few minutes of every meeting as
time to review the following questions: What worked well in this meeting? What
can we do to improve our next meeting? Every participant should briefly provide a
point-form answer to these questions. Answers to the second question should be
phrased in the form of a suggested action. For example, if a participant's answer is
stated as Jim was too long-winded, ask the participant to re-phrase the comment
as an action. The statement We should be more to-the-point when stating our
opinions is a more constructive suggestion. Remember don't leave the meeting
without assessing what took place and making a plan to improve the next meeting!
(, see Meetings in America: A
study of trends, costs and attitudes toward business travel, teleconferencing, and their
impact on productivity. A network MCI Conferencing White Paper, 1998.)

3. Speaking

What makes business meeting ineffective and boring?

Analyze different types of meetings taking into account the communication
network of an organization (upward, downward, horizontal/ formal, informal,

4. Writing

Prepare the agenda of a meeting you have decided to call.



Consider the negotiating process an exchange of information and opinions whose
target is to obtain a mutually acceptable solution.
Checklist for improving your negotiating skills
Define your goals.
Be informed.
Consider the other persons needs.
Find satisfactory solutions for both
Be aware of your strengths and
Resist the pressure to cave in.


Know what you hope to obtain

Accurate and complete information
supports your opinion.
You should mutually benefit from the
negotiation process.
The compromises you will do should be
mutually convenient.
Make the most of your strong points
and minimize your disadvantages.
Win concessions by using some tricks
of the trade (i.e. time pressure: This
sale ends tomorrow. / fear of loss:
Another customer expressed interest
in / extreme proposals: $10, 000 is
too much - $ 5, 000 is my best offer.)
Practice what you will say; draft
different scenarios.

(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: 515)

1. Discussion

Evaluate the importance of negotiating in business.

Can you imagine business world without negotiations? How would it look like?
What are, in your opinion, the most important elements of a negotiation?
Is it advisable to negotiate when applying for a job? State your reasons.

2. Reading

Read the following article:

Big telecoms merger talks collaps
by Tim Burt in Stockholm
Talks on a SKr80bn-SKr100bn ($10bn-$12bn) merger of Telenor and Telia, the
state telecommunication companies of Norway and Sweden, collapsed yesterday
amid bitter recriminations between the two companies.
Ministers in Oslo and Stockholm said negotiations had foundered on the
failure to agree on valuations and the management structure in what would have
been Scandinavias largest telephone company.

Negotiating in Business

It has been impossible to reach agreement on a model that would

sufficiently safeguard Norwegian interests, said Odd Einar Doerum, Norways
transport and communications minister.
However, Telenor went further by accusing its larger Swedish rival of altering the
negotiating terms in an attempt to secure management control of the merged
group. Tormod Hermansen, chief executive of Telenor, said there had been a
fundamental breakdown over how the enlarged company should be run.
We started these talks on the basis of equality, but it became clear that
the Swedish interpretation of balance meant Swedish control, he added. We
wanted a 50-50 partnership, they wanted a takeover in practical terms.
The Norwegian government had offered to inject up to NKr10bn into Telenor
to give it financial parity with Telia. Negotiators failed nevertheless to agree on
shareholdings or senior management roles.
Telia expressed dismay at the collapse of the talks, saying: The preconditions for establishing a company on businesslike and commercial principles
do not exist.
But the Swedish group declined to comment on Norwegian claims that it
had insisted on locating the company in Stockholm with Lars Berg, its managing
director, as group chief executive.
The companies began secret talks last year aimed at pooling resources
and defending their market share after the deregulation of the Nordic
telecommunications market.
However, the discussions were initially blocked by Norways minority
coalition government, which feared the creation of an unassailable monopoly. It
was forced to drop that opposition last month after a threatened parliamentary
revolt by opposition parties.
Industry analysts in Stockholm suggested yesterday that the Norwegians
had walked out of the talks because of lingering government disquiet over the
merger. Telenor described such claims as groundless.
Mr. Hermansen said the Norwegian group would explore partnerships and
possible alliances with other partners, although it could remain a stand-alone
Andres Sundstrom, Swedens industry minister, said Telia remained a strong
and competitive company that could also survive on its own.
The Swedish company made profits of SKr3.6bn on sales of SKr44bn last
year, while Telenor reported gains of SKr2.5bn on turnover of SKr23.6bn.
(from: Financial Times, weekend February 21/February 22 1998, p. 2)

3. Comprehension

3. 1. Explain the italicized vocabulary items from the text either using synonyms or
words of your own.
3.2. What went wrong with these negotiations? Where did they mistake? Whos to

4. Speaking

4. 1. Work in groups: some of you will represent the Norwegian part, others the
Swedish part. Each group should prepare a list with the problems they want to put
forth at negotiations. When the list is ready, discuss the strengths and weaknesses
of each point included. Then announce your counterpart (another group) that you
are ready for negotiations.

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

4. 2. Imagine a situation in Romanian economy where negotiation is essential.

Describe the economic conditions of your example and the expected results. Dont
forget that The negotiating process is chiefly an exchange of opinions and
information that gradually leads to a mutually acceptable solution. (Bove, Thill
1992: 515)
4. 3. What is, in your opinion the key to being an effective negotiator?
Here are some tips for achieving this essential business skill, but they are not
arranged in the order of their importance. Would you find their right sequence?

do your homework: gather information that supports your position

resist the pressure to cave in: time pressure (This sale ends tomorrow); fear
of loss (Another customer wants it, but); extreme proposals (You must be
crazy to ask for $ 10, 000 5, 000 is my best offer)
know what you want: define your goals
consider the other persons needs: see that the other person benefits too
rehearse: the more you rehearse, the better your performance will be;
practice what you will say
know your strengths and weaknesses: minimize your disadvantages and
make the most of your strong points
search for mutually satisfactory solutions: look for compromises that result
in joint gain

4. 4. Negotiating interculturally
4.4.1. It is well known that there are cultures in which a deal is not a deal unless
bargaining is involved. Can you give some examples?
4.4.2. There are people that consider customary and necessary to win some
concessions. How do you behave when you have to negotiate?
4.4.3. Elements of intercultural communication are very important and should be
carefully considered in the negotiating process. It is well known, for example that
is not advisable to send a businesswoman to negotiate with your Arab or Japanese
partner. Can you explain why? Give other examples you know.
4. 5. Negotiating is also important when you apply for a job! But how far can you
go? What are the right/ wrong questions to ask? How should you formulate your
demands without making a bad impression or offending the interviewer/
4. 6. By answering the following questions, you will also improve your negotiating
techniques. Some suggestions are given to you between brackets; if possible, you
should improve the lists).
1. How do you prepare for a negotiation?
(plan, research, objectives, limits, strategy)
2. Do you use special techniques?
(rapport social talk, parameters confirm the purpose of your negotiation and
establish areas of common ground and possible areas of conflict, attitude be
constructive, listen attentively, approach concentrate on your key points,
flexibility consider a range of alternatives, review by summarizing and
reviewing you check understanding, agreement at the end of your negotiation,

Negotiating in Business

confirm exactly what you have agreed, confirmation in a follow-up letter, confirm
in writing the points agreed)
3. Is the language you use important when you negotiate? To what extent?
(use a simple, clear language, use short words and sentences, ask questions if
there is anything you dont understand)

5. Vocabulary
Choose from the list of words/ expressions bellow those you consider important in
a negotiation, arrange them in the order of their importance, select one and
highlight its importance in the process of negotiating.
Negotiation, success, emphatic language, areas of conflict, compromise, respect,
disagreement, objectives, determined to win, clear, listen carefully, informal
business negotiation, opposite number, benefit, concession, resolve, persuasive,

6. Language functions
The most common language functions you use in negotiation are:
a. bargaining/ trading
b. interrupting
c. rejecting
d. asking for clarification
e. making a suggestion
f. stating your position: agreeing
g. disagreeing
h. asking for a reaction
i. discussing consequences
j. warning about consequences
Match these functions with the following useful expressions you may use when you
negotiate. You may combine two functions for one group of phrases.
1. The only solution is to.
In my opinion we should
I believe the bestwould be
But what about the idea of .ing
How about
2. I see no other alternative but to.
We must
I recommend that we should
Have you thought ofing
I would suggest that we
We could always
One solution would be to
3. Im afraid its just not possible. Firstly because. Secondly
Im sorry but I dont think
Any further delay is quite out of the question. Unless we
Im against / for that proposalbecause, first of all.and secondly.
First, due to..and secondly to

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

One reason is Another is

My first reason is My second is
For one thingand for another
thats just not feasible.
I really cant accept that.
Im absolutely/ completely against that.
Thats out of the question.
Im sorry but I really dont think that. is a good idea.
Im afraid I cant accept that.
Im sorry, but thats not really practical.
Im afraid Im not very happy about that.
Im sorry, but I have reservations about that.
I think we all appreciate the problem but
I dont want to be discouraging but
I appreciate your point of view but
Thats very interesting but
I can see why you want to do this but
4. Im completely in favour of that.
Ive absolutely no objections.
Im sure thats the best solution/idea.
Id be / Im in favour of that.
Thats a good idea.
That seems quite a good idea.
I suppose thats OK.
Some less formal answers are: Great idea. / Excellent. /. Terrific. / Good idea. /
Sounds fine. / Fine by me. / OK by me.
5. If you put off the decision any longer, itll mean/ itll result in/ itll lead to
As long as/ if these products continue to come back as returns, we wont be able to
overcome our competitors.
And so/Therefore/ Consequently/ As a result.. the new product will never be sold
on the Japanese market.
6. Unless we buy/ If you dont buy I wont be able to finish the project.
We must buy a. or else/ otherwise
7. Id like to hear your ideas on this.
Do any of you have any suggestions?
How do you think we should do this?
What would you suggest?
What do you recommend?
Do you think we should.?
Any suggestions?
I suggest we shouldWhat do you think?
What are your views on this?
Whats your opinion?
How do you see this?


Negotiating in Business

1. Discussion
Imagine you have to prepare a negotiation of a very important contract for your
company. How would you proceed?

2. Reading
Read the following text about the rules of negotiating:
Most every day we have a chance to negotiate one if not many types of
deals in our lives. And, in order to be successful negotiators, we have to know the
basics of the game.
Rule Number One
Know what you want and how much you will pay to get it. Let us say, for
example, that you want to negotiate or dicker with another person on a price for
an item at a garage sale. If the item is priced at ten dollars and you find that price
to be too steep, then your next step is to negotiate it. First, you will have to figure
out how much you think that item is really worth. Let us say that you decide it is
worth a mere seven dollars. Now, decide on a lower price that you can try for, and
you come up with five dollars. That is half the original price the seller is asking, but
it is a good place to start. Finally, decide on the highest price that you will pay for
the item, and let us say you will pay no more than eight dollars. Now, offer the
seller five dollars. He or she might laugh hysterically, but hold your ground and
don't be undaunted. If they are adamant about the ten dollar price tag, then you
will need some bargaining power on your side. Point out any flaws that you can
find in the item. This is a great way to get people to lower their prices. By pointing
out any flaws, that makes the item seem like it is less valuable than they think it is.
You might not care about scratches or tiny dings, but if you to get the item for the
right price, then you cannot let them know that.
From there the seller should typically make a counter offer to your five dollar
offer. If they say nine dollars, then you can say eight dollars and probably be on
your way with your newly-purchased item. You will have saved two dollars off of
the original price, and that is a great start! This is a simple example of a
negotiation. But what if you are negotiating on a higher scale...
Rule Number Two
Be prepared, and be prepared to give and take. That might sound like a
double use of words, but what it means is that must first be prepared before you
go into negotiations. And, you must be prepared to give some in exchange for
something else. In successful negotiations, both sides come out contented that
they have gotten what they have wanted.
Let us say now, that you have been offered a job, but it is not exactly what
you want. The pay is too low, the vacation time is not enough, and there are not
sick day benefits in the package deal either. Sit down and write exactly what you
would like to have in a perfect job. Now, keep in mind that the perfect job only
exists on television, so this list will be a listing of things you would like to receive.
Now, determine what you can do without. Next, write down the least you will
accept. That is, the lowest amount of pay, vacation time, sick days, etc. Also write
down if you want benefits such as stock options and other benefits.
Here again, when you negotiate, do not be afraid to ask for the highest
amount. This is a good starting point for you. The prospective employer you will be
negotiating with will have a list in mind too. Now, you two just have to come to
terms with each other. This is the part where each of you will be expected to take
and to give. You take less pay, but in return you can ask for more vacation time, for
example; he or she offers more sick days, but less pay, and so on.

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Rule Number Three

Do not let the other side fool you. There are plenty of pretty slick Joes out
there in the world, and they have all kinds of tricks up their sleeves. To help avoid
falling into their traps, take your time when negotiating. Do not jump at any offer
just because it sounds good. Think about it carefully first. Repeat the offer to the
other person in order to verify their terms. Remember, if it sounds too good to be
true, then it usually is! Do not listen to statements made by other people that are
intended to bully you into making a deal. Do not let them convince you with a sob
story either. No matter what, use your good judgment and do not be swayed by
their tactics.
In conclusion, know what you want, be prepared, take your time, and do not
be swayed by emotional games that some people will try to play. Be prepared to
take as well as to give, and, even though chances are against you getting the
perfect deal, at least you can get a good deal that you can live happily with!

3. Comprehension

Summarize the main points of the text and present them to your colleagues.
Explain the words written in bold from the text about negotiating.

4. Language focus
Useful phrases while negotiating:
Counter arguing


You must admit that You have to agree that

Dont forget that Lets not forget that
Dont you agree/ think that?
Even so, But still, Still, Nevertheless, But then
All the same, In any case, Anyway, Even if that is
true/ so,
Yes, Ill go along with that.
Ill agree with you there.
Im willing to go along with you.
In that case,
Well, youve convinced me.
(see Matthews, Marino 1990: 223)

5. Speaking
Debate upon the following: In some cultures a deal is not a deal unless bargaining
is involved. To win some concessions is considered a sign of your professionalism.

Test your negotiating skills

1. Define negotiating.

Negotiating in Business

2. State weather it is true (T) or false (F). In order to have a successful negotiation
process you should:
be rigid; its a sign of power
reject the first offer
not mind the tone of the speaker
avoid using the word never
concentrate only on the speakers words
embarrass your adversary
suggest time away from the table to think about options
make as many concessions as possible for the beginning
emphasize the need to reach an agreement
try to see the situation from the other persons perspective
3. What and how do you negotiate at a job interview?
4. Name some special negotiating techniques
5. You are the marketing director of Terapia pharmaceutical company and you
want to expand your business. Consequently you hire an important advertising
company to advertise your products for the next six months. Negotiate with them
the terms of providing their services. Use in your imaginary dialogue as many
negotiating expressions as possible.


Culture: The way people in an area view human relationships.
A shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for
Cultural differences affect communication in two major ways:
differences in body positions and movements
differences in attitudes toward various factors of human relationships (time, space,
intimacy, etc.)
body positions and movements
Sitting/ hunkering
Manners of walking
Manners of communicating with body
parts (head, hands, arms, etc.)
Eye movement
Handshaking, touching


attitudes toward:
TIME (e.g. punctuality)
ODOURS (e.g. body odours)
RELATIONSHIPS (e.g. roles and status:
intimacy among people varies,
superior/subordinate relations, women
SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (e.g. affection,
laughter, emotion, animation displayed)

(adapted from Lesikar, Petit, Flatley 1993 and Bove, Thill 1992)

Business communication techniques are affected by cultural differences; e.g.

letter-writing techniques are not universally acceptable; theyre certain barriers
both to written and to oral communication.
Communication across cultures could be improved by:
word processing
communications software

1. Discussion
Explain the language equivalency problem as a cause of miscommunication
(the huge number of languages used 3000; their difference in grammar and
syntax, words with multiple meanings, difficult equivalency in translation)
What can one do to overcome the language equivalency problem?
2. Reading
Read about the analysis of business communication practices:

Intercultural Aspects of Business Communication

Staff Communication. How is internal communication structured? How formal

or informal is communication among employees or between employees and
managers? Is communication predominantly horizontal or vertical? What are
the communication networks (e.g. wheel, chain, circle, all-channel)? What
language(s) do they speak? How is performance recognized or encouraged?
How do staff communicate (Written communication? Oral?) What are the most
common genres used (e.g. memos, emails, bulletin board notices, notices in
pay envelopes, progress reports, meetings)? What media are used most
commonly (face-to-face interaction, e-mail, print, etc.)? How are these
communication practices influenced by the contexts in which the businesses
Customer-Company Interaction. How do customers interact with the staff
and vice versa? What genres are used to maintain customer contact and to
manage customer relations (e.g. face-to-face greetings, letters, emails, notices,
menus, tent cards on a table top, blackboards)? How formal or informal is
communication between customers and staff? Are there any standards for
customer-company interactions (e.g. specific templates, specific greetings,
etc.)? How much training do new employees undergo? What is the dress code
(if any)? What is it intended to communicate? How are products or services
communicated and promoted to customers? How are these communication
practices influenced by the contexts in which the businesses operate?

3. Comprehension

Select from the text two questions and give detailed answers.

4. Language focus

Suggestions involving the
Suggestions to another

Reported suggestions

Other constructions

Shall we/ why dont we/ lets analyze the

matter now?
I suggest we/ we should/ we ought to debate
the issue now.
Why dont you ask him to leave?
How about answering their questions?
I suggest you/ (I think) you should write the
I (would) advise you/ its advisable to ask for
I (would) recommend a trustful counselor.
The consultant advised us to improve our
He recommended/ suggested (that) we
(should) finish the report immediately.
How about +ing? How about making things
He advised me to improve my writing skills.
I recommend that you make a presentation.
I recommend (you to make) a presentation.
(see Brieger, Sweeney 1994: 200)

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

5. Speaking
Select a word with more than tree meanings and imagine you have to explain it to
a foreigner.
Consider the following topics: job application, negotiating a business, truth in
advertising, womens chances of promotion. What are the prevailing attitudes in
our culture toward them?

6. Writing
Make the cultural profile of a Romanian, English, American, German, French,
Japanese, etc. businessman.
Identify some of the common sources of misunderstanding that occur in written
and oral intercultural communication.
Make a list of some tips for handling intercultural business communication more

2. 1. Reading 1-F, 2-A, 3-G, 4-C, 5-B, 6-E, 7-H.
5. 2. Language focus
accede to comply with
exceed to go beyond
accept to take
except to exclude
access admittance
excess too much
allot to distribute
a lot much or many
born given birth to
borne carried
complement complete amount, to go well with
ompliment to flatter
correspondent party in a divorce suit
corespondent letter writer
council a panel of people
counsel advice, a lawyer
defer to put off until later
differ to be different
discreet careful
discrete separate
levee embankment
levy tax
loath reluctant
loathe to hate
material substance
materiel equipment
moral virtuous, a lesson
morale sense of well-being
shear to cut
sheer thin, steep
stationary immovable
stationery paper
waive to set aside
wave a swell of water, a
weather atmospheric conditions
whether if
(selected from Bove, Thill 1992: 613)

5. 3. Language focus
instance/instants, lead/led, loose/lose, miner/minor, overdo/overdue, peace/piece,
pedal/peddle, persecute/prosecute, precedence/precedents, principal/principle,
their/there/theyre, to/too/two
2. Reading: 1-f, 2-t, 3-f, 4-f, 5-f, 6-t, 7-t
5. 3. Language focus
Suggested connections:
the issue of unemployment (discussion of problem and solution)
types of personal computers available for sale (classification)
how to use a digital camera (illustration)
a famous company got bankrupt (cause and effect)
advantages and disadvantages of travelling on business (comparison or contrast)
5. 4.
The calculation of total expenditure, however, is not entirely a straightforward
affair even in principle (the statistical problems of estimation, of course, are very
considerable). Certain pitfalls have to be avoised, and in the process of avoiding

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

them the published national income estimates become somewhat complicated. It

is obvious that in calculating a countrys national income via estimates of total
expenditure, only purchases which provide income for someone else in the
community should be included, while care should be taken to see that no such
purchases are excluded.

(Nevin 1971: 249)

2. Reading: 1-b, 2-a, 3-b/c, 4-c

4. Vocabulary 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-d, 9-c, 10-a.
4. 1. Vocabulary: 1- of, 2- of, 3- such, 4- with/to, 5- in, 6- because, 7- in, 8- between,
9- either, 10- choice
4..2. 1- chopping, 2- unreasonable, 3- developers, 4- persuading, 5- generates
5. 2. Language focus
along the lines of = like
at the present time = now
for the purpose of = for
for the reason that = because, since
in accordance with = by
in the meantime = meanwhile
in the near future = soon
in the neighbourhood of = about
in very few cases = seldom
in view of the fact that = since, because
on the basis of = by
on the occasion of = on
with regard to, with reference to = about
with a view to = to
2. Reading: 1-t, 2-t, 3-f, 4-f, 5-t, 6-t, 7-t.
4. Vocabulary: 1- (A) means treating, 2- (D) primary language, 3- (B) less favorably
than, 4- (B) on the job, 5- (A) question arises, 6- (A) the same as, 7- (A) failure to
2. Reading: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, b-not needed
4. Vocabulary: 1-paraphrase, 2- verbalizing, 3- interaction, 4- expectations, 5- meaning, 6- really, 7revealing, 8- incorrect, 9- careful, 10- nonjudgmental.
5. 1. Reformulating:
a. Student will organize his work so that he can pass all classes.
Rewrite: Student will establish and maintain a system for organizing his work and
other responsibilities so that he completes required work and assignments and
turns them in on time 80% of the time.
b. PR employees will increase communication skills. They will also
increase written language skills to 3rd grade level".

A n s w e r Ke y

REWRITES: PR employees will increase communication skills to 2nd grade level.

They will demonstrate written language skills that include spelling at 2nd grade
level, use of complete sentences, and correct punctuation and capitalization.
c. Our sales agents will pass all training classes".
REWRITE: With modifications and assistance, our sales agents will continue their
progress with basic skill activities in marketing and negotiating classes and
improve their performance with problem-solving activities in advertising and
product promotion by applying problem-solving techniques to at least one such
problem in their current activity.
2. Reading: 1-c, 2-g, 3-a, 4-f, 5-b, 6-d, 7-i, 8-h, 9-j, 10-l, 11-k, m-not needed
Intercultural aspects
2. Reading: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
4. Vocabulary: 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c, 6-a, 7-b, 8-d, 9-a, 10-c.
2. Reading: 1-C, 2-G, 3-E, 4-H, 5-B, 6-F, 7-D, 8-A
1-jobseekers, 2-attending, 3-information, 4-recruitment, 5impression, 6-application, 7-following, 8-governments, 9-everywhere, 10-location.
Application letter
2. 1. Reading: 1-e, 2-b, 3-d, 4-f, 5-g, 6-a, 7-c.
4. 1. Vocabulary: 1 date, 2 Ms R, 3 informed, 4 looking for, 5 organizational, 6
background, 7 position, 8 enclosed, 9 experience, 10 candidate, 11 sales, 12
researched, 13 development, 14 position, 15 meet, 16 clients, 17 experience, 18
effectively, 19 welcome, 20 qualifications, 21 contact, 22 leave, 23 best.
2. Format:
Name and address / Objective / Experience / Education / Personal data / References
/ Resume submitted in confidence
4. Writing: Tips for writing the perfect resume:

career objective and skills summary are optional

be as specific as possible about what you want to do (a broad and flexible
summarize your key qualifications
state the moment when you are available to start work

list all relevant schooling and training since highschool, with the most recent first
(name and location, degrees or certificates you obtained, major fields, your
gradepoint average, overall or in your major, if impressive enough to list)
list relevant courses in descending order of their importance
list any other relevant educational or training experiences (seminars, workshops)
Work experience

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

list all relevant work experience

list full-time and part-time jobs
state the month/ year when you started and left each job
provide the name and location of the firm that employed you
list your job title and describe your functions briefly
note on- the-job accomplishments (awards, etc)
Activities, honours, and achievements
list all relevant unpaid activities
exclude mentions of religious or political affiliations
Other relevant facts
list other relevant information
mention your ability to operate any machines, equipment, or computer software
used in the job
Personal data
omit data that can be regarded negatively or be used to discriminate against you
omit or downplay references to age if it could suggest inexperience or approaching
describe military service, if relevant
list job-related interests and hobbies
list three to five references, or offer to supply the names on request (provide
name, title, address, and telephone number WITH the persons permission to do
exclude your present employer if you do not want him/her to know you are seeking
another position, or add Resume submitted in confidence at the top or bottom of
the resume.
(adapted from Bove, Thill 1992: 285)

Employment documents
Some useful tips for writing recommendations:
include in your letter relevant details such as:
the full name of the candidate
the job/ benefit that the candidate is seeking
whether the writer is answering a request or taking the initiative
the nature of the relationship between the writer and the candidate
facts relevant to the position or benefit sought
the overall evaluation of the candidates suitability for the job
Supplementary information and activities
Job-inquiry letter a letter in which you request an application form
Application form a standardized data sheet containing mainly the applicants
Application follow-up letter a second letter meant to keep your file active
References (testimonial or open letter of reference)// Recommendation letter
2. Reading: 1-e, 2-g, 3-a, 4-i, 5-b, 6-f, 7-j, 8-d, 9-h, k-not needed.
3. Comprehension

A n s w e r Ke y

1. Arrive on time.
2. Introduce yourself in a courteous manner.
3. Read company materials while you wait.
4. Have a firm handshake.
5. Listen.
6. Use body language to show interest.
7. Smile, nod, give nonverbal feedback to the interviewer.
8. Ask about the next step in the process.
9. Thank the interviewer.
10. Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to.
4. 1.
key: 1- a, 2- as, 3- on, 4- to, 5- and, 6- to, 7- in, 8- or, 9- not, 10- or, 11- the, 12- by,
13- for, 14- along, 15- from.
4.2. Vocabulary: 1- consider, 2- professional, 3- portability, 4- references, 5- belief,
6- nervousness, 7- hearty
1.Letters perform an important public relations function in addition to conveying a
particular message.
2.Style and tone are governed by the relationship between the writer and the
3. The format of the letter depends on the traditions of the organization.
2. 1. Reading: A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3, E-5.
3. Comprehension: a-5, b-1, c-4, d-6, e-2, f-3.
6. Writing
6. 1.
Dear Mr. X
Thank you for your letter of..We fond your project ofvery interesting but
for the moment we cannot expand our business in this area. However, our partner
operating in the Eastern Europe seems to be interested in your project and we
gave them the information you sent us. They will communicate whether they agree
with your project or whether they need some extra information in a weeks time.
I give you their address:Meanwhile, as far as I know they asked for the
following details:
is there any demand on the market for this product?
is there an adequate labour force available?
what is the transport system in the area?
Dont hesitate to ask for their co-operation. We are sure you will be content with
their services.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s

Yours faithfully
nnnnn (name)
6. 2. Writing
Dear Mr X
Thank you for.
After careful consideration we regret that we are unable to help you
Your project is..but we fear that (in practice).
However, if you would like to reconsider the project, you might prefer to..
We would be happy.
Thank you again for your inquiry. Should you decide to proceed with your original
plan, we would like to wish you
Yours sincerely
Letter of complaint
1. 3. Discussion
The basic principles of writing a letter of complaint are:
be polite
state clearly and factually what is wrong
support your claim with documents; provide a fully detailed description of
the problem
imply that your claim will be met as a matter of course
summarise your claim. State clearly what you expect.
Decide on the emphasis you want to give
Do you want to appear threatening, pleading, reasoning or reproaching?
Find some way to view the problem as an honest mistake. Dont imply that
the recipient deliberately committed the error
Express confidence that the recipient will grant your request
2. 4. Reading: A 3, B 1, C 2.
Letter of apology and settlement
1. concerned 2. consideration 3. apologies 4. accidentally
5. circumstances 6. placed 7. unreasonable 8. enclose 9. negligently 10. assurance
Note: another type of letter of apology: Letter of reconciliation. Read the example
Dear Mr X
Thank you for your letter and the enclosed cheque.

A n s w e r Ke y

I am glad that the matter had to go no further, and am sorry the delay was caused
by illness. If I need to hire a car I hope I may call on your services again. You may
be interested to know that, despite the lost opportunities, my last visit eventually
proved quite successful.
2. 2. Reading a-6, b-5, c-7, d-2, e-3, f-9, g-1, h-4, I-10, j-8.
2. Reading: 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-T, 6-T, 7-F
4. Vocabulary: 1. (B)in compliance with; 2. (A)to write and type faster; 3. (A)as they
are spoken; 4. (A)phonetically spoken words; 5. (C)more cost effective; 6. (B)will
not be able
7. Writing: The most important steps of attending a meeting and writing the
minutes are included in the following text. Read it.
1. At some point your boss may ask you to take minutes at a meeting. This task
isn't reserved for secretaries only. Any person who attends a meeting may be
asked to do this. Since the minutes will serve as an official record of what took
place during the meeting, you must be very accurate. Here are some pointers to
help you master this skill.
2. Before the Meeting. Choose your tool: Decide how you will take notes, i.e. pen
and paper, laptop computer, or tape recorder. Make sure your tool of choice is in
working order and have a backup just in case. Use the meeting agenda to
formulate an outline.
3. During the Meeting. Pass around an attendance sheet. Get a list of committee
members and make sure you know who is who. Note the time the meeting begins.
Don't try to write down every single comment -- just the main ideas. Write down
motions, who made them, and the results of votes, if any; no need to write down
who seconded a motion. Make note of any motions to be voted on at future
meetings. Note the ending time of the meeting.
4. After the Meeting. Type up the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting,
while everything is still fresh in your mind. Include the name of organization, name
of committee, type of meeting (daily, weekly, monthly, annual, or special), and
purpose of meeting. Include the time the meeting began and ended. Proofread the
minutes before submitting them.

2. Reading: 1-e, 2-c, 3-f, 4-d, 5-g, a-not needed
4. Vocabulary: 1- by, 2- make, 3- to, 4- a, 5- how, 6- lies, 7- that, 8- around, 9further, 10- enough, 11- then, 12- on, 13- nor, 14- it, 15- heard.

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n To p i c s


1. 3. Discussion
The report is a management tool. your report is a document that leaves your
control after you have written it. It presents the information in such a way that it
will help the reader solve the problem.
In a report the information you provide must be accurate, complete, honest.
2. 2. Reading: Purposes of the report: 1-b, 2-e, 3-h, 4-I, 5-f, 6-c, 7-d, 8-g, 9-a
3. Speaking
3. 1. 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-e, 5-b.
3. 2. Consider the following steps (Bove, Thill, 1992: 371):
A. define the problem: what needs to be determined, why the issue is important,
who is involved in the situation, where the trouble is located, when it started, how
the situation originated; write the statement of the purpose of your report
B. outline the issues for investigation: break the problem into a series of specific
questions, a process called factoring. Develop a logical structure either based on
subtopics (in the case of informational assignments) or structured around theories
that the report writer plans to prove or disprove during the investigation (the
analytical assignments). Organize the study using either the alphanumeric system
(I.; A. B.; 1. 2.; a., b.) or the decimal system (1.0., 1.1., 1.2., 1.2.1., 1.2.2., 2.0.,
2.1., 2.1.1., 2.1.2., 2.2.)
C. prepare a work plan: it can be formal/ informal
4. Report writing:
Useful tips in writing a report:
While writing the report have the following questions in view:
Is my main point easy to identify early in the report?
Have I carefully described the procedures used?
Have I defined unfamiliar or technical terms and clearly explained new concepts?
Have I provided a context for the research or is more background information
Have I used tables and figures to represent data?
Have I summarized my findings?
Have I written clearly?
Have I stayed on topic throughout the report?
2. Reading: 1-c, 2-e, 3-f, 4-a, 5-d, 6-b.
4. Vocabulary: 1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-k,h, 5-f, 6-g,l, 7-n, 8-f, 9-l, 10-b, 11-j, 12-o, 13-m, 14a, 15-i.
2. Reading: Meeting Tips Summary
Don't Meet. Avoid a meeting if the same information could be covered in a memo,
e-mail or brief report.
Set Objectives for the Meeting. Before planning the agenda, determine the
objective of the meeting. The more concrete your objectives, the more focused
your agenda will be.
Provide an Agenda Beforehand. Your agenda needs to include a one-sentence
description of the meeting objectives, a list of the topics to be covered and a list

A n s w e r Ke y

stating who will address each topic for how long. Follow the agenda closely during
the meeting.
Assign Meeting Preparation. Give all participants something to prepare for the
meeting, and that meeting will take on a new significance to each group member.
Assign Action Items. Don't finish any discussion in the meeting without deciding
how to act on it.
Examine Your Meeting Process. Don't leave the meeting without assessing what
took place and making a plan to improve the next meeting.


4. 3. Speaking:
do your homework: gather information that supports your position
consider the other persons needs: see that the other person benefits too
rehearse: the more you rehearse, the better your performance will be;
practice what you will say
know your strengths and weaknesses: minimize your disadvantages and
make the most of your strong points
search for mutually satisfactory solutions: look for compromises that result
in joint gain
resist the pressure to cave in: time pressure (This sale ends tomorrow); fear
of loss (Another customer wants it, but); extreme proposals (You must be
crazy to ask for $ 10, 000 5, 000 is my best offer)
know what you want: define your goals
6. Language functions: 1-g/c, 2-e, 3-c/g, 4-f; 5-i/j; 6-j; 7-h/d.


Beresfor, Cynthia. Business Communication. Practical written

English for the Modern Business World, BBC English by
Radio and Television, 1984.
Beresford, Cynthia. Business Communication. Practical Written
English for the Modern Business World, BBC English by
Radio and Television, 1995.
Bove, Courtland L, Thill, John V., Business Communication
Today, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, etc., 1992.
Brieger, N, S. Sweeney. The Language of Business English.
Grammar and Functions, Prentice Hall, New York, 1994.
Lasswell, D. Harold. Structure et fonction de la communication
dans la socit, in Sociologie de linformation, textes
fondamentaux, Paris, Larousse, 1973.
Lesikar, R., J. Petit, M. Flatley. Basic Business Communication,
IRWIN, Illinois, 1993.
Matthew, Candace, Joanne Marino. Professional Interactions.
Oral Communication Skills in Science, Technology, and
Medicine, Prentice Hall, New York, 1990.
Nevin, Edward. Textbook of Economic Analysis, Third Edition,
Macmillan: London, 1971.

A n s w e r Ke y

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