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North Carolina 6-Point Daily Lesson Plan

Subject: Technology, Engineering, and Design

Topic: Evolution of Technology

Teacher: Aaron Nugent

Date: 12/05/16

Standard for Technological Literacy (Number/Standard) 7-G

Support the statement that most technological development has been evolutionary, the result of a series of refinements to a
basic invention, through an electronic presentation. 1.1 Present the evolutionary history of a technological device, specifically
mentioning the original invention and the series of refinements to that invention that led up to the given technological device.
1.1 Support the statement that the human ability to shape the future comes from a capacity for generating knowledge and
developing new technologiesand for communicating ideas to others. 1.1

EBD Course of Study Objective:

Instructional Objective: (Behavior/Condition/Criterion) The Student will be able to identify how technologies
change over time. Students will be able to define technology.

Description of Activities and Setting

Materials and Time

Problem of the Day (POD)

What causes technologys evolution?

5 min

Daily Writing

What is the origin of your favorite technology?

5 min

I. Focus and Review

(Establish prior knowledge
and/or Central concept: what
is it all about?)

Review definition of technology, discuss how it is


5 min

II. Statement (Inform student

of objectives Set Induction
/Advanced Organizer)

Determine the origin of your chosen technology at its

earliest stages.

1 min

III. Teacher Input (Present

tasks, information, and
guidance) and Instructional

A. Definition of technology, going over evolution of

B. Beginning of class
1. POD and daily writing
2. Background info
a. Review definition of technology and
technological evolution
b. Description of project
C. Project
a. Provide an example technology and its
origin as intro
b. Independent student research
c. Finish by going over student findings

IV. Guided Practice (Elicit

performance, provide
assessment and feedback)

Give an example of the origin of a technology

Show our Smore flyers as examples of what students
will do.

4 min

V. Independent Practice -Seatwork and Homework

(Retention and transfer)

Students research origins of chosen technology

Students will use Smore to generate three distinct
fliers that contain visuals and descriptions of the
technology in a manner similar to how it would
advertised to the public. With the second and third
phases of the chosen technology building on the
prior flier.

30 min

VI. Closure (Plan for

evaluation and maintenance)

Students present their findings by giving a brief

synopsis of their chosen technologys heritage.

10 min

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