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ECE 493/593 Syllabus

Power Converter Design

Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. Reza Ahmadi

Office: ENGR E113

Office Phone: 453-7642

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Lecture: MWF, 2:00 20:50 p.m., ENGR A-207
Lab: TBD
Midterm Exam 1
Midterm Exam 2
Final Exam


Grading Distribution: Grade cut-offs for ECE 493 will be set at 85% (A), 70% (B), 60% (C),
and 50% (D). Grade cut-offs for ECE 593 will be set at 90% (A), 80% (B), 70% (C), and 60%
(D). The instructor reserves the right to adjust the cut-offs downward, but not upward, at his sole
discretion. Cumulative totals less than 50% are extremely likely to result in failing grades.
Course Summary: The primary focus of the course is on topology exploration, electrical
analysis, dynamic modeling, and magnetic design for power electronic converters and energy
conversion systems. This course relies heavily on simulations based design for integration of the
mentioned techniques into a design methodology.
Course Website: Desire 2 Learn
Prerequisite: Completion of ECE 385 and ECE 356;
Course Text: Elements of Power Electronics by Philip T. Krein (optional).
Classroom Policies:
A. Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken at random throughout the semester, and it
will be counted toward the final grade. Students are responsible for all announcements
made in class and/or posted to D2L.
B. Homework: Approximately every week, there will be a homework assignment. The
problems will be chosen to ensure that you learn the desired material. Homework grades
will be 50% for completeness, 50% for accuracy. Each assignment will be announced on
the class or through e-mail and will be posted by the end of the day on the course
website. You are responsible for checking the course website each week to find the
posted assignment. Homework is due at the BEGINNING of the class session exactly a
week from the date assigned. After 2:30 pm, a 10% penalty applies. After 5:00 pm, no
late work will be accepted. You may turn in homework early in the event of a conflict.

ECE 493/593 Syllabus Spring 2014

Verified emergencies will also be accommodated. Assignments dont show a due date on
them, you are responsible for keeping track of the due dates and turn in your homework
before the due date.
C. Exams: The exams are composed primarily of problem solving. There will be situations
that call for integrating multiple concepts. The final exam is cumulative. There will be a
greater emphasis on integrating concepts.
Schedule conflicts should be brought to the instructors attention as soon as possible. If
you must miss an exam for an excusable reason, you may take it early. Conflicts with the
final will be addressed in accordance with university policy.
Calculators are allowed on exams (nothing more than TI-89), however any calculator
with any means of wireless communication with other devices is not allowed. Cell
phones or other communications devices are NOT allowednot even the calculator
function on the phone.
D. Documented Disability: If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing
accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to meet with me early in the
semester. You will need to request that the Disability Services staff send a letter to me
verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need before I can
arrange your accommodation. See for more details.
E. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will be addressed in accordance with
university policies. On homework assignments, you are allowed to collaborate with peers,
but ultimately, the work you turn in MUST be your own. On exams, you may only use
your own notes (if open book) and a calculator; any other aids will be considered
F. Mobile Technology Policy: Use of cellphones for any reason during the lectures, lab
sessions, and exams is prohibited.
Required Knowledge for the Course:
We will be using principles of circuit analysis, electronics, electrical power systems,
electrical machinery, linear control system theory, digital signal analysis, and MATLAB
Simulink extensively in this course. Therefore, review the materials that you have
studied before and make yourself familiar with the materials that you dont already know.
For the linear control systems you need to review the following topics:

The Laplace transform for solving linear time-invariant differential equations.

State-space representation of dynamic systems.
Transient and steady-state response analysis of first order and second order
systems (including the error constants).
Pole-zero plane and basic Root-Locus analysis.
Bode plots and basic frequency response analysis.
Basic control system design in time and frequency domain.

An excellent text to review the above topics is Modern Control Engineering by

katsuhiko Ogata available through the Morris library (call# TJ213.O282010).

ECE 493/593 Syllabus Spring 2014

For the electronics you need to review semiconductor switching devices and their
properties. You should be familiar with power diodes, MOSFETs, IGBTs, SCRs and
power transistors.
You should also review principles of power systems such as three-phase systems, power
factor correction, complex and instantaneous power, and power transformer models.

ECE 493/593 Syllabus Spring 2014

University Policies
A. Incomplete Grades: An INC is assigned when, for reasons beyond their control,
students engaged in passing work are unable to complete all class assignments. An INC
must be changed to a completed grade within a time period designated by the instructor
but not to exceed one year from the close of the term in which the course was taken, or
graduation, whichever occurs first. Should the student fail to complete the course within
the time period designated, not to exceed one year, or graduation, whichever comes first,
the incomplete will be converted to a grade of F and the grade will be computed in the
students grade point average. Students should not reregister for courses in which an INC
has been assigned with the intent of changing the INC grade. Re-registration will not
prevent the INC from being changed to an F.
B. Academic Integrity: You are expected to submit your original work and adhere to the
academic policies as stated in the SIU Student Conduct Code: (listed
under Additional Links). Any act of academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism in any
form, including anonymous internet sources used in student papers, will be reported.
These acts are taken seriously and the consequences may range from failing as
assignment to expulsion from the university.
C. SIU Email: Your SIU email account is an official form of University communication.
Your instructor will use SIU email as a primary means of electronic communication with
students. Please make sure that you maintain a valid password and acquire the habit of
regularly checking your SIU email account for important instructor and University
You may view the official SIU Student Email Policy at:
D. Emergency Procedures: SIU is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment
for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our
control, we ask that you become familiar with SIU Emergency response Plan and
building Emergency Response Team (BERT) program. Emergency response information
is available on posters in buildings on campus, available on BERTs website at, the SIU Department of Public Safetys website (disaster dropdown and video, Shots Fired), and in the Emergency
Response Guideline pamphlet. Know how to respond to each type of emergency.
Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event
of an emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these
instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering
emergency. The Building Emergency Response Team will provide assistance to your
instructor in evacuating the building or sheltering within the facility.

ECE 493/593 Syllabus Spring 2014

E. Supplementary Assistance: SIU is committed to assisting students with disabilities.
With the cooperation of SIUs Disability Support Services (DSS), each student who
qualifies for reasonable supplementary assistance has the right to receive it. Students
requesting supplementary assistance must first register with DSS in Woody Hall, B-150,
or Notice: If you have any type of special need(s) or
disability for which you require accommodations to promote your learning in class,
please contact me as soon as possible. The Office of Disability Support Services (DSS)
offers various support services and can help you with special accommodations. You may
wish to contact DSS to verify your eligibility and options for accommodations related to
your special need(s) or disability.
Student Services
A. Learning Support Services: The Center for Learning Support Services (CLSS)
assists students of all cultures, abilities, backgrounds and identities with enhancing
their self-management and interdependent learning skills. Programs offered by CLSS
include: group study sessions; math tutoring; academic coaching; early intervention
program; and study skills seminars. For additional information please contact CLSS
in Woody Hall, Room A-313, 618-453-2925, or
B. Writing Center: The Writing Center offers free tutoring services and assistance with
improving writing skills to all SIU undergraduate students and faculty. For center
locations and hours, to schedule an appointment online, and to view information
regarding the Online Writing Lab (OWL) contact the Writing Center at 618-453-1231
(Morris Library location); 618-453-2927 (Trueblood location), or
C. Saluki Cares: The purpose of Saluki Cares is to develop, facilitate and coordinate a
university-wide program of care and support for students in any type of distressphysical, emotional, financial or personal. By working closely with faculty, staff,
students and their families, SIU will continue to display a culture of care and
demonstrate to our students and their families that they are an important part of the
To make a referral to Saluki Cares click, call or send:; 618-453-5714, or

Syllabus Attachment

Spring 2014
We emphasize student achievement and success because achievement and
success are essential if we are to shape future leaders and transform lives.

Semester Class Begins .01/13/2014

Last day to add a class (without instructor permission): .01/24/2014
Last day to withdraw completely and receive a 100% refund: .01/26/2014
Last day to drop a course using SalukiNet: .03/23/2014
Last day to file diploma application (for name to appear in Commencement
program): .03/28/2014
Final examinations:.5/5 5/9/2014
* Note: For outreach, online, and short course drop/add dates, visit
Registrars Academic webpage
Martin Luther King, Jr.s Birthday 01/20/2014
Spring Vacation 03/0803/16/2014
WITHDRAWAL POLICY ~ Undergraduate only
Students who officially register for a session may not withdraw merely by the
stopping of attendance. An official withdrawal form needs to be initiated by the
student and processed by the University. For the proper procedures to follow
when dropping courses and when withdrawing from the University, please visit
INCOMPLETE POLICY~ Undergraduate only
An INC is assigned when, for reasons beyond their control, students engaged in
passing work are unable to complete all class assignments. An INC must be
changed to a completed grade within one semester following the term in which
the course was taken, or graduation, whichever occurs rst. Should the student
fail to complete the course within the time period designated, that is, by no
later than the end of the semester following the term in which the course was
taken, or graduation, whichever occurs first, the incomplete will be converted
to a grade of F and the grade will be computed in the student's grade point
average. For more information please visit:
An undergraduate student may, for the purpose of raising a grade, enroll in a
course for credit no more than two times (two total enrollments) unless
otherwise noted in the course description. For students receiving a letter grade
of A,B,C,D, or F, the course repetition must occur at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale. Only the most recent (last) grade will be calculated in
the overall GPA and count toward hours earned. See full policy at
Graduate policies often vary from Undergraduate policies. To view the
applicable policies for graduate students, please visit
Disability Support Services provides the required academic and programmatic
support services to students with permanent and temporary disabilities. DSS
provides centralized coordination and referral services. To utilize DSS
services, students must come to the DSS to open cases. The process involves
interviews, reviews of student-supplied documentation, and completion of
Disability Accommodation Agreements.


The purpose of Saluki Cares is to develop, facilitate and coordinate a
university-wide program of care and support for students in any type of
distressphysical, emotional, financial, or personal. By working
closely with faculty, staff, students and their families, SIU will continue
to display a culture of care and demonstrate to our students and their
families that they are an important part of the community. For
Information on Saluki Cares: (618) 453-5714, or,
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a
safe and healthy environment for study and work. We ask that you
become familiar with the SIU Emergency Response Plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) pr ogr ams. Emer gency r esponse information is available on posters in buildings on campus,
available on BERTs website at, Department of
Safetys website at (disaster drop down) and the
Emergency Response Guideline pamphlet. Instructors will provide
guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an
emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these
instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or
sheltering emergency.
SIU contains people from all walks of life, from many different
cultures and sub-cultures, and representing all strata of society,
nationalities, ethnicities, lifestyles, and affiliations. Learning from and
working with people who differ is an important part of education as well
an essential preparation for any career. For more information please
Help is within reach. Learning support services offers free tutoring on
campus and math labs. To find more information please visit the Center
for Learning and Support Services website:
Tutoring :
Math Labs
The Writing Center offers free tutoring services to all SIU students and
faculty. To find a Center or Schedule an appointment please visit
Our office's main focus is to ensure that the university complies with
federal and state equity policies and handles reporting and investigating
of discrimination cases. For more information visit:

Additional Resources Available:


Southern Illinois University Carbondale. (2013). Pathways to Excellence: A Strategic Plan

Retrieved from

Spring 2014 R.ORourke

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