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[7:18] [Local] TerraNova@newterra: du must dann zum ERD in der mitte wo du schmu

ggel ware abgeben kannst da beginnt die mission^^[7:18] [Local] TerraNova@newter

ra: ups[7:24] [Local] Cir-yoogow@euclidese8: hi[7:29] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
qapla and hello[7:35] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: hey joe dude[7:35] [Local] Rre
n@krazyd51: sup[7:35] [Local] Fay@Lumani: BRB[7:35] [Local] Rren@krazyd51: kk im
going to exchange[7:37] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: so mr skywalker[7:38] [Local
] B'Lana@lamotte303: see you ve changed your changed your dent uniform gainst s
oemthing smarter[7:39] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: sorry i dont understa
nd you ,you might want to check your grammar before talking to me.[7:41] [Local]
B'Lana@lamotte303: sayed you were a member of the dents,wearing their nice unif
orm and were trolling and stalking people here[7:41] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
you still talking like one of them[7:42] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: sorry i dont
understand you ,you might want to check your grammar before talking to me.[7:43
] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you and your friends were ruining very much nice pe
ople s game[7:43] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: many of them left[7:43] [Local] B'L
ana@lamotte303: sto because of poeple liek u[7:44] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: li
ke[7:44] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: do you thnk thats funny dude?[7:45] [Local]
B'Lana@lamotte303: some people spending hours over hours to buld up there toons[
7:45] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: build[7:45] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: or spend
in real money in that game[7:46] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: do you think thats f
unny dude[7:47] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: stalking /trolling people over hours
with your friends[7:47] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: only because the wanna have f
un in here[7:47] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: Again we do not ruin,troll
or stalk people and make them leave sto ,we encourage them to expand his sto ex
perience.[7:48] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: ah come on dude[7:48] [Local] B'Lana@
lamotte303: maybe you dont remember me[7:48] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: but i st
ill remember you[7:49] [Local] Terra@newterra: afk kaffee machen[7:50] [Local] B
'Lana@lamotte303: you and your friends were trolling after me and my wife in you
r spacesuit[7:50] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: no dude[7:50] [Local] B'Lana@lamott
e303: not from there[7:50] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i still rmember your name[
7:51] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: because there is only Nicolas Skywalker[7:51] [
Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: in the game[7:51] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: You see
m upset. Please enjoy this complimentary antidepressant mist.[7:51] [Local] B'La
na@lamotte303: and you were a member of the starfleet dentales[7:51] [Local] Nic
olas Skywalker@alnickjn: you telling me that i trolled you? is that it?[7:51] [L
ocal] B'Lana@lamotte303: it is months ago[7:51] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: yeah
me na d my wife[7:52] [Local] Rren@krazyd51: off to new romulan to get 400 rms..
.[7:52] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: till she left sto because of peeps like u[7:5
2] [Local] Yuki@morthekais: dont kill epohs..[7:52] [Local] Rren@krazyd51: epohh
yummy[7:52] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Do you feel persecuted? Discriminated
against? Tell us how you feel.[7:53] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: The MOPP would
like to know and understand the public's perception of Starfleet Dental.[7:53]
[Local] Rren@krazyd51: brb im off to new romulan[7:53] [Local] Rren@krazyd51: im
going to eat[7:53] [Local] Rren@krazyd51: =P[7:53] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: a
nd i think you still one of them[7:53] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Accept no im
itations.[7:54] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: the way you talk and how you stand st
ill since over months at the same point on that bar there[7:55] [Local] B'Lana@l
amotte303: lol you called your friends[7:55] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: again to
troll me[7:55] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Who's trolling?[7:55] [Local] B'Lan
a@lamotte303: i m aglad bout dude[7:55] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I'm just da
ncing.[7:56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: it is ok none i stalking to u[7:56] [Loc
al] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Dancing =/= trolling[7:56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i
s talking to u[7:56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: still talking to my dude nic[7:5
6] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: Jerry Dougal@vizh20 does the Running Man
for Nicolas Skywalker. he is dancing for me no trolling.[7:57] [Local] Jerry Dou
gal@vizh20: You're speaking in a public forum, so people are free to respond. Pl
ease understand that you're not "special" and entitled to treatment like royalty
because (insert delusion here)[7:57] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: it is ok shall
i go to the bak and pick up my spacesuit for u[7:57] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
m[7:58] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Talk about things in a public social forum

and people might respond regarding the topic. If you want privacy, you may talk
to your friend in private chat.[7:58] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: think we have t
his localchat to chat[7:58] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and nc is surely my frien
d sry[7:59] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: So I can assure you that Mr. Skywalker
is not a member of Starfleet Dental.[7:59] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: He is a
member of Elite Defense Starfleet.[7:59] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: why you be h
ere now[7:59] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: if he is not one of u[8:00] [Local] Ard
uin@rweninger: jerry was here before you started this! :-)[8:00] [Local] Jerry D
ougal@vizh20: Because Drozana is a frequent hangout for my fleet. Do the NPC's "
stalk" you too?[8:00] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: not interesting in what fleet h
e is now in[8:00] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: he is still a dnet[8:00] [Local] B'
Lana@lamotte303: dent[8:00] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: He has never been in St
arfleet Dental. You're being utterly delusional.[8:00] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303
: still talks the same stupid phrases as youal l do[8:00] [Local] Jerry Dougal@v
izh20: I would dare say unhinged.[8:00] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: call s always
his "familie" for help[8:01] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Dental's more like a
labour union than a family.[8:01] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i thaught its more
a religious thing?[8:01] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: but once again, Mr. Skywal
ker is not, nor has he ever been a member of starfleet dental[8:01] [Local] B'La
na@lamotte303: or shall we say something like "KKK"[8:02] [Local] Jerry Dougal@v
izh20: Excuse me?[8:02] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you know the h kukluxklan[8:0
2] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I fail to see the comparison[8:02] [Local] B'Lan
a@lamotte303: it s from usa lik ethe most of u[8:02] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
and you acting quite same way[8:02] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: I can as
sure you B'Lana that i dont have any atachments with starfleet dental.[8:02] [Lo
cal] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: and frankly, finding our dancing and fire extinguisher
RP akin to the murder and hatred of the KKK is downright offensive[8:03] [Local
] B'Lana@lamotte303: wearing spacesuits[8:03] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Not t
o us, but to the people murdered by the Klan. You're literally saying that your
mild irritation with our type of fun is equal to RACIALLY MOTIVATED MURDER? Are
you utterly insane?[8:03] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: well you actin like them tr
olling /stalikng people[8:04] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: We don't troll. But e
ven if we did, is trolling REALLY EQUAL TO KILLING BLACK PEOPLE?[8:05] [Local] B
'Lana@lamotte303: what you douis to suppress of minorities[8:05] [Local] Jerry
Dougal@vizh20: Are these things even CLOSE to comparable?[8:06] [Local] B'Lana@
lamotte303: well think you better go back to school[8:06] [Local] Jerry Dougal@v
izh20: You're whining because other people are having fun in a way that you don'
t like because you are a thin skinned control freak, and THIS IS EQUAL TO A HATE
CRIME?[8:06] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: we are crime in your eyes?[8:06] [Local
] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I'm incredulous. I am...utterly....I don't...I'm not angr
y, I am just bewildered that such a petty, small person could exist.[8:06] [Loca
l] B'Lana@lamotte303: thats hard stuiff[8:07] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you bet
ter talk to nic he knows better spellsthen u[8:07] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20:
Are you even literate?[8:08] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you need some white colo
re for your spacesuits[8:08] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Please explain how Sta
rfleet Dental joking around and having fun while remaining ENTIRELY within the t
erms of service is equal to the actions of a murderous hate group.[8:08] [Local]
B'Lana@lamotte303: and 2 holes in your helkmet[8:08] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh2
0: Does this even register?[8:08] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: helmet[8:09] [Local
] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Yes I get your point. I know what you're trying to say. I
am asking you to EXPLAIN how you think these things are equal. I am morally off
ended by your statement. Not as a Dental, but as a human being.[8:09] [Local] B'
Lana@lamotte303: you are so quite nicholas[8:09] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: thin
k i better mute you[8:09] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i loved butts spells much m
ore tehn yours[8:10] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i miss him[8:10] [Local] B'Lana@
lamotte303: asking where is right now?[8:10] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I hope
you're a Dental alt just trying to make an amusing situation.[8:10] [Local] B'L
ana@lamotte303: not able to play sto[8:10] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: because he
s gotting banned for lifetime[8:10] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: is that what you
also want jerry[8:11] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I'm not breaking any rules.[

8:11] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you should better read the chatrules before yo
say you dont break it[8:11] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I am merely dancing and
asking why you think your "suffering" if you can call it that, is equal to that
of a person who is MURDERED FOR THE COLOUR OF THEIR SKIN[8:11] [Local] B'Lana@l
amotte303: but still wondering why nich is so quiet[8:11] [Local] Jerry Dougal@v
izh20: What chat rule am I breaking?[8:12] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you are bo
ring[8:12] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I'm just asking you questions. You made
a lot of statements and I'd like you to back them up.[8:12] [Local] B'Lana@lamot
te303: to be respectfull na dfriendly to each other[8:13] [Local] Jerry Dougal@v
izh20: Theres no mandatory friendliness. Plus, you insulted me when I arrived he
re.[8:13] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: think you are in teh way mr[8:13] [Local] J
erry Dougal@vizh20: Report me.[8:13] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you are the ange
r not worth mr[8:13] [Local] Merkury@garou888: i want u to back up one dental`s
words - that u`re doing this for yours two years old kids to be able to watch[8:
13] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you only one finger[8:14] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte3
03: i muted you now[8:14] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: sry but its getting to loud
on my right side[8:15] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: so nicholas wanna join teh pa
rty?[8:15] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i know you wnat to[8:15] [Local] B'Lana@la
motte303: dont be so shy[8:15] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i ma no 1 on your list
[8:15] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i am male in rl[8:16] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte30
3: i doing erp[8:16] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and its me Lamotte[8:16] [Local]
B'Lana@lamotte303: maybe you rmemebr my main dude[8:17] [Local] Nicolas Skywalk
er@alnickjn: For starting why you calling me so badly 'Nicholas' when you can se
e its 'Nicolas' ,second you made quite alot of statements and Jerry is just aski
ng you a few qustions about it ,why dont you answer[8:17] [Local] Nicolas Skywal
ker@alnickjn: them?[8:17] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i gave him my answer[8:17]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you can read it[8:17] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and
also im not talking to him[8:18] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i m taalking to you
Nicolas Skywalker[8:18] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and jerry is muted[8:18] [Loc
al] B'Lana@lamotte303: so you can talk[8:18] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: we[8:19]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: but thinks there will not cum much only senseless de
nts spells as always hm?[8:19] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: First order y
our grammar and speak properly ,second you didnt answer last Jerry question[8:20
] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i sayed i ve answerded him and you are boring me[8:
20] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and also you repeating yourself[8:20] [Local] B'L
ana@lamotte303: First order your grammar and speak properly ,second you didnt an
swer last Jerry question[8:20] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: First order your gramm
ar and speak properly ,second you didnt answer last Jerry question[8:20] [Local]
B'Lana@lamotte303: First order your grammar and speak properly ,second you didn
t answer last Jerry questionFirst order your grammar and speak properly ,second
you didnt answer last Jerry questionFirst order your grammar[8:20] [Local] B'Lan
a@lamotte303: can do that also[8:21] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: liek i sayed sne
sless dent spells[8:21] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: senseless[8:21] [Local] Merku
ry@garou888: if i were u than i wouldn`t talk that much[8:21] [Local] Nicolas Sk
ywalker@alnickjn: [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: I am merely dancing and asking wh
y you think your "suffering" if you can call it that, is equal to that of a pers
on who is MURDERED FOR THE COLOUR OF THEIR SKIN[8:21] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@
alnickjn: and your answer:[8:21] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: whatsnow??[8:22] [Lo
cal] B'Lana@lamotte303: oh nicholas is that all you can do[8:22] [Local] B'Lana@
lamotte303: i ve say read it it stnads in the locchat[8:22] [Local] Nicolas Skyw
alker@alnickjn: [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: but still wondering why nich is so qu
iet[8:22] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: is that an answer?[8:22] [Local] N
icolas Skywalker@alnickjn: i think not[8:22] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: come on
due you are stalking me over months with such a pleasure[8:23] [Local] B'Lana@la
motte303: and you forgot bout what i answered u and jack[8:23] [Local] B'Lana@la
motte303: dude[8:23] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: and MURDERS FOR THE COL
OR OF THEIR SKIN is quite serious[8:24] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: but
you are taking this if this where a game and its not[8:24] [Local] B'Lana@lamott
e303: lol[8:24] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you such a noob nicholas[8:24] [Local
] B'Lana@lamotte303: well maybe for oyu and your friends it s funn yin here[8:25

] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: harazing with many people us rp[8:25] [Local] Nicol

as Skywalker@alnickjn: What friends ? i told you that im not atached to Starflee
t Dental.[8:25] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you suppress minorities dude[8:26] [L
ocal] B'Lana@lamotte303: you and friends are rassists[8:26] [Local] B'Lana@lamo
tte303: s[8:26] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: ssssssssssss[8:26] [Local] Nicolas Sk
ywalker@alnickjn: Just to be standing in the ba doing nothing MAKES ME A MEMBER
OF STARFLEET DENTAL ?[8:26] [Local] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: bar*[8:26] [Loca
l] B'Lana@lamotte303: nicolas[8:27] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: doyou think we re
ally alll such noobs and little childs in our barin as u be[8:27] [Local] B'Lana
@lamotte303: brain[8:28] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: it is obviesely dude[8:28] [
Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and i will repeat it slowly for u again ude[8:28] [Loc
al] B'Lana@lamotte303: dude[8:28] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you are using the s
ame senseless spell as the dents[8:29] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you still frie
nded/spy for them[8:29] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: months ago you were also memb
er of teh dents fleet[8:30] [Local] Tuvork@yoyojuan: Your enjoyment of ballons i
s most illogical[8:30] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and at that timmeyou were acti
ve trolling me and my wife wearing the spacesuit[8:30] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303
: time you[8:30] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: till she left sto because of peeps l
like you[8:31] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and mayn nice people also lefts to[8:3
1] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: sto[8:31] [Local] Jerry Dougal@vizh20: Oh no peopl
e dance and fight pretend fires in a video game my life is ruiiiiined I can't pl
ay anymmore.[8:31] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: think we al remember what anice pl
ace droza was before you started your dent clean up[8:32] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte
303: full of rp evryday[8:33] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and now look at it what
you made out of t[8:33] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: everybopdy is frightened to
dance or rp in here[8:33] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: becuase of you[8:34] [Local
] Nicolas Skywalker@alnickjn: Your statement is that im still a dental ,we troll
/stalk people and that we are noobs..... noted. Let me tell you that you started
this topic and that in all of your chat lines you are repeating[8:34] [Local] N
icolas Skywalker@alnickjn: yourself about things that I DIDNT MAKED.[8:35] [Loca
l] B'Lana@lamotte303: lol that s clevr dude[8:35] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: rea
lly nice[8:35] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: trie[8:36] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
well i know that theirs no way out of that fleet[8:37] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303
: many people who was also troling me came inbetwee and sayed sry for that[8:37]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: but you stand up there in your dentale manure[8:37]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and still think we all blind[8:38] [Local] Nicolas Sk
ywalker@alnickjn: Im sorry if your wife left STO but i do not wish to anyone to
leave this excelent game but you must know that you may have confuse yourself wi
th another dude beacuse im not a dental and i dont have[8:38] [Local] Nicolas Sk
ywalker@alnickjn: any attachments with them.[8:38] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: no
still not[8:38] [Local] Vinam@nyxem: You have injuries like a real dental :p[8:
38] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: mister[8:38] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: thats it[
8:38] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: also a point[8:39] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: y
our injuries[8:39] [Local] Handsome Jack@johntherussian: So why did you make a n
ew account Lamotte? Is it so you could have a second chance at creeping on every
one here?[8:39] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: your way to talk[8:39] [Local] B'Lana
@lamotte303: lol[8:39] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: oh jack well no wonder that yo
u help your friend[8:40] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i ma gald bout[8:40] [Local]
Yuki@morthekais: switching accounts wont help anyway[8:40] [Local] B'Lana@lamot
te303: so all others also know what you up to[8:40] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: a
nd for all people who didint know[8:40] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: h[8:41] [Loca
l] B'Lana@lamotte303: the nerds is the kdf version of the starfleet dentales[8:4
1] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: so thanks jack[8:42] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i
nevr saye dosmething to you as you wer etrolling poelpe like you were doin with
[8:42] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: poisonivey[8:42] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: fo
r example[8:42] [Local] Handsome Jack@johntherussian: That's great and all and I
'mma let you finish but that still doesnt answer why you made a new account.[8:4
2] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: well nice[8:42] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: h[8:43]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: but you stil also boring with your senseless repeati
ngs[8:44] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and yes i made a new account but becuase of

peole like you[8:45] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and noone of the people you wer
e stalking/troling were nice people who only to play sto and have some fun[8:45]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and noone of them was din things like you do[8:46] [
Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: so who are you[8:46] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: tihink
ing you can ruin peoples game /mood[8:47] [Local] Terra@newterra: hey semper und
schon neues haustier gefunden^^[8:47] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: ned a cigarett
e brb afk[8:47] [Local] Merkury@garou888: lamotte calm down.. u`ll hurt yourself
by talking too much[8:48] [Local] Merkury@garou888: they`re right that u didn`t
reply[8:52] [Local] Terra@newterra: he wrex in laderaum warte eine ber raschung
auf dich[8:52] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: wohl nen bett fr uns 2[8:53] [Local] Terra@
newterra: neee ne luftschleuse[8:53] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: irgendwie bekomme ic
h das gefhl du magst mich nich ..schade[8:53] [Local] Terra@newterra: XD[8:54] [L
ocal] Terra@newterra: na ok nen knochen[8:56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: back[8:
56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: we can go on ude[8:56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
if you up to[8:56] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: take mre[8:56] [Local] B'Lana@lam
otte303: more[8:57] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: maybe some of know that we have s
ome webradiostations in sto[8:57] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: like for example ss
r radio or mmo/trekradio[8:58] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: the dj are mostly all
the time ingame and evryones welcome to join their partyies[8:58] [Local] B'Lana
@lamotte303: parties[8:59] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: on chnaging locations[8:59
] [Local] Merkury@garou888: and?[8:59] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: changing[8:59]
[Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: well this dent are not up fo parties[8:59] [Local] B
'Lana@lamotte303: so they brak it always down on their way[8:59] [Local] B'Lana@
lamotte303: break[9:00] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: hopping in with much of heir
friends because alone they feel unsafe[9:01] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: like nic
holas is d oin now[9:02] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: have you thaught bout the pe
eps who are spending the party[9:02] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: do oyu[9:02] [Lo
cal] Terra@newterra: go outside....rl is a good game too[9:02] [Local] B'Lana@la
motte303: think you really dont know how much it is to spend a party in here[9:0
3] [Local] Merkury@garou888: who?[9:03] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: work[9:03] [L
ocal] B'Lana@lamotte303: this dents/nicholas and his friend jack[9:03] [Local] M
erkury@garou888: that they don`t know how to spend party?[9:03] [Local] B'Lana@l
amotte303: now they dont how much work is behind[9:04] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303
: no[9:04] [Local] Merkury@garou888: u can always move party - it`s not a proble
m - they told u that u can move it to private place - like bridge[9:05] [Local]
B'Lana@lamotte303: yeah but they break it down[9:05] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303:
spamming all full with ballones or firextinguisher[9:05] [Local] Merkury@garou88
8: they don`t know about all parties - this mean that they don`t spy them so..[9
:05] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and many people leaving the party before u cna m
ove somewhere else[9:05] [Local] Merkury@garou888: extinquisher looks like showe
r =P[9:05] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and thats alos harazement[9:06] [Local] B'
Lana@lamotte303: also[9:07] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and also we had many orio
n dancers on that bar evrynite[9:07] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: they also left a
ll because of peeps like u[9:08] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: and they were only d
ancing and rp[9:09] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: you are so quiet[9:09] [Local] B'
Lana@lamotte303: no more silly senseless spells u cna use gainst me[9:09] [Local
] B'Lana@lamotte303: i am frightened[9:11] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: ah come on
dont give up[9:13] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: or afk to google new spells?[9:13
] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: can wait no worries bout[9:13] [Local] B'Lana@lamot
te303: hey joe[9:13] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: it is along time ag[9:13] [Local
] Joe@krazyd51: hello B'Lana[9:13] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: how oyu doin mate?
[9:14] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: yeah lon time no see[9:14] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte30
3: you[9:14] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: long*[9:14] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: not much[9:
15] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: nice to meet u[9:15] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: nice t
o meet u too[9:15] [Local] B'Lana@lamotte303: i am switch br think they gt a hea
rdattache[9:16] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: back[9:17] [Local] Violent Ve
ss@donovichie: sup dub D[9:17] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: hey vess[9:17]
[Local] Joe@krazyd51: wb Captain Future[9:18] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte30
3: thanks[9:18] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: do you know what i miss[9:19]
[Local] Joe@krazyd51: ?[9:19] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: some orione da

ncers on that bar[9:19] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: and a barfight betwee

n them[9:19] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: lol[9:19] [Local] Joe@krazyd51:
oh yeah Srozana[9:19] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: drozana*[9:19] [Local] Captain Futur
e@lamotte303: you remember joe[9:19] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: Umm?[9:19] [Local] Ca
ptain Future@lamotte303: was always funny[9:20] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte30
3: the barfights in here[9:20] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: oh[9:20] [Local] Captain Fu
ture@lamotte303: between the orione ladies[9:20] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte3
03: hehe[9:20] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: oh lol[9:21] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte
303: now we have cheech and chongh on the bar[9:21] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: hey z
ion[9:21] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: <3[9:21] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: nice to see ya
around[9:21] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: we should offer them some credit
s[9:21] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: yeah[9:21] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: how ya been[9:2
2] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: maybe they dance for us[9:22] [Local] Wrex
@steiner8: not to bad[9:22] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: you?[9:22] [Local] Captain Fu
ture@lamotte303: in their sapcesuits[9:22] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: good to hear,
im doing well[9:22] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: spacesuits[9:22] [Local]
Wrex@steiner8: fleet?[9:22] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: same same :)[9:22] [Local] Wr
ex@steiner8: queen still on top?[9:23] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: you know it[9:23]
[Local] Wrex@steiner8: know what[9:23] [Local] Ry'tanna@doomsday35: it[9:23] [Lo
cal] Captain Future@lamotte303: hehe[9:23] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: red will never
give up top chair :)[9:23] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: that my name is wrex yes i do
[9:23] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: haha[9:23] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: haven't seen her
for a long time now[9:23] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: wait we can byu so
m etoinic for nicholas and jack[9:24] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: buy soe
m tonic[9:24] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: ya, been busy, but she pops in here and the
re[9:24] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: brb[9:24] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: ahh ..i see[9:24
] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: k[9:24] [Local] Zion@diplom4t: well as alwa
ys, great to see you again wrex, take care![9:24] [Local] Wrex@steiner8: you too
[9:25] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: hihi[9:26] [Local] Captain Future@lamo
tte303: uih hello lady amara[9:31] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: i am bit s
ad bout you 2 stoped talkin[9:32] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: dont let me
win on that way[9:32] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: i know you much more
clever as i be[9:33] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: How eloquent.[9:33] [Local] Bu
schmaki@Buschmaki: I see Starfleet still chooses the cream of the crop for its'
officers.[9:34] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: yes i am with you ,its gettin
g really worse if they need to recrute peeps like you[9:34] [Local] Captain Futu
re@lamotte303: and Nicolas Skywalker[9:35] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: What's r
eally bad is that they didn't flunk you out of the Academy.[9:35] [Local] Buschm
aki@Buschmaki: Flagrant uniform violations are a disgrace to the name of Starfle
et.[9:35] [Local] Violent Vess@donovichie: is that a complement or an insult Bus
hmaki? Or rather an Observation?[9:35] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: What would A
dmiral Nimitz think?[9:35] [Local] James@apersont1: Borg Meth can do some nasty
things[9:35] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: I also don't like you taking that casu
al tone in a station filled with civilians.[9:35] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte
303: bla bla bla[9:35] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: You better smoke yourself ri
ght now, or God help me I'll NJP you into oblivion.[9:36] [Local] Buschmaki@Busc
hmaki: Give me 100 right now if you ever want to see space again.[9:36] [Local]
Captain Future@lamotte303: starfleet dental academy[9:36] [Local] James@apersont
1: My ship has a brothel on board, free entry will get you off my back?[9:36] [L
ocal] Captain Future@lamotte303: for sure you be friendly and understoodfull[9:3
7] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: starfleet dentales/academy and nerds of pr
ey are one[9:37] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Are you suggesting that we fratern
ize with the enemy?[9:37] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: so dont tell me you
be gently an dhonoreful people[9:38] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: you ae
the enemie[9:38] [Local] Violent Vess@donovichie: just nonchalanly speaking... a
nd no disrespect however what are your alternative motives?[9:38] [Local] Buschm
aki@Buschmaki: Sir, I will have you know that those Nerds of Prey vagabonds are
nothing but space-faring trash intent on ruining the good name of my beloved Cor
ps.[9:38] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: you laso were trolling /stalking me
and other peeps her att hi sstation[9:38] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: al

so[9:38] [Local] James@apersont1: OMG it's shrek[9:39] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschma

ki: I also don't recall bright white and black being official Starfleet uniform.
[9:39] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: dont think we blind as you and can not
count one and one together[9:39] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Why are you walki
ng around with your combadge dressed like that?[9:39] [Local] Amara@kvoza: THis
is a magical land where anything can happen. Including a visit from Shrek[9:39]
[Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: You're misrepresenting STarfleet.[9:39] [Local] Cap
tain Future@lamotte303: lols mister foget it[9:39] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki:
Unlike Arduin here.[9:39] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: its worthlees[9:39]
[Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Good job soldier.[9:40] [Local] Arduin@rweninger:
thanks[9:40] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: i know because some of your memb
ers are really not so bad guys as you be[9:40] [Local] James@apersont1: protip:
buy drinks for your superiors[9:40] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: and they
ve told me bout it[9:40] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: I doubt that, all Starflee
t Dental operations are top secret.[9:40] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: aha
[9:41] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Starfleet doesn't need other civilizations f
inding out the secret to perfect teeth.[9:41] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303:
ok and why is aht??[9:41] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: why have all your
actions be secret?[9:41] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: I just told you.[9:41] [Lo
cal] Captain Future@lamotte303: becuase you oly have mad things in your mind[9:4
1] [Local] James@apersont1: THE DENTAL][9:41] [Local] James@apersont1: the denta
l is horrible, they smash your teeth out with a hammer[9:41] [Local] Captain Fut
ure@lamotte303: trie something else[9:42] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: lol[9:42] [Local
] Captain Future@lamotte303: and wb joe[9:42] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: ty Captain[9
:42] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: you remember Nicolas Skywalker[9:42] [Lo
cal] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Future, I find your over-familiarity with the troops d
isconcerting.[9:43] [Local] James@apersont1: May i ask what a high ranking membe
r of the Federation is doing here?[9:43] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: no c
ome on gimme more bushi[9:43] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: A Starfleet officer s
hould be professional at all times.[9:43] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: sho
uld be[9:43] [Local] James@apersont1: this place is the opposite of proffesional
[9:44] [Local] Violent Vess@donovichie: the lack of solidarity is ruining the mo
od[9:44] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: They also shouldn't be slurring their word
s like some sort of win-o.[9:44] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: yeah and hel
pfull honorefull and friendly and helpfull and so you out sry bushi[9:44] [Local
] James@apersont1: I will show you soldiery[9:44] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: S
tarfleet has no need for honor.[9:44] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Starfleet onl
y has a need for upholding the peace of the galaxy and scientific progress.[9:45
] [Local] Semper@semper78: wiederlich[9:45] [Local] James@apersont1: a lot of od
d looking aliens here, i am the most human-looking alien there is[9:45] [Local]
Captain Future@lamotte303: you think trolling and stalking peopl eth ehole day i
s saving the pice in the galaxie[9:45] [Local] Noctara@Lumani: thanks Rren[9:45]
[Local] James@apersont1: Notice how short i am and the slightly odd colour of m
y skin[9:45] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: next![9:46] [Local] Buschmaki@Bu
schmaki: I am not familiar with this, "trolling."[9:46] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschm
aki: It sounds extremely unprofessional.[9:46] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303
: lol[9:46] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: next next next[9:46] [Local] Busc
hmaki@Buschmaki: As a Starfleet officer you should not use the names of fantasy
creatures to refer to others.[9:46] [Local] Cir-yoogow@euclidese8: is there a fi
re dental?[9:46] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: There are some species in the univ
erse who might take offense to such petty name-calling.[9:46] [Local] Captain Fu
ture@lamotte303: there are 3 on the bar[9:47] [Local] James@apersont1: Standard
issue fire extinguisher stolen from an officer's shuttle[9:47] [Local] James@ape
rsont1: but don't tell anybody[9:47] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: jack, ni
cholas and bushi[9:47] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: And trying to introduce fore
ign folk-tales to another culture is in fact diluting that culture and violating
the Prime Directive.[9:47] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: hey hase[9:47] [L
ocal] Joe@krazyd51: lol[9:47] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: they are funny
joe[9:48] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: I have no idea how such a poor recruit l
ike you got past the Academy, you are violating one of the laws that we hold mos

t sacred.[9:48] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: we should make a commedy numb

er out of it[9:48] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: You are also violating uniform p
rotocol, and unofficially the laws of fashion.[9:48] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: oh lo
lz[9:48] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: O_O[9:49] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: If I was y
our commanding officer I'd make sure you'd never fly again, much less wear a uni
form and ruin the reputation of my beloved UFP.[9:49] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: omg
look at Noctara's arms[9:49] [Local] Vinam@nyxem: lol <.<[9:49] [Local] Noctara@
Lumani: *flex*[9:49] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: lol[9:49] [Local] Joe@kr
azyd51: lol[9:49] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: Get out of my sight maggot, you'r
e nothing but trash polluting the ideals of the most beautiful nation in the uni
verse.[9:51] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: [[Future, this was a really interestin
g roleplay!]][9:51] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: [[I think you imitate the menta
lly disabled very well!]][9:51] [Local] James@apersont1: i have a Gekli that fol
lows my ship around, should i report it to starfleet maintenance?[9:51] [Local]
Buschmaki@Buschmaki: [[Keep it up!]][9:52] [Local] James@apersont1: small people
:O[9:53] [Local] Joe@krazyd51: :D[9:53] [Local] James@apersont1: and a big, gre
en...alien...woman][9:53] [Local] James@apersont1: this is slightly disturbing[9
:55] [Local] Violent Vess@donovichie: 1 word Romulans... can't stand their sadis
tic ways of killing themselves[9:55] [Local] James@apersont1: people are followi
ng me D:[9:55] [Local] Astarte@morthekais: great job, yoda[9:56] [Local] Buschma
ki@Buschmaki: I find the Romulan ways of torture interesting.[9:56] [Local] Busc
hmaki@Buschmaki: Despicable... But interesting.[9:56] [Local] Violent Vess@donov
ichie: the theory is they blew their own planet up to get an edge in the war[9:5
7] [Local] Buschmaki@Buschmaki: The Romulans understand war better than anyone,
maybe even the Klingons.[9:57] [Local] Captain Future@lamotte303: brb afk

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