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THE INSTRUMENTIST S.A.S It is an importer and distributor of specialist with
emphasis on the specialties of Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Spine and Maxillofacial

medical equipment. The company is committed to the commercialization of

innovative equipment and high technology, in order to meet the needs presented
by our customers, on the other hand we have a team of professionals who are
available to support them and guide them with information about our products.
We commercialize medical devices and surgical elements contributing to improve
the quality of life of patients. Market consumables and surgical instruments quality
backed by manufacturers in Germany, the United States and other countries with
advanced technology to meet customer demand, from the most elementary to
equipment highest complexity for surgery.
To be recognized in our country as an innovative, competitive quality and
marketing of medical devices and surgical items organization.
In 1981 establishing THE INSTRUMENTIST S.A.S. In order to provide medical and
surgical items, to meet needs in hospitals and private medical level.
Initially it marketed with consumables and surgical instruments and given the
experience of the founding partners was projecting the company towards
specialization in the market, looking for manufacturers in Germany, the United
States and other countries with advanced technology to meet the demand for
customers, providing every element required in hospitals and clinics from the most
elementary to higher complexity teams for surgery.
The company manages position in the market throughout the country, working with
lines Craniomaxillofacial osteosynthesis with titanium material. Today we recognize
as being pioneers in entering the market.
As a result of a campaign of training and continuing education specialists, the trend
of using steel and titanium wire for maxillofacial surgery in patients changed.
Over time we have specialized in different product lines for Neurosurgery and
stimulation electrode implantation surgery Cranio-Maxillofacial, Plastic Surgery,
Spine Surgery, Hand Surgery, and Surgical Instruments, in order to get more

Currently our commitment is to offer high-tech products that will benefit patients
and surgeons nationwide, looking in the future be leaders dabbling in new
Directives and collaborators THE INSTRUMENTIST S.A.S work for our clients with:

Commitment: Our team is ready to give the best of themselves, meeting the
requirements and expectations of customers to increase their satisfaction.

Responsibility: We comply with firmness and loyalty commitments to achieve

the goals.

Honesty: All internal and external actions of our employees are framed within a
transparent, fair and correct behavior which identifies them as part of the

Competitiveness: We are at the forefront of technological development with

the support of our suppliers to deliver high quality products.

Knowledge: We work on the development of thinking, skills and technologies

to build knowledge, supported by the continuing education of specialists and

Presidente: Es la persona encargada de tomar las decisiones en los negocios
ms importantes de la compaa.
Gerente general: Es el representante legal de la compaa
Gerente administrativo: Es la encargada del manejo de los recursos de la
Asistente administrativa: Es la persona que mantiene al tanto a la Gerente
administrativa de los gastos, ventas y entradas de recursos fsicos y econmicos
en la compaa.
Mensajero Administrativo: Es el encargado de radicar los documentos
importantes como licitaciones, cheques, pagos de servicios entre otros.
Recepcin: Es la encargada de suministrar informacin a las personas que
llaman a la empresa y quien lo direcciona segn la necesidad del cliente.
Servicios Generales: (2 personas) Encargadas de mantener las instalaciones en
perfecto orden y aseo.

Portera: Encargado de la vigilancia.

Facturacin: (3 personas) Encargadas de Facturar todos los despachos
realizados y aceptados por los clientes.
Servicio al cliente: (5 personas) Encargados de recibir las solicitudes de las
Clnicas y Mdicos segn y de confirmar horas y fechas de entrega.
Almacn: (10 personas) (Almacenistas Devoluciones- Coordinador de Almacn)
Este grupo de personas se encargan de realizar los alistamientos, almacenajes,
despachos y embalajes de los pedidos ya confirmados por el rea de servicio al
cliente al igual que de las devoluciones recibidas a nivel nacional.
Lavado de Instrumental: Esta persona es muy importante ya que es quien se
encarga de realizar la limpieza del instrumental que llega de las cirugas y se debe
almacenar nuevamente para una prxima solicitud, este instrumental debe estar
en perfectas condiciones.
Mensajeros Logsticos: (4 personas) Encargados de la entrega y recoleccin de
materia quirrgico, segn los pedidos confirmados por servicio al cliente, al igual
que de realizar los despachos por terminales terrestres y areos segn lo
Ingeniero Mecnico: encargado de realizar inspecciones a los motores e
instrumental que lo requiera.
Ingenieros Biomdicos: (2 personas) son los encargados de hacer los
mantenimientos a los equipos de alta tecnologa cada vez que llegan de un
procedimiento quirrgico.
Ingenieros de Sistemas: (2 personas) encargados de hacer los mantenimientos y
mejoras a la red interna de la compaa.
rea Contable: (3 personas) Encargados de llevar la contabilidad de la empresa.
rea Tesorera: (2 personas) Se encargan de hacer el recaudo de los dineros
pendientes por pagar a la empresa.
Inventarios: (2 personas) Encargados de realizar los conteos aleatorios del fsico
Vs sistema el cual se hace una o dos veces al mes, al igual de ser los encargados
de los dos inventarios que se realizan cada seis meses y de sus resultado
depende el control en las compras de insumos necesarios para la buena rotacin
de inventario y asi cubrir las necesidades de los clientes.(Clnicas mdicos y
Recursos Humanos: (3 personas) Encargados del recurso humano de la
compaa, son ellos quienes estn pendientes de nuestras necesidades en cuanto
a dotaciones, pago de nmina y el buen ambiente laboral.
Importaciones: (2 personas) Encargados de las compras de los implantes que el
departamento de inventarios y administracin sugieran hacer.

Archivo: (1 persona) Encargada del buen almacenamiento de los documentos y

de tener la informacin de los pacientes a la mano lo cual es muy importante ya
que se debe tener un control minucioso de estos datos ya que si en algn
momento se necesita, se debe tener a la mano.
Comerciales en Ventas: (6 personas) Son los encargados de hacer las visitas a
los doctores y de confirmar las licitaciones a realizar.
Jefes de Lnea: (4 personas) Osteosntesis, Columna, Maxilofacial y Neurociruga son los representantes de los productos ante los mdicos y clnicas, son
ellos quienes se encargan de comprar los productos que se necesiten para las
nuevas tcnicas quirrgicas que cada da estn ms avanzadas.

These are some of the principles to contemplate to improve and increase sales:
Improve customer service
With increasingly demanding consumers, improve customer care, for example,
being more kind and attentive to him, providing him a more pleasant environment,
offering more amenities, or giving it a more personalized treatment is an effective
strategy to increase sales generally, it does not involve increased costs.
Respond more quickly
Respond more quickly to customer, either at the time to answer your queries, take
orders, deliver your product or provide your service, it allows us to serve more
customers in less time, but also give the customer a better service, and so have
more likely to visit us again.
Provide additional services
Provide additional services to the product, free induction courses where explain
and tips for managing our products in and like where the emphasis of our quality
and differences over the competition is done, this allows us to give this a higher
value to consumers, and thus increase the chances that they buy.

Provide differentiation
Due to the great competition that exists today in all sectors, provide differentiation,
for example, a feature in our product that is hardly imitable by competition or
excellent customer service do not give anywhere else, it is one of the most
effective strategies to increase sales.
Increase the number of sellers
Increase the number of vendors allows us to have more sellers contacting, cajoling
and serving customers, and thus more likely to sell our product.
Train and motivate salespeople
Train and motivate salespeople, for example, through commissions or bonuses,
allows us to have more sellers techniques, skills and determination to sell, and thus
more likely to materialize a sale.
Participate in fairs
Participate in fairs, both local and international, it is also an effective strategy,
especially when our goal is to introduce our product and getting customers with
whom we maintain a long-term relationship, or getting customers abroad.
Use sales promotions
The use of sales promotions such as offers two products for the price of one,
quantity discounts, coupons consumption, gifts, sweepstakes and contests, is an
effective strategy to promote and rapidly increase sales, but it involves a cost You
must be assessed well before using.
Giving merchandising
Giving merchandising items such as pens, key chains, bottle openers, caps and Tshirts that carry a logo or brand of our company or business, it allows us to
entertain consumers, but also promote them our company or business, and
forward them to remember at all times .
Use referral programs

The use of referral programs, for example, where we offer our customers a special
discount on our services if we bring a family member or a friend who also wants to
acquire, is another effective strategy that allows us to make our own customers
recommend us and help get more customers.
Analyzes competition
Analyzes competition in order to know what strategies you use to beat them market
share (for example, if your costs are high, you could choose to reduce your prices),
and what are the strategies that best results are giving you are and that you you
could also apply to your company or business.

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