Grade 1 Writing The Day The Crayons Quit

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Ashley Pasiciel

The Day the Crayons Quit

Grade/Subject: Grade 1 Language Arts
Unit: Writing
Lesson Duration: 40 mins
Date: November 25th, 2016
KSAs: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11
General Learning Outcomes:
2.2 Students will comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and
other media texts.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
2.2.1 Students will participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences,
using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres,
such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and
2.2.2 Students will illustrate and enact stories, rhymes and songs.
2.2.4 Students will relate aspects of stories and characters to personal feelings and
Students will:
Listen to a shared reading on a carpet to the story The Day the Crayons Quit.
Illustrate an aspect of the story that stood out to them.
Relate how the characters felt in their drawings (worksheet).
Key Questions:
I will walk around the classroom
What do you think the story is
to make sure students are on the
right track when doing their
Which colour is your favourite?
response worksheet. (formative
What is your favourite thing to draw
with that colour?
I will watch for students reactions
How did the crayons feel?
to the story to see if they
understand. It is humorous.
Written/Performance Assessments:
Write a letter to their favourite crayon.
Alberta Program of Studies
The Day the Crayons Quit
The Day the Crayons Quit
Worksheets (17).
Students toolboxes (crayons)

Ashley Pasiciel
Introduction (3 min):
Hook/Attention Grabber: How do you feel when someone treats to bad?
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Answer to question.
Expectations for Learning & Behaviour: Sit quietly during the reading. Save questions
for later. Raise hand. Try to stay in your personal bubble.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
Worksheets photocopied. (18).
Transition to Body: what is your favourite colour?
Body (30 min):
Key Questions: What do you think this story is about?
Learning Activity #1: Group Readings
Read the story.
Assessments/Differentiation: None
Key Questions: What is your favourite colour? How did that crayon feel? What is
your favourite thing to draw with that crayon?
Learning Activity #2: Discussion
Students will discuss what aspects of the story they liked. We will also discuss
how each crayon felt.
Assessment/Differentiation: make sure each student participates in the discussion if
Key Questions: Which colour is your favourite?
Learning Activity #3: Letter to My Favourite Crayon Worksheet
Draw a picture of their favourite thing to draw with their favourite colour.
Write the colour name down.
Assessment/Differentiation: Some students may struggle to write down their colour. I
want them to try sounding it out. I will be happy if they get the beginning sound down
on the paper (ELL students). I will be able to understand their reflection through their
Sponge Activity: Authors chair; Students will share their work at the carpet.
Closure (7 min):

Ashley Pasiciel
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Praise students for their hard work. I will hang
these on the bulletin board.
*get students ready for snack/recess.

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