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Art/Lit 2016

Reading Ladder S1

The Life You Imagine

by Derek Jeter with Jack Curry, 279 pp.

Me and My
Dad by Paul ONeill, 163 pp.
In Our
Time by Ernest Hemingway, 174 pp.
Where The Red Fern
Grows by Wilson Rawls, pp.282
Odd Man Out by Matt McCarthy, 293 pp.

Total Pages During S1: 1,191/14=85.07 pages per week

Why this Order:

Well, The Life You Imagine is first on this list because it was hard to follow at times who was
writing. Jeter or Curry. Also Derek Jeter is no writer to begin with but his work is still good. At
times it felt like I was reading a newspaper article which could be slow sometimes. Next, M
e and
My Dad because again this was an athlete writing about his life which was interesting but could
be slow at times as well.

In Our Time falls in the middle because it wasnt too hard or too easy.
The words were a lot smaller and would take me longer to read but I was able to follow along
well enough. Fourth, Where The
Red Fern Grows because if it werent for the last book this one
wouldve been the easiest except this one jerks with your emotions and for me it made have to
pause and gather myself, especially towards the ending. Lastly,

dd Man Out because it was
another baseball book but was very easy to follow as well and it was very humorous.
This is the most reading Ive ever done in a single semester in high school. Ive definitely
increased my reading rate and have found books that I enjoy reading. In the beginning of the
semester I was reading about five pages in fifteen minutes and nearing the end I was reading
about twelve pages in ten minutes. I hope to find more books I enjoy because that really helped
me want to read more, especially outside of class.
My goal for next semester is to read more books by Ernest Hemingway. I really like his
style and what he writes about. I also want to find books similar to W
here The Red Fern Grows
and increase my reading rate as well.

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