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Fighting Hypertension: What Are The Links?

Ahmer Israr
Professor Laura Chyu
PHSC 100: Epidemiology
Santa Clara University
December 3, 2015


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This project is a secondary analysis of the New York City Community Health Survey data
set for 2007, which was compiled by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. This
data set was then used to investigate one specific outcomes: diagnoses of hypertension. For
analysis purposes, eight predictor variables were used: smoking status, sexual identification,
heavy drinking patterns, diabetes status, asthma status, consumption of two or more sodas daily,
meeting federal activity guidelines, and exposure to second hand smoke in the workplace. The
statistical analytics program Stata was utilized for the modification and manipulation of the
initial data set into a more readily usable form. Through this analysis, the question of whether or
not the selected criteria were actually predictors of hypertension was answered. The results of my
experiment showed a statistically significant relationship between hypertension diagnoses and
each of smoking status, diabetes, and meeting the federal activity level guidelines. Thus, we can
conclude that having a smoking history and/or suffering from diabetes significantly increases
ones odds of being diagnosed with hypertension, while meeting federal activity guidelines
significantly decreases ones odds of being diagnosed with hypertension.
Hypertension is defined by the Mayo Clinic as, A condition in which the long-term force
of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health
problems. It affects approximately one third of the population of the United States and is one of
the leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease. While historically viewed primarily as a
disease of aging, the number of younger Americans with hypertension has been steadily climbing
for many years.

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Given the current epidemic of hypertension in the United States, it is no surprise to find
that there is a litany of studies available showcasing the relationship between various lifestyle
behavioral choices, co-morbid diseases and the development/escalation of hypertension for
individuals of nearly every race and age group.
In their study, Dr.s Primatesta, Falaschetti, Gupta, and Marmot (2001) found that
cigarette smoking causes a small increase in blood pressure of about 2 mm Hg systolic blood
pressure in four different age/gender groupings. Indeed, they concluded, Overwhelming
evidence supports the conclusion that cigarette smoking causes various adverse cardiovascular
events and acts synergistically with hypertension. The authors did note, however, that there are
some studies available which contradict their results and have actually found similar or lower
blood pressures in smokers versus nonsmokers. This mixed record muddies the waters a little bit,
but ultimately, there is a relatively clear consensus that smoking causes elevated blood pressure
Regarding sexual identification, a different and more nuanced link has been identified in
previous studies. Dr.s Everett and Mollborns research (2014) shows that homosexual men are
nearly twice as likely to develop hypertension as straight and bisexual men even when the results
were controlled for sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. They also found, however, that no
link was observed between sexual identification and hypertension within the female subjects of
their study, which likewise controlled for sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. This
differentiation between the sexes could not be explained in their study, apart from the possibility
that it stemmed from different prevalences of hypertension among men and women of the age
group they conducted their study with.

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Contrary to the conventional wisdom, heavy consumption of alcohol is not linked with
lasting increases in blood pressure upon cessation of alcohol intake. In their study, Dr.s
Maheswaran, Gill, Davies, and Beevers (1991) concluded that, The effect of alcohol on blood
pressure appears to be predominantly due to alcohol consumed in the few days immediately
preceding blood pressure measurement, with alcohol consumption before those few days
exerting little effect on blood pressure. Their findings were substantiated further by the research
of Dr.s Puddey and Beilin (2006), who found an, Increase in blood pressure is approximately 1
mmHg for each 10 g alcohol consumed and is largely reversible within 2-4 weeks of abstinence
or a substantial reduction in alcohol intake. These two studies are but a few of the many that
confirm the well known increase in blood pressure due to alcohol consumption, but they also
illustrate that the effect is almost entirely temporary, though they disagree on the timeline for
reversal of the increased blood pressure effect.
There is also an established comorbidity between hypertension and diabetes. According
to the work of Dr.s Long and Dagogo-Jack (2011), Up to 75% of adults with diabetes also have
hypertension. A similar comorbidity has also been indicated, although to a lesser extent, for
hypertension and asthma, according to the work of Dr.s Christiansen, Schatz, Yang, Ngor, Chen,
and Zuraw (2015). In their work, they found that hypertension was associated with an increase
in short-acting -agonist, history of emergency department visits or hospitalizations, and
corticosteroid dispensings. Each of these factors are considered to be a marker of asthma
severity, and the correlation to statistically significant increases, controlled for confounding
variables, indicates a comorbidity with asthma.

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Sodas contain two ingredients which have been widely associated with elevated blood
pressure: sugar and sodium. The links between sodium and hypertension have been thoroughly
investigated and few studies contradict the widely held notion that increased sodium
consumption results in increased blood pressure. Indeed, works such as that of Dr.s Sacks,
Svetkey, Vollmer, Appel, Bray, Harsha, Obarzanek, Colin, Miller, Simons-Morton, Karanja, and
Lin (2001) have found that a decrease in sodium intake is an effective approach to controlling
excessive blood pressure. The link between sugar and hypertension is less clear, but there is a
clear association through the common denominator of obesity, which is linked to both
conditions. Recent work by Dr.s Cheungpasitporn, Thongprayoon, Edmonds, Srivali,
Ungprasert, Kittanamongkolchai, and Erickson (2015), Demonstrates statistically significant
associations between both sugar and artificially sweetened soda consumption and
[hypertension]. These findings further clarify a link long suspected and logically postulated
within the medical community.
The work of Dr.s Fagard and Cornelissen (2007) confirms the commonly held suspicion
that exercise works to prevent and reduce the risk of elevated blood pressure. The authors found
that, Training induced significant net reductions in resting and daytime ambulatory blood
pressure. This protecting factor serves in stark contrast to my other predictor variables as
existing studies find an inverse relationship between blood pressure and physical activity among
test subjects.
Conclusive findings regarding the link between second hand smoke and hypertension are
harder to come by, though the authors of a somewhat unrelated study (Barnoya 2005) regarding

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the cardiovascular risks of second hand smoke did note, SHS might also contribute to the
pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension.
Data and Methods:
My research focused on one outcome variable: diagnosis of high blood pressure. My
hypothesis was: A history of smoking, non-heterosexual sexual identification, heavy drinking
patterns, being diabetic or asthmatic, consumption of two or more sodas daily, not meeting
federal activity guidelines, and exposure to second hand smoke in the workplace will all lead to
increased risk of hypertension in the sample I have obtained. (NYCCHS 2007)
The New York City Community Health Survey data set was obtained through the website
for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The self-reported data was
collected by a cross-sectional telephone survey of with an annual sample of approximately
8,500 randomly selected adults aged 18 and older from all five boroughs of New York City
(Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island). A computer-assisted telephone
interviewing system was used to collect survey data from landline telephones, though more
recent surveys have included cell phone respondents as well. Interviews are conducted in
English, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
This data set, once obtained from the publicly available website, was used in the
analytical program Stata. Within Stata, the data set was first skimmed over and related predictor
variables and outcome variables were selected from within the data set. The original data sets
were duplicated for the selected variables, to prevent accidental corruption of the original data
during analysis within the program. Each of these duplicates were then converted into binary

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variables and missing data was moved into a missing category. Despite these modifications, the
data set remains large enough that it can be generalized.
From the initial data set, the predictor variables used and modified were SMOKER,
HEALTHUS07, SHSWORK. The outcome variable used and modified was TOLDHIGHBP07.
The variable SMOKER was duplicated as the variable SmokeStatus, and response 1 (never) was
recoded as 0, while responses 2 (current) and 3 (former) were both recoded as 1, creating a
binary spectrum of never having smoked and having ever smoked. The variable SEXUALID was
duplicated as the variable SEXID, and response 1 (heterosexual) was recoded as 0, while
responses 2 (Gay/Lesbian) and 3 (bisexual) were recoded as 1, creating a binary spectrum of
heterosexuals and non-heterosexuals (in line with typical societal acceptance of heterosexuality
as normal). The variable HEAVYDRINK07 was duplicated as the variable HeavyDrinker, and
response 2 (no) was recoded as 0, creating a binary spectrum of not being a heavy drinker and
being a self-reported heavy drinker. The variable DIABETES07 was duplicated as the variable
Diabetes, and response 2 (no) was recoded as 0, creating a binary spectrum of those not
diagnosed as diabetic and those diagnosed as diabetic. The variable EVERASTHMA was
duplicated as the variable Asthma, and response 2 (no) was recoded as 0, creating a binary
spectrum of those not diagnosed as asthmatic and those diagnosed as asthmatic. The variable
TWOPLUSSODA was duplicated as the variable HeavySoda, and response 2 (less than two
sodas per day) was recoded as 0, creating a binary spectrum of those who drink two sodas or less
per day and those who drink two sodas or more. The variable HEALTHUS07 was duplicated as
the variable MeetsFedActLvl, and response 2 (some moderate or vigorous exercise but not
HP2010 recommendations) and 3 (no moderate or vigorous exercise) were recoded as 0, creating

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a binary spectrum of those who do not meet the HP2010 requirements and those who do. The
variable SHSWORK was duplicated as the variable SecondHandSmoke, and response 2 (no) was
recoded as 0, creating a binary spectrum of those not exposed to second hand smoke in the
workplace and those who are. For the outcome variables, the variable TOLDHIGHBP07 was
duplicated as the variable Hypertension, and response 2 (no) was recoded as 0, creating a binary
spectrum of those who have not been diagnosed with hypertension and those who have been told
that they are hypertensive.
For the outcome of interest, diagnosis of high blood pressure, various univariate and
multivariate models were ran within the Stata program. The first grouping ran all predictor
variables, providing data adjusting for each predictor variable. The second grouping ran was the
lifestyle behavior choice predictor variables (smoking status, heavy drinking, heavy soda
consumption, and meeting HP2010 physical activity guidelines). The third grouping ran was comorbid conditions, inherent genetic traits, and other predictor variables that are outside the
control of the individual (sexual identification, diabetes status, asthma status, and exposure to
second hand smoke). Finally, each predictor variable was ran independently.

Table 1

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Percentage distribution of comorbid diseases, sociodemographic
characteristics, and high-risk lifestyle choices among adult New Yorkers
Comorbid Diseases
Sociodemographic Characteristics
Sexual Identification
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Other
High Risk Lifestyle Choices
Lifetime Smoking Status
Never Smoked
Current/Former Smoker
Alcohol Consumption Status
Not Heavy Drinker
Heavy Drinker
Soda Consumption Level
> 2/day
Physical Activity Level
Does Not Meet HP2010 Standards
Meets HP2010 Standards
Second Hand Smoke Exposure
Not Exposed At Work
Exposed At Work

Table 2
Bivariate and Multivariate Logistic Regression Models for Hypertension Diagnosis Among New
Yorkers: 2007 New York City Community Health Survey

Univariate Model
OR (95% CI)

Multivariate Model 1a

AOR (95% CI)

Multivariate Model 2a
AOR (95% CI)

Multivariate Model 3a

AOR (95% CI)

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Smoking Status
Non-Smoker (Ref) 1.00
1.19 (1.09,1.30)
1.19 (1.01, 1.39)
1.26 (1.14,1.38)
Sexual ID
Heterosexual (Ref) 1.00
Non-Heterosexual 0.82 (0.65,1.04)
1.06 (0.73,1.52)
Drinking Status
Non-Heavy (Ref) 1.00
Heavy Drinker
0.54 (0.43,0.69)
0.72 (0.50,1.05)
0.51 (0.39,0.66)
Non-Diabetic (Ref) 1.00
5.79 (5.04,6.64) <.001
4.55 (3.49,5.93) <.0001
Non-Asthma (Ref) 1.00
1.38 (1.22,1.56)
1.16 (0.92,1.45)
Soda Consumption
< 2/day (Ref)
> 2/day
0.73 (0.61,0.88)
0.91 (0.66,1.24)
0.73 (0.60,0.88)
HP 2010 Activity Guidelines
Doesnt Meet (Ref) 1.00
0.68 (0.62,0.75)
0.77 (0.68,0.90)
0.69 (0.61,0.74)
Second Hand Smoke
Not Exposed (Ref) 1.00
Exposed At Work 1.12 (.88,1.42)
0.92 (0.68,1.24)

Note. AOR= Adjusted Odds Ratio; CI=Confidence Interval; OR=Odds Ratio.

Multivariate Model 1 included all predictor variables; Model 2 included Smoking Status, Drinking Status, Soda Consumption, and HP2010
Activity Guidelines; Model 3 included Sexual ID, Diabetic Status, Asthma Status, and Second Hand Smoke exposure.

For smoking status, the results are statistically significant (by standard of =0.05) for the
univariate model (n=9243), multivariate model 1 (n=3829), and multivariate model 2 (n=8103)
as the p value is less than 0.05 in each instance. Using multivariate model 1, controlling for all
other predictor variables, smokers are 1.19 times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension
compared to nonsmokers (for likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This increased risk of
hypertension for smokers is in agreement with my initial hypothesis.
For sexual identification, the results are not statistically significant (by standard of
=0.05) for the univariate model (n=8331), multivariate model 1 (n=3829), and multivariate
model 3 (n=4272) as the p value is greater than 0.05 in each instance. If the results had been
significant, using multivariate model 1, controlling for all other predictor variables, nonheterosexuals are 1.06 times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension compared to
heterosexuals (for likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This increased risk of

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hypertension for non-heterosexuals is in agreement with my initial hypothesis, but the results are
not statistically significant so therefore I cannot actually conclude anything from them.
For drinking status, the results are statistically significant (by standard of =0.05) for the
univariate model (n=8762) and multivariate model 2 (n=8103) as the p value is less than 0.05 in
each instance. However, multivariate model 1 (n=3829) is not significant as p>0.05 in this
model. The fact that the results are not significant when controlling for all other predictor
variables indicates that perhaps this is a confounding variable. Using multivariate model 2,
controlling for all other lifestyle behavior choice predictor variables, heavy drinkers are 0.51
times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension compared to non-heavy drinkers (for
likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This decreased risk of hypertension for heavy
drinkers is in contradiction to my initial hypothesis.
For diabetes status, the results are statistically significant (by standard of =0.05) for the
univariate model (n=9480), multivariate model 1 (n=3829), and multivariate model 3 (n=4272)
as the p value is less than 0.05 in each instance. Using multivariate model 1, controlling for all
other predictor variables, diabetics are 4.55 times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension
compared to non diabetics (for likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This increased risk of
hypertension for diabetics is in agreement with my initial hypothesis.
For asthma status, the results are statistically significant (by standard of =0.05) for the
univariate model (n=9470) as the p value is less than 0.05 in this instance. However, multivariate
model 1 (n=3829) and multivariate model 3 (n=4272) is not significant as p>0.05 in these
models. The fact that the results are not significant when controlling for any other predictor
variables indicates that perhaps this is a confounding variable. Using the univariate model,
without controlling for any other lifestyle behavior choice predictor variables, asthmatics are

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1.38 times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension compared to non-asthmatics (for
likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This increased risk of hypertension for asthmatics is
in agreement with my initial hypothesis.
With regard to soda consumption, the results are statistically significant (by standard of
=0.05) for the univariate model (n=9438) and multivariate model 2 (n=8103) as the p value is
less than 0.05 in each instance. However, multivariate model 1 (n=3829) is not significant as
p>0.05 in this model. The fact that the results are not significant when controlling for all other
predictor variables indicates that perhaps this is a confounding variable. Using multivariate
model 2, controlling for all other lifestyle behavior choice predictor variables, those who
consume more than 2 sodas per day are 0.73 times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension
compared to those who consume less than 2 sodas per day (for likelihoods using other models,
see table 2). This decreased risk of hypertension for heavy soda drinkers is in contradiction to my
initial hypothesis.
For HP2010 activity guidelines, the results are statistically significant (by standard of
=0.05) for the univariate model (n=8862), multivariate model 1 (n=3829), and multivariate
model 2 (n=8103) as the p value is less than 0.05 in each instance. Using multivariate model 1,
controlling for all other predictor variables, those who meet HP 2010 activity guidelines are 0.77
times as likely to be diagnosed with hypertension compared to those who do not meet these
guidelines (for likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This decreased risk of hypertension
for those who meet activity guidelines is in agreement with my initial hypothesis.
For exposure to second hand smoke in the workplace, the results are not statistically
significant (by standard of =0.05) for the univariate model (n=4648), multivariate model 1
(n=3829), and multivariate model 3 (n=4272) as the p value is greater than 0.05 in each instance.

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If the results had been significant, using multivariate model 1, controlling for all other predictor
variables, those exposed to second hand smoke in the workplace are 0.92 times as likely to be
diagnosed with hypertension compared to those who are not exposed to second hand smoke in
the workplace (for likelihoods using other models, see table 2). This decreased risk of
hypertension for those exposed to second hand smoke is in contradiction with my initial
hypothesis, but the results are not statistically significant so therefore I cannot actually conclude
anything from them.
By and large, my results, when significant, were in line with other studies. Smoking
caused a statistically significant increase in blood pressure, much as previous studies had
indicated it would. Having diabetes correlated with an increase in blood pressure, as previous
studies indicated. Exercising regularly at a high level correlated with a significant decrease in
risk for hypertension, as the studies and conventional wisdom had indicated. My results for
sexual identification and exposure to second hand smoke in the workplace were statistically
insignificant and thereby inconclusive for all models. For remaining three variables (drinking
status, asthmatic status, and soda consumption), however, I had a mix where the controlled
multivariate models were not significant, while the univariate models were significant. This
indicates that these are confounding variables.
I would suggest following up on my analysis by running additional models for the three
suspected confounding variables to confirm these suspicions and to try and find out what the real
correlation is with. This will allow us to have a greater picture of these variables as my results
were inconclusive because of the mixed statistical significance across the three models that were

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My results can be utilized in a public health intervention by targeting smoking, diabetes,
and exercise as areas to improve in order to fight the hypertension epidemic. We can design
further anti-smoking educational campaigns and tax initiatives, fight obesity with promotion of a
healthier diet and promote exercise in schools in order to dramatically reduce the percentage of
our population afflicted by the hypertension epidemic. This would help us reverse a decades long
trend of increase in the percentage of the population afflicted by hypertension, and get us back on
the right track to fighting this silent killer.

Barnoya, J., & Glantz, S. (n.d.). Cardiovascular Effects of Second-hand Smoke Help Explain
the Benefits of Smoke-free Legislation on Heart Disease Burden. The Journal of
Cardiovascular Nursing, 457-462.
Cheungpasitporn, W., Thongprayoon, C., Edmonds, P., Srivali, N., Ungprasert, P.,
Kittanamongkolchai, W., & Erickson, S. (2015). Sugar and artificially sweetened soda
consumption linked to hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical and
Experimental Hypertension, 1-7.
Christiansen, S., Schatz, M., Yang, S., Ngor, E., Chen, W., & Zuraw, B. (n.d.). Hypertension
and Asthma: A Comorbid Relationship. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In
Everett, B., & Mollborn, S. (2013). Differences in Hypertension by Sexual Orientation Among
U.S. Young Adults. Journal of Community Health, 38(3), 588596.

Israr 15
Fagard, R., & Cornelissen, V. (n.d.). Effect of exercise on blood pressure control in
hypertensive patients. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 1217.
High blood pressure (hypertension). (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from
Long, A. N., & Dagogo-Jack, S. (2011). The Comorbidities of Diabetes and Hypertension:
Mechanisms and Approach to Target Organ Protection. Journal of Clinical Hypertension
(Greenwich, Conn.), 13(4), 244251.
Maheswaran, R., Gill, J., Davies, P., & Beevers, D. (1991). High blood pressure due to alcohol.
A rapidly reversible effect. Hypertension, 787-792.
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3,
2015, from
Primatesta, P., Falaschetti, E., Gupta, S., Marmot, M., & Poulter, N. (2001). Association
Between Smoking and Blood Pressure : Evidence From the Health Survey for England.
Hypertension, 187-193.
Puddey, I., & Beilin, L. (n.d.). Alcohol Is Bad For Blood Pressure. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 847-852.
Svetkey, L., Simons-Morton, D., Proschan, M., Sacks, F., Conlin, P., Harsha, D., & Moore, T.
(n.d.). Effect of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet and Reduced Sodium Intake
on Blood Pressure Control. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension J Clin Hypertension, 373381.

. tab SmokeStatus
Lifetime Smoking Status |
------------------------+----------------------------------0 Never Smoked |
1 Current/Former Smoker |
------------------------+----------------------------------Total |
. tab SEXID
Sexual Identification |
-------------------------+----------------------------------0 Heterosexual |
1 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual |


Israr 16
-------------------------+----------------------------------Total |
. tab HeavyDrinker
Heavy Drinker |
--------------------+----------------------------------0 Not Heavy Drinker |
1 Heavy Drinker |
--------------------+----------------------------------Total |
. tab Diabetes
Diabetes |
---------------+----------------------------------0 Not Diabetic |
1 Diabetic |
---------------+----------------------------------Total |

. tab Asthma
Asthma |
----------------+----------------------------------0 Not Asthmatic |
1 Asthmatic |
----------------+----------------------------------Total |
. tab HeavySoda
Consumes 2+ Sodas/Day |
------------------------+----------------------------------0 Less than 2 sodas/day |
1 More than 2 sodas/day |
------------------------+----------------------------------Total |
. tab MeetsFedActLvl

Israr 17

Meets HP2010 Guidelines For |

Physical Activity |
-----------------------------------+----------------------------------0 Does Not Meet Activity Standards |
1 Meets Activity Standards |
-----------------------------------+----------------------------------Total |
. tab SecondHandSmoke
Exposed To Second Hand Smoke At Work |
----------------------------------------+----------------------------------0 Not Exposed To Second Hand Smoke At W |
1 Exposed To Second Hand Smoke At Work |
----------------------------------------+----------------------------------Total |

. tab Hypertension
Diagnosed With |
Hypertension |
---------------------------+----------------------------------0 Not Diagnosed |
1 Diagnosed w/Hypertension |
---------------------------+----------------------------------Total |


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