Simplex Algorithm

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1. Check whether the following conditions are satisfied in the Linear Programming Problem
- The objective function is maximum
- The constraints are less than or equal to
If these two conditions are satisfied, then proceed to the next step.
2. Introduce one slack variable for each constraint. The co-efficient of slack variable in the
objective function is zero and in the constraint is 1. Convert the given LPP into Auxiliary
3. Write Initial Basic Feasible Solution (IBFS)
The Left Hand Side (LHS) of IBFS is consisting of the last variables of all the constraints
and the Right Hand Side (RHS) of IBFS is consisting the constants of the RHS of the
4. Draw the Starting Table

Fill up the top boxes using the co-efficient of all the variables of the objective
function of the auxiliary LPP.

(ii) Fill up the YB column with the values available in the LHS of IBFS.
(iii) Fill up the XB column with the values available in the RHS of IBFS.
(iv) Fill up the CB column with the corresponding co-efficient.
(v) Fill up the remaining part of the first row with the co-efficient of variables
available in the first constraint of the auxiliary LPP and fill the remaining
rows in the same way.
Calculate the Net Evaluation values Zj Cj and fill up the bottom boxes as
Multiply the values available in the corresponding value of X B column with
the corresponding value of CB column and add the values and subtract with
top box values.
(vi) Check whether the current table is an optimal table. If all the net evaluation
values are either positive or zero, the current table is an optimum table.
Otherwise proceed to the next step.

5. Find out the least negative value. The corresponding vector will enter the basis in the next
6. Find out the ratios of

, i entering vector. Choose the minimum of positive ratio and the

corresponding vector will leave the basis. Ignore the negative, zero and infinity values.
7. Draw the I iteration table
(i) Fill up the YB column by replacing the leaving vector by the entering vector.
(ii) Fill up the CB column by corresponding co-efficient.
(iii) Replace the element of pivot row by dividing all the elements of pivot row by
the pivot element.
(iv) Replace all other elements in the pivot column as zero.
(v) Copy the same elements from the previous table for the columns which are
having zeros in the pivot row.
(vi) Replace all other elements by doing the pivotal calculations

( pivot column element pivot row element )

the correspond ing element


(vii) Calculate the net evaluation value.

8. Check for optimality and proceed further until you get the optimal table.
9. Write the optimal solution from the basis of the optimal solution.
1. If there is a tie between two positive ratios of

, we have to give preference to the

imaginary variables.
2. If there is a tie between two Zj Cj values, then preference to the decision variables which
enters to the table.
3. If there is a constraint and negative value on the right side co-efficient, then convert the
constraint into constraint by multiplying with -1 on both sides.
4. If in the ratios of XB & Yi and we have to ignore negative and infinity. If none of them are
positive, we cant proceed further. So the given LPP is said to have an unbounded solution.

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