PICPA Convention 2016 Program

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CONVENTION AT AGLANCE ))} (08:00 9 1709 Resiavation 06:00 Golf Tournament 1000 Courtesy Cal 1300 1940 Chapter Presidente Conference 080910 1200 Sectoral Forum Commerce ard indsty ovement Felueaton Pubic Prostice 13000 1800 Opening Ceremonies 160010 1700 Techneal Session 17.00 1800 Technica! Seasion? “ese a8 enetaon of PIOPAN naan Fis 2100102200 Folowshio Night (0800 0 1700 Techno! Séasions 91010 Resionol Presentations Yousghctountants’ 1900102200 Regine 080510 1509 Technical Sessions 111016 190010 1700 ‘losing Ceremonies ThePinnacle Hotel ‘Sta Ana avenue Rancho Palos Verdes ‘Naa, Dresion Read ‘ThePirnace Hotel ‘Sta dna avert Holy Cross of bavao Cotege ‘Sta, Ana avenue ‘Commision on Audit Buhangin ‘Ateneo de Davao University roxas Averve ‘Davao Convention & Trade Center F Toes Stet ‘SMX Convention Canter ‘Sid arang Premier ‘SMX Convention Cantor ‘SM Larang Preier ‘SMX Convertion Center ‘Mf Larang Premier ‘SMX Convention Canter ‘MLarang Premier ‘SMX Convention Canter ‘SM Larang Premier ‘SMX Convertion Canter ‘SM Larang Premier ‘8Mx Convention Center ‘SM Lerang Premier ‘SMX Convertion Canter ‘SM Larang Premier 'SMx Convention Cantor ‘SM Larang Premier UT) os00'0 1700 ARSISTRATION 000 our Tournament 1000 counresyca. ‘HAPTER PRESIDENTS CONFERENCE 20001390 Ragiavaon 13300 15:0 ocaten OR. RUPERTO SOMERA atone Video Presesaton Wlcome Rema 1un, MARKO ROMEDL FUENTES rats Peasant FRGPA Dai Oty Crate | nun ane PAE posse cba ion Kar heer 1340101380 ‘Actoonedgerest of Gest & Paticpnts MS.ELYIRA BERNARDO 1250101400, Pte Netoe ‘aon 0, PeRNATO ‘en Te Etcte enemy et Mneenert to «EAN ESTELA. AGUIRRE nici sgl Enchance Performance ‘Member, GARCA Committee sto: 1600 PIMELOSCUSSON: Best Pacis in endnga Chater“. MA ELMAL AME Past eset Carte chepter I cDWINM OOS SANTOS ' Past President, CDO Chater [Ne DANTE. TORRES President, Bubesn Chapter | A JOHN. VILLA | Past President, Southern Mero Nana Chapter Noderator ATTY. RAYMUND S. GALLARDO [ember GARCA Committee or) 1600 to 1630 16:20 to 17:00 17900 1800 1800101830 182001930 1930 to 1940 10 ‘amintrative Matter: ‘Where re Yeu Now™ ICPAWatonlSterearat CPO Matters Taxsaes aectngchaptes Chapter Eeton Proceedings and COMELEC Aetvity Consuatve Forum en Curent Cheptr and Naina! Closing Renacks (MS, ROSALIUAR. PANGILIAN Executive Drector PICPA, Natenal ‘MR, EUGENIO V.VIRLACERAN Technical & Training Dvecto, PICPA Natenal (MR, HENRY H,TAN Member, GARICA Committee DR. GERVACIOLPLATOR Chi, COMELEC. ‘Chapter residents and Natioal ‘Board f rectors Fociltaors: Ms. CECKIAR. PATRICO (MR. WILSON TE. Members, GARCA Commiton ATT. ELYR.BRETARA Regional Director Southern Madanzo (MS. MYRWA M. FERNANDO (Chair GARCA Committee un. ce AL (MR. RAND! OVID 6. LORICA Members, GARCA Commitee Ms, CATHERENEH. SANTOS and MR. MARCIALP MORALES Chapter Presidents Conference Fmicees 107 cc) PONE ea UMnnrsn 080010 0830 ‘Opening Prayer National Anthem Opening / Welcome Remarks NS. MA.LUISAB. VILLACORTA ICA Natonal Dect, Commerce & industry Sector s030417000 ‘Sectoral Forum SESSION 1 MRA: Embracing the Oppounities& Threats for CPASin.OcAN ESTELIAC. AGUIRRE ‘Commerce &industy ast AFA f ACPACI Presicent (Themate V1.5 CPO units) 1030% 1200 ‘Sectoral Forum SESSION 2 ‘BOA Updtes for CPASin Commerce & Industry HON. conconDioqUsAOT ‘Commran'sstes on BOA Resoltcn 3-2016 ember, Board of Accountancy 1290%0 1205 Gosing Rerarcs NS, CYNTHIA K. MOLNA AGPAC! Present Presentation of Token of Appreciation us. RSIMA LOURDES C. VACAPIN (Themate-15 CPO units) YP for Commerce Bindustey NS, LUISA. VLLACORTA Sectoral Orector for Commerce VEX [secrorauronum 9) (0730 190800 (0809 10 1000 10.90 t6 1200 120001205 Opening Prayer National Anthem pening / Welcome Resnarks Sectoral Foun SESSION 1 soKHOUR, Effet ofthe New Sllabusin the CPA Licensure {Examination Updates on CPO Changes Reqirement andAeedain and he Foose Revised (Thematic |-115 CPO units) Secor Frue SESSION 2 this for Accounting Teahers (Thematic 1V-15CPO units) Closing Remarks Presentation of Tolenof Appiesiaion ‘ua, Jose m. REND Sectoral igctor of Education HON, GLORIA. 8AYSA PID ‘Vice Ghar Board of Accountancy, | naan OA Ij ‘HON. ELISEO A. AURELLADO Member Bearé of Accountancy (MR. ANTONIO J. DAYAG ACPAE Present ‘DR. CzSAR A MANSIBANC Lise President for Education (MR. JOSE M.IRENED ‘Vee President for Operations ‘Sectoral Diector for Education [secroratrorum —_)Y) Ean 730%0800 | sa0t0 1030 10.00 t0 1200 Opening Prayer National Anthem ‘Opening Remarks ‘SECTORAL SESSION-1 Introduction ofthe Speaker ‘Oervien and Genta Provsion ef RATE Presentaten of Token of Aopreciation ‘SECTORAL SESSION -2 Introduction ofthe Speaker Philgpine rer Adit Framowck Presentation of Token of prectation (Closing Remarks NS. RUTH E, AMBION GACPAPresidert wR. WILEREDO A.AGTO GACPAEXOfcie ATTY. MELISSA SANTIAGO-YAN Deputy Executive Drectoriv SGoverrmentPrecurement Policy Board Moderator: MS, MAAS, SARMIENTO GACPATeeasurer NS, MARIESTELLAP LUNA GACPAScoretary ‘NS. MARIA TERESA C, AGUSTIN YP for Government up. NELSON W. ASPE Sectoral Director fer Government NS. MARGE V. OFA, GACPAAGWSer MS, ANGELINA B. VILAMUEVA Direoter WV ‘Systems Consutancy Sewvce Ofeo Commission on Audit Moderator MS. MABIA . SARMIENTO GACPA Treasurer US, MARJESTELLA P.LUNA GACPASeeretary NS. MARA TERESA C. AGUSTIN YP for Government MR.NELSONM.ASPE Sectoral Directo for Government ATTY. HERA U, VILA, GGACPA Executive Vice President MS. MILDRED 6. AVILES SGACPA Diector for Minden cc) EM (0720 19 0800 109010 1200 Invocation National anthers WecomeRemarks (MS. MA. BEUNAM.PADRIL ‘ACPAPP Batangas Chapter President (MR, GEORGEY. VILLARUZ 2OVGACPAPP President ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: The Accountant Keen the Challenge ofthe Practce SECTORAL SESSION: 1 Introduction of tne Speaker (MS, NORMITA "NOEMIL. VILLARUZ st irternatoral Conference Committee Chairerson ACPAPP Performance Gownenanee System Caiiperson. PCPA | Assessing he Reaives ofFlipne CPASto Level UP", LEONARDO. CUARESMA, JR. to this ASEAN and World courting Pracice Pst President ACPAPP (Thematic +15 CPD unts) SECTORAL SESSION 2 Introduction ofthe Speaker TheNew Auditors (Thematic IV-15 CPO units) Forum Modefatots Presentation of Token of Appreciation Managirg Girecto, Punongbayan, ‘&Araule (Ms. RAG. cLORUNO Dieetor or Fellowship and Specal Events, ACPAPP. ‘Mn. ENRICO. BALUYUT Parte, KPMG Technical Session, ACPAP Beard of Trustee, ACPAPP Feundation no. Diector for Fellowship & Special Events, ACPAPP (MS, MA. ELMA LANE ‘Ciperson.COA Corrie PIGPA Beard of rector, ACPAPR, (Ms, GLADEYS JILL SANTOS-CHU Dieetor for Professions Devetooment. ACPAPP | (MR. NOE. QUIRANOLA \vP tor Puble Fractce NAC. CO Disetor for Public UT) 13000 1600 ‘OPENING PLENARY ‘Opening Dance Processional Doxoboay Entrance of Colors Philippine National Anthem Convention Autio Visual Presentation Dectaratonof the Opening of the ist PIGPA Annual National Convention (celetraton Dance (Opening Remarks Message fom the Cty Mayor & Teves ofthe Symbofic Key Presentation oF Token fo the Oty Mayor of Davao Kalumon Performing Ensemble xalumon Performing Ensemble University of Mindanao Cadets Kalumon Performing Ensemble (Me, FEUX FABIAN (haz, Lot PICPA ANC. Committee ‘Nr. MARKO ROMEO FUENTES Co‘char, 71st PICPA ANC Commitee (Ne. HARRY G. CACDAC o-char, 7181 PICPA ANC Commitee Kalumon Performing Ensemble ‘Nr, WABKO ROMEO FUENTES resident PICPA Davao Chapter HON, SARA Z. DUTERTE yor. City of Davao (NR FELIXT, FABIAN, (ha, TISTPIGPA ANG. Commitee ‘MR. RAMONITO>D. PERNATO ICRA National President. >) IODA President Message MR, RANONITO . PERNATO | PICPANatona Present riroductonof the Kemet [ATTY ZENAIOA PALCANTARA woos fects Speaker ‘Executive Vice President, PICA Naval Keynote Message HE. RODAIGOR. DUTERTE (Themate v= TCP uit) Presizert Repubie of te Phippnes Prevertavonof otenct apesiaion tothe ‘MR. RAMONITO B. PERNATO Keynote Speaker PICPANatonaPresert, MR. FELIX. FABIAN, Chair 71st PICPAANC Committee Mi. MARKO ROMEO FUENTES Goch 718t PICPAANC. Cemmittee Mc HARRY G. CACDAC (Co-Chair 7181 PICPAANC Commitee | Closing Remarks MS. THELWA CUDADANO Day 1 Group Cae | TECHNICAL SESSIONS 18.2 | 1609 6 1700 ECONOMIC AGENDA: Economicsfora New HON. CARLOSG. DOMINGUEZ | Adinistation Secreta, Department ef Fnaice | {ThematelV=1 CPO uni | utine 1\ Dreeton and pris of he Outerte | smnsuaton 2. Southis the rew North Avaratin of the ‘South South ode and Deeapment Doctrine in Ezonome Opomacy 17.00t0 1800 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Feariess MS. JUNE CHERYL CABAL change REVILLA (Themate V-7 CRD uni) ‘het Frail Ofer PLDT Group &Patent Company 1800 02100 NATIONAL AWARDS IMR. DOMINADOR A BARRON NetionalPresgert 2015.16 | ‘Awards CommitteeChar | CHAPTER AND REGIONAL AWARDS MS.CECIUAR PATRICIO ‘ChaiGARA 2015-15 MS. MYRNAFERNANDO CreiegancA 201617 | 21-00 192200 FeLLoWsAIP NIGHT UT) 08:00 0 ¢9:00 08.00 0 1000 10000 11:00 | 11.00% 1200 130% 1400 1490101500 1800: 1600 | 1600 10160 iz ‘TECHICALSES9I0NS9 te 10 ‘connor APPROACI TO ECON DEVELOPMENT Ral of Accountant in Growing SMES (Themate 7-1 CPD unt) ‘CULTURE FLEX: Managing Milas and the Wok Force oftheFutre (Themate V1 CPO unt) Returs of Spiritual investments (Themave V- 1 CPO unit), ‘PATHWAYS TO GROWTH: Chenging with he Times (Themate V-1.CPO uni) Embracing Ethical Fitness in Corporate Governance (Mhemate tt=1 CPOuni) ‘Transformative Road toa Clean Goverment (Themate v= 1 CPO uni) ‘The Finge Benefits of failre andthe Importance of Fling Frward (Themave 1 CPO uni) DISRUPTIONS: CURRENT TRENDS AND FEARLESS FORECASTS (Thematic lv -T'cpD unt) MS, ROSEMARIE EFILLON Deputy Genera National Economic Development Authority MR J CARUITUS 6. CUZ ‘country Maneging Parine Designate Services ‘Sin Cortes Veayo 8. Co. FR ERVIN ROMMEL C. TORRES Asst Dean for Humanities ‘andLeters, tereo de Davao University (,SIOWARTA TAMA Member, Intemational Accounting Education Standards Board INR, LECHARDO J. MATIONAS, J Chief Risk Offce: Head of Risk Servoes, ‘cin Gores Veayo Co ON, REGINA PAZLAD LOPEZ [Department of envionment & ‘Natural Resources "NR, MENARDOS. JIMENEZ, JR. ‘Senior VPysead of HR ana fushess Trarsforration, PLOT 1uR, FAILANO S. LIBRE! Partner Headof Advisory ‘Servoes and Chief Information Chicer, P&AGrantThorrton )) 1800 to 1900 inwer | 190002100 REGIONAL PRESENTATION & YOUNG ACCOUNTANTS" | CONPETMmON Regom Presentation | pening Humber Introduction of the Paneof Judges Presentation of Rus & Criteriafor Judgng Presentation ofthe Competing Regions Young AccouetantsCompeiten Introduction ofthe Paneof Judges Presentation of Rues& Criteria for Judging Presentationof Competing Enties sn Tea S908 115 | | a we A, (Thematic | -1 CPO unit) Chairman, Board of Accountancy are ae eo stoi soma Exchange Commision | 11.000 12:00 ‘Workplace Health Key to Better Business Delivery MR. DENNIS A. UY Petroleum, inc UT) 120010 1300 ‘unc 1390%0 1400 BIR Regulatory Updates HON. NESTOR VALEROSO (Thematet= 1 CPO unit) Deputy Commissioner, ‘Bureauof items! Revenue 1490 1500 “The Role of Accountants inthe Prevention of Graft HON. PANEILO M. LACSON and Senator, (Thematett-1 cDunt) Fepuble of the Philopnes 150010 1700 ‘closine PLENARY Callto Oder INR. RAMONITO D. PERNATO PICA Natonal resident Presentation ofthe Significant Resolution of tne MRLALVIN M. PINPINL 71" PICPAANC (Cha, Technical Session (NR. FELIXT. FABIAN. Cha 7IstPICPA ANC. Commitee INR. HARRY 6. cACDAG (Co.thar, 71st PICPAANC Commitee NR. MARKO ROMEO L FUENTES Co-har, 71st PICPA ANC Commitee ‘Acknoweldgernent ofthe Presented Sigifcart _MRLRAMONITOD, PERNATO Fesoltions ofthe ist PICPAANG PICPA National President ally Remitance Ratfle Ora (MR, ANTHONY W. LIM (Char, Raffle Committee ‘Glosing Hernan [ATTY. ZENAIOA P ALCANTARA PICPA National Executive Vice President

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