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Loango 1

Yeltsin Loango
Professor Batty
English 28
13 December 2016
Will We Move Forward?
Republican Donald Trump is the President-elect for the 2016 United States presidential
election. Trump has proposed to Make America Great Again, with his shocking policy on
immigration, which includes deporting all illegal immigrants in the US in order to give
Americans first priority. Now that he has been selected as the President-elect there is fear that
thousands will be deported and separated from their families. Many hoped Hillary Clinton would
have became the next president simply because her approach on immigration is much more
accepting and had no trace of racism in it. She also promised to promote naturalization which
would give immigrants the chance to become legal as well as putting an end to the three and 10
year bar. Although not many see anything good from president-elect Donald Trump some of his
ideas may just be what we need.
Innumerable amounts of immigrants have traveled and will continue to enter the United
States of America in search of a better life. In the year 2014 11.1 million immigrants migrated
into the US and as the years passed the number keeps rising. Democrat Hillary Clinton proposed
to put an end to the three and 10 year bar, which would save many families from being
separated and decrease the number of immigrants from getting deported. This law essentially
states that anyone who qualifies for a green card must travel back from their homeland to receive
it, only issue is that after leaving the U.S. the law states that you cannot come back for a period

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of time. This can end in 2 ways you leaving and never being able to come back or the person
deciding to stay but still as an illegal person. Millions are plan on making the trip because of the
poverty of where they are living. In the book Enrique's Journey, Nazario, the author talks about a
mother by the name of Lourdes that has a goal ,She will go to the United States and make
money and send it back home,(Nazario 4) she has two kids and is very poor and can not afford
living in the poverty so she decides to make a trip for a better life for her family. Unfortunately
this happened with one of my aunts named Mia, she came here as the third youngest child at age
19 in order to support her parents in Guatemala. During the process she made the decision to
return back hoping everything worked out, but till this day she is still in Guatemala with her
parents and hopes one day she will try to come again. Although, in her case she was not
separated from any family because of the law still many to this day are not sure if they will be
returning back with their families in the US.
Although one may be here working under the table him/her will always feel that fear of
what if I get caught and go back. One of the hardest things for an immigrant to do is becoming
a citizen not only because of lack of education but also due to the financial barrier. Hillary
proposed the promotion of naturalization, were she plans on waiving many fees for americans to
take the extra step in becoming a US citizen. According to statistics, Latino students are more
than three grade levels behind their peers in reading, meaning that the education isn't being
provided or latinos don't have the opportunity to seek education. If Hillary would have became
president we could be witnessing a major increase in education for latinos due to this promise on
educating latinos and pushing them to the next step. Even though Hillary did not end up winning,
we hope that Donald Trump makes the right choices and truly makes a difference.

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Everyone wished Hillary would of won , but Trumps ideas may have a very good point.
President-elect Donald J. Trump will reinforce immigration policies in order to benefit American
citizens. Trump plans on keeping immigration levels within historic norms which will promote
the economic success of Americans. Many Americans are obligated to pay taxes and according
to studies, immigrants benefit the most from these government issued programs: an estimated
49 percent of households headed by legal immigrants used one or more welfare programs in
2012, compared to 30 percent of households headed by natives. In Trumps 10 Point Plan to Put
America First, he promotes the extermination of the jobs and benefits magnet which will lead to
an increase in jobs for American citizens. Illegal immigrants are taking American jobs:
researchers at the Pew Hispanic Center puts the number of illegal aliens in the workforce at 8
million. With Trumps policies the overall unemployment rates of American citizens will
decrease while their advantages increase. Regardless of what good trump will bring, Hillary was
always the best candidate because she promised to support migrants. Undocumented people go
through a lot just to get here for different reasons like family, jobs, better life style. In Enrique's
Journey, Enrique tries coming to the US for the search of his mother, In spite of everything,
Enrique has failed again - he will not reach the United States this time, either. He tells himself
over and over that hell just have to try again " (Nazario 60) the boy has failed 7 times to reach
his destination and theirs others like him that have failed many more times but determined to
reach the US.
Since the day the Trump was chosen as President-elect many protesters have risen up
against him. Many were positively certain that Hillary would win this election for the simple fact

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of what Trump would say and how he acted with no respect. Hillary couldve not only been the
better president, but she could've also have been the first female president.

Works Cited
Bray, J.D. By Ilona. "Three & Ten Year Time Bars for Unlawful U.S. Presence" N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.
"Hillary Clinton on Immigration Reform." Hillary for America. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.
Krogstad, Jens Manuel, Jeffrey S. Passel, and DVera Cohn. "5 Facts about Illegal
Immigration in the U.S." Pew Research Center. N.p., 03 Nov. 2016. Web. 21 Nov.
"The Three- and Ten-Year Bars." American Immigration Council. N.p., 28 Oct. 2016. Web.
21 Nov. 2016.Report this ad.
Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs." Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov.
"Immigration." Donald J Trump for President. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.

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