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Business Communication
MBA 102

Q1:-List the barrier to listening .Explain any four.

Ans: Communication is a process beginning with a sender who
encodes the message and passes it through some channel to the
receiver who decodes the message. Communication is fruitful if
and only if the messages sent by the sender is interpreted with
same meaning by the receiver. If any kind of disturbance blocks
any step of communication, the message will be destroyed. Due
to such disturbances, managers in an organization face severe
problems. Thus the managers must locate such barriers and take
steps to get rid of them.
There are several barriers that affects the flow of communication
in an organization. These barriers interrupt the flow of
communication from the sender to the reciever, thus making
communication ineffective. It is essential for managers to
overcome these barriers. The main barriers of communication are
summarized below.
One of the keys to a successful relationship is good
communication. Communication is a process of transferring
information between two individuals, the sender and the receiver.
For communication to be a success, the receiver must understand
the message that the sender intended. However, there are
barriers that interfere with good communication.

Following are the four major barriers

A.Physical Barriers
One of the major barriers to communication is the physical
barrier. Physical barriers are present in the area surrounding the
sender and receiver. Physical barriers include a work environment
that has a lot of background noise, poor lighting or unstable
temperature. These barriers can affect how individuals try to send
and receive messages. If there is a lot of background noise than
the receiver may not hear what the sender is saying. If the
temperature in a work environment is too hot or too cold the
sender may not be as focused on the message that they are
trying to send. If people in the work place are separated by
others, communication is not as effective. As long as people still
have a personal space that they can call their own, proximity to
others aids communication because it helps us get to know one
B. Lack of Subject Knowledge
According to the College of Marin, if a person who sends a
message lacks subject knowledge, they may not be able to
convey their message clearly and the receiver could
misunderstand the message, thus affecting communication. If the
sender is not familiar with the subject content that he is trying to
send, then it may be too vague and the receiver may not receive
relevant details.
C. Language
The inability to converse in a language that is known by both the
sender and receiver is the greatest barrier to effective
communication. reports that when a
person uses inappropriate words while conversing or writing, it
could lead to misunderstanding between the sender and a

receiver. If the sender doesn't clearly speak the same

language as the receiver then they may be using words that do
not make sense.
D. Emotions
Your emotions could be a barrier to communication. If you are
engrossed in your emotions for some reason, you tend to have
trouble listening to others or understanding the message
conveyed to you. According to the College of Marin, if someone is
angry, resentful, happy or excited, that person may be too
preoccupied with emotions to receive the intended message.
Emotions mainly involve fear, mistrust and suspicion. Excessive
fear of what others might think of us and what we say can
interfere with what we want to communicate and our ability to
form meaningful relationships.

Q2:-Name the two category of oral communication. Explain

Ans: Oral communication: is the process of verbally
transmitting information and ideas from one individual or group to
another. Oral communication can be either Formal or Informal.
Examples of informal oral communication include:
Face-to-face conversations
Telephone conversations

Discussions that take place at business meetings

More formal types of oral communication include:
Presentations at business meetings
Classroom lectures
Commencement speech given at a graduation ceremony
With advances in technology, new forms of oral communication
continue to develop. Video Phones and Video Conferences
combine audio and video so that workers in distant locations can
both see and speak with each other. Other modern forms of oral
communication include Podcasts (audio clips that you can access
on the Internet) and Voiceover Internet Protocol (VoIP), which
allows callers to communicate over the Internet and avoid
telephone charges. Skype is an example of VoIP.
There are six broad types of oral communication activities that
might be incorporated into curricula in many fields of study. Most
are conducive to either formal or informal assignments. Some are
realistically possible only in smaller classes or recitation sections,
while others are appropriate for large lectures as well.
1. One-on-One Speaking (Student-Student or StudentTeacher): Can range from moments punctuating a lecture, where
students are asked to discuss or explain some question or
problem with the person next to them, to formal student
conferences with their instructor.
2. Small-Group or Team-Based Oral Work: Smaller-scale
settings for discussion, deliberation, and problem solving.
Appropriate for both large lectures and smaller classes and allows
levels of participation not possible in larger groups.
StudentLed): Typically less agonistic, argument-based, and competitive
than debate and deliberation but still dialogic in character. Often

times has the quality of creating an atmosphere of collective, outloud thinking about some question, idea, problem, text, event, or
artifact. Like deliberation and debate, a good way to encourage
active learning.
4. In-Class Debates and Deliberations: A structured
consideration of some issue from two or more points of view.
Debates typically involve participants who argue one side
throughout, while deliberation allows for movement by individuals
within the process. Both feature reason-giving argument. Can be
applied to issues of many kinds, from disputed scientific facts to
theories, policy questions, the meaning of a text, or the quality of
an artistic production. Can range from two participants to a
lecture hall.
5. Speeches and Presentations: Classically, the stand-up,
podium speech delivered by an individual from an outline or
script. Also includes group presentations or impromptu speaking.
A strong element of monologue, but dialogue can be built in with
question and answer or discussion with the audience afterward.
6. Oral Examinations: Can take place in the instructors office,
in small groups, or before a whole class. Range from one oral
question on an otherwise written exam to an oral defense of a
written answer or paper to an entirely oral quiz or examination.
Difficult with very large groups, but an excellent way to determine
the depth and range of student knowledge and to stimulate high
levels of preparation.

The role of the Internet in business communication is varied

and has come to be of great importance. It can be used to
increase effective communication both internally and externally.
Use of the Internet can make it easier to connect with others
quickly and more often, in addition to exchanging a wide array of
media types. It can be used to communicate purchase information
to vendors and by customers to ask questions. The factors that
make the role of the Internet in business communication

important can also cause conflict, depending on the way the

medium is used.

Any company that does business online has an email address for
customers to use, and most companies offer several different
addresses that enable customers to send the message to the
right department within the company. The question is often not
one of email, but rather of what type of email to have. While
online providers such as Google, Yahoo! and Hotmail offer free
email, these types of services often leave the user with spam
issues. Additionally, some of these services mistakenly block
messages to customers. This means that a company should
consider investing in a business email provider that offers
stronger filters.

Customer Interaction
The faceless quality of online business means that customers
cannot receive the in-person communication that even a person
at the other end of a telephone can provide. Businesses that
function largely online should thus provide a more personal touch
and make the interaction between the customer and the company
easier. Options include instant messaging services for the
customers to have online discussions with company employees or
even online forums for customers to discuss issues with one
another or offer tips and service reviews on the company.

Support Options
Customer support is an essential part of doing business online.
Companies should make every effort to show customers that the
company takes their concerns seriously. Posting a notice about
the turnaround policy for answering customer questions and
then following this policy helps indicate to customers that the
company values their questions and comments. Additionally,
companies can provide customers with a Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) link from the main page of the website. Over
time, companies find that customers tend to ask the same
questions repeatedly. An FAQ page can answer these questions
and save the customer time and frustration.

The Personal Touch

While form emails are often essential in companies that do a
considerable amount of online business, adding a personal touch
to emails also shows customers that the company cares about the
business that the customers provide. Delegating a few people or
even a department to provide personal responses to emails can
help customers to see the company as a group of people instead
of a large and faceless business. Simply personalizing emails with
the customers namesusing a mail merge functionalso helps
to add a personal touch to the email (even if thousands of people
are receiving an identical message).

Professional Presentation
Although email
effort to create
receive. Emails

can seem as if it is an informal means of

companies should nevertheless make every
professional email templates for customers to
should include some type of letterhead and

professional information about the company, as this lets the

customer feel secure about the reliability of the business
Stockholder role
Stakeholders are the people and organizations whose attitudes
and actions have an impact on the success of your project or your
company. Your stakeholders include employees, labor unions,
shareholders, the local community, government authorities and
regulators. Different stakeholders have different interests,
attitudes and priorities. Effective communication ensures that
they receive information that is relevant to their needs and builds
positive attitudes to your company or project.
Stakeholders must understand what you are trying to achieve.
Communication with employees and labor unions, for example,
builds an understanding of your goals and the benefits to the
audience if they help you achieve those goals. Communication
with investors and shareholders helps you attract the funding you
need for important investments. If you plan changes in your
business that will have an impact on the local community,
communication with local government agencies, pressure groups
and the community will build an understanding of your aims.
Communication helps you to build positive relationships with
people and organizations, such as the media or special interest
groups, who influence other stakeholders. Press releases,
interviews with journalists and meetings with interest groups build
understanding and ensure that communications from those
groups reflect your point of view.

Communication with stakeholders builds dialogue. By setting up
forums or inviting other forms of feedback, you can gain a better
understanding of your stakeholders interests and attitudes so
that you can fine tune your communications. Using forums or
other social media to communicate enables you to respond to
Communicating through social media can also spread your
message further as stakeholders share attitudes with others.
Your communication program must focus on the stakeholders who
have the greatest influence on your success. If government
agencies or industry regulators are considering legislation that
could cause problems for your business, for example,
concentrating your communications on those groups ensures that
they take your point of view into account.
Communicating regularly with stakeholders and creating a
positive understanding can help you build effective long-term
relationships with key groups. A strong relationship brings a range
of benefits. Communicating with customers can put you in a
strong position when customers are making purchasing decisions.
Supplier communications can help you to build a supply chain
that is aligned with your needs. Shareholder communications can
give you easier access to funds.

Q3:-How does internal business communication affect the

organization? Discuss the role of each stockholders in this.

Ans:Communication is the basis of all business transactions. Even employees within the
same company communicate with one another on a daily business to discuss
important points of interest, strategies, and plans.
There are a number of tasks in any company or business that must be accomplished
every day, and employees would not be able to achieve this without proper
communication. Internal business communication comes in many different forms.
One form is through team members. Teamwork is a vital part of many business
operations. Teams are gathered together to discuss various issues that have arisen in
order to find solutions to various problems within the company. Teams also work to
solve many different logistical problems, as well as find ways to put the strategies into
actionable plans that will only serve to help the company grow.
It is also often necessary for separate teams to communicate in order to discuss
important issues that may possibly overlap departments. Since it is important that
every team have a specific purpose, the communication between each will ensure all
efforts are being concentrated on different individual aspects of the business.
Company managers also communicate with their employees on a daily basis to
discuss the progress of various plans, as well as the situations that have resulted
from certain plans of action. Managers are there to guide, but they are also there to
listen. During business communication, listening is just important as talking, and
company owners have no choice but to learn how to be good listeners as well as
effective speakers.
Employees will also need to talk to one another about different customer-related
concerns or issues. These may even stretch from one department to another, but
there will be situations that will require the communication of two or more people from

different locations within the company. This will promote efficiency and make overall
business operation run more smoothly as everyone learns to work together.
When new products are introduced, communication will be a very important part of
the process. Each team will need to communicate with the others to ensure the
product is conceived, manufactured, and offered to the public in a manner that
appears seamless. This is what makes businesses gain good reputations, and is what
ensures those good reputations will stick.

Shareholder communication:

Shareholders are important internal stakeholders of an organization and they are

owners of the company .As the capital required to run large organizations is huge, a
group of proprietors and partners cannot fund all the capital required. Therefore
capital to run an organization is raised from the public or private organizations or both
and they became the stakeholders or investor of the organization as organization
grow shareholding is wildly scattered .therefore it is essential to retail the share
holders confidence in the companys management, through effective communication
with them on a regular basis
There are two situation where shareholder communication is extremely vital:

If the company is doing well and wants to expand its scope of operation or
diversity into un related areas ,in this case ,good shareholder relations can help
to raise the required capital and minimize borrowing from bank and financial
If the company is going through a crisis or difficult times ,more communication
with shareholder is needed ,take the example of Coke and Pepsi during the
pesticide controversy .in such a situation the company much be open with its
shareholders and explain the problem clearly ,including the steps being taken to
overcome the crisis

Crisis communication is an important ,but often overlooked area of shareholder

communication .lack of communication during the crisis encourage the grapevine
among shareholder and lead to false rumors .Foe example rumors may spread that
the company is going to close down on the other hand if u tell the truth ,changes are
that your share holders will stand by you

The appropriate media for communicatrion with shareholder include both oral and
written channels .periodic mailers must be sent to all shareholder ,giving a fair and
truthful representation of the companys results and progress on various front .In
areas where there is an aggregation or concentration of shareholder ,shareholder
meetings conference much be held making presentation on the companys
progress .where the company is going through a crisis ,shareholder must be taken on
project site and factory visits to show them the measure that are being taken to solve
the problem .
The overall guiding factor in communicating with shareholders must be that they are
the owners of the company

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