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Communication plan to focus on

Nation Branding

as a Global destination
Trade block: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Product: Ready-made garments

Prepared for:

Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar

Course Instructor (International Marketing)

IBA, University of Dhaka

Prepared by:
Md. Mostafijur Rahman
Tasfina Islam
Md Shah Aziz


EMBA program, Batch 22

Dhaka, IBA, University of Dhaka
November 20, 2016


November 20, 2016

Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar
Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dear Sir,
We have prepared a communication plan with an intention to nation branding Bangladesh
as a global destination for the Course M 607 International Marketing of EMBA program
of Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka as partial fulfillment of the
course requirement.
We really enjoyed preparing this report which enriched our practical knowledge with the
theoretical concept. We tried to reflect the practical application aspects with the report,
which is complimentary to the theoretical lessons.
We are very grateful to have this opportunity to conduct this analysis under your close
supervision & guideline. We eagerly wish to have further courses with you where we would
be able to carry out such realistic assignments.

Sincerely yours,

Md Mostafijur Rahman
EMBA program
22nd Batch
ZR 1502017

Tasfina Islam
EMBA program
22nd Batch
RQ 1502022

Md Shah Aziz
EMBA program
22nd Batch
ZR 1502013

Executive summary
Bangladesh, the southern Asian country has a
population of approximately 164 million people.
The economy of Bangladesh is significantly
dependent on agriculture. But its great news for
the country that, readymade garments (RMG)
sector of Bangladesh has risen as the biggest
earner of foreign currency. This sector creates
about 4.2 million employment opportunities and
contributes significantly to the GDP. Readymade
garments (RMG) of Bangladesh are powered by
young, urbanizing, workers, where most of them
are women.
Bangladesh holds immense opportunities due to its geographical position, 45% of working
aged population blessed with blend of cultural and religious activities and strong social
bonding. A country of rivers and canals has golden fiber, silvery hilsha and thousand years
of connectivity with its neighbors. Currently the economy is dominated by RMG and
followed by pharmaceuticals, Handicrafts, fishery, ICT outsourcing etc.
Since 7 out of top 10 business partner of Bangladesh are of APEC members, Bangladesh
is interested to get membership of this trade block. Moreover APEC has a high median
aged population and their current sluggish investment opportunities and economic growth
forced them to find out new market.
Recent political changes in USA and business environment in China may go in favor of
Bangladesh especially to RMG sector. We have decided to focus on USA and China for
our RMG sector.
Newly elected president is very much negative regarding TPP. According to TPP, Vietnam
has the chance to be a strong competitor to Bangladesh in RMG export to USA. Because,
Vietnam will get condition applied tariff benefit.


Moreover, if USA going to apply 45% tariff on Chinese product, Bangladesh will have more
opportunity. 36% of USA market is dominated by China where Bangladesh has only 6% of
total RMG import of USA. On the other hand, Mexico is another big RMG manufacturer.
Due to NAFTA agreement, Mexico get trade benefit and they exported 355 crore USD
RMG last year to USA. So, if USA applies 35% tariff on it, Bangladesh again will be
opportunistic in RMG.
Under GSP Bangladesh exports very less around 5 crore USD and tariff of this amount is
negligible. Still Bangladesh has improved a lot to the 16 indicative conditions which are the
pre-requisite of getting GSP plus.
China is the leading manufacturer in RMG sector and itself a major consumer. China also
itself imports 12% RMG, but China is looking for outsourcing as they are losing costeffectiveness and the same reason USA also looking for Bangladesh as the replacement
of China. So, China will be our one the major target for getting investment in Bangladesh in
RMG as well as contract manufacturing. China still charges 10% tariff on our RMG. If we
can get free of that, China can be the main destination for Bangladesh to export RMG as it
will give less shipment cost than exporting to Europe and USA.
Recent few unwanted activities has created negative image on our branding, but we have
a lot positive in us to promote and get back of our image and lead the market too. We have
a huge working people and we have capable working industries too. If we can have a
master plan in communication strategy, we can have more GDP contribution from RMG.


Table of Contents


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Nation Branding and Bangladesh


2.1 Nation Branding

2.1.1 Definition
2.1.2 Phases of nation branding
2.1.3 Current nation branding
2.1.4 Bangladesh position
2.2 Bangladesh
2.2.1 Bangladesh at glance
2.2.2 Current images

Negative images

Positive images

2.3 PESTEL analysis

3.0 Bangladesh in RMG


3.1 Introduction
3.2 Evolution
3.3 Impact on economy
3.4 Competitive and Comparative advantages
3.5 Compliance status
3.6 Doing business comparison: Bangladesh Vs india
3.6 Leading market players with capabilities
4.0 Tools for Communication Plan for Branding Bangladesh in RMG
4.1 People: Celebrity endorsement
4.1.1 Professor Dr. Mohammad Yunus
4.1.2 Shakib Al Hasan
4.1.3 Noble Bangladeshis around the world
4.2 Media promotion
4.2.1 Festive promotion: International mother language day


4.2.2 Film festive with fashion fusion

4.3 Relationship strategy _PR
4.3.1 China
4.3.2 Malaysia
4.0 Conclusion




1. Introduction
After birth in 1971 Bangladesh passed a lot of hurdles in its journey and today it is 4th
fastest growing economy in the world. Bangladesh is the founding member of SAARC and
hosts the permanent secretariat of BIMSTEC. The country is the worlds largest contributor
to United Nations peacekeeping operations. It is a member of
Developing 8 countries (D8)
The common wealth of Nations
The World Trade Organizations
The group 77
The Non-aligned Movement
Indian Ocean Rim Association
Bangladesh is not a member of APEC but considering the importance of immense
potential of this block, Bangladesh wishes to be a member of APEC. Until then we can use
polity strategy to do trade benefit and business expansion and increase more revenue
here. Before doing so, we have to identify what we have, what we can improve ourselves
and what we can promote in or favor. So, we need a solid plan to brand our country and
promote our products to APEC members.
2. Nation Branding and Bangladesh
2.1 Nation Branding
2.1.1 Definition
A nations brand generally refers to the common images, perceptions and associations
people have with that nation. Therefore, nation branding is an important tool used by
countries to create, change or promote a distinct self-image and international reputation
that serves the nations interests in a positive and effective way. In other words, A
Promise that a nation makes.
A nation gets a brand identity based on its strength of delivering a quality product
consistently over time (EG: Switzerland for tourism and banking, USA for freedom, Italy for
food and fashion, etc.)
2.1.2 Why Nation Branding
Nation branding is important to build and manage the reputation of countries as the image
and reputation of a nation can dramatically influence its success in attracting tourism

receipts and investment capital, in exports, in attracting a talented and creative workforce,
and in its cultural and political influence in the world.
Nation brand is an important concept in todays world. As a consequence of globalization,
all countries must compete with each other for the attention, respect and trust of investors,
tourists, consumers, donors, immigrants, the media, and the governments of other nations:
so a powerful and positive nation brand provides a crucial competitive advantage. It is
essential for countries to understand how they are seen by publics around the world; how
their achievements and failures, their assets and their liabilities, their people and their
products are reflected in their brand image.
2.1.3 Phases of nation branding
There are several phases for branding a nation:

Identifying existing issues with the current brand

Capitalizing with core competencies (for e.g. Education & R&D for the
obile Engineering for Germany, Technological innovation for Japan)
Combating negative image (for e.g. MADE IN CHINA associated with
poor quality)
Combating dilute image (for e.g Hong Kong Had to distinguish itself
from China)

Starting the process of brand delivery (e.g working for Digital Bangladesh by
establishing a separate ICT ministry in 2011)

The tools used for Brand Propagation :

People ( Promoting nationalism among citizens)
Media (Vital tool for brand perception)
International Relations (For e.g the relationship of Saudi Arabia in
GCC countries)
Military Statement (USA the no.1 in this status)
Ministries (e.g Tourism, Culture)
Education and Service Sectors (For e.g USA top ranked in this sector)
Investment (For e.g Hong Kong , the third largest FDI recipient in the
world )
Private Sector tools (BGME branding Bangladesh RMG sector)
Export (For e.g Bangladesh is the second largest RMG exporter in the
Special Event (for e.g. Bangladesh hosting ICC cricket World cup in
2015 along with Sri Lanka and India)

2.1.4. Current Nation Branding

Cities, states, regions, and countries are now actively promoted through advertising, direct
mail, and other communication tools. The goal of this types of campaigns is to create
awareness and a favorable image of a location that will entice temporary visits or
permanent moves from individuals and businesses alike.
Simon Anholts Nation Brand Hexagon & Index: According to Simon Anholt who first
coined Nation Branding concept in 1996 , the nation brand is the sum of peoples
perceptions of a country across six dimensions of national competence and together these
areas make the Nation Brand Hexagon:

Governance: Public Opinion about national government competency and fairness,

as well as its perceived commitment to global issues
Exports: The public image of products and services from each country
People: The populations reputation for competence, openness and friendliness and
other qualities such as tolerance
Culture & Heritage: Global perceptions of each nations heritage and appreciation for
its contemporary culture
Investment & Immigration: The power to attract people to live, work or study in each
country and how people perceive a countrys quality of life and business
Tourism: The level of interest in visiting a country and the draw of natural or man
made tourist attraction

Anholt Nation Branding ranking 2015:

Based on the six dimensions, each year Simon Anholt and GFK Roper affairs & media
rank the countries of the world in each criterion and in overall criteria.



United States


United Kingdom










Regional ranking (Asia Pacific) 2014-2015

New Zealand
South Korea
Sri Lanka




Key Findings:

Lower ranking nations do not have the assets

The governance
Export Power
Investment Appeal
Key reputation drivers:
Feel good about buying product from this country
Would like to visit if money was no object
Major contribution to innovation in science and technology
Global Priority issues
US is seen as the global problem solver
Germany is seen as one of the top leaders on the worlds most pressing
Human Rights

Brand Finance Nation Branding Strength Index:

Considering criteria:

People & Skills
Goods & Service

Most Valuable Nation brands Brand Finance:



(Bn $)










2,942 $











$ 1,305

Bangladesh Ranking: 44 (From 47) with worth $ 170 Bn

Key Findings:

Japan has recorded the most significant growth ( 18% growth in brand value)
Marked increase in perception of the competitiveness and dynamism of its
work force
Luxembourg is the fastest growing nation brand ( 43% increase )
Its status as financial center
Initiated a nation branding campaign
Reliability, Dynamism, Openness
Focusing on credible attributes rather than aspirations

Future Brand Index 2015:

According to Future Brand, each country was measured in regard to these dimensions and
their performance:
o Tourism
o Heritage and culture

Good for business

Quality of life
Value System
Decision / Visitation

Future Brands Top 20 Country Brands (2014-15):

Key Findings:

Not all countries qualify as brands, and the findings are striking. Among the 75
countries included in their survey, only 22 qualify as country brands by Future
Brand measures.
Country brands must have a competitive advantage
Awareness alone does not make a strong country brand
Country brand strength is connected to how many consumer brands you are known
Strong country brands are seen to have expertise across multiple consumer
Country brands have most momentum in technology, innovation & sustainability

2.1.4. Bangladesh position in Nation Branding Index

Bangladeshis has a persistent grievance that Bangladesh is not justly portrayed in
international forums. It has become commonplace for the country to be associated
with cultural calamities, wavering political situation, corruption and other negative
attributes. It has a long way to go for building itself as a Brand . Its position is
several nation branding indexes are as follows:

Anholt and GFK Nation Brand Index
Future Brand Index
Brand Finance Index
Bloom Consultancy Country Brand
Good Country Index

Bangladesh Ranking
Not included
44th with USD 170 Bn
Tourism : 162nd
Trade : 70th

2.2 Bangladesh
2.2.1 Bangladesh at glance

Constitutional Name

Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Government System

Parliamentary Democracy

Capital City

Dhaka (23042` N 90021`E)

State Language


Liberation Achieved

1971 (with a Huge Blood Losing freedom

fighting against Pakistan)


147,570 Square Kilometers (Land:133,90 km

Water: 10,090 km)

Geo. Position

20034``to 26038``North Latitude And 880

01``to 92041``East Longitude.


Tropical Monsoon

Best Tourist Season


Total Boundary

5138 Kilometers

Land Boundary

4246 Kilometers

Territorial water

12 Nautical Miles


160.9 million (2015)

Population Growth


Population Density

1015/Square Km

Literate Rate


Poverty Rate

25.6 % (2014 estimated)

Average Span

69 Years


BDT (1USD=78 BDT approx.)

Central Bank

Bangladesh Bank

Scheduled Banks

56 (State owned-4, Specialized-4, Private-39

and Foreign-9)

Non-Bank Fin. Institute


GDP Per Capita

$1,403 (nominal; 2016) $3,890 (PPP; 2016)

GDP Growth Rate


GDP by sector

Agriculture: 15.5% industry: 28.1% services:

56.3% (2015 est.)

Inflation Rate

7.13 (Sep-13)

Annual Budget

2,50,506 crore BDT (2014-15)

Per Capita Electricity

348 KWH (Production)

Economy of Bangladesh

43rd Biggest in the world (as per IMF last

report). Called the Oriental Tiger in South

Number of EPZ


Number of Sea Port

03 (Chittagong, Mongla and Paira)


International Airport

03 (Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet).

Employment Sector

Agriculture 47.30%, Industrial 17.64%,

Service 35.06%


2,835.04 km

National Highway

3538.00 Km

Total River

310 (Including Tributaries)

Natural Resources

Natural gas, coal, lime, white clay, granite,

glass-sands etc.
Ready-Made Garments(2ND Highest Exporter

Major Industries

in the Globe), Garments accessories,

agriculture based Industries,
Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Cements
Chemicals, Leather and Leather Goods, Jute
and Jute Oriented Goods, Ship Building and
Breaking, IT etc.

Religion Based Population

Muslim 89.70%, Hindu 9.20% Buddhist

0.70%, Other 0.40%

2.2.2 Bangladesh Current images

Negative images:

Bangladesh has some negative images globally which is mainly due to mainly

Politically Violent: This concept is due to the hostility between two main
political parties and occasional movements and blockades by opposition
parties. There were killing of political leaders in the past which portrayed
Bangladesh wrongly. BDR violence and State of Emergency in 2007-08 was
also affected the image of Bangladesh.
Extremely poor : Bangladesh has recently entered to lower middle income
group and only 13.7 % love below poverty line. This is one of the fastest
growing economies. So, this concept will be changing gradually.
Natural Disaster prone: Due to its geographical position, Bangladesh suffers
from some natural calamities like flood, cyclone, earthquake etc but

Government is working hard for disaster management. Deaths and losses

due to these are becoming less day by day.
Corruption: According to Transparency International report, Bangladesh
ranked as 13th most corrupted country.
Terrorism: Recent Holy Artisan attack in July, 2016 aggravated this concept
and some security issues were raised by global stakeholders. Due to media
coverage, the image of Bangladesh was affected.
Poor Infrastructure: Some incidents like Rana Plaza Accident and deaths of
workers raise concern about the strength of infrastructure of Bangladesh. But
FDI by developed countries like Japan, China, Malaysia etc.
Poor Governance: Lower ranking in economic freedom. Positive images:

Bangladesh has some positive attributes also for portraying itself globally:

Historic Background of patriotism: War of Liberation in 1971

21st February International Mother language day
Nobel Prize by Prof. Yunus in peace
Second largest RMG Exporter
Digital Bangladesh advancement (Like. Digital National ID card, Passport,
voting system etc)
High Foreign Remittance
Young working population
Cultural Heritage like Pohela Boishakh
Un Peace keeping Force
Women Empowerment

2.3 PESTEL analysis

Political Factors:

Democracy in Bangladesh is young and fragile.

During the first twenty years after independence (1971-1990), Bangladesh was
most of the time ruled by non-elected and military-backed governments.
After a popular movement, a democratic parliamentary form of government was
installed in 1991.
The polarization and hostility between two main political parties continue and the
opposition frequently uses anti Government strikes, movement as political weapons.
Political instability and corruption hamper the economic growth of Bangladesh.

The government policy is not considered as business friendly to do business in


Economic Factors:
Economic Freedom Status: Mostly Unfree (Global Ranking: 137 )
GDP (nominal) is $226.7 billion with 46th Rank
GDP Per capita $ 1,403 with 7.1% Growth Rate
Service (56.3%) dominates the GDP
Inflation rate 5.6%
Population below poverty line 13%
Labor force 81.95 million
Unemployment : 4.5%
Main Industries : jute, cotton, garments, paper, leather, fertilizer, iron and steel,
cement, petroleum products, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, tea, salt, sugar,
edible oils, soap and detergent, fabricated metal products, electricity, natural gas
Exports : $37.61 billion (FY2015-16
Export Goods : Garments, Knitwear, Agricultural products, Frozen food (fish and
seafood), Jute and jute goods, Leather, Pharmaceuticals
Main Export Partners : US 13.9%, Germany 12.9%, UK 8.9%, France 5%, Spain
4.7% (2015)
Imports : $40.69 billion (FY 2014-15
Import Goods : Cotton, Machinery and Equipment, chemicals, Iron and Steel,
Main Import Partners : China 22.4%, India 14.1%, Singapore 5.2% (2015
FDI Inflow : $2.2 billion (2015)
Foreign reserves : $31.20 billion (July 2016)
Sociocultural Factors:

The population of Bangladesh is 160.9 million

Population growth rate 1.21 %
Population density : 1015/Square Km
Sex Ratio : 100.30:100
Over 85% of the population are Muslims, less than 13% Hindus and the remaining
are Christians, Buddhists
Literacy rate of population : 61.5%
The number of civilian labor force is 4.74 core, among them 3.61 core are male
and 1.13 core are women
Religion Based Population Muslim 89.70%, Hindu 9.20% Buddhist 0.70%, Other

Technological Factors:

The technological environment in Bangladesh is progressing.


The Government of Bangladesh has chosen some priority sectors such as

agriculture, power generation etc. to adopt latest technological trends.
Government has highest priority in the ICT sector with the slogan Digital
Vocational training on ICT has been implemented by Government.

Environmental Factors:

Environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources are often observed

in Bangladesh due to poverty, over-population and lack of awareness on the subject.
It is manifested by deforestation, destruction of wetlands, depletion of soil
nutrients, etc.
Natural calamities like floods, cyclones and tidal-bores also result in severe socioeconomic and environmental damage.
In recent years, the government has taken some important steps towards
protection of the environment, environmentally sound use of natural resources and
pollution control, Adoption of National Environment Policy and formulation of National
Conservation Strategy and the National Environment Management Action Plan are
some of the measures undertaken by the government to integrate environment with
development in a policy framework.

Legal Factors:

The Constitution of Bangladesh was draft in the year of 1972 and has undergone 15
The utmost judicial body is the Supreme Court and Justices are selected by the
President and the judicial & law enforcement institutions are feeble. Separation of
powers judicial from executive was finally implemented on 1st November, 2007.
Laws are loosely based on English general law except family laws such as marriage
& inheritance are based on religious scripts, & therefore differ between religious
The restoration of democratic system in the year 1991 has been follow by relative
calm & economic progress.


2.4. SWOT Analysis of Bangladesh:


Bangladesh is in good geographic Location

Important link between the economies of south Asia &south East
Asian region

Chittagong port emerges as a major Port

2nd Largest RMG Exporter

Beautiful tourist location

Distinctive Culture


The countrys vulnerability to natural disasters has significantly


Micro credit

Political Instability
Natural disaster
Omer population
Poor Infrastructures
Lack of available funds is another serious problem of our country


Human capital
Women Empowerment
Improvement in governance, infrastructure and investment climate
can attract more foreign Direct Investment.

ICT sector can emerge as one of major contributing sectors of our


Emerging Pharmaceutical Industry


Poor Global Perception.

Adverse global development.
Rising inequality in income &wealth.
Improper management of development may bring out encourage
poverty and inequality leading to social instability.

Bangladesh is victim of increasing terrorism and sharp increase in

commodity prices in global market.

3.0 Bangladesh in Ready-Made Garments

3.1 Introduction:
The readymade garment (RMG) sector is the backbone of the Bangladesh economy. The
RMG sector is now the single foreign exchange earner of the country, earning 82% of the
foreign exchange earnings. The RMG industries have created direct employment
opportunities for the millions of women who would have otherwise remained unemployed.

3.2 Evolution
Bangladeshi Garment Industry is the largest industrial sector of the country. Though the
history of Readymade Garment Industry is not older one but Bangladeshi clothing
business has a golden history. Probably it started from the Mughal age in the Indian
subcontinent through DhakaiMusline. It had global reputation as well as demandable
market around the globe especially in the European market. After industrial revolution in
the west they were busy with technological advancement & started outsourcing of readymade garments to meet up their daily demands. Many LDC's took that chance & started
ready-made garment export at that markets. As an LDC Bangladesh took this chance
enjoyed quota & other facilities of them. Thus ready-made garment industry started to
contribute in our economy from late eighties (1977). TheBangladeshi RMG sector
flourished during the 1980s with the support of the multi-fiber arrangement (MFA), which
secured quotas for the Bangladeshi rms. With thesecurity of quotas, the RMG sector grew
by demonstrating its skill and efficiency, satisfying clients across the world, including the
USA and Europe. Over the last three decades the RMG sector has had tremendous
growth, with factory based increasing from 804 during the 1980s to around 5,000 in 2015.
In fact, efficiency went beyond ensuring product quality.

3.3 Impact on Economy

Bangladesh garment industry has generated $28.09bn exports in the fiscal year
2015-16 with a 10.21% growth from the previous year, according to Export Promotion
Bureau data. If all these negative issues are addressed, we will be able to achieve 12%
export growth and successfully reach $50bn RMG export target by 2021.

It also plays a pivotal role to promote the development of linkage small scale industries.
For instance, manufacturing of intermediate product such as dyeing, printing, zippers,
labels has begun to take a foothold on limited scale and is expected to grow significantly.
Moreover, it has helped the business of basling, insurance, shipping, hotel, tourism and

The sector also has created jobs for about two million people, of which 80 percent are
women who mostly come from rural areas. The sector opened up employment
opportunities for many more individuals through direct and indirect economic activities,
which eventually helps the countrys social development, woman empowerment and
poverty alleviation. In such a way the economy of Bangladesh is getting favorably
contribution from this industry.
3.4 Competitive and comparative advantages
A McKinsey survey also tells us that the potential for the garment industry is promising.
McKinsey forecasted export-value growth of 7-9 percent annually within the next ten years,
so the market will be double by 2015 and nearly triple by 2020. According to another
recent report, the global apparel market will cross the $2 trillion mark by 2025 from the
current value of $1.1 trillion. So there is a great opportunity for us to further penetrate the
global apparel market and boost our export earnings.


According to a survey conducted by McKinsey in 2001, 86 percent of the chief purchasing

officers in leading apparel companies in Europe and the US planned to decrease levels of
sourcing in China over the next five years because of declining profit margins and capacity
constraints, and their next preferred sourcing destination is Bangladesh. They viewed
Bangladesh as the next hot spot for sourcing in the RMG market. So Bangladesh is
expected to gain much from the changed scenario in the global apparel market.

The key factors behind success of RMG sector of Bangladesh are the following

Vast labor force,

Skilled human resources,
Technological upgrades,
Government supports for textile and clothing,
Special economic/export processing zones,

6. Creation of textile and clothing villages,

7. Incentive for use of local inputs,
8. Duty reduction for the import of inputs/machines,
9. Income tax reduction,
10. And international supports like GSP, GSP+, duty free access etc.
By using the above key points Bangladesh took place the worlds readymade garments
market very strongly.
Types of Clothes We Manufacture:
Though, there are various types of garments are manufactured in Bangladesh, but all the
readymade garments are classified into two broad categories, where one is woven
products and another one is knitted products. Woven products include Shirts, Pants and
Trousers. On the other hand, knitted product includes T-Shirts, Polo Shirts,
Undergarments, Socks, Stockings and Sweaters. Woven garments still dominate the
export earnings of the country. From BGMEA website its seen that, Day by day knitted
items production is increasing in considerable rate and now about 40% export earnings
has achieved from knitted products.


3.5 Compliance Status

One of the biggest challenges currently facing our garment industry is to make our
factories safer and ensure better working conditions for millions of garment workers. The
Tazreen fire and Rana Plaza collapse have brought the issue of workplace safety to the
fore. The accidents have caused a paradigm shift within the industry. Following the
unfortunate incidents a number of initiatives have been taken to improve building and fire
safety in the industry.

Platforms such as Alliance, Accord and National Plan of Action have been formed and all
are working sincerely to make every factory safer and compliant. Moreover, the factories
which were established in an unplanned way and housed in converted and shared
buildings have started relocating to purposely-built buildings. Moreover, an initiative has
been taken to set up an industrial park to relocate the non-compliant garment factories. A
total of 67 inspectors have already been appointed who will monitor workplace safety at
garment factories and recruitment of more inspectors is in the process. However, ensuring
workplace safety at all garment factories is a gigantic task and will take time to accomplish
it. But we believe the government of Bangladesh with the support of global brands and
international development partners, will be able to ensure the safety of the industry and
maintain the momentum of socio-economic development in the country.
Another challenge for our RMG industry is to ensure workers' rights. The government of
Bangladesh has amended the Labour Law 2006 in July 2013 making it more favourable for
ensuring workers' rights, including the right to freedom of association and collective
bargaining. The RMG sector also demonstrated its capability in ensuring social compliance


by successfully resolving child labor from garment industries and rehabilitating child
workers into schools.
3.6 Doing business comparison: Bangladesh Vs India
India and Pakistan are major competitors in south-asia in RMG but we have better
business environment to do business than these two countries
Starting a business (rank)
Dealing with construction permits
Cost (% of Warehouse value
Cost (% property value)
Building quality control index (0-15)







3.6 Leading Market player in Bangladesh with capabilities

1. First World Fashion
A garments manufacturing group was established in 1992, works with buyers from EEC,
Scandinavia and U.S.A. It makes a variety of garments products such as woven, sweater,
knit, baby items, infant items and under garments.
2. Posh Apparels Ltd.
Posh Apparels Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Readymade Garments.
Since 1989, the company has been exporting MENSWEAR, LADIES WEAR and
CHILDREN CLOTHING many countries around the globe. The company is well equipped
with all the facilities required for designing, cutting and making an entire range of garments
for men, women & children.
3. DIRD Group
DIRD GROUP started its operation with its engineering company DIRD PRIVATE LIMITED
in 1983. In 1984 the group stepped into the garments sector with
DIRD GARMENTS LIMITED, now DIRD GROUP has diversified into different textile subsectors of Bangladesh. Corporate Head Office of DIRD GROUP
ANTIM KNITTING DYEING &FINISHING LTD is a 100% Export Oriented Knit Composite
Textile Factory. It is the pioneer in manufacturing and exporting finest quality knitted
garments items. It has maintaining state of the art in its production process. ANTIM


KNITTING DYEING &FINISHING LTD. was established in 1997 with a vision to build a
premium Garments house.
5. NRB Fashion Garments manufacturing company
NRB Fashion Garments manufacturing company established in 1995. NRB Fashion is a
prominent apparel sourcing organization based in Bangladesh that offers garments for
men, women, boys, girls and kids/babies. Over the years, they have gained immense
industry expertise that has enabled them in identifying prominent vendor base across the
country from which they procure range of products.
6. BASE Textiles Limited
BASE Textiles Limited a leading Knit ready-made garments factory (Knit composite),
Base Textiles Limited, was set up in 1996, located in Chittagong (the port city and
business capital) and has established itself in Bangladesh as a confident supplier of knit
fabric and garments.
7. Euro Group Bangladesh
Euro Group has always been the trendsetter in providing total solution package to its
customers in the field of Textile and Garments, ensuring value for price and in turn
achieving the entire customer satisfaction.
8. Greenland Garments
Greenland Garments Ltd. is a vertically integrated knit manufacturer. Our siege of the
garment production process begins with the knitting of yarn into fabric and extends into
and beyond the dyeing and manufacturing of various types of knit garments.
9. Givensee Group
Givensee Group of Industries is one of the largest composite garments manufacturers
in Bangladesh. Established in 1982, it has more than 17000 workers producing over 70000
pieces of garments per ranging from knitwear items to heavy denim wear. The group was
one of the pioneers of Garment business in Bangladesh.
AFTAB GROUP is one of the leading enterprises with businesses in banking sec
tor, textile, food, readymade garments, agriculture, compressed natural gas, industrial
pump manufacturing so on and Real Estate in New York USA. Aftab Group has wellestablished enterprises in these fields and most of its projects have been success stories.
11. Zaber&Zubair Fabrics Bangladesh
Zaber&Zubair Fabrics was incorporated in 1997 with a mission to grow up as an
internationally recognized home textile manufacturing company, by meeting day todays
market requirement and achieving customers' satisfaction.


4.0 Tools for Communication Plan for Branding Bangladesh in RMG

4.1 People: Celebrity endorsement
4.1.1 Professor Dr. Mohammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus (born in Chittagong at 28 June
1940) is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur,
banker, economist, and civil society leader who
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for
founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the
concepts of microcredit and microfinance.
International recognitions
Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Switzerland
CARE Humanitarian Award
Winner of the World Food Prize
Winner- The Freedom Prize from The Max
Schmidheiny Foundation
Winner of the UNESCO Simn Bolvar Prize
Received award from Strmme Foundation,
Received Indira Gandhi Prize
Received Prince of Asturias Award
Winner of the Sydney Peace Prize
Named Ashoka Global Academy Member
Winner of The Economist newspaper's Prize for
social and economic innovation.
Mother Teresa Award
- "Freedom from want" Award-Roosevelt Study
Eighth Seoul Peace Prize
Nobel Peace Prize, shared with Grameen Bank
- Vanderbilt University Nichol's Chancellor Award

Additionally, he has been awarded 27 honorary doctorate degrees, and 15 special

To build on the tradition of self-sufficiency, Dr. Yunus started a trend to wear simple
garments made from locally-handwoven cotton, modeled after Indian Madras plaid, known
as "Grameen check." He also always wears Grameen Check. Not only is wearing this a
popular trend spanning all classes of people of Bangladesh, especially in the capital
Dhaka, but export of Grameen Check has spread to other nations.

So, Bangladesh can take Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus as a brand

ambassador to promote RMG to the global village.

4.1.2 Shakib Al Hasan

Target market: Australia, Canada,
New Zealand, Hong Kong
Shakib al hasan is the renowned
name in the cricket world with his
consistent performance and he has
the capability to brand the nation
very well in cricket loving nations like
Australia, Canada, New Zealand and
Hong Kong.

Format of cricket
OdI all-rounder
Test all-rounder
T20 all-rounder

ICC ranking

4.1.3 Noble Bangladeshis around the world

We are proud to be a citizen of Bangladesh and she has a lot of child who are branding
her name throughout the world. We have to recognize them and make them involve in
branding her products. We have the following noble people who are extraordinary in their
own sectors and contributing to the global village.

Dr. Abed Chaudhury

Abed Chaudhury (born February 1956) is a
Bangladeshi geneticist and science writer living in
Australia was born in Moulvibazar. He is a wellknown geneticist and writer in both Bengali and
English who together with colleagues in Australia
isolated the FIS (fertilization independent seed)
genes; fis mutants can produce partial seed without
fertilization. These are the first characterised genes
involved in apomixis, a method of making seed
without the father.
He is leading a group of scientists in Australia in his research.


Dr. Amit Chakma

PhD in Chemical engineering

Amit Chakma (born in Chittagong at 1959) is the 10th president of the University of
Western Ontario, Canada.
From 1988 until 1996, he taught chemical engineering at the University of Calgary. In
1996, he moved to the University of Regina as dean of engineering. He then served as
Regina's vice president research from 1999 to 2001. During his time at the University of
Regina, Chakma was named to Canada's Top 40. He became vice president academic
and provost at the University of Waterloo in 2001. His research interests are natural gas
engineering and petroleum waste management.

Jawed Karim Co-founder of Youtube

Jawed Karim (born 28 October 1979) is a German-American
Internet entrepreneur of Bangladeshi descent, who co-founded
YouTube and has been the first person to upload a video on it.
The video he has released was named 'Me at the zoo' and as of
2016 has reached 33 million views. Many of the core
components of PayPal, including its real-time anti-internet
fraud system, were also designed and implemented by

Dr. Mohammad Ataul Karim

PhD in Electrical engineering

Mohammad Ataul Karim (born in Sylhet at May 4, 1953) is a Bangladeshi American

scientist and Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts
Dartmouth with expertise in electro-optical systems, optical computing, and pattern
recognition. His citation record has an h-index value of 28, g-index value of 53, and i10index value of 87 and an RG score of 39.66 with over 3800 publications citing his research
results. Karim is ranked amongst the top 50 researchers who contributed most to Applied
Optics in its 50-year history. He was for 9 years the first Vice President for Research of
Old Dominion University (ODU) in Norfolk, Virginia.

Monica Ali
Monica Ali (born 20 October 1967) is a Bangladeshi-born British writer and novelist. In
2003, she was selected as one of the "Best of Young British Novelists" by Granta
magazine based on her unpublished manuscript; her debut novel, Brick Lane, was
published later that year. It was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. It was adapted as a
2007 film of the same name. She has also published three other novels.

Zobera Rahman Linu

Zobera Rahman Linu is a famous Bangladeshi table
tennis player. She is the only Bangladeshi sportswoman
to have her name listed in the Guinness Book of World
Records. Linu is a national Goodwill Ambassador for
UNICEF in Bangladesh.

Margarita Mamun
She is the current Record Holder under the 20-point judging system with the highest Allaround total of 77.150 points; which she scored at the 2016 Baku World Cup. At the 2016
Olympic Games, Mamun won the all-around gold setting a new Olympic Record
under the 20 point judging system with a total score of 76.483 points, surpassing the
previous mark score of Evgenia Kanaeva. Her father Mr Abdullah al Mamun is from

Saif Ahmad
Saif Ahmad is a Bangladeshi-American restaurateur and World Series of Poker
champion. Ahmad is the owner of several Tony Roma's restaurants in Los Angeles,
California, and won the 2007 World Series of Poker bracelet in the $2,000 Limit Hold'em.

4.2 Media promotion

4.2.1 Festive promotion: International mother language day
International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in November
1999 (30C/62). In the history, people of Bangladesh have many days to remember. 21st
February is mentionable one. The day is observed as the International Mother Language
Day. It has its own background. This great occasion reminds those heroic sons of
Bangladesh who sacrificed their lives for the establishment mother tongue Bangla as the
state language in 1952. Rafiq, Salam, Jabbar, Barkat were among those who sacrificed
their lives for this great cause. It has great image and tradition in the country and now


In line with Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education of the 2030 Agenda, this
year's theme emphasizes the importance of appropriate languages of instruction, usually
mother tongues, in the early years of schooling. It facilitates access to education while
promoting fairness for population groups that speak minority and indigenous languages,
in particular girls and women; it raises the quality of education and learning achievement
by laying emphasis on understanding and creativity, rather than on rote and memorization.

Language and culture are intricately related and dependent on each other. Language is
formed by culture, while culture is influenced and impacted by language. Language is the
medium of culture. This is clearly seen in immigrant societies in, for example, America.
These immigrants are accustomed to a certain language, and therefore, despite the
assimilation, will continue to use it and keep it alive, creating different and cultured
societies in this foreign land to keep the language alive.
Furthermore, not only is language an expression and a display of heritage and history, it is
also the component of culture that makes it unique, and that creates a difference from one
to another. Linguistic differences are also often seen as the mark of another culture, and
they very commonly create divisiveness among neighboring peoples or even among
different groups of the same nation. A good example of this is in Canada, where Frenchspeaking natives of Quebec clash with the English-speaking majority. This explains how
language can be a pathway to culture.


Geographical distribution of Bangla language

A Bengali sign in London, which is home to a large Bengali diaspora
Bengali language is native to the region of Bengal, which comprises Indian states of West
Bengal, Tripura, southern Assam and the present-day nation of Bangladesh.
Besides the native region it is also spoken by the majority of the population in the Indian
union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. There is a good presence of Bengalispeaking people in Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh and Delhi of India. Bengali
speaking people are also found in cities like Mumbai, Varanasi, Vrindavan, and other
places in India. There are also significant Bengali-speaking communities in Middle East,
Japan, United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Maldives, Australia, Canada and the United


21st February is the pride of Bangladesh and we can hold a huge promotion and
campaign and reach to the whole world with our products especially with our RMG.

4.2.2 Film festive with fashion fusion

After the mother language, there is a huge influence of cultural activities like drama, film
and Bangladesh has a thousand years record of strong cultural resources. We can see our
neighboring country India using the strategy where India influences their fashion through
drama serial. We can fuse the fashion with our film and attend to world class film festive to
promote it.
Positivity in music and cultural activities with fashion fusion


4.3 Relationship strategy _PR:

Relationship strategy reduces the cost of promotion as it creates 3 rd party endorsement
and customer do advocacy for us.
4.3.1 China
Friendly relations China
Historical connectivity
Bengal Sultanate (purple)
as a neighbor to Ming


A southwestern Silk Road

connecting Bengal and

Atisa of Bikrampur traveled

to Tibet and played an
important role in developing

Member of BCIM
The BangladeshChinaIndiaMyanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation (BCIM)
is a sub-regional organization of Asian nations

Strategic partner
Defense cooperation
Defense Cooperation Agreement in 2002
Chinese tanks
Chinese frigates and missile boats
Chinese fighter jets
2008-an anti-ship missile launch pad near the
Chittagong Port with assistance from China


Economic cooperation

China is # 1 largest trading partner to

Bangladesh is 3rd largest trading partner
in South Asia to China
In last Chinese president visit to
Assistance deals & a MOU, $40bn loans
& grants, 6 Mega projects cooperation

4.3.2 Malaysia
Strong fraternal relations with Malaysia

Member of Commonwealth of Nations, OIC, D8, NAM

Third largest investor in Bangladesh
In 2014, the Malaysian cabinet decided to open all sectors apart from
plantations in the Malaysian economy for Bangladeshi workers to work.
4.3.3 Japan
Japan Bangladesh Friendship

The biggest bilateral donor -Almost 13.51 % of total aid

BIG-B an outstanding strategic project beneficial for both the country
BEPZA and JETRO signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) to
establish an exclusive industrial park in Bangladesh
Bangladesh offered 40 industrial plots in export processing zones (EPZs)
exclusively to Japanese entrepreneurs.


Land is the least competitive advantage whereas technology can be adopted and skilled
human resource will be the major contributor for future market domination. Bangladesh has
less land so; we need to go outbound with our skills to increase capability and capacity in
production for cost-effective manufacturing. Already we are present in Africa and we can
also go to Brunei. Bangladesh has two strong points Muslim country which is the 2nd
largest religion of the world and Language Bangla 7th largest in the world.
Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Japan and Brunei can be good cooperators to Bangladesh in
expanding bilateral business and helping in advocacy in nation branding. USA is going to
be our potential market due to recent political change and USA is close to strategic
association with Bangladesh too. If we can ensure total quality management and value
negotiation none other in the Southeast Asian country but Bangladesh will lead in RMG
very soon. RMG is going to contribute more than today in not only in GDP but also in job
creation. BGMEA will have more responsibility to make collaborative strategy with the
buyers and countries. We have to search for more cost-effectiveness and introduce more
technological advances to meet the global competitiveness.


1. Shariful Islam, CEO, Bangladesh Brand Forum
2. Bangladesh Bank Data
3. Bangladesh
Export Promotion Bureau
5. Anholt GFK Nation Branding ranking 2015
6. Brand Finance Nation Branding Index 2014-15
8. Bloom Consulting Country Brand Data 2014-15 (Tourism Edition)
11. Economic Census-2016
13. The Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
15. ARTA MAY 2016 Final-4
16. FT MAY 16
18. Business report of the daily Prothom ALo on 19 October, 2016, based on EPB data
19. Bangladesh Bank
20. Economic Census-2016


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