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6th Justice P.N.

Bhagwati International Moot Court Competition on Human Rights

1. 1857 Soremon Sepoy Rebellion
2. 1925 Great King Tintumon ascended the throne of the Lola and Ramola
3. 1941 Open session of the Soreism Mahasabha at Jamdavad.
4. 1945 Mr. Jayant Balekar in another meeting gave assent to Mr. Munnah's two nation
5. June 1947 People of the 'Northern Areas' revolted against the Maharaja of Lola &
Ramola and opted to join Boremon.
6. 14 August, 1947 Dominion of Boremon, largely consisting of Bismil Population was
7. 1947 Soremon got its independence.
8. 1947 Agreement of compensation signed for a sum of Rs. 75 crore by Soremon
Government to the newly formed Boremon.
9. 22 October, 1947 locals and tribesmen backed by Boremon invaded the Northern
10. 24 October , 1947 The 'Azad Lola & Ramola government established in BoLR.
11. 26 October 1947 King Tintumon signed the Instrument of Accession.
12. 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
13. 13 August, 1948 Soremon took the matter to the United Nations.
14. 28 April 28, 1949 The Timbey Agreement.
15. 1950 The autonomy of Lola and Ramola under Article 370 of the Constitution of


on behalf of the Applicant-

6th Justice P.N. Bhagwati International Moot Court Competition on Human Rights

16. 1952 elected Constituent assembly of Lola and Ramola voted.

17. 1970 The system of Adult Franchise was adopted through the ALR Act, 1970.
18. 1974, the Parliamentary system was introduced in ALR.
19. 1993 ALR High Court took note of denial of fundamental rights in the Northern
20. 14 September, 1994 Supreme Court stated that the Northern Areas are part of Lola &
Ramola state but are not part of ALR as defined in the Interim Constitution Act, 1974.
21. October 1994 rudimentary system of representative governance was introduced in the
Northern Areas but no legislative authority.
22. March 2001 The then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Jofrey Anna remarked
that the Lola-Ramola resolutions are only advisory recommendations.
23. 2005 devastating earthquake in BoLR.
24. April 2005 NGO ICG report, The State of Sectarianism in Pakistan.
25. 2013, The WHRO published a report in a global newspaper about the situation of
26. 2014 distressing floods in BoLR.
27. 7 September, 2014 Boremon Prime Minister Mr. Fawad Khan visited the flood
affected areas.
28. 2014 Mr. Jawad Rahim issued orders for the arrest of Mr. Kamaal Khan for sedition.
29. 2014 Troop of 600 Soremons special Black Panther Battalion force entered BoLR
30. September, 2015 Both the countries decided to conclude ARSDB.
31. October, 2015 A fresh elections were held in BoLR by the Boremon government.
32. November, 2015, the dead-body of Mr. Kamaal Khan was found in come deserted
regions of East Sufighanistan.
33. 11 October, 2015 The ARSDB signed.


on behalf of the Applicant-

6th Justice P.N. Bhagwati International Moot Court Competition on Human Rights

34. December, 15 2015 Soremon filed an Application to the International Court of Justice
invoking Article 40(1).


on behalf of the Applicant-

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