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FORM TP 2014152) AAI irest cove 02212010 » MAYHUNE 2014 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® CHEMISTRY-UNIT 2 PROV? your mse oh as bt a etre shoe was fur ame nec, aoe sso) edge. Paper 01 U hour 30 minutes 10 JUNE 2014 (p.m) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. | This test consists of 45 items. You will hve | hour and 30 minutes to answer thee. In addition to ths test booklet, you should have an answer sheet and a data booklet. 3. Bach item inthis test has four suggosted answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same lener as the answer you have chosen.” Look a: the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following isthe HIGHEST energy transition in an organic compound? (A) anwar Sample Answer @) cto 050 © ntoxe ©) tem : ® ‘The correct answer to this item is “c to e*", so answer space (B) has been shaded. 5. Ifyou want to change your answer, eras it completely and fil in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and-as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go onto the next one. You may retum to this item later, Your seore willbe the total number of correct enswers 7. You may do any rough work inthis booklet. 8, Figures are noc necessarily drawn to sale, 9. You may use a silent, non-pfogrammable ealevlator to answer items, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD To DO so. (Copyright © 2012 Caribbean Examinations Council All ight reserved. 02212010/CAPE 2014 -2- Combustion analysis of 0.18 g of an ‘organic compound produces 0.396 g of ‘carbon dioxide and 0.216 g of water. The ‘empirical formula ofthe compound, given {het it comaing carbon, hydrogen and pehitors ®) GH @ cH ©) CHO, ©) CHO, ‘Which ofthe following compounds show optical activity? 1. CH,CH(OH) COOH 1 HOCH= CHOH Hi CH,CH (CI) CH, IV. Hog) Tcl (A) Land I only (B)> Land IV only (© Wana Monty ©) Wand IV only Volto rz compounds pind in tho strength of he itemeteaar ance present Which compound bel’ he fost wae" we (A) CHCH,CHOH (®) CHCHCHCH, (©) cHeKCH)CH, (@) _cicH,cH.cooH 4 “Theldeal detoctorused in gaschromatogaply (GC) has specific characteristics. Which of the following characersties are for « GC detector? tC 0, U Iv w @ © Oo Adequate sensitivity ‘Good stability Short response time Easy to use {and U only {and If only [Mand IV only C0, tand1v Which of the following statements about polyunsaturated oils (trigyleerides) is FALSE? (A) ‘They undergo seponifcaton. (B)) They are hydrolysed to produce sliplyosrides, (©) Theirshelftivesare prolonged with ‘hydrogenation, (D) They are hydrogenated to produce margarine, Which of the follo ng alcohols will NOT be oxidized by acidified potassium dichromate V1)? cHtoH a) cxiox | oon © i) on : " { cu, —cH,—¢—on eS ca, In the reaction between ethene and bromine, which statements about the reaction mechanism may be true? L 4H nm oT B) ico (0) ‘A carbocation forms in the rate determining step. ‘A dative covalent bond forms between the bromide fon and ethene. Heterolytic ssion of the bromine- 9. bromine bond occurs. only and It only 1 and fi only [land U1 tem 8 refers to following diagram of Compound 5 cH, Compound J Which of the following statements are correct conceming Compound 37 Lt will decotourize aqueous bromine. II. It will decotoutize cold, ecidified potassium permanganate. IL tewill produce a silver mieror with Tollen’s reagent. @)) 1 and it only (B) Land Uff only (©) Mand lt only ©) Wandin {tem 9 refers tothe compounds, Rand S, whose structures are given below. CHCH),CHOH ‘CHYCH),CH,COOH ‘CHYCH),CHCICOOH HOH eRe? ‘The correct sequence of the compounds above, in order of DECREASING acid strength, is “ 8) o> © 10, 13, : ¢ complete reaction of phenol with Which ofthe following compounds does 11. The eomplet E NOT give a white precipitate wn shaken aqusous bromine is characterized by a with cold ethanol silver nate? @ oH solution and an antiseptic smell a (B) brown precipitate, a colourless solution and a sweet smell (©) shite precipitate, brown solution (A)) white precipitate, a colourless a ‘nd an antiseptic smell (D) brown precipitate, abrown solution @) ona and a sweet smell 12, Which of the following organic compounds a would release «proton MOST readily? © cue, (A) CH.CHOH éS (®) cHLCooH © cHoH o cnc ©) cHoH cue, Nem 13 refers to each ofthe three sets of structures shown below which ae to be labelled as showing the conjugative effect or the positive inductive effector the negative inductive effect G aj xf ‘Which of the following options has the labels inthe correct order to match the structures? on (A) > Positive inductive Conjugative Negative inductive effect effect effect (8) Conjugative Negative inductive Positive inductive effect, effect, effect, (©) Negative inductive Conjugative Positive induetive effect effet cffect (D) Negative inductive Positive Inductive Conjugative effect effect, ‘effect 18. 16, i, Which ofthe following statements is NOT true of addition polymerization? (A) Only one type of polymer is formed. (B) Themolecular mass of the polymer is a multiple of the monomer unit, (©) The polymeris eadlly hydrolyzed. to the monomer. (0) The physical and chemical properties of the polymer ere different from those of the “The product formed by the polymerization ‘of propene, C,H, may be used as a (A) fuel @) liquid (©) disinfectant (O) plastic material Which ofthe following inaccuracies may be eliminated by calibrating « meesuring instrument? (A) Lack of precision (8) Random errors (©) Systematic errors (0) Random and systematic erors “The concentration of an ammonia solution is determined by titrating 25.0 cm? egainst (0.2 mol dr” sulfrie acid to give an end point of 27.5 em? The concentration of ammonia (nmol din is given by BE @ SEs 18, 19, 20. In gravimetric analysis of = substance by precipitation, which of the following outzomes would be FALSE for the precipitate formed? 4A) It would be easily filtered and washed free of contaminants. (@) > ts composition would not have to be known. (©) lk would be unreactive with the atmosphere. (D) _Ieould be essentially insoluble to prevent loss during washing. ‘A 300-mg solid sample containing chloride is dissolved in water. The chloride is then precipitated as AgCl by the addition of silver nitrate tothe solution of the sample. ‘The precipitate is collected, washed, dried and weighed, and found to have a mass of 525 mg. (RAM of C1=35.5, Ag~ 108) ‘The mass of chloride present in the sample is (A) 42mg @_ us0mg C)) 299m (©) 2080mg. In an oletronic transition ia the UVivisible ‘region of the spectrum, a wavelength of 450 nm is absorbed. Planck constant (h) = 6.63 x 10°41 s Velocity of ight (c)= 3.00 x 108 m s* ‘The energy ofthe corresponding photon (in Joules)is (a) SS x tot 30x10 50x10" py at OXI O) FRAO IRF oy 610" 3108 50% 107 66310" x3x 10 ) =a 50m By 2 24 The structural: features which cause absorption in the UV/VIS region of the electromagnetic. spectrum are known 8s (A) bonds (B)) chromophores (C) isolated x bonds (D) lone pairs of electrons Which ofthe following alkenes has the wavelength of maximum absorption, i, "CO “O "O "O ‘An unknown organic compound with molecular mass of 44g is anslysed using infrared. The bonds are found at 1700 ent and 2800 cm". ‘The compound is MOST likely (A) > ethan (@) ethanol (©) ethanoic uot (D) carbon dioxide ‘Which of the following analytical techniques is considered MOST specific for identification purposes? (A) Mass spectroscopy (B)—UVIVIS spectroscopy (©) Gas chromatography (O) —Thin-layer chromatography 25, 26. 28, |Which ofthe following pais of compounds ‘em 27 refers tothe following information. do NOT absorb infrared radiation? ‘A student carries out an experiment using 1 HO and HE thin-layer chromatography separation on 1 Hand slice gel and obtains the following results: NH, and HB Compound Distance Traveled 1V.CHyandBr, com) Compound A 13 (a) Land tt oly Compound B a (By Lend t¥ only Solvent 2. {Oana only a {D)) Mand V only 27, The R,value of Compound Ais A) 04 Which ofthe following media is NOT 8 ces nualsing agent in chromatography? © 016 D) 0. (A) Iodine 2 @)> Calulose ()Ninhyerin (D) _Uravioet ight EE tem 28 refers tothe following boiling point-campositon curves fer three ures, ff and I T T i Which ofthe following mixtures CANNOT be completely separted by factional distillation? (A) Lonty (@) only (©) Vand I only (©) > Wand tl only Along with silicon dioxide, which of the Following compounds constitutes the main impurities of bauxite? 29. Which of the following statements about 31 the partition coefficient may be true? 1. Ttdoes noe vary with temperature. Hh. The solure has to be in the same (A) teon(l) oxide ‘molecular state in both solvents (8) _leon(fl) oxide far itto be a constant (C) Carbon dioxide I, The two solutions have to be (©) Carbon monoxide . concentrated for it to be 0 constant ‘tem 32 refers tothe following fractions of (A) only exude od (B)) Monty (©) tand tt only LDieset (D) ty thand att Hl. Petrol UI, Refinery gas IV. Kerosene Item 30 refers tothe following apparatus ted in onan preparations. 32, The comet oer in toms of increating boiling point is c ®) tanattay &) tity (Cc) MT LIV, @P wan 33. The exsoml condtions forthe Haber + rs (A) 240m press, 400°, on saat {B) 2 Atm pressure, 450 °C, no catalyst 30. For which of the following processes isthe OY) 200 Atm pressure, 450 *C, iron catalyst (D) 200 Atm pressure, 1000 *C, no (A) ) Conversion of phenylamine to catalyst bbenzenedixzonium chloride (B) Conversion of butan ~ 1 ~ ol to 1 = bromobutane tom 34 refers to the manufacture of (©) Oxidation of propan ~ 2 ~ ol to chlorine by the electrolysis of rine using propanone the diaphragm cell (D) _Oxidationof methanol tomethanoie . acid 34. The anode is made up of (A) steet (8) eraphite (C)___ platinum with costing of asbestos (D) ) Gianium with an inert coating of cuthenium(V) oxide “9. 35, ForwhichTWO of the following industrial Fes a eherae MOST widely wed rein te manattre? : i te Sota lorie | II Polyvinylehloride | IV, Chloauorcarbons | a) land | (B)> Land it © tandt | ) Mandi 36. inthe podstin of sulfa by the Cana rcs th lowing extern recto ka ct | 280,(g)*0,@) Mi0..420°C 2am, 2800) Which ofthe flowing condions would | we tact | frame i Excom onsen cove oe ey (Lan only (> Mand tony (D) Wand 21. Compounds of slur such as sles ae coud od odes boone Bey (ay ely mo prose Sn food ty hyaton (© bt otdionof mei fa (©) _belptocahance the sou af fod 15) _lmrote the tavouro od 38, In which of the following industries is sulfirie acid used in the development of their products? 1 Fertilizer it, Paint Fibre IV. Detergent (A) stand Ut only (B) lll andtV only (©) tilland tV only CO) bilan 1V 39, Which ofthe following ions are significant contributors to eutrophication? L Poe NOS soz Mock (A) Land tf only (8) Land If only (© WandIV only ©) Tlhittand tv 210 ems 4041 refer to the following 43, information. Aerosol propellants such as Freon-i, CCL, are of major concern because of theit photochemical reaction with ozone. (0, Ultraviolet adiaton inthe stratosphere produces chlorine radicals. which thea feact with azone, producing oxyyen. a 40, A balanced equation for the production of ‘oxygen from ozone is war @, oO © (8) + Cig) + O(@ + C10.) 0,(@) + Cita) ~ COng) + 0,0) OF@) + CHE) OF) + C10) Og) + CHG) 0,@)+ C10) $1, Abalanced equation forthe photochemical decomposition of FreoneII is w @) © o CoLR@) My2CHa) HCC 4g cclFis) HCC) + Fela) CCI, F(g) M4 Clog) + CCL Hg) ‘cerry Ss acing) + CFB) 42. Choroftuorocarbons undergo homolytic fission by belng exposed to ultraviolet light in the stratosphere. Which radical could result trom CH,FCF,CI? wa 8) oO (0) cHP CR, “CHFCF.CI CHF CCL END OF TEST \Whiet ofthe following compounds is NOT a primary polluant? (ay B® ©) oy Nitrogen dioxide ‘Carbon monoxide Nitrogen monoxide Sulfur dioxide Which of the following resources are normally associated with the formation of photochemical smog? \ ul ut “ ® © ©) Nitrogen oxides Sunlight Volatile organi resources Land tt only and only {aad It only 1A end Which of the following plastics is biodegradable? (A) Low density polyethene (@)__ Polythene terephthalate (C)) Poly (- hyéroxybutanoic acid) (D) . Polyvinylehloride IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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