4 Elements If Quran Ilah

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Ilah is an Arabic word, whose literal meaning is GOD. It signifies the absolute
entity who is worshipped, loved more than anything in this world and is considered
to be the supreme authority. This term is used throughout the Quran to explain the
existence of God.
So the idea of the word ilah tells us about the entity that has the capacity to fulfill
the needs of others, to give them shelter and protection, to relieve their minds of
distress and agitation, superiority, and the requisite authority and power to do all
these, to be mysterious in some way or hidden from men's eyes, and the turning of
men eagerly to him.
The Pre-Islamic Concept
*Read the verses in the slides
These verses in the sldies tell about the concept of Ilah before the advent of Islam.
It has focused on 3 basic aspects.
1. The first one being that the Arabs used to worship whoever they regarded as
their Ilah and thought that they would help them in the time of distress.
2. The second aspect is that they considered the Jinns, angels and even dead
human beings as their ilahs
3. They also believed that these Ilahs listened to their prayers and would come
to their rescue.
But it can be seen from the verses that the Ilahs they worshipped proved to be of no
use to them.
The Arabs believed that if they offend these self-created Ilahs in anyway, they would
suffer epidemics, loss of lives, properties or any other calamaties.

Literal meanings can include Guardian, patron; one who supervises, One who
occupies a central or focal position

Leader, head, chief, or lord; one whose word is obeyed, and

whose supremacy or over lordship acknowledged

who has authority to dispose of men or things; Owner ; master

The general meaning

Ibadah is derived from the word abd which means considering someone as holding
supremacy and sacrificing ones freedom and wishes in his favor and totally
surrendering to the supreme authority. It is also interpreted as obedience of Allah or
adhering to His Commands in daily life
Quranic Meaning
And We sent Prophets unto all the peoples (to teach them) to give their ibadah to
Allah and not to taghoot.
It can be seen from this verse that our Ibadah or obedience should be for Allah.
Here the word taghoot is referred to the act of worshipping someone other than
It is the entire way to lead your life , submitting to the supreme and ultimate
authority and your thoughts and actions should be based on the teachings of that
authority i.e. ALLAH.
*write the verse present on the slide in your own words and explain that. Basically it
tells that your ibadat is for Allah and your deen has to exclusive for him.

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