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FIN 254

Group Project Guidelines

Faculty: FJM
Create a group consisting of 2-5 members
Send the Names, IDs and e-mails of all the group members to as
soon as possible
The group will be assigned a company to work on that is trading in Dhaka Stock Exchange
The company name will be e-mailed to the respective groups
Collect the latest three years of financial statements available for the company
Compute the ratios that were taught in class for all three years
Do a time series analysis on the ratios
Comment about the companys progress over the last three years based on your analysis. Is the
company improving? It is declining? If you had to invest, would you invest in this companys
stock? Why or why not?

Submit the report in PDF format over e-mail and a hard copy in my office room.

The deadline for submission is 6 PM of 4th August, 2016

Use Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1 inch margin, 1.5 line spacing and A4 paper size

Maximum group members per group should be limited to 5.

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