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Homework of Statistics

An electric appliance plant (whose product may be one of

following: mobile, computer, pad, camera, TV set, washing
machine) want to make a survey to find out 5 issues by a
questionnaire. The issues are:
1. The market share of your companys product according to
other brands.
2. The average price of your companys product. ( Mean and
Confidence Interval Estimation )
3. Which brands customer satisfaction is higher?
4. What functionalities of your companys products are cared
most by customers?
5. Whats the relationship between customers incomings and
outgoings? (Regression analysis)
Suppose you are an employee of the marketing
department of this plant, and you were asked to design a
questionnaire, do a survey, do a statistical analysis and
make a report to realize this purpose.

Contents to be committed
A questionnaire of products (e.g. the apple mobiles) service
condition with answers made by a customer in hardcopy.
A report with statistical analysis of products (e.g. the apple
mobiles) service condition in hardcopy.

Please dont miss any necessary part of a questionnaire, i.e.
the title, the explanation part ahead of questions and the
questions for some important personal information
At least 10 questions and at least 3 kinds of questions are
required, and some key questions can solve the issues above.
The questions designed
reasonable and efficient.

by you

should be


Please dont make too many questions and too many pages
(1-3 pages are suitable).

Please send your questionnaire to over 30 customers.

Your report should include proper statistical analysis in text,
charts and tables.
Please hand in your homework on class or (No.144
mail box, Beside the door of the office of Institute of
transportation management , 4th floor, Wenke
Building ) by the end of this term.
Please dont forget to record your name, student
number and phone number on your homework.

Teacher Wu Hongtao

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