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The AFLS™ Beye tal Functional Living Skills” Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol POPC enna Tene cue ure Reliuccel tae Provera en rae eerste Colas torte ine James W. Partington, Ph.0.,BCBA-D | Michael M. Mueller, Ph.D., BCBA-D earner Date ofBith Date of Assessment Assessor G= TimuLUuSs PUBLICATIONS Partington Behavior Analysts ewwwvwevvevwvvwvvwvwvwwwwewwwwww we 2 2 ww wT 3 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. VPUVITTIIIFIIIIIIIIIsIss THE ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTIONAL LIVING SKILLS (The AFLS™) An assessment, skills tracking system, and curriculum guide for skills that are essential for independence Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol by James W. Partington, Ph.D., BCBA-D and Michael M. Mueller, Ph.D., BCBA-D May 2012 Version 1.1 [ll Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol ‘An assessment, skills tracking system, and curriculum guide for skills that are essential for independence May 2012 Version 1.1 Partington, James W.., and Mueller, Michael M. ‘This book is intended tobe sold only to individuals asa part ofa two-book st that includes the Assessment of Functional Living Skills Guide (The AFLS™ Guide) or to individuals who have previously purchased ‘The AFLS™ Guide, If you have obtained a copy of this AFLS™ Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol without The AFLS™ Guide, you are advised to obtain a copy of it so that you will have a better ‘understanding of the content of this AFLS™ Protocol and its intended purpose. The AFLS™ Guide provides ectcal information regarding how to conduct the assessment. Tt also contains important Fnformation regarding precautions that must be observed during the assessment proces, when determining 4 learner's curent sil level, and when attempting to teach new functional ski The AFLS™ is an assessment tool based on a criterion-referenced set of skis that can demonstrate a Jeamer’s current functional skill repertoire and provide tracking information for the progressive development ofthese skills throughout the lifespan. Although the skills listed in this tool are important life skills that wil lead to greater levels of independent functioning, many individuals with developmental delays will not be able to learn and competently master all of these skills. Additionally, the attainment of all the skills by « person with a developmental disability does not mean thatthe individual will necessarily, be able to live independently. This protocol isnot a diagnostic tool and should not be used for determining iognostic labels, eligibility for services, and should not be used as the sole source of information for educational decision making or placement. Its not within the scope of this instrument to determine the appropriateness of any educational goals and objectives, nor the priority of a learner's needs. Rather, itis, recommended that users confer witha trained and experienced professional to evaluate which skills can safely be directly assessed, to determine appropriate educational priorities, and to assist with teaching and other programming decisions. Copyright © 2012 by Behavior Analysts, Ine. and Stimulus Publications ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in the United States of America No patt of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written. permission of the publishers. ISBN: 978-0-9847048-7-3 Publishers: Behavior Analysts, Inc. Stimulus Publications P.O. Box 23695 2470 Windy Hill Rd., Suite 300 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-0695 Marietta, GA 30067 ‘wwww, (925) 210-9378 (877) 221-6099 PAX (925) 210-0436 FAX (770) 956-2919 » » P » » P B » » ) » 2 B eR PLEASE READ THIS WARNIN It is very important that the user of this assessment protocol reads The AFLS™ Guide prior to attempts to assess or teach any of the skills listed in this protocol. Everyone faces some inherent risks while performing most daily activities. We come into contact with situations that require quick judgment, “reading” split-second sources of information while making decisions in complex situations, and weighing risks in order to avoid danger. From the time we wake in the morning until the time we go to bed at night, constant risk and danger is present, but avoided, for most of us because of our experiences, training, and cognitive abilities. Individuals with autism and developmental delays face increased risks of injury because they might not be aware of, understand, or ‘maintain focused attention during potentially dangerous situations or while performing certain activities. As such, caregivers must always be responsible for ensuring the safety of individuals with developmental delays. Some of the activities that are included in the assessment protocols may not be safe to directly assess for some individuals. Furthermore, attempts to assess or teach some of the skills may also have potential safety risks for the caregiver. Therefore, any attempt to determine a learner's level of skills, or to teach such skills, must ensure the safety of both the learner and the caregiver. Your knowledge of the learner, the learner's history, your own level of comfort in various situations, and common sense should help determine your approach. Never place a earner at risk, even momentarily, to obtain assessment data. BECAUSE SOME LEARNERS MAY NOT HAVE THE COGNITIVE SKILLS. AND SUBSEQUENT JUDGEMENT ESSENTIAL FOR THEM TO BE ABLE TO SAFELY ENGAGE IN CERTAIN ACTIVITIES, SOME OF THE ITEMS IN THIS PROTOCOL MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE TO DIRECTLY ASSESS OR TEACH TO SOME INDIVIDUALS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS, CAREGIVERS, AND TEACHERS TO ALWAYS ENSURE THAT AN DUAL IS PROTECTED FROM HARM. + DON + DO NOT LEAVE LEARNERS UNATTENDED, + DO NOT EXPOSE LEARNERS TO DANGEROUS SITUATIONS PLACE LEARNERS AT RISK + CLOSELY SUPERVISE LEARNERS THROUGHOUT ENTIRE ASSESSMENT Overview of The AFLS™ The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (The AFLS™) is an assessment, skills tracking system, and curriculum guide for the development of essential skills for achieving independence. Thus, The AFLS™ contains task analyses of many of the skills essential for participation in a wide range of family, school, community, and work environments. The AFLS™ is comprised of multiple documents including The AFLS Guide and six unique assessment modules: Basic Living Skills, Home Skills, Community Participation Skills, School Skills, Vocational Skills, and Independent Living Skills, Each assessment module contains eight different skill areas to thoroughly assess the functional skills across a wide range of settings and throughout a learner’ lifespan. Finally, a forthcoming set of companion teaching manuals will contain task analyses, teaching strategies, and prompting techniques for each assessment module beneficial to optimize instruction of the skills in each area. Functional skills are commonly thought of as skills that if not mastered by the earner, will have to be done for the learner. These are essential, practical, everyday skills of daily living. Although some functional skills are routine and even mundane at times, without the demonstration of these skills, a person is dependent on others for care. On the other hand, the more a learner can master, a greater level of independence is possible and additional opportunities open up in academic achievement, school options, academic placement choices, peer relations, social interactions, self reliance, self esteem, sports, leisure, community participation, living and housing arrangements, job choices, etc. Every module of The AFLS™ is designed to ensure that caregivers and professionals provide leamers with the very best opportunities to learn how to do tasks for themselves in a broad array of real-world settings. ‘The AFLS™ Guide provides information regarding the background, development, target populations, ages, and requirements for conducting the assessment. Descriptions and examples of the language used in the assessment, terminology, and intent of different sections are described in The Guide and should be read prior to completing this, ‘assessment protocol. Most importantly, The AFLS™ Guide provides detailed information required for conducting the assessment, accurately scoring the assessment, and completing the skills tracking grid for easy analysis and comparison of learner outcomes. The AFLS™ Guide also provides critical information regarding learner and caregiver safety. Additionally, The AFLS Guide provides strategies to assist parents, caregivers, educators, and other professionals to use the information obtained from the completed assessment protocol to develop an effective individualized functional skills development program. ii About The AFLS™ Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol ‘The current assessment module, The AFLS Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol, provides caregivers and professionals with criterion-referenced information regarding a learner’s current ability to self-manage behavior, communicate effectively with others in everyday life, and to perform essential daily self-care and self-help skills. ‘There are eight skill areas included in this module including: Self-Management; Basic Communication; Dressing; Toileting; Grooming; Bathing; Health, Safety, and First Aid; and Nighttime Routines. ‘The skills included in The AFLS Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol range from those that are often acquired by typically developing children at a very early age all the way through thosg that may not be acquired until late adolescence or early adulthood. ‘The most important outcomes for your learner are those that are individualized by caregivers who know, understand, and respect the leamer, and keep the learner's best interests in the forefront of the assessment process. Answer each item carefully with responses that demonstrate what the learner can do and actually does to obtain the most accurate picture of the leamer’s ability. Specific repertoires that are included in The AFLS Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol are: Self-Management Many learners with autism or other developmental delays often miss out on many opportunities to participate in typical family, community, instructional, leisure, and social activities due to the difficulty in managing their disruptive behaviors. Individuals who cause major disruptions by throwing tantrums or who engage in physically aggressive or self-injurious behavior are often not included on outings in the community. Even when behaviors are not dangerous, it is simply too difficult for many caregivers to bring eamers to stores or participate in activities when there is a constant feeling of having to be “on guard” to prevent or manage disruptive behaviors. As a result, caregivers often find themselves “walking on eggshells” in everyday situations and routines, trying to prevent situations that will trigger disruptive behavior that often lead to a “meltdown.” However, reasonable flexibility, calm reactions to everyday events, and appropriate handling of the sights, sounds, and situations of life are achievable. Reaching this goal begins with identifying those situations that might be difficult for the learner and is followed by the implementation of an intervention plan to teach alternative appropriate behavior. ‘The items in this section of The AFLS™ Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol review the learner's tendencies to engage in disruptive behaviors and some of the factors that may be related to them, Many disruptive behaviors occur when a learner either wants something to happen in an exact manner, does not want to do something, or access to a desired item has been denied. Some learners have atypical reactions to certain noises, smells, textures, etc, that result in caregivers making certain pre-planned adjustments for the learner to avoid those situations. Therefore, one of the main issues addressed in this section is learner flexibility. iii | For caregivers who are managing severe disruptive behaviors by a learner, it is recommended that immediate professional guidance and assistance be sought from a trained and qualified behavior analyst. Basic Communication ‘A learner's ability to socially interact with others is linked to communication. Expressing basic wants and needs, preferences, making requests for reasonable accommodations to the environment, seeking help or information needed for problem solving are just some of the essential skills required for independence. ‘The Basic Communication section reviews several areas of communication including the Jearner’s ability to understand what is being said, to follow directions to perform routine tasks in various settings, arid to demonstrate a wide variety of critical expressive language skills, A leamer must have skills to effectively request things, label items, and to talk about everyday life experiences. The ability to read and write some words and the ability to recognize signs commonly encountered in the community are also reviewed. The development of these skills is necessary in order to prepare the leaner with more than just the skills to simply “get by” in life. The advancement of reading and writing skills expands the learner’ options in all is section seek to determine some of the learner's basic functional communication skills, itis advised that any learner with language delays receive a more thorough review of the many developmental language skills required to communicate effectively and participate in conversations with friends and family members. The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills- Revised (Partington, 2010) is recommended to provide a more thorough review the learner's communication skills. Dressing Dressing skills are some of the essential skills required for personal independence. ‘This section reviews the learner's ability to get dressed, manage a variety of fasteners, and select clothing that is appropriate for a variety of weather conditions and social situations. It is important for leamers to be responsible for selecting their own clothing and to anticipate adjustments that will be required due to changes in activities, weather, etc, when on outings and trips. Additionally, acquiring skills to make choices about clothing fit, style, and comfort is important. Toileting Itis critical that a leamer develop the ability to independently use toilets both at home and in the community. The learner’s inability to independently use the toilet increases the dependence on others, limits the activities that the learner will be able to do, and decreases the overall extent to which the leamer can access the community. ‘The skills reviewed in this section include learning how to use the toilet both at home and in public restrooms. There are separate sections that cover a female’s ability to care for iv herself during menstruation and for a male’s ability to use urinals, Beyond actually using the toilet, recognizing restroom signs, cleaning and preparing the seat, flushing, stall and urinal choices, and common social situations while in restrooms are assessed. Grooming Grooming skills such as body and oral hygiene skills are essential for a leamer to master for health and social reasons, Being able to clean oneself is of utmost importance when developing skills for independence. Socially, those who are not clean and acceptably groomed may not be able to enjoy the same level of social opportunities as those who can take care of themselves. Cleaning, bathing, oral hygiene skills, the application of lotions and cosmetics, and other common grooming behaviors are assessed. Skill levels are evaluated from the very beginning process of learning to care for self through skills that help the learner match the norms or standards demonstrated by adolescents and young adults. Bathing Like grooming, bathing independence is critically important as it relates to the level and type of support a learner will require if these skills are not mastered. If the learner is unable to effectively clean himself someone must assist, or do this task for the learner. All aspects of being able to independently bathe in a tub or a shower are assessed in this, section, The learner’s ability to prepare water for a bath and fully operate a shower, shampoo hair, dry off, clean the tub, and manage all necessary products while bathing are included in this section. Health, Safety, and First Aid There are a variety of health and safety skills that are necessary for a leaner to develop. Common and essential preventative behaviors such as stranger awareness, knowing where to seek help, who to avoid in social situations, and who can help when in trouble are critical survival skills. Basic medical procedures and first aid skills for everyday incidences are also assessed. Of particular importance are items related to water safety, avoiding injuries caused by contact with hot surfaces, responding to fires, and poison prevention, Because drowning is one of the leading causes of death for individuals with disabilities, extreme caution should always include the presence of a lifeguard to ensure the learner's safety near water. Caution is also critical to prevent unnecessary injury when learners are near hot surfaces, sharp objects, and handling electrical devices. Nighttime Routines Preparing for and obtaining a good night's sleep is vital for the learner and for caregivers. It is important to have a consistent sleep pattern such that the leamer goes to bed at a reasonable time and sleeps without interruption for the amount of time required to function properly. When sleep and nighttime routines are consistently followed, Jeamers are better able to manage socially and behaviorally in the community. The entire process of preparing to go to bed, sleeping, and the wake up routine are covered in this section. v Table of Contents Warning About Learner and Caregiver Safety Overview of The AFLS™ Overview of the Basic Living Skills Module Self-Management Basic Communication, Dressing Toileting. Grooming, Bathing. 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TRING ‘aD Tavs ‘woUsINo AILDSTEO NSW FHMNEE 5809S ¥SVE (panuguop) S105 waSTAY AULL~ sIIPIS SUIAN JeuORDUN, Jo UALISSAsSY OL ez a8eg caneasay suHOW TY Signe snus pus bu “sheuy sone AG 7508 @ ALKA) is BUA 21888 - STAY OU rd tl sue eqsan ue ia awesopcop aueiopo2p| auesopea9 rd sue = yueiopoap soya = 1 sua ‘neue sa0q] _ywesopoop Adem oui + ote vezrd 1 ‘sduosd egion uo yu s0u00 verrd sap -2's1eu903| esyeus01s2pun syeu20} stevacy| »€z to] oop pue Lopun veep pue diem sousen}_sueap pue sda) y€2 to ocx) reztol ou uo sy84i08 jveztol vo sjeusabuy yeuz2uy spun stu vecrd ap sono pues eo pue dp sausea|s90a):apun veop pue wsowsear|_sueap pue sain] vez to} 6t¥9 sido yazan pu jan uaym ued pag 24 309 ono sans “ued Apo s.9uieo| uo pede} sj uono| vay =t ‘sued Apog 3329 489] 0} ono aude sanBaseouay ‘ono u sans =z ‘sued Apog payed veztol wago;u sgn pue cade eto eg fvezto} ‘uo uv popiosd voum = popaau sl p09 a] ‘papoou se sued] boon) vcr 0 -a1ed fg 01 uono uy sans pe sauddem uno Aye 14129 520g 90g cy vosey Ae euse=n| 0 uoNa|souddy| vEZ TO] BF YO. zd padéeys usueooq zd anBa109 4g pov vay ons dey] wo sh zens| zd sande a ‘popnau se ane dey sojcde-7| 40 padce a sc vaund| dee uo ind sause| 5200 wsowear| roe dey>souddy] 2 tof ct¥9 fey queso usr 0 ius esta jeu sajnbos = “siduowd yeqz2y yu you an ey quis so usm veero| ues 2 “paxse uayre eau pun ey quo> 0 saueseode veerd stag ue>=¢‘2oueueodde ou e ue aeyysrug] yeoue weneusoy popaou se steal pez to] ca popaa se ey squoo 10 sauenua = 40 quo seusa, soa) sey quieo 2 usrug im sauean says so squoa] y€Z 0} 9t¥D TEMG ‘in aS NOUSaND SAIDSTEO SY SINVNSVE——3HODS ¥S¥L {panupuod) Suw0015 7 ]EUORIUN, Jo JUALUSsAssy By, wiSTAV OUL~ a LELELELEEE LEE EEE EEEEELY og 284 ‘oanugsau HOR TW vg srypuns pue 3a ‘asheuy soe4RG A ZEOR @ WeUAGED wn =a zi zt dues sion. zee anlz to axe ye sonowas at ‘ér-oyeu serous 2] yes enous souse0 S200 souseon| -oyewsenowsy| zt ol c2¥9 vn sae zt suo e905 zr ‘uo yum én ayeus sydce =t ‘sauve aol savue 9aende>>| zi gercoaze ue uy dr-oxBu 5 yeu Ate sure] aoa) ut de-ayeus Kem uni] dr-eyeu sey] Zt O}SEHD was A eu Avo pi 8010645] ns Sone cx pen uoum ag popaau ses soneus =| toyoneys aust so0a] __\amstojaneysmuseat] sor saneus| yz TOL SzHS wos zi \equon gu papyoud pues evens] “hep jo sequin zd ss pj ua susay Anaperi00 aa) “ysrUa eo} sauna poupeds op 0} essa ain.s]z tof natn nuay haayon hessooou spede2| ‘awseenons ustqoos| wees U8 = sm sousear| eq Anayersype4| Z_T_O| YY. zi osop opr] usa wasp socim suse] pepo zr ou sose@ jo sous, sueap =1 papeou) | ‘sasuR, AB UO SABHA] scssefotayo] —sesemsajunysesepuns| sesseduns.o] 2 To ee teiacoeoa ce] aneyssse wurst utp atl oa] 0 seein wap we ues SeRERN SD ET ofezvo. oye oeuoy 9e09 zr saswoud qian hwo yn uand ey ysnaq 0 quan] ester BuRU00:8 uuoped| se zd perpapoonuonasyes=rngete| —tar'snayeu fee] etounauoosae| | ayend Nee aaopad sou] 2 to Moore auioyed pue nwo sjeo.<2| ‘ies Buuno#%D| doaesace,seog) pve oun oul yoo| wasewen| wooxnegsesn] z_t_O] 224 TRIOS ‘VRID Tan WoUssno SNISTEO NSE TAVIS —-UODS SVE {panuguo) Sujwo019 wSTAV UL SiIPIS SuinrT eUORDUN, Jo oUISsOssY SUL reaieg canaasza sion Te eee ped ceiv oul suonenignd sinwas pus 30 ‘sheuy Jones Ha 2.02 @ NBO) anova kg pay aye sjonzsai! 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ono1e2 © hq payosiva ipaq) ep otha wio2e pa] 01 Su. way do zid zi i" zd pea sunay 950 wneuNA| ue zt oferwn ‘na peq 015008 va pu ‘n'est ae sage] aurea mous AL210 Bua] ou ve ‘p29 01 $208 sous] ‘a pue ove 2035 tro Ag sean zr 1e pan o108 oy dunsd eqn ue saunbas] ydwosd apu) ue son a zt Sr own ayeucovade vey paqorseo8=z| _sanfoveovounoo:ezy] ve pear re poq orci zt ofzew TWN ‘WR Tana ‘WOUSaAID SAIDSTEO SVE TWVNYEVI SHOTS SVL (panupuo) sounnoy owmysiN miSTAV OYL - S|IDIS SuyAr |EORDUN, Jo JUaWUSSASSY BLL Date Page 47 Assessment Notes + Basic Living Skills Home Skills School Skills, Vocational Skills + Independent Living Skills Pee CL Community Participation Skills Basic Living Skills Module + Self-Management + Basic Communication + Dressing + Toileting + Grooming + Bathing . + Health, Safety & First Aid + Nighttime Routines amas Wi Prato, ino, ocuA Miao Mane, a0, 8088.0 Partington Behavior Analysts Fringan tad ras James W. Partington, Ph, C1.0 ie the ecto of Behavior nalts, ne. end provides Srioas tir and that Farias Hes leans psychologist andhes 40 years experienc working with chléren with levelopmental abies, He is inanainaly recognized as a leader inthe ld of behavior anahsis wih ‘expertise in anguage-baed interventions Ho is now fr his workin teching parents an poesioals bout pata, evideoe sed procedures necessary or eetve educational intentions Ha hs been «2 fculy member of saver universes including West Vigiia Lives, University of San Franeiseo and St. Mary Collage. Dz Parington i fore President ofthe Naren CaltomiaAssoistion for Bekavior Arai and has srved as a manbar ofthe Bebavior Analyst Cetfeaton Board He has co-authaod the book, Tzcting Language to Citen with Autism ar Other Devolgpmnta Cisse. es the author of The Assssmant of {Language and Leaning Sls Ried The ABLLS®-A and Capurzg te Motion of Chien with Autism He has alo produoad saver nstuctinalOVDs related to elective teatmentfrchidan with autism Michao! M. Motor, Fi, C340 isthe cofounder of Southam Behavioral Group an as precited Applied Behavior Analysis wth len wih autism in ames, schools, stat resident faites, grup hares, cis, ‘and ether community setngs. Heasdlivered mara than 10 conference presentations bth national nd inxrnaonlly Oc Muela’ research nudes perent and teacher ring, funcional analysis and beeviral assessments in school stings, pea feeding disorders, compliance training, srt rial and errs Fearing, long vith reucngruliple behavioral chalrges demonstrated by chien with autism Hs research hasbeen pushed in many pesgiaus school psychology el applied behav nassau. Or Mueller isa Pest Present ofthe Georgie Aatciaton for Behave Anais and a Past Cairo the Bohairal Schon Pycholoy Interest Group ofthe National Associaton of Scho! Psyooniss. He sth author o books inluing The Bak of ABA gran and shaver Anti Consultation to Sete and davoped The ‘ts Skil Acquistion Program which is a emplte ABA based tachng program fr chien with autism ‘sTimuLus PUBLICATIONS Sido Pobre _M Leong, Sut A Wu Cree, A858 2470 ny HR, uta Ho, Mars, GA 30087 ‘woraprlaponbhavoraralytcom (252109370 wovstialspelcsons om 721-588 9 $39.95 ISBN 978~0-98467048-7-3 | | iil '7g0984! 704875 |

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