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Programming in C#


2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Welcome to C#
Wow!! Look at you! Look at what you have


2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

What is C#
A Pure OOP language developed by Microsoft in

the late 1990s (release in 2001)

Microsofts response to Java

Some have accused MS of ripping off Java

The language was designed to be a catalyst for

the newly developed .Net Framework

Supposed to attract developers that were already

familiar with C & C++ to .Net development

Originally called COOL (C-like Object Oriented

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

What is C#
The most common implementation of the language

Works in conjunction with a Microsoft language framework called

Compiles code into Intermediate Language (IL) AKA Byte Code


Also called Common Intermediate Language (CIL)

Which is interpreted by a CLR (Common Language Runtime)

That runs overtop of a framework layer often referred to as CLI
(Common Language Infrastructure)


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What is C#
Technically, the language CAN be compiled to

machine language in the same way as C or C++,

but not common
Despite its Microsoft roots, C# is legitimately
recognized as an ISO standard language

Thanks to the combined efforts of Microsoft, Intel

and HP

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Where does the name come from?

The C# name was chosen because the musical

notation # tells the reader of the sheet music that

the note is a slightly higher pitch than the root note
(One better than the previous)
In essence, C# has a similar symbolic meaning as

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Language Philosophies
Top down design is for suckers!

Entities do not need to be defined top to bottom as they do in C++

Datatypes are all objects

Each type inherits from the Object class

Supports Boxing and Unboxing

Boxing Allows datatypes to be encapsulated within a generic

Unboxing Allows a generic datatype to be typecast as a specific

Namespaces are good for your health

Every class should be encapsulated within a namespace to prevent

Assuming (using) namespaces are almost exactly like C++

Application global variables are BAD!!!

All global variables are encapsulated within a class

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Language Philosophies
We dont need no stinkin class template

Class are written as a single declaration No need for headers and


Properties should be simple!

No need for setter / getter methods

Actions can be defined in the property declaration

Documentation should be built-in to the code

Developers can create XML formatted comments, allowing IDEs to

provide instant documentation about methods

Pointers are unsafe

If a pointer must be used it is allocated in a different section of

memory marked as unsafe
Pointer memory is unmanaged (You must clean up after yourself!)

Managed Memory cannot explicitly be deallocated

Handled by the garbage collector

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual C#


GUI development uses GTK# (which is GTK+ With

.Net hooks)


Open Source C# Compiler

There are others!

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

How its Implemented


Command line or GUI program


Server side scripting

High-end Web Content


Web Services

Provides a SOAP Interface for interacting with remote



Used as an embedded language (Sometimes called


2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

How it Works
Develop Code

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

How it Works
Develop Code

csc.exe file.cs

Compile Code to IL


2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

How it Works
Develop Code

csc.exe file.cs

Compile Code to IL
Execute Code

Common Language Runtime

.Net Framework
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.


The Goods and the Bads

The Goods

If you come from the C Lineage (especially Java), the

language is easy to learn
Very intuitive Namespace / Object structures
The language specifications allow compilers to run on
pretty much any system (platform independent)
Architecture indifferences are cured by the compiled
Intermediate Language
Its memory management philosophy makes the code
relatively safe to run
Language design provides a very intuitive interface for
Integrated security

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

The Goods and the Bads

The Bads

Very Microsoft Focused

Developers are limited to the language design
Has the ability to stunt the growth of programmers

It is easier for a C/C++ trained developer to migrate to

C#, but very difficult to do the opposite

Due to performance overhead, code runs very slow

(in comparison to compiled languages such as C)

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

The Goods and the Bads

The Bads

Used in Web Development, it really only supports

running on Windows Server IIS web servers
IIS is not typically the fastest web server but is easy
to configure
Generally used in code-behind for ASP.NET web
Mobile development only officially used on Windows
Mobile devices (except Mono on iOS)

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Our Environment
Operating System

Microsoft Windows
Ubuntu Linux


Microsoft .Net Framework

Integrated Development Environment


Although we will be using a fully loaded IDE, we will

also expose you to the command line compiler

Visual Studio Express

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Quick Warning
We WILL sporadically introduce random classes

throughout our lessons

The .Net Framework is so interconnected that this
is pretty much inevitable

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#

// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
Main Class
The class container for
the Main Method. This
name is arbitrary
// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
Main Method
Program entry point. Must be
declared as public and static.
The method must also be called
// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
Console Output
The WriteLine method writes a
line of text to STDOUT

// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
Invoke the System

// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
Invoke the Console class

// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
Invoke the static WriteLine

// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");
2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Hey Buddy in C#
// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

>csc.exe HeyBuddy.cs

Hey Buddy in C#
// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

>csc.exe HeyBuddy.cs

Hey Buddy in C#
// HeyBuddy.cs
class MainClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hey Buddy!");

>csc.exe HeyBuddy.cs
Hey Buddy!

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

>csc.exe HeyBuddy.cs

Programming in C

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Programming in C++
Programming in Objective-C (Preferred)
Programming in Java

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

Programming in C#
The End?

2012 BlueSignet LLC. All rights reserved.

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