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Minutes November 22, 2016

In attendance: Josh Tuttle, Nicole Jordan, Camron Williams, Ross Lowe,

Aaron Watkins, Anson Knowles, Leigh LaChine, Aimee Love, Dennis
Knizley, David Cates, John Morgan, Zackary Redmond, Paul Frankel. T.E.
Finnegan, Amanda Cook
Call to Order
L. LaChine called meeting to order at 7:02 PM. Quorum met.
N. Jordan moved to approve minutes as read from last month, no
R. Lowe has missed two meetings. He has expressed interest in
not leaving. N. Jordan nominates R. Lowe for treasurer. R. Lowe is
still treasurer.
L. LaChine, Chair Report:
Had a nice meeting with the election observers from European
Union, wanted perspective on third parties in US.
Election wrap-up: Served as campaign manager for
Johnson/Weld. Goal was to get 50K votes; got 44K. Summation:
lack of participation; great tools that campaign bought such as
Nation Builder and Hustle text messaging system. In the end,
there was not enough involvement. We can conclude that no one
will be involved in politics for free, no one will volunteer their
Moving forward: special election for Senate seat. Recent ruling
for signatures for special election; we must turn in as many
signatures as we possibly can.
We will continue FEC registration. A. Knowles will head up.
A. Love, Vice Chair Report
Nothing to report
N. Jordan, Secretary Report:
Nothing to report
R. Lowe, Treasurer Report
PNC balance: $3,969.78; Paypal: $2,669.03; total, $6,758.81
Does not include $120 deposit into PNC
Does not include amount in federal account; including that, we
have $8,251.81.
J. Lee, At-Large Member:

Not present

Z. Redmond, At-Large Member:

No other campaigns at Bayou LaBatre except for Johnson signs at
polling places. None for state or local elections or presidential
Meet and greet will happen soon, has been arranged.
J. Morgan (who is present) is temp chair of Mobile County
affiliate. Z. Redmond will contact Laura Lane to assist.
J. Tuttle, Region 1 Representative:
Madison County is now focusing on ballot access for 2018
election. Several people have expressed interest.
Monthly meeting in December, and officer elections will be in
January (first anniversary of MC chapter!).
A. Watkins, Region 2 Representative:
Voters guide for statewide amendments have been distributed
Over 50 signs put up, thousands of people texted in several
Boxes of rack cards distributed on election day
Mobile and Houston County affiliates have been located. Both are
preparing for their first events and meetings. All that is needed
for them is a list of contacts. A. Watkins has requested these
records and signed an NDA.
Student journalist has reached out with us; connected him with
Charles Kennedy.
Patricia Todd has said she will be happy to help in advancing Cam
Wards bill concerning ballot access.
A. Cook, Region 3 Representative:
Showed up towards the end; nothing to report
D. Knizley, Region 4 Representative:
Has had three new affiliates! Baldwin, Mobile, and Houston.
Laura Lane, John Morgan, and Camron Williams respectively.
A. Knowles, Madison County chair:
Patricia Todd reached out to Mike Ball. He will be working with
her. We may get to as low as 1% of 1 %.
J. Morgan, Mobile County chair:
From Mobile, works in sales for AT&T and has worked in cell
phone industry for 12 years. Became active from the desire to

change the political situation, to get involved and spread the

IT Committee:
Did a few upgrades on website. Renewed domain for another
year. There have been some technical issues regarding forms on
A. Watkins has spoken with Harrison Bradlow, who will be helping
us with our Twitter account.
Update: Facebook 12000+ likes, Twitter 8000+, Instagram
Unfinished Business:
2017 state convention: had teleconference, locked in location,
down to 2-3 caterers. Are working on vendors. Speaker slots are
the biggest issue now. Larry Sharpe and Julie Borowski have both
been contacted about being keynote speakers. Both have hefty
speaking fees ($1500) and we are not certain if we can get
enough guests to justify this.
A. Watkins suggests a seminar to train the new affiliates. Michael
Pickens has expressed interest on giving a seminar on outreach,
fundraising, etc.
L. LaChine suggests Nicholas Sarwark, who has a national budget
to speak at state conventions.
FEC filing- we will keep our federal filing going. A. Knowles will
take care of filing on a pro bono basis.
New Business
Lets look for an assistant treasurer position in the future. Should
this be proposed at the convention? Does the assistant treasurer
need to be an elected official, or can it be a clerical position? A.
Knowles requests to be appointed to this position. A. Love moves
to appoint him as temporary assistant treasurer. A. Watkins
seconds. Move passed.
Exploratory venture into hiring an executive director. Andy Burns
has proposed that we do this as a group of states, he will be
handling the interviewing process and will send us a
recommendation from which we will proceed.
Can we have no meeting in December? Everyone seems to say
P. Frankel wants to be temporary chair of Tuscaloosa County. No
one objects. T.E. Finnegan is interested in being temporary chair
in Hale County. No one objects.

Next meeting is January 24, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

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