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Communication Audit

The Sojourn

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Background 3
Purpose .. 3
Assumptions .. 4
Procedure and Participants 4
Methods ..... 5
Planning . 5
Results ... 5
Summary of Findings .... 6
Analysis of Responses .. 6
General Observations .. 13
Action Step Recommendations .. 15
Personal Reflections 17

Appendix A: Organizational Chart ...... 18

Appendix B: Network Analysis ...... 19

Appendix C: Interview Template 20

Appendix D: Interview Transcript .. 21

Appendix E: Focus Group Template ... 51

Appendix F: Focus Group Transcript . 52

Appendix G: Survey Questions and Responses .. 54

Appendix H: Meeting/Observation Notes ... 74

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________2

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Executive Summary
The Sojourn is a student-run newspaper, specifically crafted for Indiana Wesleyan University
and the Marion community. A printed edition is released bi-weekly with online submissions
being uploaded to The Sojourns website frequently. Students write and take photographs for
many types of stories varying from campus news, Marion community news, sports,
A&E/features, and opinion pieces. The mission statement of The Sojourn is: "Providing
responsible, professional journalism to the students, faculty and staff of Indiana Wesleyan
University and its surrounding community in Marion, Indiana." This student-run newspaper is
one of the main sources for news on the Indiana Wesleyan campus.
The main purpose of this study is to gather and analyze data based on various methods,
specifically focusing on how communication within the organization affects the organization as a
whole. This communication audit will focus on:
1. Finding and analyzing current communication strategies and operations within The
2. Identifying the effective communication processes within the organization
3. Identifying the ineffective communication processes within the organization
4. Offering recommended action steps and personal reflections that may improve
communication within the structure of the organization internally and externally
By developing the purpose of this study, it will allow The Sojourn to alter their communication
processes to assure a future of improved communication and overall organizational health.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________3


M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

The following are assumptions made in regards to The Sojourns internal communication:
1. The Sojourn has strongly implemented and highly practiced internal communication
2. There are communication barriers between different sections within the organization.
3. The organization operates with a hierarchical system.
4. Summer training is not effective for staff members.
Procedures and Participants
Throughout the semester, Innovative Communication used many procedures to gather the
required data. The participants varied throughout the collection of the data. We began by
observing the weekly meetings of The Sojourn. These observations were done for almost two
months. Next, we collected data using a survey. The Sojourn staff, and the lab and practicum
students, were the participants. The survey consisted of 56 questions, in which we received a
total of 14 responses. The third step that we took to gather our data was to conduct interviews.
For this section, a total of 6 interviews were conducted, lasting 30 to 45 minutes each. The
participants for this were the Co-Editors-in-Chief, Editors, a Staff Member, a Designer and the
Advertising Manager. Lastly, a focus group was used as the last step to gather data. This
consisted of nine questions and was directed to the Photographers and the Design Editor.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________4


M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Multiple methods were used to examine The Sojourn for themes of effectiveness and areas for
improvement. Questions were prepared and observed through meeting observation notes,
surveys, interviews and focus groups, which can be found in the appendices.
Before beginning research, Innovative Communication received permission from The Sojourn to
begin the communication audit. A list of employees and lab and practicum students was
acquired for interview, survey and focus group purposes. Through a collaborative effort, those
conducting the audit created questions for surveys, interviews, and the focus group. Interviews
and focus groups were done in person, and the survey was distributed through e-mail. After the
results were analyzed from the interview, questions for the survey and focus groups were
formed. All results were analyzed looking for trends among responses given to the survey,
interviews, and the focus group.
The 56-question survey generated 20 pages of data, and approximately 64 percent of The
Sojourns staff completed the survey. Seven interviews generated 30 pages of transcribed
information. The focus group generated two pages of transcribed information. With the results
from theses forms of data collection, Innovative Communication was able to detect certain
themes and actions within the organization. The information that was transcribed in the
interviews, focus group, and survey can be found in Appendices D, F, and G.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________5

Summary of Findings

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

During our research, we found that members of The Sojourn desire better training and more
communication on expectations. The relational and internal communication channels are strong
within the organization. It is evident that after auditing The Sojourn, the staff members are
passionate and dedicated to their work. This allows for a pleasant work environment in which
students have the opportunity to grow and learn new skills. Innovative Communication was
pleasantly surprised with the internal communication existing within the organization and were
able recognize areas that could use improvement.

Analysis of Responses
Following is an analysis of the 12 interview questions asked by Innovative Communication to
members of The Sojourn. We conducted six interviews that included the Co-Editors-in-Chief,
Editors, Staff Writers, a Designer, and the Advertising Manager. Provided are corresponding
survey results. See the whole interview and complete survey results in the appendices.
1. How do you attribute to The Sojourns success?
Every person seems to feel they attribute to The Sojourns success in different ways. Some bring
good story ideas, some write or edit stories, and others provide photos to supplement the stories.
They all felt that they attributed by encouraging others through mentoring and helping others
find their potential.

64% of the survey participants agreed with the following statement: I am told how The
Sojourn is performing externally on a regular basis. 21% of the participants were
neutral and 7% disagreed.
43% of the survey participants agreed and 29% strongly agreed with the following
statement: I am told how The Sojourn is performing internally on a regular basis.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________6

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

17% of the survey participants agreed and 21% strongly agreed with the following
statement: I pay attention during the budget meetings and give my input as much as
possible. 7% disagreed.
43% of the survey participants agreed and 21% strongly agreed with the following
statement: I feel motivated and self-disciplined to come to budget meetings with story
ideas. 21% said they were neutral and 14% said they disagreed.

2. What are your organizations goals?

All responders stated that the main goal of The Sojourn is to inform those associated with the
University of truthful news on campus. Some mentioned that it was a strong goal that they are
accurate and credible in their reporting. Another added that they strive to always be timely and
ethical. They want to prepare their writers for the professional world by training them.

64% of the survey participants agreed with the following statement: I am told how The
Sojourn is performing externally on a regular basis. 21% were neutral and 7%
43% of the survey participants agreed and 29% strongly agreed with the following
statement: I am told how The Sojourn is performing internally on a regular basis.
57% of the survey participants agreed with the following statement: I know what The
Sojourns mission statement and objectives are. 21% disagreed, 14% strongly agreed,
and 7% were neutral.

3. What are the core values of The Sojourn?

The core values mentioned were to always stay honest, credible, and unbiased. They want to
remain Disciples of Christ while communicating truthfully. The Sojourn does not operate with a
mission statement, although they technically have one on their Facebook page. Two people
interviewed mentioned the words on The Sojourn wall, but could not remember what the words

43% of the survey participants were neutral with the following statement: The words on
the wall of The Sojourn room have meaning to me. 36% agreed, 14% strongly agreed,
and 7% strongly disagreed.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________7

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

4. How do you receive information from your Staff/Editors? Is it effective? Is it timely?

Communication between editors and staff members seems to be working well. They mainly
communicate through texting and through comments on the Google Documents. Some also use
email. The Sojourn has a Facebook group, and it is used to communicate to everyone at once.
There seems to be an appreciation for having two Editors-in-Chief, because one is almost always
available. Every person interviewed agreed that the communication channels are timely and

43% of the survey participants were neutral and 43% agreed with the following
statement: The staff communicates efficiently outside of the budget meetings. 7%
strongly agreed and 7% disagreed.
57% of the survey participants disagree with the following statement: There are
barriers between me and the editors/co-editors-in-chief that prevent me from effectively
communicating with them. 21% of survey participants strongly disagree and 21% were
64% of the survey participants strongly agreed and 29% agreed with the following
statement: The Co-Editors/Editors politely ask me to do things. 7% was neutral.
64% of the survey participants strongly agreed and 36% agreed with the following
statement: The Co-Editors/Editors are available for me to discuss my concerns or

5. Do you generally receive all the information you need?

The interviewees agreed that for the most part, they feel that they receive enough information. If
they do not, they at least feel comfortable enough to ask and are capable of looking up the
information. Designers should receive more information to make info graphics, and
photographers should receive more information so they know specifics on types of pictures for
stories. Some feel that the younger staff members to not receive enough information on how to
write stories well. They need more constructive criticism.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________8

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

50% of the survey participants agreed with the following statement: I am kept well
informed about changes that the others in the organization have made. 21% were
neutral, 21% disagreed, and 7% strongly agreed.
64% of the survey participants were neutral about the following statement: I have
regular meetings with my boss to discuss how I can improve and develop. 36%
disagreed, 14% agreed and 7% strongly agreed.

6. Are meeting times productive?

The majority of the participants stated that the meeting times are very productive. Many
explained that it was because they only have one hour for the meeting. Due to the meetings being
during many lunch schedules, it forces them to focus and get through the meeting so they can
have lunch.

21% of the survey participants strongly agreed and 64% agree with the following
statement: The staff communicates efficiently at the budget meetings. 14% of the
participants were neutral.
7% of the survey participants strongly agreed and 43% agreed with the following
statement: The staff communicates efficiently outside of the budget meetings.. 43% of
the participants were neutral and 7% disagreed.

7. Who dont you communicate often enough with that would be beneficial?
The communication throughout the staff of The Sojourn seems to be beneficial to everyone and
members only communicate with those that are needed. While looking at the network analysis
Innovative Communication realized that staff members and practicum students all talk with a
wide range of people. The Photographers wished that they could talk with the Staff Writers more
often and visa verse. Also, those editing wished they could talk with those publishing more often.

21% of the survey participants strongly disagreed and 57% disagreed with the following
statement: There are barriers between me and the Editors/Co-Editors-in-Chief that
prevent me from effectively communicating with them. 21% of the participants were

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________9

8. Please tell me about the meeting environment.

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Many participants described the meeting environment in a positive manner; fun, entertaining,
organized and productive. In regards to the production meetings, the participants described them
as cramped, long, and unproductive. A few of the participants stated it is because of the time they
have to produce the paper, 4:30 pm - 11:30 pm, which causes them to be more relaxed.

36% of the survey participants agreed and 7% strongly agreed with the following
statement: The layout of the room allows for open communication among staff
members. 21% of the participants were neutral, 29% disagreed, and 7% strongly
36% of the survey participants agreed and 7% strongly agreed with the following
statement: The layout of the room helps me pay attention during budget meetings. 21%
of the participants were neutral, 29% disagreed, and 7% strongly disagreed.
21% of the survey participants agreed and 43% were neutral with the following
statement: I prefer when the lights are off during the budget meeting because the
natural light makes us more productive. 21% of the participants disagreed, and 14%
strongly disagreed.

9. Is there availability to talk openly and present ideas?

The students working with The Sojourn make themselves open and available as much as
possible. Many people expressed in the writer responses of the survey that they enjoyed
presenting ideas during Budget Meetings. There were only a couple who responded that they feel
too intimidated or uncomfortable. The environment is inviting and everyone agreed that the CoEditors-in-Chief are always available and welcoming to new ideas.

64% of the survey participants strongly agreed and 36% agreed with the following
statement: The Co-Editors/Editors are available for me to discuss my concerns or
29% of the survey participants strongly agree and 57% agree with the following
statement: Others listen to the story ideas I propose. 14% of the participants were
36% of the survey participants strongly agree and 57% agree with the following
statement: I intently listen to the story ideas of my coworkers. 7% of the participants
were neutral.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________10

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

50% of the survey participants strongly agree and 50% agree with the following
statement: I intently listen to the story ideas of those in authority at The Sojourn.
71% of the survey participants strongly agree and 21% agree with the following
statement: I feel comfortable asking my boss questions about the tasks I am assigned.
7% of the participants were neutral.

10. Whats the hardest thing about your job?

One of the hardest things for students was balance. Participants were overwhelmed from
balancing their job and being a student. The Sojourn is trying to adapt to the digital age where
news is now constantly being reported rather than just printing a newspaper every week. This
causes members to constantly be working to report the most current news online.

7% of the survey participants strongly agree and 14% agree with the following
statement: I have regular meetings with my boss to discuss how I can improve and
develop. 43% of the participants were neutral and 36% disagreed.
43% of survey participants agree and 43% strongly agree with the following statement:
I enjoy my job at the Sojourn. 14% of participants were neutral.

11. What resource would help you be more effective?

Several participants mentioned that they wish they could have received more training for their
position. They often had to figure out their position on their own. This was true for everyone
who was not an Editor or Staff Writer. Even simple handouts with basic guidelines would be
beneficial. Another suggestion participants mentioned was to implement personal mentors for
new staff or lab and practicum students. They mentioned that having Adam Wren at budget
meetings is beneficial, so they figure that having a personal mentor would be even better.

86% of the survey participants strongly agreed with the following statement: I believe
Adam Wren provides us with insightful information. 14% agree.
79% of survey participants strongly agreed and 21% agree with the following statement:
Having Adam Wren at the budget meetings is beneficial to The Sojourn.
86% of survey participants strongly agreed and 7% agreed with the following statement:
Having Adam Wren at the budget meetings is comfortable. Another 7% disagree.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________11

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

12. If you were the editor here, what would you do differently?
Participants mentioned the need for stricter deadlines for stories. This way the production night
would not have to be so lengthy. It would also take away some of the pressure from the Editors.

43% of the survey participants agree with the following statement: There are strict
deadlines that we are able to follow or achieve. 29% of the participants were neutral
and 29% disagreed.
14% of the survey participants strongly agree and 57% agree with the following
statement: I always achieve my deadlines. 29% were neutral.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________12

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

General Observations
1. Strong Communication Channels
Throughout the process of gathering data, Innovative Communication realized that The
Sojourns internal communication channels are successful. The members all agreed through
interviews, the survey, and the focus group that Google Drive was a great tool for the
organization. They also mentioned that the Facebook group is great for reminders, and texting is
successful when one-on-one communication is needed. Co-Editors-in-Chief are fast in
responding to texts, and members appreciate it. Innovative Communication would not suggest
changing any of these channels.
2. Professionalism
The Sojourn reaches its goal of presenting itself professionally to the community. They
do so by keeping an effective and up to date online presence. The editing process contributes to
the professional touch of the stories. During the interviews conducted, many expressed that an
organizational goal was to look like a professional newspaper. We believe that the Co-Editors-inChief communicate this well to the Writers and other staff members.
Their professionalism conveys a non-verbal message to those inside the organization as
well as those in the community who read the newspaper. The members in The Sojourn feel as if
they are held to a higher standard because of the level of sophistication that is expected of them.
Those in the community respect The Sojourn because of its presence. Academic advisors such as
Dr. King and Professor Wren improve the quality of story ideas and print/online presence with
their expertise and by providing feedback.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________13

3. Training

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

One key theme throughout the process of the communication audit was the lack of
effective training for staff and practicum members in The Sojourn. In the written responses of the
survey as well as the interviews, Innovative Communication was notified that only the Staff
Writers receive training, and it only happens in the summer. Those who join later are not trained
properly. The designers had to learn the process on their own, and the second semester
Photographers were expected to know how to take photos for news-writing.
In one of the interviews, the interviewee stated that a key goal of the organization was to
train and mentor their members. This seems to be something that Editors desire, but not
something they hold of high importance. This miscommunication between members causes a
lack of expectation. Long-term, this will have a negative effect on the organization because the
untrained members must spend more time revising their work. This prevents the organization
from progressing forward.
Lab and practicum students especially need training and should be communicated to
more often because they could be the future of The Sojourn. These students may seek permanent
involvement with the organization if they have a positive experience and are well trained.
Unfortunately, they are unintentionally disregarded. The Editors expressed that they want to
mentor those who are inexperienced, but there is no program in place.
4. Internal Communication
Overall, The Sojourn staff communicates effectively within the organization. There are
two groups that should be interacting more: those editing should communicate with those
publishing and the Staff Writers should communicate with the Photographers. The students who

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________14

write and edit their stories often times miscommunicate with the Editors who publish the final

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

story. The communication could be more effective if done differently. Also, the Photographers
are not in communication with anyone other than the Design Editor. In the interviews, the Staff
Writers expressed that they would like Photographers to take certain pictures for their stories.
These two groups should have open communication with each other to increase effective work

Action Step Recommendations

After considering the collected data and analyzing it, Innovative Communication offers the
following action steps to improve communication within The Sojourn:

In regard to the lack of training, Innovative Communication recommends that The

Sojourn create a substantial training session at the beginning of the semester. We also
recommend that they implement a training session in the beginning of the spring semester if
there are new members. The sessions should break off for specific sections. The Editors should
create an instructional manual that includes rules of APA writing, and rules specific to The
Sojourn. The manual should include specific information for each position as well as tips and
various guidelines. They could also include how-tos and dos and don'ts of news-writing
and uploading stories and photos. These manuals should be handed out to every staff and nonstaff member of The Sojourn so that everyone is following the same rules.
The lab and practicum students should receive a special, more in-depth packet on how to
correctly write a news story. It would be beneficial to include a couple good examples. The
Editors should pay special attention to the lab and practicum students. We suggest that this be

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________15

done by implementing a mentorship program. There could be one meeting at the beginning of

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

each semester in which the lab and practicum students meet the Editors and Staff Writers. During
this meeting, mentors and mentees could be assigned.

To improve communication between those editing and those publishing, the Co-Editors-

in-Chief should set a standard that every time someone changes a document, they let the other
one know right way. Innovative Communication recommends they do this through a text
message, since that is the fastest form of communication and seems to work well for the staff
members. A Facebook message or email would work as well. By doing this, there will be no
miscommunication on when the story is ready to be published.
To improve communication between the Photographers and the Staff Writers, we
recommend that every Staff Writer has every Photographers phone number. We also
recommend that they are Facebook friends and they have each others emails. The Staff Writers,
or Editors, should communicate with the Photographers before they write the story, telling them
what they would like the photos to capture. If the Staff Writer or Editor, whoever is writing the
story, does not contact the Photographer, it will be the Photographers job to then contact the

Another recommendation Innovative Communication would like to offer to The Sojourn

is the implementation of substantial and more precise deadlines. If this were implemented, the
writers would feel a greater sense of urgency to get interviews, write their stories, and edit
them. Another benefit to this would be that the staff would develop a more self-disciplined
approach. It would also cause the Editors to respond with edits faster. Innovative

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________16

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Communication would recommend that they implement this new strategy at the beginning of the
each semester, that way this expectation is clearly communicated to members.

Personal Reflections
After analyzing the data obtained throughout the process, Innovative Communication has a few
recommendations that may not assist in communication, but will help the organization overall.
1. Explain the Term Budget Meeting
Many expressed within the survey and interviews that the term budget meeting is
confusing. They recommended that it be changed to pitch meeting or staff meeting.
However, there is significant meaning behind the word budget, so we do not recommend that
The Sojourn change the title. They should simply explain to the members what it means. By
doing this, the members will appreciate it more.
2. Update Facebook Page
While analyzing The Sojourns external communication channels, Innovative
Communicaion realized that the information on the Facebook page is outdated. The staff member
names need to be changed to the current students in these roles. Also, there is a mission
statement on the page. None of interviewees knew the mission statement of The Sojourn. We
recommend that the Co-Editors-in-Chief emphasize the mission statement to the members as
well as to the community. This may require that they create an internal mission statement that is
separate from the external mission statement.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________17

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix A
Organizational Chart

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________18

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix B
Network Analysis

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________19

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix C
Interview Template

What is your position with the Sojourn?
How do you attribute to the Sojourns success?
What are your organizations goals?
How are objectives determined?
How are employees trained on objectives?
In general, do you have the supplies you need to finish your work?
How do you approach it with your editors?
How are problems prevented through the Sojourn?
How do you receive information from your managers?
Is it affective?
Do you have all the information you need?
How would you say to improve receiving that information?
How are you notified of articles that need to be written?
Are meeting times productive?
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
Is there availability to talk?
Are you presented with an itinerary prior to the meeting time?
How is conflict among the staff handled?
How do the managers handle conflict among staff?
Whos involved in reviewing the organizations performance?
Whos involved in improvement efforts?
How are employees made aware of improvement efforts and successes?
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
What are some things youd like to change about your job?
What resource would help you be more effective?
What should your editor know that he or she currently doesnt know?
If you were the editor-in-chief here, what would you do differently?

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________20

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix D
Interview Transcripts
Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Sojourn
How do you attribute to the Sojourns success?
As editor in chief I help assign stories to people and edit for print, lot of
organizational work, on production nights basically put together the entire paper
Overlook a lot them
Every production day I contact the printer
What are your organizations goals?
Our goals are to become
One is to get out the news on campus
Inform news on campus
Timely and professional; manner
Key goal is also to train our staff to help them become better writers
To prepare them for the processional world
How are objectives determined? Are employees informed about these objectives?
We do stress a lot about getting info out quickly, telling news as it is
Hard questions in interviews
Discuss all the time
We have not done too much of actually done
Also doing this for them to become better (stress helping them improve)
Not same mediocre work
What is your mission statement?

The Sojourn does not really have an official mission statement
Do have something on the wall in the sojourn room
God First (sojourn is a ministry)
Objective they do have
Personal mission
The Sojourn is a reflection of Christ in many ways
Because He spoke the truth and pointed out the flaws of society and

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________21

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

A lot of people like to ignore that

Expose but not criticize people for them
Expose the truth in a way that still serves people
How do you receive information from your staff?
Almost completely through google docs and texts
Everything =google docs
Is it effective?
Works well, get on at the same time, not same room ,but still be together
Edits whenever we want to
One solid source to get back to
Timely? Yes
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
From staff?
Well no, actually
I would like to work with them more with a face-to-face, in person level
Because I edit a lot of stories, not mentoring [others]
Through the article with the person-constructive criticism is missed
Are meeting times productive?
Yes. Our budget meetings (Tuesdays) very productive
Not an hour, last year was after classes
Now contained in one hour they work together better and are more efficient
Staff- since sophomore year, second semester freshman
Working with three years [of experience]
Is time outside of the meetings productive?
Ummm, our production nights are not very productive
Dine when done
A lot longer than I wish for it to happen
Last deadline, 11 pm, stresses out
Dont like to get stressed out, get more frustrated
Like to productive?
If we had everyone doing something at any given moment
Last few stages? Sit around? Two people hardcore working on something
Everyone working hard and diligently, make it fast a process as possible
Initiate now?
Setting deadlines throughout the night
Beneficial (have stories finished editing by)
What way would you like to receive information?

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________22

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

One of the reasons we established office hours

Approach me when [others] need to
Talk in person
Google and texting is good, meet in person, a lot faster and easier
Beneficial long term?
Who dont you communicate with often enough that would be beneficial?
Probably some of the staff writers
Dont communicate enough with the lab or practicum students
The students who are not on paid staff, contributing but not paid
Staff writers, see how they are doing?
A lot of communication is with editors intentional with writers
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
I think it is a lot more chill then it used to be
Used to be very intimidating. Scared to bring up story ideas
Like to be an environment where everyone has a say, no idea is just shut
Hope so, not white sure if it is
Asked staff?
Have not
Have not really, has not seemed to be something that is pressing at
the moment
Not immediately
Is that something they are worried about?
Not intentional enough to see how they are feeling
Are you presented with an itinerary prior to the meeting time? If so, is it effective?
Google doc before the budget
No more than before
Staffer of the week before meeting
After that what they thought was the strong point of the week
Try to get story idea son there before hand
Same schedule each week
Story ideas, questions, assign
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
Balancing the role of Editor and Writer
Because even though I am an editor I am also writing stories (weekly basis) easy
to focus on the article Im writing instead of being an editor and mentor

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________23

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Have to write very small staff everyone has to write

A few years ago editors did not write stories, awesome to do again
Write because have to, small staff, work of the editors supports the sojourn a lot
of the times
The sojourn contains a lot of their work
More staff writers more exclusive in paper
Almost might be a trust thing?
That we are kind of nervous about if the staff writers will get done on
What are some things youd like to change about your job?
Office hours at some point
More of a collaboration between writers and designers
Personal things to change as editor?
I would like to see this change
Mainly self and editors to follow
To be good examples
Not complaining about every little hassle, if you are complaining a lot
comes off as unprofessional, rubs off on staff members
I feel like it makes things almost too lax in the news room
Rubs off on newsroom
More professional mentality of the editors
What resource would help you be more effective?
come back
Wish we were on a more structural level
Keeping files
Old sojourns and stuff
Archives, keeping track of things
Office hours would helpdedicate time to actually organize those things
Maybe set someone in charge of doing that
This amount of papers set aside each week
Alert newsroom of different organizational changes

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________24

Interview with Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Sojourn

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

What is your mission statement?

Ummm, we dont technically have a mission statement
In room, 5 ideals, concepts (staff awareness, editorial staff)
God first

What are your organizations goals?
Want to report the truth to the IWU community
Implied accurate
Give them a report that is interesting that they might not see in everyday life
How do you attribute to The Sojourns success?
I dont know exactly how long we have had a paper
Since the 60s and 70s
The initiative of our forefathers and past people who carried the standard of
excellence we strive obtain
Passion leads to good results
Not perfect, student paper
Not as good as New York Times
How do you receive information from your managers?
Co-worker? Name or position. Never refer as a whole
Not employees.
Get information
Reminders from FB
Individual texts
Smaller groups pf people
Every week remind of meeting Monday night or Tuesday morning
We use google drive (use doc freewriting doc, sheets-budgets budget
(list of story ideas for the week) create document every Tuesday morning
and share it with staff and everyone
Articles and writing and editing

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________25

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Then text
Do not use the calendar

Is it effective?
The methods are, a weakness would be (on his part, lazy at times) very
invested in The Sojourn over-all
Write will text, ready for edits, they have to remind him
Texting can be effective, have to be actually responding and acting
Could be better if used more frequently
Phone calls and person are most timely
Guaranteed they get message
Dont assume people are free for a phone call
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
I think so
Are meeting times productive?
Yes, for the most part
Sometimes we talk about stories
Stories come from complaints about school, money
i.e. shower doors vs. curtains
Complaining where money is going
In general people stay on task
Talking on the side?
A look makes them stop
Is time outside of the meetings productive?
Most experienced person on staff
Quite prepared, know what to expect
Less experience, different response
What way would you like to receive information?
Other people on staff
Sometimes I get info from co-editor (stipend) about another staff writer
ADVISORS, involved if needed
DEPARTMENT, they should defend
Top of student organization, year-round, expected more
Section Editors are equal (based on production, salary)
Staff Writers. Photographers
Staff Writers and Photographers

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________26

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Often contact one or the other, tell the other person

iPhone? Include both in group message
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
Budget? I dont know, story idea meetings?
Fun, a lot of laughs
Gossip session, thats what newsrooms are like
Sharing information
Is there availability to talk openly and present ideas?
Generally pretty open
20-25 people in there
About 15 people talk
Working on improving that
We are implementing new strategy (**making sure everyone participates
in meetings, randomly picking 5 people every meeting, share something in
the publication that they like from the past week)
Told staff about it (want participation)
One session about how to manage a small staff
18 or 29, most schools have 50 (Taylor is in the 40s, smaller [in
population] than we are)
Forced to come in, more invested in success of the paper and also
be willing to participate ore in the meeting if they know what is
going on
Every week someone announced the MVP of the past week...
(McConn or C-store)
Are you presented with an itinerary prior to the meeting time? If so, is it effective?
No itineraries
Format of meeting is the same every time
Just reminders
Would be difficult, so much depends on
Start on budget document, tangent, related story but one that is a lot better
than that one
Would be counter-productive
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
Staying on top of all the stories
So many stories in process of being written
15-20 stories in different levels
Whether being written or edited
Easy to feel overwhelmed

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________27

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Temptation is to put them off, need to get stuff out

What are some things youd like to change about your job?
Little bit of history
Freshman and sophomore year
Priority print paper
I basically posted stories on print online
Friday to Monday?
Junior/ sports editor
New approach
Jeremy Sharp
More immediate
Story on Monday, get it done as soon as can
Sometimes even on Tuesday, post as soon as possible
No official due date can make people lazy?
+ and
Some before Friday
Some get to late
A week and a half versus 5 days
Wish there was a way to make people feel motivated to finish asap
Not found yet
Dont realize that news is best as soon as possible
What resource would help you be more effective?
I dont want to use like punishments for people who do not finish in a timely
Cant even think what a punishment would be
Finding things to motivate them
Internally motivated versus not
Do not know exactly how that could happen
Maybe help happen)

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________28

Interview with an Editor at The Sojourn

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

How do you contribute to The Sojourns success?

Well, I edit peoples news stories
I make sure that we sound, that things are correct, the information that we are
giving out to people
Style and grammar
So that we look professional
Try to encourage the writers to find their potential, live up to it, and improve to do
Production night (Wednesday night)
All section editors we help with putting it a;; together for the print edition
Team work
Help with design in a way
Website as well
What are your organizations goals?
I guess to...
First things I think
First one to break the news that is happening on campus efficient way
Awareness to things that are happening on campus that people are doing
Like feature (what students are doing)
Want to be the source that people come or when they want to know what is
happening on campus
How are objectives determined? Are employees informed about these objectives?
Umm, well, for me
I feel
I dont know we exactly say need to work on?
Do not explicitly tell me
Do it in way likes we need to tweet that
We just kind of do them
Probably not
Probably should go over that. Training in the beginning?
Remind us why were doing it over time


Two days before official move in, come Thursday, Friday and Saturday get

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________29

Grammar and AP style, how to post things on website, goals, etc.

Everyone is on the same page that first week

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

What is your mission statement?

What are the Core Values of the Sojourn?

I guess it would be, referred to before

Add in the Christian aspect of it

We do want to like provide news in a Christian way at the same time

We hope that some of the events that we cover that someone will read it and be a
good witness opportunity in a way or be inspired
How do you receive information from your editors?
Jared and Navar?
Dont have production night, every other night, editors meeting instead
Texting the biggest way-goes really well
2 is really nice, group message
Two people to be able to get a response from
Is it effective?
Yes, I think so
I really dont know what else you could do with that to make it better
Good idea to give cell phone numbers
Editing stories: google docs
i.e. Navar called on phone, going through story typing and
Edit at exact some time without being together
New technology trends and want to use it to make communication
as best as it can be
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
Yes, I think so.
There have been a couple times confused
Why wasnt I told before?
Can be out of the loop, not a full time staff
Can be tough to relay information to each other
Are meeting times productive?

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________30

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

I think so to be honest during production night, well kind of get distracted

all of the sudden it is ten oclock
Not terrible, or totally
Could always do better
Budget are the most efficient, they are the most organized in a way
Know only have an hour
hurry up and do it
Depends on what the exact meeting is
Less time for productions nights?
Honestly, I think so
Deadlines within the meeting time
We get there, we do them, and chill, get food all of the sudden it is nine
Who dont you communicate with often enough that would be beneficial?
Maybe the faculty advisors
Adam is there every week
Sometimes forget that Dr. King is a faculty advisor
Not a negative thing
Probably things we have made mistakes on would not have been made if he was
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
Every week
The environment-so yeah we get together, we all have the sheet out in
front of us about the laptops
Shared with the morning by Jared google doc
Jared and Navar lead it
More information on it, why it is important to cover it
News, then arts entertainments/features
What stories, who will do what?
Organized, one hour, we just kind of want to get our story and work on it
for the week
Editors meeting
It is different every time
At first was a check in with each other
Needed to be told more things of what to do

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________31

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Dr. King and Adam are there bug questions ask them there
Not too organized, does not need to be
Update, first year it is like we go to weeks without everyone meeting
If we have an problems how to work through and adjust that issue
Productions night
Pretty relaxed
More done quicker if faculty advisors were there
Need to be there?
Own newspaper without them there dont try to take control of it, do what
they want
In the office, eat food, edit the stories, put everything together
The end is stressful because they have to make sure it is good to go
Have to have it done that night for the lady who prints it our form
electronic form
Is there availability to talk openly and present ideas?
Yeah, for sure
I think feel comfortable, close
Issue, comfortable sharing it
Story ideas?
Sometimes I get a little nervous, do not like rejection
For the most part I do, worst part is that no one will pick it up
No one is mean or anything or talks down?
Nervous, dont know what thinking
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
To post stories as quickly as possible
Pretty busy
Just going to bed, oh wait, can you edit this story?
News section is biggest one, a lot of stories to edit
The thing, on own, there are times nothing to do then a lot to do
Making sure the stories are posted as quickly as possible and having the time to
do it
What are some things youd like to change about your position?
I dont really know
Cant really think of anything
Challenging, part of the job
What resource would help you be more effective?
Ummm, well, one thing would make my job easier

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________32

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

We post stories through WordPress (Facebook and twitter), only editors have
access to it
Sectional editors-post
Writers job to post the story they post it without permission.
Would be easier, a risk to take?
Make sure have pictures, sometimes try to get photos could be easier
Everyone had own WordPress account to post stories
What should your editors know that he or she currently doesnt know?
I think that meetings more productive and WordPress
Communication-not always aware
Always make sure everyone knows what is going on
Knows it is difficult
If you were the editor here, what would you do differently?
I think some of the ideas, would implement
I think I would
Be more pressing on people to get their stories done
Not on top
Not mean?
Its my newspaper, so
Not mean strict. Detail and deadline oriented
I have not been able to talk to people making up excuses?
Think if they came in knowing when they had to have it done by?
There are reasons why it doesnt work
People get a story dont know what happened with it.
News editor, communicate with them more. How is this
story coming along?
Not pushy, make sure doing it
Need to work on it
Scared they think she is being mean
Stories could be doing, they are lost, pick up another
story forget about them? Lost
Last year, timid as a writer What was happening? needed that push, would not want
to disappoint them. Accountability
Convergent Journalism
Either convergent or media com (broadcast)
Journalism print (all of it +writing)
Most go into writing

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________33

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Interested in radio as well

Anything else you want to add?
Helpful to critique
Division among the editors?
Sports editor, Hannah whelchel, navar, jared and I
Conference this summer
Got really close insiders on trip
Group message
Really close
I feel like in the meeting Kelly, does not seem as distant
Ally feels more outside older? Is like that? Sometimes I feel like
awkward and bad she just doesnt know what we are talking about
Get along we like her, she likes us.
I dont feel as close to hear kind of recently talk to her more

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________34

Interview with an Editor of The Sojourn

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

How do you contribute to The Sojourns success?

Every position needs to be filled on The Sojourn, being able to be a part of the
leadership staff I dont know what we call ourselves, deciding what articles
should go in
Communication with fellow Editors
Mentoring Staff Writers and practicum students
Contribute articles regularly
What are your organizations goals?
I mean originally newspapers were created to be a check on governments
To expose things, people didnt have a way to know what was really going on
Today we have many more outlets
In our age: try to be as accurate as possible tell people what is going that they
might not otherwise known
IWU: inform student body/campus/those interested in what the campus is doing
Accurate description of what is going on in multiples aspects
How are objectives determined? Are employees informed about these objectives?
What needs to happen
Workplace environment - formal sheets (lists) of what is to be done and happen
There is a weeklong (used to be)--three days this year--training before the school
year starts
How to do jobs, what to accomplish (during a normal week)
This Editors job: pitch ideas every week, to get arts and entertainment section in
order, create google docs for stories for the section they are in charge of, edit
those stories, communicate with them and answer the questions writers may have
about stories, send to Jared and Navar to look over, put them online also create
tags for the social media outlets, once every two weeks make a print edition
Editors do last minute checking (good experience)
What is your mission statement?

Ummmm, Id say our mission on The Sojourn is to...obviously part of it is the

very practical trying to teach other writers how to write in journalism. A place to
grow and learn.

The bigger mission statement with IWU as an organization:

Inform the students and everyone of whats going on

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________35

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Its kind of a balance between the above two

Do a good job, help other writers

How do you receive information from your staff?
I dont do a ton of communicating with News or Sports Editors
I communicate at weekly budget meetings
Google docs
Text (co-editors in chief and Staff Writers)
**Text editors to let them know they are done
Helps keep track
Super helpful
E-mail gets sent from google doc
this person has updated this story shows when an edit is made
Is it effective?
Yeah, I think it is
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
Yeah I think so
Difficult this year because I have been gone this year
A lot of changes...journalism changed
More confused how to do and what to do, with new organization
I think Ive gotten the hang of it
Are meeting times productive?
Is time outside of the meetings productive?
Kind of productive?
What way would you like to receive information?
Prefer google doc
Really helpful
Text about others things
Main amount of communication is over google docs. Really great system in place
Communicate over that
Who dont you communicate with often enough that would be beneficial?
Need to communicate more with the Photographers
Personally: need to ask others about it
Not sure about who is being assigned to what story
Photographers: not given the finished story, what would be the best way to
represent that story
Whos doing what in my section

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________36

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Please tell me about the meeting environment.
All get together, everyone, Co-Editors ask to pitch stories, Editors should
put for sure things on the doc
Good environment
Nice relaxed environment where I feel comfortable saying what I need to
Good way to make everyone feel comfortable
Some story ideas are going to be stupid story ideasit happens
Good risk-taking environment
Made it a safe place to pitch whatever may be a good story idea without
thinking it will be dumb
Production nights
All enclosed in the tiny closet room
Did not use to be that way, before room was changed in big computer
All at tables
At the beginning the year with them
Stay out when everyone else is in there
Close communication, close together makes communication better
Harder because need to edit
Needs open area not to be super cramped
Very fun atmosphere, joke around and stuff
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
Push the online first initiative
The Sojourn is still trying to figure out how to focus on it
Two years ago it was still the weekly prints
Story on Monday, done by Friday for publication to be published on Wednesday
Print to online
Just get it done as soon as you can
News is now bambambam
You can get your news right away
The Sojourn is working to be a part of the digital age
As soon as it happens
All writers and editors struggle with, not enough time, we are full time students

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________37

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Hard to be like I need to get this article done but have homework and stuff to
A part of organizations (extracurriculars) outside of sojourn
Figuring out that balance while still tiny to achieve what The Sojourn is wanting
to achieve
What are some things youd like to change about your job?
I started as a journalism major
Couple classes that they have to take
News editor sophomore year
Youngest News Editor they had had at The Sojourn- hard stories
Do not want someone that young to be the News Editor
Kind of found out why that wasI was good at my job, but it broke me a little bit
Would have changed to a writing major anyways
I was pushed to change my major
Controversial stories, could not mentally handle those more classes
media and ethics
Can be changed
Possible requirement for News Editor position: to take a media and ethics class
Went through a lot of moral issues in head, I would have been able to
handle a lot of those a lot better [with that class]
Did a good job, but it was hard
What resource would help you be more effective?
Ummm, I mean. So many things that could not a journalism major. Obviously
taking more journalism major classes as a source
A source, more individual mentor
It would be nice to have a personal mentor Adam [Wren] critiques as a whole
One-on-one mentor this is something you could work on
What the editors do for the practicum students, dont have them for selves
But there is so much improvement to do
Covered everything? Anything to add?
Navar was talking about have open office hours where people could come in
randomly and know he is there
For improvement and to talk it out
Good for The Sojourn: I dont know how practicum students take stories
I dont know how much they know or dont know
Nice to find some sort of way they could establish more of the mentorship
On google docs
Trying to do with practicum stories: highlight, comment

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________38

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

So they can change it themselves

Nice to maybe be assigned a person that you mentor individually
outside of the story
Get to know them
Just dont know AP style
Over-all: creating more of a mentorship between practicum students and editors

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________39

Interview with Advertising Manager of The Sojourn

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

How do you attribute to the Sojourns success?

Probably the writers, mainly what reading
Main visual person (Kelly Reed)
What are your organizations goals?
Aw man, Im not the person to ask that
Editors would know
[Advertising Managers goal is to] Promote paper and business area in Marion
get local support
aid businesses with advertising need
Ad or coupons
How are objectives determined? Are employees informed about these objectives?
As far as objectives go
Main objective keep campus up to date, local current events
Jared creates a google doc
We can edit it and give our opinion
He leads, does a good job at communicating
A lot of time to come up with stories, a week, wrote subtitles
Nice because everyone can edit it, you get your own
And you have the privilege to edit it
Budget meeting?
We dont really do anything on the budget
Just discussing stories
Current topics off campus
Assign different articles to writers
Which one they want, why they are capable, why want
Main writers decide who gets what and which ones are with publishing

keep in mind the objectives they bring up

What is The Sojourns mission statement?

no idea

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________40

What are the Core Values of The Sojourn?

To communicate well

Keep students up to date

AE-entertainment too

Entertainment and news reporting

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Fair and honest, try not to take sides

Business side, not super connected to that side of the sojourn
Stories they choose and write on, not connected to it at all
Did not have any training, find people and out their ads in the paper
Keeps track of payroll, too
Spreadsheets, send to accounting
How do you receive information from your managers?
E-mail, g-mail
Budget meetings
Is it effective?
I think so, yeah
Yes, thankfully with e-mail you get it right away
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
Are meeting times productive?
Yeah, during lunch hour
Have to be productive
Incentive to eat afterwards, keep us on track
Is time outside of the meetings productive?
Yes, office times
What way would you like to receive information?
NO, they also have a sheet with everyones cell phone info
Sometimes people dont check their e-mail right away or at all
Who do you not communicate with often enough that would be beneficial to you?
Not really, no one needs to talk to more
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
We meet out there [Elder design lab], casual
Everyone can talk and give their opinion and explain the reason behind the
articles they chose and think we should put into the next issue of the paper

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________41

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Jared and Navar-keeps [the meeting] on target

Dr. King, not introduced to other prof [Adam Wren] not introduced
Is there availability to talk openly and present ideas?
Everyone usually gives their opinion
If someone puts a story someone doesnt like theyll say, Well I like it because
of this
Supportive environment
Are you presented with an itinerary prior to the meeting time? If so, is it effective?
In the form of a google doc
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
selling ads of course
[It is] literally, like, impossible [I] called probably like 200 businesses
Have not got one to buy an ad
New people are not open to it at all
People are so rude, too
A lot of people show interest, send me the info, never hear back
Multiple channels do not work
Face, e-mail, calls, etc.
Practicum, learning experience
Tell you they will, but dont
Or hear you out
Paid on commission practicum
What are some things youd like to change about your job?
Not been an advertising manager for the last three years, a gap in protocol,
Pamphlets, and business cards, do not have the budget for that right now
Tough, no training because there was not previous manager,
Did the best they can
Hard learning curve
Adjusted now
Brenda is great, helps out a lot
Hard to get people to buy ads
Not an easy job
What resource would help you be more effective?
[I] think visual aids to bring to sales pitches
Showed me examples
Multiples ones to leave them with

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________42

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

professional business cards cant complain about- tough times and budget cuts
All issues
Dont have those up to date or current
Not avenues to make those
Done by designer (Garret Johnson)
Dont know who the head of The Sojourn is tough with the
Talked about it with Brenda-helped with business cards, made some
Not professional grade not worth it to buy 300 for one semester
Same about advertising
What should your editor know that he or she currently doesnt know?
Hard because only here a semester
Almost feel bad asking for a lot of stuff
Hypothetically, here another year, for more graphical info to give out to possible
clients and professional business card to help sell ads
Would help in professionalism
If you were the manager here, what would you do differently?
My area is so limited
The Sojourn is about the articles, Im just doing the ads
Ad department- more professional things to go out on sales calls with
Set marketing strategy
Taught self all this
Have a standard protocol on how to do it
Kind of creating
List of prior buyers
Brenda has helped with everything
Build the system: trying to

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________43

Interview with Design Editor of The Sojourn

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

What do you do at The Sojourn?

Take care of any infographics that need to be created
Layout first three pages, manager of the photographers
How do you attribute to The Sojourns success?
I always bring a calm manner to production night, have been thanked and praised
for that
Sometimes things get crazy and hectic
I try my hardest to always have pictures to supplement stories
And keep open communication with myself and other staff members
What are your organizations goals?
I would say our goals are to
Inform the student body along with faculty and staff of news before they
hear it from other people or sources
To always be credible and professional in both print and web
How are objectives determined? Are employees informed about these objectives?
Is this like the objectives of the whole mission?
How are they determined? Mission as a whole time by time
Expected to bring stories weekly and complete stories as soon as
we can
I as a designer and the photographer manager am expected to make
sure all stories are supplemented with pictures
Told? Were mainly told to me through the interview with The
Sojourn during the beginning of the year or summer
My objectives, go into both me and The Sojourns objectives
The Sojourns objectives hard to say what they are
What is your mission statement?

I dont know our mission statement

What are the Core Values of The Sojourn?

Honesty and credibility for sure
How do you receive information from your editors?
From budget meetings, and also from editors meeting and off-weeks from
production night, I text them at least every other day of the week
Is it effective?

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________44

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

I think so
They always respond very quickly
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
In general or the editors?
General-yes, I would say sometimes I have to look up if we are covering
an event what time it is or where it is
Able to look up
Part of her job anyways? To provide that info for other
I do, but it is not timely
Information part,
IE infographic- find out production night what the
infographic needs to contain
A lot of times last minute
Depending on the type of information
Are meeting times productive?
Budget meetings are fairly productive
We do not get off topic too much
Production nights- a lot less productive
Have to do with the fact because we know they have so much time
No one feels the rush to be productive at the beginning
Shorter time? More beneficial, but the only thing is that worries me
is because people wait until production night to finish story
If they continue their same habits we would not get the paper
People would need to change their habits to make the paper happen
Editors meetings always productive
Adam Wren and King are always productive
Is time outside of the meetings productive?
How is communication outside of meeting times?
Umm, people usually respond very quickly
Text the editors- they all respond fast
E-mail the staff writers, usually very timely
Facebook message the photographers- group message
The least effective [it is] more effective to meet with them all

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________45

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Meeting time?
[We] dont, all so busy, all on Tuesday after budget meeting, cant
all have a time together in Tuesday (implement next year?)
Different channel per need
What way would you like to receive information?
Well, one thing I have asked the editors so many times to share google docs
(where the stories are)
I would have more information
Ask all the time to share me with the google docs, that is just not
something that comes to mind
Co-Editors-in-Chief, Tim shares regularly (sports editor), Navar
Ask every meeting time (mainly need Lauren too)
Who do you communication with? Who dont you communicate with often enough that
would be beneficial?
Lauren (google docs)
Probably the photographers
Not talked to face to face, cannot come to budget meetings
Facebook, not hold them to responsibility of what they need
Staff Writers
Okay there, e-mail
Pretty good with Hannah
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
Its fun
They are very fun people
Want to make the meetings exciting and entertaining
But being an achievement, efficient person it is hard to have fun in an
environment to get things done
i.e. YouTube videos
Comes with Journalism mind frame people versus PR mind frame people
Is there availability to talk openly and present ideas?
Jared and Navar are very good at inviting people to say what theyd like to say
Jared specifically is a very easy person to talk to
Will confront conflicts, do it very tactfully and respectfully
Are you presented with an itinerary prior to the meeting time? If so, is it effective?
I am presented with one
The budget (shared with everyone) before the meeting, the day or night before

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________46

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

I personally do not look at it, which I should ( I never have story ideas)
Jared also tells us the night before to come with one story or one phot that we
thought was very good
Chooses someone to pay attention and read the Sojourn
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
Yeah see below question
Thats not even in my job description barely
It is hard for me because the rest of my job is not as oriented around people, that
is very people focused
That part of the job is focused on whether or not people keep their end of the deal
Designer before struggles with the same thing
What are some things youd like to change about your job?
Ummm, mentioned before
Having somehow more authority over the photographers
Dont know if that is just me or cant meet one on one that is one thing I wish my
That is one thing I dislike about my job the most
What resource would help you be more effective?
(thought) no, not that I can think of
What should your Editor know that he or she currently doesnt know?
I dont think so
I pretty much tell them everything
If you were the editor here, what would you do differently?
If co-editor?
I would set deadlines for stories and I would make everybody be done
editing completely before production night
Anything else?
Covered a good deal
Not her job: One thing I see
Lab and practicum students do not have training
Pretty much just thrown into newswriting
Hard to learn with no experience (could be improved)
Not enough training
Body as a whole is cared for, as individually not well-equipped
*The designers were not trained when coming into the job Jamie Burkholder to
teach the basics wish that were different for sure.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________47

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

If I am leaving... when their new designer comes in next year, want to create a
new list of guidelines and train in design and export things like that. The staff
writers had training but we didnt

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________48

Interview with Staff Writer of The Sojourn

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

How do you contribute to The Sojourns success?

Write the stories
Some of them
What are your organizations goals?
Dang, no I doubt
No I dont, its embarrassing
How are objectives determined? Are employees informed about these objectives?
Organization get done
Yeah, I think so
Report campus news fairly and honestly
What is your mission statement?
How do you receive information from your staff?
Mostly e-mail and text
A little face to face
The sojourn Facebook page
Is it effective?
Yeah, especially the texting-pretty well
Google docs work really well
Editors on, works well
Do you generally receive all the information you need?
If I dont, it is always easy enough to ask
Not really a problem
Are meeting times productive?
Yes, for sure
What way would you like to receive information?
No, I think we have most of the bases covered
Social media, phones, e-mail
Who dont you communicate with often enough that would be beneficial?
At the beginning of the year
Trouble with editors

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________49

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Put stories up and not be looked at for a long time

Worked out
Please tell me about the meeting environment.
We laugh a lot while we are there
Get good stories out
Fun and good environment
Whats the hardest thing about your job?
No directly to communication aspect
Balance sojourn stuff and schoolwork
Not big position, cant imagine for editors
I actually thrown in, came in as a freshman, no reporting assigned story
randomly, no preparation whatsoever
A little more guidance or worked along with someone on the story
Felt weird texting editors *how much do you lean on editors?)
Have someone with the m the first time
What are some things youd like to change about your job?
I cant think of anything off the top of my head right now
What resource would help you be more effective?
Editor know?
No, good friends with one of them
Covered everything? Anything to add?
Yeah for the most part I would just the coming in
More of a training thing
Editing process is fast, could be more
Some trouble with that last semester, worked a little bit
More efficient system, timeliness improvement
Recommend to improve: making sure we are seeing it
Letting editors know right away, editors let know when they look at it
Texting more open
Let know when a change has been made to a story
Reinforce, has improved already

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________50

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix E
Focus Group Template
1. Explain your participation at budget meetings. How involved are you, and how involved
do you feel you should be as a photographer?
2. Do you feel valued as a photographer working for the Sojourn? Explain why or why not.
3. Do you feel supported in the work you do? Explain why or why not.
4. Does Kelly make you feel included in the Sojourn as a whole? Explain why or why not.
5. How effective was your training process?
6. What can help you receive the proper training?
1. In your specific job area?
2. As an employee of the overall organization?
7. As a photographer, how often do you talk to the writers and editors? Why?
8. Have you witnessed moments when the staff has not worked well together? Explain.
9. Explain your communication channels within The Sojourn. Include what works well,
issues, and possible improvements.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________51

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix F
Focus Group Transcript

Explain your participation at budget meetings. How involved are you, and how
involved do you feel you should be as a photographer?
o We dont really do much, our job is to take pictures, we are not as creative to come up
with storieswe just sit there
o I dont write at all. I just take pictures. I like to hear what stories are being offered to
know what kind of pictures to take
o For me its important to be there just so I can tell the photographers what kind of
pictures to take, but I never come up with stories.
o I do feel valued, they didnt specifically name me but they mentioned they liked my
pictures. I do want direct recognition but my name is on the newspaper.
o I only get recognition if they bring up anything about the design layout. Adam will
give me direct recognition.

Explain your communication channels within The Sojourn. Include what works well,
issues, and possible improvements.
o I have never talked to a writer. (She just began this semester) My supervisor is
usually the one to communicate things to me. The writer tells my supervisor and then
she tells me. I should have more communication with the writes. My supervisor is
actually the one who informed me about the pictures for the kids. I was not allowed to
take a picture of their faces, and I wouldnt have known that unless she told me.
o Well that is part of my job I am getting paid for it.

How effective was your training process?

o Well for me this is my major, so I know how to take pictures. My supervisor
explained a few things to me, but after that it was all self-explanatory.
o When me and my coworker came in we had not training at all, we basically taught
o The first couple of weeks were so stressful. I think there were tears.
o The first couple of weeks we would come in three hours the night before but now we
come in the night of production and get our pages done. It is frustrating because we
came in a week before school for training and all the writers got training and we went
but we were just being told how to write stories.
o And that is not our job.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________52

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Have you witnessed moments when the staff has not worked well together? Explain.
o Last night we had an issue.
o One of The Sojourn members worked really hard to get us passes for Fusion and they
had gathered the writers. One of the photographers had talked previously about taking
pictures, I was not aware and neither were the other Editors-in-Chief of The Sojourn,
and so we gave it to Amanda because she has been taking great pictures and initiative.
I hadnt heard anything about the one photographer and so when I announced it to the
photographers she got really upset.
o We spoke about this before Christmas break and so I had just forgotten.
o I texted a Co-Editor-in-Chief and this went on for two hours. We ended up telling her
that if at any moment one of the editors agreed to give her the spot then it was hers,
but she declined.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________53

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix G
Survey Question and Responses
1. What year are you in college (by year, not credit hour)?




Super Senior

29% (4)

29% (4)

14% (2)

29% (4)

0.0% (0)

2. How many semesters have you been involved with The Sojourn?

36% (5)

21% (3)

29% (4)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)



3. I am a...



Staff Writer


21% (3)

29% (4)

29% (4)

21% (3)

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________54

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Goals & Objectives

1. I know what The Sojourns mission statement and objectives are.






14% (2)

57% (8)

7% (1)

21% (3)

0.0% (0)


2. I am told how The Sojourn is performing externally on a regular basis.







0.0% (0)

64% (9)

21% (3)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


3. I am told how The Sojourn is performing internally on a regular basis.







29% (4)

43% (6)

14% (2)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


4. I am given an opportunity to solve problems connected with my work.

(i.e. design issues, lack of resources, lack of time, short deadlines, etc.)







36% (5)

64% (9)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________55

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

5. I feel properly trained to effectively do my job.







36% (5)

50% (7)

0.0% (0)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


6. What could help you become better trained?

Refer to question 5.
As a designer, I had absolutely no training. I came to what they called "staff training" a week
before school started in the fall, but the training was ALL tailored to writers. For next year, I
would recommend that they ask the previous designers to come train the new designers (unless
the new designers feel confident in their abilities).
Communication between writer and photographer
Clearer expectations
To be informed of from what background the practicum students are entering The Sojourn
from--like what they've been taught and what they haven't, so the editors can better know how
to help them.
Maybe small lessons during the B meetings about common mistakes, things to avoid, etc.
Actually have training session, or a handout or guide or something written down that says the
"Sojourn approved way
More classes or background on how to write articles.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________56

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

7. I think that The Sojourn should be more open to ideas and input from the student
(i.e. story ideas, photographers, marketing, etc.)






0.0% (0)

29% (4)

64% (9)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


8. I believe The Sojourn markets itself well to Indiana Wesleyan University.







7% (1)

64% (9)

14% (2)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


9. In what ways could The Sojourn market itself better to Indiana Wesleyan University?
Refer to question 8.
Advertise positions in places like the Daily Developments or divisional emails. For example,
Brenda could send out an email drafted by an editor inviting anyone who is interested to our
first meeting.
Boost posts on FB
Get more involved with the people on campus
More publicity on the days the paper comes out
Perhaps posters around campus? Eye catching front pages.
We're doing everything we can--we've really gotten ourselves into the digital age of online
marketing with Facebook and Twitter and things.
Better social media interaction.
Make the paper edition of it more accessible

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________57

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Environment & Culture

1. I enjoy my job at The Sojourn.






43% (6)

43% (6)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


2. I enjoy the people I work with at The Sojourn.







64% (9)

36% (5)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


3. Our staff gets along well with each other.







86% (12)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________58

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

4. Have you witnessed moments when the staff hasnt worked well together? Explain.
Refer to question 3.
The only moments I have witnessed the staff not working well together is at production night.
Sometimes people leave the room and we do not know why they left or where they went. Other
than that, I have not seen conflict between staff members.
Just miscommunications, nothing with personality issues
Production nights do not use the staffers' time well, because many are ill-prepared, so those
that are prepared end up sitting around just doing homework.
No I have not.

5. I feel like my supervisor trusts me.







43% (6)

50% (7)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


6. The Sojourn is easily accessible to people interested in joining The Sojourn from the
student body.







21% (3)

43% (6)

29% (4)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________59

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

7. In what ways is The Sojourn not easily accessible to potential new staff?
Refer to question 6.
I feel like only communication majors attempt to be new staff members because they are the
only ones who are notified of the possibility. I think that holding a meeting at the beginning of
the semester welcoming anyone on campus interested would be a good idea (through daily
developments or divisional meetings) -- they could come to the meeting to be informed about
being a staff writer, photographer, or designer. All positions matter.
Some people didn't even know we had a school newspaper, so how would they know that there
is job openings?
I'm not sure if people know how to be a part of it
I think The Sojourn is very accessible to new staff. We're always wanting more staff members
and we're very good about nurturing those that come in very blind to how newspaper writing
works into well-written journalists.
I think a lot of people don't realize that anyone can potentially write for the Sojourn. I only
know this because I'm a journalism major.
I never knew how to get in contact with the sojourn before I took this class.

8. I have invited people into our organization to be a part of the team.







7% (1)

36% (5)

29% (4)

21% (3)

7% (1)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________60

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

9. Why or why not?

Refer to question 8.
I asked a girl on my floor to join as a photographer because we were in need of more staff
members and I believed she would be a good asset to the team.
We could always use more people
I don't know a lot of people who would be interested
This is my first semester with the Sojourn so I have not invited others to be a part of it because
I am still figuring it out myself.
I've never really met anyone that I thought would be interested in writing for a newspaper.
I haven't come across many people who want to work for the sojourn
I think the experience can be very beneficial.
I want people I know are qualified to work with me and help make the paper better.
I didn't think we were supposed to?

10. The words on the wall of The Sojourn room have meaning to me.







14% (2)

36% (5)

43% (6)

0.0% (0)

7% (1)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________61

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Budget Meetings
1. I enjoy going to the budget meetings.






14% (2)

71% (10)

0.0% (0)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


2. I pay attention during the budget meetings and give my input as much as possible.






21% (3)

71% (10)

0.0% (0)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)


3. I feel motivated and self-disciplined to come to budget meetings with story ideas.







21% (3)

43% (6)

21% (3)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________62

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

4. Why do or dont you feel motivated to come with story ideas?

Refer to question 3.
I am not motivated because there is no reason I feel like I should. Other people bring ideas, and
I never get pointed out because of it, so I don't feel a need to.
It's important to come in with ideas so the meeting flow smoothly and there is content for the
next issue
I'm a little nervous to present ideas
I feel like I don't have much to contribute. I don't think people will like my ideas.
Unless it's a really hot topic, I often feel that students won't be interested in reading it in the
first place.
Jared and Navar are very encouraging and are good about giving reminders to bring story ideas
each week
I feel motivated to come up with ideas because I love finding stories to write. It's exciting to
me to find news that is worthy to print.
Sometimes it is hard to find to new ideas for each budget meeting. The school is only so big
and there are a lot of people trying to do the same thing.
As an editor, I feel a higher responsibility to be prepared with ideas.
Because I like putting my ideas out there!

5. I feel welcomed and supported when introducing a story idea.







36% (5)

57% (8)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________63

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

6. Others listen to the story ideas I propose.







29% (4)

57% (8)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


7. I intently listen to the story ideas of my coworkers.







36% (5)

57% (8)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


8. I intently listen to the story ideas of those in authority at The Sojourn.







50% (7)

50% (7)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


9. Having Adam Wren at the budget meetings is beneficial to The Sojourn.







79% (11)

21% (3)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


10. I believe Adam Wren provides us with insightful information.







_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________64

86% (12)

14% (2)

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


11. Having Adam Wren at the budget meetings is comfortable.







86% (12)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)


12. The layout of the room allows for open communication among staff members.






7% (1)

36% (5)

21% (3)

29% (4)

7% (1)


13. The layout of the room helps me pay attention during budget meetings.






7% (1)

36% (5)

21% (3)

29% (4)

7% (1)


14. I prefer when the lights are off during the budget meetings because the natural light
makes us more productive.







0.0% (0)

21% (3)

43% (6)

21% (3)

14% (2)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________65

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

15. The term budget meeting confused me when I joined The Sojourn.






36% (5)

36% (5)

21% (3)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)


16. If this concept of a budget meeting is confusing to you, what could make it more
Refer to question 15.
Staff Meeting
Planning meeting
Maybe story pitching but I think budget is fine
I do not think the name needs to be changed. It is confusing for a very short period of time and
then makes great sense. This question seems biased and is worded in a way that assumes
everyone being surveyed wants it changed, when that is not, in fact, true.
Just sojourn meeting would be acceptable.
It would be more clear if it were called a pitch meeting, but every newspaper in the world calls
meetings like these budget meetings. So I think they should just be thoroughly explained from
the beginning.
I just wasn't used to it being a budget meeting.
I was thinking finances when I first heard it.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________66

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

1. The staff communicates efficiently at the budget meetings.






21% (3)

64% (9)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


2. The staff communicates efficiently outside of the budget meetings.







7% (1)

43% (6)

43% (6)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)


3. There are barriers between me and the Editors/Co-Editors-in-Chief that prevent me

from effectively communicating with them.






0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

21% (3)

57% (8)

21% (3)

4. What barriers are there? If any.

Refer to question 3.
None - they are amazing with getting back to me via texting.
No barriers.
There are not any; the editors do a wonderful job at communicating.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________67

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Sometimes the editors don't all communicate so I will get conflicting information.

5. Explain the channels most commonly used between staff members and how effective
you believe they are. Would you recommend something different?
(i.e. texting, emailing, Facebook messaging, etc.)
I most commonly text Jared and Navar. I most commonly Facebook message the photography
staff in a group message. I most commonly email staff writers with questions regarding their
stories-- I think they are effective
Usually texting and facebook
I think texting is very effective
Email and GoogleDocs
Facebook and texting seems to work fairly well. Depending on the person email isn't very
We communicate almost entirely by text messages and sometimes on Facebook. In reference
to editing stories, however, we use Google Docs and that is a very good channel for
communicating among the staff and the writers about the stories and the edits needing to be
Texting is the most common, but everyone is usually pretty good about communicating that
Email works really well. I like it because if there are a lot of pointers given, I don't have to try
to remember everything. I simply refer to the e-mail.
Texting usually works
Email or Google Docs. No I would keep it the same.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________68

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

6. What is the best thing The Sojourn does in regard to communication among staff?
The Facebook page is nice because it is once place where everyone will see the updates. I think
that could be used more to our advantage. I also think the fact that the staff uses Google Drive
is BRILLIANT and makes the "machine" work well.
We have a group on fb to keep information flowing
Shares all the phone numbers
Meets regularly in-person
Weekly meetings force people to actually get together and talk. I don't know how much people
would communicate otherwise.
We just love each other and give each other grace. I wish the editors-in-chief were harder on
the editors when they weren't doing their job, because sometimes they aren't aware of their
exact responsibilities and so I wish they were harder on the editors sometimes, but I think as a
staff we're very good to each other and very encouraging and inclusive.
They are good about updating the Facebook page and giving out good reminders throughout
the week
I like the use of Google documents that makes comments and other communication forms
Telling us how we can better our writing.

7. I am kept well informed about changes that the others in the organization have made.







7% (1)

50% (7)

21% (3)

21% (3)

0.0% (0)


_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________69

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

8. The Co-Editors/Editors politely ask me to do things.







64% (9)

29% (4)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


9. The Co-Editors/Editors are available for me to discuss my concerns or suggestions.







64% (9)

36% (5)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


10. I feel comfortable asking my boss questions about the tasks I am assigned.






71% (10)

21% (3)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


11. I have regular meetings with my boss to discuss how I can improve and develop






7% (1)

14% (2)

43% (6)

36% (5)

0.0% (0)


12. There are strict deadlines that we are able to follow or achieve.






_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________70

0.0% (0)

43% (6)

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

29% (4)

29% (4)

0.0% (0)


13. I always achieve my deadlines.







14% (2)

57% (8)

29% (4)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


14. What helps you meet your deadlines? What hinders you from meeting your
Refer to question 13.
As a designer, my deadline is the print edition. I always have this done in time. I have no other
deadlines, but I think maybe I should provide my photographers with deadlines because
sometimes they wait to put pictures up and then the pictures cannot be used.
Hinders: time between games and downloading photos
I like that the deadlines are more flexible because it lowers stress levels; however, I don't know
if it improves the overall quality of the paper.
Schoolwork hinders. Free time and discipline helps.
With this new online-first initiative, where we are really trying to get every story done as fast
as possible to put online instead of waiting for the print version, you no longer have a hard
deadline anymore, it's just "as soon as you can get it done" which is subjective. It's really just a
new mindset that people need to get into and while that's hard, it's achievable. I think the next
generation that grows up in the news industry will have any easier time with it, where as the
current staff was on when we were only worrying about the print issue and had hard deadlines,
so switching to the online-first mindset is more difficult for them, so we're trying to make sure
we instill the online-first mindset into the younger writers of The Sojourn.
It helps me to actually have a deadline or a time frame they would like the story done. Usually
what hinders me from my deadlines is trying to get interviews with my sources
I feel motivated to meet my deadlines because we work together as a team, and I don't want to
let my team down. Sometimes I can't meet deadlines because I have so many interviews to
conduct, but my editors are very understanding in this situation.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________71

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

If I miss a deadline it is because I am on somebody else's time frame for a quote, interview, or
information. I usually inform the editor.
I didn't know we really had exact deadlines but getting in contact with sources sometimes
hinders that.
15. I am given credit and praise when I do good work or put in extra effort.





64% (9)

14% (2)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)


21% (3)

16. I am encouraged to learn skills outside of my immediate area of responsibility.

(i.e. graphic software, photography, different styles of writing, etc.)






7% (1)

50% (7)

36% (5)

7% (1)

0.0% (0)


17. What concerns or suggestions do you have about The Sojourn that you would like us
to bring up to the Co-Editors/Editors?
I wish the editors were told more clearly how to handle the practicum students. I think every
editor should make a packet for their writers about how to write for The Sojourn, because they
come in so blind and I think there's a really awesome opportunity for a great learning, mentormentee kind of relationship that isn't being fully taken advantage of. I personally love teaching
others. I like giving comments and feedback and helping others grow, and I don't always know
how the students are coming into The Sojourn as and what their background is, so I don't
always know the best way to help them. I had a great mentor as a freshman, his name was
Steven Porter, and he was very clear and hard on me, and I learned a lot, but I also had to selfteach a lot. I learned nothing from Dr. Huckins, The Sojourn advisor at the time. I created my
own Word document filled with all everything Steven told me. I took The Sojourn very
seriously. I looked up things in the AP Style handbook. I would like to be what Steven was to

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________72

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

me to other young Sojourn writers.

18. Any final questions, comments, or issues would you like us to cover?
Have a happy day! Love you!:)
Nope, I think the Sojourn editors are doing an excellent job.

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________73

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Appendix H
Meeting/Observation Notes
Budget Meeting 02/03/14
Lights off: creates a tired/ disinterested environment for all staff and lab/practicum
Seating: people who were in the center area were the only ones talking.
Others were paying attention, however they were also distracted by technology
(cell phones, laptops, computer desktops)
Solution (try to look for other meeting location or try to form a better seating
arrangement in the room)
Informal environment.
They too seemed tired and disinterested- this may also rub off on the staff
They were just reading off the to do list...try to create more dialogue among the staff
Many side conversations...they did not seem to notice this happening. This can distract
others who are trying to pay attention.
They should also meet with the new staff members to inform them of all the rules and
passes they get as a worker.
does his presence affect the flow of conversation among the staff and coeditors?
should he be right at the center next to the coeditors?
Possible suggestion: have him be there, but in a more secluded area...this will give the
coeditors a stronger sense of leadership.

"Budget Meeting"
-Not really discussing budget, rather debriefing, announcements, and story pitching
Should they change that?
The seating arrangements: Center area, seems to be only people talking. Others around
the room are not really talking.
Co-editors: disinterested and tired.. Are they just reading off list?
Chang seatinggood or bad idea

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________74

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Change location.a more discussion friendly location (look for other possible
meeting areas)
Side conversations
ComputersDo they distract or provide benefits
Informal environmenttowards the beginning of the meeting.
Many disengaged
Adam: disengageddoes his presence effect the flow of communication? Should be he
in the center of the room (next to editors)
Meeting with the new Staff writers.. just so they know about passes and other matters.

Survey question ideas

Ask about the environment in the meeting
I s it worth everyone's time to attend the meeting?

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________75

Production Night 02/04/15

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Some talk about other things unrelated to the Sojourn

Others minding their own business
Jared: seems to be in charge even though he is a coeditor
Lots of joking about some article White Trash, etc. maybe a little disrespectful towards
people who were talked about in the Sojourn? At least they were having a fun.
Ali seems to mind her own business.(not a com major)
Navar does not seem to take job as seriously as Jared
Kelly and Jared seem were the two working the most
Chill environment
People were tired
A lot of waiting/sitting around
o Make meeting shorter or divide over a couple of different days
o Jared helps people stay on task
o Ali occasionally asked for the approval of others
o Open door: Dr. Prinsen stopped by along with someone from radio
o While board: builds community
What other ways are they/can they build community?
Last minute: text about adds for the print edition coming out tomorrow..(advertising) at
10:07 PM
Jared told advertising person on phone to get them to Sojourn by Tuesday next time
o Was that the best way for Jared to communicate
They are running a little late (called Joyce to tell her)
o Is making Joyce being respectful?
o Is this being a good ambassador for IWU
(Wall says: God First, Character, Honor, Discipline, Professionalism, & Excellence)
o What is the purpose of these words?
o Is this communicated to the staff?

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________76

Budget Meeting 02/10/15

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Dr. King was present helpful? Just because of the event some of the students went to
Only one who spoke up on the outer perimeter often was Julie and shes quite bold at
speaking up
Editors-in-Chief spoke with Wren and King more than other writers good or bad thing?
Bounced ideas off of each other, everyone else just sat there. I mean, we all know how
much Dr. King likes to hear himself talk BUT
Brooke, who won the journalist of the week award took initiative to find a story
Got off subject once!
Wren and King talked to each other quite a bit
How many of these staffers are journalism or com majors?
Do these staffers know each other very well? Or, do they only see each other at budget
Room half lit
Towards the end as they choose stories, everyone begins to get off topic
Journalism Conference
Share about the conference they went to
Navar went to some design sessions, wants to talk to Kelly and
Editing meeting- try to get in person every once in a while
Schedule time to be on Google Docs together (Mia and I both noticed)
Social Meeting Session- Series of tweets (1 out of 3) can be taken out of context
Different (New for the Meeting)
Everyone will have one thing from past 7 days of the Sojourn, (print or online) that they
Random 5 at the beginning of the meeting
Navar and Jared will decide one person from the staff who will receive a prize that has
done something admirable for the Sojourn
Story Ideas
Staff/Faculty Email problems
Ice on sidewalks
Features of each dorm Done, will go up soon
World Changers Pt. 3 Political affiliations

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________77

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Downtown House Heard from housing but not much from there
Scripture supporting Gurgen World Vision Child
Bowman Time Capsule 5 alumni from 11 years ago, time capsule in the ceiling
South Pacific Thursday, Faculty Preview
Sit-com Preview After Spring Break
Who is Jessica Small?
Everyone thought it would be a fun story
New Mens Soccer Coach
Freshmen Curfew Long process to get it changed, decision maybe end of semester
Dr. King suggested Ideas on:
University Budget
Religion Freedom Bill

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________78

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Editorial Staff Meeting 02/11/15
Facetime, Skype, then phone call (not time efficient)
Dr. King
Talks a lot
Talks about editors needing to give deadlines for not just paper, but also digital.
Which we are and will cover in our Audit Survey
Towards the end Dr. King realized we were present; while the staff already
Goal: story a day vs. clumps (they get lost)
Lots of joking around
Talked about design
Think about design/photo from the very beginning
Lots of talking at once
Talked about Storify
Jared asked for feedback on his new idea

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________79

Budget Meeting 02/17/15

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Lights on where everyone was sitting
On topic for the most part, few people typing here and there while people are talking
about story ideas
Many people were involved with talking, although Navar and Jared did most of it and got
conversation going
As they went through the meeting, after all the story ideas, they continued to divide up
Adam offers suggestions about Online Components, because its not been used
Last 8 minutes, everyone started to talk over everyone.
Organizational Communication Survey
Heather, emergency surgery
Prayer for her as a whole
5 people to share:
Brooke E
5 people came prepared to share.
2 people of 2 have shared about the same person, so only three individual peoples pieces
Editors Award:
Becka Roth
Pictures about South Pacific, everyone loved
Letter to the Editor about Presidential Running
Internet Outage and Learning Studio
SGA Debate
New LDR Class
Modernization of the Library
Love Rev Crema
Ted Talk & Tea

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________80

M. Anderson
A. Campbell
K. Hernandez
D. Radford
K. Reed
C. Weerheim

Sitcom (Studio Production)

Mary Brown Retiring
DeMichael: NAIA Selection Committee

Other Ideas:
Fusion (Lecrae)
JK Comedy Show
Original Design
Environment is better.
More communication among the team: sharing stories.
More encouragement to each other! Makes the environment much more pleasant.
More input during budget meetingsmore constructive conversations.
Couple of people still on Facebook and other pages and phones.
Dr. King was therepresents confusion as to who is in charge (Adam vs. King)

_________________________ Something new just for you. _________________________81

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