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Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA)

2 Jake Garzio Drive

Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Minutes: May 26, 2010

Submitted by:
Tyrone Garrett, Executive Director

Public Notice and Attendees

a. The Meeting of the Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA) convened

at 7:00 PM in the Agenda Room and officially opened by Chairperson Robert

b. Attendees: Commissioners: Iman AQuddus, Hilary Hyser, Robert Kull, David

Schroth, Michael O’Donnell, Esq.

Absent: Jennifer Keyes-Maloney, Terrance Stokes

Public attendees: Charles Boyles, Howard Greenberg


1. Planner Charles Boyles representing National Contractors located at 145 5th

Street presented a site plan which proposed the construction of a storage facility
with off-street loading. Sub Area 3 allows the light industrial and storage use.
The Board requested that the applicant consider:
a. Landscaping and signage that conforms to the OARP. A monument sign is
preferred, in addition to as much landscaping as possible to provide curb appeal.
b. A list of materials being stored is requested by ETRA to ensure such an
inventory in fact meets the criteria of being light industrial in nature. (i.e. no
hazardous materials)

Motion: Commissioner AQuddus

Second: Commissioner Hyser

Commissioners voting: AQuddus, Hyser, Kull, Schroth

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 2
* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

2. Two applications for 1571 6th Street were presented by Tyrone Garrett,
Executive Director and then discuss by the ETRA Board. The uses being
proposed were retail, storage and manufacturing. Members expressed concerns
about the type of business being proposed and whether it met the criteria of
mixed use for the sub-area. In addition, parking to support the retail component
was at issue. Does the number of parking spaces meet the square footage
requirement? The Executive Director was instructed to research prior uses at the
location while requesting assistance from CWL Planning to determine if the
standard for Sub-Area 2 are being met. From this effort a determination is to be
presented to the Board prior to the June 1, 2010 workshop meeting. The
resolution to approve was tabled.

Based on the issues presented by the application of 1571 6th Street, when possible
the Executive Director should present a recommendation to the Board on each

Approval of Minutes of May 4, 2010

Motion: Commissioner Schroth

Second: Commissioner Hyser

Commissioners voting: Aquddus, Kull, Hyser & Schroth

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 2

* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

Legal Update

Both contracts for Markowitz and Gravelle and Executive Director Tyrone Garret expire
June 2010. The Board approvals that both contracts should be renewed at the same rate
for the next year. The Board will look to develop performance measures for the
Executive Director’s position moving forward.

Resolution 5-02-10 Approval of the 2009 ETRA Audit

Motion: Commissioner AQuddus
Second: Commissioner Hyser

Commissioners voting: AQddus, Kull, Hyser & Schroth

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 2

* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

Resolution 5-03-10
Approval of the DCA submission of the ETRA 2010 Budget

Motion: Commissioner AQuddus

Second: Commissioner Hyser

Commissioners voting: Aquddus, Kull, Hyser & Schroth

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstain 0 Absent 2

* With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners are able to vote.

Resolution 5-01-10
Approval of the List of Bills for May 1-25 2010

These bill list included May 1-25, 2010 invoice for Tyrone Garrett, totaling $ 1,373.75

Motion: Commissioner Schroth

Second: Commissioner AQuddus

Commissioners voting: AQuddus, Kull, Hyser, & Schroth

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstain Absent 2

With the resignation of Suzanna McGee only 6 Commissioners able to vote.

Other Business / Correspondence / Code Enforcement / Site Review Updates

Executive Director, Tyrone Garrett advises the Board that a site preliminary site plan was created
for the 1471 Prospect Street parcel showing the feasibility of 64 townhouse units. The concept of
the joint venture between Tara/Maestro and ETRA is still being formulated.

Having no further business, the Board unanimously supported the motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:00 PM.

ETRA Meeting
April 6, 2010
Roll Call

Robert A. Kull Present

Iman AQuddus Present
Hilary Hyser Present
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney Absent
Terrance Stokes Absent
David Schroth Present

Approval of the Minutes for May 4, 2010

Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Hilary Hyser X X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney x
Terrance Stokes x
David Schroth X X

Resolution 5-01-10
List of Bills
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X X
Hilary Hyser X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth X X

Resolution 5-02-10
ETRA NJDCA Audit 2010
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X X
Hilary Hyser X X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth X

Resolution 5-03-10
ETRA NJDCA Budget 2010
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X X
Hilary Hyser X X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth X

Adjournment @ 9:00 PM
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Hilary Hyser X
Jennifer Keyes-Maloney X
Terrance Stokes X
David Schroth X

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