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Use the text below to answer questions 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95.
Four foreigners in Britan talk about the people and the country
1 Nicolae from Romania works in a pub in Manchester
British people like children but not in restaurants or pubs. In my pub we have a rule: No children under
12. People in Britain drink a lot of coffee - capuccino and espresso are really popular. They drink a lot of
beer too - men and women.
2 Alexandra from Russia is a student at Bristol University
This is not a good country for smokers! Many coffee bars and restaurants are no smoking. I live with
three British stundents and they dont smoke. When I want a cigarette I go into the garden.
3 Carlos is a tourist from Spain
People read the newspaper everywhere - on the train, on the bus, at the bus stop. And the newspapers
are really big! Cars stop in Britain when you stand on the zebra crossing - its incredible! Cars dont stop
for you in Madrid.
4 Marlia from Brazil works as an au pair in Cambridge
I think my British family is typical. The woman doesnt cook - she just puts a pizza in the microwave. But
she watches cooking programmes on TV every day! The man cooks at the weekend - he makes fantastic
Indan curries. Their child has a terrible diet. She eats fish fingers and chips and she goes to Burger King
every week.
91. Carloss nationality is
a) Spainish
b) Spanish
c) Spainian
d) Spanise
e) Spanier
92. Where is Marilia from?
a) Marilia is from Romania.
b) Marilia is from Russia.
c) Marilia is from Pain.
d) Marilia is from Brazil.
e) Marilia is from Great Britain.
93. No children under 12 means:
a) Only children with 12 or more can enter.
b) Children with 11 or less cannot enter.
c) Children are not accepeted.
d) British people like children, but not in pubs.
e) All above are correct.
94) About the car traffic in Madrid and Britain we can say:
a) Cars dont stop for you when you stand in the zebra crossing in Britain.
b) Cars stop for you when you stand in the zebra crossing in Madrid.
c) Cars stop for you when you stand in the zebra corssing in Britain and in Madrid.
d) Cars donr stop for you when you stand in the zebra corssing in Britain and in Madrid.
e) Cars stop for you when you stand in the zebra crossing in Britain.
95) About the family Mrailia works for, we can say:
a) The woman doesnt cook.
b) The child has a terrible diet.



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c) The child doesnt eat at Burger King every week.

d) A and B are correct.
e) A, B and C are correct.
96. Assinale a alternativa que contm o significado das seguintes wh question words
I) what
II) where
III) when
IV) who
V) why
a) o que, onde, quando, quem, por que
b ) quando, por que, quem, o que, onde
c) onde, por que, quem, quando, o que
d) quem, por que, quando, o que, quem
e) por que, quando, onde, quem, o que
97. Assinale a alternitiva que contm todas as formas corretas das yes-no questions.
a) Do you understand English?; Where does she work?; Does he speak German?
b) What do you think?; Do eat you fish?; Does he like it?
c) Do you like it?; Does she help you?; Does it work?
d) Where do you live?; Do you do it?; What does she do?
e) Does he like it?; Does live he here?; Do you understand?
98. Assinale a alternativa que contm a traduo correta das palavras abaixo.
I) rice
II) beans
III) bread
IV) coffee
V) milk
a) leite, po, caf, arroz, feijo
b) feijo, po, caf, arroz, leite
c) po, caf, arroz, leite, feijo
d) arroz, feijo, po, caf, leite
e) caf, arroz, feijo, leite, po
99. Assinale a alternativa que contm TODAS as formas corretas do presente simples na terceira pessoa
do singular.
a) she likes, he dont understand, they love
b) they love, he likes, she undertands
c) he look, he plaies, she runs
d) they watch, she runs, I understand
e) She eat, they understand, we love
100. Assinale a alternativa que contm as nacionalidades correspondentes aos pases abaixo.
I) Brazil
II) Ireland
III) Canada
IV) Portugal
V) China
a) Brazilian, Irish, Canadan Portugland, Chinese
b) Brazilian, Irian, Canadian, Portugland, Chinese
c) Brazilian, Irish, Canadian, Portuguese, Chinese
d) Brazilian, Irian, Canadian, Portugland, Chinese
e) Brazilish, Irish, Canadian, Portugland, Chinese



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