Software and Hardware Specifications: 2.1 Problem Analysis

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Domain analysis deals with the objective of gathering information about Steganography.
Domain analysis is to collect the information regarding the thing to done in the system.
This will help the developers to generate the system in an efficient way.

2.1 Problem analysis:

Here in Steganography first the text that is to be hidden is encrypted to get the
cipher text and it is hidden in the selected audio file in AU format. And the reverse
process is done to get the text from the audio file.

2.2 About Domain:

The domain we are dealing here is about Steganography in Audio files. The
information about domain is given below:
1. Introduction:
Steganography in Audio files is a process to hide text file in AU formatted
audio file. In Steganography Hiding the message in the audio file is done in such a way,
that there would be no perceivable changes in the audio file after the message insertion.
2. Glossary:
Various terms used in the system are
Carrier File: A file which has hidden information inside of it.
Steganalysis: The process of detecting hidden information inside of a file.
Stego-Medium: The medium in which the information is hidden.
Redundant Bits: Pieces of information inside a file which can be
overwritten or altered with out damaging the file.

LSB:- (Least Significant Bytes) When files are created there are usually some
bytes in the file that aren't really needed, or at least aren't that important.

Embed:- The process of hiding text in Audio file.

Extract:- The process of detecting the hidden text in audio file.

DES:- Data Encryption Standard is an algorithm to Encrypt the plain text and
to Decrypt the cipher text.

PBE:- Password Based Encryption is the process of doing encryption using a

key generated from the given password.

AU Format:- AU is one of the most common audio formats used on the Web.
It was created by Sun Microsystems and is sometimes referred to as
"audio/basic" format. Most browsers support the au format with their internal
sound players. An au-formatted file has this extension:
3. General knowledge about the Domain:
If one were able to hide the message in the audio file in such a way, that there
would be no perceivable changes in the audio file after the message insertion. At the same
time, if the message that is to be hidden were encrypted, the level of security would be
raised to quite a satisfactory level.
Cover c

(Hiding Mechanism)

Message m

Key k

Stego- object


Stego- object

(Extraction Mechanism)

Key k

Message m

Here the cover is an AU formatted audio file. The hiding mechanism used is Low bit
encoding. The message and the key is used to generate the cipher text using DES

Audio File Format:

In java sound API the data format is represented by audio format object which
includes the following attributes.

Encoding technique, usually pulse code modulation.

No. of channels.

Sample rate

No. of bits per sample.

Frame rate.

Frame size in bytes.

Byte order

In java sound API a file format is represented by an audio file format object which contains

File type

File length in bytes.

Length in frames of the audio data contained in the file

Audio format object that specifies the data format of the audio
data contained in the file.

Generating the cipher text:

Cipher text is generated through DES algorithm. A key is generated from the
given password, then password based encryption is done to get the cipher text.

Encryption method:
We use password based encryption method. a general approach to PBE for the
protection of the password tables is to combine a password with a salt to produce a key.

Salt can be viewed as an index into a large set of keys derived form
the password and need not be kept secret.
Although it may be possible for a component too create table of possible
passwords it is extremely difficult to construct table of possible keys as there will
be many possible keys for each password.

It indicates how many times to iterate some underlying function by which
keys are derived. Modest number of iteration is more than 1000.

It is given as

DK - derived key

- password

- salt

KDF - key derivation function.


PBKDF1 (P,S,C,DKlen)

P password
S - salt
C iteration count
DKlen length of derived key.
DK derived key.

1. if DKlen > 16 for MD5 output derived key too long and stop.
2. apply hash function c times to P an S
T1 = Hash ( P | | S )
T2 = Hash ( T1)
T3 = Hash ( Tc 1 )
DK = Tc < 0 . . dkLen 1 >

3. output the derived key DK.

Message m

Key k


Cipher Text


An encryption scheme has five ingredients:


Encryption algorithm

Secret Key

Cipher text

Decryption algorithm

Security depends on the secrecy of the key, not the secrecy of the algorithm.


Classified along three independent dimensions:

The type of operations used for transforming plaintext to ciphertext

The number of keys used

symmetric (single key)

asymmetric (two-keys, or public-key encryption)

The way in which the plaintext is processed

Encryption Algorithm:

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

The most widely used encryption scheme

The algorithm is reffered to the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA)

DES is a block cipher

The plaintext is processed in 64-bit blocks

The key is 56-bits in length

The overall processing at each iteration:

Li = Ri-1

Ri = Li-1

F(Ri-1, Ki)

Concerns about:

The algorithm and the key length (56-bits)

General depiction of DES Encryption algorithm.

Single round of DES algorithm.

Now the cipher text is placed in the audio file in such a way that there would be no
change in the audio. Using the Low Bit Encoding method the message is inserted in the
audio. By replacing the least significant bit of each sampling point by a coded binary string,
we can encode a large amount of data in an audio signal.
Major disadvantage of this method is its poor immunity to manipulation. Encoded
information can be destroyed by channel noise, re sampling unless it is encoded using
redundancy techniques. This method is useful only in closed, digital to digital

Encoding and Decoding:

4. Customers and Users:

Customers of the system are organizations who frequently transform secret text
data among various branches.

5. Environment:
The proposed system should work under the fallowing environment
Operating system

: Windows XP / 2000

Main memory

: 128 MB

Secondary memory

: 8 MB for program


: JDK 1.6

2.3 Problem definition:

Usually the sender wants to send the data secretly. Just by encrypting the text and
sending it will provide only limited security to the data, so after encryption just by hiding
the encrypted data in an audio file provides good security to our data.for providing these
features we need to implement the following
a) System should read the audio file
b) System should able to play the selected audio file
c) System should able to encrypt/ decrypt the selected text
d) System should able to embed or extract the cipher text
2.4 Feasibility analysis:

1. Technical feasibility:
The package JAVA which is being used to develop this software is technically a
reliable package to develop any system. It is capable of handling audio files, playing
audio clips and to create a most user friendly GUI.

2. Development risk:
There is no risk in developing the software using packages JAVA since it is
widely used package and also more reliable to develop systems.

3. Resources availability:
The system does not require any additional resources to perform its operations,
but to read the audio format is the only task performed by the user manually.

4. Functional feasibility:
Functionally the system has no drawbacks since it is designed under desired

5. Economic feasibility:
Economically the system has no troubles.
2.5 Features of the proposed system:

1. Purpose of the system:

The System should read the audio file in AU format and a text file, encrypting the
text file using password based encryption and finally hiding the cipher text in audio file
using low bit encoding method.

2. Scope of the system:

The system performs its operations in the fallowing conditions:
Operating system

: Windows XP / 2000

Main memory

: 512 MB

Secondary memory

: 25 MB for program


: JDK 1.6

3. Objectives of the proposed system:

The objectives achieved by the proposed system are as follows:
a) System should read the audio file selected by the user.
b) System should able to play the selected audio file.
c) System should able to encrypt/ decrypt the selected text.
d) System should able to embed the cipher text into Audio file.
e) System should able to extract the cipher text from the embedded Audio file.


1. Introduction:
Here in Steganography first the text that is to be hidden is encrypted to get the
cipher text and it is hidden in the selected audio file in AU format. And the reverse
process is done to get the text from the audio file.

2. Glossary:
Various terms used in the system are
Carrier File: A file which has hidden information inside of it.
Steganalysis: The process of detecting hidden information inside of a file.
Stego-Medium: The medium in which the information is hidden.
Redundant Bits: Pieces of information inside a file which can be
overwritten or altered with out damaging the file.

LSB:- (Least Significant Bytes) When files are created there are usually some
bytes in the file that aren't really needed, or at least aren't that important.
Embed:- The process of hiding text in Audio file.

Extract:- The process of detecting the hidden text in audio file.

DES:- Data Encryption Standard is an algorithm to Encrypt the plain text and
to Decrypt the cipher text.

PBE:- Password Based Encryption is the process of doing encryption using a

key generated from the given password.

AU Format:- AU is one of the most common audio formats used on the Web.
It was created by Sun Microsystems and is sometimes referred to as
"audio/basic" format. Most browsers support the au format with their internal
sound players. An au-formatted file has this extension:
3. General knowledge about the Domain:
If one were able to hide the message in the audio file in such a way, that there
would be no perceivable changes in the audio file after the message insertion. At the same
time, if the message that is to be hidden were encrypted, the level of security would be
raised to quite a satisfactory level.
Cover c

(Hiding Mechanism)

Message m

Stego- object

Key k


Stego- object

(Extraction Mechanism)

Key k

Message m

Here the cover is an AU formatted audio file. The hiding mechanism used is
Low bit encoding. The message and the key is used to generate the cipher text using
DES algorithm.

Generating the cipher text:

Cipher text is generated through DES algorithm. A key is generated from the
given password, then password based encryption is done to get the cipher text.

Encryption method:
We use password based encryption method. a general approach to PBE for the

protection of the password tables is to combine a password with a salt to produce a key.

Salt can be viewed as an index into a large set of keys derived form the password
and need not be kept secret.
Although it may be possible for a component too create table of possible passwords it is
extremely difficult to construct table of possible keys as there will be many possible keys
for each password.

It indicates how many times to iterate some underlying function by which keys are
derived. Modest number of iteration is more than 1000.


An encryption scheme has five ingredients:


Encryption algorithm

Secret Key

Cipher text

Decryption algorithm

Security depends on the secrecy of the key, not the secrecy of the algorithm


Classified along three independent dimensions:

The type of operations used for transforming plaintext to ciphertext

The number of keys used

symmetric (single key)

asymmetric (two-keys, or public-key encryption)

The way in which the plaintext is processed

Encryption Algorithm:

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

The most widely used encryption scheme

The algorithm is reffered to the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA)

DES is a block cipher

The plaintext is processed in 64-bit blocks

The key is 56-bits in length

The overall processing at each iteration:

Li = Ri-1

Ri = Li-1

F(Ri-1, Ki)

Concerns about:

The algorithm and the key length (56-bits)

Now the cipher text is placed in the audio file in such a way that there would be no
change in the audio. Using the Low Bit Encoding method the message is inserted in the
audio. By replacing the least significant bit of each sampling point by a coded binary string,
we can encode a large amount of data in an audio signal.
Major disadvantage of this method is its poor immunity to manipulation. Encoded
information can be destroyed by channel noise, re sampling unless it is encoded using
redundancy techniques. This method is useful only in closed, digital to digital

4. Customers and Users:

Customers of the system are organizations who frequently transform secret text
data among various branches.
5. Environment:
The proposed system should work under the fallowing environment
Operating system

: Windows XP / 2000

Main memory

: 128 MB

Secondary memory

: 8 MB for program


: JDK 1.6

6. Tasks and procedures currently proposed:

The proposed system should perform the fallowing operations:
a) Choose Audio file: System should read the audio file selected by the user.
b) Playing Audio file: System should able to play the selected audio file.
c) Encryption/ Decryption: System should able to encrypt/ decrypt the selected text.
d) Embed: System should able to embed the cipher text into Audio file.
e) Extract: System should able to extract the cipher text from the embedded Audio file.

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