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Minutes of the 4th Special Meeting of the Policy Board of The Political Science Forum (TPSF)

held on 25th of July, 2015 at Medicine Pavilion, University of Santo Tomas, Espaa, Manila.
Roseanne B. Mateo
Beatriz Camille C. Jusayan
Clint Lou Matthew P. Estapia
Joanne Camille P. Bejarin
Marvin Renelle C. Rollo
Clio Marie C. Ocampo
Ma. Chelca O. Ubay
Evienne Marie Cordero
Lea Vicencio

4 Year Policy Board
4th Year Policy Board
3rd Year Policy Board
3rd Year Policy Board
2nd Year Policy Board
2nd Year Policy Board
Committee Affairs Secretary
Internal Affairs Secretary

The meeting was called to order at 8:27 am

Order of Business:

Box of Knowledge
Books of Sparta

Time of Arrival
8:50 am
8:00 am
8:10 am
7:55 am
8:05 am
8:06 am
9:12 am

Delegate Passbook
Board of Auditors
1st Agenda

The meeting started with the project proposal entitled: box of knowledge, with Mr.
Marko Ramos representing the Committee on community development. Mr. Ramos reads
the rationale, objectives, and the project description, he also explained the process of the
book drive by giving each class a one box where they could put the books, in each class
there would be one representative who would monitor the box, at the end of the month
they would make a lists of the collected books.

The Policy Board Chairman Roseanne Mateo asked Mr. Ramos of how could they
encourage the students to give books, and if someone prefered to give money and let
them buy the books for them. Also 3 rd Year Rep. Joanne Bejarin stated that not all
students are apathetic so how would they make this project more interesting.

Mr. Ramos stated that they would not force the students to give, but they could give their
old books that they are not using anymore and if they dont have the time to buy the
books they could donate their money and they would buy the books for them, but theyre
still talking about the donation of the money. And to how to make it more interesting
theyre planning in 2nd semester that it could be an outreach program where they could

The Policy Board Chairman Roseanne Mateo stated that the project and the donation of
the money is to be discussed on the next meeting and she wants the revision of the
proposal but in overall the project is good.

2nd Agenda

Ms. Christine De Grano reads and explains the project proposal entitled: book of Sparta,
she also added that some political science books were expensive and very hard to find.
And this project would serve as an avenue for that student who wants to have access to
those books including other fiction books. She also added about collaborating with the
other colleges like Engineering and Pharmacy, she also explained the process on how
would they sell the books. They would post all the list of the books that theyre selling
and its condition on their website and the price would depend on the quality or condition
of the book.
The Policy Board Chairman Roseanne Mateo asked about lending the books and its
process, while 3rd Year Representative Clint Estapia added on how they would ensure that
those books that they are lending would still be in a good condition.

Ms. De Grano answered that the lending of books would only be one week and they
should renew it and if they would not return it on the said time and if theres any damage
on the book they would have to pay for it.
The Policy Board Chairman cleared that they have to coordinate with the Finance, to
confirm the collaboration with the other colleges, and to include the minor subjects.
3rd Agenda
Ms Edel Ayana Dela Cruz reads and explains the project proposal entitled: Delegate
Passbook, that it would provide better support and possible means for political science
delegates to acquire their respective excuse letters when they participate in
representational activities outside the university through the distribution of a small
passbook that serve as a validation substitute for an excuse letter.
4th Year Representative Beatriz Jusayan reads her committee report and empahisized her
comments and recommended actions on the said project proposal. She also asked on
those who would have it and how is this passbook be valid. While Ms. Mateo asked the
difference of the passbook to the excuse letter.
The Policy Board Chairman Roseanne Mateo stated that there is no difference within the
excuse letter and the passbook; she suggested that they could make the passbook in help
on informing the student on how to make an excuse letter.
4 Agenda
Ms Edel Ayana Dela Cruz reads and explains the project proposal entitled: Worlding
Beyond the Clash of Civilisations, to provide synergy between Islamic notions/practices
and Euro/American notion/practices of International Relations and an analytic platform
whereby the relations between the Western World and the Muslim World are
4th Year Representative Beatriz Jusayan explains some internship and the Islamic thought,
and Ms. Bejarin said that a lot of students would attend this seminar. While Ms. Mateo
suggested that they should be collaborating and inviting other students in Faculty of Arts
and Letters, she only asked for the revision of budget, and the confimation of
collaboration with other students in Faculty of Arts and Letters.
5th Agenda
Ms Edel Ayana Dela Cruz reads and explains the project proposal entitled: Applicable,
serves as a cable for the members of The Political Science Forum to be updated and to be
connected with the current and upcoming seminars, conferences and events locally and
internationally that concern the state.
3rd Year Representative Joanne Bejarin stated that there are no assurances that some
students would come or participate on those events.
Ms Dela Cruz answered that the students that would come should have incentives and
that they would share it on the TPSf page or they can make posters about it.
Ms. Mateo stated that everyone should be informed about the seminars and conferences,
and if they need money they could request financial assistance.
6 Agenda

Mr. Reymark Simbulan reads and explains the project proposal entitled: Beyond
Supremacy and Towards Transcendence, is a seminar organized by The Political Science
Forum of the Faculty of Arts and Letters and this shall serve as an avenue for the students
of Political Science, professors, and alumni to get acquainted and connected with each
Ms. Mateo asked about on the programs that they will introduce, she suggested that the
program should be detailed and that they have to put the desks inside for the applications
and they should collaborate with the visuals to help them decorate the desks. She also
asked about the GPOA?? And it should be inclined with the advocacy of the, The
Political Science President Neil Keirby Ada.
Ms. Beatriz Jusayan said that this is just a plan and not a project, and Ms. Mateo also
added that they should invite some alumnis.
7th Agenda
Mr. Reymark Simbulan reads and explains the project proposal entitled: Poliwika, is a
project organized by The Political Science Forum for its students. The seminar is set to
commemorate the Buwan ng Wika, which is celebrated on the month of August. The
seminar also aims to serve as a framework for future studies regarding power, influence,
language and other subjects which are relevant to the topic of this seminar.
4th Year Representative Beatriz Jusayan reads her committee report and empahisized her
comments and recommended actions on the said project proposal. She also asked the
participation of the attendees and if there would be an open forum, they should ready the
Ms. Mateo clarifies the mistake on the honorarium and token of appreciation, sometimes
it depends on the speaker. And if they want to make posters for the event they could
asked for financial assistance.
8th Agenda
Ms. Priscilla Morales reads and explains the project proposal entitled: This Board of
Auditors is an association of each class auditors from freshmen up to the seniors, wherein
the financial statements release by the Forum will be open for scrutiny and justification
by the said board.
Ms. Jusayan clarifies that it would function every afterwork, and 2 nd Year Representative
Marvin Rollo also asked about the interaction, while Ms. Mateo suggested that there
should be meeting with the Board of Auditors once a month.
Ms. Morales answered that their questiones are inclined with her next proposal entitled:
PolSciMoney Watch where it seeks to help the community with regards to how the
money is used and where its allocation would be going to. She also added that the
statement of account would be release on the official facebook page of the TPSF.
Ms. Mateo said that the project proposal: Board of Auditors is supported by the Policy
Board and that she wants to have transparency in order to avoid corruption, she also
encouraged everyone to be involved and to participate. She suggested that they should set
a date of release on the liquidation reports and that they should make it in a way that
everyone would understand it and they could ask for the help of the visuals. The
disseminating of the liquidation reports would be on the 4 th week of the month and they
could put the names of those officials whom misuse the allocated budget for their

Ms. Jusayan also added that they should be consistent; she suggested to posts it online so
that they would also serve as a back- up plan and to always notify the finance committee
that they should always have coordination.
Ms. Mateo added that if theres any corruption going on, they should always consult the
committee on appropriations and committee on rules and to send the revision of the

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